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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 534 KB, 732x492, hbg_c3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10213673 No.10213673 [Reply] [Original]

Gameplay and development discussion:
What homebrew / hacks are you playing /vr/?

Are you working on anything? Would you like to learn? Projects and questions welcome.

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Want something here? Post it for the next thread.

>> No.10213676
File: 608 KB, 792x524, _64.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's your dream game /vr/ ?


what are you working on?

>> No.10213768

when's new rugrats on nes coming out

>> No.10213776 [DELETED] 

Shut up

>> No.10213780
File: 299 KB, 430x430, jaguar_do_the_math.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what you don't like breath of fire 3 for the 3DO?

>> No.10213803

Would be cool to see on the 32X CD

>> No.10213806

Can newer versions of the Wii play gamecube games if I hack it?

>> No.10213816

Yeah, off hard drive

>> No.10213837

Can I use gamecube controllers with an adapter?

>> No.10213841

Wii has native gc controller ports

>> No.10213845

Not the newer versions.

>> No.10214005

I want to thank everybody who is developing romhacks. It is really nice to play classics with QoL changes

>> No.10214121


>> No.10214161
File: 587 KB, 640x480, 2023-09-02 18-16-12.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what are you working on?
Reposting since last thread 404'd shortly after posting this

>> No.10214679

Those colors look great! What system are you ...porting this to? i guess? ...what is your project exactly?

>> No.10214735
File: 127 KB, 256x224, solstice endless loop.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its hack of solstice on nes, full hack that completely changes the whole maze and all of its 253 rooms, maybe more if I dont get completely burned out by end of it

>> No.10214775

awesome, very fun puzzle game, love this and like solomon's key and lolo and those type of things. good luck!

>> No.10214828

Abadox on the PC Engine/TG-16
Hokoto No Ken on the PC Engine CD.
G Gundam tournament fighting game on the SNES or 3DO
King's Field 1, 2, and maybe 3 on the Sega Saturn
2D Sonic Extreme on the Sega Saturn or Sega 32X
Soul Star on the PS1, N64, CD32, and Sega Saturn
A complete build of N64 Robotech: Crystal Dreams
Armored Core 1 on the Sega Saturn (JP only)
Armored Core: Project Phantasma on Sega Saturn (JP only)
Hang On game for the Dreamcast
SS2 on the PS2.
N64 direct sequel to Super Mario 64
Dinosaur Planet full Beta on N64
Black & White 1 on the Dreamcast and PS2
Frontier: Elite 2 on the CD 32 and 3DO.
Fallout 1 on the PS1, N64, and Sega Saturn
Fallout 2 for N64, and Sega Dreamcast
Unreal Gold on N64
Orguss on Sega Mega Drive and PC Engine.
Jurassic Park 2 on N64, PS1, and Sega Saturn.

>> No.10215106

>G Gundam tournament fighting game on the SNES
It exists and it's crap

>> No.10215848


>> No.10216670


>> No.10216718

Shamanic Princess 64
Devilman Lady, simply Devil Lady 64
Jungle de Ikou!! 64DD

>> No.10216758

Use retrogen

>> No.10217278
File: 213 KB, 695x541, Isaac.(Golden.Sun).full.670173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even a dream game
I want an editor for the first 2 Golden Sun games where
>You can edit cinematic sequences in battles
>applying your on gfx on any attacks/psynergy/djinn/summons and overworld psynergy
>a sprite/texture importer for custom tilesets and battle scenery
Maybe the last one exists in some extent but i definitely dream for the first two.

>> No.10217405
File: 3 KB, 256x240, Lei_Dian_Huang_Bi_Ka_Qiu_Chuan_Shuo_(NJ046)_(Ch)_-!-_002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pokemon Purple
(A definitive console version of Pokemon RGBY but on the NES, cover mascot is Mewtwo)
Pokemon Bronze
(A definitive console version of Pokemon GSC but on the SNES, cover mascot is Celebi)
Pokemon 2
(A 3D psuedo-remake of the first two games, but on N64, new protagonist, etc)
Pokemon Shooting Star
(A 3D sequel of Pokemon RSE, but on the GCN, cover mascot is Jirachi+Deoxys, same protagonists but few months older, etc)

I'd do it if i knew how to code shit.

>> No.10217424
File: 36 KB, 669x669, 1679284821950453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know shit about romhacking other than making SMB levels in an editor. But lately I've been wishing there was a hack of Vegas Stakes that expanded the NPC's dialogue/random encounters. I don't mind that they're there, but there's so few, they start to repeat probably within the first 20-30 minutes of play.
I can't imagine it would be that hard to do, but again, never got that deep into this stuff.

