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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 315 KB, 957x1024, 1696026660673189m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10286450 No.10286450 [Reply] [Original]

Ignoring the fact that its mega man 1 box-art, this unironically looks like it would make a fun game on its own right
Neon futuristic shooter game where you fight strange multidimensional creatures n shit

>> No.10286462

Capcom of America was smoking bath salts at the time.

>> No.10286468

the art is so weird and nothing makes sense
almost look like it was made by ai

>> No.10286474

Only now did I notice the artist also left his signature on the met at the right. I keep finding new things with this cover.

>> No.10286482

Why is the perspective so terrible?

>> No.10286489

what's with the palm trees? does wily have his base in beverly hills?

>> No.10286492

Megaman should be an ugly bastard, Street Fighter x Tekken had the right idea, how i'm supposed to self insert as someone that looks like a Japanese boy?.

>> No.10286493

Dude was rushing in an overnight frantic panic.

>> No.10286529

dude probably didn't have a ruler to make accurate perspective.
that or he just sucks

>> No.10286546
File: 5 KB, 256x224, power-blade-u-0043.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I envision something like power blade but with a laser instead of a big boomerang thing

>> No.10286562

>Megaman finds himself in casino night zone but in one of those doom engine fangames.

>> No.10287334 [DELETED] 

Except it wasn't, it was drawn in a period decades before AI art.

>> No.10287359 [DELETED] 

i didn't say it was retard

>> No.10287393 [DELETED] 

It can't "almost" be made by a technology that didn't exist, zoomzoom.

>> No.10287395

I agree, it's quite nice, vivid, and imaginative.

Because the artist drew it that way.

>> No.10287416 [DELETED] 

are you thic? I'm saying it looks like, I'm not saying it was you massive degenerate boomer brain

>> No.10287418

>it's quite nice
no it isn't, the perspective is all messed up

>> No.10287419

Dude what were they smoking am I right ha ha ha

>> No.10287426
File: 83 KB, 640x732, 1684475959942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My brother in Christ, you speak as if you have never witnessed retro game cover art before.

>> No.10287430
File: 83 KB, 622x614, 1684242506809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the perspective is all messed up
That doesn't make it not nice. There are many artists whose work has been appreciated the world over despite eschewing typical rules of proportion and perspective.

For my own personal research interests, might I inquire as to your age?

>> No.10287431 [SPOILER] 
File: 234 KB, 736x1019, 1b906ae5c4bd3764b1cd52763a5c3393--box-art-videogame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry if i don't play shitty boring games from the fucking ooga booga century
im used seeing good covers

>> No.10287438
File: 106 KB, 586x800, 1686832840856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no need to be so confrontational.
Are we not friends here?

Your initial complaint was not the overall quality of the piece, but that seemed to contain strange and surreal elements not present within the actual game. This was in fact quite a common theme in the early, inventive days of computing, when the games themselves could only communicate many ideas abstractly.

>> No.10287439

>That doesn't make it not nice
but it does, see, the perspective is all fucked up, and makes the drawing look weird and dumb and thats clearly not what the guy wanted to do because this is a game cover not a faggy gallery, another thing is the shitty use of colors and the face/body proportions are very bad and cringy
>There are many artists whose work has been appreciated the world over despite eschewing typical rules of proportion and perspective
yeah no, thats just retarded commies trying to be gay and sucking each others micro penises

>For my own personal research interests, might I inquire as to your age?
no, fuck off

>> No.10287449

Confirmed underage.

>> No.10287469
File: 22 KB, 329x277, 1682898363293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The game: Breakout
>The cover: Aryan ultraman with armband and sonnenrad-like amulet swings holy flaming ball about on chain to smash through rainbow colored walls
Classic video game art was sumthin else

>> No.10287470 [SPOILER] 
File: 97 KB, 574x708, 1646612611958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

confirmed retard

>> No.10287472

>Your initial complaint was not the overall quality of the piece, but that seemed to contain strange and surreal elements not present within the actual game
i never said that, im just saying nothing makes sense and it looks weird

>> No.10287479

Quite a bit of it makes sense. Megaman, the central character himself, is obvious. Sure, he's holding a pistol instead of his trademark arm cannon, but in the early days of gaming it was hard to tell what was abstraction and what was intentional design. Megaman visits a variety of levels; we a see a fortress, a factory, some sort of imaginative arabian village perhaps, with a radar dish to denote it's the future. And prominent throughout are floating platforms, a staple of the Megaman series.

There's very little that seems out of place in the image, in my estimation.

