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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 423 KB, 544x544, classic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10244330 No.10244330 [Reply] [Original]

Raider bros our wish as come true!

Tomb Raider I-III Remastered - Announce Trailer | PS5 & PS4 Games


>> No.10244336

i never seen /vr/ wishing for more soulless remakes

>> No.10244340

People just love to complain. These games were never good to begin with anyway

>> No.10244341

It's not a remake at all. A remake is not something with the same mechanics.

>> No.10244343
File: 111 KB, 1000x1000, 1677732453973696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so they look like early PS2 games rather than early PS1 games
What's the fucking point? This is 20 years too late. Can I get Unreal Engine 4-tier graphics at least?

>> No.10244349

Did they add rtx?

>> No.10244353

>PS5 & PS4

>> No.10244374

It's coming to everything else too.

>> No.10244392
File: 547 KB, 1920x1080, tomb raider.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its multiplatform, OP is just an idiot who copied the info from the PlayStation YouTube channel.


>> No.10244408

You're the idiot, anon above you already said it is coming to everything else you fucknugget

>> No.10244415

it literally doesnt matter as it's not retro. god damn you people are dunce

>> No.10244436

Nah you are

>> No.10244461

They included the expansions so that's pretty cool.

>> No.10244485

Was it outsourced to some newbie devs? Not hating, but it kinda looks like that San Andreas remake all the way from India. "Meh" works best here I guess.

>> No.10244554

Looks like its being done by Aspry

>> No.10244646

Bros, I can't... Pre-reboot Lara makes my dick hard as steel.

>> No.10244770

its aspyre, don't expect anything beyond mediocre.

>> No.10244843

Yes, these are remakes you fucking imbecile.

>> No.10244856

That's why their name sounded familier, they did the Mac ports.

>> No.10244873

They are remasters, not remakes you rude piece of shit.

>> No.10244915


It looks horrible. One of the most charming aspects of the PS1 aesthetics are the "dirty" and "warpy" polygons, which - interestingly - actually induce a sense of "detail" that you wouldn't otherwise feel with clean and sterile-looking polygons like on the N64 for example.

>> No.10244984
File: 844 KB, 220x165, mr-mc-mahon-ggez-moneh-mrmcmahon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't give a flying fuck until they said this.
>Secret Levels
Do they mean Nightmare in Vegas and All Hallows, or brand new levels?

>> No.10245009

Tomb Raider is retro, cope and seethe tranny faggot.

>> No.10245023
File: 630 KB, 1410x1592, remaster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of all the remasters, this one looks like it has retained the most soul from the originals.

>> No.10245065
File: 1.51 MB, 1415x883, 1687804081267240.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kinda looks like playing as the magazine advert version of here
somewhat ok with this
ill probably be picking it up but im a faggot and have been hoarding every tomb raider game since ps1 era

>> No.10245154

I'm kind of annoyed they made India brighter. The dark jungle atmosphere was kino. Other than that, looks good though.

>> No.10245158

Nail on the head. They wiggle because they have a soul in them. They're not still like a corpse.

>> No.10245162

>My game is coming apart at the seems just from moving my character forward
>that's just the soul of the vidya! it's charming!

Jesus christmas lights. Even as a kid with a PS1 I always wondered why it looked like every game was a rickety shit-shack compared to the N64.

>> No.10245172

It's a remake. They are creating entirely new graphics for the game, i.e. REMAKING the graphics. A remaster would simply be taking the existing game and not touching the graphics at all. Like increasing resolution or without compression.

>> No.10245181

>arguing semantics over marketing buzzwords

>> No.10245195

Is nobody going to point out how painfully easy it is to spot the shills in this thread?

>> No.10245212

Then why does it say remaster?

>not touching the graphics at all
Increasing the texture resolutions and adding updated graphical features is pretty par-for-the-course for remasters. Ever seen the Mario 64 and Ocarina remasters?

>> No.10245239

Remaster: Improving the graphics/audio and nothing else.
Remake: Making the entire game again from scratch.
Rerelease/port: Releasing the game again with no changes.

>> No.10245246

Never understood remasters. The originals exist and you can play them right now.

>> No.10245278

>the originals exist and you can play them right now!
>Buy my mixtape

Tell me you're a reseller, without telling me you're a reseller. I'm not buying some refurbished PS1 off ebay only to have it break down on me in a couple months because the laser died, nor am I buying any of the PS1 memory cards, most of which are dead and don't work anymore, or are going to die on me in the middle of my playthrough.

