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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 91 KB, 650x650, Biohazard 2 Value Plus (JAP) - Front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10295802 No.10295802 [Reply] [Original]

What specifically makes RE2 such a masterpiece?

>> No.10295812

The things it took from RE1

>> No.10295820

I had a similar question. Imagine I don't know what RE1-3 are. What would you say is the reason I should play them? The atmosphere? Puzzles? Or is it just "you had to be a 12yo in 199X and get scared shitless"?

>> No.10295826

Pacing, atmosphere, scope

>> No.10295834 [DELETED] 

The pacing feels like a movie, good flow.

>> No.10295870

No area or section in the game feels "unfinished"
Two protagonists, four different routes
A ton of small and cool details
Good balance and some degree of freedom to play the game in any way you want
While the game toned up the action, it still feels like a survival adventure, something that is kinda missing in 3 and CVX
You can list some issues but most of them are cherrypicking, for example, that we don't have an official definitive edition with all the content, modes and QoL in just one place. And that's one of the reasons I personally want a Resident Evil Legacy Collection with at least 1, 2 and 3

>> No.10295874

Music, story, graphics, game play, characters vas. Excellent game. Police Station is known by people that never touched the game.

>> No.10296001

Is PC+REbirth patch missing anything other than N64 version crap?

>> No.10296020
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In no small way, atmosphere, of which the OST is a substantial part.
And one of the most tense, blood-pumping themes of all:

>> No.10296917

japs love re2 because it had loli in it

>> No.10297589

The game was developed as being the last entry in the series which means they put every great idea they had into it.

>> No.10297613


>> No.10299383


Good music for every situation, good plot and great horror videogame atmosphere,

>> No.10299397
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>the Japanese version has a leniancy system: if the character's HP value is 50% or less of the max, damage dealt by enemies is reduced by 33%. In other words: if the character's status reads Caution or Danger, a zombie's bite deals 20 damage rather than 30. This mechanic is not present in the international versions in which a zombie's bite always deals 30 damage
Did nips beat the game?

>> No.10299398

>The Marshalling Yard
The best along with

>> No.10299401

Their version of RE1 was even worse. Mikami straight up admitted their team had difficulty beating the US version. Japanese people are really fucking bad at video games, that's the reason they mainly play turn-based RPGs and VNs

>> No.10299408
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>The international versions have an adjusted difficulty.
>Auto-aiming was disabled in the international versions.
>Enemies have more health and deal more damage
>The player is given three ink ribbons in the Japanese version with every pickup, but only two in the international versions

>Director's Cut
>Standard mode restores the original Japanese difficulty to the international versions (including Auto-Aim), otherwise all other regional differences still apply

Wait, I played DC knowing about the Auto Aim thing but I didn't know I was also playing the babby nip difficulty when it comes to the rest of the game too

>> No.10299410

Nostalgia goggles.

>> No.10299420

Nothing, it's proto-RE4. Massive step down from RE1

>> No.10299536

>Japanese people are really fucking bad at video games
and your sister is your mother. gtfo with your zoomer mentality

>> No.10299543
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He's right though. Aside from a few exceptions like Mega Man 2 and SMB3, games that have different difficulties between regions are usually easier in the Japanese version. The Japanese version of Castlevania 3 is much easier for example, and in the JP version of Contra Hard Corps, it takes three hits to die, while you die in one hit in the US version.
The only genres nips are good at are SHMUPs and fighting games

>> No.10299698

Boomer here. Playing RE2 in 1998 was the first game that really felt like a big summer blockbuster experience. Then Metal Gear Solid came along later that same year.

>> No.10299743
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>Tekken 3
>Baldur's Gate
Will we ever get another year like this?

>> No.10299775

Nothing really. Its a weaker game than Resident Evil 1. And capcoms realization that its far more profitable to cater to a lower IQ audience.

