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File: 27 KB, 285x400, SonicTheHedgehog-SMS-EU-medium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10249805 No.10249805 [Reply] [Original]

Unironically better than the Genesis version. And the fan remake makes it better still!

>> No.10249817
File: 107 KB, 480x680, Castle_of_Illusion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So was this

>> No.10249818


>> No.10249881

>slow autoscroller level
>vertical level entirely made of precision jumps
>janky hitbox bosses
It's shit.

>> No.10249907

It's aight. Prefer the Genesis version but for a GG/SMS game it's still solid. I probably still prefer it over SMB as well

>> No.10250339

But you don't have to do the annoying special stages to get the chaos emeralds. That's a big plus. Also, the game knows its limits better and doesn't try to rely on the speed gimmick that has never worked and will never work.

>> No.10250962

There's nothing wrong with autoscrollers.

>> No.10251086

lmao no

>> No.10251098

>it's bad because it doesn't have the difficult marble zone
Why sonic haters won't admit that they hate SH1 because they've been filtered by marble zone

>> No.10252028

I preferred hang-on

>> No.10253414
File: 99 KB, 461x600, 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's nice to see a thread like this, Master System, and Game Gear, deserve more love, as they had stellar libraries and hardware, that gets overshadowed by the NES and Game Boy way too often... though I disagree with some points made here.

>Unironically better than the Genesis version.
I love this one and replay it more than the Mega Drive version... but no, I don't think it's better, it feels more like a standard platformer, and it does the genre well, but the Mega Drive version was different, it wasn't just a good platformer, it felt like its own thing, the physics based platforming does show up at times in this version, but it's not comparable, this feels like playing a great, well made platformer, with Sonic in it, or based on the Sonic IP, while the Mega Drive version IS Sonic at its purest form.

>So was this
I disagree again, as much as both versions play well, and the grabbing/throwing mechanic in the Master System version is more well used than the projectiles in the Mega Drive version, that one, especially due to the OST and graphics that take full advantage of the hardware, feels like a magic Disney experience, this is once again a good platformer, with Mickey in it, and I love to play it, but the Mega Drive version... the superb experience of going from start to finish there is just something else, way more memorable and magical to play, with a more engaging atmosphere and more challenging and interesting level design, especially on higher difficulties.

>> No.10253431

Amicable reminder that the GG version of this game is the originally envisioned (Ancient was founded by Koshiro because he pitched the idea of a portable Sonic game to promote the GG, Yuzo Koshiro mentioned it on interviews).
SMS Sonic 8bit has less content, less colours and less sound.

>> No.10253459
File: 375 KB, 1020x570, leveldesign.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitchin' reminder that no one gives a shit about the screen-crunched versions of these games, they were initially produced for Master System originally and Sega of Japan was the one trying to push the Game Gear out over the SG-3000 before its time, both versions were considered during development but the protos show that Master System was the lead platform.

>> No.10253471

Sonic 2 8bit had issues with screen crunch (not developed by Ancient).
Yuzo Koshiro said Sonic 1 8bit was developed for the GG on mind. SMS was the beta test.
Enjoy your less colors, sound and assets.

>> No.10253683

I wouldn’t say it’s better than the genesis by any stretch but its a good gun little game.

>> No.10253707

I wouldn't say it's better, but I was really pleasantly surprised by Sonic 1 and 2 on MS having played them for the first time recently after growing up with the Mega Drive games.
The fact that they are original games is extra cool, they don't just try to imitate the MD versions.
The music was really nice too.

>> No.10254071

Its good but take it easy buddy.

>> No.10254078

I care and would never play gg over master system version.

>> No.10254185

>fan remake
i remember looking these up only to find out they're literally just full on NEW games that just reuse stage themes and graphics and call themselves remakes of the old games and not ports like i had hoped. unfortunately it doesnt seem like anyone cares about the 8 bit sonic games. theres even a sonic 3 SMS remake at sage this year that literally has NOTHING to do with sonic 3, as expected.

