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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 38 KB, 512x352, THE PEAK OF GAMING!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10250884 No.10250884 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10250887

The PS2 still feels like a current console to me

>> No.10250889

I got a Mister. That's all I need

>> No.10250891

Because the modern standard for graphics is mobile gaming. And that's about the level of a PS2 game.

>> No.10250894

I don't see a retro console in your pic

>> No.10250895

>Majority of games run at 480i
Into the trash it goes

>> No.10250896

No, because the PS2 have the best game library of all time!

>> No.10250901

This is true, since everything else is fine with emulation and Xbox is mostly just PC ports. You need a PS2 console with freemcboot to play the games without graphical glitches.

>> No.10250905

looks good on my PVMeme

>> No.10250906
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That's because it has generated little nostalgia among owners.
I bought one on US launch day and have little fondness for my time with it. This was exacerbated by the system becoming unreliable within two years of ownership.

>> No.10250925

The PS2 games I played the most

>Dead or Alive: Hardcore
Naomi Port
>Capcom vs SNK 2
Naomi Port
>Hyper Street Fighter II: AE
CPS2 port
>Street Fighter III: Third Strike
CPS3 Port
>Guilty Gear XX Slash
Naomi Port
>Virtua Fighter 4
Naomi 2 port

Seems to be a pattern forming.

But I did also play to the end
>Final Fantasy X
wasn't really my fav tbqh
>Metal Gear Solid 2
It was a'ight. Haven't revisited since. Multi-plat.
>Tekken 5
Namco System 256 port, but basically a native PS2 game. Haven't gone back to it in years and years and years.
>Guitar Hero 1/2/3
Multi-plat other than the first one.
>Final Fantasy XII
>Gran Turismo 3
Good game, haven't touched it in over 20 years.
>R-type Final
Good game, haven't touched it in over 20 years.
>Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
Good game, listen to the OST every once in a while. Haven't touched it in over 20 years.

>> No.10250932

Mobile phone graphics are way beyond PS2. They're like low-end Xbox One these days, keep up.

>> No.10250951

Same along with the rest of the 6th gen. Something like Nanobreaker, Monster Hunter 2 and Final Fantasy X might as well have released yesterday

>> No.10250957

agreed. ps2 to present all feels like the same thing more or less. yes theres quite a graphical leap but these games will never actually feel retro to me in the sense older games do.

>> No.10251010

The AVERAGE mobile game is about PS2. Maybe slightly above since mobile phones have some Anti-Aliasing options, and sharper textures. But that's about it.

>> No.10251014

>Seems to be a pattern forming.

Yeah, you like fighting games, so?

>> No.10251019

That's because they are the greatest genre of video game.

>> No.10251036
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>Before the release of Devil May Cry, Capcom asked Sony if they could have the game distributed on custom colored DVD-ROM discs to match the box art and promotional materials. Unfortunately, Sony informed them that the disc could not be red.

>> No.10251061
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Cope. Also, 360/PS3/Wii will be allowed on /vr/ in 2025 or 2026

>> No.10251070

>Xbox is mostly just PC ports.

Probably the biggest lie I commonly see on this board. GameCube + Xbox was a better combo than GameCube + PS2.

>> No.10251131

What about if I wanted to play something that isn't an inferior multiplat or shovelware?

>> No.10251146

I read it in Jesse venturas voice, kek

>> No.10251190

PlayStation 2 is quite simply the best console of all time.

>> No.10251196
File: 17 KB, 375x206, Sega-Master-System-Set.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoops wrong image! This is what I meant to post

>> No.10251306

I agree; for that reason I prefer the PS1 and Wii.

>> No.10251320

Fuck yeah. High tech Castlevania with a questionable and barely existent healing system, but a cool game for sure.

>> No.10251323

"PS2 was gaming at highest priorities, the graphics were rough yet focused, the controller has all you need at sensible positions, the art direction was mostly mature but there was a slant towards fantastical masculinity " - the post I just wrote twisted off my ass looking through nostalgia goggles
"PS2 is where gaming went wrong, more and more games relying on their aesthetic to carry the experience while running the game off cookie cutter, derivative mechanical schemas. The PS2 library is vast yet most games can be clumped together by genre and you'll find little difference in the core mechanical experience. Gaming was much more experimental even one gen before and has only gone down hill into postmodern mediocrity since" - the post I wrote after

>> No.10251326

99% of PS2 owners at the time didn't have progressive scan TVs

>> No.10251330

For me that's the PS3/360 era, that felt like the beginning of something we're still on. PS2 while on a technical level was more advanced than the PS1, felt like an extension of what the PS1 started rather than something new.

