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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 199 KB, 919x913, Todd wins again.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10241258 No.10241258 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people worship John Carmack?

>> No.10241263

Optimization, compression, games that were fun to pick up and play, engines that worked well, actually giving a shit about open source, among other things.

>> No.10241290

i already answered todd howard being a hack question

>> No.10241307

it took bethesda until 2011 to have ANY shadows from buildings or terrain in their games, and they still don't have reflections - something glquake had in '97

>> No.10241317


>> No.10241342
File: 164 KB, 592x589, todd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did you crop out that this was a twitter post, OP?

>> No.10241349

This is why I fucking hate "that's not real 3d" people. What's even the point of glorifying 3D polygons, if it's not robust or fit for the job? The Build Engine is so-called 2D, but it has much more flexibility and features than Terminator. The idea that Doom is not 3D for pedantic reasons is just utterly RETARDED. Doom and Duke Nukem 3D did more for 3D gaming than anything else before Quake, it's a fact.

>> No.10241353

it takes balls of steel to not get afraid of the quake

>> No.10241358


But it wasn't GOOD todd it was just okay. Quake was great.

>> No.10241510

terminator was pretty meh though

>> No.10241514

This game sucks MASSIVELY.

>> No.10241516

It looks like shit and will never get a modern port due to it's license.

>> No.10241517


>> No.10241524

hes intelligent, well-spoken and quite interesting to listen to, and is an industry legend. its not hard

>> No.10241532

The term "2.5D" is fucking retarded. There is X,Y,Z axis and both gameplay and level design elements use all 3 extensively: it's fucking 3D, there is no .5D to take out just because "it's not polygonal". It's quite sad how 3D has become so standardized that any technique to achieve it that isn't polygon is deemed "not real", so voxels and ellipsoids aren't "really" 3D models? Fucking stupid.

and yes Duke Nukem 3D had a lot of, huh, 3D elements; although most of which (minus flying and underwater swimming) Dark Forces already had; but DN3D really put a big emphasis on these elements.

>> No.10241538

>Why do people worship John Carmack?
People don't. Autistic machine-brains do, because Carmack is a kindred spirit running on pure optimized technical logic with zero creativity. Romero was the opposite, which is why Doom was worth a damn and nothing made by either of them afterwards was.

>> No.10241550

And now AI can do both. Whose fault was it?

>> No.10241558

>crediting twitter posts

>> No.10241563
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>> No.10241569

AI can't do creativity. If you think it can, you're a Carmack subroutine.

>> No.10241660

>People don't
you might not but a lot of people do

>> No.10241680

I think the point was that Quake is often touted as the first fully 3D FPS game. Here's a few examples
>Quake added true 3D to the 3D FPS genre
>But it wasn’t until Quake that Id’s genius platform maker, John Carmack, was able to bring us into the world of real time 3D

>> No.10241686

I think also because Carmack is still coding and talking about down in the weeds technical stuff *to this day* while todd has spent the last several decades lying and directing his hordes of outsourced “”””coders”””” to make space as minority and gay as possible.

They aren’t even in the same universe as individuals, workers, or contribution. How much open source has Todd contributed to the community? Fuck that faggot.

>> No.10241776
File: 49 KB, 640x480, skynet_088.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well now I just feel like replaying the game(s), last playthrough in 2018, I guess it is time

>> No.10241812

why did you post this you zoomer scum we don't want to be reminded of that pestilence here.

>> No.10241823

dude you deserve some tied up in a burlap sack and dumped in the desert treatment for this thread

>> No.10241825

if Ultima Underworld doesn't count because of sprites, then neither does Future Shock (because of FPP weapons).
what Quake's touted as is irrelevant. OP implied id's games weren't impressive, comparatively. if he wanted to argue specific technical implementations, he did a shit job.

>> No.10241838

> if he wanted to argue specific technical implementations, he did a shit job.

Not really. Terminator FS had levels with a MUCH bigger scale than Quake AND ran much better on WEAKER machines.

>> No.10241873

No, like the tweet in the OP says, it's just about a 3D world. It's often claimed that Quake is the first 3D FPS game, but it's not. That's all. And when people talk about 3D they're talking about the environment, 3D compared to 2D or 2.5D. I don't think it matters if the gun in terminator is a sprite, there's sprites for things in quake too. Nobody is saying Terminator is the first 3D game too, just that it came before quake

>> No.10241880

The id guys were metalheads and not chess club queers like Todd.

