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File: 13 KB, 330x100, Sonic_Team_Logo.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10298415 No.10298415 [Reply] [Original]

Do you consider Sonic Team a good developer?

>> No.10298427

Their best games were not sonic games, and even then their best were mediocre.

>> No.10298532
File: 17 KB, 360x99, Dimps_Corporation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*mogs the original genny team with 4 games and some other ex-SNK hires at Sonic Team*

>> No.10298553

literally every game made by sonic team sucks.
now if you'll excuse me i'll go back to replaying sonic adventure for the 5th time.

>> No.10298631

The piss poor collision detection in the Sonic Adventure games should make it more than evident that they're incompetent.
Nintendo nailed it on the first try with Super Mario 64 so it being an early 3D title is no excuse.

>> No.10298635

>Nintendo goes on to copy Sonic adventures formula with Mario 64 ds by adding supporting characters

>> No.10298640

Sonic Team is great when it comes to producing interesting ideas and concepts but the execution is just terrible.
Copying a formula has little to do with the competency of said developer so I don't see your point.

>> No.10298647

I dropped Sonic Adventure early on, so I might be wrong, but isn't it implemented way differently in both games? SM64DS is closer to DK64 in its implementation of alternate characters.

>> No.10298650

>what's s3&k

>> No.10298670
File: 1.83 MB, 540x644, tumblr_f3dbea2f5ae10e5237e89e371734359b_a41b2c73_540.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sonic adventure lay the foundation of what a good 3d platformer should be. Here's a gif from sonic adventure 2. Feel free to post anything from mario 64 that matches this.

>> No.10298683

>no real obstacles, just cinematic setpieces
>limited visibility, running towards camera
I'm glad nothing in Mario 64 matches your gif

>> No.10298696
File: 44 KB, 640x480, images (83).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>autoscroller bad
Yet you will go on to praise rainbow ride as the best stage in any video game ever.

>> No.10298701

Yuji Naka is a creep who can't manage for shit and Takashi Iizuka overestimates his and his team's abilities. These two and corporate medling choked the potential out of 3d sonic. I still love the games though, and the collision isn't bad on the dreamcast versions. 3 and Knuckles is still their best game though.

>> No.10298704

>Sonic adventure lay the foundation of what a good 3d platformer should be
Glad to see segatards are still braindead.

>> No.10298705

RR is one of the weaker courses imo, but honestly it's a fair point. There are fun autoscrollers out there. Your gif doesn't look like one of them though

>> No.10298726
File: 2.95 MB, 408x342, 2WIR1e.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still waiting on that Mario 64 gif. Tick tock tendies.

>> No.10298729

you could post some better examples that arent just automated sections

>> No.10298741

Unlike the SA2 truck level, I've played that level. I KNOW it's bad

>> No.10298747

Speaking of tick tock: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LiaEKNSWtHc

It's not a gif, but it shows off how many fun movement options the game has.

>> No.10298750

You write exactly like ACfag so I wouldn't be surprised if you were him. Get the fuck off this board, no one wants you here. In fact, get the fuck off 4chan as a whole. Maybe even kill yourself too.

>> No.10298753

wtf is ACfag?

>> No.10298756

Chu Chu Rocket is better than mediocre.

>> No.10298764
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Me apparently.
Why should I? They break up the levels and are the reason Sonic games are a thousand times more stylish than any Mario. If you think pure Kaizo levels of platforming is superior game design you don't know shit.

>> No.10298770

You don't have to beat tick tock clock like a Kaizo level, but the game has a high enough skill ceiling that you can. Also, newer Mario games like galaxy begin to add in more stylish elements, so it's not really a tradeoff you have to make with Mario.

Btw, what's the name of that hack? It looks pretty fun

>> No.10298785
File: 2.52 MB, 498x398, tick-tock-clock-mario-64.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been trying to find that glitch on tick tock clock to prove Mario 64 is just as buggy as Sa but it eludes me. I'm not sure of the Rom hacks name but it does look like a good challenge and not something you'd have to dedicate 48 hours of non stop play just to clear one level.

