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10250208 No.10250208 [Reply] [Original]

Arcade related discussion

Also how practical is it to swap back and forth between a cps3 and taito type x2 in a cabinet

>> No.10250265

Other than heading down to the nearest arcade (100+ miles away) what's the best way to play some great arcade games?

>> No.10250275

Taito Type X2 prefers a widescreen set-up.
CPS3 prefers 4:3

Either way you will have to compromise.
Otherwise, with the right switchers it can be done.

>> No.10250284

MAME or FinalBurn Neo
For arcade games that don't emulate well or at all you hope there's a console port of some kind.

>> No.10250294
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cant the x2(3) just emulate the cps3 titles?
isnt it basically a pc
just do that

finalburn is decent
but there are many autistic titles i want to play that have issues

luckily jamma is basically universal
& my superguns work with basically all of them
taito f3 board for example is a finnicky mf with output signals

>> No.10250328
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Id just deal with the letter boxing for taito type x2 games on 4:3 crt cabinet. It feels better to see new games in an old cab than older games in a new cab, to me. Looks more natural and it seems to happen more often

My main concern is, how involved is it to go back and forth between boards. How many connection have to be undone and redone etc

>> No.10250358
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>isnt it basically a pc
>just do that

I have a cps3 and i like it. I would rather experience them on the hardware. I know that ttx2 is just a computer but in japan when those games came out, they ran on specific computer models. I want it for the history. Thats probably the best way i can explain it

>> No.10250380
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I missed the part where you suggested a jamma switcher. I honestly didnt think i could since i didnt expect a candy cab to have the space Inside for 2 boards.

>> No.10250461

>How many connection have to be undone and redone etc
It can set up to be done via switches. Just takes work.

>> No.10250467

>i didnt expect a candy cab to have the space Inside for 2 boards.
Use a smaller coin bucket and put the 2nd board in the empty space.

>> No.10251737

I used to have a few cabs and it was such a pain to switch out boards, even when it was pure JAMMA. Hell, even swapping Neo Geo games on an MVS is annoying. You have to get out the keys, unlock the control panel, reach deep into the cab to swap your games (can be frustrating to reach all the way to the back cartridge slots), and lock it up again. Cabs are really meant to be set on location and forgotten about for a while.

>> No.10251908
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It bothers me that surviving Japanese cabinets all look the same. Just rows of White Sega Astro Cities. Not enough variety like Western models. Don't get me wrong. Astro City Candy cabs aren't bad, but wtf happened to the other cabinets? Where are the candy cabs from Capcom, Namco, SNK, Jaleco, etc? It's always Sega candies in these photos.

>> No.10251936

I just roll my Neo Geo forward (it's on heavy duty wheels), remove the back door, and swap cartridges. Then slide it back into place. Granted I had a 4 slot Neo Geo, so I didn't change cartridges as often. But if you have a 1 or 2 slot Neo Geo then I understand.

Have you looked into those 161 in 1 cartridges?

>> No.10251993
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The sheer popularity of them makes them easy to maintain. Theres just so fucking many of them so aqcuiring parts to fix sega cabs is much easier. Probably because sega had a game center chain. and the japanese like putting same cab models next to each other, the uniformity is probably appealing to japanese aesthetic sensibilities

But its not all astros id say there are nearly as many blasts handful of net cityies and many arcades have rows of egret ii cabs instead of astros.

But yeah its pretty homogenous, other cabs were likely tossed for having bas monitors that couldnt be replaced or sold as junk on something like yahoo auction. If i had to guess

I wish we had more vintage photos of japanese game centers.

>> No.10252048
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A gaming friend of mine who lives in Japan said that most arcades and game centers tossed and threw out a lot of their deluxe and unique game cabinets many years ago. And kept the Sega cabinets because they were the most plentiful and easy to maintain.

Most Japanese do not view these cabinets or arcade machines with nostalgia. It's ironic that Japan came up with so many cool looking cabinets, but they don't care about preserving a few of them. To them, the cabinets are disposable amusement machines. There is no willingness to save a lot of the older stuff. Especially if they are big. It's why stuff like pic related are ALL gone now. All of them. Gone. Japan just threw them into the trash or recycled all of them. Too bad there's no Japanese Billionaire who is willing to pay to open a gaming museum and keep a few of the cabinets for history.

>> No.10252172

I had a 4 slot. Good idea, though mine was in my garage so I would need to keep the back on, lest mice make it into their home. I have a solid MVS collection, I like owning the carts, so I would never buy a multicart. Maybe a Neo SD, someday, for the romhacks and titles I'll never own.

>> No.10252561

That process sounds like it might take all of 30 seconds.
How frickin' lazy can you be?

>> No.10252719
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If youre going to try to maintain a floor of retro arcade cabs with 25+ year old crt monitors...

Wouldnt it be easier to have more duplicates so if one breaks you can use it as parts to repair another?

>> No.10253458

Well yeah. Arcades used to have storage rooms with shelves of spare CRT monitors.

>> No.10253571

If I ran an arcade, I wouldn't want all of the same arcade cabinet. I would need variety. Plus CRTs are pretty interchangeable. You could swap brands most of the time.

In western cabinets, you can even change sizes of Monitors. You just need to re-cut a new monitor "bezel/frame" if you change sizes. But usually those are just thick black poster paper. I've seen arcade cabinets that had 13 inch monitors get upgraded with 19 inch monitors. Or cabs with 19 inch get upgraded to 25 inches.

>> No.10253576

Neogeo carts can be swapped from the front very easily, pretty sure you just reach thru the coin door or even the control panel and can swap games easily. I always accessed them from the front.

>> No.10253667
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i see you too have the pcb collecting mental illness
be careful going down this road anonkun

>> No.10253670

the 161 in 1 has a BUNCH of KoF hax
if thats what you're into
cheap option atleast

>> No.10253672

>Wouldnt it be easier to have more duplicates so if one breaks you can use it as parts to repair another?
i do precisely this
for neogeo i have around 4-5 working 1slot boards and 50+ carts

for the cabs its modular i can use modern panels, consumer crt, or arcade monitors assuming i can find one that has been repaired for less than a small fortune

>> No.10253674

If you didn't have emulation to fall back on, then you would have no other choice but to use PCBs.

>> No.10253679

It depends on where you live. In NY country, Neo Geos are still plentiful.

>> No.10253682

i dont know why this is a thing
so many buy\sell posts are on the east coast
i cant drive across the fuckin country kek
maybe its the weather? more cold = more vidya time?

>> No.10253684

if i ONLY had the pcbs i currently own
& couldn't emulate\play anything
i would be sitting pretty
but i am v fortunate
finalburnneo is based

>> No.10253716

I would just play console ports.

