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10241253 No.10241253 [Reply] [Original]

Resident Evil 3: Nemesis is the best RE game

>> No.10241261

eh its kinda gay

>> No.10241285

It's good but needed a Carlos story to be the best

>> No.10241332

For me it's a tie between 1 and 3 as best

1 is Alien, 3 is Aliens.
2 is as if Alien had a weird sequel that copied the first movie but instead of taking place in a spaceship it's a space station that looks like a spaceship, and ultimately didn't really know what it was doing

>> No.10241340
File: 3.65 MB, 1150x646, 185.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer RE2 and RE1 but i still love 3

>> No.10241352

your settings are fucked, colors shouldnt be that washed off

>> No.10241362

I just made a webm from

>> No.10241505

It's the one I played the most because it was the first one I bought. I like 2 a little more, though.

I must have finished RE3 at least 40 times since 2001. I know all sorts of obscure trivia, like the secret enemy or don't really need to commit to some of the live choices. For examples, during the first live choice, you can choose to fight Nemesis, grab Brad's card and then enter the RPD.

Other stuff:
- you can make Nemesis miss with the Rocket Launcher, like Carlos did in the Clock Tower cutscene. You should see a small spark near him if you do this properly.
- you can defeat the helicopter at the end with most weapons, except the shotgun and the mine thrower.
- when you defeat Nemesis every time on a FIRST playthrough, the last reward should be the Assault Rifle, not Infinite Ammo.

>> No.10242851

Always has been.

Speaking of the mine thrower, if you pick all the random ammo for it, you can defeat Nemesis in the chemical chambers without resorting to valves by using it to the very last mine. How fucking cool is that? Using Umbrella's prototype weapon to defeat its ultimate BOW by making every shot count.

>> No.10242857

don't be stupid.

>> No.10242861

RE1 will never, everrrrr be topped. 2 got half way there and even that won't be topped. 3 is a good time though.

>> No.10242865

The Classic Rebirth version crashes to desktop when I leave the Clock Tower. No clue what's going on with that. I finally got through with Carlos but it crashes every single time with Jill when you're headed to the park.

>> No.10242884

the last of the golden era re games. id give my left nut for capcom to make another re like this (focus on horror, tank controls, pre rendered backgrounds, no dynamic camera) but yeah not happening in this lifetime. I'm hopeing some indie developer takes a crack at this magic formula someday.

>> No.10242894

The entire PS1 trilogy is god tier but yes, RE3 is underrated. Thankfully, people stopped sucking RE2's dick and started appreciating RE1 and RE3 more (RE2 is a great game, it's just that for the longest time people were pretty much saying that RE1 and RE3 are shit compared to RE2)

>> No.10242897

It would have been cool to have Rebecca as the second character. Maybe she could run into some surviving firefighters or paramedics instead of Umbrella mercs.

>> No.10242901
File: 2.28 MB, 647x479, casper-croes-loungetest.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm hopeing some indie developer takes a crack at this magic formula someday
People have tried but if it's not literally RE, it's never going to be exactly like it

>> No.10242902

Nah, it’s just an expansion pack for RE2. That’s why Mercenaries mode originated with this one. Capcom knew the main game was too short to qualify as a full priced release.

>> No.10242903

It's true that it has less content than RE2 but what's there is good. It's an argument if you're in the context of paying full price back on release but if you're just pirating the game it's worth playing

>> No.10242939

>but instead of taking place in a spaceship it's a space station that looks like a spaceship
This has always been my biggest gripe with 2. I can appreciate that they felt a modern police station could feel sterile, but why just create mansion 2.0?
At least 3 was able to develop a new setting and (mostly) get away from generic puzzles, like emblems going into emblem-shaped holes.

>> No.10242957
File: 57 KB, 320x240, RE1.5-NOV0596-CHARACTER_SELECT_ELZA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why just create mansion 2.0?
The original RE2 was more different from RE1 but it was apparently also shit so when they scrapped everything they just said "We know RE1 worked so let's just do that again with a couple of new things". It's ironic how everyone calls the prototype Resident Evil 1.5 when the final game is the actual RE 1.5 with how similar it is to the first game but hey, I'm pretty sure Capcom knew what they were doing when they scrapped the first version.

