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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10242017 No.10242017 [Reply] [Original]

DKC 1 >>> 3 > 2

1 has the most soul, the best artstyle and is the most immersive. Also less emphasis on bonus rooms wich is a good thing imo
3 has the best overworld map, great north american setting, collecting stuff and talking to the bears
2 has my least favorite setting with the pirates, and I don't like the enemy design: not sure how to explain but they just look ugly to me

Overall 1 is my absolute favorite and I still play it about once or twice a year. 3 and 2 are kinda meh and it's been 10 years I haven't played any of them

>> No.10242032

When I played DKC2 back in 1995, it made the original seem pretty simple and barebones in comparison.
For a while I thought that yeah maybe I had hyped that game too much because of the graphics and music than the actual design, but nah when I went and revisited it as an adult it was a joy to play. I love DKC1's more linear and "pick up and play" aspect and as you said, the secrets were just an extra to get more lives, not enforced and required to see more levels of the game. It's not a bad nor a good thing, simply different, I like DKC2's more robust design too, but 1's simple pick up and play nature makes me prefer it over the other 2.
I still love DKC2 though, and 3 gets a bit too much hate, it's still a good game, but I do prefer 1 and 2 over it.
Also Tree Top Rock is not loved enough. Best DKC track.

>> No.10242082

Sonic The Hedgehog (the first game) was a legitimately bad game and the fact that it spawned a series is proof that a) no game is so bad it doesn't deserve a second chance and b) people have only gotten less lenient with bad games as time goes on.

>> No.10242106

I know how you feel. 1 is usually my favorite, but I sometimes switch back and forth between 2.

>> No.10242114

all crts are shit

>> No.10242146


>> No.10242161

For 4th Gen consoles (not including handhelds), its goes like this for me:
Sega Genesis/Mega Drive>SNES>>PC Engine>>Neo Geo>>Supergrafx
5th Gen for me is this: PS1>Sega Saturn>>N64>3DO>>>Amiga CD 32>>>NEC PC-FX>Atari Jaguar>Sega 32X>>>Apple Bandai Pippin.

>> No.10242219

Many of the most highly praised games online are totally unfun to me. A few that will get me (you)s are Super Metroid, Castlevania 1, Tetris, Crash Bandicoot, and Sonic 1.

>> No.10242435

>Sega Genesis/Mega Drive>SNES>>PC Engine

what a brave opinion

>> No.10242708
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SEGA's Game Gear was better than Nintendo's original Game Boy model, the Game Boy Pocket and the Game Boy Color. Of course the battery was nowhere near as good as those, and, unless, you were a major fan of SEGA's IPs, the library on Nintendo was superior... I'd rather play for 3hrs on Game Gear than 20hrs on any classic Nintendo before the Game Boy Advance SP, with the sole exception of the Game Boy Light, and the main reason is... the screen. I just find the light to be quite essential, and it took Nintendo over a decade to give us that, while SEGA did in 1990. perhaps too early, but still it was bettet than any Nintendo handheld screen until 2003, which is ridiculous. None of the 3rd party solutions, like the wormlight, compared to having an actual backlight like in the Game Gear, being able to see the screen without messing around with contrast or tilting the console in that perfect angle... also being able to play in the dark, makes the Game Gear a much better experience to me than any of Nintendo's Game Boy consoles... until the Game Boy Advance SP, that is, which to me is genuinely the most phenomenal handheld ever made, it just took them way over a decade to pull off.

>> No.10242740
File: 17 KB, 233x300, R (2).jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 > 1 > 3 is the only objective answer

They're all good though. Just because something has a North American setting doesn't make it automatically good btw.

>> No.10242837
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>/vr/ unpopular opinions
I don't get the hate for sports simulators at all, I mean, video games pretty much started out with people trying to recreate sports digitally, look at Pong or Tennis For Two, for example, even in the Atari 2600, or other consoles before the NES, we had tons of sports titles, and many people that loved them. I mean, what even is a sport? That's right, it's a game, it's something you play, taking other types of games and making video games out of them is nothing new, card game and board game fans know what I'm talking about. I often see people claim that nothing changes between them, which might be true for EA titles today in their monopolies, but back then? All of them felt so different and it was fun playing a bunch of them to see what you liked most, sports aren't so simple, so a video game based on one can play quite differently from other ones based on the very same sport, especially as the years went by and technology improved. Also, I disagree with the whole "you can just play outside" argument, afterall that can go for other video games in a similar manner, and the reason it doesn't is very simple, video games naturally gives us options that real life doesn't. I try to play with a group of friends from my college days every once in a while, we love playing football/soccer, but it's not always possible to get a bunch of people at the same time and place to play, also, while I can play with friends, a video game allows me to become a player for huge clubs, for my national team, become a manager, etc.

>> No.10242867

3 has this surrealist psychedelic new age undertone to it that is incredibly underrated. It's like playing a muted Lisa Frank artwork

2 has the best gameplay and is the better sequel but it's always been my least favorite of the trilogy. It's a cohesive experience that ups the ante from 1 but the pirate theme gets old and it lacks that SGI hyperreality of 1 or the Canadian fever dream vibes of 3

>> No.10242868
File: 28 KB, 494x303, 307810_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've heard it said that DKC1 is the fastest which is interesting imo. I agree that it also has probably a stronger atmosphere than the other two, largely due to its choice of music which is more soundscape than traditional soundtrack (especially songs like Northern Hemispheres or the cave and mine music).

Idk if I would go this far but after some of the flatscreens I've had the pleasure of acquiring it's very hard for me to go back to CRT

I would place PCE/TurboGrafx above SNES, if only for the CD add-on. I agree with PS1>Saturn>N64 for fifth gen. 3DO is an interesting one since it came out in 1993. I consider 32X to be 4th gen

>> No.10242892

I hate that annoying ringing sound they make.

