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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1028982 No.1028982 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Games that make you feel like you're on an adventure.

>> No.1028990

Aren't you going to start, OP?

>> No.1029020



>> No.1029024

Grandia and Skies of Arcadia made me feel that way.
I should probably replay Grandia one of these days, it's been years.

>> No.1029032

How is Grandia? I've never played it.

Loved Skies though.

>> No.1029068

The Taloon chapter of DQIV. It starts with an easily relatable premise: getting up and going to work. Work is boring, go home, go to sleep, get up, do it again the next day.

Then one day you just say fuck it, walk in and tell your boss "nope, I'm here as a customer today," buy that Sword of Malice some guy sold you the day before and skip town.

I also like to sell the lunch my wife made me at the item shop before I go, just because.

>> No.1029072


sounds nice

>> No.1029131

Grandia has one of the best battle systems of any PS1/Saturn RPG and looks gorgeous. The story is pretty generic and has a lot of clichés in, but the characters are very believable and don't just have stock reactions to situations, which goes a long way to making up for that. It starts a little slow and the English voice acting is all over the place, but overall it's one of my favourite 32-bit RPGs, definitely give it a go if you haven't yet.

>> No.1029162

>not eating your packed love-lunch every day

You're a shitty husband.

>> No.1029180

legend of dragoon

>> No.1029195

Haha. The game's kind of designed for you to be a shitty husband, though. When you decide to leave for your adventure you don't tell your wife, and you never have to go home again. In the pokemon games they gave you incentive to visit home every so often, in earthbound it benefits you to keep in touch with dad, but in this game Taloon just takes off one day and never looks back.

>> No.1029202

Grandia's story isn't super original but it has so much charm it comes off as archetypical rather than stereotypical.

>> No.1029213


anon, i n-never returned home in pokemon...

i feel so bad now ;_;

u saying mommy was waiting for me the whole time with presents?

holy shit i need to go cry

>> No.1029223

Except if you take stuff back to Neta you get tons of money. She sells stuff for like 70-something percent HIGHER than the list price.

>> No.1029226

Shining Force I

>> No.1029230

Ultima 7

Except I know it inside and out so it's not very adventure-y anymore. We all have a game we wish we could play for the first time again, right?

>> No.1029229

I leave this here.


Also, I definitely felt like all the Zelda games were adventure as hell. Also Secret of Mana.

>> No.1029243

Final Fantasy Legend 1 and 2 really got the adventure feeling down. Every world you traveled to was so different, and you were constantly moving between them. You were always in foreign territory, always in a new land.

FFL3 didn't really feel the same, to me. It was pretty much the same world all throughout the game, just at different time periods.

>> No.1029262
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It's really the music in this game that makes it so personal.


>> No.1029296

I'm at a crossroads, /vr/

I want to finish an rpg from my childhood that I never finished

But i can't decide between
Legend of Dragoon

Which one is the right choice?

>> No.1029312

All of them.

>> No.1029991

FF9 for an adventure. FF8 for a slight different combat system. Legend of Dragoon for...graphics? I guess that doesn't matter at this point.

>> No.1030006
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Although I've beaten it on SNES and DS a dozen times, I wish the Final Fantasy Chronicles version was emulated properly.

>> No.1030860

Personally, the only Final Fantasy that really felt like going on an adventure to me was Mystic Quest,
because it's the first rpg I've played.
The actual Final Fantasys were kinda similar so I never got the adventure feel as much as in MQ.

Most Zelda and Pokemon titles felt adventurous as well.

Also on the non-retro front Morrowind, which I didn't enjoy at first, but then learned to love when I played it again years later and concentrated on the main quest and lore.

Shadow of the Colossus probably had the best adventure atmosphere I ever experienced.

Superbrothers Sword & Sworcery also feels like a neat little adventure.
I really liked that one but some may find it too whymsical.

Curiously I could never get into what appear to be the most obvious suggestions
namely Baldur's Gate 1 and 2 and Daggerfall.

>> No.1031156
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>Pokemon titles felt adventurous as well.

