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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10275347 No.10275347 [Reply] [Original]

Man, a lot of these really early ps1 games feel especially like tech demos instead of full video games. Like the devs must have been happy to be able to put something out at all.

>> No.10275373

Look, if it made it to retail, it's not a tech demo.

>> No.10275387

I'm tired of stupid acontextual opinions from children.

>> No.10275419

I'm almost 40

>> No.10275478

That's even worse you're so stupid then.

>> No.10275480

pre-dualshock PS1 games were fucking terrible to control, 2D or 3D

>> No.10275503

What game is that and what aspects of it make it feel that way?

>> No.10275510
File: 236 KB, 500x360, IMG_0315.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be dev
>get offered job working on a ps1 game
>boss anon: “So…Anonkun,what experience do you have making videogames?
>anonkun: “I worked on some obscure adventure game for the Commodore 64!”
>boss anon: “that sounds fantastic, when can you start?
>6 months later…


>> No.10275567

Home 3D graphics didn't reach a somewhat reliably acceptable level until the 6th Gen. Smart devs dealt with the console limitations either through heavily stylized cartoony graphics (Mario 64, Crash Bandigoot), creative workarounds (Resident Evil's pretendered backgrounds), or incorporating the messiness and other limitations as part of the game's artstyle (Silent Hill's fog and overall surreal grunginess).

>> No.10275571

We got to install microwave ovens.

>> No.10275604

No u.

>> No.10275606

Tokyo Dungeon.
Everything but the few character models is a box.

>> No.10275612

I wish back then I knew just how much fake it until you make it was involved in getting hired in the game industry. They made it seem like you needed a lot more programming knowledge and math than you really did.

>> No.10275616

3D didn't become decent until the 8th gen

>5th gen
>low poly 3D and clunky mechanics
>D-Pad (early 5th gen)

>6th gen
>improved on the 5th but still has the same issues with clunky mechanics and low-poly 3D

>7th gen
>brown and piss to hide low texture quality
>640p QQAA bloom with vaseline filter

>> No.10275618

I'm surprised that there's no demoscene recreations of Money for Nothing rendered in real time.

>> No.10275619

>*Mental breakdown*
You need help

>> No.10275625


>> No.10275628

The problem is that you see this as a bad thing
The huge number of experimental games is a feature

Luigi's Mansion is a great example of a ``tech demo'' that fuckin destroys as an actual game

>> No.10275641

Depends on the company and the executives making decisions. Nobody really “knew” what they were doing when it came to 3d. It was all leaps of faith. Ff7 was barely strung together by a thread but then ff8 was so much more graphically complex and again with ff9 they really learned how to use the hardware through those development cycles. Take a step back and compare ff2 with ff6 in graphical and musical complexity, similar progression. The n64 was pretty good from the get go with sm64 but sadly that was the best example of 3d platforming we got. No other titles were able to capture what made Mario 64 feel so great to play. Though, cookers bad fur day is a great example of a dev team(rare) learning how to squeeze every drop of processing power out of the n64. Conker looks amazing for a 64 game.

>> No.10275692

Conker is so demanding they had to make the game run at 292x214. But yeah, it's still an impressive looking game

>> No.10275706

So that means none of the Quake-games are techdemoes.

>> No.10275813

No, none of them.

>> No.10276392

Let me guess. You need more?

>> No.10276924

If you go back early enough it was really strange how loosey goosey these operations were. Squaresoft didn't have a programmer so they hired Nasir, who didn't speak Japanese and was living in California. Working Designs got it's start because Vic Ireland, who wasn't even working at a game company but something unrelated, convinced his boss to let him make cold calls to Japanese publishers and ask for localization rights and then had the Japanese staff do the programming on his behalf. Ed Boon was barely out of college programming pinball machines for Midway when they asked him to make something that could bite off of Street Fighter II's success and came up with Mortal Kombat. That kind of thing just doesn't happen nowadays. You're not going to be sweeping the floors in the general vicinity of Sony Santa Monica and be like "hey, I have this game idea..." and some with clout says "cool, let's get this going!" But that's kind of how it used to be back in the day. I miss that pioneering spirit now that everything is super corporate.

>> No.10276929

That's what makes them so awesome

>> No.10277005 [DELETED] 

Early PS1 games are extremely soulful, especially the 2D ones. They feel like the types of games that would have been on the SNES-CD if it hadn't been scrapped.

>> No.10277010

Early PS1 games (1994 to mid-1996) are extremely soulful, especially the 2D ones. They feel like the types of games that would have been on the SNES-CD if it hadn't been scrapped.

>> No.10277053
File: 2.56 MB, 2225x2159, PS1Longbox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of people don't realize it but the early longbox days was essentially the PS1 serving as a replacement for the 3DO. It was very similar to the way that all the Wii U games worth a damn were rapidly ported to Switch. It wasn't really until Crash Bandicoot that the PS1's real personality was nailed down. 1994 and 1995 and even early 1996 most of it's library was following the 3D game design philosophies pioneered in 1993.

>> No.10277063

ID games back when ID was ID. Not any of this post 2010 BS. The games were fully functional tech demos. To the point that you could slap down any ID game with a room of friends and PCs and make it a night. But single player usually just explored what could be done in the environment.

