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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10245293 No.10245293 [Reply] [Original]

I’ve only played a few hours of XIII before this, but a recent e-celeb video inspired me to dive into the very start of the series. But for games I-VI, especially 1 and 2, which versions do I play? I know the NES versions, but apparently there’s a ton of bugs that make stuff like magic underpowered. What about the GBA or PS1 ports? And for VII, do I have to play the original first, or can I skip to the remake? And what about stuff like The After Years or X-2 or XIII-2? Are those important to the story?

>> No.10245314

It depends, if you want to actually get in to and enjoy the series, then you probably want to start with one of the better ones and not from the very beginning. 1-3 are enjoyable for fans or for people who played them when they were contemporary, but they’re fairly tough to get in to now from a gameplay stand point and might scare you away from trying some of the later entries.
People will probably disagree with me, but I recommend starting with either 6, 7, or 10. Not saying those are the best necessarily, just that they are approachable for beginners and are great examples of the series. After that, just try whatever ones you want if you’re having a good time. Besides obvious sequels (10-2, 4 after years, etc) none of them are directly related, and personally speaking I don’t think any of the sequels are essential. 13-2 is better than 13 in my opinion, but only continue if you liked the original.
Oh, and if you’re having fun, Tactics is incredible, don’t write it off because it’s not a numbered entry. 5 is also fantastic, a lot of people give it flak for having a light hearted and silly story, but the gameplay is very fun.
As far as what version to play? This is VR, expect everyone to say the original releases. Honestly, all versions have pros and cons of each release, realistically there are no horrible waste of time releases though, except maybe the mobile versions of 5 and 6 because they’re “ugly rpgmaker” graphics.

>> No.10245319

ff7 remake isn't a remake of ff7.
its fan fiction side content that assumes you've already played ff7 and watched advent children

>I recommend starting with either 6, 7, or 10.
this, hard

>> No.10245404

For I-VI, you wanna get in deep or just get your toes wet?
If you just wanna get in hassle-free, just do the pixel remasters, they're not the worst way to play.You normie.
If you want the originals, you don't actually want the originals because only half the series was available in English and they mostly don't hold up vanilla. Prepare for one of the most autistic deep-dives into the world of romhacks you can possibly imagine.
Anything else? Quality varies. I&II are probably better on PS1, and arguably same with III&IV on DS. You can ignore the versions selling you extras, they're all kill.
Direct sequels? IV: TAY is best on WiiWare, keep your expectations low and remember it was literally some Japanese cellphone game and you might find it okay. Avoid 3D version, it's really bad. You can take 'em or leave 'em though, only seek out if you liked the predecessor.
Every VII-onward is just fine in original form.

>> No.10245579

If I’m specifically interested in the job system, would 5 on the SNES be a good starting point instead of 6? I played Bravely Default back in high school, and that was the one mechanic that really stuck with me.

I’m mainly looking for the most “glitchless” versions of the games. Don’t care too much about post-game extras, since I tend to be done with a game once the credits roll.

>> No.10245603

1-3 are shit
4 is ok
Haven't played 5
6-10 are the ones everybody likes.

>> No.10245613

If you’re interested in job system stuff then 5 will scratch that itch nicely. The story is much more light hearted, which is nice compared to how melodramatic the rest of the series can be. Also consider Tactics, it has a very good job system as well.

>> No.10245663

Holy reddit, just pick one and play you psycho.

>> No.10245805

Play the first NES version. Its not thar difficult.

>> No.10245841

>apparently there’s a ton of bugs that make stuff like magic underpowered

Not a problem. Ignore it. The game is heavily unbalanced in the player's favor, as literally every JRPG is, and a few broken bits here and there don't seriously hurt it. (I mean fixing it with a romhack is fine too, but what I'm saying is that you shouldn't let hearsay about bugs influence your decision of which version to play. Decide based on whether you want a true historical experience, or whether you like one set of sprites more than another, or something else that actually matters.)

>> No.10245843

>I’m mainly looking for the most “glitchless” versions of the games.

Then you've been misled by someone. Other differences among versions are far more significant than anything to do with bugs.

>> No.10245852

start with 8

>> No.10245917

>1-3 are shit
1 is an okay 80s jrpg. Phantasy Star had more flavor, but FF had way the fuck less grinding.

>> No.10245932
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start with the GOAT

>> No.10245937

What a fucking retarded quote.
>Everyone has problems, so there's no right and wrong.

>> No.10245961

>life dictated by celebs

>ugggh those retro games

The only acceptable responses in the thread.

>> No.10246017

>recognizing the vtumor in the first place
Something you wanna tell us, anon?

>> No.10246061

Alright I'll admit it, I'll come clean. I use saucenao to find the sauce on images. All you cancer need to learn it too. Also lurk moar.
There, got it off my chest.