>> No.10245285

>and nothing else

Fixing bugs that were present in the original and adding in lost/cut content*

>> No.10245287

Nice they let her keep her tits.

>> No.10245290

That can be part of any of them.

>> No.10245302

Yea, because SquareSoft isn't running the show anymore. Lara is free to let her big old jigglies bounce again.

>> No.10245306

use a fenrir or whatever the fuck PS1 uses.
but keep on shilling

>> No.10245307

How about I curb-stomp console trash and buy a proper remaster instead?

>> No.10245317

As I explained in the other thread the word remaster means a different thing to how they're using it. That's what they're trying to get across with the word - that it's a cosmetic change only.

What it actually is is upgraded versions of the tomb raider games. The word "remastered" just sounds better for marketing purposes so that's what they're calling it, despite it making zero sense.

>> No.10245330

Only poor kids didn't play on PC.
It's not "soul", it's compromise.

>> No.10245352

Why bother.

>> No.10245425

Actually, you're wrong. This is a remake.

>> No.10245430

What pisses me off is Remake/Remaster are used interchangeably in marketing. So full on Remakes (Sypro Reignited, OoT 3D, Crash N. Sane) are considered "Remasters". Also I'd argue the word "Remaster" rolls off the tongue smoother better and looks nicer on the box than "Remake" when marketed is why it's used so often.

>> No.10245432

You're a retarded nigger and you should eat buckshot.

>> No.10245435

You can be a semantic faggot all you want, but for all intents and purposes this trilogy's a remaster, possibly even a remastered port of a port.

>> No.10245448

It looks like they specifically tried for a PS2 feel with it, rather than trying to jump straight to 2023 with shaders and bloom and all that, thank god.

>> No.10245501

Calling it a "remake" brings with it certain expectations. Especially graphically. People would expect it to look like The Last of Us Part 1.

>> No.10245723

doesnt matter if shit is darker or brownish color, they both soulless cash grabs

>> No.10245868
File: 12 KB, 198x243, tele.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have a windows 10 pc. the demo of tomb raider 2 from november 97 runs perfectly well. i don't see why there'd be breaking issues with the full game. It looks incredibly good as you can see in the 'before' footage in your video.
so what the fuck would anyone want that cringe texture pack for? Look how fucking un-scary these retards version of the t-rex looks lmao. like a fucking teletubby.
But everything is ok. only stupid people will pay for it and they get what they deserve

>> No.10245872

was TR3 considered part of the good games or bad games? never played any TR besides 2

>> No.10245873

You're trying to make a film or audio analogy too literally, it just isn't applicable that way

>> No.10245927

Depends on who you ask personally I prefer Chronicles and The Last Revelation.
As far as acclaim wise, TR3 was the peak of the classic era in terms of popularity and general praise. TLR came out to less of a general warm reaction and chronicles was just considered besting the dead horse. People were tired of the franchise by then and other games had their attention, not to mention the upcoming next gen consoles.
I'd love to see 4 and 5 get these remasters but will they really bundle the two unpopular games from the franchise?
They can't even add 6 to sweeten the deal and the appeal since it's s totally different engine.

>> No.10246009

This just looks like something anyone could do with TRLE. It's literally the same games just with the model swapped. Hell, the low poly TRLE models people have been using for years look better.

>> No.10246050

Now you have have a better nude mod for Lara

>> No.10246070

>so full on Remakes
>OoT 3D

>> No.10246073

You can play with pyramid boobs Lara and they were never gonna do a big graphical update as Crystal Dynamics are broke af and are legit struggling to pay for their community managers a d they hate these games.

>> No.10246074

You can play with the low poly look

>> No.10246157

What's so hard to understand, retard-kun?

>> No.10246197

February 2024? What takes them so long on uploading few MB big game?

>> No.10246235


>> No.10246240

It's so we can spend Valentine's Day with Lara.

>> No.10246245

Why are people still releasing games for the fucking PS4? That console is soon to be 10 years old. The current generation (that is PS5) is soon to be 3 years old, yet good exclusives are nowhere to be found. This is some kind of joke.

>> No.10246253

Because it sold more than 110 million units. You'd have to be a special brand of stupid to not have your digital game released in it.