>> No.10298798

This one? https://www.suppermariobroth.com/post/680093856199475200/in-tick-tock-clock-in-super-mario-64-several

>> No.10298807

i never said that. sonic games have good level design and all you're posting is the back of the box screenshot fodder with no actual substance

>> No.10298814

>more stylish
See you don't actually care how Sanic plays, only how it looks. You practically just admitted that it's fine for it to be a carbon copy of the 2D games, but in 3D.
You're a poser.

>> No.10298863
File: 2.50 MB, 1280x720, mario64invisible wall.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is some

>> No.10298864
File: 2.85 MB, 930x670, sm64phys.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10298886
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>> No.10298913
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>with no actual substance
>You're a poser
I've played every popular Sonic from master system to dreamcast. There is substance in what i've posted and if you'd prefer marble zone gifs you can both take a hike. That zone is the worst.

>> No.10299064

>There is substance in what i've posted
>"Sonic adventure lay the foundation of what a good 3d platformer should be."
>Never explained what that foundation is
>Your response to >>10298683 attempting to answer what you meant was met with a "No U!" non sequitur
Good thing I bought a water filter recently.

>> No.10299402

>it's fine for it to be a carbon copy of the 2D games, but in 3D
Yes. Sonic had a smooth transition to 3D unlike Mario

>> No.10299440

>Muh gay mascot wars
Concession accepted.

>> No.10299470

Why are Adventure fags always so obnoxiously proud of their shitty automated platforming game? Showing me a dumb GIF won't change my mind, you Segatard.
Come up with actual arguments instead.

>> No.10299486

You are excusing the jank from SA1 on a 6th gen system because M64 released years earlier also has some?

Even the Saturn Sonic games were more fun than SA, no wonder Sega died in 6th gen.
Sega should've continued supporting the Saturn and release a real competitive 6th gen machine when the time was right.

>> No.10299498
File: 24 KB, 473x500, images (85).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn dude quit stalking me.

>> No.10299505

Picture is worth a thousand words. You had the entire thread to post one Mario 64 gif that could rival Sonic adventure and you probably seethed in school when psx fans clowned on your shitty nintendo tech demo, play the same level 7 times games.

>> No.10299515

You've yet to explain what foundation SA laid for what a good 3d platformer should be instead of being a pretentious queermo.

>> No.10299516

But that's like proving a to blind man that grass is green, al I have to do is to show a single picture of green grass.

>> No.10299529 [DELETED] 

>Come up with actual arguments instead.
*le sigh* Typical Leftist...

>> No.10299551
File: 42 KB, 640x478, images (86).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Solid graphics, kick ass fmvs and variety in gameplay ie big the cat. Oot was loved by many and not for it's z targeting or many dungeons but for it's fishing mini game. I get that you have brand loyalty and have to defend your Nintendo switch purchase but for once in your life let that go and see Sega put out a far better platformer than Nintendo, again.

>> No.10299587

yeah phantasy star online is the shit but sega can't moderate their games to save their lives

>> No.10299671
File: 67 KB, 300x208, 1686342823382460.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sonic adventure lay the foundation of what a good 3d platformer should be
This is what diaperfurs actually believe.

>> No.10299715

>love genesis Sonic
>Adventure was ok I guess
>by the time Heroes was out I wanted to get out
>hordes of obnoxious 3d Sonic apologists start to appear
>as time passes, the games get worse and so do the quality of online discussions
Being a sonic fan was controversial since the late '90s.
I will never forgive that faggot naka for kicking out the level designer, which they never recovered from.

>> No.10299785

Dimps ruined so many Street Fighter games. And when you look at the garbage they made for atomiswave, it becomes rather evident how shitty of a developer they are. Prior Takashi Nishiyama was bullied out of Capcom because his games were weak and not selling.

>> No.10299798

Sonic The Hedgehog
Sonic The Hedgehog 2
Sonic The Hedgehog 3
Sonic & Knuckles
NiGHTS into Dreams...
Sonic Jam (Sonic World)

They had a good run, me says.

>> No.10299814


>> No.10299817

Good controls and good level design

>> No.10300091

The level design in Sonic 1-3 is what holds it back. The trap-based stage hazards were a terrible ideia, and is the reason people don't want to put up with the old games anymore.

