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File: 873 KB, 1024x768, sr2-pillars-pillars4-pillarsside-material-eraa-pure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10308468 No.10308468 [Reply] [Original]

The pillars of Nosgoth...

>> No.10308545

the fuck am i looking at?

>> No.10308546

The Pillars of Nosgoth.

>> No.10308549

Have no idea what this is and it looks hell gay

>> No.10308553

are you talking about those stone mounds?

>> No.10308554 [DELETED] 

>dUh PiLlArS oF NoFun
Fuck you, gape undulate

>> No.10308556

I’m talking about the pillars, which are the Pillars of Nosgoth.

>> No.10308558

are you talking about those towers?

>> No.10308564

What 3DO game is this?

>> No.10308579
File: 100 KB, 1280x720, kain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kain is troonified

>> No.10308580

It's highlander for the jaguar(in a British accent)

>> No.10308582

No, the pillars. Of Nosgoth.

>> No.10308586

The Pillar of Conflict.

>> No.10308620

i'm seeing 9 pylons

>> No.10308625

The Pillar of Dementia.

>> No.10308628

i watched the fuckin 6 hour or whatever long youtube cut of all the story for this game and read the wikipedia plot summary and still couldn't make sense of the plot. cool game though

>> No.10308640

Vampires GOOD
Humans BAD

>> No.10308671

Lord of the Rings fucking sucks

>> No.10308684
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>> No.10308685

Probably because you didn't play it.

>> No.10309082
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help me kind sir

>> No.10309121
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>> No.10309154
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>> No.10309498

I played enough of Dreamcast Soul Reaver as a kid to know this scene. Never finished it. Never finished Blood Omen, either. Really liked both minus some of the time limits on puzzles in Soul Reaver. I'll revisit them if ever I find time.

>> No.10309524

Gnostic bs that's not worth it kek

>> No.10309584

Real Housewives of Nosgoth

>> No.10309685


>> No.10309691

Amy Hennig is a dumb bitch

>> No.10309865

Not as much as Daniel Cabuco.

>> No.10310374

>They were a man once, as were we all. However, their contempt for masculinity drove they to create me and my brethren

>> No.10310850

Really? The story always felt rather straightforward to me, it's just goofy as shit once you get past the flowery language.
>Elder God exists (note, not actually an Elder God, just a parasite on the world)
>Winged race and Hylden exist
>Winged race worship EG, go to war with the Hylden
>Hylden in their final act before being banished to another realm of existence, curse the Winged race with vampirism
>their need to feed on mankind makes them hated and hunted
>EG turns on them because apparently being vampiric means they no longer contribute to the wheel of souls he binds himself to, which means no food for him
And that's the backstory, then it's just the events of each game

>> No.10310863 [DELETED] 

>Winged race

>> No.10310891

Do people really follow things 'chronologically'? The story starts at Blood Omen 1 (because it came first), in which none of the events you've described are relevant. The fun is in the character motivations which you don't really get from solely watching the cutscenes.

>> No.10311202

the niggers of nosgoth

>> No.10311210


>> No.10311227

It's a tale about refusal to accept one's own destiny. The Elder God (note: his name is GOD) symbolises a demiurge, a typical theme of gnosticism: the battle between good and evil, represented by a good God and a bad god, the struggle between matter and spirit (and the conflict between the material and the spiritual world becomes a gameplay element in Defiance).

Basically, The Elder God is a villain because he is superior to all beings and defines their fate. Kain (whose name directly refers to the biblical Cain) fights agains faith, manipulating time in an attempt to fix what he deems wrong.

As Amy Hennig put it, "Kain and Raziel are heroes because they refuse to submit"

TLDR: it's just edgy/gothic/pessimistic gay stuff

>> No.10311230

>fights agains faith
*against fate

>> No.10311251
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Also, there's a very, very subtle homosexual tension between Kain and Raziel. Not that it's really a major theme of the series, but it's there

>> No.10311328

There actually isn't, this is just a holdover from the days of gay fanfiction.

>> No.10311335

>But does one ever truly have a choice? One can only match, move by move, the machinations of fate. And thus defy the tyrannous stars.

>> No.10311337

Why do you think gay fanfic was so prolific? kek

>> No.10311340

>male characters have any form of bond is homossexual tension

Literal troon mentality

>> No.10311352
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Yeah, but you probably won't see a lot of gay fanfic involving these two niggas. Just saying

>> No.10311675

fuck you, fighting against fate and trying to subvert the entiretybof existence is fucking cool and will always be the best of the best heroe's storys.
berserk and LoK are pure kino literally just because of this.

