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10265561 No.10265561 [Reply] [Original]

Did resident evil 4 truly ruin the franchise?

>> No.10265563

It's the only good Resident Evil.

>> No.10265565

yeah it did /thread

>> No.10265568 [DELETED] 

Based chad
Cringe loser

>> No.10265572 [DELETED] 

Based white man

brown third worlders

>> No.10265598

I ackshually think the series went downhill at 7. 7 onwards was zoomer twitch bait. For some reason after "returning to it's survival horror roots", they went straight back to action with Village. 2make, 3make and 4make are all inferior to their OG iterations. Maybe I'm just getting old and this is probably not retro, but no, 4 didn't ruin the franchise for me

>> No.10265602

RE7 is very good game. It's only weakness is the enemy variety.

>> No.10265618

It's not shit but I rate every mainline re before it higher. I'm glad you enjoy it

>> No.10265646

5 is the obvious low point to the series and it's bizarre to me how little it's criticized. It's barely even playable in single player due to bad AI.
To OP's point, original formula exhausted itself, was copied too many times by other devs and Capcom itself. There's only so many "RE1 but with Dinos" type games you can make before everyone gets bored.

>> No.10265675

For me it just completely changed the franchise to a different game. It wasn't bad per se, but it felt like it wasn't Resident Evil either.

>> No.10265714

it was the beginning of the end. they fucked with the formula and should have just started a new IP would have been more interesting. wheres the survivor horror?!

>> No.10265873

I always thought it was a neede change at the time. Not sure if it was the best way to do it, but something RE needed a fresh air at the time.

>> No.10265883

Yes. It turned RE into an action game series. Losing it's survival horror roots. QTE's made it worse.

>> No.10265887
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5? 5 is easily the best game in the series. It isn’t even close. It has crazy fun camp, good graphics, lots of unique enemies/animations, weapon variety, chunky satisfying gunplay. And subjectively the hottest companion of any RE game with some wild ass outfits. Then the mercenaries mode? RE5 came with and has so much content it puts every other entry to shame. 5 is pinnacle OG resident evil

>> No.10265902

RE is a franchise where each game consistently has been worse than the one before.

>> No.10265935

RE4 didn't ruin the series, it was just the confirmation that it had already been ruined. RE2 was already a linear action game with weak puzzles, so anybody who criticises 4 but considers 2 the best is talking out their arse

>> No.10265942

Angry spaniards are not scary.

>> No.10265947

Based RE5 chad. The co-op is more fun than REddit4 ever was. These dumb faggots don't know better.

>> No.10265961

t. Never been to Europe

>> No.10265969

Did anyone really expect Capcom to make Umbrella survive?

>> No.10265970


>> No.10265972

the only thing good about 5 is killing massive amounts of people who are


>> No.10265976

Umbrella went from big pharma in RE1 to a comically powerful worldwide shadow government in RE2. And then it just died lol?

>> No.10265979

Did you seriously expect a company to suffer in any way after getting exposed for illegal experimentation and causing a US city to get nuked?

>> No.10265983
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Resident Evil is a weird series when all of the games from 7 onwards are objectively better than 5,6 and Rev 1/2 which were pretty shitty and yet I prefer the shitty ones, especially 5 which I actually enjoy a lot. I feel like the series lost its distinct charm (I call it 'the Resident Evil feel' lmao) when they switched to RE engine and started hiring western writers, it just doesn't feel the same anymore. Sorry for not retro

>> No.10265989

not really.

considering how nobody seemed to like RE0 or CV and how exhausted the formula was by that point i'd imagine that the series would've died with RE4 had they not changed things up and kept to the classic style formula that the early games were known for.

RE7 is great but the game should've ended at escaping the baker compound and left the supernatural stuff more ambiguous instead of just making it all BOW related near the end. i also found the story of clancy the cameraman told in the DLCs & demos more interesting that ethan's story.

RE8 is a solid singleplayer FPS but it's way too short which is so weird for me to say because beneviento, moreau & even miranda's segments feel like filler. it almost feels like the game should've just been lady D & heisenberg as the antagonists with chris or ethan being caught in the middle of this war between vampires, werewolves & frankenstein monsters.

the recent remakes (along with RE7 & RE8) are clearly an attempt to reboot the series which is fine since most of the series's main characters are in their 60s or 70s.

RE5 is just a rehash of RE4 with co-op. it's a good enough game by that virtue alone.

as someone who likes RE6 i will say that RE6 was the real low point in that the multiple scenarios were meant to please fans of both types of games (leon & ada for the classic fans and chris & jake for the newer fans while also trying to compete with L4D with it's invasion mechanics) but ultimately pleased nobody because of it's identity crisis.

if they just made it an original IP or committed to one direction for the game i think people would've been alot more kinder to it because as it's own thing i think it's a pretty good TPS.