>> No.10241889

>there's sprites for things in quake too.
Which is why it's not fully 3d either.

>> No.10241923

Beep boop to you too, machine-brain.

>> No.10241927

The id guys were metalqueers and not chess club chads like Todd.

>> No.10241967
File: 90 KB, 256x318, Descent_cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Descent pre-dates both Terminator Future Shock and Quake. So does Mechwarrior 2.
The achievements Carmack made were never about being hugely innovative in terms of visuals, it was all about coming up with novel ways to speed up 3D gaming on PCs specifically.
Daytona USA came out a few months after Doom and was literally a decade ahead of what PCs could do, there's tons of 3D first-person games from the time period as well for both PCs and consoles mostly space shooters but also stuff like Geograph Seal which is a fully 3D FPS for the Sharp X68k.

>> No.10241985
File: 2.94 MB, 720x406, DOOM z axis.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10241986

Doom... is a Descent-like? M-my world view...

>> No.10241995

>hes intelligent, well-spoken and quite interesting to listen to, and is an industry legend.
>its not hard
sure sounds like you are though

>> No.10242045

I think it's generally agreed upon that quake is 3D. If a game isn't 3D unless every single then in the game is 3D then there's probably hardly any 3D games at all even today if a single sprite in the game means it's not 3D. When they say "full" here they mean the game world, not every single asset in the game
>Unlike the Doom engine before it, the Quake engine offered full real-time 3D rendering

>> No.10242049

>every single then
*every single thing

>> No.10242157
File: 25 KB, 480x480, 1689290016132743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Daytona USA came out a few months after Doom and was literally a decade ahead of what PCs could do
Maybe not a decade but at least 5 years ahead yeah. It looks closer to a 1998 PC/Home Console game than a 2003 one which would be something like Need for Speed Underground or if you're leaving the racing genre, Silent Hill 3

>> No.10242321

PC graphics usually got trounced by generational leaps. It's funny looking at how stiff and ugly 2000s pc games are vs ps2 games. PC didn't get a comparable racer to daytona until the 2000s.

>> No.10242505
File: 21 KB, 387x461, 1691656062880752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Console games were only impressive at the beginning of a gen. 2-3 years into a gen
PC games mogged console games. I'd love to see a PS2 try to run Half-Life 2. The OG Xbox got a port but it ran and looked like shit even though the Xbox was basically gen 6.5 console hardware wise

>> No.10242535

I think that mostly came down to art style. Your average RTS games with 3D graphics looks awful compared to Age of Empires, but a lot of the PC games with good art style weren't seen as technically impressive games.

There's also all of the factors that are just completely outside of the dev's control unless he's programming the graphics with software rendering. The difference in graphics with the same game running on a different 90s graphics card was the same kind of difference you'd expect in a Genesis vs SNES comparison. So maybe you make a game in software rendering that looks good and the glide API makes it look different.

>> No.10242546

Daytona USA ran on $3000 military hardware designed specifically for running Daytona and nothing else. PCs didn't have many games worth playing but you can't compare a racecar to an utility pickup truck.

>> No.10242548

Do you have a source for the military hardware claim? Actually curious or is it hyperbole?

>> No.10242559

Not that guy, but Lockheed made a computer for Air Force flight simulation and after the cold war ended it really wasn't sensitive technology anymore.

>> No.10242567

I enjoyed it for what it was but I was also a massive Terminatorfag as a kid.

>> No.10242573
File: 75 KB, 765x892, Screenshot 2023-09-13 at 20-26-15 Sega Model 2 - Sega Retro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's true that it was expensive and based on military hardware but it's not made literally just for Daytona. There's about 40 games for the Model 2

>> No.10242646

Because he's le heckin' based Doom man who says le heckin' based things on Twiiter. He made some good games 30 years ago and he's been coasting on the fumes from that ever since. People thought his game success meant he'd be good at other things, but literally everything he's doen since then has fizzled out and gone nowhere.

>> No.10242779

>can't look/aim up or down
Not 3d.

>> No.10242784

By the same definitions people use to make Doom a 3d game you can apply them to Zelda: A Link to the Past. Is that game 3d? It has vertical level design.