>> No.10217610
File: 421 KB, 476x437, terra_ff6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Golden Sun
Some anon looked into this a bit ago, there is some gnarly fuckin proprietary compression going on with that game unfortunately.
I don't want to say it's impossible but that would realllllly take a ton of effort; and people have tried.

>> No.10217625
File: 5 KB, 372x348, vegas_dream_news.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Vegas Stakes Encounter Rates ... I can't imagine it would be that hard to do
That's honestly a great first project. Most of the work would be finding the data / RAM values that you need to change, as opposed to actually changing them.
I would suggest booting up Mesen and getting comfy with those tools; i would just look for RAM values that light up red when the thing you want to happen happens, setting a breakpoint for that RAM, and maybe using the step thru debugger to get other things to happen.

>> No.10217637

Fallout 2 on N64 what? Half of this shit makes no sense

>> No.10217651

I think it would give the game a little more gas, I like playing it as background noise sometimes.
I might have to try that, thanks for the pointers. I guess I'm not sure how complex those kind of dialogue boxes are for something like that.

>> No.10217661

>I'd do it if i knew how to code shit.
no you wouldn't.
learning to code takes a fraction of the amount of effort needed to create any of those projects. if that is an insurmountable task to you, there's no way you would get anywhere with those ideas.

>> No.10217742

>That's honestly a great first project.
No, he doesn't want to change the encounter rate. He wants to increase the variety of encounters. Which means moving a bunch of tables around to make room and probably expanding the rom. It's a terrible first project.

Changing the text would be more manageable. I'm looking at the SNES version in a hex editor and the text seems to be in ASCII and terminated with 0x2E. You can probably swap it out with whatever you want as long as it's shorter.

If you want to go the extra mile, you could try putting a read breakpoint at the text's location and step backwards to hopefully find a table that points to all the text strings. You might be able to change some of the pointers to the empty space at the end of the bank and write whatever you want there.

>> No.10217769

I Also wagered a Dreamcast version.
Also, nothing was stopping 1990s FromSoftware from making at least King's Field 1 and 2, if not also Kings field 3 for the Sega Saturn? Ditto for Saturn Armored Core 1 and Project Phantasma as Japan exclusives.
I don't see a problem with a Dreamcast Hang-On game.

>> No.10217774

Yeah that's what I meant. Changing the existing ones would be ok, but there should have been double what they put in the game to begin with, space permitting. They get annoying after you tell the people to fuck off for the billionth time. Would probably be easiest to disable them altogether.
I'd have to learn how to do all the latter stuff you mentioned first, never dug into hex editing games.

>> No.10217827

>space permitting
I think that was part of the problem. None of the banks have that much empty space at the end. You don't have a disassembly so there's no easy way to expand the encounter tables but even if there were, I think you could only fit a few more encounters. And good luck with the graphics. Aside from a little patch of background near the end I couldn't decipher shit

>> No.10218084

>no you wouldn't
Watch me, you dork.

>> No.10218275

We're watching. Man, if this is all it takes for you to achieve success everyone should be a cunt to you at all times. You'll be unstoppable

>> No.10218404 [DELETED] 

> (not) encounter rate. He wants to increase the variety of encounters.
Ah, yeah, that is a bit tougher. You'd have to make custom dialogue and figure out how to implement whatever desired effects you'd want to happen. Drawing new characters would be a ton of work too.
> probably expanding the rom.
Well a quick glace reveals about 2KB between 7300-7D00, which should be enough for a decent chunk of code and some tables, but probably not graphics. There are some other free slots scattered around too.
> never dug into hex editing games.
Well, really you would want to see how the existing encounters work in the game, and expand on that. You could savestate in an encounter that increases your money for example, find out where your money is stored in RAM, set a breakpoint, and watch that code run in the debugger. Move on from there if possible.
This video is a good general example of how 2 romhack and what to expect when doing so:

>> No.10218408
File: 191 KB, 820x612, vegas_stakes_room.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> (not) encounter rate. He wants to increase the variety of encounters.
Ah, yeah, that is a bit tougher. You'd have to make custom dialogue and figure out how to implement whatever desired effects you'd want to happen. Drawing new characters would be a ton of work too.
> probably expanding the rom.
Well a quick glace reveals about 2KB between 7300-7D00, which should be enough for a decent chunk of code and some tables, but probably not graphics. There are some other free slots scattered around too.
> never dug into hex editing games.
Well, really you would want to see how the existing encounters work in the game, and expand on that. You could savestate in an encounter that increases your money for example, find out where your money is stored in RAM, set a breakpoint, and watch that code run in the debugger. Move on from there if possible.
This video is a good general example of how 2 romhack and what to expect when doing so:

>> No.10218460

Thanks for checking it out in any case.