>> No.10253737

I'm a CRTfag, but Taito X2s are really meant for widescreen LCD cabs. Running them in 31khz on a 4:3 CRT is kinda ghetto.

>> No.10253739

Arcade companies have almost completely stopped doing console ports because it cuts into their arcade profits.

>> No.10253740

Type X2 games at least used to be pretty dirt cheap. You could get official HDD+dongle for games for like $30 a piece.

>> No.10253829

Anywhere that has less moisture and less salt in the air will have more arcades surviving and for sale. The environment doesn't destroy arcade cabinets in storage. It also costs less to store them since you don't pay as much in climate control. The United States Airforce literally stores their spare fighter Jets and planes out in the open air in the Arizona desert. No moisture in the air so they almost never rusts. Planes can sit there for decades and be brought back into service. Same with tanks.

It's why you see a ton of arcade cabinets in storage in places like Arizona and New Mexico (and anywhere that has low moisture). But places in Southern USA like Florida and Louisiana with really wet and humid summers completely wreck arcade cabinets that aren't stored properly. The wood rots and breaks apart and the metal rusts.

An arcade cabinet put in a storage warehouse in New Mexico for decades with no climate control will probably be fine. An arcade cabinet put in a storage warehouse for decades in Mississippi with no climate control I bet will probably be rotted.

>> No.10253881

you can do the PC yourself and run the emulator (IO launcher) and call it a day,you just need same CPU,same board and same GPU along windows XP embedded and that's it.
I made one myself and runs the same as original hardware,the only difference is i use an ssd for the game.

>> No.10253894

Bro i want the same one that ran the arcade games on it for over a decade in a taito station or wherever

Its the one taito made. Its their computer. You feel? I have no intention of running anything on it other than the intended games produced foe the system so i stand to gain nothing by assembling my self a computer of comparable or better specs its

Its a sentimental thing.

>> No.10253907

But Taito just used off the shelf parts.

>> No.10253910
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I should proof read more

>> No.10253915

Certain off the shelf parts, That they themselves assembled together

Im not telling you to do this. Its not a super big deal, id just rather do this

>> No.10253925

>Its a sentimental thing.
It's a historical thing too. You are basically saving a piece of arcade history. Thousands of players played on ot. Kids and adults have fond memories of that machine. You are owning a piece of history.

An emulation machine is just not the same.

>> No.10253938

they have their own game preservation society but it is strictly for their archives
they even keep old cellphone games

>> No.10253950

Are you talking about the game data or the physical arcade machine too?

>> No.10253952
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You get it. Thank you.

>> No.10254027

Japanese arcade game PCB prices under $80 US in December 1994

Fire Fierceness 5,000 Yen
Kadash 10,000 Yen
Ultimate Tiger ¥ 12,000
Columns U ¥ 10,000
Suno (-Real Mahjong PU) ¥13,000
Tatsujin ¥10,000
7 Luka/ITO. 10K with genuine P/H
1942 10K
GREASOTERE with overseas H 13K
MOKI. MOKI . T force . Sa. I'm . Zulu 8K
Karate-do -, with -H
IQ Block BK
Insector X SK
War of Kouro 10K
legend of ultraman fighting spirit 10k
Ultraman Club 6K
Gasodam Psycho Salamanda 8K
Emeraldia gK
(Delicious) (Zuru Haiyorinai 8K
Kamen Rider Battle Racer 6K
Mobile Suit Gundam 8K
Captain Amerikiryoku 12K
Quiz Island 6K
Clutch Hitter 8K
Crayon Shinchan 2 10K
Swordsman gK Golden Axe SK Gomorrah" 1OK
Sidearm 8K
Thunder Dragon 8K
Thunder Blaster 12K
Szechuan 8K
Strahl 10K
Street Huiter 7K
Stfl Dash 8K
Suno (I" Kurey, 91 6K
Soo} (Bing Ball Action 7K Zero Wing" 10K
Wolf of War] OK Soldam 6K
Songsong 11K
Dark Seal 12K
D.D. Crew SK Guru, 10K
D.D. Crew SK Road to the Tiger 10K
Dragon Ninja 10K
Tile Fortress 11K
Nohoroka 12K
1 (nk shot 6K
Classical Shark SK Fighter's History 8K
Huiting Fuantasy 11K
Figuate" IK Vimana 12K
Whoopee" OK Playgirl 2 10K
Hexion 4K
boyt" SK
Demon Q Great Adventure 8K
Mr. Do! 6K
Rastan Saga 2" 3K
Rim Rockin 1
(Sketpole 8K
Raison SK
Moutler Games 6K Canno (Suhanting 8K)
Gutto E Jaku 6K
Grand Prix Gal 8K
Dial QZ 6K
Channel Zoom In 3K
Neruton Tile Whale Gang SK
Fan Club SK Friday 3K
Mahjong Academy 6K
Mahjong Academy 26K
Mahjong Mad Age 3K
Mahjong Love Fortune Telling 8K

>> No.10254037

And my choice would be Street Fighter II Champion Edition.
Combo AV + PCB would be roughly the same price as a new PlayStation and a game.

>> No.10254115

I have the Disney Pixie CRT that I can't get to the AV mode on due to no remote. The universal ones I used don't work. Any recommendations?

>> No.10254146

A lot of outdated arcade PCBs remained fairly cheap until around a decade ago. Even higher end boards were maybe around $300, now even common shit like The Simpsons goes for that much.

>> No.10254182
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>Most Japanese do not view these cabinets or arcade machines with nostalgia. It's ironic that Japan came up with so many cool looking cabinets, but they don't care about preserving a few of them

Thats japanese complacense and subserviant apathy in display, just recently they will dump away thousands of film materials from a japanese lab so many unreleased anime will be lost forever and they just dont care at all.

>> No.10254194
File: 74 KB, 515x376, 1694982361636428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh you mean they are just fucking hikkomori Neet hoarders who never dumo roms where they would trulu be preserved because PIRACY SHAMEFUR BADDO, thens whats the fucking difference then the fucking trannoids hipster hoarders and poser storage wars prize history turdbags over here?

Subserviant apathy prevails and its fucking scary!

>> No.10254219
File: 309 KB, 980x628, 1679600920948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I talked to a friend of my Uncle who traveled to Japan in the 2000s about an hour outside of Tokyo by car. He said he saw the disassembled remains of a Galaxian3 Theater behind an arcade next to the dumpster. He went inside and asked the arcade owner about it. The owner said that it was too old, too big, and they needed to make space for new arcade machines. There's no room to store it in Japan. So the owner didn't care much and scrapped it. End of story to the Japanese owner. The owner also said he didn't understand why foreigners cared so much about old arcade machines and old video games.