>> No.10300173

advanceshit is slow and boring, weirdos only love it because loli furries

>> No.10300267

Decent track record until PSO which was their last good game. Billy Hatcher was decent though.

>> No.10300350

>Muh graphics
>Muh spliced gameplay
>Linear hallways
If that's all you could come up with then it's a good thing you said "should be" and not "is what laid the foundation".

>> No.10300572

play SA1

>> No.10300587

>tfw we'll never be able to play STH3D

>> No.10300595
File: 306 KB, 493x471, 1695082484748896.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know

>> No.10300639

I did, many, many times, still enjoy it and is the only reason I don't trash my Dreamcast, but the bold claim that it laid the foundation for what Platformers "should" be is contradictory. If anything it was more a hinderance, considering it influenced indies and Sonicfags to FIX Sonic's gameplay, not Platformers a whole. You and Zeldurfags have a lot in common with your overzealous wanking for the older titles.

>> No.10300645
File: 2.33 MB, 500x500, 1694804500217.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10300657

praising this shit company is peak contrarianism, right up there with calling the Star Wars prequels good movies

>> No.10300783 [DELETED] 

Lol killed him.
Why is that Sonic adventures fault? Shenmue lay the foundation for modern adventure games but that doesn't mean quick time events are bad because modern games butchered them.

>> No.10300852 [DELETED] 

That's nice.
Still doesn't negate what I said.
Feel post examples of those kinds of tricks in later Sonic titles and other Platformers.

>No argument
>lol killed him
As expected.
Concession accepted, Zoom Zoom. At least you didn't Nintendo this time like an insecure niglet!

>> No.10300976
File: 157 KB, 219x325, 1442875544193.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10301245

The Sonic Advance teams received generally positive reviews. It's objectively not a contrarian opinion to like them.

>> No.10301329

They made advance adventure so they can't be bad devs

>> No.10301334

This gif just proves that sonic games are all style and no substance

>> No.10301343

I hate how there's so much potential for adventure 1 romhacks and yet every sonic autist keeps insisting on making shitty boost to win fangames

>> No.10301460

Advance 1 is good, Advance 2 is meh, Advance 3 sucks ass, Rush is alright, Sonic 4 is literal garbage.

>> No.10301828

Making stages for SA1 is extremely hard

>> No.10301839

Not really? It's basically just like making an upscaled golf course.

>> No.10301849

theres hardly any 3d fangames to begin with, making 2d games is simply easier. the problem is they spend all the time making the game pretty and not actually making the game.

>> No.10301875

3D Sonic has always been about style over substance.

>> No.10301878

i'm talking about the sprite art in the 2d fangames.

>> No.10301908
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>> No.10301928
File: 417 KB, 1272x1845, IMG_0796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>very first global online RPG for non-PC gamers in gaming history
>is actually good

>gets overlooked

>> No.10301937

>gets overlooked
its sega's yakuza funded gambling addict game now

>> No.10301962

Alright then make one yourself

>> No.10301970

Since we're only talking retro I would say they're pretty good. I don't like their Saturn games but I would still put them in the pretty good category.

>> No.10302008
File: 10 KB, 320x240, images (89).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool cool mountain would be more impressive if they opened the penguin race with Mario sliding for his life as everything is being smashed to pieces behind him instead of a boring text dialogue. Only a jealous person would disagree

>> No.10302020
File: 1.26 MB, 522x367, IMG_0798.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You seriously didn’t like Burning Rangers?

>> No.10303107

no but they've at least made a few decent to good games despite divisiveness amongst fans.

my problem with the fans trying to "fix" 3D sonic is that their idea of fixing it is to basically make it mario 64 but with sonic which is a terrible idea because mario 64 is fucking boring if you're over the age of 12 and/or not a manchild.

>> No.10303295

I think most Sonic fans just try to recreate the Adventure gameplay when it comes to 3D fangames

>> No.10303403

I don't care enough about Sonic to do so, I'd rather make a Super Mario 64 level if I actually want to learn to model.

>> No.10303563

Crazy that Super Mario 64 has so many bugs and yet SA/2 is still a buggier experience

Sonic has always been more stylish than Mario, but Mario's 3D games were still much better, and "breaking up the level" is literally just adding filler. At least even Crash actually has you play levels where you're running at the camera.

