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File: 2.60 MB, 1406x2367, 1678238407427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10297256 No.10297256 [Reply] [Original]

This is a really great port. Certainly better than N64 downgrade of RE2.
But there is one thing that bothers me. Wikipedia says "The game's backgrounds were touched up to include more detail in this version." I've played it side by side with PS1 original and I see no difference in quality.

>> No.10297258

The n64 port is NOT a downgrade

>> No.10297261

>Wikipedia says
not exactly a reliable source. could be made up by some segatard or by sega or by the devs (we included a new lamp model so now we can sell it like an improved version).

>> No.10297278

>worse graphics
>fmvs are horribly compressed and some are missing entirely
>no hard mode
>the one exclusive thing it has is randomizer mode and that doesn't even switch up the keys and important items, just turns ammo into blue herbs

literally not a single reason to play the n64 version

>> No.10297290

>worse graphics
Not if you use the memory expansion pack

>> No.10297291

Even if you use the mempack, it still switches resolution depending on the amount of enemies. Making it extra jarring.

Its a shit port. Its a technological marvel that they managed to cram it on the nintendo cartridge, but that doesn't make it any less shit of a port and version to play.

>> No.10297296

It was notable for introducing a randomizer even if it only affects ammo and health items. Made obsolete by mods and romhacks today but back then it was pretty cool.

>> No.10297297

>could be made up by some segatard
Many such cases, I like the aesthetic of many Saturn games but holy shit the level of cope Segatards have about its inferior hardware is absurd.

>> No.10297298

>Its a technological marvel that they managed to cram it on the nintendo cartridge
so is packing all your shit when you catch a flight overseas. I don't get why this is brought up when the final product is 100% trash.

>> No.10297306

>I don't get why this is brought up when the final product is 100% trash.

Because they crammed a two disc (even though it could've technically been a single disc, but nonetheless) onto a 64mb cartridge. All while having to scrounge and write proprietary tools to do such.

Its a shit port by all objective measure but if you were a kid who didn't have a playstation, it was playable and didn't look any worse compared to other game on the system.

>> No.10297316

I don't think they were "touched up", I think they were re-done from the source and thus the colours and compression artifacts aren't as bad as in the other versions.

With that said, the differences are minimal, and before that guy osts a picture to show "it's literally the same", it varies from room to room too, some are more obvious than others.

>> No.10297317

>inferior hardware
The tyranny of stupidity. The post.

>> No.10297318

Gamecube ports of RE2 and 3 are the definitive versions

>> No.10297325

Gamecube lacks the hard mode for RE2 and high-res FMVs for both games compared to sourcenext pc version.

Especially if you use the classic rebirth patch for PC, it adds quick-turn for RE2, real-time reload a la RE4, compatibility fixes with modern systems etc. Its the best way to be played today. You can also opt if you want ot use the Ai upscaled backgrounds, although there is a mod for gamecube emulation as well for that

>> No.10297352

Keep seething, segatard.

>> No.10297372
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>> No.10297373
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>> No.10297375
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>> No.10297376
File: 151 KB, 320x240, Resicomp4.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10297387

Have they forgot to turn anti aliasing whrn they rendered the Saturn version background in this one?

>> No.10297395

if i have to judge by the webm just posted ps1 version looks a lot better.

>> No.10297397
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>> No.10297403

How much is your "a lot"?

>> No.10297410

i wont call the saturn bad, but the lighting and shadows are a lot worse. just my opinion.

>> No.10297420

there IS no lighting or (real) shadows on the Shiturn version

>> No.10297429

We're talking about the backgrounds here.

>> No.10297440
File: 2.11 MB, 375x375, bhc645.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wasn't talking to you

>> No.10297445

Nobody asked.

>> No.10297452

no need! :)

>> No.10297460

Saturn versions backgrounds are better compressed. There are less compression artifacts and less banding compared to psx. It's hard to see unless side by side

>> No.10297462

Could you post some examples?

>> No.10297469

Are there any saturn games with good looking water?

>> No.10297472


>> No.10297483
File: 1.31 MB, 2560x1107, compare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the same poster but the mansion main hall is a good example. Look at the areas around the lights on the second floor and you can see more compression artifacts on the PS1 background (left side) compared to Saturn (right side).

>> No.10297494
File: 163 KB, 960x720, PS1 RESI (Beta).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That picture makes it difficult to compare since both images are very compressed. For some reason one of the bestselling PS1 games does not have its backgrounds readily available online to peruse, but this is a screenshot from the PS1 Beta game. Might have changed by the time of the final release, but it doesn't seem to exhibit any worse banding than the Saturn compressed Saturn jpeg you provided. Conversely, the webms posted earlier show more banding on Saturn

>> No.10297707

>Gamecube lacks the hard mode for RE2
RE2's "hard mode" is shit. Literally just enemy HP x4.

