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10285552 No.10285552 [Reply] [Original]

Quake's kind of shit, and I'm tired of pretending it isn't.
Play Doom and Quake back to back, and it's shocking how much more fun of a game Doom is.
What the hell went wrong? Was Tom Hall the real genius?

>> No.10285558

Quake has way better movement dynamics. 3D space enjoyers prefer it. Level design is amazing top.

>> No.10285562

Shooting things feels flaccid and boring. Nothing has the right kind of impact. I don't know how they messed that up, after making Doom.

>> No.10285574

The "go to" gun in Quake is not the shotgun like in Doom, it is the rocket launcher. It isn't flaccid or boring at all.
Quake is great. Sure, it is ugly, but the level design and encounters are great. I replayed the whole thing the other year as well as the expansions for the first time. Couldn't put it down.

>> No.10285582


The shotgun is pretty disappointing - but in essence what they could do with Doom (fill the level with loads of easy to kill enemies) wasn't possible with Quake due to the processing power at the time. What you got instead was bullet sponges.

I still love it though, it's all around usage of the Rocket Launcher and Super Nailgun.

>> No.10285586

>What the hell went wrong?
Bulletsponge enemies. The guns feel pathetically weak because of it.

>> No.10285601

It's a mess because it was thrown together at the last minute after they decided Romero absolutely couldn't be bothered to come up with anything more than "hammer of thunderbolts and ring of regeneration", so they went on autopilot and made a 3D doom clone with brown blob monsters and a light lovecraftslop theme (except that you blow up the elder gods with a rocket launcher which kind of misses the point)

>> No.10285617

This bait is so weak I can't even feel a pulse.

>> No.10285642

Why am I not allowed to dislike Quake? The reverence people have for this game is weird.
I don't enjoy playing it. I don't know what to tell you.

>> No.10285651

>whining victim playing garbage
Wow, what a surprise, a shitposter that acts like he's being oppressed because his moronic non-opinion is called as such. Color me shocked. I'm donating a dollar to amnesty international to help poor bullied retards like you.

>> No.10285705

I don't get it either. I like Quake plenty, and the level design is indeed very good, but it is far less fun than the almost impeccably tight gameplay of Doom. I think the main issue is just that the combat is less dynamic than Doom's. In Doom you can have a lot of variety due to varied enemy composition in each given fight, but you generally only have a handful of opponents at once in most Quake encounters. This really reduces the range of what situations need to be dealt with, and makes a lot of fights repetitive, even if the enemy placement is good. Same problem with Doom 3, where probably 30-40% of all encounters are just two imps coming out of a closet when you're in a hallway. Once you've mastered that challenge, it isn't exciting or threatening to keep doing it ad nauseum.
The other issue is that not all of Quake's monsters are well-designed. Most are good, but the Shambler sort of pushes the player toward a not-very-exciting tactic of hide-and-seek, and those ooze enemies don't provide an interesting dynamic either; you just have to shoot them ASAP from far away and hope that you don't mess up or have one near you that you can't see. Anyway, I think 3 new enemies and bumping up the encounter size by 50-100% later on would pump some more adrenaline into the game.

>> No.10285714

I agree, it's a bit overbearing with its level design. Everything needs to be some kind of a trap, everything has some kind of a gimmick. Calm down, game, just be normal once in a while, just give me some normal levels
That's why I always sided with DN3D. It's better designed. Classic "graphics vs gameplay" rivalry.

>> No.10285725

If I were forced to choose between Q1 and Doom to play today, I'd always go for Heretic.

>> No.10285731

Now say that again without crying.

>> No.10285774

>shitposter tries to shitpost
>cries big crocodile tears and whines that he's being victimized
>"n-no ur the one whos crying..."
You're really bad at shitposting.

>> No.10285789

Yes Duke 3D was the better game we all know

>> No.10285790

>everyone disagreeing with me is one person
As expected from a schizo

>> No.10285791

The weird thing is you can't seem to comprehend that there are negative things to be said about Quake.