>> No.10251337

Man I don't know what the fuck you guys are talking about. The PS2/GC/Xbox came out when I was in high school, that feels like ancient history to me. Maybe you guys are in your 50s or something where 22 years ago feels like yesterday but I have lots of fond memories of actually feeling young back when I played that system regularly.

>> No.10251529

no one cares zoomie

>> No.10251592


>> No.10251637

We need an Xbox for multiplatform games that run better on it
We need a ps1 with xstation because the ps2 cd laser sucks.
We may need the Saturn and Dreamcast for completions sake but I’m not really sure what’s on those other than crazy taxi and phantasy star

>> No.10251639

It laid the foundation for so many genres that continues to this day

>> No.10251641

Yes, it will be allowed, doesn't mean they're retro.

>> No.10251653

youre delusional

>> No.10251668


>> No.10252076

It's older now than the SNES was in 2010.

>> No.10252548

You quoted me.
I was sophomore in high school when I bought a PS2 on launch day.

>> No.10252794

You fell for the meme

>> No.10252802

Your little blog post means what exactly? It literally has the best library in all of game. Pick other games to play.

>> No.10253341

It's not a lie, it's the console with the most PC ports during that gen. Also, who cares about back then, this is now and an Xbox is no longer needed when you can just run all the worthwhile games on newer consoles. There's no reason to buy an Xbox in 2023. Maybe a 360, Xbone or XFridge, but not the original.

>> No.10253353
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I did not care for the PS2.

>> No.10253380
File: 1.58 MB, 465x592, 1649665663228.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no vga
>"HUGE LIBRARY"(by that they mean shitty licensed games)
>shitty controller
>shittiest res ever, on par with the n64
>slow downs
>shitty dvd player
>doesn't have a built in modem

the dreamcast is better and the ps2 sucks, only retarded normies and gay zoomers think the ps2 is good

>> No.10253386

>not using the far superior dreamcast
cringe and gay

>> No.10253495

Didn't want to play other games.

>> No.10253502

I did own a Dreamcast. And I played it just as much as my PS2 for years after the PS2 came out, and then kept playing it after I stopped playing PS2 games altogether.

>> No.10255160

For me, it's Burnout 3: Takedown.

>> No.10255185

It was that remarkable, wasn't it? We had no idea we were witnessing something so extraordinary, bros. The best console ever

>> No.10255270

Best library ever*
PS2 had the weakest hardware of its own generation in both performance and reliability

>> No.10255283

Xbox was not "mostly just PC ports". It had several exclusives that were never ported to PC or other consoles.

>> No.10255284

On Xbox

>> No.10255286

Not a fan either. It was the sixth gen console of choice for gross South Americans and britbongs.

>> No.10255712

It did the same as the PS1, a huge library with all genres well presented, so everyone had at least a single title they wanted to play on the thing... and speaking of the PS1, being compatible was a fantastic move by Sony, they just did everything right with this console.

>> No.10255743

Post tangible differences between them.

>> No.10257061

Because dipshit publishers keep demanding PS2 ports for current gen games because paco is too poor to buy anything after a PS2 (and by extension the latest FIFA trash).
It's not the PS2's fault it's the poor console. Blame third worlders for not getting with the times and publishers for giving them an excuse to stay stuck in the past.

>> No.10257149

The Xbox S controller was out by then. It’s the superior way to play Burnout 3.

>> No.10257179

You lack reading comprehension. It has the most PC ports of all the consoles, literal fact. Stop trying to argue with literal facts. You're arguing against statements I never made as if I said it had no exclusives.

Also, several exclusives does not equal tons of exclusives to fill out the library, that was accomplished by multiplatform games, most of which where also on PS2 and/or Gamecube, with a much larger amount of PC games ported to that console than either PS2 or Gamecube. At this point you're just pretending I said shit so you can tell me I'm wrong.

Also, on the topic of several exclusives never ported elsewhere, other than DOAX, I can't think of any games that I can't play on my 360 or that are also on PC. You seem to forget that back compatibility negates a lot of the value those exclusive titles have if you don't need the original console to play them, which is what my entire argument against buying an original Xbox in 2023 hinges on.