>> No.10218464

Thank you as well, I'll take a look at the video tomorrow. Honestly wasn't expecting such detailed replies, I really appreciate the insight.

>> No.10218728
File: 1.42 MB, 1336x1040, hbg_Zelda_Master_of_Time.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've sent tons of people over the years on their way with information, an abysmal percent return with progress, much less a completed hack. is that on me? i dunno. shits hard man. i'm trying? gl

>> No.10218746

You are a good person, Anon.

>> No.10218893

I'll give you the last two but we have the source code for Gen 1 and Gen 2, and having seen the amount of relatively transformative Pokémon ROM hacks out there by one man teams even before then, this seems achievable. Get coding, pussy. I believe in you.

>> No.10219092
File: 91 KB, 698x499, scrollenginetest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on my game engine for master system. I've implemented.
>tile plotting at the right position but only when scrolling left
>loading new tiles only when needed
>variable scroll speed
>controller input
>simple sprite management by copying the way games do it. They use a ram buffer.
>loading different graphics when needed
>loading tiles from multiple locations, I can make the scroll much longer if needed
>real time conversion of gameboy tilemap to master system, its pretty basic but saves having to manually edit the data

Needs to be done to make a game
>collision detection
>physics, will try and rip it from another game
>using the controller port for link play with 2 systems
>bank switch and save management
>animation timer
>360 scrolling, held back to make it easier to debug

I've rewrote the whole thing using object oriented principals, this makes it way easier to add or modify things. Each part of the game is broken down into little parts that work a little independent program on their own, its so much neater now.

Tested on a genesis.


I remember that game on snes and gameboy, the digitized graphics were impressive. You'd be playing slots and some guy would come along and ask for $50 for gas for his car and sometimes they'd give you money they won a bit later. Also there was some day time tv movie that featured this game for a bit.

I would go on slots, make save states regularly until you get an encounter. After that examine the ram to see what has changed, it could be a number that counts down maybe.

Assembly doesn't take long to learn. 2 weeks should be enough to learn how to make little hacks. I learned because the only thing people seem to want to make is re translations of final fantasy.

I watched these video to inspire me to learn rom hacking.

>> No.10219137

I'm guessing that porting the games to nes/snes would require rewriting the whole codebase from scratch making even the first two ideas seem quite far fetched.

>> No.10219774

But >>10217405 already posted a screencap of an existing Pokemon game for NES, I think, it's a matter of hacking it to fit the bill.

>> No.10219818
File: 13 KB, 508x475, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's made for a famiclone so the hopes something like it could be hacked are much less enticing.
(picrel is a translated Pokemon Diamond bootleg on the NES)

>> No.10219841

Both Fallout 1 & 2 has been reverse engineered not so long ago.

>> No.10219876 [DELETED] 

/hbg/ aka never fucked a pussy before lmao

I got my end away 30 mins ago.

>> No.10220063 [DELETED] 

OK presumptiuous /pw/ fagtron

>> No.10220797

Shantae (TG-16/PC-FX)

>> No.10220856

>Also there was some day time tv movie that featured this game for a bit.
Easily one of the stranger things I have seen posted on /vr/. Any chance you remember the name of this movie?

>> No.10221395 [DELETED] 

Niggers/trannies, I command you to translate the following into English for me:
>Ryuuki Denshou: Dragoon (pc98 or psx)
>Magic School Lunar (Saturn)
>Growlanser (psx)
>Bakuretsu Hunter R (Saturn)
>Martian Successor Nadesico: The Mission (DC)

>> No.10221570
File: 1.41 MB, 2109x1678, 1690352617729394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10221597


Perfect dark decompiled and ported to PC. Soon we will have a full port.

>> No.10221607

This looks like it would be really easy/boring with mouse aim

>> No.10221613

Yes, but the have full source now so AI could be improved.

>> No.10221748

Any Wii U/Switch port?