>> No.10265995

5 had zombies. RE4 does not. Sure the co-op may be inconvenient, but as long as you have someone playing with you, it's fine.

>> No.10266009
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You raise a great point about the writers. Apart of the charm of the old RE games was having Japanese writers trying to emulate American horror movies.
Comparing old and new RE games is like comparing Evil Dead 1 to the Evil Dead remake from 2013. Technically speaking, the remake is a better horror film but there’s a charm and soul to the original that can’t be replicated.

>> No.10266030

The game play and maps are so fucking good though. And the story? Just ridiculous. Almost as good as RE1. RE4 is shit in comparison to 5

>> No.10266047

Anon pls, we don't need to hear about your oil driller tendencies.

>> No.10266070

>the remake is a better horror film but there’s a charm and soul to the original that can’t be replicated.
i disagree. evil dead is effectively the story of ash williams and the newer films going out of their way to remove him from the franchise is like trying to have a nightmare on elm street movie without freddy or a friday the 13th movie without at least SOME connection to jason be it a copycat killer or his literal mom.

>> No.10266414

the series was already ruined by Code Veronica and then the shitty REmake and Zero were the nail on the coffin
enter RE4 and it resurrected the franchise only to be killed again by 5 then 6 tried to resurrect it again but Rev1 killed it AGAIN, then Rev2 revived it only to be killed by 7 once and for all

>> No.10266417

Delusional & inaccurate.

>> No.10266424

Code Veronica is trash and mogged so hard by 3
REmake is inferior to the OG
Zero is Zero/10
RE5 is 4 but worse in every single way
Rev1 is the blandest soulless game in the series only coomers pretend it's good because Jill (worst RE girl) butt
7 is shitty westernized walking sim that does not resemble RE in the slightest

this are facts not an opinion

>> No.10266430
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>og resident evil

>> No.10266457

>this are facts not an opinion
Nope. All of that is opinion. Also you may want to work on your grammar.

>> No.10266461

Zero is such a weird case. I always assumed they stopped production on the N64 version and shelved the whole thing only to pick it back up later for the Gamecube when they needed a new RE title in a hurry. That's not what happened at all though. Development slowed down during the switchover between systems but never actually stopped. Almost 5 years of polishing that turd and the garbage they finally delivered was the best they could do. No wonder Capcom axed the fixed camera formula after that disaster.

>> No.10266536

The franchise was niche before it, and don't let any revisionist retard here tell you otherwise. It played like shit, looked like shit, sounded like shit. Anyone who praises the original PS1 games is a bandwagoning faggot or played it for less than hour at a friend's house and was easily impressed by DUDE ZOMBIES. RE4 was the first and only good game in the franchise until its own remake.

>> No.10266540

>The franchise was niche before it
>despite both the GC and PS2 releases failing to outsell RE1 on the PS1 alone
shoe size IQ

>> No.10266545

> Anyone who praises the original PS1 games is a bandwagoning faggot
You absolutely were NOT around in the mid-late ‘90s. You don’t have a clue how good things were in this shitty fucking industry. You haven’t a fucking clue.

>> No.10266550

Resident Evil and the Fast & Furious feel like the change the same way. Both end up going beyond their initial premise (survival horror and car racing) to straight up action extravaganza.

>> No.10267002

That's all great but coop AI partner ruins the entire game. It's so goddamn bad. And playing with a human ruins the vibe, this is Resident Evil, I don't want some human idiot running around trying to be funny. And unlike 6, 5 relies on coop gameplay heavily, when AI is retarded you really feel how retarded it is

>> No.10267080

What ruined the franchise was the death of FLAGSHIP and the events surrounding 4's development being as chaotic as they were, leading to retards assuming a bunch of dumb shit about what happened.
I wouldn't mind 4, UC, and 5 gimping Sugimura's initial direction for the end of the franchise's first saga (especially with how the Rival Company got dropped and turned into "S"/Seashell/Tricell) if it weren't for faggots acting like 4 was some major departure from everything.
4's entire narrative is just based on earlier scripts and outlines Sugimura wrote up (Leon gets infected, Wesker's group operates in the background (Leon even fights a guy with slicked back blonde hair, but Krauser is more based on early Project Devil stuff), the main antagonist is a centuries old man/parasite whose name starts with S and ends with R (in some betas, Saddler even has Spencer's original planned model if I recall), etc.), while Umbrella Chronicles and 5 just wrap up everything that was left (Umbrella's true fall, Wesker and the rival company). 4 itself didn't even change the gameplay out of some spiteful hatred for traditional RE gameplay, 4's entire development was on the basis of evolving survival horror to the next step (2 was gimped in development, and 3 was never intended to be 3 (and Mikami resents that 1.9 became 3 for those gameplay reasons)).