>> No.10246258


>> No.10246260

Wow, it's been so long since that video, and I still don't understand it.

>> No.10246268

But does it have boob physics?

>> No.10246275

No, staying true to the original. Unless they somehow remove the slight jiggle from some of the FMV cutscenes, which I doubt.
Speaking of cutscenes... I hope they don't fuck it up majorly by using some shitty AI upscaling like those videos you see on youtube... visual puke if you ask me.

>> No.10246281

>Lara has long hair in TR1
Fucking dropped. It's shit. I'm surprised they didn't make her black.

>> No.10246283

>being THIS much of a newfag
Tragic, really.

>> No.10246287

You realize her hair is long in all of the cinematics and box art, and that it's only in game that she doesn't have her ponytail, right?

She was always supposed to have it. They just didn't have they have it ready in time for launch.

>> No.10246291

Nope, not gonna hear your lies and slander. Lara has a short, wrapped ponytail in TR1.

>> No.10246303

She still does when you switch to original gfx.

>> No.10246318

i'll probably pick it up to be honest. I'm just fucking with /vr/.
Honestly, if enough people buy it, it would show that Classic Lara and her games are still in demand. Maybe we'll get our girl and her games back instead of that shit nu-Lara they have now.

>> No.10246341

Tanks controls are completely optional btw, hell yeah, I can finally play these games.
>Players can experience the journey their own way, with the ability to toggle on the fly between enhanced and original graphics, as well as switch between classic and modern joystick control schemes.

>> No.10246380

yeah give sony more money for remakes and movie games, i'm sure it'll work out

>> No.10246394
File: 276 KB, 1247x1347, 1665062280674300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no

>> No.10246396

It will be called Bharat in the remaster.

>> No.10246434

>PS1 games are no longer retro if they have a paint job
How fucking new are you?

>> No.10246467
File: 3.03 MB, 2560x1440, TR5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why no TR5?
It's cringekino.

>> No.10246478
File: 70 KB, 671x1024, 84342F6D-4133-4C83-83E6-D1ECD5E4325D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Tank controls are completely optional btw, hell yeah, I can finally play these games

>> No.10246580

All this bitches in this thread complaint about the graphics…. There is a fucking toggle button. You can play it in the old graphics. Also the originals are Pennie’s on GoG so why the fuck wouldn’t you want someone to do this? Not saying it’s going to be C&C remaster good but it just makes it easier to play on modern consoles and you can still get the original graphics. Swear to god people come on here to shit themselves for no reason.

>> No.10246591
File: 657 KB, 350x215, 1694568854296519.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tank controls optional

>> No.10246592

>We took this 1967 camero and put an electric motor in it
This is you, dipshit faggot

>> No.10246634

Sounds awesome. Where can I get one? The money I save on gas will be insane!
Get with the times. Morons like you treat every rerelease like it's taking away from what you got. Just enables a younger generation to enjoy something that you enjoyed 20+ years ago. I never got why some of you get a hateboner over stuff like that. Same thing with the Quake 2 remaster some weeks ago. Who gives a shit that it's not 100% accurate to the original or that (you) don't like the look. Guess what? I can still play the original, same with TR 1 to 3.
Gonna buy this, enjoy it, laugh about idiots like you that complain that I drop like what? 20 or 30 bucks on it? If you are as old as you pretend to be, that's fucking peanuts.

>> No.10246651
File: 104 KB, 720x720, tomb-raider-anniversary-button-v1a-1642738168809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yes, these are remakes you fucking imbecile.

Image related is a remake. These are basically HD remasters. It sounds like they will be using the source codes from the PC versions, and then just adding in additional features. The trailer said that the game will have the option to play with the original assets and models, but you can swap to the HD models/ textures at any time. Another thing to note about Aspyr, this is a group that got their start by porting Windows games to Mac. Some of the first ports they did were Tomb Raider II and every other classic Tomb Raider after that. It seems like they have been getting into doing ports to the switch. I would take it that Aspyr are handling the coding and porting aspect, while Crystal Dynamics are making the textures and higher polygon models. The trailer footage shows that these games look like some source port enhanced version on the original trilogy. They look like they are going to play like the originals. Who knows what they are going to do with the controls?

>> No.10246671

>Only poor kids didn't play on PC.
>It's not "soul", it's compromise.

