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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10264335 No.10264335 [Reply] [Original]

>both sluggish dogshit full of bullet sponges and unsatisfying weapons
yet we demonize one while celebrating the other as one of the greatest shooters of all time because MUH ENVIRONMENTAL STORYTELLING

>> No.10264341
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while we're at it… what's the worst bullet sponge in vidya, in your opinion?
this piece of shit takes several minutes to kill even you shoot him non stop with 2 players, both using weapon switch trick.

>> No.10264342

But enough about Deus Ex.

>> No.10264358

But enough about Quake.

>> No.10264459

Clarify, anon. Are you mad people praise Half Life, or are you mad people don't praise DMC2?

>> No.10264461

it's our resident half life hater, he's been here for years

>> No.10264465
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>> No.10264473

Devil May Cry 2 isn't a shooter though?

>> No.10264540
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>unsatisfying weapons

>> No.10264569

you keep making these DmC threads
the games were NEVER GOOD
even as a 12 year old i was embarrassed playing this cringe

>ending of DM1
>dante: yeaeaahehaaaaaaawwwwwww!
so fucking lame dude
stop posting this trash

>> No.10264573

Quake's super shotgun is a fucking peashooter.

>> No.10264583

That's not the ending of DMC 1 though.

>> No.10264592

no that's the nail gun

>> No.10264614

Gordon rheeman is probably the most autistic protagonist of any game. And I can’t even remember what the plot of half life series is. Laboratory experiments gone wrong!!! Oppressive police force!!

>> No.10264670

I actually really like HL's weapons, and I don't really think it has bullet-sponges (outside of the human soldiers, but not by much)

>> No.10264857

It was the first "realistic" FPS where you were shown people having lives other than shooting people and getting shot by people and a lot of super underappreciated features. There's AI implemented for the cockroaches, the textures in some places are randomized, the colors the houndeyes emit denote different things, etc.

>> No.10265013

Are you mad, faggot? I squat down and take a shit on your doorstep.

>> No.10265023

>sluggish dogshit full of bullet sponges and unsatisfying weapons
you're thinking of half life 2 anon

>> No.10265034

HL2 is one of my favorite games, but I hate HL1 too

>> No.10265154

>unsatisfying weapons
How can you say that about hl when it has the gauss and the egon gun?

>> No.10265278

Some really shit takes in this thread.

>> No.10265305

"Muh" should just be wordfiltered at this stage.

>> No.10266001

Wait, you just said it. Do you want your own post to be filtered? Haha, what a retard.

>> No.10266238

They Live: Total Lack of Self Awareness Edition isn't retro

>> No.10266240

I have no problem with being wordfiltered desu senpai

>> No.10266272

Stop lying we all know you were born in 2001 like a little space age baby.

>> No.10266712

im sorry op but half-life is good
and so are each of the dmc's in their own right

and a lot of other people are gonna enjoy these games until the end of time.
hate to break it to you like this

>> No.10266729

Half Life is great you silly little bitch. There's like one *decent* DMC game and a bunch of filler trash.
Also HL had seriously great weapons. I even loved the unpopular ones like snarks and the bee gun.
Now that I'm thinking about it, I think I'll give HL a replay. Thanks, anon.

>> No.10266918

basedboy onions

>> No.10266923

tanks are fun to kill

>> No.10266990


>> No.10267010

Janny is a lazy nigger

>> No.10267148

Quake doesn't have super shotgun, dunce.

>> No.10267170

Yes it does, you zoomie retard. It was called the super shotgun even in Qtest.

>> No.10267176

There's nothing super about it and you know it.

>> No.10267196

yea its just a double barrel shotgun

>> No.10267198

That's why it's shit.

>> No.10267674

HL with MMod is fun, but yeah the soldiers are spongey in a way that feels shitty.

Btw can some one help me with a problem? If all zips are zoodles and all zoodles are zonkers can you lonker my schlonker behind the cronker?

>> No.10267682

You need to leave.

>> No.10267687

You're a fucking idiot.

>> No.10267768

half life is sluggish? you have completely unlocked 25 mph movement at all times

>> No.10267928

fairly sure he's been on /v/ since the late 2000s, or at the least, very early 2010s

>> No.10269384
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>muh sponge bullet
reelism where people can die in 1-2 bullets fucking sucks. I don't care if it doesn't take a full magazine to take down a deer in the wild, I want to engage in battle with the aliens before they die to fucking corner-peeking gunplay.

>> No.10269445
File: 268 KB, 802x600, Blood_-_DOS_-_Level_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this game is FULL of bullshit bullet sponge enemies

I still like it though.

>> No.10269798

Enemies in Blood mostly aren't spongey and they can be stunlocked, only exception is the stone gargoyle

>> No.10269909


>> No.10270217

I didn't factor that in but you've got a point. To me, enemies that take more shots to kill than you expect = spongy. I was used to Id games and Douk when I tried Blood, so I had to adapt.

Calm down, kid.

>> No.10270237

Half Life isn't a shooter though any more than Zelda is a hack-and-slash. It's an action adventure game.

>> No.10270848

half-life has bullet sponges? where & when?

>> No.10270861

also half the enemies in blood are weak to fire weapons such as the flare gun which you can get pretty early on or is relatively common.

my only problem with blood is that i always feel like i burn through most of my ammo.

>> No.10271873

It would be nice if the flare gun worked faster. Having to wait a few seconds for it to ignite an enemy and burn them kinda sucks.

>> No.10271896

it's best to use in conjunction with another weapon, or once you get a full arsenal, just whip it out and use the altfire once or twice and laugh as the entire room erupts into flames.

>> No.10273771

Should I skip to 2? I got halfway the story but holy shit its garbage

>> No.10273843

Half Life 1 is way better than 2, however

>> No.10274775

Bro... use Crush

>> No.10275069

Deus ex bros…..