>> No.10297714

Why did they remodel that computer?

>> No.10297720

i played the n64 version of re2 and it was fine

>> No.10297743

>Literally just enemy HP x4.

false and filtered

>> No.10297749

That is literally the only change.

>> No.10297795

Yeah, fine is about how I’d put it too. It was the first way I played RE2 but I have no interest in going back to it.

>> No.10297809

Port? The saturn version was the original one, no?

>> No.10297813


>> No.10297835

N64 is a downgrade from PS1 and SS.

>> No.10297885

No. Are you new to video games?

>> No.10297951

Better question is why did they smash the tubes in the Saturn version

>> No.10297952

That's where them Hunter dudes were being stored innit

>> No.10297979

The Sourcenext PC versions are.
>Full size FMVs
>Full 480p
>Skippable doors
>All Six Difficulties
>EX Battle included
>includes character art viewer
>all the other exclusive shit can just be modded in

>> No.10297997

Saturn isn't good with transparency.

>> No.10298002

Yet even the only other home console that bases its graphics on quads, the 3DO, could still do it.

>> No.10298164

Saturn is a bad console with no redeeming qualities and bad games. Literally no reason to play a saturn

>> No.10298175
File: 156 KB, 120x140, 754.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Saturn can't even do transparencies on prerendered backgrounds

>> No.10298179

...but enough about the Nintendo 64.

>> No.10298723

t. Someone who clearly never owned or played on a Saturn.

>> No.10298797
File: 909 KB, 2012x2048, 1686425846795129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wikipedia says
the romanian nuclear scientist/intelligence officer of wikipedia retro game made up facts has made another victim

>> No.10298803


>> No.10298818

Late saturn games can do transperancy.

>> No.10298819
File: 659 KB, 2400x1080, Screenshot_2023-10-05-04-12-38-86_f9ee0578fe1cc94de7482bd41accb329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Judging by the webms and this video, PS version has better 3D models and transparent stuff (such as water), and the Saturn port - slightly refined backgrounds.

Since background differences are barely noticeable during gameplay, PS1 version looks overall better. But Sega port is worth it if you are replaying the game anyways, just for the minor differences and exclusive content.

>> No.10298894

>slightly refined backgrounds
It's the same thing with less colors on that image

>> No.10298906
File: 352 KB, 832x418, mfw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10298916

It's using sprites, so what? The N64 does the same thing with faces.

>> No.10298927
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>> No.10298935
File: 72 KB, 850x536, clownfart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same, defensive, zero self-awareness segatard

>> No.10298942
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>> No.10299302 [DELETED] 
File: 36 KB, 537x528, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>peecee port this
>peecee port that
Can you nigger faggots shut the fuck up once and for all? only a tranny would play resi on a peecee of all things

>> No.10299305 [DELETED] 

Easy there, we have people here who played it on N64 of all things

>> No.10301137

While on the topic, what's up with the difficulty of the port? Is it like the original US release or like JP/Director's Cut? Is there auto-aim, 3 ink ribbons, more healthy enemies?

>> No.10301454

>bad res
>shitty midi music
every n64 game is a downgrade

>> No.10301458

>I think they were re-done from the source
This is what they did. It's why some camera angles are ever so slightly off and some backgrounds are a little different like the ARMS sign next to the door in the Guardhouse basement.

>> No.10301462

>inferior hardware
call me a segatard but I have to call you an uninformed retard who shouldn't be allowed on vr

>> No.10301464

>he doesn't know

>> No.10301760

Based. I'm tired of N64tards trying to rewrite history and pretend the console was even relevant. It was a shit console with 2-3 good games that kids were forced to pretend were the greatest games of all time because their parents didn't love them enough to buy them a PS1.

>> No.10301769
File: 156 KB, 1062x402, Screenshot 2023-10-06 at 00-55-42 Resident Evil (Sega Saturn) - The Cutting Room Floor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's usual Saturn cope. There's a few differences here and there (they had to break the tubes in the lab because the Shitturn can only do transparency in very specific conditions) but it generally looks the same. The only real graphical upgrade was the fully textured crows.

>> No.10301790

I'd actually like to see every single difference in hard mode but it doesn't seem to be well documented for some reason. I know that in hard mode you also have a random chance to instakill a zombie with every handgun shot.

>> No.10301793

Your character walks behind the tubes. Yes, they're prerendered images but it still has to do transparency in real time with your character walking behind them

>> No.10301954

If I've never played RE1 before, is this version worth playing first? Or should I just play one of the PS1 versions?
The modded PC version is probably the best option, but I'd prefer playing it on my CRT and receiver.

