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File: 82 KB, 270x366, TMTN3_CoverArt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10249151 No.10249151 [Reply] [Original]

The Manhattan Project > Turtles in Time

>> No.10250047

inb4 some faggot circlejerks hyperstone heist

>> No.10250083

all of the turtles box art was so cool

>> No.10250093

blow it out your ass

>> No.10250110

It really was. Lots of NES box art in general was sick. All of this shit was before my time, but I vaguely remember opening game boxes to find really badass maps, posters, stickers, gigantic manuals with tons of lore/tips/etc.. I have more choices than ever as a consumer just being able to buy shit online directly, but I really miss the cool shit that you got when developers cared about physical copies.

>> No.10250402

>Triceraton on the cover
>he's not in the game
Still mad.

>> No.10250463

>Wait till he finds out who else is on the cover...

>> No.10250472
File: 162 KB, 584x800, 564034-teenage-mutant-ninja-turtles-iii-the-manhattan-project-nes-front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10250552

It's the best TMNT beat em up for sure. The only thing that sucks is that the Down+Attack special isn't nearly as fun to use as the B+A special in 2. But the game makes up for that in many other ways and it's bar far the most varied TMNT beat em up and the one that requires the most skill.

Fuck me I had never realized

>> No.10250636

I prefer the special in 3, there's an element of strategy in tossing the enemy behind you that's missing in 2, also the hitboxes for the special in 2 always seemed wonky to me.

>> No.10251876

I don't get it.

>> No.10251882

This is one of those classic /vr/ contrarian opinions that make zero sense to me lol. TiT blows it out of the water. It's a damn good game though.

>> No.10251902

Spoonfeed me what I'm missing here

>> No.10251984

Jonsey boy on the far left

>> No.10252060

So who's the best character in this game? I feel that Raph's special is the best in almost every situation.

>> No.10252073


>> No.10252163

>So who's the best character in this game?
Donatello. His bow staff has more reach.

>> No.10252205

Well, since I kill the majority of enemies with down B Don's longer reach don't matter much, and Raph's special is indeed much better against bosses. So yeah, Raph it is.

>> No.10252209

It's just part of auster's "divide and conquer" autism trying to make nintendo fans argue about nes vs snes.
Im glad Manhattan Project gets more talk though, often overlooked when it comes to turtles games, and it's one of the best.

>> No.10252219

Down+B isn't worth using against bosses, which is also when Donatello's reach and Raph's lack of start to show

>> No.10252221

While i'm agree with >>10252163
and >>10252205 statements, I myself always pick Mikey, because he's a best turtle.

>> No.10252232

Bosses are really tedious to beat with normal attacks. I like raping them with specials and Raph's is the best.

>> No.10252272

Unpopular opinion: the TMNT arcade games fucking suck. They look nice yeah, but they feel like shit to play. Even the NES games are much better. I feel like it's another Contra/Castlevania situation, where the console team knocked it out of the park utterly humiliating the arcade team.

>> No.10252285

100% agree.

And yes, my personal opinion is that Konami's console division were better designers than the arcade division at the time. Even though the arcade division was supposed to be the top of the chain.

>> No.10252334

First post itt already mentioned it but every time I say that I prefer HH over TiT due to better pacing and controls people look at me like i'm some kind of weirdo. It's just facts.

More colors and juicy sounds doesn't always equal better game.

Same with Tournament Fighters, NES version is being the best simply because how simple and fun is it to play. I respect other versions for being different and inclusion of new characters but the games themselves just don't give the same fun vibe as 8-bit.

>> No.10252350

>Mikey, because he's a best turtle.
I always main Donny while playing Turtle jab 'n' jogs but Mikey and Raph were my favs from the show/movies.

>> No.10252382

Meant *Bo not Bow

>> No.10252393

I don't think HH controls that much differently than TiT (SNES).
If we're talking arcade, yeah that's fucked since you can't even decide when to run, when to throw, or when to smash enemies around.

>> No.10252429

HH does have less input lag and better hit detection than TiT.

It's just that everything else about the game is subpar.

>> No.10252445

I think TiT is the superior overall package but HH has some things I would consider unequivocally better.

>HH has better animation, this might just be because the game is slightly faster but to my eye it looks smoother and has more flourish to it. The sprite work is pretty sharp but obviously is less colorful than the SNES game.
>It plays slightly better too. On top of it being faster, I actually really like the button dash, it feels very "punchy" to me and gives it a fun rhythm.
>This is kind of up to personal opinion, but I really think Konami could make the crunchy Genesis synth sound great as all the TiT songs are well done and the original tracks are pretty good as well.
>It's also a bit more challenging, TiT is pretty easy even on hard mode.

Unfortunately the levels in HH are kind of letdown. There's only 5 and one is a boss rush in a featureless cave. The boss selection is overall sort of weird too though fighting Tatsu is a nice surprise.

>> No.10253015

I have played TMNT 1 on NES and I can confirm that it's as bad as boomer Youtubers made it out to be.

>> No.10253131

It's massively overhated on, it's pretty good. It has it's fair share of 8-bit bullshit but so do a lot of classics.

>> No.10253148

Every NES TMNT beat-em-up is legit garbage. They're just awful.

>> No.10253156

zoom zoom

>> No.10253230

I would have bought an SNES port of TMNT2. That would have been a wise move.

>> No.10254747

It's floaty, it's janky, enemies constantly respawning when you move 1 pixel away don't go well with the labyrinthine level design full of dead ends, and as the game progresses and monsters get more tanky it's just a miserable experience. Ironically the underwater section is one of the least awful parts, as long as you aren't retarded and swap turtles when they're about to die you won't have problems.

>> No.10256376

Cowabunga. Cowa- fucking piece of dogshit.

>> No.10256379

based rolfe poster

>> No.10256749
File: 8 KB, 500x288, 1377750439515.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mikey - His special is the highest damaging move in the game, but attack vector is awkward and it leaves him vulnerable to enemy counters. Difficult to chain but rewarding when timed right.

Don - Damage potential lower than Mike's but trades for better mobility and i-frames.

Leo - plenty of i-frames means you can spam this move constantly without interruption as long as your timing is perfect, con being you're a sitting duck for bosses who can tank hits

Raph - least damaging special of the four but can be used to barrel out of danger quickly and effectively. Good for hit-and-run tactics.