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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 35 KB, 273x320, sin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1026012 No.1026012 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Games that had the bad luck of coming out at a horrible time. Pic related.

>> No.1026013


>> No.1026106

Dark Heart of Uukrul. One of the best RPGs of the '80s, came out for the Apple II at a time when the system was pretty much phased out completely, and despite also being released on DOS somehow captured only little interest, probably because the very dated presentation even at the time (1989 game with no sound?)

>> No.1028298

When it's not finished or polished is a terrible time to be released.

>> No.1028309

Panzer Dragoon Saga

The Sega Dreamcast

>> No.1028310

Played it I unpatched and it was a complete mess. After the patch it was pretty fun but I wouldn't say it "came out at a bad time"

>> No.1028315

Legend of Legaia the same year as FFVII

>> No.1028316

Games that sometimes come out just before a technology generation jump, are left in the dust even if they are pretty damn awesome. Can't immediately remember some off the top of my head.

>> No.1028327

3D accelerator cards where a big thing. And let's not get into sound cards. Man I still have nightmares over them. I know those are not games but it was the biggest reasons why some games where not played back in those days.

>> No.1028358
File: 63 KB, 640x400, 2348-dune-2000-windows-screenshot-troops-protecting-your-bases.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dune 2000

It's actually a very neat game, and excellent if you consider it a remake of Dune 2, or an enhanced Red Alert. It has great music and FMV too; Gimli cameos as the Atreides mentat.

Unfortunately it came out when the world has already seen AOE, Starcraft and TA. So it was shit in comparison.

>> No.1028370

Rockman and forte.

>> No.1028589

that game's pretty good, and emperor was excellent

>> No.1028592
File: 1004 KB, 2019x1446, RM6CoverPromo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1028709

Blake Stone. Came out about the same time as Doom and got dominated by it in the marketplace.

>> No.1028721


>> No.1028726
File: 1.25 MB, 200x163, carlito freaks the fuck out.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>comes out in the US AFTER Mega Man X

>> No.1028785

Custom Robo

Expeditions: Conquistador

The middle of E3 is NOT a good time to release a game.

>> No.1028842

Little Samson

>> No.1028856
File: 190 KB, 1024x768, Phantasy Star RGB 60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Phantasy Star came out within 2 days of Final Fantasy and was forever eclipsed.

>> No.1028864

I think generally speaking it's safe to say Nintendo was more popular than Sega in the 8-bit era, so really that's not too surprising

>> No.1028878

Blake Stone was pretty fun on its own, but Doom sure kicks its ass. Its like releasing an AWESOME nes game and the SNES coming out that week, no one is going to care about the old one.

>> No.1028879

It's still not finished. A few years ago I played it for the first time and encountered a complete game halting glitch. If not for noclip I would have been permanently stuck because a certain passage will not open if you do things just so.

>> No.1028880

Not retro at all, but BF: Bad Company came out at a HORRIBLE time, even though I thought it was leaps and bounds more entertaining than COD or Gears

>> No.1028882
File: 39 KB, 448x336, c456bo8[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doom wrecked the hopes of a lot of games. Magic Carpet was almost completely overlooked at the time because of it.

>> No.1028893
File: 37 KB, 376x539, dnf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1028895

The older version would have probably been a really good game. Shame they held off until it amounted to a COD clone.

>> No.1028898

I would call that "game that was just on the wrong system." Master System was never as popular as the NES. I personally love Phantasy Star and it's first person layout but it could never be the "killer app" to get people to sell more Master Systems.

>> No.1028904

Shantae for GBC. Probably the single most technically impressive GBC game...a fact that becomes blown out of the water when compared to the average GBA game. Had it been released a year earlier, or 2 years later for GBA, it would've made a bigger splash.

>> No.1028945

It's timing in the US wasn't the only thing that made it the oddball either.

>> No.1028952

I used to have that issue. Legendary as fuck, in my mind. Back then, PC Gamer was pretty fat, but usually just enough so that it fit in my letter-sized hanging mailbox. Not this fucker. The mail guy probably looked at the thing, said, "oh hell no" and dropped that fucked onto our welcome mat.

I'm sure half of it was all ads, but it was awesome to spend an entire day engrossed looking at previews and reviews.

>> No.1028957

If that came out earlier it would've overshadowed everything in that year. Easily.

That's more of being on the wrong system, even in the areas where the SMS was big.

>> No.1029046
File: 32 KB, 320x320, dark_reign-the_future_of_war1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dune 2000's pretty good. As far as remakes go, I prefer Dune Dynasty, though.

>> No.1029082
File: 67 KB, 410x500, Daikatanabox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1029117
File: 50 KB, 758x720, 1338597773720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I'm sure it was just the timing.

>> No.1029139

It was a bad game on it's own but being released after Half Life, Unreal Tournament and Quake 3 really fucked it over.

>> No.1029151

John Romero needed id to keep his wild ideas in check. Just like id needed him to be creative.

>> No.1029165


Yeah, both of them have been kinda fucked since Romero left. I can't think of any id game that's been above-average since Quake III.

>> No.1029224

that means TWO things

>> No.1029239 [SPOILER] 
File: 21 KB, 250x350, 10120184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A great game that never really had a chance to shine.

