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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10269506 No.10269506 [Reply] [Original]

Why are there so many shit eaters in the retro gaming hobby? It seems like there are a particular clique of people who defend consoles that failed during their life. I can understand appreciating them for their historical value, but that doesn't mean they are worth playing. If they had good games they wouldn't have failed after all.
Are this shit eaters just hipsters that get a smug sense of superiority from liking things that other people don't like?
Sometimes you even see this sort of behavior from retards who defend obviously doomed retro gaming revivals projects like the atari vcs and intellevision amico

>> No.10269509

jaguar got some good games

>> No.10269528

What are these good games besides Tempest 2000?

>> No.10269530

I somewhat agree but ill always defend the dreamcast. people that act like the apple pippin and the atari 5200 are great consoles have brain tumors

>> No.10269539

>If they had good games they wouldn't have failed after all.
Very naive anon

>> No.10269542

>t.shit eater

>> No.10269543

nba jam TE is great

>> No.10269545

Are you a conformist anon?

>> No.10269547

What defines a game as good or bad is subjective.

>> No.10269548

How much of a factor do you believe popularity plays?

>> No.10269549

good taste is not subjective.

>> No.10269550

so that's it. you like to eat shit so you can view yourself as some sort of nonconformist. guess the hipster theory was right after all

>> No.10269552

Is that so? I don't believe there is anything unique about enjoying games that did not sell well. Do you view me as unique and special?

>> No.10269557
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The real question is, why are threads shitting on consoles like this accepted? If this thread was about a Nintendo console, it would be deleted in a heartbeat. Yet, we are allowed to dump on an obscure console with no quarter?

>> No.10269561
File: 1.54 MB, 1170x1571, jaggy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jag is actually based though?
its not like its a megaduck or something anon
live a little

>> No.10269562

most games don't sell well because people don't like them. that's not exclusively true, but trying to defend every flop you see probably says more about you then it does the games.

>> No.10269563

Well anon, I've got some interesting news for you. The deleters are making the threads like this. One got revealed earlier today.

>> No.10269565

? The 5200 is just a bunch of atari 400/800 games. Unless you are talking just the poorly designed overall design choices like the joystick and the weird ac adapter/video cable. Game library is fine.

>> No.10269568

>wooooow u rly like thing that is different?? U eat poo poo!!

>> No.10269569

>atari vcs
what did he mean by this?
small form factor ryzen windows PCs are DOOMED!!

>> No.10269572

>unironically defending the vcs
see what I mean. what compels people to do this?

>> No.10269571

Holy underage.

>> No.10269575

The Dreamcast and Saturn are seriously underrated, but anything Atari made after the 5200 is serious dogshit.

>> No.10269579

archive link?

>> No.10269580
File: 316 KB, 1026x801, uwantMYduck-huehuehuehue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop talking shit about my duck biznatch

>> No.10269583

either answer the question in the op or leave the thread. insulting people and raging isn't helping the thread

>> No.10269585

>godtier case
>linux\wangblows 10 dual boot
>looks way less ugly than a chinese pc box
>competitive price +atari eshop as a bonus
you are just a hater, even as a mediacenter its a good value

>> No.10269587

you somewhat have a point with the original post
but attacking literal PC users is retarded kek
youtube echochamber brings out the "lel quirky" autism
people collecting sega picos even though the target demographic is 6yr old girls

>> No.10269597

Because it's got some fun games, and they actually played it, unlike zoomers who's full experience is watching some YouTube meme machine shit on it.

Attack of the Mutant Penguins
Brutal Sports Football
Iron Soldier
And AvP seems universally praised, though it was a little slow moving for my twitchy fingers.

>> No.10269601

I don't have anything against collectors, the people who I can't understand are the ones who unironically say trash is underrated. not exactly retro but there are a lot of people who had no interest in the wii but when the wii u was flopping they talked about how underrated it was, then when the switch was a mayor success they lost interest. it's almost like they were only interested in the console because it was a massive failure

>> No.10269606

>Unless you are talking just the poorly designed overall design choices like the joystick and the weird ac adapter/video cable
yeah that makes it a pretty bad console. games are ok but even bad consoles have decent games.