The original Tomb Raider for the PC was a DOS game, and most played it in software rendering mode. But the DOS PC version did get patches for 3DFX, PowerVR, and other graphics cards. Tomb Raider 2 for the PC made the jump to Windows 9X platform. It also supports DirectX6 or something like that. A lot more PC users played this one with hardware rendering than they did for the fist game. From Tomb Raider 2 to Last Revelation, all of the Windows ports have been DirectX compatible. I think the Mac ports used OpenGL. There was a Windows compatible ATI developed DirectX patch for windows, that leaked much later on. This was apparently used by ATi to test their directX drivers. This collection will also contain the additional content from the PC 'Gold" editions. Which makes me suspect that these will be derived from the PC versions.

>> No.10246748

They raised the ESRB rating to M. Crazy how standards have changed.

>> No.10246873

>They just didn't have they have it ready in time for launch
actually they just couldnt fit it into the ram

>> No.10246889

Moving the goalpost much. I'm not responding to your triggered headcanon until you rewind and admit that, "no, this new tomb raider is in fact not retro". Until then, you can run your mouth til the lights go out, I won't be listening.

>> No.10246910

If we can make mods for this game...oh brother!

>> No.10246929

Rent free. Tank controls died for a fucking reason.

>> No.10246930

You don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.10246935

Because Sony in particular still has a very, VERY lucrative low income to wagie customer base who don't always upgrade to the latest console right away. It's worth it to them to squeeze what little money they can out of them, but I'd also argue it's to subtly entice them to get a PS5 considering how half-assed the performance is on the previous console is, just like they did with the PS3 post PS4's launch with all those enhanced ports.

You know what they're gonna' do, right? I'm gonna' be pretentious and say, just like with some recent rereleases lately, they're 100% going to de-list the PC ports of TR from digital store fronts so the tech illiterate have no choice but to buy the more expensive bundle.

>I can still play the original, same with TR 1 to 3.
See above reply.

>Gonna buy this, enjoy it, laugh about idiots like you that complain that I drop like what? 20 or 30 bucks on it? If you are as old as you pretend to be, that's fucking peanuts.
SUBTLE shilling, marketer.

>> No.10246954

thats literally what it was but go on retard

>> No.10246963

In these classic tr, tank oontrols will always be better than any modern bullshit controls they add into it

>> No.10246973

It was "ram", yet TR2, 3, 4, and C all had a ponytail along with more detailed models, textures, weapons, mechanics, and content in general on the exact same system?

>> No.10246985

the reason being half the population has below 100 iq
you need 101 iq to truly understand tank controls

>> No.10246991

back then devs optimized their engines with time

>> No.10246992

>What? It's just (x) amount of money. You can afford that, can't you? :^)
Not the point, consumerist cunt.

>> No.10246995

They were used in survival horror to increase difficulty, and they were used in Tomb Raider because it was based on cinematic platformers. Survival horror was milked dry by Code Veronica and it's been nearly thirty years since a cinematic platformer worth mentioning came out.

>> No.10247003

>They were used in survival horror to increase difficulty

>> No.10247128
File: 71 KB, 655x401, thtrh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they were used in Tomb Raider because it was based on cinematic platformers.
What the heck are those?

>> No.10247137

Prince of Persia, Flashback, Abe's Odyssey, cinematic platformers rely on fairly elaborate but very consistent controls, often with protagonists who are highly vulnerable. You know how lots of old RPGs have your movement restricted to a grid? Cinematic platformers are similar.

>> No.10247196
File: 37 KB, 640x605, 1676223529310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh. I never thought of it that way. That's interesting to know.

>> No.10247313

>things get better as people get more experience how can this be?
not everyones a sub 80iq brazillioid nigger like you retard

>> No.10247428

you know what these games badly needed? boob physics. insane out of control boob physics like the first doa. don't act like you're not interested you freak.

>> No.10247805

DESU I can't see meaningful advantage the PS5 has over the PS4 and none of the new releases have been worth the upgrade cost yet.

>> No.10247836

lol, I thought it was fan-made with stock assets.
Looks pretty bad.
I'd give it ago just to play them without the tank controls out of curiosity how fast I can beat them without fighting the controls.

>> No.10247860

It has the original polygonal versions built in so get fucked

>> No.10248096

If that's the case then it's not "ram", the PSX did not gain more RAM as time went on.

