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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10289314 No.10289314 [Reply] [Original]

>pay $250 for a IIGS
>GS Ram card in it is worth more than the computer itself
Should I play Thexder first or try out that Rastan port since I already know what Silpheed is like, and how the fuck did it never get Simcity? Also Apple II thread, europeans begone

>> No.10289695

apple 2gs is an excellent machine. great audio and video hardware. i remember it was very expensive.

>> No.10289739
File: 105 KB, 1100x1100, apple 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is an Apple III thread now

>> No.10290050

SimCity was in development iirc, but the IIgs was on life support and it got canned.

>> No.10290167

Was there even any software for this piece of shit? Could it run Apple II software?

>> No.10290183

Yes, and yeah that was kind of the whole idea. It let schools upgrade while retaining compatibility with the billions of Apple II edusoftware they had already invested in. The IIgs had really impressive sound hardware, but the machine is really gimped without an accelerator.

>> No.10290201

You should take the GOAT based C64 pill.

>> No.10290239

Goddamn, I’d forgotten what an ugly unit the Apple III was. My school’s computer lab had an Apple III Plus in the back of the room. I only ever saw older kids use it, and it seemed incomprehensible to a kid like me who’d only ever used a GUI to that point. It also had a couple of what were likely the last-produced Apple II models, Macintosh Plus models, and a few Centris/Quadras, which were the latest models back then. Hard to believe now…

>> No.10290241


>> No.10290981

The original inspiration for the PS3, asstastic hardware engineering and nogaems

>> No.10291090

Drastically undercooled as well, good comparison.

>> No.10291417

Interesting system to tool around on. I never had one but it kind of reminds me of 80s PC where your family probably had one for reasons and you had all the fun you could with the games available despite the technical quirks.

>> No.10292782

With the source to the main game being out for ages you'd figure there would be a port of it for II or IIGS by now, it's not like they're too weak if even a shit calculator like the Spectrum can handle some version of it

>> No.10292890
File: 191 KB, 1170x1691, IMG_3441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>indoor flea market
>stack of old computers, apple 2 monitor on top sandwiching an apple 2e, floppy drives, 2GS and Amiga 500 under it
>ask lady how much for the stuff, says she isnt selling it yet despite her having it out in the piles of junk she has for sale, says she has more ar home she wants to sell with it
>ask if i can buy the Amiga since its not even apple. She reluctantly says fine. Its beat to hell, but get it for 25. Neat.
>go back half a year later, stack still there. Ask if i can buy stuff from it. Gives me same excuse, more stuff at home she wants to sell with. Gets mad when i ask if i can buy just some of it and offer her 100 for the untested, filthy GS. Says she will call me when its ready to be sold.
>go back a year later from first encounter, same exact load about more at home, not ready to sell yet, will call me when she does.
>go back a year and a half later from original point, pile is gone. Ask her if she moved the stuff finally out of the for sale section.
>lol i sold it


>> No.10292990

>>>10289314 (OP)
>apple 2gs is an excellent machine. great audio and video hardware. i remember it was very expensive.

I have only ever seen these machines in my old grade school and early highschool. But I always thought the IIGS was a pretty cool Apple PC, back in the day. . Apple II users were resilient in moving over to Steve Jobs baby; the Macintosh and were generally pretty content with sticking to the Apple II. People were using Apple II's all the way up into the 90's. The GS was Apple attempt to be a 16bit upgrade path for those who were still clinging onto their old 8bit Apple II's. The Apple IIGS shares the same CPU as the SNES and there are some SNES development kits designed to work with AppleIIGS's. The GS did have a pretty weak 16bit CPU when it came to clockspeed. But the machine seemed like it could turn out some nice higher colour graphics. The audio capabilities in the IIGS were pretty underrated too. The machine has 32 dedicated audio channels.


>> No.10293084

I seem to recall burger becky saying she had WIP builds of it but I could be losing my mind as well.

>> No.10293446

I remember reading an interview with Woz about the IIGS. he said something to the effect of "originally it was going to be 10MHz, then 6MHz, and finally it was 2.8Mhz, which is a pretty good compromise."

wtf? how is that a compromise?

Anyone ever remedy the problem with Trasnwarps? I have one that's dead and I think it had something to do with en EPROM that tends to go bad.

>> No.10293465

Woz didn't have any real power, he was just a really good engineer. The Mac was undeniably the future of the company one way or the other. The Apple II greybeards I chat with all basically refuse to use IIgses without accelerators. That said, if you just want to run Apple II software (and Apple II Desktop is a hell of a GUI) they IIgs is one of the cheaper machines now, weirdly.

>> No.10293612

>The Mac was undeniably the future of the company one way or the other
And yet the IIGS offered people a color GUI desktop and digital sampled sound for far less than paying for a Macintosh II, Apple fucked up bad by not steamrolling the Amiga's place in the US by stalling out with the IIx project and only throwing the IIGS back together once they realized the giant market gap forming between that and the ST

>> No.10293630

The macfags didn't want it to be competitive.

>> No.10293673

I have three of these, including the one I got as a kid, which still works great. I've modded one with a CFFA.

Absolutely based computer and now it has a TCP stack.

>> No.10294169
File: 423 KB, 849x523, Sim-City_GS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>If I can permission from electronic arts, I’ll release it

>> No.10294174

First Roguelike I ever played was Tower Of Myraglen, for the IIgs. Unlike the other games of that time, of the day, it had sound, color graphics, and all kinds of other goodies. I never beat it.