>> No.10221780

I remember trying to hack some NES and SNES translations in the early 2000s and everyone ran into 1 of 2 issues. Either you ran into some form of LZ compression or you got told you needed to learn ASM, but there weren't any guides for it. Once you learned how to make a table file, edit palettes and mess around with pointers you were basically shit out of luck for anything else

>> No.10221835

Has anyone tinkered with hacking PS2 games? I thought about translating the Dragon Bal Budokai Tenkaichi games to Arabic. I'm assuming it's similar to dealing with the PSX though

>> No.10221897

It's not official. So it's up to the community to make these ports.

>> No.10222235

Is the tokimemo SNES version good?

>> No.10222332 [DELETED] 

>all fan translators are either transsexuals, negroes, or both
What the fuck are you huffing!?

>> No.10222550

Most great BT3 hacks are in spanish, maybe there's tutorials for translating. There's even a program specific for adding modded characters.

>> No.10222940
File: 3 KB, 256x224, paperboy_knifeboy-GAMP.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> you ran into some form of LZ compression
Yep. Lots of SNES resources are compressed, especially so when there is a ton of text involved.
> you (need) to learn ASM
Yep. English tends to be alot longer than japanese so some text interfaces may need complete reworking in order to fit or make sense.
> You also need to lrn2draw
Yep. Title screen / fancy menu art doesn't retranslate itself!
> there weren't any guides for it.
There certainly are now, check the thread sticky. The SNESdev wiki is a godsend.

>> No.10223651

Why the master system tho

>> No.10223820
File: 756 KB, 512x448, umhangderrachewip5[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F5lazht.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been working on a cape level called "Umhang der Rache" for the past couple of months. It might be the hardest human-beatable level I've ever made.
It's highly inspired by the hardest level I've ever played, which is Precision86's "Umhang der Furcht".
Reason I'm taking so long is that for me, ideas for levels are often difficult to come by.

>> No.10223865

kys zoomer

>> No.10223874

I'll pass.

>> No.10224119
File: 108 KB, 1617x696, samurai showdown update.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

samsho rpg bros.....our patience will be rewarded soon...

>> No.10224316


>> No.10224584
File: 767 B, 80x80, kibbi_hi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> (QoL sux)
i'm not really a fan of the Make Game Easier Coz 2 Hard 4 Zoom hacks, but some games are fundamentally borken'd and seeing those getting fixed is nice.

>> No.10224792
File: 437 KB, 571x467, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More updates from AoC (Aperture of Corruption), we got some new fonts and breakable statues! Picrel is a snapshot of the project running using an everdrive on real hardware (yes the 3d object pre-rendering works as well).

If you want feel free to vote here or on the RHDN forum for which font is your favorite.

>> No.10224798

Looks obnoxious and not fun. Don’t know why you’re wasting your time.

>> No.10225229

Atari bought atari age

It’s so fucking over

>> No.10225271

Sure, but by how much of a stake?

>> No.10225436

any good horror romhacks for games other than smw and sm64?

>> No.10225439

Uh, they own the whole thing

>> No.10225454

Sometimes it's just better. I never want to go back to unskippable cutscenes in Contra: Hard Corps.

>> No.10225501

How do you know that its a 100% stakehold?

>> No.10225509

Find your own source idc, this isn’t reddit

>> No.10225516

I’m a fan translator that wants to get into translating games. How do I get into contact with romhackers that specialize in translation patches?

I’d like to translate sound novels/visual novels like Otogirisou or Majoutachi no Nemuri. I figured since these games are literally just walls of text it shouldn’t be hard to patch.

>> No.10225519

>find your own source
>t.lazy asswipe who is lazy like a typical American Negroid.

>> No.10225521

Sounds like you’re too lazy to do it

>> No.10225543

Nice try throwing it back on me. Plus, how is it reddit to ask for a source, dear DR. Dipshit? Talk about getting minor paranoia.

>> No.10225598
File: 22 KB, 769x720, hbg_kirby_halloween.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok not homebrew or romhacking. atari age sold out. oh well. get over it or make a new thread.

>> No.10225609

Part of that is because early on in development, a friend said it looked "reasonable and fun", which I decided I'd take as criticism.

>> No.10225973

put wario in the level

>> No.10225994
File: 50 KB, 640x530, 1638250711985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nambona the Terrytrap maker is here

>> No.10226005

i got bored of doom around 2018, plus there's not really any incentive to make terry stuff anymore what with /idgames banning all troll wads and aquarius199 being out of action

>> No.10226043

When did /idgames ban all troll wads?