>> No.10301961

If you've literally never played it before, there's two versions you should choose between:
>PS1 original US release
The hardest and doesn't even have autoaim. A lot of RE1 ultra purists will tell you to play this one because it's harder
>PS1 NON-dualshock Director's Cut (I repeat NON-dualshock)
New advanced/arrange mode you can play (standard is still available) with different camera angles, item placements, etc
Game difficulty is easier (JP difficulty back in the US release) including auto-aim
Dualshock is the one with the meme soundtrack, again, normal, NON-dualshock Director's cut is what you want

>> No.10301964

It's impressive but it is a downgrade and no more content does not equal better game. Fucking tired of this cope you faggots and the Saturn SotN apologists pull this every god damn time.

>> No.10301972
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>the Saturn SotN apologists
But anon, didn't you read the devs' notes hidden in the CD? They tried hard...

>> No.10302181 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 3.05 MB, 350x196, chris-redfield.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Saturn port is the canon version of the game. PS1 Chris Redfield looks like a twink compared to the roided as fuck Chris that us Saturnchads got.

The Chris on the right sucks dicks in the men's bathroom in the Olive Garden, the Chris on the right punches boulders to death with his bare fucking hands.

>> No.10302184 [SPOILER] 
File: 3.05 MB, 350x196, chris-redfield.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Saturn port is the canon version of the game. PS1 Chris Redfield looks like a twink compared to the roided as fuck Chris that us Saturnchads got.

The Chris on the left sucks dicks in the men's bathroom in the Olive Garden, the Chris on the right punches boulders to death with his bare fucking hands.

>> No.10302207

Cope. Me and my friends had a blast staying up late playing goldeneye mario kart and smash bros

>> No.10302346

that doesn't change the fact that those games you mentioned look, sound and run like shit
also larping isn't an argument

>> No.10302348

its better, cope

>> No.10302349


>> No.10302359

It isn’t 100 percent trash though. It’s the full fat game. I had RE2 N64 back in the day and it was awesome, it was my first resident evil.

>> No.10302378

PS1 version's music was also midi. The N64 version actually has higher quality instrument samples than the PS1 version! But SFX and voices sound a lot worse on N64 so it's not a good trade-off.

>> No.10302391

I love the N64 for the few great games it has and I love its unique bizarre rendering pipeline. But engineering-wise it might be the worst of the 5th gen consoles. Very small amount of memory constrained to a slow bus, no dedicated sound processor (sound had to be processed on the CPU!), and other bad choices I've forgotten. The N64 felt like it was constantly struggling to run games made specifically for it.

>> No.10302393

Blatant console war thread, shame on you /vr/

>> No.10302395

yeah this port is awesome. it's the one I grew up with. I still have my copy. sometimes I take it out of storage and hold up, give it a little kiss.

>> No.10302405

The OST was originally made with MIDI written by the composer based on what he played with a Roland synth that accepted MIDI. He composed and sent the data to the audio crew for Capcom, where they had the same Roland synth with the patches (instruments) set up in the same order so that the midi data would play the right instruments, then they mixed it and converted the data from the Roland synth into the game.
(The patch order of the composer and audio crew not being perfectly synched is what led to the wrong instrument being used for the basement theme in RE1)
The synth can either output the base sample file, which is very small, or can run it through engines like reverb, chorus, eq, etc which produces a larger file. I am not an expert on how they did the N64 BGM but I am guessing he means they used the base sample and not the fully produced sound of the patch.

>> No.10302450

Factor 5 lent their excellent N64 sound driver MusyX for the RE2 N64 port. To my ears the results are indistinguishable (again, just for the music. SFX and voice quality are clearly worse)

>> No.10302458

Sounds fine from skimming, but it's Youtube, I would want to hear the real thing for a comparison, although yeah, first impression is that the music sounds alright.

>> No.10302497

Console wars are still fascinating to me. I love reading about all the weird trade-offs, port peculiarities, and design oversights that caused consoles to perform worse than intended.

>> No.10302593
File: 34 KB, 713x611, 165806657483931.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Giga faggot

>> No.10302602

>frog poster
not him but you're the biggest faggot here

>> No.10302649

the frog is right

>> No.10302662

>someone makes a comment about which pixelated character is more attractive and who offers oral sex in a yard
>frog points out the homosexuality of said comentaryi omitting the obviously madness about a person who is interested in the attractiveness and sexual activity of a pixelated character
>the frog is somehow called homosexual for some reason
> the current state of the world

>> No.10302665

frog is still gay

>> No.10302750

You forgot...