>> No.10254427

>Enjoy your less colors, sound and assets.
I will and I do.

>> No.10254948

No, instead you have to go on tedious scavenger hunts for each emerald in standard levels not designed for backtracking, so much better than special designed levels that play with the player physics (which are also greatly simplified in the 8-bit versions).

>> No.10254954

>less colors, sound and assets
Nah, just colors. GG can't pull off any new rendering tricks compared to SMS aside from the extended color palette and GG uses the same base sound hardware as SMS (SMS would actually have an advantage if the Sonic games used the FM unit, but they don't). The games are functionally the same aside from screen crunch and slightly different color paletters.

>> No.10255024
File: 347 KB, 1920x1440, we have a sega genesis at home.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah maybe if your parents couldn't afford an actual genesis

>> No.10255028

I agree

>> No.10255041

They're actually different in function, the first game in particular has different level design and altered bossfights on the Game Gear along with some bugfixes and visual tweaks. Whether it's better or not is debatable though, I think Master System has better bosses. 2 on the other hand is straight up better on the Game Gear due to all bosses functioning as intended (they lack attacks or don't work correctly in the Master System) along with the water visuals being properly displayed, but it's stuck on the Game Gear so the screen resolution is an issue where-as it isn't for the Master System version.

>> No.10255067

Huh, im surprised anyone else played this. The music is fucking awesome

>> No.10255095

>SMS Sonic 8bit has less content
How so?

>> No.10255096


>> No.10255170
File: 52 KB, 1024x975, 1639637312612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sonic 2 8bit
>tfw first boss
Whoever decided that the screen crunch version needed varied bounce heights is a madman.

>> No.10255234
File: 4 KB, 248x192, easier than S1 Boss1 on GG.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sonic Chaos had different level design, too. Mileage may vary (the last ring flying overhead gets lost on GG) but hey, at least they accounted for the screen. Sonic 2 is the true bastard child that was rushed on GG to coincide with the new MD/SG game, and it shows.
Honestly, all these games needed remake-wise is a backport of the GG benefits over to the MS versions. Do the "fan remakes" do that properly?

>> No.10255247

From my experience, no, they do not, they usually just add tons of new stuff while not functioning as well as the originals (stuff like jumping not being consistent). I do wish there was something that did just port the GG stuff to MS.

>> No.10255492
File: 1.90 MB, 962x1225, 1656143629451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indeed, it's crazy how the Master System version, with tons of space and visibility, has low bounces always, while this one had them varied, it feels as if it should've been the complete opposite... I will never forgive whoever did this, as I grew up with the Game Gear version and never got past that, I went for the Master System one a few years back and was shocked at how much I liked it... why did SEGA always go for the Game Gear stuff in every compilation, but never Master System?

>> No.10255552
File: 2 KB, 248x192, Monster_world_ii_title_screen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why did SEGA always go for the Game Gear stuff in every compilation, but never Master System?
Literally Sega of Japan. They never got over the fact that the Master System still had some steam left in Europe and South America, and saw it as completely backwards. Japan never even got the Master System versions (heck, North America only got the first one) except the one time they were released on the Wii Virtual Console. This is why a lot of mid/late-cycle MS games didn't have Japanese versions. We only just now, in the recent Wonder Boy Collection, found out that there was a finished-yet-unreleased SG-3000 build of Wonder Boy III: The Dragon's Trap, and the lack of Japanese version worsened the series' naming scheme (there is a Monster World III before Monster World II just because of it). Japanese devs were forced to eithe just sell overseas and spend more resources on handheld devepopment while giving lipservice about how great it is.

>> No.10255603

I see, that does add up. It's still a pain though, I recall owning the Gems Collection, and having more resolution for all of that Game Gear stuff, same on the Mega Collection, would've been a dream.

Anyways, thanks for the informative post.