>> No.10226047


>> No.10226054

the last terrywad to be accepted was badcastl.wad on the 12th of december 2016
any attempts afterwards were met with "troll wad" or "terry wad" in the REJECTS log

>> No.10226203

I want Yoshi too

>> No.10226647

does yoshi flight not satisfy you enough

>> No.10227337 [DELETED] 

Where is the lie?

>> No.10227583

Add red herrings, shells you don't use, alternate paths to not take, threats that don't affect the correct path that make you question if your doing it right.

>> No.10227784 [DELETED] 

Negro is a race. Trannies are not a race, dumbfuck.

>> No.10227823

Anyone play FF1 hacks beyond just improvements? Anything notable?

>> No.10227925 [DELETED] 
File: 31 KB, 512x448, hbg_mario_anon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah cool go back to /pol/
entitled retard fuck

>> No.10228136
File: 805 KB, 480x432, game boy os.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was messing around and made this just for laughs. What if the Game Boy had an OS?

>> No.10228161

I can't imagine such a thing would be terribly useful. But when has useful ever stopped anyone from creating something?

>> No.10228385

Here's that link some people wanted

The only upside I could possibly see is that Wade Rosen isn't a complete shitbag like Tommy Tallarico, but then again not driving a company into the ground before it has a chance to do anything is a pretty low bar to overcome

>> No.10228391

Some homebrew options do exist iirc

>> No.10228425

You could make a game out of it like Hypnospace Outlaw

>> No.10228457
File: 687 KB, 3440x2576, GB PS/2 Adapter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could always plug in a keyboard and use it to, uh.. take notes? The possibilities are endless.

>> No.10228523 [DELETED] 

Ok negro-who-is-not-a-tranny

>> No.10228542 [DELETED] 

How would you know that I myself am either of those even, anyway?

>> No.10228571 [DELETED] 

Nta but trannies always seethe whenever trannies are brought up, and romhack troons are the most seetheful of all

>> No.10228579 [DELETED] 

I think it's more likely that people are tired of trannies being brought up all the time in discussions that have nothing to do with them in the first place.

>> No.10228760 [DELETED] 

>nothing to do with them
Anon, they've completely corrupted the entire romhacking/fan translation scene

>> No.10228767



>> No.10228772 [DELETED] 
File: 474 KB, 843x478, white smile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10228950
File: 145 KB, 1304x1080, idk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay fagtachi, I resorted to fagtube becuz ur all gay. So I got FF++ and the sequel, but CDr doesn't have the rom combined so I did the legwork though I never done did anything like it b4. Seems to run anyway.

>> No.10229219
File: 66 KB, 320x240, 1015titlescreen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking for some Shinobi III hack that increases enemy numbers and makes it more challenging and surprising. I know I've seen one a good time ago.

>> No.10229223 [DELETED] 

Only because people keep bringing them up.

>> No.10229758

my level design style probably wouldn't allow for that

>> No.10230149
File: 5 KB, 320x288, gb desktop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I added basic support for drawing bitmaps. It's a bit rough (no transparency, only partial scissor rect support), but it's enough for some icons at least.

>> No.10230230

can you browse 4chan on it?

>> No.10230238

can you post on /hbg/ on it?

>> No.10230279

Well just change the way you design to accommodate my ideas.
What's more important, your approach and the cohesive working of your game, or the flippant suggestion of a mostly uninterested stranger?

>> No.10230283

Only with the modem adapter (sold separately).

>> No.10230628

I'd much rather post using either the PS2 with Modem, OR my PS3.

>> No.10230686 [DELETED] 

No. Because they insist that any sphere of which they are a part be completely subservient to their weird fetish. There are exceptions to troondom of course, just like not all blacks are niggers, but they are just that. Exceptions

>> No.10230704

The X needs to be an odd number of pixels so it doesn't form a square in the middle

>> No.10230716

Yeah, sister anon. What's your problem, huh? You not gonna kowtow to the angry mob of autism?

>> No.10230774
File: 7 KB, 320x288, gbdesk - transparency.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah... I know. It wasn't like that originally, but making the window icons 8x8 messed things up. On the bright side, at least transparency is working now.

>> No.10230803 [DELETED] 

Thats an albino daemon

>> No.10230809

Anyone know any pokemon tcg (gbc) hacks? I have played the Neo hack and the English translation of the Japan-only GR sequel. I would love to find a hack that has added in newer cards without removing or editing all the old ones. The Neo creator took liberties and transformed the game

>> No.10230832

>How do I get into contact with romhackers
>that specialize in translation patches?
has a list of WIP fan translations; they've got their hacking problems solved and some may help with yours or invite you to join them

>> No.10230876

>PS vita
That is not retro.