>> No.10269617
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>> No.10269630
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it was this face that made it all really obvious.

>> No.10269632

Because as it turns out, when you actually play the games on those consoles, they're pretty sweet.The 3DO had some great games, we know this because half of them ended up getting ported to a system that didn't cost 2 grand people played them and liked them. The Jag likewise, it just had a terrible marketing campaign that put everyone off it.
Marketing and cost plays a pretty big factor in these kinds of things. It doesn't matter how good something is if people can't hear about it or get the wrong impression.

>> No.10269635

the wiiU does have some decent titles though
same with the virtual boy, same with the jag
same with the bally astrocade
same with the atari 5200\xegs
homebrew scene keeps the ball moving

i think a lot of it comes from internet culture for clicks\ad money
but the indie devs legit enjoy the old systems
why else would you program a 2600 gamecart anon

>> No.10269637

yeah the wii u has decent titles. so does the wii. the thing that confuses me is that there are so many people who hated the wii but liked the wii u. when you actually look at the libraries for the consoles they are very similar.

>> No.10269638
File: 171 KB, 1204x903, 3DObb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

price, timing, brand association, marketing, word-of-mouth
things were different then
if you couldn't get the gaming mags onboard you were fucked

example: jaguar doom getting slammed harder than 32x doom

>> No.10269641

meme list, gb2/r/

>> No.10269650

Idgaf about fags with weak genetics that caused them to have inferior eyes, the Virtual Boy was fucking awesome and deserved one more full year on the market. The Vectrex is also sweet and the Sega Nomad despite its battery issues, was the game gear succesor Sega should have pushed forward with. CDi is also neat as a multimedia player that just so happened to be able to play some games.

I will agree on Pippin though. That was a complete flop.

>> No.10269676
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>If this thread was about a Nintendo console, it would be deleted in a heartbeat. Yet, we are allowed to dump on an obscure console with no quarter?
Ask yourself why post-2005 issues Nintendo Power that were 90% about the Wii and DS were allowed for so long and you'll have your answer. Mods are tendies, simple as

>> No.10269680

There are finitely many retro games, so finding new things in the hobby requires going back and taking a second look at things that might have been passed over or unfairly dismissed the first time.

>> No.10269691

But how do you know he's a janitor?

>> No.10269708

Arcade perfect Doom for one.

>> No.10269748

trevor mcfur

>> No.10269854
File: 150 KB, 1124x1091, 1686898247611600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, Jag has cutdown maps and no music

>> No.10269970

This is a hobby dominated by nostalgia. A lot of retro games are bad, but whether or not they're good doesn't matter, they remember liking them as a kid.

Most of what people are saying in this thread are correct, but genuinely, a lot of shitty consoles and games are readily defended by people on this board because they have nostalgia for it. It's not even a case of "it's worse than I remember", either; people just develop stockholm syndrome for terrible games they had as a kid and find ways it can be fun.

I'm not immune to this either, before anyone says it.

>> No.10269983 [DELETED] 

Because all consoles are interesting to play if you are interested in the technology. The jag is interesting because its an attempt at advancement without going with polygons, you could almost see it as a super 16 console. The jag has at least 20 good games so its nowhere the worst which would be something like the Hamimex soundic.

You see the problem is if you just have a giant list of roms on a raspberri pi or a mister, its just a big list of things to consume, you have no point of reference for the massive constraints it is to make a game for these consoles so you can't appreciate them.

I started as a retro game enthusiast and went more into a eletcronic enthusiast so now I'm really fascinated by the technology used to produce graphics and how some devices use really novel approaches to do things that would seem many years ahead of their time. Ok sure maybe I won't be able to have a Bing Bah Whahoo time on the bus on a bright pink retroid with the sound up but its still very interesting. It you don't have a general curisousity because of a shit education system thats on you.