>> No.10277068

>half of them are better on saturn

>> No.10277090

True. Most of Japan's output at the time felt like souped-up Super Famicom CD games whereas most of the West's output were games ported from or intended for 3DO.

3DO was an impressive console for 1993 standards and had some forward-thinking design philosophies but it was just too expensive and too far ahead of its time while the PS1 was more powerful and more practical.

>> No.10277098

Also most of Europe's software contributions were from veteran Amiga devs who relied heavily on the documentation and tools Psygnosis provided, and treated it as the spiritual follow-up to the Amiga since Commodore had shit themselves and ceased production a year prior.

>> No.10277249
File: 30 KB, 320x200, 384247-tsd_002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Battle Arena Toshinden
Now that's a game where the developers had no clue what to do and just brute forced a 3d fighting game. Compare that to the slickness of the 2d stuff Capcom was putting out at the same time.

>> No.10277253

Looks better than 99% of N64 titles.

>> No.10277268

n64sisters i think I'd rather join the 42%

>> No.10277274

And there was functionally nothing wrong with it, it had a responsive and working cancel combo system and allowed for some flexible use of its special moves.

>> No.10277275

>newfag mad his overly long, boring "well written, coherent well-thought-out" thread got 2 replies before 404

>> No.10277279

Please don’t make transphobic jokes on this board.

>> No.10277284

It looks cel-shaded.
They kinda got one over on us a couple three years later acting like that was a new thing.

>> No.10277292


>> No.10277349

The 3D transition was way too early. Compared to other gens there's practically zero games worth playing. We should have had one more gen of highly refined 2D games before going all in.
And 3D is still shitty, with pretty much every creative decision being based around the limitations imposed by the graphics. But it's not even the good kind of limitations that breed creativity, it's just a mountain of compromises.

>> No.10277734


The plastic large Jewel cases that Sony used for some of the long box games were purchased from Sega, and are the same type of boxes that Sega used for the Sega CD and the Sega Saturn.

>> No.10277745
File: 3.38 MB, 4415x3400, psxprelaunchnaposter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Now that's a game where the developers had no clue what to do and just brute forced a 3d fighting game. Compare that to the slickness of the 2d stuff Capcom was putting out at the same time

Sega launched the Saturn with Virtua Fighter 1 in Japan and North Americca, and because there were'nt any other 3D fighters on the PS1 pre North American launch, Sony would use Toshienden to put up beside VF1 as a showcase of how much better the 3D capabilities of the PS1 were up against the early Saturn launch window titles.

>> No.10277762

I remember a shitty dolphin one where you just swim around and hit objects which make sounds

>> No.10277769

>your head is in Uranus
ok its funny

>> No.10277772 [DELETED] 

>Battle Arena Toshinden
>Mortal Kombat 3
I'll give you those they have more content and polish.
>Primal Rage
>NBA Jam
>SF The Movie
>Road Rash
>Theme Park
>SF Alpha (the later CPS2/3 ports were obviously better on Saturn but PSX faired okay with the earlier games)
>Revolution X
>Alien Trilogy
>Destruction Derby
>Need for Speed
>Hi Octane
>Magic Carpet
>3D Lemmings
lol fuck no
Saturn FMV quality was inferior without the MPEG card.

>> No.10277791

>Battle Arena Toshinden
>Mortal Kombat 3
I'll give you those they have more content and polish.
>Primal Rage
>NBA Jam
>SF The Movie
>Road Rash
>Theme Park
>SF Alpha (the later CPS2/3 ports were obviously better on Saturn but PSX faired okay with the earlier games)
>Revolution X
>Alien Trilogy
>Destruction Derby
>Need for Speed
>Hi Octane
>Magic Carpet
>3D Lemmings
lol fuck no
Saturn FMV quality was inferior without the MPEG card.

>> No.10277975

Transformation matrices are such dark magic. It eludes me how one could come up with that in the wake of 3D videogames, when in the generation before all you had to do to get a sprite to flip was read it backwards. Must've been a pretty painful time to make game engines.

>> No.10278214

That’s a brutal fucking slogan. Saturn never stood a chance

>> No.10278218

So the game was made just to be able to have screenshots in advertisements?

>> No.10278245

half of id's founding staff worked for some "game" company that shat out weekly shareware disks for publication before they cut ties and did their own thing. we're somewhat back to it's roots without much indie trash their is out there. Plenty of passion projects and many land and get published on mainstream consoles.

>> No.10278273

I guess the difference today is there's so much volume that it's impossible for most garage developers to get any recognition. If anything they'll have a nice little operation going with a niche of fans but it's not going to be like it was in the early 90s where everyone who played video games was playing largely the same stuff.

>> No.10278801
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>> No.10278806
File: 147 KB, 760x581, Screenshot_20230927-222614.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's not going to be like it was in the early 90s where everyone who played video games was playing largely the same stuff.
How are you liking Starfield, anon?

>> No.10278832

You've fallen for a marketing narrative, there's almost 3000 people working on that game across 6 Larian studios around the world

>> No.10279230

>It eludes me how one could come up with that in the wake of 3D videogames
Because they didn't, polygonal 3D was already a couple decades old by the time it trickled down to home consoles. A lot of them probably hacked together their first 3D engines via reference material and instructional books on the subject, or at least snippets from those books.

>> No.10279393

>got no rhythm got no soul