>> No.1029267
File: 15 KB, 240x233, _-Silent-Bomber-PlayStation-_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1029271

I know you're joking, but there are people who believe this.

Despite being far from the worst 2600 game, it still had a lot of problems that made it a bad game. And the hubris behind the development of the game was just awful.

>> No.1029293

Lots of good games that came out on the PS1 in the year 2000. a few months before the launch of the PS2. (I am speaking purely for NA mind you.)

2 that I own being Legend of Mana and Legend of Dragoon. Hell the NA release dates of both of these games came out in the same week.

>> No.1029310

That was the point. I was saying the timing issue was that they released it in the first place.
It's not a very good game and they should have taken more time to make it one.

>> No.1029378

Is legend of Mana good? I never hear anybody talk about it.

>> No.1029420

Its good just a tad different, reminds me kind of an mmo with getting quests and such.

>> No.1029479

Not really. It's two opposites that needed each other to balance out.

>> No.1029581

Hm. Might check it out.

>> No.1029594

Depends. While the game looks gorgeous and has a nice fairytale-like vibe, the action RPG portions of it are some of the worst in the entire genre.

>> No.1031009

Martian Gothic: Unification could of been quite an amazing game if it wasn't rushed for completion and had a scrapped adventure game idea tacked on.

The Scriptwriter/Designer said he should of been more pushy with his ideas, but he held back and watched as lots of crap started to get taken out for size and time sake.

>> No.1031539


Just looked up the wikipedia article for this game

>SiN introduced many then-new features to the first-person shooter genre like weapon reloading, secondary firing modes, third-person view mode, area-specific damage, the ability to knock the weapon off an opponent's hand, the ability to turn the player into a mutant, drivable vehicles and many more.

If the game came out in late 1998, those are mostly things we had seen before, besides shooting weapons out of peoples' hand, and "turning enemies into vehicles" which isn't any kind of noteable feature that changed the genre. How do I tell wikipedia it's wrong?

>> No.1031542

Shantae and Dragon Warrior Monsters

>> No.1031546


Oh, it's not turning enemies into vehicles, it's tha player turning into a vehicle. That's even less innovative

>> No.1031564
File: 53 KB, 320x320, Suikoden_2_Pal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suikoden 2 released around the same time as FF7, and was buried under it's success. At least initially.

>> No.1031587
File: 13 KB, 376x270, 1304642712812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shame they held off until it amounted to a COD clone.

But that was the whole point of the game

>Duke3D was a parody of Doom and its clones
>Duke Nukem Forever was a parody of COD and its clones

>> No.1031626


Duke 3D wasn't a "parody" of DOOM-like games, it was a DOOM-like game with more humor, and it was also a better game than DOOM.

Trying to make a parody of a shitty game like Call of Duty just makes your own game shitty. Parodies that follow the thing you're parodying closely make sense in movies because all you're there for is to laugh at the things being pointed out as dumb about a movie, while in a video game making a shitty game to show how shitty another game is doesn't make for a fun game because you still have to just sit there and play that shitty game for 10 hours. If they were going for a parody, they'd do something like starting you off with a 2-weapon limit, slow movement speed, and regenerating health, then say "FUCK THAT" and those things would go away very quickly and you'd play the rest of the game the way you're meant to play it

Serious Sam 3 had the same shit. People excused its terrible beginning by saying "you don't get it, it's a PARODY of MODERN FPS," which didn't excuse having to play that shitty first few hours, and then Croteam admitted that the beginning of SS3 was originally left over from another game they were working on and didn't want to scrap after they started production on SS3, so they threw it in

>> No.1031629

>implying DNF was not better than COD

It was brilliant subversive art

>> No.1031660

Not really...
The whole idea behind Rockman and Forte was for kids who didn't have a Playstation/Saturn to have a Megaman 8 on their SNES.

>> No.1032463

>and it was also a better game than DOOM
gab that to me mug not online n see what happens u fuckin cunt

>> No.1032481


Better level design, better enemies, better weapons, better protagonist. MOUSELOOK. Duke kicks DOOM's ass

>> No.1032480

When the build engine came out doom was practically an antique

>> No.1032495

if duke's so great how come it doesn't have 24/7 threads here

checkmate atheists

>> No.1032508


It's not as influential and it doesn't have the same modding scene as DOOM

I mean, nobody's talking about "DOOM" DOOM when they discuss DOOM, they talk about fanmade level packs and mods. When people talk about Duke Nukem 3D, they're talking about Duke Nukem 3D

>> No.1032515
File: 421 KB, 1032x1280, 801686-powerslave_boxfront.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1032521

nope, sega of america is just retarded as hell. In Japan, it sold quite well, while in america, they decided that a limited run was a good idea. You were lucky if you could find the game

>> No.1032531
File: 1.80 MB, 1600x2140, Panzer-Dragoon-Saga-USA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The limited print was actually part of the advertismenets.

Trouble finding Panzer Dragoon Saga? Oh well!

>> No.1032646

I bet that advertisement is even worth something, and I used to have a mag with that in it.

>> No.1032649

It's on the back of a bunch of EGMs from 1998. They're not really worth anything by themselves.

>> No.1032683
