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File: 63 KB, 256x179, Jet_Force_Gemini_box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10235208 No.10235208 [Reply] [Original]

This game deserves more notoriety.

>> No.10235259

needs a mouse injector badly.

>> No.10235626

Kinda weird how it seems to get ignored amongst all of Rare's other output. Even when it got re-released on Xbox I didn't hear much talk about.

>> No.10235765
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>deserves more notoriety.
When you say notoriety, do you mean it deserves to be more famous or more infamous?

>> No.10235768

It's not very fun to play, levels are big in a tech demo sense but not fun to go thru, bosses are boring af and the tribals suck.

>> No.10235775

Now you're making me question my grasp of the english language

>> No.10235783

It's not a good game. People bring it up once in a while because it's from Rare and it's good "hidden gem" material for Youtubers

>> No.10235836

panty shot

>> No.10235857

>Kinda weird how it seems to get ignored amongst all of Rare's other output

still gets more attention than mickey's speedway

>> No.10235870
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it's definitely flawed but I do like the overall theming to go along with the shooting, adventuring, and platforming aspects. Didn't care for some of the collectathon stuff. Fuck tribals

>> No.10235873


i love the game and think its a lot of fun. the shooting and movement is awesome. one of the few shooters on N64 that let you go prone.

it's a tough game so a lot of people automatically equate hard = bad because they cry and quit after dying a couple times.

>> No.10235894

it came out at the end of 1999. 90% of n64s had already been collecting dust in the attic for 2 years

>> No.10235895

that's nice and everything but this doesn't make the tribals any better

>> No.10237116

Get the people behind Oni to remake this game for the Switch 2 and Xbox SX

>> No.10237221

I think it was actually a very strong N64 game but like >>10235894 says it was a bit late in the cycle. If it had been a game from the summer of 97 you'd see a lot more talk. This last summer me and my childhood bud got our monster energy drinks and co-op our way through the whole game in his garage while we left the women to deal with the kids.
Was some dad gamer nostalgia kino. We probably spent more time admiring the low poly Vela assets as adults than we ever did as kids.

>> No.10237781

I think this game is amazing but I hate the controls. They're not unfair or anything, just untraditional and I've never enjoyed them

>> No.10237786

>People put their N64s in the attic the year Goldeneye came out
lol retard, you never even owned the system shut up

>> No.10237854

Nah 64 and ps1 were still going strong
No one i knew had a dreamcast

>> No.10238874
File: 57 KB, 455x804, 874bfe9715c5fa7f686c46f19ca8b6fc--the-ninja-gatchaman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just in case, it's never bad to always remind, in every JFG thread, that the controls improve and change the game for the better if you go to the options menu and change the control scheme to "Expert", it lets you move in all directions while shooting.
I also really like JFG, it's one of my favorite Rare games ever, easily. I also think that, by the time you reach the part in the game where you need to rescue the tribals+find the ship parts, you already played most of the game's levels anyway, and you fought Mizar once. So you kind of saw all of the game already. I understand the criticism but it's a bit exaggerated, also I thought rescuing tribals was fun and challenging, it was finding the ship parts that seemed obtuse and tiring to me (I used a guide for some of them, very cryptic).
Also I love the fact Gatchaman was an inspiration for this game. Juno's helmet is modeled after the Gatchaman ones.

>> No.10238986

I could never get past the twin mantids boss.

>> No.10239016

I like this game. Running around machine gunning ants is always fun. Fuck those bears tho I could never 100% it

>> No.10239912

I've always found the fuck tribals comments in this game's threads wild. Do you guys hate the fact that you had to do it, or couldn't accomplish it?

>> No.10240023

it was just a dick move after you work hard all your way there
>now go back and collect all those bears you killed to fight the last boss lol
I bailed less than halfway after because in some rooms they just get killed fast unless you rush to them

if they were a bonus, great. but required to beat the game is meh.

>> No.10240050

nah, it's booty

>> No.10240104

Fair point. By today's standards people would flip their shit if a game did something like that. I guess playing it as a kid I didn't care or saw it as a ridiculous roadblock, I was going back and collecting guns and totems anyways. You need to visit each area with each character to essentially reach the final boss, with a few exceptions unless your getting the all the totems and weapons (optional).

There was one or two of the floyd games that pissed me off mostly due to the controls during those, did the control scheme choice change those also? Don't think I ever considered it. One of my favorite Rare games as well.

>> No.10240147

it was annoying. They were suicidal and if one dumbass runs into a firefight you have to start the level over. Most reasonable people just skipped that shit only to be kicked in the dick when king retard says you have to rescue all of them

>> No.10240185
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I still to fap to Vela occasionally but it's difficult because there is no good art of her

>> No.10241236
File: 89 KB, 800x600, jetforce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rare wanted to make the characters more kiddy
>Nintendo forced them to make them more adult
based nips forcing the bongs to stop being nonces and further develop Vela's sexiness.

>> No.10241360

Is there a "cheese" for JFG in the same way that you can cheese Castlevania 1 by hoarding the ax or Paper Mario with a BP-only run?

>> No.10241371

using tri-rockets on large drones and shield drones and using machine gun on everything else?

>> No.10241440

Because it runs in 8fps.

>> No.10242798

Fav tracks?

>> No.10242818
File: 237 KB, 1449x2048, 20615988_1999709050258666_6714890595531345533_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sexiness is great but I'm not a fan 90s fake anime made by westerners

>> No.10242820

Mizar's Palace for sure is one of the best.
btw watch at 8:30 that tutorial cutscene with the vocoder, so good

>> No.10242823

JFG looks more like toy story or reebot to me. And the anime it was inspired by (gatchaman) was from the 70s, not really similar to it except for the outfits

>> No.10242895

I can actually excuse the Tribal thing. However, if you didn't hoard all the trirocket upgrades with Juno you are absolutely boned for the final fight. That was unforgivable.