>> No.10248302
File: 1.03 MB, 320x240, 1686068137809682.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this a real person? how can you be so retarded

>> No.10248407

It absolutely is ram, in that the original code for her hair was an unacceptable performance hog and it took more time to refine it into an efficient use of the limited memory available.

>> No.10248409

So it's a dev issue, talk about bad workmen blaming tools.

>> No.10248478

The only issue with Tomb Raider's controls is that Lara is unecessarily slow when doing anything that involves her hands. Climbing up, scaling a wall, monkey bars, pushing blocks, and shimmying could all have been much faster, as almost every situation you do that in is one where you're in no danger of attack.

If I see a custom TR level that changes her movement animations even slightly it's always a big improvement.

>> No.10248492

Inside (2016) deserves to be up there with Another World

>> No.10248746
File: 3.34 MB, 960x540, 1694703672490319.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the 2 frame gif texture waterfall is just a static image in the "nu graffix"

They'll fix this right? It looks very half assed. The dinosaurs in particular look like they have downs syndrome

>> No.10248769

>They put a sky dome in Lost Valley
C'MON, being in the dark made it mysterious and scary.

>> No.10248820

>1 through 3
>4 left out
What the fuck, man? TR4 is my favorite one and the only one I give a fuck about.

>> No.10248839

She does at the end and they want to merge the timelines. Also the level structure would need a rework for modern minds. Plus they probably need to settle license stuff with Timex, because lawyers ruin everything.

>> No.10248905

Oh that is bad

>> No.10248924

How could you even play this game with different controls.. how would you even line up a jump. The gameplay is heavily dependent on the grid system. with the original controls you can for example hop back and it covers the distance of exactly one grid, or take three steps back, just an example, there are plenty of other reasons why this wouldn't work well with free movement.. it allows you very precise control of laras position when platforming especially when lining up her head with geometry to get the proper angle for a jump like in colloseum skip. zoomers are going to be even more frustrated

>> No.10248934

>he tried to warn them, but they hated him for speaking the truth
i commend them for leaving in the original graphics and analog controls might be interesting, but also they will remove the soul and completely break the game. it's about thoughtful navigation and exploration, using the control schema the developers gave you to accomplish goals.
that said, i am curious if anybody will be able to play the game faster with analog controls or if it'll make no difference at all
in no way am i condoning purchasing this garbage

>> No.10248961

>analog controls
If you haven't played the tr1 mario 64 mod, give it a shot. It'll probably play similar to that.

>> No.10249029

Does it just bother me that the lighting is much more shiny and cartoonish and the art style looks almost as if it's toon shader? It's too bright, also wtf is with the open bright sky with india levels? Just weird. But we will most likely see some PC mods to fix lighting. Ray tracing shit ruined gaming.

>> No.10249920

i'm not divorced enough to want this

>> No.10250182

they just didnt have enough time to optimise it like you didnt have enough brainpower to process wht was just said 5 times in a row, kill yourself subhuman shit skin retard esl mong cunt

>> No.10250202

If they add the animation, it'll just be a flat animated texture which is lazy for a remaster. They'd then have to make actual 3D water flowing out of that wall and that's too much effort for them. Pretty shit nonetheless.

>> No.10250273

You said "RAM", instead of "The devs were fat, lazy, and stupid", take the L.

>> No.10250759

You've never made anything in your life, with the exception of making me reply. Congratulations, you can make a stranger experience wearied disgust.

>> No.10250809


I like the idea that the original Tomb Raider games will have a modern port and the games will have the option to play with the original textures and models. But i agree with some of the texture designs. I think there are times when it looks good and other times like the T-Rex, where I prefer the original look.

>> No.10250829
File: 79 KB, 482x658, 1690335908315.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much you wanna' bet they'll de-list the PC ports from digital store fronts after this trilogy's release? I'm going all in on yes.

>> No.10251151

>How much you wanna' bet they'll de-list the PC ports from digital store fronts after this trilogy's release? I'm going all in on yes.

I think Steam will be more likely to de-list the originals. 1-2 and 3 at least, they might just keep Chronicle and Last Revelation for now...I have a feeling that those two will be considered for 'after thought remasters' if the initial trilogy does well. GOG still deals with 'good old games' and they still do release many old DOS and Windows 9x games. So I don't know if they will create a separate 'classics' listing or what.

>> No.10251738

OoT 3D is a remaster it has the same base coding underneith which is why a lot of the glitches from the original still work

>> No.10251769

Got filtered hard, huh?

