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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10258064 No.10258064 [Reply] [Original]

In my latest go at the PS1 collection, I find myself enjoying this one more than I used to. Yeah it's much easier and more generic JRPG fare, but it's nice to play such an easygoing and optimistic game after beating Arc 2. The hunter jobs, item synthesis and monster card collecting really satisfy my coompletionist cravings.

>> No.10259142

It's decent, but so mediocre that it becomes boring after a while. Haven't played 3, so maybe that's more interesting.

>> No.10259210

Fair opinion. I give a lot of leeway to these games because the collection was my first experience with JRPGs not named Final Fantasy and I'll always be fond of them just for that, but they are pretty bland and grindy at times. Arc 3 probably wouldn't change your opinion much, a lot of its appeal at least for me is how it explores the aftermath of the first 2 games, so it loses a lot if you're not too invested imo

>> No.10260859

Kukuru best girl.

>> No.10261467
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Best girl was somehow seriously underleveled when I beat AtL1. Thank goodness for the whole time traveling bit, I made her gain like 15 levels there just to make sure she wouldn't get melted in her phase of the final boss. I'll have to make sure she gets more of the action next time around.

>> No.10261553

Yes, AtL2 has that issue. If you for one reason or another don't level up Arc, Poco and Tosh, I believe you can get seriously stuck on the bonus scene when they pursue Andel.

>> No.10261582

Generic and mediocre are the hallmarks of the genre. Which is good if you want that, because there's hundreds of hours of entertainment at your fingertips. But you can count the jrpgs that stand out on one hand.

>> No.10261601

Arc 2 was quite intense and bleak, I wouldn't call it bland by any mean. I agree about the grindy part, too many fights against minor monsters.
If you don't like the genre, eveything will feel 'generic' and 'mediocre' to you. People that aren't much into platformers might believe that everything is generic and mediocre except for Sonic, Mario... People that aren't much into fps might might believe that everything is generic and mediocre except for Doom, Half Life...

>> No.10261616

I like it a fair bit, I'm just speaking from experience that it's hard to actually rank the games against each other because all of them are so similar.

>> No.10263209

>Do you understand that living and not dying are not the same thing?

>> No.10263306
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Got hooked playing poker at the casino and won enough chips to stock up on alloys and make Cheryl a sniper rifle. Synthesis is based.
inorite? Really gets that noggin joggin'

>> No.10263476
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>> No.10263592
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>Jim Morrison exists in AtL world
Did WD...do this?

>> No.10265351

>If you don't like the genre, eveything will feel 'generic' and 'mediocre' to you.
Desperate equivocation. Arc the Lad is one of the worst tactics RPG series there is.