My uncle's friend wanted to badly to save it, but it had been rained on, some of parts were missing, rust was forming on the metal, and it was just too far gone. But you could still see the large Namco logo on the side of the machine. And the Galaxian3 logo on another panel. He was on vacation and didn't come to pay for saving arcade machines from the trash. But he still mentions it to this day.

Around 200 to 300 Galaxian3 units were manufactured worldwide in the 90s. But today only 3 remain, and only 1 of them still functions with original parts. The one that still functions was saved by a guy in Europe who bought it off an arcade that was going to scrap it. He then loaded the parts in a U-Haul truck and drove it across country to his house. Then took it apart, refurbished the whole machine, repaired any broken bits, and reassembled it in his basement. He owned it for 10 years in his basement, and then donated it to a video game museum in Europe. It's the last functioning one in the world with original parts.

>> No.10254338

Do you not sit down for a day and play a bunch of different games on one console? If you do that every day in a week and have to go through a process to change the games every time, it gets tiring.

>> No.10254350

I used to. Went through the insane effort of opening up a CD Jewel case, removing the CD pressing the eject button, removing the CD, putting the other CD in its place, pressing the eject button again to return the tray to it's place, and then waiting for the system to boot the game. Sometimes I even had to get up out of my chair! Exhausting.

>> No.10254362

People have businesses to run. Someone should be preserving them but not small business owners. Hell that arcade has probably gone out of business since this story happened.

>> No.10254451

But to simply throw them in the dumpster? Surely even a business owner realizes that those huge machines are special and probably will never be made again.

>> No.10254506

They just don't care, anon. And even if they did they are not running a charity.

>> No.10254693
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I was never a fan of the Sega Net City or Naomi cabinets. They got rid of the back of cab and shoved all the electronics into the bottom of the cab. It literally just looks like a TV bolted to a frame now. Sega's earlier cabinets like the Astro city were much better.

>> No.10254789

Where can I find PCBs? If money isn't an issue I want to see if I can find some specific PCBS

>> No.10254804

>Around 200 to 300 Galaxian3 units were manufactured worldwide in the 90s. But today only 3 remain, and only 1 of them still functions with original parts.
This doesn't make any sense. How can ALL of them be gone?

>> No.10255329
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How come they don't make jet ski games anymore?

>> No.10255530

This is an anecdote from a white dudes observations, even if he was in japan its not like he interviewed japanese people on the topic

And the evidence to back this up is deluxe cabs werent preserved well no shit, theyre giant and wont fit in a tiny japanese apartment.

The arcade scene in japan has plenty of enthusiasts who care about the cabs as well. They arent a country of just normalfags. There are plenty of autists like us over there too. If you browse the japanese side of the internet you can find posts about japanese people buying cabs and collecting pcbs. It happens. Not jumbo drivers to my knowledge but something like a sega candy cab yeah.

>> No.10255537

No anon, you don't get it. Poor Japanese people should spend thousands of dollars to ensure the future of childrens toys.

>> No.10255581

No. I can confirm the general trend for the majority Japanese is that don't preserve the larger deluxe arcade machines. While it's partly because of their size, it's also because of different attitudes. While a minority want to save the machines, the majority of Japanese businesses largely view the deluxe machines as disposable. Which is ironic because the Deluxe machines are the ones that are in the highest demand when it comes to preservation group and collectors.

>> No.10255625

I played it in the early 2000s at Buffalo Bills, state line NV. They charged $5 you had to wait until they got the room filled which was 10min. It played like Revolution X but on a twin big screens. The game was very unfulfilling. No one wanted to continue playing after 5 minutes. I don't know how they sold any of them.

>> No.10255637

>you had to wait until they got the room filled which was 10min.

>> No.10255652

The Galaxian3 is a massive 6 player Theater game. You walk inside and there are 6 seats and 6 light guns. And a huge 180 inch screen in front of everyone.

>> No.10255669

Obviously we cant expect hobbyists to save giant deluxe drivers, but... this isnt a japanese problem. No country's chain arcades give a shit about preservation. That wont reach out to eccentric millionaires to sell games off to. So the giant out runs or whatever with the actual fucking full size car get dumped

Chains sell games when they think they stand to gain more by selling them rather than shit canning them.

>> No.10255685

>I played it in the early 2000s
>The game was very unfulfilling. No one wanted to continue playing after 5 minutes.
>I don't know how they sold any of them.

You gotta remember that the Galaxian3 Theater was released in 1990. This was during the era of the original Nintendo NES. The best home consoles could do was primitive 2D in 1990. The 3D graphics on Galaxian3 was crazy back then. It was a futuristic experience in 1990.

But Playing Galaxian3 in the 2000s? That was during the Dreamcast and PS2 era. Galaxian3 couldn't compete and is no surprise you weren't impressed.

>> No.10255839

I don't understand Japan trashing old cabs. Has Japan not heard of warehouses or storage?

>> No.10255920

Who was supposed to pay for them? Also how do you know what is going to be rare? I am sure some of them would have hung onto their cabs if they knew all the other ones would have been lost.

>> No.10255974

How can ALL of the dodo's be extinct?

>> No.10255976
File: 462 KB, 1092x1591, s-l1600 (11).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something somewhat similar to everyone discussing them not saving machines. I have a 90s pachinko machine that basically has no information about it online except this japanese blog post discussing it being in the background of some tv show. Guy mentions how theres not even a video of it running online anymore. It wasnt a popular model at all and was only saved because a place called pachinko palace imported hundreds of machines to the US

>> No.10256573

you can say that about any business
cars, homes, guns, watches, dvds, books
they're all just commodities in the end
even if something is sought, no one wants to foot the bill to store it when food and bills need to be paid now

>> No.10256753
File: 171 KB, 1280x960, 1678033412633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another problem is that a lot of websites that (might) have had information on your pachinko machine are gone now. There were several arcade, candy cab, and amusement machine specific websites that have existed since the 1990s....but shut down in the late 2000s/2010s. One forum website I used to visit regularly suddenly shut down without warning. The only answer we got was a vague statement from the owner saying he couldn't keep it running anymore. No notice. No warning. No time to maybe try to raise money with a Kickstarter. No time to backup any of the information on the site. Over 2 decades of information, pictures and videos lost. There was an entire community of people on that site. The forum wasn't even properly archived on archival websites.

