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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 88 KB, 917x481, vr recommended.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10274106 No.10274106 [Reply] [Original]

Any more recommendations on hidden gem GB games yet to grab or is the "/v/'s recommended" page enough?

>> No.10274121

Have you ever played legend of the zoomer king?

>> No.10274130

the Gameboy has the most overrated library ever. over 1,000 games and 80% of them are shovelware.

>> No.10274148

Are you counting GBC in that? Because there are maybe 10 games on that entire platform worth a damn. The original GB library holds up better I think when in isolation.

>> No.10274149

You might be interested in a little gem called Pokemon.
Collect monsters, battle with said monsters.
Tis a treat of a game.

>> No.10274151

it may be bait but its true. gameboy is for shit eaters. i would play cave noire/dk94 and toss the rest.

>> No.10274160

80%? More like 98%, there's like 20 decent games on the thing

>> No.10274178


who says all GB games are shit? this is actually pretty good platformer, even some nice Europeggio music.

>> No.10274186


>> No.10274189

Grats, you discovered one of the 20 decent games in the library. This was also a quite late one from 1997 when they had a lot of experience with the hardware.

>> No.10274191

Imagine not knowing about 4chan, stumbling upon that wiki and thinking
>woah this /v/ forum must be a really good place to discuss video games! must be full of knowledgeable people who love great classic games, both obscure and popular!

>> No.10274196

>by a Spanish developer of all things
How weird.

>> No.10274198
File: 72 KB, 256x255, Nobunaga-no-Yabou---Game-Boy-Ban-(Japan).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

strategy on the gameboy!

>> No.10274223
File: 18 KB, 664x600, Nekojara Monogatari.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nekojara Monogatari
Decent little RPG. It's basically Sword of Hope with cats (same developer and everything). An anon even made a translation of it recently: https://github.com/Asbestoast/NjmgTool/releases

>> No.10274802

But anon that's every console

>> No.10274806

Game Boy has a lot of true hidden gems. Don't listen to the haters

>> No.10274836
File: 110 KB, 640x753, 1693213494643283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>80% of them are shovelware
That's literally every console ever Anon. Also make that 95%, which would give the Gameboy 50 good games and the N64 20 good games

>> No.10275363

is there a good torrent that sorts them all well? all i find is them thrown all over and it's hard to load up what you want on a flashcart

>> No.10275383


>> No.10275421

thanks, but is there a way to autosort everything? when i d/l nes and snes roms ages ago they were in folders based on genre and a-z folders

>> No.10275992

Le hidden gem is actually Pokemon TCG. It’s also compatible with the original GB,

>> No.10276052

Not necessarily hidden gems, but I’ll list my favorite GB/GBC games.
Kirby’s Dream Land 2, Super Mario Land 2: Six Golden Coins, Donkey Kong ‘94, Tetris, the Game & Watch Gallery series, Mole Mania, Trip World, Bomberman GB series, Bomberman Max, Bomberman Quest, Pocket Bomberman, Mega Man IV and V, Shantae, Hamtaro: Ham-Hams Unite, and Mr. Driller.

>> No.10276179

That's every single video game console in existence.

>> No.10276389

Correction, 75% shovelware, 15% games you just coped with because it was a portable video game.

>> No.10277046

Have you tried the Kirby Dream Land 2 DC rom hack? There's one for Mario Land 2 as well I think!

>> No.10277050

I meant DX my bad. It's like an enhanced version for GBC

>> No.10277086

The screen was the single worst feature of the Gameboy and a huge handicap on what kind of games you could do. Graphics had to be tiny and run at low frame rates to not smear. Also the Gameboy was extensively used as a dumping ground for shovelware made on a $20 budget. We see the occasional game like Pokemon or Link's Awakening where a proper budget and amount of development time was used and how the thing could actually do quite well when given the opportunity.

>> No.10277110

>to not smear
Some devs actually used that aspect of the screen to create fake transparency by making things flicker extremely quickly, so for some game you need an emulator that has the option to emulate the ghosting:

>> No.10277148

No, I haven’t. I’d probably try those eventually.
I also forgot to add one more GB game I enjoyed. Kirby’s Block Ball.

>> No.10277156

I agree with this. Gbc is shovelware central, but to be fair the gbc was only around for like 5 years compared to the gameboys 150 year reign of dot matrix insanity

>> No.10277175

The GBA should have replaced the Gameboy in 1996 but got delayed so the GBC was a stopgap until then. Most developers regarded the Gameboy as outdated by the mid-90s and sales and development of new games fell off. Pokemon miraculously gave it a new lease on life.

>> No.10278215

The GBA was a full 16bit system capable of running SNES titles with minimal changes. No way in hell would it have been able to be on the market in 1996, way too early for that level of tech to be cheap enough. Remember that the Game Gear needed SIX AA batteries just to have a colour and lit screen, and it still barely had half the battery life of the GBC

>> No.10278268

lots of consoles have worse metrics and the gameboy had 3 colors, a tiny screen, and ate batteries.

>> No.10279008

True, but I absolutely loved MGS Ghost Babel. I never cared for turn-based RPG combat, so I was playing MGS while everyone else at school was obsessed with Pokemon. Though I had lots of Pokemon players asking to borrow it after seeing me play it.

>> No.10279013

>The GBA was a full 16bit system

>> No.10279028

>The GBA should have replaced the Gameboy in 1996

>> No.10279287

Sega should have made the Nomad their gamegear succesor + continued genesis support like Sega of America wanted. Improve the battery as much as feasibly possible for the mid 90s and brag about having by far the most powerful handheld on the market.

>> No.10281161
File: 179 KB, 1280x877, tumblr_o940o9szzO1v0jfsto1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was pretty amazing around 1994 when the Game Boy transitioned away from a mini-NES into a mini-SNES in terms of marketing tactics. Nintendo went all in on the 90s style, trying to erase anything from the device that tied it to the 80s. Considering the thing was deliberately rudimentary even by 1989 standards it's pretty impressive they successfully put things like Donkey Kong Land and Killer Instinct on it and they didn't totally suck.

>> No.10281172

That isn't a terrible idea in theory but I just don't think adequate battery life was possible for a miniaturized Genesis and backlit LCD screen back then. Even the PSP maxed out at like 4 hours on a full charge. And I don't think lithium ion battery packs were really a thing in the mid-90s for consumer electronics.

>> No.10281241

You can say that about every console, and you would be correct