>> No.10287491
File: 74 KB, 803x486, wtf_is_that.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Quite a bit of it makes sense
glad to hear you're retarded, none of the buildings make sense, the perspective makes 0 sense, the skyline of the city within the city makes fuck all sense and the palm trees bigger than the building, none of that makes sense
this feels like the guy was making up shit as he was drawing and it feels like it took 3 hours to finish, its just bad

>> No.10287495
File: 65 KB, 419x600, 1686044708732440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not THAT bad, but the EU boxart does the pulp scifi thing even better.

>> No.10287509

Atari-era boxart was just something else

>> No.10287571


Well it makes sense, the less you actually see on screen the more they have to show to spark imagination.
Since on screen all you really saw were some blocky blobs they added very colorful art so your imagination can fill in the rest.
You are not just bopping a dot against other colored dots, you are IN SPAAACCEE!

>> No.10287635

Haha, I'll have some of that! lol

>> No.10287648 [DELETED] 

Megaman was on PSX.

>> No.10287664
File: 60 KB, 590x750, fmsu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Artist: What sort of box art would you like?
Capcom: Pic related

>> No.10288152
File: 123 KB, 1500x1500, 1685641389839213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are "people" here unironically defending Bad Box Art Mega Man
Jesus, I didn't expect to be blasted away with such a large dose of contrarianism today.

>> No.10288158

Not in 1987.

>> No.10288163

Because it isn't some crazy unusual thing. Some amateur was paid 20 bucks to scribble it and stick it on the children's game. Very common practice.

>> No.10288190

This looks good. What are you on about?

>> No.10288195

You made this thread because the cover art is so terrible it became a meme that's talked about a lot, so you just HAVE to try discussing it more than it really deserves.

>> No.10288207

Literally looks like a Nintendo Power submission

>> No.10288370

You're trying very hard to sound cool and mature. I think you're 16 years old.

>> No.10288371

Yes? Where did I say it wasn't?

>> No.10288375

It was drawn in a rush, less than 24 hours by one of the developers friends who was an undergrad art student.

>> No.10288516
File: 112 KB, 960x1661, MONSTERSHIT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NTA, but he's right. You 100% come off like a kid; so either you're underage or you're a fucking retard. Get lost

>> No.10288771

Its memorable and unique. You are the contrarian acting like its something universally hated with revulsion and fear.

>> No.10288773

This is fucking cool.

>> No.10288774

Thanks for providing an example of garbage fart.

>> No.10288785 [DELETED] 

Sad that your generation has no culture so you act with a false sense of sincerity to get attention. A beating would've circumvented this lack of attention you never got from your parents. Grown up and die out.

>> No.10289480

This looks exactly like an AI generated image. Ahead of its time

>> No.10289509 [DELETED] 
File: 728 KB, 1797x1863, 20230929_162343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10289523

I remember in the anniversary collection mini-documentary they said he drew it in like 3 hours or something.

>> No.10289525

Not him but that really should count as Akagi/Kaiji's artist does that shit on purpose. He's done collab contributions and he clearly knows HOW to draw like people expect, he chooses not to.
The megaman box art had nothing to do with choice, the artist legit only had a couple hours to draw and color it.

>> No.10289528

shouldn't* count, I meant

>> No.10289857
File: 1.77 MB, 729x1134, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

awesome game. Loved the western(?) boxart.

>> No.10290149 [DELETED] 

actual autist. hes saying it looks like shit. and hes right. the background is an unreadable mess of god knows what and "mega man" looks absolutely retarded. its human drawn AI art.

>> No.10290246

More interesting question: Why did they only give the artist so little time in the first place?
It makes no sense?
The carts were already produced and everything ready to ship but only then they got the okay/license and had be finished in 24 hours?
They got the okay 24 hours before communicated publishing date and then did everything in that short time frame??
No matter how you look at it, it just does not make any sense.
The data came not surprisingly, they had MONTHS in advance knowing when the carts will be ready, so until when everything including boxart and munual had to be finished.
So why did someone have to draw the art in one day as if it was like "Okay, everything's ready - WAIT! The boxart's still missing! And shipping date is day after tomorrow! FUCK!"?!

>> No.10290303
File: 117 KB, 378x263, GhoulsSNES_boxart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same artist?

>> No.10290512 [DELETED] 

Its bad human drawn art, not AI art. Your mind has been poisoned to the point you can't accept bad art existed before now.

>> No.10290515

Lack of communication is the biggest killer in business.

>> No.10290520

All of this kind of artwork from the 80s is basically just imitating TRON.

>> No.10290521

Yeah because did and he was an undergrad. Anybody who try’s to say it’s “unique” or “I like it it’s got a certain charm” are immediately btfo by the original artist literally shitting it out in a few hours, knowing it’s not good, just because he had to. If he heard anons sayings it’s good, he’d probably laugh or snicker a bit.