>> No.10303572

>Horrendous slowdowns
>Explosion alerts happen faster than you can press the backflip button
>Terrible field of view, and level design
The music carried it. It should've been an OVA instead of a game.

>> No.10303586 [DELETED] 

>Grapple gets all the cool pilot model mods
>Pulse gets e-girl cat ears

>> No.10303595

For what they do, how quickly its done and the variety of it all, yeah. I think Prope kept this up too.

>> No.10303632

I feel that it's high time we acknowledge the brilliance of Sonic Team. While they're best known for the Sonic series, I want to talk about another jewel in their crown - Nights into Dreams.
Nights is a beautifully crafted game, with a dreamlike ambiance that's hard to match even today. Sonic Team's attention to detail and gorgeous art design come together to create an experience that transports the player to another world entirely. It's no wonder the game has inspired so many fan works and even a manga series.
While it's true that Sonic Team lost their way in the Dreamcast era, it's not fair to discredit the games they made during that time. ChuChu Rocket! and Phantasy Star Online, for example, were both groundbreaking titles that pushed the boundaries of online gaming (and inspired countless imitators).
But it's in the post-1998 era that Sonic Team really shone. Games like Samba de Amigo, Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg, and even the overlooked Let's Tap! all showcase the team's innovative approach to gameplay and their willingness to take risks.
Let's not forget that Sonic Team also contributed significantly to the development of the Kinect, a technology that revolutionized motion control gaming.
It's a shame that Sonic Team's reputation has been somewhat tarnished by the quality of the Sonic games they've developed in recent years. But let's not allow that to overshadow their past accomplishments. Let's give Sonic Team the respect they deserve as one of the most fascinating and imaginative developers of the 90s.

>> No.10303657

It has crap graphics, horrible camera and awful controls. The graphics I guess would be impressive but everything shakes and wobbles constantly and polygons blink out of existence if they have half a pixel out of the screen. It looks really amateurish, even Death Crimson doesn't have these issues despite being the ugliest game on the system.

>> No.10304154

The graphics are excellent, the camera is nice and the controls are excellent. It has some of the best movement of any 3D platformer ever. Its use of old SGL causes some problems in its rendering but it's an excellent game through and through.

>> No.10304230
File: 1.23 MB, 895x900, chao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NiGHTS Into Dreams laid the foundation of a neat and nuanced creature raising game with a singular species. Typically games in this genre focus on a variety of creatures, one with a single character would be a bit tricky because how can you make raising many of the same thing interesting in a way that takes advantage of the video game medium? NiGHTs have the nightopians, who are little dream fairies that are basically inept at everything but are influenced by everything around them. At the same time, they can change their environment as well. This leads to an easily overlooked system where you can change the general mood of a level with the nightopians depending on a multitude of factors. Defeat enemies in front of them to make them happy, attack them and they get scared. You beat the level boss and the changes will take affect. They will remember NiGHTs on repeat runs as these things are distinct parts of the level. As all creatures do, if they are happy they will have sex and give birth to more nightopians. You can also kill them because you are NiGHTs and they are weaker than the weakest enemy. There is much more to this system, named "A-Life" (guess what A stands for), in NiGHTs and the entire thing is pretty obscure in-game, if you didn't read the manual you wouldn't pay this any attention. This would evolve further into the far more iconic Chao Garden in Sonic Adventure. Here, the general principles of action gameplay & pet sim fusion are present but the gardens are now isolated from the rest of the world. Instead, you get animals in stages that can be used with the titular Chao so they can inherit traits from the animals. This leads to a more direct influence on the Chao when compared to nighttopians, as this determines their evolution. From animals, evolutions, and sub evolutions, there were many chao you could raise and watch life a full life. You could even put them in races and get emblems. You'd race against some pretty special chao such as t-