>> No.10243347


>> No.10243360

Copy+paste from a thread a while back since I still get PTSD from the Tribal hunt

>You have to find every single tribal in the game to finish it
>Tribals can be killed by you or enemies, often by accident
>If this happens you need to reload the entire level since dead Tribals don't respawn
>There is no map system and you have basically no way of knowing if there are Tribals in a room or not. Outside of some of those faggots throwing a stick toward you if you are close enough (But only the male ones, because none of the other types of tribals have sticks for some reason) these little shits don't make a peep
>And worst of all; The game doesn't actually track your saved Tribals. Collected 14 out of 15 tribals in the level? Tough shit, ALL of them (Including the ones you already rescued) are now back on the level instead of just the ones you missed. The game will not consider the level completed until you collect them all in one go
>Compounding this issue, you have no way of knowing which character is required to find all Tribals in a level ahead of time. It'd be one thing if it was just Water = Vela, Lava = Juno, gaps = Lupus, but the game has a nasty habit of putting these type of character specific sections toward the latter part of the level. This means you end up running through most of the level only to realize you played it with the wrong character and have to do it all over again
>The plot reason you are doing this in the first place is because the cocksucker chieftain holds the last ship part and refuses to part with it until you rescue every single one of his people. Mind you Mizar at this point is rushing to destroy the earth so the Chieftain not even borrowing you the ship just makes him seem like a psychopath who doesn't understand urgency

>> No.10243362

There's this bear character there who mentions he is bothered by the tribals in the area making noise and he wishes he had some earplugs. If you pester him long enough; And I mean, exhausting every dialouge option and then talking to him AGAIN he'll finally mention he heard there were some on the SS Anubis level.

So you get to SS Anubis and scour the entire place. Guess what? They aren't actually anywhere in the level. They are the reward for the Floyd mission of this level which is baffling for a multitude of reasons

A: The game makes absolutely no mention anywhere that Earplugs are the reward here, not even in the fucking Floyd mission description itself
B: Compounding this, the game has previously never locked a collectible behind a Floyd mission so you have no reason to think to look here in the first place
C: In order to even get the earplug reward you need to finish the mission with the highest rank which is hard as balls
D: Even if you complete it, unless you finish it with the highest rank you still get no hint that you can even get the earplugs from this mission in the first place

Rare were just fucking around at this point, its insane for me to imagine this was supposed to be figured out by kids

>> No.10243452

>So you kind of saw all of the game already. I understand the criticism but it's a bit exaggerated, also I used a guide
Ship parts bring a 8/10 game down to 6/10.
Anyone who stopped playing there made the right decision.

>> No.10243465

This should be what you're thinking first and foremost.

>> No.10243754

The criticism is usually about the bears, not the ship parts. I enjoyed saving the bears, it was challenging.
Using a guide to solve cryptic shit doesn't ruin a game for me, lots of classic retro games did this.
>they just did it so you bought a guide!
Or shared secrets with friends at school. Also I didn't buy anything because I played JFG during internet times.
Still, yeah, it could have had better design in terms of giving clues about the ship parts. If anything it brings a 9/10 game to 8.5/10 or so.

>> No.10243757
File: 395 KB, 1060x930, goldeneye_SM64.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a masterpiece until you hit The Collectathon. and then it's a fuckin slog =(

>> No.10245116

yeah it never bothered me because im fine with games having parts/unlocks that i don't make it to. a lot of my favorite games are ones like that where i've never beaten it 100% and i respect those games more than the ones that are just really easy to go through quickly.

>> No.10245130

Every single N64 game would simply be better if it were on PC. The N64 is just so shit, that a native console game would inherently benefit from a keyboard and mouse, even a racing game.

>> No.10245132

I remember being infuriated as a kid playing this game because of just how quickly the tribals get killed. It's by far the most annoying mechanic that has resulted in the game not being more well-known and liked.

>> No.10245143
File: 80 KB, 735x550, R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The war for 3D dominance is over grampa. Sony and Nintendo won. It's time to let this old dog lie.

>> No.10245151

More people own PC's than every single console sold put together. Cope and seethe nintendy.

>> No.10245185

>if you go to the options menu and change the control scheme to "Expert", it lets you move in all directions while shooting.
This certainly improves the experience, but my issue has to do with the left hand switching between movement & aiming instead of remaining consistent. I'd rather they took the Goldeneye route and allowed you to move exclusively with the dpad and aim with the stick to appease my modern twin-stick shooter sensibilities. At the time these conventions weren't firmly established so I understand why they made it this way, but switching from left hand movement to right hand movement with left hand aim was always weird to me.

>> No.10245379

>Sony and Nintendo won

Won what?

>> No.10246583
File: 483 KB, 1280x2000, 1578555088956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10246715

There’s this guy who’s adding mouse injection to tons of games. Let’s just hope he adds it to JFG at some point

>> No.10246950

That's not the result you think it is.

>> No.10246953

Why is it that modern western CG cartoon designs all look the same? They all have that Fortnite look to them

>> No.10248824
File: 2.00 MB, 430x319, tumblr_n8lbxiC46y1s3uawvo2_500.gifv.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best western made TPS

>> No.10249123

What game? Search returns nothing

>> No.10249154

That's jfg with an in-game reskin cheat

>> No.10249350

Ants into Pants mode was great

>> No.10249434
File: 69 KB, 500x580, 500full-jet-force-gemini-artwork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree, and I also think that Vela has nice legs.

>> No.10249437
File: 306 KB, 480x895, ezgif-1-a03a4042091e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10249526

Am I the only one who thinks their faces are butt ugly?