So, the thing that ruined RE was obnoxious retards on the internet who talk out their ass.

>> No.10267089

Resident Evil 4 is a paradox of a video game, because it's probably one of the greatest games ever made but still ruined its franchise. Capcom got exactly the wrong idea about what people liked in 4, and we ended up with games like RE6 because of it.

>> No.10267128

Every RE game with tank controls I've played was rehasing stage and weapon progressions from earlier games. The series didn't seem to be able to get beyond this basic reskinning approach

>> No.10267138

Not really.
I admit that Resident Evil 2's opening RPD is remarkably similar to 1's mansion, just trimmed down and made linear, and you could argue for similarities between the caves and sewers, but the final lab area is remarkably different in progression and staging.
3 especially is completely different from all prior and following entries, having one large open area, followed by four independent smaller levels.
Code Veronica is also incredibly different. The opening Prison section is completely different from prior openers, and it asks the player to manage three (occasionally four) major areas for its first half, and then its second half is three unique sections that test your memory of Rockfort and Antarctica (though the first Antarctica level is fairly standard).

As for weapon progression, that would be fairly similar across games. RE has only four types of weapon the player obtains for the reason of pacing.
Always a pistol and knife, you typically have right at the start or shortly after starting.
>Crowd Control
The shotgun, though in the case of Claire it's a bowgun. When this is received changes in every game, but it typically occurs within the first hour.
The magnum or grenade launcher, and when you get this changes in every game. CV doesn't give it to you until the last hour of the game, while 3 can give it to you only 20 minutes in. REmake has it at the end of the first third, while RE1 places it in the final third (or in Arranged Mode, in the first 10 minutes like RE3).
>Spray and Pray
Down here because it is uncommon. 2, 3, and CV have a play on this (and 1's PC port technically), but they all appear at different times. 3 only on easy mode right at the start, 2 in the second half, and CV has two you can receive- one at the start and one towards the final third of the game.

In short, your point sucks.

>> No.10267154

Hence why it's a divisive game. The original RE fans absolutely hated RE4. The new fans hate the classics & see RE4 as the only game in the franchise worth playing.

>> No.10267160

Zoomer thread.

>> No.10267210

I'm in a weird spot where I like the classics AND 4, but I don't really care for 5 and 6 at all.

>> No.10267217

idk but it started the brown and piss filter so I hate it. ruined an entire generation of games.

>> No.10267225

RE4 also started the trend of every modern horror game being a RE4 reskin.

>> No.10267227

That too. The game was basically too good, if that makes any sense. Every developer wanted to copy it and we all suffered for it.

>> No.10267268

Literally my only issue with RE4 was that narratively it threw away everything that the past games had been building up to, and instead introduced a new story that was completely irrelevant to past events. The previous games left behind loose ends that RE4 then expressly refused to tie up, despite promises by past games to the contrary. As an appreciator of good writing, it felt jarring and left a bad taste in my mouth.

Everything else I was cool with. The new game engine was a welcome change with its new abilities, the new inventory system in particular was something that I had wanted to see since C:VX. But not finishing up with Umbrella in any meaningful way was just bad form, Capcom.

>> No.10267273

>The original RE fans absolutely hated RE4
Croc of shit, millennial fans had a religious experience playing RE4. Ironically, it's not even the original fans who are complaining about 4-onwards, but zoomers repeating video essay talking points.

>> No.10267275

>complaining about 4-onwards
In terms of gameplay anyway. 5 did get flak on release for not being scary

>> No.10267281

I agree with this, I don’t remember anybody hating re4 when it first came out it was more the opposite. Everybody wouldn’t shut the fuck up about it. LEON

>> No.10267291
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>RE2 ending
>"Hey, it's up to US to take out Umbrella"
>lol Umbrella's stock prices crashed and now they're gone
It's so fucking shit and lame. Every RE fan wanted a game where Chris, Jill, Leon and Claire destroy umbrella

>> No.10267309

If you actually played RE4 you would know Wesker was on the loose regrouping Umbrella's assets and manpower. Ada's role in the story is to retrieve control Plaga for Wesky. Of course, you haven't played the game and are regurgitating bullshit told to you by jaded millennials who can't remember these details because they haven't played the game since 2006 and even then didn't particularly pay attention.

>> No.10267318

No, 7 did. First person garbage
4 Saved it.