>> No.10243302

No and you're stupid

>> No.10243328

I'll tell you a secret about Todd
Since the day he got started he's been working towards the ultimate video game. The open-world galloping epic of the sword-wielding HoonDing in The Elder Scrolls. Each and every step he's taken, from putting his signature jeans on each morning to exploiting the Fallout IP for money to Starfield, has been a step made with intention to try to achieve his ultimate goal.

>> No.10243381

Doom isn't 3D but Heretic is, got it.

>> No.10243494
File: 19 KB, 320x200, skynet_113.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I genuinely believe anyone who doesn't like this game simply does not like video games. This is a masterpiece of FPS design that is WAY ahead of its time, not just on the technical level, but also in terms of gameplay / story design. The way the mission objectives actually ties in with the story and the level and game design is not only unprecedented, but it's handled better than the vast majority of "objectives" games FPS even made a decade afterwards.

Yeah it doesn't have Doom's gameplay but that's also the point, gunfights are more realistic.

My only complains about the game are nitpicks but the biggest one would be have hard it is to maneuver in cramped environements, and indoors tend to be really cramped

Just replaying the first level is a fantastic immersive experience, you could explore the level for an hour, enter all the buildings you can see (that are still intact) and still have things to discover.

>> No.10243510
File: 390 KB, 522x510, Screenshot_20221228-111105.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10243529

>Designed by Yu Suzuki of Sega AM2 and co-developed by Sega and GE Aerospace (now a part of Lockheed Martin)
>It was stated by Suzuki that the texture-mapping chip originated "from military equipment from Lockheed Martin, which was formerly General Electric Aerial & Space's textural mapping technology"


>> No.10243547
File: 416 KB, 501x418, Screenshot_20230914-211959.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quake deserves its reputation for influencing what 3D very quickly became:
Later 3D games and the makers of the earliest 3D accelerators used it as a template for what 3D was going to be...

But it's also been REALLY oversold.

Firstly, it wasn't the first "Real 3D" game - that's just a meaningless marketing term. You could argue that modern 3D isn't "True 3D" by some idiotic arbitrary criteria, like they've tried to argue that DOOM, Descent, Ultima Underworld, System Shock, etc. aren't "Real" 3D.

What's often overlooked, though, is that almost every subsequent 3D engine bares almost no resemblance to Quake.
Quake is a hybrid span/subdivision rasterizer with clipped edge list depth sorting.
Even five years later, everything was using massively parallel barycentric rasterizers clipped against a universal Z-Buffer.

Modern 3D bares absolutely no resemblance to Quake at all.

I really, really like the Quake engine, but definitely isn't the first 3D engine and it ceased to be influential almost immediately.

(Also: most of the really interesting stuff was by Michael Abrash, not John Carmack)

>> No.10243698

id tech had better lighting and their mappers knew how to showcase it.
also>>10241263 fpbp

>> No.10243705

i hate how bright the remaster looks. that hideous fog too

>> No.10243712
File: 321 KB, 707x900, Ultima-underworld-box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Half that shit was in Ultima Underworld already, which John ripped off.

>> No.10243725

>Doom runs on 386
even a highly modified doom barely reaches 20fps the game only runs from 486 upwards. Doom games are fun but Carmack engines are overrated.

>> No.10243731
File: 429 KB, 1280x960, Quake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Quake deserves its reputation for influencing what 3D very quickly became

>> No.10243739
File: 947 KB, 1378x2045, 1622633620555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Console developers usually were apart of a larger studio with a team of professional artists who made designs that held up in spite of aging graphics
PC developers were usually a ragtag group of dudes pushing the limits of the hardware that focused more on technical detail than design.
Generally PC devs operated like a startup, while console devs operate like a corporation. They appeal to way different people. If you want something totally out there and can deal with quirks then PC, but if you want something that is more of a smooth cohesive experience then consoles are the way to go.

>> No.10243828

None of this shit matters when in 92 we had Ultima Underworld which is 100% a 3D first person game. If you want to be a dick about it Decent in 1994 is undeniably a full 3D game from a first person perspective. Only retarded fake gamers think these terminator games are anything of note.