Some consoles or computers might actually only have 1 game made for them (mindset computer) but I still think thats ok because people will buy an arcade board so that its that same thing, you also get communities making homebrew aswell or porting games.

take a wild guess

or if you play nes or genesis or snes for 6 months sometimes its really refreshing to play the jag or something weird because you start to get used to stuff like the sprite limits and how many tiles they can show

I think its awesome but some people are just not that impressed by true 3d. I've seen it with VR, maybe they just don't notice the affect or they don't play games much so don't understand what the difference is.

>> No.10270001

Because all consoles are interesting to play if you are interested in the technology. The jag is interesting because its an attempt at advancement without going with polygons, you could almost see it as a super 16 console. The jag has at least 20 good games so its nowhere the worst which would be something like the Hanimex soundic.

You see the problem is if you just have a giant list of roms on a raspberri pi or a mister, its just a big list of things to consume, you have no point of reference for the massive constraints it is to make a game for these consoles so you can't appreciate them.

I started as a retro game enthusiast and went more into a electronic enthusiast so now I'm really fascinated by the technology used to produce graphics and how some devices use really novel approaches to do things that would seem many years ahead of their time. Ok sure maybe I won't be able to have a Bing Bah Whahoo time on the bus on a bright pink retroid with the sound up but its still very interesting. If you don't have a general curiosity because of a shit education system thats on you.

Some consoles or computers might actually only have 1 game made for them (mindset computer) but I still think thats ok because people will buy an arcade board so its the same thing, you also get communities making homebrew as well or porting games.

take a wild guess

or if you play nes or genesis or snes for 6 months sometimes its really refreshing to play the jag or something weird because you start to get used to stuff like the sprite limits and how many tiles they can show

I think its awesome but some people are just not that impressed by true 3d. I've seen it with VR, maybe they just don't notice the affect or they don't play games much so don't understand what the difference is.

>> No.10270010

I was so disappointed it was just a shitty shmup with pseudo-3D graphics and not some space adventure game like Star Control II, but with a star fox style setting

>> No.10270172

It's the most interesting version of the game, being a prototype of JagDoom of sorts.

>> No.10270176

>This is a hobby dominated by nostalgia
I mean, you're correct but not every single opinion about old games is nostalgia. I was born in 91 and I've played the original Castlevania for the first time in my life only a decade ago and I think it's an amazing game. In that case I don't think there's any nostalgia there. There's retro games that are just genuinely good

>> No.10270503

You'll need to ask a shit eater to get a definitive answer. So take a good look in the mirror and do that. But I suspect the answer is that you're underage and trying too hard to fit in.

>> No.10270536

Consoles don't always fail just because they have bad games. They can fail because of pricing, or difficulty of developing for the system, or because of dumb advertising.

Like apparently the Game Gear was good, real good. But it was competing with the Gameboy. The Game Gear had a $150 price tag, compared to the Gameboy's $90 tag. And the game gear used 2x the number of batteries and ate them way faster too.

Mommy and Daddy looked at it and went "nope" and bought little Jimmy the gameboy, because it had Mario and was "a nintendo", and because they needed to eat next week.

Yeh, bad games contributes, but it's rare that's the only reason a console fails.

Saying that, I only play the most popular consoles, and I use iphone and mac because only popular things that lots of idiots buy are good right?

>> No.10271302

naw. if game gear had tetris it would have sold well. it all comes down to the games

>> No.10271353

Game Gear is hyped up as this success because Nintendo said the game boy family sold 100 million consoles (really we have the numbers now and know the DMG sold 25M while the gear sold 14M, hardly a flop) and these days nobody even knows the library on the GB. It's tetris, pokeman, and a mario or something. Nobody knows about games like catrap or avenging spirit because gameboy fans are few and far between, but console warriors are plentiful. Game Gear has a better library, but even fewer people know that.

OP is a typical console warrior who just hates video games.

>> No.10271595

>these days nobody even knows the library on the GB. It's tetris, pokeman, and a mario or something.
Reminds me of a certain other Nintendo console or 10.

>> No.10271616

That's the sad thing, it don't gotta be this way