>> No.10267323

Another day another retard who thinks first-person is inherently bad because Call of Duty exists

>> No.10267325

I've played the game on GC at launch. Wesker is rebuilding his own Umbrella but the original trilogy Umbrella was still destroyed by stock prices. Wesker didn't run the original Umbrella

>> No.10267327

>REddit4 fangay admits that RE4 is nothing but a glorified setup for RE5

>> No.10267341

You are really bad at abstracting if you think RE4 and 5 aren't about Umbrella. Your logic is like saying Americans don't speak English because the British Empire doesn't exist anymore

>> No.10267343

I never said that. I said that the RE1-2-3 Umbrella isn't the same as the Umbrella ran by Wesker starting from RE4

>> No.10267348

So you don't feel like stopping Wesker simply because of what the IRS knows about his employment status?

>> No.10267356

How did Umbrella's stock market even crash if all evidence of their involvement was erased with the nuke
No wonder Leon says it's up to him and Claire to stop them. Sherry is their only evidence and even then how the fuck are you gonna prove any of it and cause governments and news stations to spark public outcry hard enough to end a multinational big pharma corporation in only a couple of years? Did Ada do that instead of them?

>> No.10267360

>if all evidence of their involvement was erased with the nuke
How did Tojo know Hiroshima got nuked when the people in Hiroshima who could've told him this got nuked

>> No.10267369

Well, Leon, Claire, Chris, Jill, Barry and Rebecca all survived, so they most likely testified in court. After an entire city within US borders got nuked, the authorities kinda have no choice but to believe them, especially since 5/6 of the Raccoon survivors are police officers, and Chris in particular had already requested the FBI to look into Umbrella's affairs.

>> No.10267379

Resident Evil has nothing to do with a first-person shooter.
It's like taking a cod or battlefield and suddenly turning it into a third-person shooter.

>> No.10267381

Nah bro, the US government would have nuked one of its own cities without any investigation or subsequent presidential commissions. How the fuck do these retards think a US city being literally wiped off the map wouldn't be the most documented event in human history lol

>> No.10267390

Actually when Leon said that at the end of RE2 he didn't even know the city would be nuked. That happened a day later, Jill is still in the city when RE2 ends

>> No.10267391 [SPOILER] 
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>It's like taking a cod or battlefield and suddenly turning it into a third-person shooter.
Which they have done. The game as a concept isn't contingent on the camera angle.

>> No.10267393
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>so they most likely testified in court

>> No.10267398

>Every RE fan wanted a game where Chris, Jill, Leon and Claire destroy umbrella
It's always refreshing when creators do something bold and original instead of retarded fanfic drivel like this to please their dumbest fans.

>> No.10267404

>Every RE fan wanted a game where Chris, Jill, Leon and Claire destroy umbrella
That was never going to happen. It was just going to get strung along forever like some shitty cartoon.

>> No.10267408

>It was just going to get strung along forever like some shitty cartoon.
It already was before RE4 even came out. RE2 and CV had fucking retarded stories and RE4 was all the better for not being CV2

>> No.10267409

The case here is the evidence. Even if they testified how did they prove it was Umbrella? The government called the nuke in and the president in office at the time resigned because of public outcry, but even then the government kept Umbrella's fuckups under wraps. How did anyone from the outside know it was them? The letter soup agencies aren't just gonna let people talk about it.

>> No.10267420

It saved the series

>> No.10267421

Yeah, there's a few people like that and it's understable. I think if the original RE games had RE4's gameplay, it would be a non-issue with the newbie fans.

Quite the opposite. RE4 was hated by many classic fans, not because it got rid of "tank controls", but because it became an action game & got rid of the horror.

>> No.10267423 [DELETED] 

Nuking the city was fucking stupid and was the beginning of all the cringe garbage that pretty much killed the series.

>> No.10267425

Nuking the city was fucking stupid and the beginning of all the cringe garbage that pretty much killed the series.

>> No.10267429

RE is complete cringe if you care about the plot and you clearly care about the plot. What you mean to say is that you were 12 when you played RE1 and therefore the cringe plot was okay.

>> No.10267432

It's not a whole new game release set in third person only, stupid zoomer

>> No.10267439

>They can investigate the remains of the city
>Faxes from the RPD
>The police and US military engaging Mr X and Nemesis units and other advanced BOW's
>The earlier mansion incident can be connected to the city incident
>Ada's employer is proof that even non-governmental bodies could prove what Umbrella was doing
>The fact Umbrella is a pharmaceutical company that had a conglomerate over the city down to its infrastructure means they will be the first suspects in matters related to public health
>Umbrella's North American headquarters will inevitably damage their shares and their business even prior to their being proven culpable; it's possible that contractors like Hunk or Carlos got take off the payroll and then snitched, adding to the already enormous pile of evidence

>> No.10267442

You probably actually browse /pol/ and think you have a bead on things, don't you?