>> No.10243965
File: 238 KB, 760x562, Screenshot_20230915-014755.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, that's only if you restrict it to fully texture-mapped 3D.
Flat-shaded first person games go back to the mid-80s at least

>> No.10244024

>Um, but shadows and lighting and stuff!
Yep - this engine, and most others of the time, didn't do lightmaps
...But Quake wouldn't have been able to render such a large, open area as this.

Yes - those two facts are related. It's all about what you've decided to compromise on.

>> No.10244483

>why did you post this you zoomer scum
No, that's OP who went to Twitter to make the crop in the first place. If you weren't retarded you would be seething at him.

>> No.10244603

he's the chaddest nerd I've ever seen

>> No.10244630

>and it ceased to be influential almost immediately.
Hasn't Quake engine DNA been found in many subsequent games, up to Half-Life 2?

>> No.10244720

That game is shit without the expansion pack.

>> No.10244764

To be fair the 386 was 8 years old when Doom came out. That’s like calling Sony or Konami shit because Silent Hill 3 doesn’t run on the PS1. Doom running on a 486 is more than acceptable considering the 486 was already 4 years old when Doom came out and it was an era where hardware became obsolete extremely quickly

>> No.10244979

>but at least 5 years ahead
It got released in PC 2 years after it released in arcades. And Commanche Maximum Overkill released in 1992 and had more advanced tech than it.

Besides, you're all aware that every video game is developed on a PC to begin with, right?

>> No.10244986

>Console games were only impressive at the beginning of a gen. 2-3 years into a gen

Not really. Not even the N64 or PS1 could play regular Doom, so they had to come up with inventive workarounds.

>> No.10245042

>parallel barycentric rasterizers clipped against a universal Z-Buffer
you just made those words up

>> No.10245092

OP stole from twitter. Which is based. You credited the tweet. Zoomies get the rope as always.

>> No.10245296

Never heard of this. I just watched a video and it looks pretty cool.

>> No.10245320

Do you even maths? There is no z axis. It's two axis coupled to height variable. There is no 3d operations.

>> No.10245336

Reminder that midwinter had full 3d mouse looking and aiming in 1989.

>> No.10245405

Source is based on the Quake 1 Engine, but obviously, considerable modifications.

>> No.10245585

Quake 2 was pretty soulless, yes, but Quake 3 Arena was awesome and iDtech 3 is based.
Carmack went on to make really cool tech, Romero's career was basically over after Daikatana, and all he can do now is make Doom wads

>> No.10245597

I thought Marathon had the first free mouselook

>> No.10245612


>> No.10245713

Its a combo of quake 1 and 2.

>> No.10245757


>> No.10245923

>open level editor in any Build game
>check sectors
>Z-axis data
>check sprites
>Z-axis data

What you could have done if you weren't a stupid talking out of your ass

>> No.10245934

>it was an era where hardware became obsolete extremely quickly

Your average consumer family (not tech-guys) would change PC every 3-5 years on average, this is why even Duke3D's minimum specs are a 486 and most people couldn't run Quake when it came out.

>> No.10246238
File: 218 KB, 731x558, Screenshot_20230915-200228.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Thought To Blow Your Mind:
Here's CATCH 23 - one of the Ur-examples of the FPS.

This came out ten years before Quake.

GTA V came out ten years ago.


>> No.10246274

It's virtually unplayable.

>> No.10247239

I don't think anyone is legitimately arguing Carmack's stuff came first, but they were pretty simple pick up and play style games.

>> No.10248489

Marathon had mouse look first.

>> No.10248504

Was Future Shock ever gotten a fan port or do I have to fiddle with DOSBox again?

>> No.10248515


>> No.10248519

why do people worship Todd Howard?

>> No.10248569

Kex remaster when?

>> No.10248862

DOSbox. Check pcgamingwiki. There is a exe that fixes crashes at door loading transitions. Also you'll probably want to play the original campaign through Skynet so you can play in 640*480; and if you have getting bad framerate at that res, upgrade your dosbox

Hopefully never

>> No.10248935

Because he's an exceptionally talented and innovative programmer that came up with novel solutions that transformed the gaming industry multiple times. It's probably exceptionally difficult for a zoomer such as yourself to understand that to its full capacity, as you didn't live in the eras in question; you grew up with fast, accessible games, so you don't know what it's like to watch the industry and the technology change month by month, year by year, and how meaningful and significant the contributions made by certain giants of development were.