>> No.10231009

Nice... What's it for though?

>> No.10231147

>What homebrew / hacks are you playing

I host a live stream of games controlled by chat commands. I had to figure out how to make my own rom hacks and change games so that trolls couldn't enter words that would get my accounts banned. So far, we've played through EarthBound twice, also done Eightbound (Final Fantasy/Earthbound crossover game), randomized EarthBound (earthbound.app version) and Pokemon Red (Shin edition).

I would like to run Mother 1, but I can't figure out how to edit it so that the game doesn't reset on death or freeze when you answer 'No' on the phone to Dad. I suppose the only way is to run the game with a debugger and catch a log file and try to figure out whats happening? Its a nes rom.

>> No.10231151

oh, and I just run the games with the control channel locked to regulars for roms I can't hack, but it's not ideal.

>> No.10231153

another simple edit to prevent text entry trolling would be to disable deleting save files, and fill up the three slots before live streaming.

>> No.10231346
File: 1.35 MB, 806x1000, Jew-vision.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jewing like the Anal log pooket guys I see...

>> No.10231389

Are GBA series pokemon hacks discussed much here? I try checking out /rheg/ every once in a while but it's always filled with faggy discord drama, coomers, or schizos, so it seems like a waste of time.

>> No.10231504

what you into breh? Theres decompilations of GBA pokemon games

>> No.10231529

Clover, I guess.

>> No.10232574
File: 5 KB, 320x288, gbdesk - text.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basic text rendering is working now. It's pretty limited, but it gets the job done. I've never actually done variable-width font rendering before, but it turned out alright I think.
Currently it only runs on the Game Boy Color, but DMG compatibility might be possible with some refinement. The main issue is uploading the framebuffer to VRAM in a timely manner. The GBC can just brute force it using DMA, but the old monochrome brick isn't such a powerhouse. A more selective approach would be necessary to avoid refreshing any unnecessary pixels. So it's possible, just more complicated.

>> No.10232702


>> No.10233626
File: 6 KB, 256x224, 1668395068600567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing around with a sewers, combined a few things from around that I liked

>> No.10233657
File: 16 KB, 420x350, nesdev.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yearly NESdev competition is live; deadline says end of Nov but they extend it to the end of year every time lol
a bunch of awesome games have come from this, usually submited as demos / prototypes and finished later on

>> No.10234656

Damn guess no one has any idea about it.

>> No.10235042

is done now

>> No.10235405

Guys maybe pretend I filled this post with bait

I found a Kanto mainline pokemon themed rom hack but the patch froze whenever cards would be rendered. I heard about a Gym Heroes version but havent actually find it and tried it yet

>> No.10236150

Making Zettai Karen Children on NGC (GameCube)

>> No.10236475
File: 5 KB, 320x288, a typeface for ants.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now with working clip rect support for bitmaps (not pictured) and a teeny-tiny font for itty-bitty text (not pictured?).

I'm not sure how far I want to go with this, but I'd like to at least get it to where you can open, close, and move windows around (using the clip rect feature to reduce overdraw and flickering). It's just for fun, though, so nothing too serious. I mainly just want it to look cool since it will never be more than a novelty anyways.

>> No.10236751
File: 514 B, 120x124, PissedOffStar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love the mario land 2 submarine graphics
congrats! looks fuckin brutal lol

>> No.10236852

I'm looking for anything that gives a good sense of adventure, oftentimes the hacks I see are QOL improvements or weird OC games for autists and masochists. Gaia was good but it felt a little too safe for me. I also really like fakemon but I know it's rare to find any games that use them extensively, let alone good ones.

I've also been working on my own project but never got anything beyond mapping done so I was wondering if there were any tools or supplementary resources I needed beyond porymap because I only messed with scripting back in the day when there was only binary hacking.

>> No.10236865
File: 20 KB, 1024x224, 1671880005475375.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon! Originally the level/boss at the end were just the sml2 sub tileset

>> No.10237016


>> No.10237649

I've said it before but you could make a sweet game out of this. Hacking simulator, murder mystery, etc.

>> No.10237726


>> No.10238434

This font is looking great.

>> No.10238480

A game makes a lot of sense given the platform, but an OS is just more fun to me for some reason (even if it's pointless). Cool idea, though.

>> No.10238708

Now give it a working N64 emulator

>> No.10238772

N64 but with a net browser.

>> No.10239506

I want to apply 2 patches to a game. How can I check if both patches are compatible with each other?