>> No.10294230

>muh permissions
Someone please show these people how to use sites like anonfiles already

>> No.10294357

>you're the developer of the actual game which wasn't released because your company didn't want to or whatever
>you don't have permission to upload it
>j-just do it anyway ;-) it's not like they could possibly figure out the one person who has the code was the culprit!
Yeah imagine not torching your career to satisfy some people with a game that you didn't even finish.

OTOH the Brutal Deluxe people have been releasing old games and software like crazy, payware too, lots of it. Developer tools, all kinds of stuff. Apple IIgs tracker even. So it's not really worth it to mope about this.

>> No.10294707

Knew I wasn't crazy, thanks anon

>> No.10294850

>The GS did have a pretty weak 16bit CPU when it came to clockspeed
apparently the original development versions ended up performing better than their 68000 macs due to the mac's retarded way of drawing the screen. then it was demanded that the clock speed was reduced on the 65816 for the final release, so it wouldn't compete with the mac.
>the machine has 32 dedicated audio channels.
yeah. it incorporates some early ideas bob yanes/ensoniq wanted to use for the SID. he imagined the SID in 1982 or earlier to have this many voices but couldn't do it due to time/chip restraints.

>> No.10295098

People shit on Steve Jobs for this but it was the correct decision. Having too many products that compete with each other almost killed Apple in the 90's and it was obvious that IIGS was not the company's future.

>> No.10295521

Jobs was at Next when the IIGS was not only made but ended though, hell his firing probably was part of what delayed it a year over when it was meant to launch

>> No.10295575

>People shit on Steve Jobs for this but it was the correct decision
watching the 1997 wwdc keynote, you can see this on display. Half the audience is into it, thinking they finally have a direction after a decade of floundering. The other half is clearly pissed because Jobs is announcing how their pet projects are being killed off.

>Having too many products that compete with each other almost killed Apple in the 90's
Yep. It was an absolute boomer decision to license those clone machines back then. They sucked, too—one of my friends had one for about a year until his dad trashed it for having parts die all the time. Really makes you think when you juxtapose those awful decisions against the well-pedigreed resumes of the people making them.

>> No.10295593

The videos about the quad core clone that was made just as a Photoshop machine are hilarious since they chose to put them all on a card with a large heatsink and no real vertical edge support

>> No.10295613

How likely are battery leaks in the IIGS? I know they're not the typical Barrel Battery but still how much of a problem is it?

>> No.10295623

>The Mac was undeniably the future of the company
Because of that scumbag Jobs. The Mac was an absolute piece of shit.

>> No.10295665

The lead ones do leak but from what I've seen it's both less common and less damaging since it's right near the board edge and lead acid takes longer to seep out

>> No.10295675

>The lead ones do
How do you tell apart the ones that do and the ones that are less likely to?

>> No.10295730

I've been reading various microcomputer magazines and this are really fun sounding machines. I'd be happy with an old Dell tower but there's just no place that will carry anything like this near me. I know there are tons of old machines around here, it's an old town that's mostly retired, but it's not like they are throwing them out or even selling them it seems. Ah well,I'll just watch you guys have fun.

>> No.10295758

I own a shop and have been collecting old desktop pc's for over a decade. I don't have any old original dells. I think the oldest Dell I have is a Celeron Windows 98 machine. It might be Windows 95. The oldest IBM PC I have is probably the Leading Edge D 8088 that came out of a bank.

>> No.10295764

I'd like to start selling some of my older PCs, but I'm not sure how I'd advertise or market them. This scene isn't exactly the easiest group of people to market to. Not to mention how do you market this to normies?

>> No.10295827

That's really cool

>> No.10296753

What's the field like for DOS/Windows compatibles? I imagine once the platform got highly commoditized it lost much of its "sovl."

>> No.10297564

>there's just no place that will carry anything like this near me.

Have you looked on Craigslist (or Gumtree or Kijiji in some countries)?

>> No.10297653

It's the same sound chip that Ensoniq used in their synthesizers. Wavetable-based synth with user loadable samples. Apple was afraid to offer any competent first-party music making software for it because of the Apple Music lawsuit so the only people who actually utilized it fully were developers.

>> No.10297832

The saddest part about it is how the Ensoniq chip absolutely bombed the Amiga's from high orbit yet europeans didn't take to the IIGS due to Apple's hilariously high pricing, imagine if we had a world with a 16 channel tracker music majority from the very start

>> No.10297880
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>What's the field like for DOS/Windows compatibles? I imagine once the platform got highly commoditized it lost much of its "sovl."
I'm really not sure what you're asking about. There's certainly a big online community for older Win/DOS computers. Locally I feel it's pretty small. There's some interest. It's not absent, but everyone here locally is really cheap and wants everything for free.
To me the soul of Retro computing being harmed is a couple things. 1. It's ignorant and inexperienced people being given an equal platform to speak on and being shielded from any form of criticism. However that's always been a ME viewpoint for a lot of things. Excellence cannot be achieved with out Exclusivity. 2. Is simply over saturating the market for interest from the general public. Which sounds an awful lot like my first point, but I still feel it needs saying.

>> No.10298752

Europeans only ever bought the Amiga because it flopped in the US and Commodore sold it at bargain basement prices over there.