>> No.10249015
File: 18 KB, 256x248, qZjUWui6-pt-POi6VOnRabsuSsTW-vLi9IyUjP36GJ4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And wireframe 3D games go back to the 70s

>> No.10249019

>The term "2.5D" is fucking retarded.
No, it isn't. You're a pedantic useless autist with no experience in the game industry.

>> No.10249078

Actually I do, you probably even bought my game

>> No.10249082

Isn't 2.5D meant to be used for games that try to replicate how 2D games are in a 3D space? Like Klonoa or Kirby 64. I don't think anyone refers to Doom as 2.5D.

>> No.10249095

Then you're a fucking retard with no perspective on common terminology used widely by the industry from the nineties on. 2.5D was coined for those games like Yoshi's Story or Klonoa. I hope for your financial sake that I have indeed bought your game, you sketchy moron

>> No.10249098

dumb larper

>> No.10249105

> I don't think anyone refers to Doom as 2.5D.

Most people do and that's what I was reffering to. As for sidescrollers using that term, I understand where it's coming from but even then it's often misused. Your Klonoa example for instance, it's a 3D game and the level design makes constant use of all 3 axis in a way that couldn't be done in a 2D game with constant rotations on the path

Also this is another reason why the term is stupid, it has two definitions, one used for the Doom style and one for the Klonoa style, both being called "2.5D" for different reasons and both using 3D space differently.

>> No.10249106

John had the skills & personality and was there when the time was right.

>> No.10249112

The one thing that sucks about Future Shock is that there are several levels where you can softlock yourself really easily, if you don't do the mission objective in a precise way order the game will glitch out. For instance the level with the 3 satellite dishes, destroy them in the wrong order and you're fucked. I sure hope you had an earlier save.

>> No.10249113


Also the first to have useable mouselook.

Having played these games, they did push boundaries, but Quake and Doom are way, way more fun and better paced.

The only parts of Skynet that hold a candle to it are the driving and flying sections.

That said - perhaps no Quake without the Terminator FPSs?

>> No.10249239

There was one, but seems it got C&D'd by Bethesda

>> No.10249262
File: 61 KB, 665x618, Screenshot_20230916-225519.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel Spasim is being disrespected


>> No.10249269

Fuck off

>> No.10249286

This image is extremely aesthetically pleasing.

>> No.10249634

And drivable vechicles, weather effects and also a NPC faction system reacting to the players actions to boot

>> No.10249731

3D is inherently better than 2D, and so anything that does 3D should be praised for doing it. what are you retarded?

>> No.10249734

retard, 2.5D doesn't allow the player to traverse the Z axis

>> No.10249740

>PC games mogged console games.
lmao, never heard of an Xbox seemingly

>> No.10249748
File: 604 KB, 1920x977, goemons_great_adv-131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

games in the Klonoa style do that all the time though, otherwise there would be no point in even being 3D

>> No.10249767

shifting between planes is not the same thing and you're being pedantic

>> No.10249815

>Stop being pendantic when I'm being pedantic!

>> No.10249821

Nigger you didn't even read the very post you're replying to where it says that HL2 looked like ass and ran like shit on Xbox compared to PC

>> No.10249823

...Could you give an example?

>> No.10249834

>PC mogs unmodifiable gimped PCs? WHAT NONSENSE!

>> No.10249838

learn what the word means retard
I said 2.5D doesn't allow the player to traverse the Z axis. it doesn't.

>> No.10249842

HL2 was a next gen game, of course it runs like shit retard

>> No.10249847

Megaman Powered Up

>> No.10249850

Look in a mirror: learn what the word "Retard" means.

Then look up "Pedantic" while you're at it.

...Then look up "2.5D" and learn that literally no one has ever defined it that way (Retard)

>> No.10249859

it is "traversing the Z axis", just like you said.

Maybe now you understand at least one of the many reasons with "2.5D" makes no sense.

>> No.10249861
File: 172 KB, 497x502, 1687042603649197.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HL2 came out November 16, 2004. It was 100% a 6th gen game. It came out EARLIER than Resident Evil 4, Shadow of the Colossus, and God of War. It's absolutely not a next game game you retard

>> No.10249871

It ran like ass on PCs at the time stuttering on all PCs (if you had it at the time you know this, if you don't know this you're a poser) and it wasn't fixed on PC until the orange box ports. Xbox however, never had this problem. HL2 on Xbox is a fine port of a dense engine but it's way overshooting and too feature rich for even the game it's meant to carry. It does nothing more impressive and more stable games do. Something like Riddick EFBB or Scrapland completely mogs hl2 on xbox.

