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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 507 KB, 1280x886, gamers-republic.large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10308863 No.10308863 [Reply] [Original]

>Lots of Westernfags parroting that Hiroshi Yamauchi (Nintendo's third president) mocked jrpg fans
>Never addressing source
>Decided to do a quick Google search
>One of the "source" was a Nintendo Life article with a page from a random Western magazine without even mentioning which magazine was it

Yeah, these are the same faggots who still believe that Shigeru Miyamoto said that he hated Donkey Kong Country despite the fact that this claim has been debunked long time ago.

>> No.10308884

it persists to this day my man

>> No.10308892

Are you the same butthurt tendie who went through that forum to prove that Burnout 3 dev screenshot is "fake" even tho he could have just moved to another country? You guys are something else man

>> No.10308897

The only thing about that donkey kong quote is it's a really loaded one, oddly specific.

>> No.10308936

lmao this weeaboo MALDING

>> No.10308963

>retards on this site parrot lies to larp drama from decades ago because they have nothing else going on
you're telling me now for the first time

>> No.10308992

Not retro, but for me, it's Krazy Ken's quotes from the PSP-to-PS3 eras.

>> No.10308994

You're telling me that people on this forum talk shit without backing it up?

Good on you for proving the bullshit wrong though, sadly, if there are any tards around who still say this they'll pretend like it's still valid.

>> No.10309053

It's like the people going ZOOMZOOMZOOM!!!!1 and posting that Metroid manual crop without realizing it's an edit with the name swapped from another enemy

>> No.10309293

I'm sure Richard Parr refers to himself in third person in a discussion about games he worked on and wrote a whole unique backstory for his new online persona that is nothing like his career in video games. Or the guy who made that original image used a comment from some nobody on a forum thinking nobody would check who actually wrote it.

>> No.10309489

>Never addressing source
Sauce? I'll need to see the raw data on everything all these "lots" have ever written/said/posted when you confirm it was never addressed.
>One of the "source" was
And what was "two" of the source?
>without even mentioning which magazine was it
Citing sources is good professional practice, but hardly a requirement for a children's magazine.
What's absolutely hilarious is how you're seething and rating yet committing the same "sins" you're crying about. Your source that something never happened is
>Some dumb kid decided to do a quick Google search
Epic irony zoom zoom

>> No.10309653

You're quoting things out of order, nintendo life didn't exist when that article was written. You're like a time machine of brain damage, shut the fuck up and stop wasting board space.

>> No.10310612

Was he 100% right?

>> No.10310696

>source that something never happened
lmao, imagine that if you make up a quote you need a source that it didn't happen.
"Donkey Kong sucks" - Albert Einstein
that's on YOU to prove the quote was said. it's not on me prove the quote didn't happen.
how the heck can you have a source that a quote doesn't exist? I'd have to show you 100% of all magazines, the quote isn't there. thats impossible!!
this is Devil's Proof.
I hope you are EDUCATED by the wikipedia link and it's educational

>> No.10310781

nobody gives a shit, chink

>> No.10311347

lmao, imagine if someone mocked your retarded hypocrisy with satire and you replied with no u strawman cope. This is why none of the kids at school will play with you.

>> No.10311362

It's an edit to make it more amusing, it's amazing you get so offended over it.

>> No.10311374

maybe post something actually funny then

>> No.10311383

>humor imported from /v/
Nah, go die in a brush fire, even austerposting is funnier and more in line with the board

>> No.10312712
File: 1.98 MB, 2016x1512, Under_the_Iwata_photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The source is Gamers' Republic Issue 9, Feb 1999, page 12. I don't know if this link works but you can read it here from the archive: https://archive.org/details/Gamers_Republic_Issue_09/page/n13/mode/2up?view=theater&ui=embed&wrapper=false

>> No.10312731
File: 292 KB, 610x538, 1652348914658.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That edit was made on this board. Thankfully not everyone is a bitter and humorless shit like you.

>> No.10312858

There's a lot of fake facts that persist to this day, like Yuji Naka supposedly refusing to let the Sonic X-treme devs use the Nights engine or Satoru Iwata supposedly compressing Pokemon Gold and Silver so that Kanto can fit into the games.

>> No.10312865

Don't get offended if someone doesn't find that shit unfunny, a lot of trolls get mad when that happens. Then again, shitposting is rarely funny and it's more annoying.

>> No.10312989

That 3do thread was fun. I had the atomic bomb as my lock screen.

>> No.10313013
File: 118 KB, 268x221, zoomermetroid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nooo! You're not allowed to do image edits on 4chan!!!!

Pic related

>> No.10313043
File: 1.92 MB, 1301x909, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine if Yamauchi could see the standard of content posted to /vr/, imagine what he'd say then.

>> No.10313053

>Video games were a mistake, they're nothing but trash.

>> No.10313068
File: 130 KB, 600x337, 1549514450429.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10313073
File: 41 KB, 373x521, wcoyyfxwv7701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe stop being so passive aggressively zoomer. Ohh, you can't stop, that's right, you just post like a butthurt fag and then get triggered when someone posts things that "hurts your fee fees". Boomer got your tongue, bitch

>> No.10313079

The amount of which people care about the opinions of game creators, publishers & journalists is very cult-like and obsessive. "Tomorrow", an audio snippet of a developer will leak and say something you don't like. Be prepared to smash your monitor in an ebin rage.

>> No.10313181
File: 1.32 MB, 893x2010, n64.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But where are the JRPGs?

>> No.10313184

>quote is supposedly "fake"
>n64 only has fucking quest 64 and bing bing wahoo rpg for rpgs
Im leaning it's real
Face it, it was never been a better time to be a jampigger on the Sony and Sega

>> No.10313191

It's actually real, unlike the DK quote, which was from a magazine not backed by Nintendo

>> No.10313196

Based. Now if some weeb were to find the Nikkei Shinbun issue with the interview.

>> No.10313203

Wait, the Iwata one is fake? I thought it was mentioned in his book.

>> No.10313275

> "Tomorrow", an audio snippet of a developer will leak and say something you don't like. Be prepared to smash your monitor in an ebin rage.

That's not how it works. The audiance's opinion will change and then they will claim "I always thought/knew this and now the dev proved it!!!"

>> No.10313407

>fake facts

>> No.10313427

They had a choice between glorious, uncompressed music on discs or compressed beeps and boops on carts.