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10278101 No.10278101 [Reply] [Original]

Zoom zoom here, is this worth playing after black mesa?

>> No.10278106

Yes and you should have played it first

>> No.10278116


>> No.10278125

yes but it doesn't matter that you played black mesa first

>> No.10278385 [DELETED] 

maybe, not sure if you should have played it first

>> No.10278774

No. Black Mesa is superior in every way. Don't waste your time

>> No.10278786

Black Mesa missed the point of Xen and also made it way too long. In the OG game Xen is a quick scamper through a place that should not exist, it's like one of those dreams where you are falling; comparatively, BM made Xen very Earthly and it takes up 1/3 of the runtime

>> No.10278790

Gameplay is completely different. Black Mesa is basically "let's have Half Life 2 in Half Life 1" rather than sticking to the gameplay mechanics of 1

>> No.10278827
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But you've missed one thing: Black Mesa is not Half-Life.

>> No.10278836

This. HL1 is a lot more fast paced than HL2/Black Mesa.

>> No.10279273


>> No.10279297

yes because at least HL1 doesn't crash or glitch out every 2 mins.

>> No.10279302

While I agree with this sentiment, I still think that xen being so short is a cope for shit level design.

>> No.10279303

the devs fell for the xen bad meme so originally black mesa released without it
then they spent another year or so making their own version thats practically its own game

>> No.10279316

>another year
Did you mean to say "decade"?

>> No.10279320

works on my machine

>> No.10279329

The original is superior to Black Mesa, except the gun play. But you can get improved gun play for the original with the original game + Half-Life MMOD

>> No.10279560

when the fuck is that black ops campaign getting released.

>> No.10279564

the what

>> No.10279615

Yes, then play Opposing Force after. But not Blue Shift, BS is fucking boring

>> No.10279618

Blue Shift is worth one playthrough. It's not that bad.

>> No.10279623

Original Xen is fine. Most people complain about it because a truly 3D space is too much for them to wrap their heads around. Same thing with the Water Temple from OoT.

>> No.10279642

lel the free version of black mesa released when I was still in fucking high school. I think it only got finished when I was several years out of college.

>> No.10279669

once you go black, you never go back

>> No.10279709

I think both are worth playing. One thing that BM misses is the humor of the original. It isn't funny/goofy anymore.

>> No.10279767

assuming some sort of mod where you take the role of black ops in the original story like how blue shift and opposing force did security and marines.

>> No.10279769

blue shift is fine it takes like 20 minutes.

>> No.10279801

Yeah I guess it's fine for ONE playthrough, but after that one I can't imagine most people would ever want to play it again.

>> No.10279862

HL1 combat is unique because it feels like every fight is just about dumping massive firepower to wipe out whatever is in front of you. Drop into a room, 4 grunts, lob a few smg nades, switch to the shotgun and let off a few double blasts. It's fast, frantic, noisy and over in a few seconds. Other games aren't as gnarly with the damage you do.

>> No.10279878

yes, original is better and the game has aged great. i'll be honest i haven't played the black mesa remake, but there's no way anyone could do it better than the original. player movement is way better in 1.6 than source engine as well.

true, the combat is fun and is really about choosing the right gun for the situation since you can carry all of them at a time. also a big thing that's important is using cover and movement well and not just standing out.

>> No.10280550

You should have played it first.

>> No.10280646

Is the shitposter gone?

>> No.10280657

OP here, I'm still stuck on Xen, been here for a few hours and apparently I still have like 3 chapters left.
Don't remember a FPS as long as this one

>> No.10280772

the original is comically bad

>> No.10280778

king order is Blue Shift, Half-Life 1, then Opposing Force

>> No.10281932

Is worth if you are interested in playing the best game ever.

>> No.10281939

Just to see the differences if anything. If you don't mind lower fidelity graphics it still plays fine.

>> No.10281954

As someone who started playing the half-lifes last year, I prefer how much more boomer shooter-esque hl1 is compared to hl2/bm

>> No.10282827

>Blue Shift before base game
Yeah, nah. True order is HL1 > BS > Uplink > OF.

>> No.10282995
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You forgot Decay.

>> No.10283387

i'm suprised that you played BM first since valve practically gives half life away while you had to pay for BM.

>> No.10283428

>been waiting since 2012 for it to come out
>they completely change what the game was going to be

>> No.10284546

All I needed to hear. I can't believe people kept track of this for over a decade. Who gives a fuck. Same people complaining when a 2d 4th gen game gets remade, probably.

>> No.10284585

BS is underwhelming after the first game, and it fits snugly first canonically. since Barney makes it out of the facility first and sees Gordon arrive to work, and later dragged to the trash compactor. if you dont play it before the first game then you're missing out on literal ludo kino

>> No.10284689

Yes it's the goat

>> No.10285224
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>> No.10286319

honestly OG xen is pretty forgettable.

all i remember about it is the headcrab queen fight, the space baby fight at the end and maybe some alien factory in between that while everything else was a blur. i haven't played BM's xen but if i end up remembering more of it than the original then it's an improvement in my book.

based order & explanation but i'd probably tweak it as...

BS > HL1 > uplink > decay > OF

decay would be before opposing force since you can find cross or green's corpse in one of the places you can teleport to with the displacer and decay doesn't end with the whoever survived escaping the facility.

>> No.10286339

really? a "fan" remake instead of THE classic itself? and you need elaboration?

>> No.10286341
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>> No.10286536

Fuck no. It's awful.

>> No.10286991

I played HL:Source first, is my experience forever tainted?

>> No.10287005


>> No.10288860

It sucks

>> No.10289071

depends when you played it.
I did the same thing back in 2008 when it wasn't even remotely as busted as it is currently.

>> No.10289073


>> No.10289410


>> No.10290792

I played this one and it was so bad it convinced never to play of the other games in the series.

>> No.10290947

It's just the same game but way buggier and it has some MINOR adjustements to the gameplay and graphics. It also replaces the very good death animations with ragdolls.

You still played Half-Life, but like a Star Wars Special Edition version.

>> No.10290967

I'm a zoomie and I prefer this to Black Mesa. I think CC completely missed the point of Xen and made it even worse by ironically making it way too long and overdesigned. The whole game is weird and anachronistic because of the stupidly long dev time, like Duke Nukem Forever. Some of the music and sound design isn't as memorable/good as it was in the original game. And then there's the fucking shitty AI and weird weapon balancing in BM. I still think it is an amazing achievement, but it feels amateuristic and misses the point at times.

>> No.10292278

A lot of people seem to forget that half-life was really the first game where sound was an important factor in game design. The enemies would hear your squeaky footsteps to locate you. That’s why the original HL sound effects are so deeply etched into my brain. Just not the same without the crunchy compression and constant reverb.