>> No.10299809

I love RE1 but how exactly is it "higher IQ than RE2"? I didn't find RE1 to be harder or more complex than RE2

>> No.10299816

RE2 is:
>not very interconnected
>way too many savepoints
>showers you in ammunition
>most of the "puzzles" consist of placing an object you just found onto the adjacent wall
If fans loved RE2 then no wonder they loved RE4 so much

>> No.10299818


>> No.10299820

the remake

>> No.10299839

Shut the fuck up obnoxious /v/tard moron. 'Zoomer mentality' tryhard fucking retard, your sister is your daughter because your father fucked you so hard you shat out shit with cum and it was still more beautiful than you. Choke on your mother's rotten clit

>> No.10299848
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>not very interconnected
I don't know what you mean, the general progression and map structure is very similar to RE1, which is something that people actually sometimes criticize
>way too many savepoints
Both the Mansion and the Police Station have 3 save points. Yes, there's more typewriters in total but if you look at speedrun times you'll see that RE2 is just a longer game
>showers you in ammunition
The enemy:ammo ratio is very similar. There's more ammo because there's more enemies in RE2 (according to Evil Resource, Jill has 61 zombies, while Claire has between 108-123 zombies depending on certain game conditions)
>most of the "puzzles" consist of placing an object you just found onto the adjacent wall
Also applies to RE1

>> No.10299871

Paul Haddad. RIP

>> No.10299891

>very similar to RE1
There's a left wing and an east wing, sure, but how many ways are there to cross from one to the other? Hell, how many ways are there to get around WITHIN each wing? It's definitely cut down from RE1
>Both the Mansion and the Police Station have 3 save points
What an astoundingly disingenuous argument. RE1 has 7 save points in all and RE2 has 12; furthermore, there is only one rational route to any given save point in RE2. Against my better judgement, I will continue to rebut your message.
>but if you look at speedrun times you'll see that RE2 is just a longer game
>The enemy:ammo ratio is very similar. There's more ammo because there's more enemies in RE2
Whom you can dodge all the same, it may even be easier to do so in RE2. Also unlike RE1, the majority of enemies in RE2 are simple walkers who are quickly dispatched. The result is very consequence-free shooting.
>Also applies to RE1
Nope. RE1 has the paintings, arithmetic, the Futharc, the lights to open the door, etc. What does RE2 have?

>> No.10299968
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>RE2 being a longer and bigger game than RE1 is irrelevant to it having a higher amount of total save points through the game

>> No.10299997

It was a giant leap in production values. Way better voice acting, more cutscenes, more detailed backgrounds, fmvs with actual scene direction, more detailed and gory enemies. It's a lot easier to take a step back now and look at the design of the game and recognize the ways in which it was debatably a step back from RE1, but at the time the jump in presentation was phenomenal.

A normal playthrough of either game is about the same length. RE2 is only longer because of more cutscenes.

>> No.10300008

>A normal playthrough of either game is about the same length.
Don't know what you guys are arguing about, different anon but if by playthrough you mean just one scenario and not A+B then RE1 is way longer

>> No.10300013

How many years before saying RE2 is shit on /vr/ becomes the norm so 4chan contrarians start saying it's good? Same with REmake

>> No.10300016

No one here says it's shit, there are just people who prefer RE1. Everyone agrees RE2 is a classic aside from some shitposting retards most of which haven't even played the game

>> No.10300025

>Don't know what you guys are arguing about, different anon but if by playthrough you mean just one scenario and not A+B then RE1 is way longer
Yeah you're probably right, kind of hard for me to judge since it's been a long time since I've played them in that way. But I've always noticed that once you leave the police station in RE2 it's basically a straight shot toward the end, whereas leaving the mansion in RE1 feels like the game is just getting started.

>> No.10300047

RE2 also doesn't feel longer because it's easy as fuck compared to RE1 (the longbox US version in particular). Every time I replay RE1 I'm always dreading the mansion revisit, I hate the hunters so much it's unreal. This tension from not wanting to game over makes RE1 feel pretty lenghty. RE2 is, yeah, pretty much a straight shot even before you leave the police station, ironically the streets before you arrive there have always been the hardest part of the game for me

>> No.10300134

Exploring decaying infrastructure with limited resources with tense music and memorable enemy encounters. Nothing gets it right the way 2 gets it. None of the modern throw back games get it right

>> No.10300141


>> No.10300143

Nope. You're getting multiplayer/open world survival crafting slop for years to come, before another gay fad replaces it.

>> No.10300156

You forgot Sonic Adventure

>> No.10300165

I forgot how much better true Leon is than all the imposters that came later. Even RE4 is becoming increasingly tainted in my eyes lately.