>> No.10257180

tangible? the triggers are nice to control brakes and acceleration with. Honestly the PS2 version is superior overall besides that.

>> No.10257192

The same thing could be said about the PS2.

Also: "The Xbox library was mostly PC ports" and "The Xbox got the most PC ports out of the sixth gen consoles" mean entirely different things.

>> No.10257197

Nah. The Xbox version has superior audio and a custom soundtrack option thanks to the hard drive. I’ll absolutely take those over the PS2’s slightly better particle effects. Burnout 3 is overall best on Xbox.

>> No.10257209

The audio seems to be the same, plus both have toslink. Custom soundtracks are a good bonus, that's right.

>> No.10257373

Everything post PS2 is where consoles stopped mattering. If you didn't drop consoles for PC past this generation then you were doing it wrong and are still doing it wrong. And if you didn't own a PSP during this gen then you were doing it wrong even if you owned a PS2.

>> No.10257385

Nah, you’re misremembering. Console and PC were still pretty divided until late into gen 7. It really wasn’t until gen 8 that there was pretty much parity, and even then, Red Dead Redemption 2 for example came to consoles first.

>> No.10257468

ps2 is retro fr no cap

>> No.10257470

>Red Dead Redemption 2 for example came to consoles first.
thats rockstar being rockstar though and not really indicative of the greater industry. nearly all games are just EXPECTED to release on PC alongside consoles, unless its a first party in-house developed exclusive.

>> No.10257473

Even the earliest Zoomers were toddlers when the sixth gen began. Playing a hand-me-down PS2 in like 2008 doesn’t count.

>> No.10257476

>nearly all games are just EXPECTED to release on PC alongside consoles, unless its a first party in-house developed exclusive.

Yes but that wasn’t truly a thing until late into gen 7 and more accurately gen 8.

>> No.10259083
File: 887 KB, 4032x3024, TzYW9pc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The ONLY retro console you'll ever need.
OP here. I actually wanted to post THIS picture instead, sorry for my mistake, everyone!

>> No.10259135

is that really still happening? i thought that stopped once the PS4 was out

>> No.10259158

Lets forget the little detail that Madden got released on the PS2 until 2010. Third worlders, really? Nigga, 100% of the PS2 consoles came with the Matrix chip already installed. There was absolutely no reason for any publishers to give a single fuck, every single third worlder pirated all the games.

Want to blame someone? How about Sony itself, with the fucking abysmal PS3 launch, publishers had to scramble shitty ps2 games if they wanted to make a buck.

>> No.10259723

>Because dipshit publishers keep demanding PS2 ports for current gen games because paco is too poor to buy anything after a PS2
Most of those ports are ultra hd 4k RTX remasters that require gaming rigs far too expensive for any thirdworlder though

>> No.10261031


>> No.10261195

I remember when I got a PS2 I felt like I won at life. Like my life is complete now and nothing can wrong. In a way I was right, in terms of entertainment at least

>> No.10261997

>Maybe you guys are in your 50s or something where 22 years ago feels like yesterday


>> No.10262008

it stopped by 2008. the myth that 3rd world countries are 1-2 gens behind is BS. they're only like half a gen behind. PS2 by 2003-2004 and PS3 by 2008-2009.

>> No.10262010

GOD, sega fanboys are insufferable.

>> No.10263076

Why? What did they do?

>> No.10263286

Most people you talk to on 4channel.org grew up with HD games. 360 came out 18 years ago, 20 somethings grew up with it and most people on 4channel.org are 20 somethings. You're either too old to grasp that or you're one of them and you're pretending you're not

>> No.10263514

It doesn’t. I was 5 or 6 when the PS2 came out. I was a bit of a poorfag, so I didn’t get a PS2 until 2005 or something. I got a PS3 in 2009, maybe. Even the PS3 feels old and nostalgic. I don’t know what you guys are talking about. Gaming has changed drastically since the PS2 and you could even make an argument gaming has changed drastically from the PS3 days. It feels retro in design and age. I agree that 10 years after the SNES, that console would feel more retro given the leaps in technology between that and the PS2. Even so, a lot has changed. I know the PS2 got its last game in 2014, but none of us played it and even 2014 feels like a lifetime.