The one thing I hate about the modern internet is that everything has become homogenized and centralized. Almost the hidden gem websites are gone. Now everything is owned by a handful or corporates and it's centralized around a few websites like Reddit, Twitter, etc.

>> No.10257880

I really like the design of this pachinko machine.

>> No.10259378

I'm surprised the plastic isn't faded.

>> No.10259382

>Also how do you know what is going to be rare?
No one makes big cabinets like that anymore. That should have been common sense. You had a cabinet for 15 years and think "huh...namco and Sega haven't made a cabinet likes this ever again in almost 20 years. Maybe this cabinet is special in some way?"

>> No.10259570

this is the stunning and brave new world you guys wants, now eat it.

>> No.10259581
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God....................save us all........such a bleak story.

>> No.10259589
File: 317 KB, 800x805, Mario Dumbo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that sounds like the motherfuckin tits man!

>> No.10259607
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Heres a view from the inside. It was amazing for a game released in 1990.

>> No.10259612
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Exterior view

>> No.10259626
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>> No.10259973

there is a code that will prob work
i cant remember what forum had the post
it you google you will find it
the universal remotes share codes sometimes

also ebay has the remote at a gouge price around 20$

>> No.10259976

and by "share codes" i mean across brands
hitachi i think was the one to try

making sets without the av function button should be illegal

>> No.10259985

If you have an older smartphone, they used to have IR built in to have your smartphone act as a remote. They had apps that would run through all possible code combinations until it detected one that worked. I'm not sure why they got rid of IR in smart phones. It was a nice feature. Maybe find a cheapo smartphone that still has IR. See if it works with your TV.

>> No.10259996 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.10260001

as a kid my av input was always on the channel list and could be blipped to by changing the channel down past 2
how retarded were engineers?
how is it even possible to fuck that up?

>> No.10260268

>Any recommendations?
Have a look and see if there's a way to select AV without a remote. With many TVs there is, alhtough it might not be obvious to an iphone baby how it's done
Get/make a remote that does what you want. There are many programable remotes that make it easy to download/enter/test codes. Making a programable remote today is a simple task that a clever child should be able to accomplish for about a buck.

>> No.10260686
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>> No.10260691
File: 1.09 MB, 977x651, arcade bitch 02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10261023

great pic

>> No.10261947
File: 1.88 MB, 4032x2717, 20230920_202618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You bring up fair points.
I like 80s and 90s designs the best. Latest one I have is a Tiger Mask from 2004, anything later than that is just 90% screen on the playfield.

>> No.10262336

Ha. I know this EXACT arcade, and played on those same machines. I live nearby. I hate how they tried to add a filter to make it look retro 90s. Your not fooling anymore Mr. Photographer!

>> No.10262895

imagine taking pics like this in public
make sure to honk and laugh
social media/giving the internet to normies was a mistake
truly a race to the bottom

>> No.10262925

whys this bitch in the way of the photo

>> No.10263261

Hey anon. I want to. Say thanks for sharing these photos.

I do photography as a hobby in my spare time. What annoys me about the photo is that the model they are using isn't even pretending to play the game. She's just holding the arcade controls and looking right at the camera. It would look a lot better if she actually was looking at the Arcade cabinet.

>> No.10264334

Did they disinfect the machines afterwards so they didnt have any lingering chlamydia residue on them?

>> No.10264345

>you can find posts about japanese people buying cabs and collecting pcbs
I'd imagine that home use of arcade PCBs is even more common in Japan. You can even buy arcade PCBs from shops like Surugaya.

>> No.10264348

Yeah it is.
That and there's entire warehouses full of old candy cabs too.
People always run their mouth but dont realize just how many well preserved heisei era game centers there still are in japan and how enthusiastic real gamers are for those nostalgic machines.

>> No.10264894

>Yeah it is.
It's a compromise because a lot of Japanese homes don't necessarily have the spare space for full size candy cabs. Especially if you live in the city. So they use superguns with PCBs as a compromise for collecting. If you live in the suburbs then you have more space, but are far away from many arcades.

>That and there's entire warehouses full of old candy cabs too.
A bit of an exaggeration. There are some storage warehouses. But they have to be climate controlled. Japan's climate is pretty bad for long term preservation. It gets so humid, and humidity absolutely wrecks electronics and metal over time.

>People always run their mouth but dont realize just how many well preserved heisei era game centers there still are in japan
Not as many as their used to be. Heisei Independent arcades have suffered greatly. Many have closed down. They can't afford to stay in business because arcade companies are price gouging businesses with fees. If you want to run any of the modern arcade machines from Sega, Bamco, etc....then you need to agree to pay for an online subscription service, and agree to monitored revenue sharing (Sega can see how much each machine earns in your business and get all info). And you only can get DLC and updates through their paid online service. Most indie arcades can't afford to do that and many have closed. A Few have gone the retro arcade route. Profit margins are already very slim with running an arcade. Only big businesses can afford all the fees.

Thankfully American companies told Japan to fuck off with that shit. Major arcade chains refused to buy cabinets that require online access to run the game. So Japan was forced to create "standalone" arcade machines that can run without internet access. DLC and game Updates are sent to customers via USB sticks and new hard drives if they want to order it.

>> No.10265175


>> No.10265269

>Japan's climate is pretty bad for long term preservation. It gets so humid, and humidity absolutely wrecks electronics and metal over time.
Always heard this about Japan.
Never heard it about Florida or Louisiana.

>> No.10265316
File: 83 KB, 736x410, 1672077236295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It happens in Florida and Louisiana too. The Southern USA is not good for cabs. Anywhere with High humidity is bad.

I've seen some arcade videos where buyers go to a location to check out some rare arcade cabinets sitting in a barn, storage warehouse, or some old building. They get there only to find the cabinets in terrible condition. Either they have mold, rot, or are completely falling apart. The best they can do is maybe get a few usable parts off the rusty or moldy machine that could still work.

Really sad to see old machines in such a state.

>> No.10265519

Where do you guys even buy candy cabs?
I only got one dealer near my place who sells refurbished candy cabs for 10k. That cant be right.

>> No.10265523

arcadeprojects has them for sale/trade from time to time
its like buying a car
you save plan, wait, watch and then buy
offerup/craigslist also works too

>> No.10265746

That's because weebs don't larp about living there.

>> No.10265827
File: 276 KB, 1154x780, 1674832102651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a hypothetical question. If I have $10K saved up. Where would I find stuff like:



(Pic related) - Ridge racer full scale?

I think it would be pretty cool to have a Ridge Racer Full Scale in my Garage.

Who would I ask about buying one?

>> No.10266172

At the end of the day you're still playing Ridge Racer. A very primitive racing game with a lack of content.