The TCRF page says:
>Resident Evil 1.5 was dubbed by producer Shinji Mikami as a failed attempt at creating Resident Evil 2, representing Hideki Kamiya's own then-immature directorial experience and the development team's arduous struggles correcting the game's scenario oversights, prosaic settings, maps, gameplay, etc.. All of which resulted, in their own opinions, a less-than-stellar game

But I don't know how much of that is true, as in if it was really Kamiya's fault

>> No.10242973
File: 42 KB, 1054x364, Screenshot 2023-09-13 at 23-39-29 Proto Resident Evil 2 (PlayStation)_November 5 1996 Prototype - The Cutting Room Floor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10242976
File: 41 KB, 1008x345, Screenshot 2023-09-13 at 23-40-10 Proto Resident Evil 2 (PlayStation)_November 5 1996 Prototype - The Cutting Room Floor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10243030
File: 2.84 MB, 1280x720, headshot.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It always felt like they just kinda halfassed Claire to me. Like how Leon has this really well thought out weapon selection where they're all fun to use, useful in a bunch of situations, and get cool upgrades. Well, except for the flamethrower but that only shows up at the very end. Claire just gets a worse pistol, the grenade launcher she relies on for like 90% of the game, and 2 gimmick weapons of questionable use. None of them are all that much fun either, except for maybe aiming the scattershot grenades into a big group of zombies. Still nothing compared to vaporizing torsos with Leon's death cannon supershotgun though.

>> No.10243059
File: 92 KB, 960x720, Biohazard_3_Sample_opening_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Background images meant for the intro of the game. The first four images did not survive the final version
>On the bottom right of the third image: Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman straight out of The Shawshank Redemption

>> No.10243062
File: 2.00 MB, 3550x2363, MV5BYzkyN2IyMDYtOTRlMS00OTM1LTgyNWQtMmQ4YjliNGRlODcxXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNTMyMDkwMTE@.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10243207
File: 124 KB, 640x480, 1583394003051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree.

>> No.10243236
File: 106 KB, 1024x768, zombies females.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Resident Evil 3: Nemesis is the best RE game

The resident evil videogame with most female zombies, so yes, resident evil 3 the best of all resident evils.

>> No.10243239
File: 541 KB, 1261x2519, Screenshot 2023-09-14 at 02-43-51 _vr_ - Retro Games » Searching for posts that contain ‘female zombies’ and with the image height ‘768’.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhhh... Anon, is there something you want to tell us?

>> No.10243363

>It always felt like they just kinda halfassed Claire to me. Like how Leon has this really well thought out weapon selection where they're all fun to use, useful in a bunch of situations, and get cool upgrades. Well, except for the flamethrower but that only shows up at the very end. Claire just gets a worse pistol, the grenade launcher she relies on for like 90% of the game, and 2 gimmick weapons of questionable use. None of them are all that much fun either, except for maybe aiming the scattershot grenades into a big group of zombies. Still nothing compared to vaporizing torsos with Leon's death cannon supershotgun though.

but claire is the waifu

>> No.10243386

>eh its kinda gay

why? any arguments?

>> No.10243474

kinda yeah, but not really

I get they polished every aspect of the series, but you got two good maps (Uptown and Downtown), and an acceptable transition map (Clocktower). After that it feels not only linear, but rather half assed. It should have more open maps with bulding maps and better conectivity between them.

Also, the Barry ex machina is one of the worst I've ever seen

>> No.10243493

>. After that it feels not only linear, but rather half assed

Do you mean when one reaches to the hospital with carlos?

>> No.10243520

The game was literally supposed to end at the clocktower before shoehorning Jill in and making it a mainline game, so it makes sense as to why.

>> No.10243528

Best version of 3?