>> No.10300193

Problem is going from RE2 where Leon is borderline retarded to RE4 where he suplexes people and matrix dodges lasers

>> No.10300318

>resident evil 4 wasn't the first RE with adaptive difficulty

that's actually really cool

>> No.10300356

>The enemy:ammo ratio is very similar. There's more ammo because there's more enemies in RE2 (according to Evil Resource, Jill has 61 zombies, while Claire has between 108-123 zombies depending on certain game conditions)
Absolutely not. Going for Kill All in Resident Evil 2 is far easier than Resident Evil 1, where you will need to scrap every ammo available, use your knife accordingly to save resources and apply the most suited weapons depending on what enemy (or battle formation of enemies) you're fighting at the time.

>> No.10300405

Japs are only good at fighting games, and even then 99% of their good players at this point are in their 30s and 40s and most top players are americans or third worlders.
Japs are fucking awful at everything else and their games are constantly dumbed down because its an entire country that only plays jrpgs, mario, and puzzle games.
sorry about your weeb fantasies

>> No.10300413

>Every time I replay RE1 I'm always dreading the mansion revisit, I hate the hunters so much it's unreal.
Just use the magnum, that's what its there for. People act like you're supposed to finish the game with 25 magnum rounds in your inventory

>> No.10300428

The US version is closer to how the game was designed. Auto aim was something they hacked in at the very last minute after testers bitched about it. Monsters did the same amount of damage in the JP demo version as the later US release too. I wish they would have stuck with some of the other stuff in the pre release builds like ammo not stacking.

>> No.10300435

There's about 15 Hunters standing between you and the magnum.

>> No.10300478

Sorry dude, your didn't beat the gameitis is terminal.

>> No.10300651

>But I need them for the tyrant fights!
>*ends up with a shitton of extra ammo by the end*
Every fucking playthrough. Like with potions in JRPGs

>> No.10300667

>in the pre release builds
iirc there were also no interconnected item boxes like in REmake's Real Survival, fuck that shit. Would make the game a nightmare, the US version is already pretty challenging as it is, way harder than any mainline RE game except 0

>> No.10300675
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Ada got that treatment too. She went from acting like an actual spy in RE2 to James Bond with a vagina.

>> No.10300887

Fuck, I've just completed Director's Cut 2 weeks ago and now I have to do it all over again. Hope it won't take too long since I already know what to do and got good without auto-aim in RE2.

Fuck RA pussies for not having a specific set for the OG version. Sure it's less important than both Metroid for NES and Metroid Classic NES series for GBA.

>> No.10301129

I don't like it. It's too Japanese and actiony. RE1 could have passed for a great Western game, but RE2-RE0 were just nihon kuso

>> No.10301235

Speedrun tactics are irrelevant, besides sneedrunners don't even save

>> No.10301428

1998 hosted an insane amount of good releases. I don't think it'll ever be matched.

>> No.10301450

You don't play video games.

>> No.10301565

I don't know if I'd call it adaptive difficulty, but it basically just makes it a complete waste of herbs to heal if you're not at least on Danger.

>> No.10301570

I've seen some Japanese versions where Jill doesn't even need ink ribbons.

>> No.10301727
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>I've seen some Japanese versions where Jill doesn't even need ink ribbons.
Yep, in the MediaKite version which is used for Classic Rebirth. I remember another Anon saying you can unlock another mode or something in which you need them by beating the game but it still kinda sucks and it's why I prefer emulating RE1 instead of playing the Classic Rebirth version like with RE2 and RE3.

>> No.10301926

>It's too Japanese
I think new RE is exactly what you need, they are RE games for people who hate Japanese video games

>> No.10302538

Like I said, RE1 felt very Western. I just don’t like the games between 1 and 4 sans REmake.

>> No.10303349

>Whom you can dodge all the same, it may even be easier to do so in RE2
Definitely not. I played through OG RE1 and 2 recently for the first time and one thing I noticed right away going from 1 to 2 is how much more difficult it is to juke zombies, mainly because now they lunge at you.

I'd also argue zombie placements can be a bit more unforgiving in 2 and encourage you to actually use your ammo, whilst in RE1, due to the aforementioned interconnectedness you mention, I ended up just more often avoiding halls where there were enemies I hadn't dispatched yet and didn't want to burn resources on.
They're both solid games though. I personally prefer Resident Evil 2 because of the two scenarios, I would say RE1 was more tense however, at least in the beginning before I had a major surplus in ammo upon return to the mansion.