>> No.10266742

Any game centers that still have lots of net city / new net city / naomi universal cabs? I want to see them in arcade tour videos

>> No.10266840

I don't think the latter exists anymore iirc.

>> No.10266926

Are there new arcade games that are even worth preserving after a certain year? Seems like it’s all fucking iPhone games or stuff like that mario kart port

>> No.10266932

This is probably the only website I visit with much regularity anymore besides a few forums. I try not to think about it too much because it’s depressing. And that has nothing to do with me being “too good” for here quite the opposite, it’s just sadness at what we’ve lost.

>> No.10267107

An occasional taito x3 fighting game... all of which are inferior to the taito x2 fightijg game line up thus far

>> No.10267143

You'd put a bounty out and hope an owner comes forward. 90% of game preservation is a combination of obsessively scouring online marketplaces and tracking down specific collectors/industry veterans/gaming press/arcade operators and hoping they still have and are willing to sell their stuff.
You'd be surprised how many "holy grail" finds amount to "somebody posted a game lot on ebay and there happened to be an unreleased game in it."
Something as big as those arcade units might be a bit different, but they could really just amount to somebody finding one in an old arcade operator's storage warehouse.

>> No.10267145
File: 308 KB, 1200x700, chase_top-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not a question of if they are worth preserving, it's to what degree it's even possible to preserve them.
A lot of modern arcade machines in japan are basically online games. Stuff like chase chase jokers, bomber girl or those gundam games they got everywhere.
How do you even preserve them if half of the game logic is ran through some dedicated server over the internet?

>> No.10267152

That code has to be somewhere but it would rely on someone leaking it, and then you’d have to find a way to modify it to be able to run offline. Sounds like a moonshot machine stapled to a stone you fired from a moonshot trebuchet.

>> No.10267340
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>Something as big as those arcade units might be a bit different, but they could really just amount to somebody finding one in an old arcade operator's storage warehouse.

Thanks for the info anon. Even if they don't have the Mazda car anymore, but if they have the other parts of the Ridge Racer Full Scale machine then I could maybe make it work. I was looking at the prices of used Mazda Miatas. They range from a few hundred to $2K. I don't care if the engine runs, but the rest of it should look decent. I heard the Mazda car used for Ridge Racer Full Scale is a real car without an engine. Like under the hood is empty. Just an arcade board with wires running to it.

I tried looking on ebay and it was just dozens of pages of regular arcade cabinets. Maybe a few sit down retro racing machines. Nothing bigger than that. So I have no idea where barcades or arcades like Dave and Busters get their big machines. I thought about Galaxian 3 too, but I have no idea where to find something big like Galaxian3. Does Namco have one in storage they could sell me? I live a pretty simple life without expensive hobbies. I have an empty garage and thought it would be cool to setup a big arcade machine inside. Maybe have a few arcade cabinets too. But I'm pretty new to the arcade community.

>> No.10267725

Did Sega ever try to make an upright and tall candy cabinet meant for people who are standing? It might have done well in the West.

>> No.10268291
File: 229 KB, 1024x576, 1674255108715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does it bother you when arcades replace the 90s rear projection screens with flat panel LCD monitors?

>> No.10268547

Yes. It is an automatic pass for me.

>> No.10268550

Yes. Naomi Universal and Net City.

>> No.10268551

Yes, all kinds of them. Research it yourself.

>> No.10268562

Rear projection screens are even worse than LCDs so no.

>> No.10268595

Don't care. Rear projection is what they had.
A big size direct view CRT would be a better replacement than an LCD.

>> No.10268601

Yeah, CRT or bust. Fuck LCD arcades.

>> No.10268605

At this point a big part of the appeal of going to an arcade is playing on a CRT screen you don't have at home.

>> No.10268642

You can't be serous. Rear projection has none of the benefits of CRT and looks worse than LCD. There's no reason to keep a rear projection screen

>> No.10268650

Don't care. They originally had rear projection. That's what matters the most over image quality.

>> No.10269075

If the cab comes with the lcd stock its different. But an lcd is pretty painful in a cab mean for a crt. If you do an lcd in a crt cab at least use a 4:3

Side note: retro shit looks better on rear projection than it does on lcd, between natural crt esque soft blur to it, and the scanlines, or what look like scanlines. I guess refresh rates are worse but unless youre some esports fag who cares. The caveat is they burn faster, and are less reliable but if theyre working and in decent condition

Rear pro over lcd for sure

>> No.10269079

I dont know as though sega tried to pitch candy cabs to western arcade operators

>> No.10270210

>Side note: retro shit looks better on rear projection than it does on lcd,
It really depends. 2D Games with sprites look better on CRT and rear projection. But 3D games don't get any benefits from being on rear projection. In fact, rear projection sometimes makes it look worse since those old rear projection screens are so dim.

>Does it bother you when arcades replace the 90s rear projection screens with flat panel LCD monitors?
I don't necessarily mind conversions to LCDs, but it has to be done well. I've seen some really seamless conversions. They found a perfectly sized lcd screen, made a new bezel to surround the screen, and mounted it flush. Normies would never know that it was a conversion.

But your picture just looks terrible and lazy. They didn't even bother trying to hide the company logos. You can see the "Vizio" and "LG" TV logo on the lcd panels. They didn't make a new bezel to properly frame the TV. You can see the interior wood on Namco Rapid river cabinet. And the LG TV is too small and the wrong size for the Prop Cycle cabinet. An extremely lazy and half assed conversion.

>> No.10270263

>rear projection screens are so dim
I play sega water ski at an arcade near me like, once a month. It looks good amd relatively crisp... aside from a little burn in. But it doesnt have that dimness that many rear pros get with age. I know not all of these monitors age that gracefully though

>> No.10270314

>Don't care. They originally had rear projection. That's what matters the most over image quality.
OK here's a question then. Must the arcade cabinet use the same original rear projector that came the cabinet? Or is someone allowed to use a modern projectors (half the size and uses less power) to replace the old broken 1990s rear projector in the cabinet?

>> No.10270521
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Jaleco never gets enough love. They made some pretty fun arcade games.

>> No.10271114

Dude do you have any idea how annoying it is to maintain rear projection screens from the 90s? The parts are hard to come by now.

>> No.10271137

NTA, but yes. I do. Not annoying at all. Most designs are very simple and straight forward and finding replacement parts is easy af. You've clearly never tried it, or have the technical skills of a mentally retarded ape.

>> No.10271151

I'm not talking about 3rd party replacement parts. I'm talking original parts.

