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10316245 No.10316245 [Reply] [Original]

How did he do it

>> No.10316252
File: 77 KB, 1024x1018, _i_hid_myself_while_i_tried_to_repair_myself__by_coeltheperson_db7vwpi-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10316254

Dr. Isoc aka Wily in a new body rebuilt him.

>> No.10316292

Wilymachines, son.

>> No.10316335

He tried, sometimes that's all you have to do to succeed :)

>> No.10316360

He needed to repair himself so he hid while trying to do so.

>> No.10316602

I fixed him

>> No.10316618

Capcom execs saved him

>> No.10316626

Not the first time he died.

>> No.10316695

The first time he died, there was a whole game dedicated to you finding his pieces and putting them back together again.

The real answer is X5 was suppose to be the last game, so when they made X6, they had to bullshit an excuse to bring Zero back

>> No.10316704

pretty weird how capcom had multiple subseries of rockman running at once, you normally only see that happen today with something like NSMB/the main 3d marios or classic/modern sonic, with one side catering to the nostalgia crowd and the other side doing new stuff. they shouldve just let each series die when they were done and advance the series further.

>> No.10316740

Obligation to Sony
>Battle Network
Obligation to Nintendo
Inafune trying to split the difference and keep loving on his baby

>> No.10316751

capcom has always taken the avalanche approach. all in or nothing at all.

>> No.10317732

And then in X6 he gets put in a capsule, a prelude to the Zero series but then he's back again for X7 and X8

>> No.10318302
File: 111 KB, 280x264, RosenkreuzstiletteFreudenstachel-IrisScene.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He didn't he's lying to save face. Reach the Light capsules as Zero in X5 & X6 and you get interesting dialog, like in Infinity Mijinion's stage. Zero confesses that he has no idea how he came back, and Light almost certainly knows something (WILY) but holds back.
That, and it's the most epic mistranslation in the game, Zero never actually says anything about repairing himself and avoids the subject.

>> No.10318307

A dev said this scene is supposed to take place at some undisclosed point in the future, not immediately after X6, though they probably said that because of X7.

>> No.10319729

>Dr. Isoc aka Wily
*Dr. Isoc aka Serges aka The Maverick Virus aka Wily

>> No.10319735
File: 276 KB, 800x515, Yoshihiro Iwamoto - An official depiction of AXL's fat fucking ass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ladies and gentlemen, the most heterosexual design of X.

>> No.10321291

Well holy goddamn

>> No.10321356

Is this "fat ass" in the room with us now?

>> No.10322127

does anybody have the edit based off the "i see you're a man of culture as well" meme?

>> No.10322215


>> No.10322283
File: 1003 KB, 1280x1000, does not compute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10322554
File: 12 KB, 223x266, Zeroculture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10322748


>> No.10323730

Wily fixed him but he doesnt know.
He tells Dr Light if you find a capsule as him

>> No.10324778
File: 249 KB, 513x349, zero is a reploid of culture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10324862

it's wild to me that a series like this has rabid fans
like how you can search up almost anything on youtube and there's going to be comments going
>oh my god this was my childhood. they don't make em like this anymore
people really just accept any slop as consoomers

>> No.10325435


>> No.10325664

you see people saying that stuff for licensed tie in shovelware too, it doesnt mean anything. they just have fond memories of it growing up.

>> No.10326413

The real answer is that there is no overarching continuity in the X games, they just go with whatever concept lets them make a new game. The concept of an infectious Maverick virus wasn't even a thing until X3.
It's like Star Wars. George Lucas didn't come up with the Dad Vader idea until midway through ESB's development, and Luke's sister was originally going to be a brand new character until he got burned out and decided while making ROTJ not to make a second trilogy right away.