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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 10 KB, 320x240, kof96todo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1011118 No.1011118[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can we have an SNK thread /vr/?

What's your fave game/tune/character/SNKgrish?

Not retro but is anyone getting KOF XIII on Steam?

>> No.1011141

i'm getting it for the eventual nude mod

aside from the compulsory love for Metal Slug, there's the Fatal Fury series, preferably MotW, if me having a copy on my PS2, PC, PSP, & X360 has anything to say about it.

>> No.1011146

>implying yamazaki isn't the best character
>implying krauser isn't the best boss and best music

>> No.1011164
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It kinda sucks this guy is the easiest SNK boss. makes the whole saga an anticlimax

>> No.1011171

That's not Kim.

>> No.1011194



Those aren't Heavy D!

>> No.1011234
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Friendly reminder that we will never see again Lucky Glauber,Brian Battler and Heavy D

>> No.1011260

SNK had some of the best fight music.Listen to this beat...


don't you want to go outside and kick some ass?

>> No.1011327
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I don't care how EDGY he was. Setsuna still is one of my favorite SNK characters

>> No.1011368
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One of the few SNK characters I can say I like.
I love all the hanafuda references in his design.
He's also seems to be the complete polar opposite of me as far as personality seems to go.

>> No.1011382


Can't pick just one, sorry.
Krauser's theme from KoF '96 has been stuck in my head for YEARS, so that. I'm still not tired of it(I've got a serious weakness for classical music/overtones).
Krauser's definitely a badass, and his portrayal in the Fatal Fury 2 OVA didn't hurt. Always like King(she wears those suits SO fucking well...), Kasumi(she started my hakama fetish), and Chizuru from KoF '96 too. This causes difficulties when looking for *ahem* 'images', however...

>> No.1012382


>> No.1012845

the '96 version (arranged) is my favorite KOF song, followed closely by this:

>krauser's theme
that would be mozart's requiem in D minor, you silly goose

>> No.1012854 [DELETED] 

Could anyone recommend a series starting point? Perhaps one that would facilitate a player getting into the newer games if thats not pushing the board theme to far astray?

>> No.1012875

>tfw you will never play GMOTW2 in all his glory...

>> No.1012879

Could anyone recommend a KOF game for someone new to the series? Maybe one that would help lead in to playing the newer games if that does not stray too far from the board theme.

>> No.1012889

dude, just pick up one of the ports of KoF 98 or just do what I did and buy the orochi saga on the wii for dirt cheap

>> No.1012912

98 and 02 are the most played and researched ones of the old games. Pick either one of those or the current title.

>> No.1012921
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played KoF 94 in the arcades when I was younger, later emulated KoF 2000 for fun with friends

about half a year ago I decided to try it more seriously (I was on a SNK fewer)

the first character I decided to main was Shermie (she was hard to play on a PSP) but now after trying other characters she's still my favorite)

>> No.1012949


I like KOF13.

KOF99 plays better than the ones before IMO.
2000 is also fine.
2001 is shit.
2002 is ok but somehow harder to play IMO.

>> No.1012950
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Me, I prefer Crystalis... the only SNK RPG. But the nes version, not the GBC one.

>> No.1013192
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99 is kinda underrated imo. Attacks link a lot easier than in 98 and the overall style is much nicer. Fuck that cheap ass boss though.

>> No.1013325


I'm waiting until i know more about how the netcode is from the closed beta testers.

>> No.1013329


Until they do another dream match KOF.

>> No.1013936


I'm aware of that, you screwball duck, but most people would know of it as Krauser's Theme, however incorrect that is.

>> No.1013959
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>> No.1013968
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>> No.1014171

>you will never fight Rock as Nightmare Geese 2.0
>there will never be an OP version of Terry you can unlock, who dons his red cap again.
>you will never see how the rest of the older FF casts are doing.

the FF series is about the only fighting game i even bother caring about the story, fragmented as it was later on

>> No.1014253

>data filename

Still think he's the cheapest boss in the saga, aside from Rugal in '94, which was cheap only for the bad gameplay the game had.

>> No.1014256
File: 69 KB, 800x800, mrkarate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KOF 94
Most of the Todoh/Art of Fighting team themes
Mr. Karate

>> No.1014261
File: 205 KB, 588x877, 600full-the-king-of-fighters-'99--millennium-battle-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite retro KOF.

>> No.1014259
File: 24 KB, 77x126, yamazaki.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dis nigga know what's up.
Yamazaki all day 'ere day.

>> No.1014286

Nah. Fucked up dodging, primitive striker system.
Did it have counter mode and armor mode? Or did they debut on 2000?

Anyway, KOF98 was the last game to keep the focus on mind games and simple combos instead of long streams of cancels/strikers/tag attacks which can only be done with very high dexterity. Those impossibly long combos are a real turn off for me.