>> No.10311680

I like the cool vampire guy with the face mask and lightsaber grafted onto his hand.

>> No.10311686

And somewhat gay too

>> No.10311712

>fighting against fate and trying to subvert the entiretybof existence is fucking cool
Even if fighting against fate and trying to subvert the entiretybof existence is still what fate had written for you?

>> No.10311718

I brought that up because that's the only part of the story that isn't fucking spelled out to you.

>> No.10311727
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The thing is, this is a setting where you literally can't fight fate because history can't be changed and what's set in stone WILL happen.
UNLESS you can create a paradox, then the universe has to shift itself to a "clone enough" version of future events. And since Raziel is a living paradox due to the fact that his souls exists simultaneously inside and outside of his body, literally every action he takes changes the future, and thus every other character uses and manipulates him for their own ends.
The one character who can choose is the one with the least freedom of all.

>> No.10311737

It's a contradictory view of the world and life, for sure. But it's the one the game adopts, or - to put it another way - the game has a bad philosophical and spiritual worldview

>> No.10311739

It's not contradictory, the story is just structured like a Greek Tragedy. In that a character's fatal flaw will be their undoing but said flaw is such an intrinsic part of who they are as a person that to take them away would make them not them anymore.

>> No.10311745

Also known as contradictory

>> No.10311751

In that the aspects are at odds with each other but contradictory usually means they're oppositional forces that mirror each other. A character being so prideful that their pride destroys them isn't contradictory, it just makes them blind to the consequences of their actions.

>> No.10311754

And contradictory

>> No.10311759

yep, still kino regardless because of the hereos indomitable will to fight for themselves
no u gay

>> No.10311765

>yep, still kino regardless because of the hereos indomitable will to fight for themselves
They're not really heroes lmao

>> No.10311775

no but kain is ultimately fighting to not have the world end in complete destruction, granted it isn't for an altruistic purpose and humans are effectively cattle for him, call him a grey hero, he's fighting for the best option for evil self serving purposes

>> No.10311776

Exactly. He's the villain lmao

>> No.10311783
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This motherfucker's evil as fuck. He'll stop at nothing in his quest for ultimate power

>> No.10311793

He's doing the right thing for the wrong reasons.

>> No.10311803

>the game has a bad philosophical and spiritual worldview
Why is it bad? Because it's a shitty world to live in? Isn't that basically just gnosticism?

>> No.10311812

He's not a hero, he just wants to destroy the wheel of fate because he got a shitty deal. And he makes a point about trying to act like a goody two shoes.
>"Let's drop the moral posturing, shall we? We both know there's no altruism in this pursuit. Your reckless indignation led you here - I counted on it. There's no shame in it, Raziel - revenge is motivation enough. At least it's honest. Hate me, but do it honestly."

>> No.10311819

That's it. These two fags are unbelievably evil lmao you played as the bad guys all along

>> No.10311834

the choice is between non-existence or enslavement from a human perspective.
regardless it is compelling to watch a single man trying to outwit destiny and somewhat succeeding (or appearing to suceed).
again, ultimately he is the hero of the story but is motivated for evil reasons.
its like a guy who curbstomps a million puppies because if he doesn't the sun will explode.
you have to be somewhat evil to do that but if you don't the sun is going to explode and those puppies will die regardless.

>> No.10312493

Because lonely nerds with sexual fantasies were exclusively online instead of being projected down everyone's throats politically

>> No.10312497

One of them got assassinated by an entire village + painfully revived as a vampire and the other was tossed into acid water for thousands of years. I wouldn't give a shit about the world after that shit...
...but their objectives having the side-effect of making someone else's life a little less hellish doesn't make them heroes.
Yeah they disrupted fate itself or whatever but they also massacred your family for a quick heal when strolling by your village.

>> No.10312620

you keep ignoring the fact that the things kain is fighting against literally want to destroy all life.
i understand he isn't a hero in the traditional sense, but he's actively fighting against the extermination of human and vampire life.
surely total extinction versus slavery is more evil on the scale of morality were talking about here making him the lesser of two evils, i.e the hero of the story.

>> No.10312847

This. Kain is ruthless and merciless, cold-blooded and never, ever shows even a glimpse of compassion or anything else for others. He became ugly as fuck and deformed bc he was completely inebriated by the powers vampirism brought him. He destroyed everything and everyone on his path just because he wanted absolute power over all of reality.