>> No.10271331

You're not talking about anything. You're just talking for the (You)s. Are you just typing random words you saw or do you really believe that standard off the shelf parts aren't "original parts" unless they came from the same machine?
>Wait! That screw that came from the same production run as the one used in the part three subcontractors removed from the """first party""" isn't the exact same one that came with the original machine!
>Not retro! Got-em! Heh.

>> No.10271438
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Nowdays they had these machines

>> No.10271440
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>> No.10271441
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>> No.10271798

I just got an Astro City. Had to knock out the door frame to get it through the door, kek. Is there any way I can test the CRT without anything connected to the JAMMA?

>> No.10271821

I don't care if it's hard.

>> No.10273121

Im a dfferent anon. I don't know who is winning the argument between you two. Are rear projector parts rare or common?

>> No.10273217

They're apparently very rare on the facebook groups one child hangs out on. Clearly none of his grandparents or any of their 27 cats has any. I have no problems finding them, and have never heard of a grownup with the skills required to use them having trouble.
As a general rule, when some random faggot on the internet claims some massproduced consumer product is hard to find it's just some dumb kid desperate for relevancy and attention.

>> No.10273436

Stop lying to other anons. Not everyone lives in country with easy access to spare parts for 30 year old technology. It's like all these anons who live in America and think every country has access to spare CRT arcade monitors and CRT techs who live locally.

>> No.10273727

Stop projecting your underage 3rd world shithole problems on to others. Not everyone is a mental disturbed 12yo African goat herder. In fact, I'd wager you're the only one ITT.

>> No.10273736

How is buying brand new things to replace aging hardware a poorfag thing?

>> No.10274016

How does you babbling random unrelated cope not out you as someone too poor to be able to afford a clue? Seriously, how do you think ranting like a crazy child who can't afford the meds he needs to make a coherence argument is going to convince anyone of anything?

>> No.10274692

What game is the red racing cabinet?

>> No.10274993

To be fair, some of those old DLP replacement projector bulbs are pretty expensive these days. I've seen a lot people just toss out the old rear projection system in those arcade cabinets, and use a modern digital projector with a very short throw distance. No one can tell the difference. In fact most times the new projector is brighter and looks much nicer than the old one. I think it keeps to the "spirit" of the cabinet still being a projector cabinet but still blending it with modern tech.

>> No.10275274
File: 40 KB, 1902x98, gamesaru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is he right about candy cabs?

>> No.10275280

maximum tune 3 i think

>> No.10275320

Which arcade games that used DLP projectors are you having trouble finding cheap bulbs for?

>> No.10275391

Your thinking of CRT projectors. Great image. But when the tube goes out, It's damn near impossible to find a replacement tube these days. They reached peak popularity in the 1990s and then faded away as new projector technology came into the scene.

>> No.10276059

Ah ok thanks. I never got into that series. Is it better than Initial D or something like Cruisin' Blast?

>> No.10276370

Where are all the Deluxe machines? Where is the Deluxe Out Run cabinets and large projector screens? Why only old Sega candy cabinets?

>> No.10277680

i think its better than initial d cause wangan at least from what i see is more common than initial d in the states

>> No.10277840

it's just ok, the goat arcade racer from that era is battle gear 4 tuned

>> No.10277857

>would like to get an NeoGeo MV1B or MV1C
>find out a supergun can cost at least $140 for one with composite
>all the sellers are selling boards with really worn out JAMMA pins
At least I have KoF98, Metal Slug X and 3 before the shot even higher in price the last few months...

>> No.10277869

Thank you for the responses!

>> No.10278486

Did you figure it out?

>> No.10278792 [SPOILER] 
File: 118 KB, 590x1280, IMG_9392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nta anon but heres a leddit recommended remote that "werks" allegedly

"GE Universal Remote Control for Samsung, Vizio, LG, Sony, Sharp, Roku, Apple TV, TCL, Panasonic, Smart TVs, Streaming Players, Blu-ray, DVD, 4-Device, Silver, 33709"


hope it works
my solution was to buy the exact model with the remote so now i have 2

>> No.10279534

Sorry, I had been busy and haven't had thr chance to mess with it.

>> No.10279568

Tried the codes and it did not work

I was recommended this one and it connects, but won't let me change thr input for some reason when paired.

>> No.10279572 [DELETED] 


>> No.10279583

>It's damn near impossible to find a replacement tube these days.
Use parts from a consumer RPTV.

>> No.10279787

All anon is thinking about is how he can convince strangers on the internet to pay attention to him talking about something he knows nothing about. Many such cases.
NOOO!!!! It must be ORIGINAL PARTS! Even though one Sony tube has the same part number as another and they literally came off the production line together, the one that ended up in an arcade machine is magically different. Trust me. My uncle works at Rear Projection TV. Also, I can tell from some of the DLPs and from seeing quite a few reddits in my time.

>> No.10279872

You're fighting imaginary people you made up in your head, anon.

>> No.10280103

I'm not fighting anyone champ. I'm mocking stupid children who bullshit trying to get strangers on the internet to pay attention to them. Well, mission accomplished. I'm paying attention. And calling out bullshiters.

>> No.10280157
File: 233 KB, 1072x888, actualLINKbiznatch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>arcade community
the first thing is you need to learn everyone is out for themselves
outside the engineering hobbyists that actually procure items for vintage boards\computers
everyone is a neurotic hoarder and the arcade cab\pcb hoarder is the most hardcore type
you are competing against business owners
people with a LOT of capital sometimes
a LOT of liquid cash & an obsession usually with a favorite machine\game
it can be incredibly difficult on the west coast to snipe what you want
and prices continue to trend in one direction

arcade-projects forums buy sell threads will have things that peak your interest;
however for holy grail stuff like the ridge-racer full scale i suggest making craigslist shitposts once per month in as many areas across the country as you can and bide your time.
if i had that shit i wouldn't sell honestly
and they type of person who actually HAS that machine likely wont either
but anything is possible anonkun
make your dreams come true

my rec is 4x daytona cabs
>pic literally related and for sale RIGHT NOW
if i had the room in my small duplex i would immediately buy all 4

>> No.10280179

the one i linked is from reddit
a tard reddit poster confirmed it to be working
its like $10 so not too big of a risk +you can always return it

another one that probably MIGHT work is the "goofy tv surf universal remote"
unless disney is selling remotes that didnt work with their own products kek

i tried a couple brands of universal remote on my disney crt and had no luck
there are thousands of codes to try unfortunately
hitatchi, memorex, etc
i used to have a little gadget that i soldered together that was programmable to turn on\off any tv

an electronics hobbyist kit like that would be a last ditch effort but you still would have to learn what the combo is for the AV functionality

use a remote with "auto program" and in a dark room just press random horseshit on the remote until it trips the AV input

i still cant believe the engineers behind shit like this
"ya ranjinb, it has two AV inputs but lest make SURE you cant get to it on the channel select buttons l0lel"
beyond retarded

>> No.10280471

I'll try that remote then, thanks. The remote I mentioned was also recommended from reddit, so I'm kind of ehh to their advice on remotes. That said, it would be an excuse to order that 8bitdo NeoGeo controller as well...