>> No.10251776

Agreed. It's a purchase from me.

>> No.10251794


I think Weebl put more effort into this shitpost.

>> No.10251951
File: 2.45 MB, 1920x1080, tr3_waterfalls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm guessing they'll rework the waterfalls and make them consistent across the three games, unlike how it was in the originals.

>> No.10252753

Does it? What about Majora's Mask? Because that remake had glaring issues with stuff like the Deku form hops being way smaller making jumping on the water much more difficult in some areas, among other issues. Oot was just a remaster?

>> No.10252812

>Muh semantics
Modified code with new models, new animations and new graphics -- it's a remake.

>> No.10253204
File: 78 KB, 1259x890, 1680869203459880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mods? what do we reckon

>> No.10253220

This is the entire reason why the PS1 had worse graphics than the N64. There's no "charm", it just looks like shit.

>> No.10253263

angry nintendoid n64 looked like total irredeemable dogshit, at least ps1 had some nice looking games

>> No.10253279

>at least ps1 had some nice looking games
Yes, the 2d ones, but snoys like you have never played them.

>> No.10253285

dont you have some children to be grooming tendie? only mentally ill retards own a bintendo

>> No.10253379

Tomb Raider's graphics look like shit and look further dated by this remaster. Your insecurity and bias isn't an argument.

>> No.10253392

Go ahead. I had those on steam and the ran like shit. 4 ran well though.

>> No.10253418

Get ready to eat your own words when it turns out the remaster has performance issues. Sonic Origins says hello.

>> No.10253427

>muh sub 20 fps games only trannies and children like
cope retard, nothing on shilltendoid 64 looks as good as wipeout3 on the superior platform that is playstation cope, rope, and dont drop the soap when you get sent down for grooming 8 years you dirty cunt

>> No.10253558

I don't care about your brand loyalty, I'm specifically referring to a game's graphics. Away with you, /v/ermin.

>> No.10253579

>Go ahead. I had those on steam and the ran like shit. 4 ran well though.
All of the original Tomb Raider games are locked at 30fps, on every platform. Even the later ports on the Sega Dreamcast were 30, and every PC port is locked at 30.


>> No.10253615

>I don't care about your brand loyalty
you're the one who brought it up in the first nintendoid, imagine entering a thread about games and consoles you dont like and crying about it, mc fucking killyourself retard

>> No.10253630

>Everyone who disagrees with me is the same person
Time to cool off, hot head.

>> No.10253847

time to rope up nintentranny

>> No.10253883

>i never seen /vr/ wishing for more soulless remakes
I'm in favor of people being able to experience the proper games instead of anniversary. I've gotten tired of people making the excuse to not play classic TR. So I'm absolutely not against it and i don't understand the elitism. If the controls feeling clunky is the biggest deterrent against people playing classic TR then hopefully they can strike some middle ground. Some people believe that the tank controls are a core part of the experience, i don't really. What made tomb raider great was mainly just the puzzles and constant problem solving throughout levels. I just hope they don't try to casualize it. The best feeling of the old games is figuring stuff out on your own.

>> No.10253994


At this point, Tomb Raider has had a remake, soft reboot, hard reboot, but never a remaster of the originals. So I am for this too, in general. They say that the game will have the toption to play it with the original graphics and controls for those who want that. So this sounds like a good preservation for people who want to jump in with the originals. But it is not like the OG's will be hard to find, anyway. As they have been sold on Steam and GOG for a long time, and available on PSN in their original Playstation forms. I know people like to cry about remasters. I think an obvious classic series like the original Tomb Raider should get some form of remaster. Square shut down various attempts. I will never understand why. The original Tomb Raider is in the top 10 best selling PS1 games, and the rest are in the top 15 best sellers list. They sold like crazy on PC back in the day. I only hope they end up good and not a monkey paw wish. Aspyr seems a little iffy on the switch, going by impressions. But they have ported all five of the the classic Tomb Raider games to the ancient MacOS back in the day. I could only assume that they dusted off the source codes for those ports and are using them as a basis for the games. It just seems like the OG Tomb Raiders are long overdue for a remaster.

>> No.10254148

>Square shut down various attempts. I will never understand why.
If I had to take a guess, it was because they wanted to have more eyes on the Nu-Lara, since gaming was going through that phase of """maturing""" and the whole culture war shit with some people's ignorant perception of Lara being a "sex object".