>> No.10285798
File: 429 KB, 1280x960, Quake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10285982

>Quake is great. Sure, it is ugly, but the level design and encounters are great.
Your mom is ugly but I still pound that dirty stank puss every night lmao

>> No.10286178

played this for a bunch of consoles and agree. Unless I don't know about changing a look setting or that everyone plays with keyboard and mouse on consoles this game plays like ass with a controller for some reason. Not sure why but unreal plays just fine in comparison

>> No.10286225

i just beat quake 2

was fun, dont knoe what you expect

>> No.10286387

>Yes Duke 3D was the better game we all know

Yes we can all agree Duke is the bether game then.


>> No.10286391

Perfect video to demonstrate how fundamentally soulless Quake is compared to Duke

>> No.10286416

I like Quake a lot, but it did seem to come off a lot as a tech demo than a really polished, complete game experience.
Quake 2 was much more polished and fun.
DESU I always preferred the original Doom over the original Quake.

>> No.10286425


That video saved Duke Nukem gameplay. Look at that rocket launcher kills.

>> No.10286430

>Quake 2 was much more polished and fun.
Man where were all those closeted Quake 2 lovers before the remaster came out? Never heard people profess so much love for Quake 2 before

>> No.10286436

I never played the remaster.
Only the original.

>> No.10286610

quake is for multiplayer and fully creates an adequate sequel to doom

all ID games are tech demos though, up until doom 3, which had shit gimmicks, and quake 4, which also had shit gimmicks, and were mainly tech demos themselves

nobody gives a rip about quake beyond 3, or doom beyond 2, and the only reason people do is nostalgia and also the smoothness and legacy of all the mods and etc. that have built on ID's open source policy

id is a game engine company

>> No.10286715

Doom is better in way. Quake fucking sucks and always did.

>> No.10286721

them fucking blue blobs fuck
god danm

>> No.10286770

Anyone who doesn’t like Quake is gay

>> No.10286774

You did not pay attention. They aren't many of us but we are here, plus there is not much space for that opinion on this board.
Quake single player being good is a post Arcane Dimensions revisionism anyway. People in the 90s played Doom, Duke and Quake 2 a lot more than Quake.

>> No.10286783

Doom is great, still fun. But yeah quake and quake 2 is not really great games I gotta admit, the fun is in the multiplayer. Q3A is really the best Quake Game, still play that shit today, though as Quake live. But it's funny how good of a game Doom still is all these years, they pretty much perfected FPS back then.

>> No.10286791

Never got why people love doom. Every level looks the same and is just a boring maze, movement is clunky and shitty, weapons barely have any impact.

>> No.10286792

Quake has better movement, but otherwise Doom is funner in every way.

That said, they're both awesome games.

>> No.10286810

Anyone who likes Quake is gay.

>> No.10286854

There's nothing more pathetic than a crybaby who tries to contrarian shitpost about a game and then whines "OH I GUESS I'M NOT ALLOWED TO HAVE OPINIONS" when he's shut down. You don't HAVE any opinions.

>> No.10286857

I'm sorry you don't have any real opinions on computer games.

>> No.10286981

Just playing it for the first time now and the action is lame even on hard.
Art is pretty drab.
The music and being annoying at times.
Animation is jerky. The sprites in Doom look smother.

Overall it feels like a tech demo turned into a game.

>> No.10287065

Fight me irl pussy
I’ll push your shit in big time fag

>> No.10287072

Uh-oh, Doombaby is filtered because you can't kill every enemy in 1 shot.

>> No.10287075
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>> No.10287079

The most common enemy in the game takes 4 hits from the double barreled shotgun, and 9 from the regular shotgun. That's excessive and not fun.

>> No.10287081

I like this post because the stated opinions are just 100% flat out the opposite to the community near-consensus on each issue. Doom has clever map design and cool secrets, with very few "maze"-like levels (unless you are one of those people that are permanently directionally challenged and get lost in buildings they've been in for less than a minute, which I've seen happen). The levels feel very different, even changing texture sets and enemy composition to a large degree at least every 8-12 levels or so. Doomguy is a legend for his insane sanic-tier movement speed, even jumping gaps by sheer horizontal momentum. His steps are even super precise, such that you even have a level that's basically a set of tight-ropes, and the combat is basically a 2.5D FPS bullet hell in tough fights, where survival relies on that kind of precision. The Doom 2 SSG is arguably best-in-class for revered high-impact shotguns, both in terms of feeling and objective damage output. The chaingun/saw allow you to effectively paralyze massive demons in shrieks of pain due to the sheer relentlessness of your assault.
Fuck bros, Doom is SO GOOD. I can't believe it's still the king after hundreds of pale imitations.