Raziel is a vengeful fag, Kain himself said it -> >>10311812

This series is quintessentially evil

>> No.10312870

In the original script for SR1 he knew his fate was at hand and was going to die to Raziel, but Raziel would then learn he had been the puppet of the Elder God all along.

>> No.10312887

did you forget the times in sr 2 and defiance when he cared for Raziel?

>> No.10313459

>oh look a vampire gay trama in vampire gay game
how could you tell anon??

>> No.10313476

>things kain is fighting against literally want to destroy all life
Kain destroying your life sooner than that makes him better? Have you seen what Nosgoth looked like before and after he became a guardian?

>> No.10313481

SR2 wrote him in such a way that you really can't be sure if he's being nice to Raziel for his own ends or because he just wants to be friends with him.

>> No.10313597

>Anon discovers paradoxes and understands the deeper meaning to Greek tragedies

>> No.10313636
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>sr2 wrote him in that way
It seemed to me when Kain noticed Raziel surpassed him, that he might have begin to think that Raziel might be "the one", He says at the end of the SR1 how he has used the time chamber and now the future which kind of hints that he might heard of a vampire saviour. But knowing how human Raziel was (and likely vampire Raziel) there was the chance of Raziel not caring about any of that. Kain saw an opportunity to make a better future but had to do so by making his right handman hate him to such lengths he would follow him to another time

>> No.10314994
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peak video game VA desu

>> No.10315004

Vae victis! Hyah!

>> No.10315019

LoK memes are so fucking lame and make me hate this series.

>> No.10315042
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>> No.10315520

There's no time limits on any of the puzzles.

>> No.10315534

>I watched the 6 hour youtube cut of the story of this game instead of playing it

Get off my board you fucking filth

>> No.10315612

especially if that, because then the focus becomes undermining and subverting that too

>> No.10315624

knowing the term "anti-villain" would help you nerds with a lot of the heavy lifting here

>> No.10316034

Am I reduced to this? A ghoul? A fratricide?
Elevated, Raziel, not reduced.
(you just read that in their voices)

>> No.10316136
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One can only read this in a particular voice

>> No.10316139

He's not in that exchange though.

>> No.10316853

>Oh no. Every time you turn up something monumental and terrible happens. I don’t think i have the stomach for it.
>No, no drama this time.

People praise the prose dialogue but it's the banter that is the true soul.

>> No.10316881

>using the term "anti-villian" with sincerity and calling me a nerd in the same sentence
fucking dork !

>> No.10316887
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In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will.

>> No.10317042

It still amazes me how fucking good the facial animations are for what's basically a PS2 launch title.
What kind of wizard tech were they using in 2001?

>> No.10317059

yeah it takes one to know one

>> No.10317304

Blood Omen
>asshole noble gets assassinated by gypsies
>necromancer raises asshole from the dead as a vampire
>asshole not only hates being dead, but being undead as well
>tasked by necromancer and a ghost bitch to kill a club
>said club is abusing their positions, thanks to ghost bitch's boyfriend, who mindfucked the club and himself
>asshole kills 3/4 of club, kills gypsies, kills random villagers, had a old vamp go doggystyle on Al Elric, kills devil worshippers, encounters a time jew, steals a bitchin' sword, and saves a princess' soul from a pedophile
>asshole rallies a kingdom to battle another kingdom ruled by a edgelord and asshole nearly lose
>asshole use time jew's device he picked up back earlier to go back to the past, and kill the edgelord before he figures out how to use 4chan
>asshole is starting to like being a vampire
>unfortunately, asshole's time travel shenanigans resulted in jihad against bloodsuckers, all according to time jew's kekaiku
>asshole smites the time jew and returns to necromancer
>necromancer reveals he killed him all along and turns into a demon, and then dies
>ghost bitch reveals asshole is also part of the club and now has to make a decision to either be a saint or a grinch
>canonically, asshole becomes a grinch
Anyone want more?

>> No.10317340

Soul Reaver
>1000 or so years had passed since asshole became a grinch
>asshole has a harem of fuckboys to help out in collecting taxes and his sperm
>fuckboy no. 1 decides to show off wings he just grew
>fuckboy gets wings ripped off and flung off into a lake
>some more time passes
>fuckboy is helped up by hentai tentacles
>fuckboy hates being a jawless twig, a.k.a. easy access
>tentacles tasks fuckboy to kill the other fuckboys and daddy
>world is beyond fucked, with vampires acting like black people, and white people hiding in a city
>other fuckboys aged like milk and became ugly trannies
>daddy asshole bums around in his home
>asshole shows fuckboy who's the boss of this gym and breaks the bitchin' sword he was using as a sex toy, and then runs away
>sex toy bonds with fuckboy
>tentacles shows efuckboy evidence of him being a straight trad vamp hunter long ago
>fuckboy finds asshole bumming in time jew's abandoned house
>asshole is going back to the past again to unfuck everything
>fuckboy follows him
>fuckboy meets time jew

>> No.10317352

Post elsewhere.