>> No.10290759

Fuck off, fag. Artists intents dont mean shit once its out in the public space. Fact is its memorable and iconic enough that even Capcom enjoys referencing it.

>> No.10290771
File: 197 KB, 220x171, IMG_1246.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s iconic because it sucks, shit for brains. It’s funny not good. It’s not good funny either it’s “ohh wow that sucks, lol” funny. But please don’t let me stop you from dick riding shit art, you’ve been brainwashed well by the elites who use shit art for money laundering. Kudos, anon, kudos.

>> No.10290847

desu, the fact that he was an art student, and still produced that is kind of shocking.
That's literal "I'm 14 and learning to draw for the first time" quality.
He should have at lest had a good enough grasp of perspective to not screw up the helmet like that.

>> No.10291310
File: 1.41 MB, 5064x3544, 1664978204815290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nta but i mean yeah, it is infact iconic because it sucks. haven't you heard of "so bad it's good"? when museums money launder with garbage postmodernist shit, they say some pretentious nonsense to justify it. this is just a silly depiction of a bidya game anon, lighten up. every later game aside from 8 also have sucky us boxarts, but they're not memorable (except 2's) for being that because they're at least competent. 1 and 2's are just ridiculous.

>> No.10291406

You know, every time I looked at this box art, I was always so distracted by "Mega-Man" that I never noticed the fucked up Picasso-esque architecture in the background.

>> No.10291559

Beside the fact that it was done in a hurry, I remember reading somewhere else that very early on the NES life box art artists barely got any refs to work off from. At best they would get a few screenshots or recorded footage in very crusty quality, hell, if this really was such a sudden request, maybe they didn't even have time to prepare that and they simply setup a room where a CAPCOM rep played in front of the artist showcasing a couple minutes of gameplay of each stage, and then maybe the artist took some notes or had to go just by memory to produce something in a matter of hours, which also probably means barely any time for drafts or do overs. That's what the cover looks like to me, the impression of somebody that knows shitall about Mega Man and was just exposed to it for the first time in his life by watching 15mins or so of gameplay.

It's clear that he had the intention of depicting all 6 stages on the background. Ice Man's came out the best because the palm trees at the start probably stood out the most to the guy, and I can see the well below alluding to that part early on the stage where you drop down a similar structure. Next he did Fire Man and although that one has nothing as recognizable as the palms in its background design, I'm sure the got two things very clear from the gameplay he saw : fire and industrial enviroment, BOOM, factory looking structure spewing copious amounts of fire, next. After this is where things start to fall apart, who knows, maybe he ran out of time or he was starting to forget the footage that he saw and there was no way to see it again, either way, you can feel the struggle.

>> No.10291563
File: 28 KB, 326x131, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to think the tower structure is supposed to be Elec Man's stage, because that's the simplest impression you would get from watching a few minutes of gameplay of it : high tech tower. Then to the right of that is probably Cut Man's stage, based solely on the fact that those weird window structures just barely resemble those things that dispense the scissor blades on the level, it's a shame the composition was cut here and we can't see what the silver object on the right edge is, because it vaguely resembles one of such scissor blades. The stuff underneath Elec Man's stage is the only one I don't get, it looks distinct enough in color and shape to be a separate stage but it doesn't resemble neither Bomb Man or Guts Man's level. Bomb Man's stage has those spherical looking mechanical tree looking structures on the back and those are nowhere to be found which is weird because they stand out as much as the palm trees on Ice Man's. It's a huge stretch, but maybe it's supposed to be Guts Man's level because that seemingly random line connecting this level to Ice Man's reminds me of that tricky moving platform section at the start of the level. That would leave Bomb Man's level absent unless it was there but got cut at the right edge along with the unknown silver object. There is that random explosion on the corner that seems out of place otherwise.

As for the yellow things in the front surrounding Mega Man, they're clearly meant to be pic related. They're present in many of the stages and easy enough to remember and draw ("oh yeah, there were these round shaped robots, one sliding through the ground and the other hopping around). The guy seemed to avoid drawing anything humanoid or with facial features as much as possible except for Mega Man, so these two fit nicely.

>> No.10291739

The MM9 and 10 covers were so deeply insincere.

>> No.10291834

I don't know, man, the art is so shitty it's hard to tell what's going on in the background.

>> No.10291845 [DELETED] 


>> No.10291861 [DELETED] 

Look, I'm not the one incapable of understanding that art made by a person can be shitty and has to retroactively think "derp it's like it's eyy-aye!". Sorry you want to get sucked off by a computer.