>> No.10242920

And here I thought golems weren't real

>> No.10242923

It just doesn't make sense. You have the ability to create vast, immersive worlds, of an infinite variety, and yet you choose to emulate sportsball 3000. The medium is suited to creative endeavours.

If you want to play sports, it's much more fun to actually play them in real life.

>> No.10242929

Couldn't have said it better myself.

>> No.10242951
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I don't think these are bad points, but I feel this is something you don't get unless you're into sports in the 1st place, and I don't mean in a sense that you don't mind playing a sport from time to time, I mean in the sense of really loving a specific sport. As I've said before, playing in real life is fun, but that's not the argument that destroy sports video games like many think it does, for a couple of reasons, the 1st being that video games can offer a unique experience you don't get in real life unless you play professional, which most people don't, and 2nd that playing in real life isn't always viable, again I can only play with friends every once in a while because getting everyone together as adults with many responsibilities, especially in sports that require a lot of people to play a match properly, is difficult. It's not too different from card game video games, sure I can play at a LGS when there's a tournament or something, but that's not always available to me, and sometimes I might just want a different experience from that, card game video games often are full on RPGs with a sense of adventure, so it stands on its own, and sports is the same, there's a huge difference between a friendly and casual match with your friends, and playing a video game where you can become a professional player, sign for clubs and have a whole professional career, playing for your national team, then retiring and becoming a manager, focusing more on the tactical side of it all, those are things real life doesn 't offer unless sports are you profession. Of course, I could play in a vast and creative new world, but when you love a sport, enough to play it in real life, and watch professional matched aswell, you love variois aspects of it, beautiful plays, the technical and tactical side of it... and all of that can be just as engaging as a fantasy world. If you don't get that, then that's fine, but don't discredit those that do, or the genre itself.

>> No.10242953

DKC2 and 3 went WAY overboard on the bonus aspect, which is typical of Rare. DKC1 is a more straightforward affair and was better because of it, even Retro's games do a much better job of weaving in extra content into the levels more naturally.

>> No.10243152

DKC1: 7.5/10
DKC2: 10/10
DKC3: 8/10

>> No.10243168

2 would be my favorite if it weren’t for all those gimmick levels.

>> No.10243218

I agree with the ranking but still think 2 and 3 are excellent. The only thing I don't really care for in 2 and 3 is how you need to find all the collectibles and secret areas to play all the extra levels. Collectibles in 2D platformers do not appeal to me and feel tedious and just weird in a game where all you want to do is just keep moving forward. This is why I'm not much of a fan of Yoshis Island, even though the collectibles are entirely optional(Theres only 1 extra level per world for getting them all its not very enticing) the levels feel constructed around getting all of the crap so they're not very fun to play normally.

That aside, I've never understood the hate for 3. It seems like people only dislike it for the extremely shallow reason that they don't like playing as a girl and as a baby and nothing else. If this is all it takes to ruin a game for you then you really need to rethink why you play games in the first place. These are the same kinds of retards that hated MGS2 until sort of recently when everyone realized it's actually a great game. Still waiting for the Apollo Justice renaissance, another one where people hate it just because you don't play as the main character you're used to, I think it's easily the best Ace Attorney game.

>> No.10243785

3 cranks up the gimmick levels in frequency and gimmickiness way more than 2 and the art direction and music just isn't as strong as 1 and 2's.

>> No.10243817

>Just because something has a North American setting doesn't make it automatically good btw.
OP here. I'm not saying it is automatically better, it just looks comfy as fuck. I'm not north american btw so maybe that's another reason I like it so much, it looks kinda exotic.

>> No.10244502
File: 176 KB, 1280x623, tumblr_ouerdbDSbS1uajwxuo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody has made a shader to emulate the shittiness of a mid-90s DSTN laptop display and it is bothering me more than it should.

>> No.10245357

that's because you don't like sports. People who explicitly hate sports are always fags. I don't like sports but I dislike people who make not liking sports even less

You all know the type. Jealous, inferiority complex. Physically/Mentally weak. Low social status. Spiteful.

>> No.10245362

Oh I get the hate and I know it comes from a place of inferiority, coping and seething.

>> No.10245363

Wrong. I like sports and play them.

>> No.10245364
File: 71 KB, 850x400, 3252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sports are entertainment for people who are not actively engaging in them. And it stops being a spectacle when all semblance of danger is removed. It's all a joke these days.

>> No.10245424

you will never be a athelete. You have no discus. you race no chariot.

>> No.10245427

You will never be a woman.

Enjoy your sportsball games and midwit psychoanalysis mate.

>> No.10246639

You could make the same retarded argument about fighting games. Or military games. Or flight sims.

>> No.10247573

>Hey Ernst Hemmingway said this because this AZ quote I picked up on google images say so! My point is better or that because... it JUST IS OKAY!?
OK baby brain.

>> No.10247580

How do you know he's a trantroon even?

>> No.10247606

Go soiface at soccer players rolling 50 meters on the grass after slightly bumping into each other. That's about all your calcified brain can process.
Dumb nigger.

>> No.10247782

>Soiface at soccer players on the grass after slightly bumping each other.
I don't even like soccer by much.
>open mouth=soiface
>T.can't learn to difference between what soiboys or soitards are and genuine surprise face because of his retardation fit for a pariah.
fuck you favela cuntbag, you are not the lord of definitions.

>> No.10247797

I had much more fun fantasising about the lore and implications of games back in the 90s than I ever did playing them.

>> No.10248006

Boss battles are a shitty, contrived mechanic and their complete absence is one of the reasons I love Halo 1