>> No.10280968

>however for holy grail stuff like the ridge-racer full scale i suggest making craigslist shitposts once per month in as many areas across the country as you can and bide your time.
I don't understand what this means. You want him to make Craigslist shitposts about wanting to sell a Ridge Racer Full Scale? What would that accomplish?

>> No.10281190

"want to buy" / "seeking ridge racer" shitposts
many posters here in my area constantly post WTB ads
obv it is working for them or they wouldnt persist

>> No.10281254

>you cant get to it on the channel select buttons
But is that the case? Has anon even tried changing to channel "-1"?
>an electronics hobbyist kit like that would be a last ditch effort
Why's that? I have many such devices that have an API accessible over wifi. I could simply blast codes at it until something happens. I could even look at the model number and do a quick search to find out what codes are likely to work. Of course, if anon was capable of googeling the model number he probably wouldn't need to ask for help here.

>> No.10281275
File: 1.57 MB, 1754x1321, 1695883799092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at what they did to my beloved.... Apart from the awful, blurry LCD (which had a broken shifter), the shifter on the right was completely missing.

Daytona 2 4-player machine also had 4 broken shifters, with just one being semi-usable. Did people just molest the shit out of the shifter back in the day? Are they even difficult to repair?

>> No.10281301

it doesnt work
channels only show numeric digits no av inputs even if something is connected and powered on

my workaround was a $12 rf modulator
so i could take s-video to coax
but i doubt most people want their games to look even worse like that kek

>> No.10281304

the infrared blaster is a good idea
i used to turn off tvs with in department stores with it

>> No.10281334

If I were you, I would find an IR Blaster (old smart phones had them). Then use it to spam different signals at the TV until one works.

Option 2 - just order a replacement Disney remote on eBay. Then use the IR Blaster to detect the *exact* signal being used by the remote's buttons, and record for future use.

>> No.10281358

the days of ir blaster htc phones
i do miss them

what phone has ir blaster AND user serviceable battery? samsung maybe?

>> No.10281373
File: 27 KB, 347x360, 1695591930962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's actually.... Not that bad given its 30 years old now. I've seen much worse Daytona USA machines. Like the cabinet on the verge of falling apart, and paint peeling off. But in your picture is still in reasonable condition. Sure the CRT has been replaced, but that's to be expected given how old it is, and CRT screens are the first to go.

The general public also doesn't realize that arcade machines need periodic maintenance. Joysticks crack and break. Buttons are only rated for a certain amount of presses (like 500,000 presses) before the switch in the button breaks, and even CRT screens need to be adjusted 2 to 3 times a year to maintain the best image.

>Daytona 2 4-player machine also had 4 broken shifters, with just one being semi-usable.
It can be fixed. At least the frame of the machine still looks good and PCBs function without issue.

>Did people just molest the shit out of the shifter back in the day?
Oh absolutely. The general public are BRUTAL when it comes to using the machines. No mercy. They slam the shifter harder in every direction. Young kids will hang even off it. When around 50,000 to 100,000 people will play the machine during its lifetime and all of them treat it roughly, you learn to expect wear and tear.

>Are they even difficult to repair?
No. But it's mostly about the cost of parts. Third party replacement shifters are around $250 dollars for a single shifter. Original new parts (if you can still find them) are much more expensive.

Arcade businesses are all about profit. If a 30 old four player racing machine only brings in $750 to $1000 a year, then it doesn't make financial sense to spend $250 dollars to replace the shifter parts on four machines. Most arcade businesses would rather just let the machine slowly break down, make substandard repairs, & then retire the machines. Arcade machines this old...if you want to repair them...it's more about a labor of love than it making any financial sense.

>> No.10281541

Yes you're absolutely correct that the physical condition was relatively great. However, my disappointment was due to the fact that this place (Pinball Hall of Fame in Las Vegas) is a museum of sorts. The vast majority of pinball machines there were functioning well, and there were 2-3 employees there tinkering and fixing the pinball machines the whole time I was there. Just was disappointed that only about half of the arcade cabs were fully functional.

Classics like Galaga, Pac-Man, Donkey Kong, etc, all looked and played fantastic and even had tubes which looked really good as well.

>> No.10281585

>However, my disappointment was due to the fact that this place (Pinball Hall of Fame in Las Vegas) is a museum of sorts.

Ah yes. I know of them. I've heard mixed things. Some good. Some bad. From the many things I've heard, the staff pay extra special attention to Pinball machines and keep them running. That the owners loves pinball. But you can't attract big crowds on just pinball alone. So they added a video arcade over the years. But that the arcade is an after thought. They have lots of video arcade machines, but most of the attention and maintenance is on Pinball machines first.

Also, apparently the owner is not a people person and hates interacting with the public. He's gotten in trouble for yelling at 5 year olds and screaming at disabled people. The PHoF is run more like someone's "personal collection", and they reluctantly tolerate people visiting because it's the only way for him to earn an income from his machine collection. Like a 4chan gaming hoarder who hates people and only allows visitors because he has no other way to earn money.

I hear Galloping Ghost Arcade and Galloping Ghost Pinball (just down the street) are much better and have nicer staff.

>The vast majority of pinball machines there were functioning well, and there were 2-3 employees there tinkering and fixing the pinball machines the whole time I was there.
Doesn't surprise me. It's just a shame there isn't more retro arcades in the area to generate competition and force them to be better.

>> No.10281594

>Pinball Hall of Fame in Las Vegas
Fuck that place. I went there once with my Grandma and my 7 year old niece while visiting Vegas. The owner started screaming at us and at my young niece. Why? Because my niece started giggling loudly and wanted to play the Crazy Taxi machine. She plays it on my old Dreamcast but wanted to try the arcade machine. I hadn't seen one in decades. My niece wasn't running around unsupervised or being an uncontrollable kid. She was very well behaved. She just got excited at seeing Crazy Taxi. Then the bitch behind the counter went nuts.