>> No.10304269
File: 291 KB, 1080x899, 1080px-Blackmarket_SA2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-he infamous "chacron", one of the more powerful characters in the Sonicverse who hides his true power until the last minute. But he's no match against the mighty golden chao. To win in these, you need a chao that isn't just trained, but possibly bred through the VMU for maximum potential. The VMU featured a sort of portable Chao garden with some minigames and features. There is a ton more to this place but where the Chao really opened up was in Sonic Adventure 2. Here, even after the main game was pretty significantly overhauled from SA1, the Chao Garden remained in tact with some brand new gardens and a sub area called the "Chao Kindergarten". This area featured a lot of additions and migrations of VMU activities, but the main changes come with the morality system added. Matching with the general theme of the game, Chao can become Hero or Dark depending on who acts upon them. If you're playing as Knuckles and beat up a chao, it will harbor fear torwards you and go to the dark side, and if Eggman feeds and pets that chao? Even more so. When it evolves, out comes a dark chao with a little spiky ball atop its head. These dark chao have their own skill evos as well and sub evos too, and on the other side of the spectrum, the hero chaos do as well. With all this, you now have triple the amount of chao you can create from SA1. And this isn't even getting into the colors, mono two-tones, chaos chao, gem chao, etc. And this all gets improved even more with the SA2B release where the black market is improved and not just rare chao central (though the elusive moon chao is lost to time). With the addition of chaos drives as well, which boost chao stats without the modifications from animals (which are still in), Chao Garden truly is remarkable. Chao are the most impressive parts of SA1 and 2 as they are genuinely fantastic pet sims. This was all an advertisement for chao world extended fir SA2 on steam btw, and https://chao-island.com/wiki/Chao_Wiki

>> No.10305054

Sonic Adventure > Mario 64

>> No.10305617

Name 78 of them.

>> No.10305625
File: 573 KB, 810x793, 6ne686.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SA/SA2 > Funner with better sound than N64
bugs? nobody cares about bugs when you're having fun

>> No.10305685

Sonic Team could be a case study
>le high-status team in Sega, so all the suck-ups wanted to be on it
>Didn't want to actually make more Sonic games. That's PEASANT work, so everything they do with Sonic after a point is clearly a totally different game with Sonic awkwardly shoved in
>Fight against letting anyone else do Sonic, because then they wouldn't be SONIC TEAM - the supercool group that makes those games that they're ashamed of
>Yuji Naka and his gang of cool kids egos grow exponentially
>Sega is fucked by their incompetence and infighting

>> No.10306109
File: 89 KB, 1024x1024, 1636057755730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you consider Sonic Team a good developer?

>> No.10306115

Too hit and miss, I would give them a pass for the experimental stuff they do, but nintendo does that better every single time so I can't even give ST that.

>> No.10306142
File: 301 KB, 640x480, 1646250354590.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you're just going to ignore the rest of the fucking Adventure gameplay you tranny ass troglodyte?

Disingenuous fuck. I don't see platforming in that gif either you fucking chris chan autistic cunt. God I hate Sonicfags. If you're going to shill non Mario platformers, post Rayman 2.

>> No.10306153

Now show me any other non Adventure era/ non Sonic game that play anything like this, I'll wait.

Also, why are you ignoring the other 5/6 gameplay styles in this game?

>> No.10307540

>just automated sections

Disingenuous faggot who never played the game.

>> No.10307607

Not these days no. There's no actual passion in it because it became a revolving door of greenhorn Japanese university graduates using it as a springboard into the Japanese game dev industry. Back in the day it was a lot more weird and risk-takey with stuff like Phantasy Star Online, Billy Hatcher, NiGHTS, ChuChuRocket, Burning Rangers and Samba De Amigo. Also Rub Rabbits of all things.

>> No.10307629

Only few of their games are actually good. And mostly small projects like Chu Chu Rocket and Project Rub games.

Also all Yuji Naka's games that aren't Nights are good only in papers.

>> No.10308972

>loli furries
But enough about Sonic CD and the Tails is a girl cope

>> No.10308976

You only hate them because you're either a smelly FGCfag or played the nu-Dimps garbage

>> No.10309069
File: 393 KB, 800x800, Advanced cuckoldry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>regurgitates the same genny opinion touted for years
All the Advance games are amazing
Pocket Adventure, their first outing before they formed Dimps, is a fun retell of 2nd and 3rd Genesis titles.
Nobody talks about nu-Dimps garbage like Sonic the Portable, Gens3DS, Lost World.
the DS games are not retro nor represent Dimps at their prime, which are still very great.