>> No.10287094

>state an opinion

>> No.10287103

It's like feedback in a shooter is fun, or something.
Yeah, when I hit a basic enemy, I pretty much want it to fall down in a satisfying way.

>> No.10287137 [DELETED] 

guys, there is a wad i'm looking for but i forgot the name, the level starts outside, huge map with orange sky and a big church? monastery? i remember also there was a very long staircase that takes you to a huge cave with an underground village... can't remember much else, anyone knows the name?

>> No.10287171

Quake was always dull brown slop and Quake 2 is even worse. Quake 3 is the ONLY good game in the entire franchise.

>> No.10287209

So lads, when the fuck are we getting a proper Quake V based in the Quake 1 universe with unspeakable eldritch abominations to shotgun and axe back into their ageless stygian pit

>> No.10287348

Quake 2 >>> Quake.


>> No.10287372

If its going to be made it will by Machine Games who will put ugly black women and modern American politics into it.

>> No.10287384

I kinda thought Doom Eternal was more of a Quake singleplayer game than a Doom game.
Doom 2016 is more Doom than Eternal, in my opinion.

>> No.10287443

>the community near-consensus
>every cult member believes what the cult says
I mean, no shit. Didn't even read the rest.

>> No.10287447

Maybe don't try using the starting weapon for everything.
Do you play Doom pistol only?

>> No.10287458

>People in the 90s played Doom, Duke and Quake 2 a lot more than Quake
Doom and Doom 2 weren't as popular as people like to pretend, they were replaced by better games very fast and didn't have a lot of lasting power, except for mods, I was playing doom total conversions for a long time, but not the doom campaigns. I think that was common, people weren't playing Doom campaigns all that much or that long. To a smaller degree also true for Quake, lots of great mods for it, kept it afloat even though the campaign was a bit lackluster.

>> No.10287467

>”game is shit”
>”I think game is shit”
the fact that retards like you have such poor grasp of conversational logic is undeniable evidence as to why this board is entirely incapable of reasonable discourse.

>> No.10287556

I always assume people who like Quake were playing multiplayer back in the day.
The single player game is such an ugly bore I can't find any redeeming qualities.

>> No.10287737


Nice one, Punchy!

>> No.10288547

Even the famous rocket launcher can't one-hit ogres.

>> No.10288683

>Doom didn't have a lot of lasting power.
That's a weird take.

>> No.10288705


>> No.10288728

Not in my case. I've never played Quake MP, only singleplayer, and I like it a tiny bit more than Doom, primarily because of the movement and how the game looks (textures, models, overall atmosphere, that sort of things).

>> No.10288783
File: 305 KB, 1920x1080, Chasm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally prefer Chasm: The Rift over Quake. Yeah, the level design is more basic and confusing thanks to its 2.5D engine (so it could run on the average 1997 Russian PC), but the combat SHITS on Quake I . DISMEMBERMENT FTW!

Like seriously, the combat just falls flat because of this. Considering the horror atmosphere they could've balanced it where your ammo pool is limited and enemies die quickly, but instead it's painfully slow. Like >>10285705 said the level design lifts it up enough to make it enjoyable. The odd Quad Damage helps too.

Q2 holds up well comparatively.

In the current climate never, or even worse, what >>10287372 said.

>> No.10288794

>Chasm: The Rift

>> No.10288797

Doom's shotgun can kill quite a few enemy types in less shots. Every gun is useful in Doom.

>> No.10288804


>> No.10288837

Great. Thanks for bumping a different thread off the catalog for your unconstructive whining. I’m sorry you didn’t like Quake.

>> No.10288842

The second gun you get in doom is the shotgun
The second gun you get in quake is the double barrel shotgun
One can measure up to cacodemons. The other takes ages to kill an ogre.