>> No.1014306
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Leona is my favorite kof.
We all know arashi no saxophone #2 is best song.

>> No.1014310

Samurai Shodown 2
Tune? Probably the desert track from Metal Slug 2 and 3. Dat riff, dem camels.
Ukyo Tachibana
Intro to Samurai Shodown 2

>> No.1014368
File: 245 KB, 640x804, 6b64e2b54a7be39fce2f6e3ea04a74b8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just recently got to playing KOF98. I thought 97 was awesome, but this is everything 97 was and better, just like how 97 was to 96. I couldn't believe they managed to fit in all those characters and music. I was under the impression that the lack of music in 97 was because they didn't have enough room, but apparently not. I totally didn't expect all those cool themes to come back; I thought they were forever lost in obsolete games (especially 96). To me, Chizuru's theme *is* KOF.

I'm glad King is finally playable; before her moves were either a pain in the ass to pull off (94-95), or always overlapped (96-97).
Chris and Shermie also are much improved. Vice is finally good, too! I'm so glad to see her back; easily one of my favorite characters. I've no idea why they brought back the fucking sports team, though. I can see why they might cut out Geese and Krauser, because they're so fireball heavy, but why not Eiji, Kasumi, and Mr Big? Also, when's Duck gonna show up? It's about damn time.

It's kind of hard to not learn to play all the characters. Thankfully, my friend and I have the characters split between us, so I'll never have to learn them all, but still see each character in play. Also thankfully, he sucks at these games just as much as I do, so we don't feel pressured to master the game/characters, or care about tiers.

>> No.1014370
File: 363 KB, 936x699, KoF98 Picks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am roughly familiar with all my characters' moves, but only half of them with any depth. Currently decent with Kyo/Daimon/Terry/Shermie/Chris/Mary/Vice/Shingo, and now learning King/Saisyu.

My favorite team is probably Vice/Mary/Kyo.

>> No.1014380
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I am *irrational* about SNK games. KOF is probably my third favorite thing ever.

Anyone else like FFS more than ST? SF gets way too much attention. I hate how GGPO supports half a dozen versions of SF2, but no KOF95. Wtf?

>> No.1014423

Personally I've never had much problems with him, even with his annoying instant whirlwind of pain and his constant super mode. Zero was leagues worse than him, Igniz too, but calling him cheap is pretty redundant. The few times i managed to beat Zero legit without continuing was by exploiting his AI, something like backdashing a few times and him getting struck in a pattern where he dashed towards me kicking low. Using Kasumi, I just simply countered him to death.

>> No.1014430
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Once you get used to his pattern, he's not too bad. Chizuru on the other hand...

>> No.1014960
File: 900 KB, 1306x870, SDC10031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Couldnt miss this thread now could I?!

I still prefer KoF 98 or 2k2 when playing for tournaments or against actually skilled people.

I just couldnt adapt to the fast pace of 2k3 and everything afterwards.

I still prefer Garou: MotW over any KoF though!
anyone else here who also plays Ninja Masters or Waku Waku 7?

Those are also some of my favourite brawlers.

Since I got a new job starting next monday I can finally start saving money for a mint and legit copy of Blazing Star.

>> No.1014969

Anyone know a site that can any Neo Geo manual scans?

>> No.1015018
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>> No.1015036

XIII is coming to Steam? Oh boy! Now I actually have a reason to pour hours into training mode instead of just doing it for the hell of it.

I like when characters use a move so much that it's literally ingrained into my skull.

>> No.1015045
File: 33 KB, 561x184, Ned Flanders plays a Phoenix Wright game.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quick /vr/ what're your favorite SNK winquote?

>> No.1015447
File: 81 KB, 550x1100, mary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They really need to bring Mary to the new KoF games.

>> No.1015712

Dat Shiki.

>> No.1015724

"It's no fluke, I'm here every year" or "Fight Fight, Win Win, Joe Higashi in the end"

>> No.1015771

Fav. characters: Terry, Krauser, King, Rick Strowd, Duck King, King Lion, USA Sports Team, Robert Garcia, Takuma, J.Max, Mary, Kevin Ryan
Fav. Games: KOF 98, XIII, Real Bout series, MotM, 2002 Unlimited, 2006, Metal Slug X/3/5.
Fave Music: Any Fatal Fury Game, KOFs except 01, Metal Slug series

You know, I've always thought that SNK should have combined 98 UM and 02 Unlimited into one game.

>> No.1015785

"Your invitation has brought your own destruction. Toodles!" - Goenitz

>> No.1015838
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>> No.1015870
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>> No.1015886

"I can survive anything, even nukes!"

>> No.1016752


I always loved the term "Dweebenheimer" by Krauser.

NEver had the chance to use it in RL though

>> No.1017124 [DELETED] 
File: 17 KB, 310x296, img_16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Muh niggas. Moriya was a pretty cool too.