>> No.10281604

>(Pinball Hall of Fame in Las Vegas) is a museum of sorts.
They should change their name to the Pinball Museum of Vegas and put everything behind glass cases because half their games do not work

>> No.10281670

people in vegas are allowed to be rude as fuck
its not like california/chikfila service kek
the staff can tell you to fuckoff if they dont like your shirt/attitude

i only ate at fancy places or bought shit from walgreens there kek
i dont want ballsack juice in my burger

>> No.10281767

Amazing. Would you mind posting a pic? I honestly don't think I've ever seen a TV that retarded.
Also, you should really check the model number. You'll have a much easier time searching for things that work based on that. With that you can also check on the harmony compatibility list.
One of the first pocket pcs I had had IR. I'd use it to change the channel or adjust the volume of TVs in bars. No one knew what a ppc was back then and had no idea it could work as a remote.
$5+pajeet=user serviceable battery
I'll prioritize the feature I use more often

>> No.10281770

Seems counter intuitive if they want to run a successful business.

>> No.10282985

I've been to Vegas many times. Most recently just a few weeks ago. Always had friendly service. Even people who were clueless and useless were at least nice. This isn't a Vegas thing. 100% guaranteed the faggot saying it is isn't allowed in the container park after 9.

>> No.10283959

There are many reviews about that place having awful customer service. So I'm inclined to believe them over you.

>> No.10284406
File: 468 KB, 1179x759, 1688759526967456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

model number is "DT1300-P"
many forum posters have issues programming remotes to it for whatever reason
it uses some strange code even my modern direct tv remote couldn't program to it
then the other users\posters can pair but cant change the input from channel select to AV 1\2

every other tv i have ever owned (and still own) has those inputs in the channel list and you can simply change the channel to them
but the tradeoff for having a late 2006-2010 crt and decent picture quality is being railroaded into using a faggy remote

>pic not related whatsoever unless you use usb>db15 adapter and supergun

>> No.10284614

>There are many reviews about that place having awful customer service
You mean Vegas? Of course. The internet is full of Karens and their underage children. It might look like Disneyland now, but it's not a particularly underage friendly place. I have no doubt the angry child was deeply triggered, and remembers it as being very rude, when he was politely asked to show his ID and turned away in so many places. He should have stuck to shambling up and down Freemont with the rest of zoombies.

>> No.10284640

Theres no such thing as an arcade games company anymore except for eca but they only release hack made by americans if old games and steam kusogames. Ufo catcher and card games are not proper arcade games and that's what fills the current day arcades in japan. As for old arcade games there are still getting ported by companies like m2 and hamster.

>> No.10284846

There are still arcade companies. It's just that they aren't as big as they used to be. Walk into any modern arcade. Some company has to make those games. Raw Thrills for example.

>> No.10285285

I guess no one should be surprised Disney was selling such a mickey mouse TV, amirite.
Forum posters are idiots. They have issues with the simplest of thing and say retarded shit like "pair" when talking about basic IR remotes. You're wasting your time there. You have 4 options
1. Buy a shitty original remote
2. Buy a universal remote that you can get to work
3. lrn2code
4. Suffer in RF ghetto misery

>> No.10286982

I looked up the Pinball Hall of Fame specifically. Lots of complaints about the staff and owner. Many complaints about many of arcade machines being out of order or not properly maintained.

>> No.10287141
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I'm trying to track down a lightgun arcade cabinet from the 1990s. I can't find it anywhere. Anyone know where I can find a Deluxe Crypt Killer cabinet?

Here's a picture of one sitting in a warehouse somewhere from 20 years ago.

>> No.10287215

>Ufo catcher and card games are not proper arcade games
They were around before video games, and apparently will be there long after.

>> No.10287220

Or Exa-Arcadia.

>> No.10287231

I don't have a problem with it. Everyone enjoys winning prizes. It's just some arcades make 90% of their games as crane games or ticket games. The ratio is way too skewed.

>> No.10287242

would love one of those with tekken 5

>> No.10287296

In my experience rear projection displays are hard to maintain, and a lot of them had issues with coolant dripping from the lenses onto the boards which would permanently kill the display. Many models were not designed with longevity in mind.

>> No.10287342

>This is probably the only website I visit with much regularity anymore besides a few forums. I try not to think about it too much because it’s depressing. And that has nothing to do with me being “too good” for here quite the opposite, it’s just sadness at what we’ve lost
I feel you anon. I don't wanr to pay a ton of money for a crt. Stupid trash one's sell for a ton anymore. Im so pissed my dad threw away my old white small sony monitor i had.

>> No.10287353

here ya go
consumer flatpanels with 46,789 nes roms!
$3000 obo!

>> No.10287356
File: 181 KB, 1179x549, IMG_9454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pick
guess i was shitposting too hard

>> No.10287387

>I looked up the thing both you and the guy you're disagreeing with were not talking about
Well there's yer problem!

>> No.10288193

>In my experience
You have no experience. You're just parroting words you saw when you desperately googled in a vain attempt at damage control. Why are children like you such demented compulsive liars?

>> No.10288240


Not my problem as the consumer. You want me to play your arcade machine? You want my money? Then you better not be putting a fuckin' LCD screen in there. Because that is an automatic pass from me.

>> No.10288249

It would be so easy to build these as "CRT Ready" without a monitor and a deep, flat shelf for any random 19" CRT to sit on.

>> No.10288323

Okay but what about a different (newer) projector if the old projector is busted ? Do I have to track down the inferior older projector from 25 years ago?

>> No.10288324

>Why are children like you such demented compulsive liars?
I'm mildly amused reading this line. Unless you are in your 50s, then I'm probably older than you.

>> No.10288341

>Lots of game centers with retro games
>Even more shops with retro games for retro consoles/home computers
>No nostalgia
Nah. The nostalgia still exists. It's just that it's harder to find remaining retro cabinets for so many arcade games that have been released in Japan.

>> No.10288351

>Which is ironic because the Deluxe machines are the ones that are in the highest demand when it comes to preservation group and collectors.
Apparently they're not aware about the existence of collectors willing to pay a fortune for ancient games. That's how a friend of mine bought some NEO GEO arcade cassettes for peanuts.

>> No.10288357
File: 41 KB, 640x480, e1f8c92f-eebe-4943-80f1-9724ded3889d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a detailed "article" of mine about the infamous arcade games ban in Greece at early 2000s:

>> No.10289375

explains the reasonable pcb prices i got a handful of times

>> No.10289387

As long as it is a rear projection CRT of some kind. Failing that, a 36"-42" direct view CRT.

Worst case scenario: short throw laser or hybridDLP projector that preserves the projector screen and cosmetic appearance of the cabinet.

>> No.10289608

Unless you are in your 50s, then I'm probably older than you.
lolwut. How "probably old" are you kiddo?