>> No.10263719


My first encounter with a PS2 was incredibly short lived

>be me
>2001, on trip with family for brother and I’s birthday
>all is going well, dad tells us to behave
>go to amusement park, have to stick together, can’t agree on which ride to go on next
>brother executes fuckyouilldowhatiwant.exe
>kick to the balls
>stunned, keeled over in pain
>come to, brother is gone
>dad goes into uncontrollable rage after letting him know he took off
>thinks he is getting molested by someone in a bathroom in a giant amusement park
>takes out PS2 that was supposed to be a gift
>”this was yours and your brother’s but now it’s going back!”

We eventually find him; he’s riding all the rides and having a grand old time. Meanwhile, I’m getting berated and almost beaten for his actions. Had I just chased the fucker down and overcame the pain, I would have had a PS2 earlier. Ended up getting one later on but I will never forget that.

>> No.10265214

PS2 - and its gen more broadly speaking - was the peak of gaming. It hit the sweet spot between "games that were shit out with little to no quality control" and "games that are in development for 10 years with a billion dollar budget, incomplete upon release, and yet also bloated as shit".

It was a time when games didn't take themselves too seriously but also weren't unplayable, janky Superman 64-tier garbo. The graphics were simply good enough; they improved upon the early 3d monstrosities to the point where they no longer detracted from the experience. GOOD ENOUGH.

For example, we got GTA III, Vice City, and San Andreas within a -three- year span. Meanwhile GTA V came out 10 fucking years ago, and VI's release date may be years down the road. Yes I get that V is still a huge money maker for them but idgaf - that's not what a gaming consumer should care about. It's not making me rich.

PS2 had a consistent stream of quality releases that were enjoyable and not massive time commitments. They didn't need a blockbuster movie budget and the entire lifespan of a console to release a single game in a series. They were simply fun and fully complete upon release. SWEET SPOT. And that's why it has the GOAT library.

>> No.10265228

>>”this was yours and your brother’s but now it’s going back!”
Did you have to share your later PS2 with your brother? Sucks that you had to get collectively punished but at least he missed out too due to his actions.

>> No.10265230

The Xbox was more Powerful than PS2 and Gamecube had better exclusive Games

>> No.10265273

>shovelware, brown shooters, casual gaming, gimmick/accessory gaming, jap jank, mission based open world games

Ps2 was the first modern console and nothing has changed since except online play being stream lined and loot boxes

>> No.10265294

I wouldn't label the entire 6th gen as modern but yeah, it's when aspects of modern gaming started appearing
>jap jank, shovelware
Those have existed since the 80s and the PS1 has just as much shovelware as the PS2

>> No.10265397

What kind of shitty smartphone do you have kek you sound retarded

>> No.10265472
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Time to play some BUZZ

>> No.10267073

Time stopped in 2006

>> No.10267084

I diagree. for me the 6th gen was the gen that had everything and exceled at nothing. all the genres that carried over from the 5th gen were inferior to their 5th gen counterparts (platformers, JRPGs, collectathons), and all the genres that started with the 6th gen were improved and refined in the 7th gen (console FPS, open world, hack n slash). It also started some things people accuse the 7th gen of starting, like dark and mature games and the dreaded piss filter.

the 5th and 7th gens were great to me because they only focused on a few genres and did them very well. peak gaming would be combining the 5th and 7th gen, ironing out their flaws (low poly 3D, brown and piss, 240p/640p, 10fps).

>> No.10267087

I think the 7th gen (minus the piss filter) is the sweet spot of game development time. it took a litle bit longer than the 6th gen, but you still got games within a span of 2-3 years. so many franchises had 3+ games in the 7th gen and only 1 or none in the 8th gen. plus I think 7th gen graphics (again minus the piss filter) still look great whereas 6th gen graphics look a little outdated. and I think the 7th gen was when 3D was fully refined and perfected without any of the 5th/6th gen clunkiness.

>> No.10267182

DVD players aren't retro

>> No.10267754

and blu-ray?

>> No.10267883

cuz the PS5 has no games

>> No.10267891

Nope, it's the PS3(fat), because you can play PS1, PS2, and PS3 games on them. If you have the right hardware, you can downgrade the firmware, and run otheros on it, and turn it into a full on desktop computer!

Dang thing over heats and desolders the gpu though. If you even bother fixing yours, make sure you get a custom case with a water cooler on it.