>> No.1017129
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Muh niggas. Moriya and Ukyo were also some of my favorites as well, but to a lesser extent.

>> No.1017134 [DELETED] 
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>> No.1017139
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>> No.1017141

Is that Ron Swanson as Maxima?

>> No.1017465

whelp, im a mexican who can't into KoF
I love fucking metal slug to death, i have 1-5 on my computer and anthology on PS2 and PSP. Also i've been playing that SNK vs Capcom card game on the neo geo pocket. Best thing ever.

>> No.1017493

>Moriya Minakata

Is he named after Takeminakata

>> No.1017497

I've been to Mexico and I swear, Metal Slug and King of Fighters are like 90% of the arcade cabinets in that country. Even crappy little poorfag convenience stoors have KoF cabs.

>> No.1017534

It's like that world wide almost. If you check out Game Center CX, they have segments where they visit arcades and corner stores with a few arcade cabs. Metal Slug is always there, it's become a running gag in the show.

>> No.1017635


>> No.1017698

"Duty's a female dog!" Oh, think about it, fool!" - Clark

A mild case of censorship, perhaps? Also, KOF97 sucked due to its lack of win quotes

>> No.1017758
File: 263 KB, 1280x808, Samurai_Shodown_by_Squall_Lawliet[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been getting into the Samurai Shodown series
I like that it breaks the fighting game mold a bit
From what I've seen, people tend to gravitate towards II and V Special. Is there any particular reason for this? Are the other games worth playing? To the untrained eye (mine) each one just seems like a direct upgrade to the previous game.

>> No.1017772
File: 4 KB, 320x240, pol makes a fighting game.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any World Heroes fans on /vr/? I wish more games did the Death Match and seesaw healthbar thing

Also this is the greatest winquote ever

>> No.1017821

The style from 2 to 3 changed drastically. The difference in both the gameplay and the feel of the games was drastic. 3 looked super sharp, but 4 tightened up the gameplay a bit. 5 came out and was a pretty huge mess. I never played 5 Special, but from what I understand it basically fixed the shit from 5.

2 is my favorite game in the series by a pretty huge margin.

>> No.1017920
File: 165 KB, 310x296, 1376706291636.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly what I was thinking.

>> No.1017960

I'm sorry, I think you meant Geese. Even if is the PRADICTABOL choice.

>> No.1019331

II was essentially what made samurai shodown what it is today, and V special is essentially every character in the samurai shodown universe all rolled into one game. In my opinion anon, IV was the best samurai shodown due to mechanics.

>> No.1019343
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wait, what?

>> No.1022354
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>> No.1022368


Jin Chonrei and Jin Chonshu of Fatal Fury 3 are the easiest. Just low kick repeatedly and win.

Orochi's Light can fuck your shit completely up.

>> No.1022371

2002 and 12 were dream matches. No Team USA to be found.

>> No.1022378

That PS2 collection was awesome. Same with the FF collections and AOF.

All the animation + arranged OST options.

>> No.1024646

You don't know excitement until you play Neo Turf Masters.

Fun comfy game.

>> No.1024676
File: 2.35 MB, 2816x2112, IMG_2469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my nigga!
who do you play as? I usually pick the technician, or the putt master.

>> No.1024682

Oh my fuck...I love this game so much. The NGPC version is good, but the original...damn I've played it as much as Puzzle Bobble and KoF '94.

>> No.1024686

have you seen how much the AES version is going for? i'd have to sell a kidney....

>> No.1024691

Shotmaker (German guy)

Metal slug 3, Garou and Turf Masters pretty much cover my impulses to have a quick game of something. Neo geo was such a great system.

>> No.1024694

I don't have an AES or MVS...I just have NeoRageX and MAME

>> No.1024710

I too use RageX, is there netplay for Turf Masters? Never played 2P

>> No.1024713
File: 1.43 MB, 2816x2112, IMG_2470_mod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sometimes wish I didn't have an AES, so goddamn expensive to collect for. I've bought games that cost more than my first car. even the MVS converters are expensive. But i'm not ashamed to admit I own one of these bad boys. (bootleg multi-cart)

>> No.1024718

God, the 90s was such a cool place for nostalgia thanks to the bullshit silly hardware. Everything's software now, what will kids find in their attics?

>> No.1024730


>> No.1024731

I've never done netplay on an emulator besides ZSNES Gundam Wing Endless Duel back in like 2000...I've played Neo Turf Masters against my Dad though. IDK about netplay on NeoRageX...never tried.

>> No.1024732


>> No.1024741




>> No.1024748

I've never tried either, due to not being good at Garou/fighting games.

Is a hole in one possible in this game?

>> No.1024746
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>> No.1024757

Hole in one!

To non golf game players, Neo Turf Masters is really great fun for non golfers. I've played an hour in my life, but love the game.

>> No.1024764

This pic might be my favorite pic in the history of ever.

>> No.1024773