>> No.1031179

I'm actually okay with the "new and exciting" feeling for games leaving me eventually because it means I'm getting good at them, so I feel accomplished. I go through two stages with any given game:

>Bright and adventurous, but pretty ignorant to how anything works, and I'm not and any good because I don't know anything
>Nothing is new to me anymore and I'm and hard to surprise, but I know the ins-and-outs and am a veteran player who can play well

>> No.1031187
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Honestly, this little mini-game from Kirby's Superstar felt like a genuine adventure to me. Tons of secrets, treasure hunting, classic cave, ruins, underground rivers, lush forests, and mystical castles. It was a bit childish, but I thought it was the best 1 hour adventure I ever went on (and hands down the best minigame on Superstar).

>> No.1031189

LBA 2.

>> No.1031196
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>> No.1031832


Play Station is pre-2000 faggot

>> No.1031842

Zelda : The Wind Waker.
Everything felt so real and exciting when I first played it.

>> No.1031860


i'm referring not to the game but to the shitposting and his wrong opinion

thanks for playing, space cowboy

>> No.1031862

Illusion of Gaia

Part of the appeal for me when I was a kid was that you were going to REAL places.

>> No.1031863

Agreed. I still have the Nascza Lines and Angkor Wat on my bucket list, solely because of that excellent game.

>> No.1031890


I think OP knew that, Captain.

>> No.1031893



>> No.1032394

bRaVe feNcEr MuSaShiDeN

>> No.1032743

Skies of Arcadia
Terranigma, Illusion of Gaia (both take place on Earth so that helps a lot)
Romancing Saga 3

>> No.1032745

I forgot to mention >>1029262. SoE had such an amazing soundtrack. Atmospheric and just perfect. It's a shame that the game was so short, it could have done with another world but that makes sense since I've been told that one extra world was scrapped.

But really, a world based on the MC would have been great.

>> No.1032895


Under the Southern Cross anything is possible!

>> No.1035653

SoE is such an underrated, AMAZING game.
Like it so much more than SoM. I couldn't believe that people hate SoE solely because they think that it's the reason SoM2 wasn't released in US.

>> No.1035686

the golden sun games are great at this

>> No.1035708

Actually, Tales of Eternia (Tales of Destiny II) made me feel like that. Two worlds, EPIC (and cheese-ham to the MAX) story, a shit-ton of sidequests... Kept playing it for a few weeks even after finishing everything, just because I couldn't bellieve it was all over. Replayed it a few months ago, the feeling is still the same.

>> No.1035878
File: 64 KB, 800x600, Earthbound__Winters_by_EiffelArt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right around the time I get to Fourside is when Earthbound really kicks in for me. Right about that time is when I really look back and think, "I've come a long way."

But even before that, I've rarely had a game give that feeling of wistful abandonment that I get when leaving the first four towns. The way your actions change things, and the people who see you off. It always made me feel a strange combo of adventure and sadness.

I feel like it's the game that defines the feeling of "Road Trip".

>> No.1035907

Legend of Zelda

>> No.1035916

Zelda games aren't an adventure, they're an obligation. You're the chosen one, you don't get a say in it.

>> No.1035919


>> No.1035923

Link never does anything of his own accord, ancient prophecies force him to do it. I bet he hates his job, it probably doesn't even have a decent pension.

>> No.1035924

FF8 isn't an adventure, either.

>> No.1035928
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>> No.1035941

Now we're in retard country again.

>> No.1035949

Ah, I just finished Eternia and was going to post that.

>> No.1035987

Quest for Glory.

>> No.1035994

yeah yeah yeah

>> No.1035997

pong made me feel like adventure

>> No.1036007

Not retro but Tales of Symphonia fucking perfectly captures that. As does Bomberman Tournament (IE Zeldamon)

>> No.1036008

I'm just making this up as I go, is hating Link's prophesy status a thing?

>> No.1036016

Majora's Mask

>> No.1036128


>> No.1036143

Phantasy Star.

>> No.1036148

He isn't forced to help all those people, but doing the sidequests in the game are technically required to "beat" the game.

>> No.1036237

>He isn't forced to help all those people

Yes he is.

>> No.1036250

I actually agree with this. Link basically does whatever anybody tells him to do.

Ocarina is the best example of this.
>Navi tells him to see the Deku Tree
>Deku Tree tells him to see the Princess
>Princess tells him to collect the stones
>Princess tells him to go to the Temple of Time
>Rauru tells him to get some medallions

I'm oversimplifying, but Link being unable to talk or refuse anything really makes him seem like he has no agency.