>> No.10239556

nvm I found a utility called Patch Checker. For posterity: https://www.romhacking.net/utilities/1080/..

If anyone knows of a more flexible utility that works on non .ips files I'd still be interested in learning about it.

>> No.10240512
File: 61 KB, 300x276, mario_isScrewed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10240521

ps1 unreal championship(xbox version), ps1 starfox 2, ps1 elite 2.

>> No.10240764 [DELETED] 

Rent free :)

>> No.10240785 [DELETED] 

The tranny mods and admins of all the major hacking sites have been commanded to make those requests, beckoned from the stratosphere, and they will comply.

>> No.10240803

fuck yeah

>> No.10241080
File: 47 KB, 513x848, armipsconfusion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you apply an armips patch to a ds game (Angelique DS)? I'm trying to apply the patch cause it changes the game to have ascii support and half width/english font. it asks for a bin file that I don't recognize (03n.bin) but "unpacks" the arm9 file in output. Do I have to decompress the arm9 file myself to find that bin or...?

>> No.10241097

Is it possible to hack ROMs on a(n android) phone? Would like to do little translation projects for practice while I wait to get a laptop

>> No.10241142

>read as "armpits patch" at first
>holy smokes, those fetish guys are dedicated, I'll give them that

>> No.10241164
File: 47 KB, 170x270, dr_wright.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Would like to do little translation projects ... on a(n android) phone?
What system?
You could just do the text translation work on the phone, write down translation, get home, do the actual work on a PC?
I don't know of any good debugging emulators or assemblers / compilers that work on Android. I'm not saying they're arent any, but man, developing on a phone with that shit screen keyboard instead of like 3 monitors and a mouse just seems like hell lol

>> No.10241179

> armips patch
well i don't know much about DS dev, but i can tell you right now that's assembly and needs to be assembled and somehow injected into the ROM.
Assemblers like WLA-DX allow you to use a ROM as a "background" and assemble code on top of the existing binary, my guess is that is what is going on with this

>> No.10241215

>what system?
Huawei Honor X8
>developing on a phone with that shit screen
True. I fucking hate this tiny thing but I'm sure I can use a keyboard attachment or something

>> No.10241235

> Huawei Honor X8
not your phone lol the console you want to make translations for LOL
also before you get any bright ideas why don't you attempt whatever you want to do on a desktop computer first....

>> No.10241251

ah! I'm doing it for SNES. Want to mess around with FF6. psp is cool too but I don't want to jump the gun
>why don't you attempt on a desktop computer
I don't have one ;_; I was working on stuff before but I lost it once I moved

>> No.10241262

It 100% possible. There are hex editors and interpreters on mobile platforms that are more than capable for this type of thing. I mean if you really wanted to, it's pretty clunky but not horrible.

>> No.10241276

> Want to mess around with FF6
Ok, well, here's how it goes around here. People come in with big hair brained multi-year project ideas thinking they could knock it out in a couple weekends; not realizing what they want to do is going to take months or years of their lives. They spend maybe a week or two on it and move on with their lives. This is with a proper PC. You're compounding an android phone into that equation...
What i would do is go to a flea market, garage sale, ebay, facebook marketplace, what have you, and buy any computer you can; SNES emulators will run on anything built in the last 15 years.
You might be able to do some of the work on your phone on a commute but good god just get yourself a shitty laptop instead lol

>> No.10241476

Kino add on

>> No.10241489
File: 751 KB, 1920x1080, retroarch_CUMoM4FaNj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody here played Super Junkoid? Any idea what to do in this room?

>> No.10241496

nevermind, i tried using my brain for once and figured it out

>> No.10241507

>.open OldFileName,NewFileName,HeaderSize
03n.bin is the original (unpatched) arm9.bin you get from extracting the .nds
Rename it to 03n.bin, place it and the .asm file from your pic next to armips.exe, create UNPACK dir next to the .exe and drop .asm on .exe (same as executing "armips.exe code.asm" in the cmd console)

>> No.10241730

How did it feel to use your brain?

>> No.10241731

How do I add more characters to a line for a ds game if the japanese sentence uses 5 characters but the english game needs 7 characters?

>> No.10241802

So let's say the original text in game is "知らない..." and when doing the translation is "I don't know...", how would you add more characters in a hex editor so it would add those extra things?

>> No.10241845

"Borrow" characters from the next line and see what happens. You'll probably have to find the pointer to that line and reposition (increase) it.
That's not the solution though, because eventually you (or someone capable) will have to write script decompiler and recompiler for that game (or its engine).