>> No.10317370

Soul Reaver 2
>time jew tries to manipulate fuckboy to felate him, but fuckboy ain't interested in geezers
>fuckboy is drawn to past sex toy resting on edgelord's grave but leaves
>fuckboy finds asshole, and rather than killing him, has a birthday party and watch some marble get blackwashed
>fuckboy goes through some ancient ruins, backtalks hentai tentacles, encounters old vamp, and starts fantasizing about old vamp's dungeon master
>an encounter between fuckboy, asshole, and the two sex toys, results in a time paradox when fuckboy refuses to be the dom
>fuckboy returns to time jew and force him to send him to dungeon master
>time jew tricks him and flung him into the future
>fuckboy encounter asshole again, and gossip about dungeon master's penis size
>fuckboy finally meets dungeon master, who was expecting him, and explains the sex toy, until straight fuckboy burst in and kills dungeon master
>fuckboy returns again to time jew who tricks him into using the sex toy on the straight fuckboys
>after making himself gay, fuckboy realizes he was the sex toy all along
>asshole swoops in and stops fuckboy from being absorbed into sex toy, but now remembers he's in the shitty sequel Blood Omen 2
>fuckboy disappear
What's that? You want more? I'll post again tomorrow.

>> No.10317416

>asshole rallies a kingdom to battle another kingdom ruled by a edgelord and asshole nearly lose
They completely lost, the Nemesis devastated Willendorf's forces to the point of massacre. Kain only survived by going back in time.

>> No.10317590

I can just imagine your Twitter profile.

>> No.10317628

That William and Kain using the same sword animation was turned into a plot point is both clever and hilarious.

>> No.10317661

Could they not have gotten anyone else other than Tony Jay to do the voice of William?

>> No.10317989

The Legacy of Kuck.

>> No.10318319

Non-existent, as I would suspect.
Blood Omen 2
>asshole grinch is going through a bi-curious phase
>gets bitchslapped into a coma and loses his sex toy
>some vamp dyke wakes him up and now everything is under sharia law or something
>gets recruited into THE RESISTANCE(tm) by old vamp, who's retconned to be alive
>asshole flaunts around being a male model, sucking off random strangers
>runs into vampire fuck buddies and murders them
>tries to steal back his sex toy and fails
>saves dungeon master, who's also alive, along the way
>the muslims enforcing their beliefs are really ayy lmaos from hell
>dyke steals sex toy
>asshole becomes full homo and kills her
>the gay boys assault the ayy base
>asshole kills the ayy leader that bitchslapped him, and dungeon master goes to hell
>asshole begins to fantasize another harem
>really, nothing else to say on this, game's shit

>> No.10318429

Oh look, we're almost done here.
>asshole is stuck in the past
>tries to get answers from time jew
>time jew tells him to fuck off somewhere
>meanwhile, fuckboy is being tentacle gangbanged for centuries
>submits, but runs away
>emerges from tentacle dungeon, near asshole's old grave
>forced to wear corpse skinsuits
>some exposition along the way where angels killed ayys and got AIDS afterwards, becoming the first vampires
>fuckboy runs into old vamp at his mansion
>old vamp has kept dungeon master's corpse as his realdoll and explains he needs his heart
>fuckboy sets out to find heart in satanist temple
>fuckboy runs into necromancer, and he explains the heart was inside asshole all along
>fuckboy also runs into tranny fuckboy, who somehow got here from the future
>back in the past, asshole finds some new ruins to bum around
>tentacles talks with asshole and sends him forwards to where fuckboy is
>asshole and fuckboy reunites in satanist temple and have a lover's quarrel
>fuckboy wants to settle down and have kids with dungeon master, while asshole doesn't want to relive Blood Omen 2
>fuckboy takes dungeon master's heart from asshole, and sends him to the shadow realm
>retruning to old vamp's home fuckboy runs into time jew and ignores him
>comes back to dungeon master and resurrects him
>they travel to his summer home, the old ruins from earlier
>asshole gets out of shadow realm and follows
>at the summer home, fuckboy douches himself with ghost bitch, who's okay with that
>comes back to dungeon master, just as past asshole becomes a grinch
>ayys possess dungeon master and ghosts fuckboy
>asshole shows up to summer home
>smites time jew again and now wonders what to do
>fuckboy realizes hentai tentacles is a bigot
>fuckboy suck off time jew's spirit and jumps into corpse
>asshole and fuckboy share a tender kiss, as the latter becomes the sex toy
>hentai tentacles show up and gets bitchslapped
>asshole jerks off and cries silently, the end.