>> No.10243661

The biggest reason why I think people miss what made RE special is because it wasn't really a horror game, it was in the sense that it had a horror setting but the game always had a nearly perfect blend of horror and action the only thing stopping you from going full rambo was the ammo supply which is more than enough for experienced players but for a noob they tend to waste ammo or miss pickups. Combine that with the way saves work and enemies that are quite dangerous gets you a good combo of tense action. Then finish it off with a bomb run and epic boss fight and you got the framework of a good RE game. This is why Code Veronica will never be a real RE game neither will 99% of the clones since they always go too far one way or the other.

>> No.10243804

yep, Hospital, Park and Dead Factory were terrible maps. In concept because the game is about roaming Racoon streets and entering small/mid-sized buildings, but in execution too because even if you'd add those buildings into a bigger hub map, they are linear (circular works better for RE) and uninspired coming from the flawless art direction seen in the first maps

I wish it had two extra hub maps, like suburbs, forests or a big circular building map like a mall, factory or a government one

didn't know about it, is there more info about that RE 2.5?

>> No.10243808

It's literally the same thing in RE1 and 2. In 1 once you hit the underground, areas are smaller and more linear. In RE2 it starts once you get to the sewer as well.

>> No.10243842

Yeah, that's literally the RE formula. I don't see the issue here.

>> No.10244257

It was supposed to be a Hunk game on a boat, then a regular civie trying to escape and it'd end on the clocktower. Of all the deep lore and weird projects with the RE name on it, the whole 3 and CV debacle is still the most confusing and unclear bit.

>> No.10244283

It wasn't "supposed" to be that any more than RE1 was "supposed" to be a first person game. There is precisely ZERO proof that any of those things were anything more than ideas that never left the ideas stage, we don't even know if they ever even went to the concept stage.

RE1 first person, Hunk on a boat : ideas stage
RE1 with cyborgs: concept stage
RE1.5: production stage
Devil May Cry RE4: production stage

Idea -> concept -> production

In other words there is no evidence these things got past the ideas stage, people just make a big deal out of "ideas" because they read one interview but in reality there is no zero evidence Resident Evil 3 ever started production as anything but the Jill Valentine game we got.

>> No.10244297

What are you trying to prove here retard? Meds.

>> No.10244368

>I'm ready to settle down now...

>> No.10244380

You can't go wrong with any one of those but the original on PS1 is the best choice if you are planning to emulate

>> No.10244385

RE3 is just the left overs from 2. It's worse than 2, 1 and cv.

>> No.10245136

looks disgusting

>> No.10245184
File: 431 KB, 1200x675, 1691375209718539.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>RE3 is worse than 2 and 1
I like every game in the original trilogy equally but I respect your opinion
>RE3 is worse than CV
Ok, now I know you're just baiting

>> No.10245194
File: 11 KB, 480x360, comfy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only bad thing about RE3 is that the final fight against Nemesis is awful due to just kiting him around into the railgun shots.
Valid criticism for sure, but the graveyard is arguably my favorite location in the game because of the comfy factor of this shed

>> No.10245201

It should've taken place entirely in the city streets, not in the fucking cartoon-villain-tier megalaboratory hidden underneath the goddamn city which makes the mansion from the first game pointless.

>> No.10245340

You're thinking of 2. RE3 has a waste disposal plant full of zombified Umbrella jannies.

>> No.10245467

>cartoon-villain-tier megalaboratory
Anon, that's only in the RE3 remake, not the original. You've played the original RE3 right?

>> No.10245485

Nah he is a retarded child who hasn't even played the original.

>> No.10245550

There's an umbrella facility growing Hunters in vats under the fucking city hospital, a hideout in a shed near a church and a fucking disposal facility disguised as the city's goddamn water treatment installation that fucking SELF-DESTRUCTS.
Did you dumb fucking retards pay attention to this shit or not?

>> No.10245557

None of those are cartoon megalaboratories.

>> No.10246317

>The only bad thing about RE3 is that the final fight against Nemesis is awful due to just kiting him around into the railgun shots.

How ironic: during the entire game i hated the nemesis, but when he is defeated and you have the option of killing it or escape, i only chosen the "kill it" option once.All the other times i played the game i escaped. I cannot believe i felt symphaty for that thing when it was all wasted and in the floor. So, i escaped with carlos leaving that thing behind.