>> No.1036370
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Felt like I was on an adventure with an amnesiac.

>> No.1038925
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Legend of Mana always feels like a really awesome adventure. That game will always have a special place in my heart.

>> No.1040247
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>> No.1040252


>tfw home and cozy and telling lil cactus about your grand adventures

>> No.1040262


Do you guys have any tips for progressing at a steady pace in this game?

>> No.1040329
File: 185 KB, 626x475, grandia-justin1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you say adventure, it could only be...

>> No.1041754

The only game I have played so far that made it feel like I was on a true adventure was the remake of the SNES game Romancing SaGa.

>> No.1042492

Grandia 1 and 2 were so good.

mah nigga

>> No.1042516
File: 53 KB, 437x309, Terranigma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know if there is a a complete translation of Romancing Saga 3?

Also, Terranigma and Illusion of Gaia, bitches.

>> No.1042597

All Dragon Quest games and Breath of Fire games. Dragon Quest V felt so cool doing everything in a persons life and seeing it all sink in thru a 50 hour playthru. same with seeing Ryu grow up in BoFIII.

Non retro games include DQVIII and Wind Waker.

>> No.1044289
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This, can't believe how sparse mention of this one is around here.

>> No.1044343

Zelda games are usually structured after the Hero's Journey
which is pretty much the definition of adventure.

It doesn't matter if the protagonist acts on his own accord or on someone else's behalf.

>> No.1044416

the heroes journey is a literary structure

zelda is structured as a video game. 98% of what you will be doing involves fighting, avoiding dangers, puzzles, or exploring the other 2% is literary

>> No.1044436
File: 114 KB, 1000x1005, PHILLIPS, J_Heroes journey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you talking about?
The game has a story and that story is structured like the hero's journey.

You have the call to adventure which is often combined with the supernatural aid and the treshold guardian:
The old man, a foreshadowing dream, the fairy, the deku tree, the uncle etc ...

You cross the treshold when you enter the first dungeon.

On your way you encounter several characters that act as helpers or mentors:
The owl, the fairy, the great fairies, princess Zelda, the sages, the wise old man, the shopkeepers etc.

The challenges are dungeons and temples.

The abyss part isn't always there but the time travel in Zelda 64 could be considered a death and rebirth.

It definitely counts as transformation as does the moment you aquire the master sword (or othe iterations of "the magic sword").
The games vary a little in that regard.

The atonement is the moment you defeat the final boss which is usually Ganon or variations of him like Ganondorf.

The return is pretty much self-explanatory.
Sometimes it is coupled with the gift of the goddess: return to the past so you can experience your childhood, leaving the dreamworld etc and of course having saved the land and it's inhabitants.

>> No.1044445

Every game that has a story follows some kind of literary structure.
Even if it's just beginning, middle part and ending.

Super Mario for example:
Beginning: Bowser kidnapped the princess
Middle part: Fight Bowser and his minions
Ending: Defeat Bowser and save the princess

It doesn't matter that the middle part is 99% of the game.

>> No.1044472

That's a stretch dude, considering the Hero's Journey is a character arc and in most Zelda games Link barely has a character to speak of.

Yeah the bare bones are there because they will be for almost any game that involves a quest and a big world, but it doesn't really describe their structure.

>> No.1044501

It's a template for a character arc.
Gilgamesh, Osiris, Ulysses, Jesus, Beowulf, Siegfried ...

It's less about storytelling than it is an observation.

A story about a heroic character will pretty much uncontiously fall into these patterns.
Be it myth, fairly tale, fantasy novel or video game.

>> No.1044504

Link doesn't need much character to fit the pattern of a generic structure.

>> No.1046885
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I've given it some thought since I saw your post, but honestly I suck at giving advice. If you want more structure instead of just running around randomly I'd just follow Nemesis' guide on gamefaqs. It doesn't matter when you do quests, so you don't have to worry about screwing anything up. There are three major story arcs, but you only have to do one and you can do them in any order.

Try to work on your abilities so you can get cool ones like Evade and your various weapon techs. I wouldn't worry too much about the map artifact placement. That kinda stuff only effects certain things you shouldn't even worry about on a first playthrough.

That's all I can really think of. If you want any advice on specific stuff just make another post. I hope you have fun with LoM.