>> No.10309072

Good anime intro, that's it.
Also did someone really bothered to redux this game?

>> No.10309076

>yet every sonic autist keeps insisting on making shitty boost to win fangames
Sonic GL came out before 06 though

>> No.10309090
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>> No.10309107
File: 2.11 MB, 400x225, 423a474314ca5a43889f7d7c6052eb22-1696813442.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Good developer

>> No.10309120
File: 48 KB, 640x560, DORuUr5U8AIokgR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dimps ruined so many Street Fighter games
>only made PS3-era garbage like Street Fighter
Boohoo, the other super-milked franchise was ran up by some current day nu-Dimps jerkwads sucking Ono dick.
Yet Street Fighter is STILL dogshit today.

Not retro & let's play The Rumble Fish 2 sometimes to blow off some steam, Capsissy.

>> No.10309172

I'm gonna guess that you never played a decent 3d platformer in your life.

>> No.10309245

I've played vexx and mario 64 but not the previous 60 mario games

>> No.10309915

PSO is mediocre?

>> No.10310023
File: 73 KB, 653x244, ar-gambit-stages.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't see platforming in that gif
Had you played good platformers you would know stages where the risk of being crushed to death adds hype. Do you hate Hydrocity zone as well?
>God I hate Sonicfags
If you honestly think Rayman is a better platformer than Sonic I have one word for you. Yikes.

>> No.10310667

>If you honestly think Rayman is a better platformer than Sonic I have one word for you. Yikes.
Then why does Rayman games sell far netter than Sonic ones? Even Crash sales far better than Sonic.

>> No.10310686

What if i turn 3d sonic into Crash?

>> No.10310721

So that's a yes then.

>> No.10310743
File: 384 KB, 773x985, nindefender.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whoa there buddy do you know where you are? Insulting Mario...You'll have to pay with your life.
*unsheathes katana*
*cuts you up into 1000 pieces*
*blows you away*
nothin persona....it is miyamoto-sans wishes...

>> No.10310762

Delusional. I just lost all credibility I had in your posts.

>> No.10310772

I'm glad you as a Sonictard understand yourself this deeply.

>> No.10310778

In your dreams. Sonic games are far more successful than Crash & Rayman.

>> No.10310848 [DELETED] 
File: 259 KB, 1630x1222, 1612310869694.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All 7/10 and lower slop
>All rushed buggy garbage
>Autistic pedophilic fanbase
>Chris Chan

Fuck off. Crash, Rayman and any other platformer character all shit on Sonic.

>> No.10310853 [DELETED] 

Rayman let itself get cucked by rabbids and Crash fell off a cliff when Vivendi tossed it off to Radical. Sonic may have had lower lows (debatable since Mind over Mutant exists), but also had much higher highs.

>> No.10310854 [DELETED] 

>Autistic pedophilic
You forgot furfags

>> No.10310868 [DELETED] 

>Rayman let itself get fucked by rabbids
Sonic played second fiddle to Mario in Mario and Sonic at the Olympics, the best sonic games since s&k were on Nintendo systems(advance). Bro I don't hate sonic, but you're a fucking retard with Chris chan levels of sonic autism.

>> No.10310873 [DELETED] 

>Rayman let itself get cucked by rabbids
Doesn't matter when any game he does get outsides every Sonic game ever, including Frontiers, the most sold Sonic game of all time.

> and Crash fell off a cliff when
Doesn't matter, a literal collection of 3 games outsold Sonic's latest game 4 to 1. A COLLECTION of OLD GAMES, outsold Sonic's latest new slop.

Just accept the fact Sonic is dogshit and his autistic chris chan fanbase is the only reason it's """alive""" today.

>> No.10310883

It looks like Sonic has sold 160 million copies and grossed $6 bil, while Crash has sold only 50 million copies and grossed only $1 bil.

>> No.10310896

>124 posts
>65 IPs
Take your meds.

>> No.10310902

No back and forth allowed! Just tweet and move on.