>> No.10318435

Ok, I got that out of my system, you can delete these now, janny.

>> No.10318469

>a demon
>the ayy leader
My desire to play these games besides maybe the first Blood Omen deflated considerably when I spoiled myself on how the Hylden look in BO2. Whoever thought that connecting the big red demon dude to ayys and then saying that the ayy look is the true one for their race was retarded.

>> No.10318486

A big problem with this series is an in inherent identity crisis, starting with Soul Reaver. Soul Reaver began as a project called "Shifter", and its core visual concepts (totally unrelated to the world of Blood Omen) were modified and repurposed when it switched gears into being a sequel (for better or for worse) to Blood Omen. Blood Omen 2 was designed and produced completely independently to Soul Reaver 2, and like SR1, is visually inconsistent with its predecessor (the head artist for BO2 re-used a lot of his ideas from the cancelled Chakan 2).

>> No.10318545

So the company would take new game projects and slap a recognizable brand name on them whether it would fit or not? Interesting.

>> No.10318590

There was a very controversial power-struggle between Silicon Knights and Crystal Dynamics/Eidos, allegedly involving physical violence and ultimately being settled through court. There was always going to be a "Kain 2" but it wasn't going to be in the form of Soul Reaver. Shifter becoming a sequel to LoK was due to Eidos.

>> No.10318765

Spiked Mace

>> No.10318804
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Is there anything more comfy than the classic Pillars of Nazigoth?

>> No.10318949

no, kain chose to to doom the pillars in blood omen because that fate was more open ended than self sacrifice. he defied the still unknown demiurge by invoking his free will when he chose the "bad end".

>> No.10318951

Except you're ignoring the meta aspect of the player being the one who makes that choice.

>> No.10318952

it doesnt matter what the choice is because it just changes the ending cinematic. the fact that there even is a choice is proof that for a brief moment, kain was in control of his fate.

>> No.10318956

As much as I'd like to learn about the story and the way the game looks, the gameplay of Blood Omen is so tiring. I can't muster the energy to finish it.

>> No.10319104

You're ignoring the overarching theme of how this is the one moment Kain finally has a choice, as he says himself at the start, he jumps at revenge blindly and learns early on he's now a pawn for Mortanius.

>> No.10319151
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>> No.10319157

SR1 legit had like 5 voice actors, it was practically an indie game, so no.

>> No.10319162

Random citizen gets bitten by a vampire and suddenly finds himself in a video game where he has to solve randome puzzles and dungeons, for no reason.

>> No.10319163

BO1, I meant. Though SR1 isn't far off since that game has so few characters. It's pretty much just
>his 5 brothers
>ghost chick
>uhhh whoever voiced random humans

>> No.10319781

So what game is that?

>> No.10319784
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>> No.10319789
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>> No.10319791
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>> No.10319793
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>> No.10319804
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>> No.10319854
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>> No.10320519


>> No.10320563

Why are you even here?

>> No.10320613
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Because the game, is rigged, we are all bound here, by the wheel of fate

>> No.10320684
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i was here a week before you showed up in this thread. respect me.

>> No.10320697
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>> No.10320904

Is there anyone/any theme in the world who doesn't have his own wojak and pepe frog at this point?

>> No.10320945
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Recently I started replaying SR1, but I basically left the game once I reached the final battle with Kain because there's not much more left to it, so I went and explored one of the alpha builds. Melchiah's area feels so much scarier and bleaker than how it appears in the final build.

>> No.10320951
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>> No.10320956
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>> No.10321026
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The Soul Reaver is just the Stormbringer from Elric

>> No.10321254
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This Rahabim showed no interest.

>> No.10322350


>> No.10322370

So I know BO1 snd SR1 are obviously the games everyone talks about but are the sequels after actually worth playing.

>> No.10322401

No one cares about your gay elf.

>> No.10322457


>> No.10322615

SR2 and Defiance. Skip BO2

>> No.10322628

So what?