>> No.10267443

>not because it got rid of "tank controls"
Indeed, because it didn't get rid of tank controls lol, it controls almost identically to the originals

>> No.10267445

>did not demonstrate that the game as a concept is contingent on a fucking camera angle
I accept your concession.

>> No.10267447
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It's it's cringe but it's kino. People being afraid of being cringe is what led to shit like Marvel movies where every character is quipping every 5 mins so everything is behind 50 layers of irony because actually caring about the plot would be cringe and that's scary. This is why fiction is rarely written with sincerity now and every game is just "BRO ISN'T THAT WACKY AND SILLY HAHA! DON'T WORRY BRO YOU'RE NOT BEING CRINGE BY ENJOYING THIS BECAUSE WE ALL KNOW THIS IS SILLY AND WE'RE ALL IN ON THE JOKE HAHA"

>> No.10267451

>>Umbrella's North American headquarters being destroyed*

>> No.10267456

>but because it became an action game & got rid of the horror.
It's more than that. It's an obsession with RE from their adolescence that isn't warranted. Most series that "innovate" by redoing the series in all but name get ignored. But RE4 triggered what is basically childhood fanaticism concerning the fact that they realized that literally nobody wants another game ever again like the original RE trilogy. On top of that, RE4 was a really good game which meant there is no chance of Capcom having incentive to "go back to the core fanbase" due to some kind of reboot failure.

This is still ongoing today. 99% of RE4 haters are just people posing as having a legitimate opinion without preconception, they don't actually have opinions on the game that they formed in a vacuum.

>> No.10267458

No, you're just wrong and you're trying to evoke a boogieman like Marvel movies, of all things I wonder why, because you really were just 12 and legit thought RE was good in all aspects.

>> No.10267479

That's just the lore of the game in case you think this is made up. Retard.
Wouldn't the city ruins be off-limits after the detonation to prevent anyone from finding anything? And with the mansion incident and Umbrella's stranglehold on the city being kept from nationwide news thanks to Chief Irons, as well as the underground lab self-destructing, that leaves just Ada. Umbrella does have the undertaker monkey dudes to do cleanup jobs too, while UBCS is made up of criminals and warsaw pact refugees with dubious trustworthyness.

>> No.10267484

>That's just the lore of the game in case you think this is made up. Retard.
The point is that you're actually posting it unironically. Retard.

>> No.10267487

>Wouldn't the city ruins be off-limits
???? Why the fuck wouldn't the US government study it???? There would be a commission just for the ecological effects, let alone everything else

>> No.10267495

Like??????????????????? Why would you level one of your own cities and decide there's nothing important to learn?

>> No.10267496

>Why the fuck wouldn't the US government study it?
Because it's in on Umbrella's doings, hence why they chose to nuke it right away?

>> No.10267512

>Because it's in on Umbrella's doings
And Congress isn't, nor is the judiciary. State governments that had vital infrastructural or trade links with Raccoon City would also press for a federal commission. On top of these, the federal government has several incentives to initiate a commission:
>ecological/environmental effects
>assess the potential and timeframe for rebuilding the city
>charred remains of zombies and BOW's would be highly sought for research
>they're not going to admit to Congress or the public that there is no need for a commission as they already knew what Umbrella was doing; it's in the US government's interest to independently prove after the fact that Umbrella was behind it. The decision to nuke the city would then be explained as a quarantine measure rather than a political decision

>> No.10267517

There's also the functionally more important aspect to all of this which is that IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT A GOVERNMENT DOES OR SAYS people are going to flock to that place and there's nothing government security can do to stop hardly any of these people if they actually want to find out what happened. The plot is B movie trash and if you enjoy it as such for anything other than that then you're doing it wrong.

>> No.10267534

Yeah that's pretty good. It reminds me of the Goldsboro incident which wasn't declassified until around the 2010s, and that's just for accidental undetonated nukes, so it does make me wonder how far they'd go to simply not let it come to light, shrug off the blast as a tremor and treat the area like they do Groom Lake.

>> No.10267542

Goldsboro is easy to keep under wraps because it was undetonated anyway; a detonation would have been impossible to obscure

>> No.10267545

There's also the fact that it wasn't hidden from the local community in the slightest and was only able to hide the existence of the mishap through local cooperation.

>> No.10267562
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Would have been cooler to follow up Leon's ending screen where they're cleaning up the city. But hire anime writers, get dumb anime shit like "destroy the city with a gigantic bomb that's totally not an icky nuclear weapon."