>> No.10310932 [DELETED] 

>Just accept the fact Sonic is dogshit and his autistic chris chan fanbase is the only reason it's """alive""" today.
At last someone said it. I'm sick and tired of Sonic spergs shiling and overpraising their slop when only a fraction of the series' games is even worth paying a second of attention to.
It's the most blatant example of a franchise with unwarranted popularity.

>> No.10310941 [DELETED] 

Delusional, incorrect & projecting. Sonic games continue to dominate & has spawned more games than Crash, Raymen any other platformer with the exception of Mario.

>> No.10311026

It's not back and forth, it's an obvious samefag replying to one post 5 times in the same exact style.

>> No.10311034
File: 83 KB, 240x176, HydeLide.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This board is for the discussion of classic, or "retro" games
NOOOOOOOO, authoritarian Sally

>> No.10311257

miyamoto is more of a game creator than naka ever will be. but keep on coping.

>> No.10311271

S3&K is the peak of videogames. This is not debatable.

>> No.10311278

Advance 3 is still a piece of shit

>> No.10311280

Nintendo was just reaching back into their own history to SMB2. The SM64DS characters play mostly the same with slight attribute changes. Sonic Adventure tried to make them all play much more differently between each other.

>> No.10311290
File: 354 KB, 713x1107, Screenshot_2023-09-09-16-20-18-972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the popularity/substance scale, it's pretty fucking high. I don't remember anything else having the it factor quite like it, even into the 2000s it was considered to be great. The adventure emo kids definitely were the reason why internet culture sucks off nu-sonic and s3&k isn't considered top dawg anymore, but they can eat my ass, nothing good has come from nu-sonic only a culture of flurries and Chris chan. Disgusting

>> No.10311715

If that were the case you would be able to select your character at the start of each level.

>> No.10311786

what kind of demented designer came up with this level, lmao

>> No.10311794

Believe it or not this level is fairly tame compared to a lot of insane double shell juggling levels.

>> No.10312025
File: 218 KB, 2048x1537, 1589067534577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Using total gross instead of individual games

>> No.10312139

Advance 3 sweeps most of the genesis games
Imagine going back to Sonic 2 after Advance 3.

>> No.10312145

>even then their best were mediocre
>that includes Virtua and PSO, their most sushislop SEGA games
RIP fucking Crapcom, Kekken, FFXIV, and Shart Souls.

>> No.10312470

I can. Easily.

>> No.10312810

Crash flopped

>> No.10314335

>not knowing how to read sales
of the course the franchise with more games would have a higher total gross.

>> No.10315963


>> No.10315965

i never really got that with the 3D fangames i've played. they're usually just sonic running around a big open map with little to no enemies or obstacles in it which feels really boring. SA1 & 2's sonic/shadow stages felt more condensed and were littered with enemies & obstacles from start to finish.

>> No.10315976

Sonic adventure 2 came out 5 years after Mario 64, for a different console generation, do you think it being more advanced is somehow impressive? You're comparing 1996 to 2001.

>> No.10316124

So did Sonic 06.

>> No.10316183

sonic team's edgy teenager era of "FUCK YOU DAD I'M NOT MAKING A SONIC GAME" was really pathetic

>> No.10316332

I feel like their non Sonic games are always more interesting than their Sonic ones. Chu-chu, SC5, Billy Hatcher, PSO, Nights etc are all more interesting and out there cnceptually even if they aren't strictly better than their best Sonic titles.

>> No.10316358

Yeah because multiple characters is a Sega trademark, it not like Nintendo and specifically Mario did it in SMBUSA ten 20 years earlier

>> No.10316379

advance 2 might have some of the blandest level design i've seen in a platformer.

>> No.10316429


>> No.10316526

the esl reveals himself

>> No.10316542

wtf does that even mean?

>> No.10316781

Metal Slug was released 20 years before cuphead and Metal Slug is better in every way. Anyway Sonic Adventure 2 is no more impressive than 1 which was released in 1998, in fact it's a worse game.

>> No.10317704

It didn't though. It sold 1 million units

>> No.10318195
File: 50 KB, 600x600, 1501636134395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mario game sold one million copies
>Isn't a flop

>> No.10319697


>> No.10319701

Because that was worth the bump.