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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10299672 No.10299672 [Reply] [Original]

>Ueda: Yeah, that's the vibe. In that sense, there's aspects of SotC that represent a return to the roots of gaming. Like if you were to cook up a new old-style game today, this is what it would look like. For that reason I think players who haven't played any games in awhile will also really appreciate it.


>> No.10299692

What did he mean by old-style game? It was 2005, there were still mainly traditional games during gen 6

>> No.10299825

zoom zoom

>> No.10299842

Play old games to figure that out (not Nintendo)

>> No.10299847
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Not an argument.

>> No.10299853

>What did he mean by old-style game?
I don't know either, there were no enemies anywhere but the bosses, if anything it was the foundation of nu-style games like Demon's Souls where the boss is the only thing to worry about.

>> No.10299854

I played enough old games. SotC is one of my favorites but if anything it's less arcadey than the majority of other 6th gen stuff
>not Nintendo
This game follows Zelda's design philosophy as confirmed by Ueda himself except it's minimalistic. There's an overworld and colossi with their arenas are dungeons. Again I'm not making this shit up, Ueda himself said this.
I shouldn't have bothered with replying because people on this board are usually arguing just for the sake of arguing but let's just say I decided to bite

>> No.10299859

reminds me more of ishtar, druaga, tutankham, etc.
>Zelda's design philosophy
nothing like sotc

>> No.10299861


From our perspective today the games in that gen may more closely resemble their Japanesey roots. But there are levels of nuance to the taste-palate of circa-2005 mafakas.

I mean picture the layers of complexity to a MGS2. Gameplay systems on systems on systems. And that's a benchmark title of the era. We look to it now, and I'm sure Ueda well appreciated its critical heft at the time.

SotC - ride to a bad guy and beat it. 12 times. (or so). The clinging-on gameplay... is it akin to a Donkey Kong (arcade)? Ueda is an artisan. I could see his mind making such a connection. SotC is a streamlined ecperience.

Of course it's magnified in its significance with its artful narrative. It's poetic - though anyone who has played it or even heard of it knows that.

>> No.10299882

Have a reply but next time at least check the gameplay of Druaga on Youtube before posting
I get what you mean. It's old school as in it doesn't have any bloat, just straight to the point video game in which you just play with almost no interruptions. It's just that I still think most games during gen 6 were like that

>> No.10299894
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Don't make low IQ replies while I'm here. There are more parts to any video game than watching pixels on a screen react to button presses.

>> No.10299898

Shame on OP for leaving out the question and posting only the answer ("that's the vibe" refers to the question he didn't post.)

Shame on everyone that replied for not even bothering to look at the content and just guessing at what he means.

>—It reminds me of the old days when everyone was playing the same game. Friends would get together and exchange all their tips and info, just like in the Famicom era.

>Ueda: Yeah, that's the vibe. In that sense, there's aspects of SotC that represent a return to the roots of gaming. Like if you were to cook up a new old-style game today, this is what it would look like. For that reason I think players who haven't played any games in awhile will also really appreciate it.

>Kaido: Compared to ICO, there's more re-playability in SotC, so please play through it multiple times and try different things. Other than that, I hope everyone will get to experience the immediacy and presence of these colossi battles followed by the sweet satisfaction of victory.

>> No.10299915

Just namedrop Hydlide next time you'll try to act like you know better than a Japanese dev who said they were inspired by Zelda. It will still be retarded as fuck but arguably will make you look a bit less like a stubborn moron who has an anti-Nintendo hateboner because all the cool /v/ kids are like that

>> No.10299921

wheres zelda? >>10299898
sotcs longevity among explorers is what kept it going, zelda games only have life for a week or two before all of it is exposed. sotc lasted years, more akin to classic games. ueda is a weirdo who had an amiga which exposed him to games like another world and the only one piping up about nintendo is yourself and the interviewer.

so pipe down, pip squeak, your premise is flawed.

>> No.10299940

>eng adaptation of an interview
You'll never know what he actually said there

>> No.10299945
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>and the only one piping up about nintendo is yourself and the interviewer.
>Ueda: Maybe games, if you mean it that way. I played the Famicom all the time—the Disk System, especially.
My last reply for real this time, won't bite anymore I swear

>> No.10299960

Where does he mention zeldy?

>> No.10299963

What secret shit was found in SotC years later?
Reminds me of that quest hidden in FFIX for many years because the guide was a scam, or all the hidden shit with the FF7 battle system because it wasn't explained anywhere, or the razor in MGS2

>> No.10299970

>boss-only game
That's practically post-modern games. What the fuck is this guy on about?
>try different things
There's nothing to try.

>> No.10300120 [DELETED] 
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>Like if you were to cook up a new old-style game today, this is what it would look like.
no way. far ahead of its time if anything. it's so relatable to modern fromslopware stuff that there is a rash of Souls fans who try sotc purely because of the resemblance and end up getting filtered because it's "just outdated souls."
it's also cited as being a heavy early influence the "games as art" movement and so comes with all the trappings of ~le cinema~ over gameplay.
it's all so tiring, hulkamaniacs

>> No.10300136
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>> No.10300146 [DELETED] 

No, go back to your Nashthreads, fag. Your braindead babble makes no sense.

>> No.10300150 [DELETED] 
File: 470 KB, 1024x1024, hogan vs ueda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what does Kevin R. Nash have to do with this

>> No.10300151 [DELETED] 

>ueda is a weirdo who had an amiga which exposed him to games like another world
No wonder his games suck to play.

>> No.10300154 [DELETED] 

/v/ discord raid alert, thread ruined

>> No.10300168
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>> No.10300171

Is this supposed to be interesting?

>> No.10300172

>discord raider

>> No.10300178

You could just answer what's so special about it instead of having schizo episode.

>> No.10300179

I think that anon meant secrets that were actually meant to be found, like the secret garden

>> No.10300183


>> No.10300187

I mean not Nomad Colossus type shit and other
>the triforce was found in the files of OoT
beta content

>> No.10300414

>Shame on everyone that replied for not even bothering to look at the content
You need to understand that this board has been taken over by /v/tards and Zoomers who're allergic to reading past a headline.

>> No.10300642

He was referring to non strand-type games.