>> No.10267691

it made new fans from a different genres like>>10265563 that capcom has now to cater to. so yeah it ruined it.
most of RE 4 fans don't like RE to begin with...

>> No.10267734

I wouldn't say it is identical. The aiming mechanical is new. The over the shoulder view is new.

Not really. Classic fans hated RE4 due to the focus being on more action, less horror. To put it another way, it's like going from the original 1990 TMNT movie, to making it silly, animated & woke in the 2023 version of TMNT movie. The changes only appeals to newbies, while classic fans hate it. Another example is going from the iconic & classic 1989 Batman movie, to fucking it up with the 1997 Batman & Robin movie. Fans of the Tim Burton Batman movies didn't like the campy nature of Batman & Robin. So there is legit reasons for hating changes, whether it's in video games, movies, TV shows or music.

>> No.10267806

>The over the shoulder view is new.
The camera angle isn't the controls

>> No.10267818

Shut up pedantic nigger, kill yourself.

>> No.10267821

That's not pedantic it's "not being retarded"

>> No.10267838

Damn a SECOND obviously retarded movie analogy. >>10267456 is correct and you're wrong. It's not the change in genre, it's the not change in small child brain never growing up.

>> No.10267841

>the recent remakes (along with RE7 & RE8) are clearly an attempt to reboot the series which is fine since most of the series's main characters are in their 60s or 70s
that would be a smart move, but aren't the remakes still set in the 90s?

>> No.10267853

RE4 certainly breathed new life into the series. I remember playing Code Veronica with a friend on the Dreamcast when it came out, and despite the graphics being a huge plus, the game and the franchise itself felt like it was dragging on.

*NotRetro* I don't know if it just left a big impact on me or something but I'm surprised to see people put Revelations 1 so low. I played it on the 3DS with 3D on full flast / headphones on and lights off, tucked on my bed and I enjoyed the everliving shit out of it, favorite action RE after RE4. I loved doing the online raids and collecting the parts too.
I tried the home console version later and it lost a lot of soul, just wasn't the same at all. Maybe people have their impression on that version?

>> No.10267937
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No you retarded fucks, Gun Survivor is what ruined the series, not only did it have shit gameplay and a story beyond retarded even for RE standards but more importantly it was when the series first introduced guns of an LGBT persuasion.

>> No.10267947

Despite having a 3DS I've always opted for the PC version because of m+kb desu, still think it's good

>> No.10267967

>That was never going to happen. It was just going to get strung along forever like some shitty cartoon.
Nah, it was.
RE4 was initially meant to be further Rival Company set up, and conclude with the death of Spencer and Wesker escaping once again (the idea of him retrieving another body with what he needs in Krauser, to parallel CV, was likely also part of the original outline).
I don't think there would've ever been a big Umbrella showdown because that would've already happened. CV has the Ashfords die, Marcus dies in Zero, and then Spencer dies in 4.
5 also clearly follows on from the loose outlines of the time. Dead Aim talked about the secret in the heart of Africa, which is referencing the progenitor flowers, and 5 itself is ostensibly about Wesker and the Rival Company. Obviously, several changes were made in development (such as Wesker becoming a big mastermind in 4 and 5, rather than a guy on the ground floor fighting the protagonists), but what we got from 4, UC, and 5 was just a streamlined version of the initial plan.

Like, I see this idea get posted around a lot and I genuinely have to wonder how much you guys know about RE or who was involved in writing it at the time. Umbrella was always going to die and then it would move onto the next thing, you only see Umbrella as this eternal thing because, after 5 ended and the outlines they had dried up, Capcom just kept going back to Umbrella. Neo-Umbrella, Blue and Red Umbrella, "The Connections" is run by an Umbrella founder, etc.
It also doesn't help that the live action films managed to carry an Umbrella centric storyline for 15 years.

>> No.10267972

>Would have been cooler to follow up Leon's ending screen where they're cleaning up the city. But hire anime writers, get dumb anime shit like "destroy the city with a gigantic bomb that's totally not an icky nuclear weapon."
Actually, that wasn't written by the "anime writers". Resident Evil 3's narrative was the sole game made after 2 and before Umbrella Chronicles not to have FLAGSHIP involvement.
You can actually see what FLAGSHIP and Sugimura had intended for post-2 Raccoon City in the drama album "Lost Fugitive Sherry", and it might be a bit more insane lol.
Sherry runs to a neighboring community, and Umbrella shows up to capture her by mowing down the entire town with one of their helicopters. Raccoon City is obviously still around at this point by the way.

>> No.10268160

The camera angle determines whether or not you're moving your character from an isometric standpoint or a real 3D environment. RE4 did not have "tank controls".