Any incredulity following this will only serve to embarrass yourself, HL2 is a low effort port to satisfy a contract microsoft had with valve, they didn't want to strip a ton from the engine (even if it's never used) to get it to be better, but even then it runs very well on Xbox and represents the now lost original version of the game.

>> No.10249885

>It ran like ass on PCs at the time stuttering on all PCs (if you had it at the time you know this, if you don't know this you're a poser)
I played the game on PC on release and it absolutely did not run like ass because a good PC at the time had 512 MB of ram compared to the Xbox's tiny 64 MB of ram
>and it wasn't fixed on PC until the orange box ports
Again, a complete lie. The game didn't have any problem before the Orange Box. Also, games like Riddick look good because it has tiny environments, same reason why Silent Hill 3 looks phenomenal on PS2. HL2 has huge detailed maps for 2004.

>> No.10249967

fucking retard, 2.5D is known generally by the masses
no it's switching between planes like I already said, you do not move around in a 3D world, you shift between two dimensional planes. it's not fucking rocket science

>> No.10249973

larping faggot, you had to rip steam out of the game to have it play half decently at the time
those games aren't as advanced as HL2 you fucking retard

>> No.10249974

Because he is doing what interests him the most, even if it's outside video games now. Also helps that he's involved in a lot of neat ideas and is great at seeing it come to life too.

>> No.10249978

>The game didn't have any problem before the Orange Box
Anyway, now that you've given me permission to completely rape you I hope you've brought lube.
HL2 ran poorly on PCs at the time, issues were not measured in frames per second but stuttering, a massive PC issue that wasn't even known about until the past DECADE. HL2 came out 2 decades ago, you revisionist faggot future suicide. HL2 was notorious for this, every time a new audio clip played it was not pre-cached, it was being read off the hard drive in real time and shat into memory causing an obnoxious source engine stuttering that DEFINED how the engine was perceived because it was in
except HL2 on Xbox because Valve sorted the problem on there which became the basis for the fix in the orange box engine.

Join any CSS server? Massive stutter of all sfx until they're loaded in.
Join any DODS server? Massive stutter of all sfx until they're loaded in.
Join any Sourceforts server? Massive stutter of all sfx until they're loaded in.

Because the engine does not pre-cache the data it needs, leading to massive ear raping stutter that DEFINED THE PERCEPTION OF THE ENGINE AND ITS GAMES UNTIL 4 YEARS AFTER IT DEBUTED.

Why don't people know about this today? THE ONLY WIDELY DISTRIBUTED VERSIONS HAVE BEEN FIXED.


Now clean it up, underage faggot.

>> No.10250042

>some people had problems so that means literally everyone had them

>> No.10250062

>Game released with bugs... Thus proving the PC is worse than XBOX because LOGIC
The problem wasn't sound caching, it was VRAM, the sound was sometimes coincidentally affected as well.
Patches were issued that fixed the issue for most people within a week, but it only fully went away when hardware changes increased memory bandwidth with video cards.

It must be hard to rape when you're a larping microdicked faggot, ay?

>> No.10250067

It is generally known to the masses that you are a fucking retard.

...Why don't you pull another definition out of your stretched-out ass?
You seem to find it relaxing

>> No.10250084

>Thus proving the PC is worse than XBOX
Nobody said this.

>> No.10250097

>It ran like ass on PCs at the time stuttering on all PCs (if you had it at the time you know this, if you don't know this you're a poser) and it wasn't fixed on PC until the orange box ports. Xbox however, never had this problem.
Read the thread, fuckwit

>> No.10250123
File: 659 KB, 1000x1500, Terminator Collection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Collection Chamber version got recently updated.

>> No.10250126

Point out exactly where that sentence is saying the Xbox version is superior in every way imaginable from top to bottom. Go.

>> No.10250136

Captain Reading Comprehension misread my sentence about the sentence that he misread.

Fucking incredible.

Now point out where your parents went so totally wrong from top to bottom. Go.