>> No.10303367
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So is every other post/thread on this absolutely worthless shithole always about some played out shit everyone and their grandmother has already discussed 100000 times?
Resident Evil, Final Fantasy, Ocarina of fucking Time, Tomb Raider, Crash Bandicoot...

This board really is full of children. Impossible to have any semblance of a quality discussion about retro games here, easily the worst vidya board after /v/.

>> No.10303395

u first shitter

>> No.10303432

>not very interconnected
you because you are simply trash at routing the game doesn't mean it's not very interconnected. The maps and campaigns were designed around it, that's why some areas are available exclusively for each character.

>If fans loved RE2 then no wonder they loved RE4 so much
holy fucking shit, I still hate RE4, fuck off

>> No.10303569

So what do YOU want to talk about, fag?

>> No.10303873

What about shmups?

>> No.10303923

>you because you are simply trash at routing
In RE2 there's only one rational route to any given location, unlike RE1.

>> No.10303941

>ammo stacking
That one sounds like it would be a massive PITA more than a challenge. I wouldn't mind a bit less ammo in general, but having to make more trips because you run out of inventory so often would be so annoying.

True, the first couple are really tough. Better have some shotgun ammo or good luck to avoid ones in corridors as best you can until you get the magnum.

>> No.10303947

Yeah RE4 is such a departure. I like it for what it is, but it's so far removed from the old RE games.
Even stuff like her costume, it went from being very unsuspecting civilian clothes in RE2 which makes sense because she's a spy, to running around in a fancy red cocktail dress in RE4 when she's meant to be going in unseen and remaining hidden.

>> No.10304910

Notice how he hasn't mentioned Sonic

>> No.10304915

1 and 2 are the GOATs

>> No.10304928

probably not, but besides 1998 what others years are considered some of the greatest for video games?

>> No.10304930

97, 01, 04, 07

>> No.10304931
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>> No.10305794

In no particular order:

- The A/B scenarios
- The story
- Two main villain/monsters
- Improved gameplay
- Improved backgrounds
- Short but sweet
- Iconic music
- Great cast of characters
- Lickers
- Great level design

The game has very few flaws like all true masterpieces.

>> No.10306341

things up until the sewers are slow & repetitive with retracking and the lab ends too quick just when it got cooler

>> No.10306375

I think the time period had something to do with the horror aspect. In the 1990's, there were no cellphones capable of being digital cameras as well, and no YouTube to upload videos to. The Raccoon City Incident and Coverup couldn't happen today, there'd be way too many witnesses and ways for information on the pandemic to leak out. The coverup of such horror was added terror.

>> No.10306482

>you don't play bad video games

>> No.10306551

The boobs physic and the flopping penis mechanism

>> No.10307353

this + it really felt like a cheap cheesey b-movie from the 90s.

>> No.10307360
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Is the N64 version worth playing if you played the playstation version before?

>> No.10309015

Atmosphere is the main thing, plus I enjoy 90s survival horror jank a fair bit

>> No.10309060
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>> No.10309064

Solid gameplay and impeccable pacing.

>> No.10309079
File: 421 KB, 1326x2260, RE2 version differences.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has some unique costumes and features here and there, but it's only worth it if you're a big fan of RE2 and wanna see what it's like

>> No.10309692

Resident evil 2 and 3 never feel empty. Atmosphere and pacing are top notch.

>> No.10309987

NTA, but nice guide. Do you have something like that for RE1 and RE3?

>> No.10309990
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I got one for RE1 saved, but I don't have one for RE3

>> No.10310013
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I used to think that version was not censored.

>> No.10310024
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Thanks a lot, anon.

Meanwhile my item box turned into a fucking slot machine, it constantly spins without any input. Did someone ever get this bug? Spent like 10 minutes catching all my stuff.

>> No.10310030

Sorry, missclicked. >>10310024

>> No.10310040

to my knowledge, the only versions with the uncensored intro and FMVs is the 1997 director's cut, but only in either france or germany.

>> No.10310760

>The story
Major flaw in this one. Does not live up to the first game!

>> No.10312103

The atmosphere is the main draw and the weird Japanese charm takes it over the top. There's also something special about inventory management as it makes the survival portion of survival horror more immersive.

>> No.10314919
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thanks for the info anon :)