No, what's retarded is thinking that a good game series needed to jump into a different genre. In RE's case, it went from survival horror to arcade-style action. If Leon had been killing actual zombies, the fanbase would be united. Instead it's divided because the dev's thought it would be a good idea to put Leon up against a cult made up of angry Spanish speaking villagers that will attack you with weapons. Villagers don't even exist in modern times, this seems like a reskin of a different game. At least RE5 brought back the zombies. Also the movie analogy works because I pointed out two very fine examples of how a good movie series can turn to shit when you fuck with the formula. But I guess you're the type that enjoys shit than a work of art. It's like you prefer watching James Gunn style shitty superhero movies(RE4) over a masterpiece like Zack Snyder's Justice League(REmake). If REmake or the original RE classics had RE4's controls, you'd have nothing to complain about. The controls is the only thing RE4 has over the original RE games.

>> No.10268218

>due to the focus being on more action, less horror
Oh like RE2

>> No.10268230

>The camera angle determines
By your logic, a 3D game where you literally control a tank doesn't have tank controls. You are fucking retarded and should be ashamed.

>> No.10268248

RE4 was an absolute masterpiece back then, and it still is. And I love to see contrarians butthurt about it lmao

>> No.10268260

>Villagers dont even exist in modern times
>At least RE5 brought back the zombies
both wrong, RE5 enemies are literally the same both lorewise and gameplaywise (they even share animations!), you might be thinking of RE6 Leon's campaign

>> No.10268281

Having the AI help you actually makes the game less scary. A lot less scary. It's impossible to get scared knowing you have someone helping you, potentially. It's the isolation with the shitty awful tank controls that makes RE terrifying, imo.

>> No.10268283

>If Leon had been killing actual zombies, the fanbase would be united
I guess they didn't like RE1 where actual zombies were less than half of the total enemies
>Villagers don't even exist in modern times
Epic fail posting

>> No.10268289

RE4 was absolute shit back then, and it still is. And I love to see contrarians butthurt about it lmao

>> No.10268415

No, RE3 and veronica did it, Capcom just did a Capcom move by restarting the series with experimental gameplay, like they did with 8 then.

>> No.10268418

video games aren't scary. If flashing lights on a screen makes you piss and shit your pants you should probably seek a medical professional for help.

>> No.10268419

It hasn't been scary since CV

>> No.10269405

It's states pretty clearly in 3 that Jill was collecting evidence for a while, this was also noted in 2.

>> No.10269413

if you don't get scared by horror games/movies you're probably a NPC who lacks imagination

>> No.10269421
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There is no fourth game in the RE trilogy.

>> No.10269469

I played 1, 2, and 0. The progression was basically identical for those games. Do plan on playing Veronica eventually however, 3 looks like shid

>> No.10269489

If you can stomach 0 you'll 100% like both 3 and Veronica

>> No.10269584

3 is great and better than 2, but not better than 1

>> No.10269621

>¡Detrás de ti, imbécil!

>> No.10269698

No, making a shitton of games during the 6th and 7th gen was what killed RE. Capcom should have taken their time and made RE3 a PS2 launch game. CV is where the series started to show staleness.

By the time REmake and 0 rolled around, people were fucking exhausted of the series.

>> No.10269809

Is this a /k/ meme? Idgi

>> No.10269813 [DELETED] 

Kill yourself, troon.

>> No.10269849
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>The case here is the evidence. Even if they testified how did they prove it was Umbrella?

There were reporters like Ben Bertolucci staying in the city before it was destroyed. You're forgetting, strange murders were already happening in the Arklay mountains pre-RE1. In RE3 a journalist in his notes mentions that there's a "cannibal disease" happening in Raccoon City even before the final days of September 1998, when everything finally went completely tits up.

Nothing in Raccoon City just suddenly happened. Things had been going wrong for a good while now, and there were people in town investigating matters, who most certainly managed to draw connections to Umbrella, and kept contact to the outside world.

Raccoon City during the final days was also quarantined and blockaded by the military. The soldiers standing guard no doubt witnessed and shot creatures that weren't quite human anymore, and the remains were no doubt studied, proving that something unusual was going on.

>> No.10270045

Well you see anon I can picture what I see on the screen as being real temporarily while I’m playing. And for some reason the fear of dying becomes real. If it didn’t, that means I’m not immersed in the game and then nothing matters.

>> No.10270064 [DELETED] 

you will never find happiness

>> No.10270072 [DELETED] 

>you will never find happiness

>> No.10270417 [DELETED] 

>Kill yourself, troon.

>> No.10270438
File: 314 KB, 2560x1440, redridinghood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolutely based

>> No.10270528

literally what did he mean by this

>> No.10270834

Revelations came out before 6.