>> No.10250139

Are you this stupid and obnoxious in your everyday life?
Or are we being honoured?

>> No.10250149

>they can't do it

>> No.10250153

(No one's talking about the port, they're talking about the hardware, you genuine unironic retard)

>> No.10250156

Point out exactly where they are unable to do that from top to bottom. Go.

>> No.10250224

ok todd now release TES6 before i'm in a retirement home please

>> No.10250343

Still waiting btw, it's OK to be wrong you didn't play HL2 back when it came out. These days anyone playing it won't be getting that experience, but feel free to review how the game was actually received instead of acting bewildered a 2001 console runs a game worse than your 2023 PC.

>> No.10250347

>It ran like ass on PCs at the time stuttering on all PCs
Why are you talking out of your ass?

>> No.10250385


>> No.10250407

why are people too young to have played HL2 when it was new even on /vr/ we can see you zoomers

>> No.10250410

neat thanks

>> No.10250421

>It ran like ass on PCs at the time stuttering on all PCs
That was DOOM3, imbecile.
HL2 ran surprisingly fine on most rigs

>> No.10250431

doom 3 actually ran better but between you and me it looked worse and the load times were way longer.

>> No.10251071

GPU issue

>> No.10251147

funny, nobody has to be "reminded" about quake. wonder why that is

>> No.10251259

who's there?
plot who?

>> No.10251282

Yeah I was actually thinking of Spasim and AirFight (and FS1: Flight Simulator although that was a bit later) but as far as wireframe graphics went I only had a screenshot of Elite on hand and I was being lazy

>> No.10251597
File: 20 KB, 320x200, skynet_195.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is precisely the difference between Quake and Future Shock, one was still all about being "a toy for boys", while the other realize it could be much more than that

>> No.10251618

How does a story make something "much more than that"?

>> No.10251973

how come kids aren't allowed to watch HBO

>> No.10252396


>> No.10253301

Yeah but you can't have floors on floors until gzdoom made it possible.

>> No.10253370

Every wii game is now retro I guess

>> No.10253378

the early FPS terminator games are largely forgotten for some reason. I have good memories for terminator 2029 (I think that was the year), its expansions, and even terminator rampage. the one after that was good too, I think its what theyre talking about. I think I could barely get it to work on my pc but I trust that it wasnt terrible.

>> No.10253384

okay I remember future shock now. I did eventually play it but never beat it. it was good for its time

>> No.10253390

>updooting your own post
May negative karma follow you, my fellow redditor.

>> No.10253413

why did you opened your mouth faggot?

>> No.10253515

Big levels don't mean good levels, or else Doom 2's skyscrapers would be considered the cream of the crop.

>> No.10253694

Because he still made sure the games he worked on were fun while pushing technical boundaries. Well until Rage that is.

>> No.10254067

You seem to be having a meltdown. Sorry you don't "click" with the games industry and its common terminology.

>> No.10255347

>why did you opened
Pajeet pls go.

>> No.10255452

Here's an example: the Build engine is 2.5d because of the use of sprites. Play the DN3D HRP with the sprites on and Polymer on. The buildings won't distort when you look up or down but the sprites will be paper thin depending of their position relative to you instead of staying in the same face.

>> No.10255497

>Why do people worship John Carmack?
He built the tech for good games, he is a technology innovator and a very talented person. He's behind VR tech that was very important to it's growth in the early years and aside from that he's not woke like John Romero is. I appreciate him much more than Romero because he didn't have an ego problem like Romero always did. I'm trying to not turn it political, but i absolutely can't stand how preachy Romero is. Even without politics considered Romero was an egomaniac anyway even back in his day, that Carmack kept in line (if you've read the stories of Carmack trying to get him to work while he played DM) for as long as he could until Romero went off on his own and failed spectacularly. I also don't consider John Romero departure as a net negative on ID Software when they released Quake 2. Because that remaster has actually sort of redeemed that game.

>> No.10255636

Hideo Kojima actually invented 3d camera.

>> No.10255656

Because instead of burying himself in his own autism like current indie devs, he shaped the industry in his image and funded a fuckton of a good games along with John Romero

>> No.10256298
File: 54 KB, 640x480, skynet_260.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The level design in Skynet is so much better than the original. I also really appreciate the new musics and the FMV briefings