>> No.10271025

All of the classic mainline games are different enough not to feel stale for me personally. It's just that half of them are amazing and the other half (3, CV and 0) is shit in comparison. And please don't fucking tell me 3 is better than 2 and REmake for the love of god, everyone is tired of this

>> No.10271063
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Parasite Eve is the only good RE game

>> No.10271136

>I really want to fuck blonde woman: The official game series

>> No.10271152

Can't believe Capcom put Brittany Venti in a RE game.

>> No.10271268

It's one of the best action games ever made and I don't see how retards can pretend otherwise. Still would've been nice if they'd kept making solid survival horror RE games too, rather than dump everything for action titles that mostly ended up being shit.

>> No.10271334

>Still would've been nice if they'd kept making solid survival horror RE games too
Best case scenario would be them going back to classic style after 5. It's like with Zelda nowadays, I like the two sandbox ones and glad we have them but sort of had enough

>> No.10271364

Felt like they lost their direction after 2 and just started throwing all kinds of shit at the wall but none of it really stuck.

>> No.10271375

I thought it was used by the italians

>> No.10271464

Wikipedia says
North Korea[27]
Republic of China: Used by Chang Tso-lin's warlord army and by the National Revolutionary Army.[28][29]
Vietnam: Used by Viet Minh soldiers in the First Indochina War and later used by Viet Cong during Vietnam War.[25]

>> No.10271637

from a VR perspective yeah, RE sales were declining, if they put out another static camera horror RE it would have failed, so RE would be more special for us.

>> No.10272186

That's how Leon was able to drive in to racoon city and not realize anything was wrong

>> No.10272330

>Did resident evil 4 truly ruin the franchise?

No, it was resident evil 5.

>> No.10272340

>Muh puzzles
Every puzzle in RE is so trivial the lights puzzle in 4 is one of the harder ones in the franchise
>Muh ammo management
The amount of ammo you are given in the RE games is very generous, and the knife is almost as good as the handgun in 1, 3, and CV.
>Muh inventory management
The storage makes this a petty matter. Almost every monster can be consistently dodged too.
>Muh keys
Fetch quest, RE1 did this well because the hunters replace the zombies after the guardhouse, but the difficulty of replacement enemies is non-existent in 2 and 3.
>Muh fixed camera

>> No.10272359


>> No.10273576

Cool pic but why is Chris pointing at Tyrant's dick?

>> No.10273689

Maximum damage

>> No.10274730

It's one of RE2's most famous plot holes.

>> No.10276285

The whole umbrella fall was so poorly handled they had to cram in a whole new russian secret base chapter that jill and chris was doing while wesker was gathering umbrella info from another super secret evil russian umbrella guy in the umbrella chronicles railshooter. They just wanted to separate from the nice little story they were building to split and have their fan favorite twink fight conquistadors. They obviously had no plans considering 5 is just forcibly wrapping up all the lose ends they had established from the previous games while adding wesker babies, this being separate from all the other characters they choose to forget exist.

>> No.10276303

I thought re2 starts after jill gets infected an put in the hospital at 3, so nemesis is far away and all the military was probably tore apart. The city was quiet in the original 3 but then outbreak made it seem like there were survivors everywhere, and the remake felt like the events took place so fast no one knew what happened.

>> No.10276336

It didn't ruin the franchise. It was Shinji Mikami saying, "This would be cool so let's do it," for every scene of the game. The game still has tank controls but the camera perspective is shifted. Puzzle solving is straightforward. The only thing I personally hate is QTE's.
Resident Evil was a slow methodical horror game with campy acting.
RE2 was a combat puzzle action game.
RE3 was an action game with several-frame windows to reward players who took risks but had good timing with several sections where puzzle order was up to the player.
RE:CV was cool and fine and everyone exaggerates it being a "bad game".
Franchise is great. Play your favorite.

>> No.10276376
File: 79 KB, 640x960, 1642458503343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People that love 4 never liked RE to begin with.

>> No.10276419

It's always refreshing when creators make something new and original instead of pure fanservice for easy money from their dumbest fans.

>> No.10276430


>> No.10276462

I love all RE games up to and including 5

>> No.10276485

sure you do.

>> No.10276504

So I'm lying about enjoying a video game? RE is not Deus Ex or Planescape Torment why would I pretend to like it

>> No.10276609

Wasn't Chris preparing a legal case against Umbrella? Didn't Leon provide testimonies you can read in RE5?

>> No.10276670

i just wish the canon had ended up going with the novels they paid s.d. perry to write. caliban cove and underworld would have made good games. they did steal several elements from the novels for the anderson movies though.