>> No.10241970

Usually there's a string pointer table somewhere that can be used to relocate strings to unused parts of the ROM. You can do this by hand, but it's slow and error-prone. That's why I recommend writing a utility to automate the process (once you get to that point in development).

In my case, I ended up making a tool that extracts the game script into a custom text format. After editing the script in a normal text editor, it then gets re-injected using the same utility. All the pointer adjustments are handled automatically.

For reference, the script file ended up looking like this:
Lines prefixed with # are commands. Lines prefixed with ## are comments.
I hope that helps.

>> No.10242451
File: 6 KB, 320x288, PJ64.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Now give it a working N64 emulator
Way ahead of you there. The XBox emulator is almost finished too.

>> No.10242504
File: 5 KB, 320x288, micro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On another note, I've been experimenting with ways to maximize screen real estate. Pic related uses the smaller font throughout along with smaller icons (sized 12x12 and 6x6). It feels a bit less cramped, in my opinion.

As for the programming side of things, it has an actual GUI subsystem now (meaning it's no longer just dumb calls to the graphics API). There's a total of 5 windows in this image, by the way. Aside from the obvious three, both the desktop and taskbar are also windows. This fact is hidden by using the "borderless" window style.

>> No.10242775

Well I'll be a monkey's uncle

>> No.10243002
File: 518 KB, 1920x993, kirby_practice_rom6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> smaller font ... 12x12 and 6x6
how are you doing that in regards to 8x8 tiles? ...are you dynamically rendering that?!

>> No.10243054

this is very cool anon

>> No.10243061

Everything except the cursor is software-rendered, so there's no need to fit everything into a tile grid. Of course, the framebuffer is still made of 8x8 tiles internally, but that detail is hidden away behind the graphics API. As far as the application is concerned, it's working with a bitmap display.

As for performance... Well, it won't be running many action games this way. It's far too slow to redraw everything every frame. But for simple GUI applications where not much changes, it should be perfectly adequate.

>> No.10243202
File: 4 KB, 256x224, short4sure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did this in one week, It's a small romhack that reuses assets from the /v/ hacks, but it's not a successor to said hacks

>> No.10243234

> so there's no need to fit everything into a tile grid
Ah, the GBC has enough tiles to fill the screen and you're just using them like a framebuffer?
OG GB does not have enough tiles to fill the screen, wasn't sure if you had to switch RAM banks or set tile pointers mid-frame or something.

>> No.10243253
File: 8 KB, 480x320, siesta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Teaching the german girl how to take a proper siesta.

>> No.10243323
File: 32 KB, 512x416, 1694671079146410.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's like 850 links in the OP and pastebins, I was just hoping for a list of must-play romhacks. I'm mainly looking for overhauls, reworks, new content etc.

Can someone point me in the right direction?

>> No.10243521

Haven't seen one, but if you go to
you can scroll through games and sort by downloads (plus some hacks have reviews)

baddesthacks has some of the funnier stuff that gigadorks chimped out over

>> No.10243904
File: 15 KB, 715x495, vram.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The original Game Boy has just barely enough tiles to fill the screen. And like you say, it has to do scanline effects to even display them all. The Game Boy Color can do it a different way using VRAM banks, but I'm using the older technique in the hopes of making everything monochrome-compatible in the future.

Pic related shows how VRAM is arranged. As you can see, the front buffer takes up most of VRAM, leaving only 24 tiles for cursors and other stuff (ignoring the right side since it's color-only). This isn't really a problem, though, since other graphics can be stored in ROM or RAM and drawn directly to the framebuffer (taking up zero additional VRAM).

>> No.10244048

>The mad lad returns
I really wish I had your level of dedication, even if it means being a complete and utter degenerate.

>> No.10244127

Pretty good. I like how Shu made his spritework very expressive.

>> No.10244179

>Kage - WeaponSelect Both-player 5-in-1 Mode 3.6

Wish this dude made a western-friendly version of these patches. There's a bunch of interesting hacks for Shadow of the Ninja which it could improve, and a specific patch to remove the black bar on the left.

>> No.10244226

The games have been disassembled. You can edit the code directly and recompile on the fly. Ive been messing with Pokemon Red’s disassembly lately. I combined the full color and gender selection hacks and made it so when you play as Green, she is actually green. There are a lot of tutorials on the asm too.

>> No.10244295


>> No.10244525

really great hack probably the best this year (subversion was last year, right?). to bad its rather short and the exploration is also more on the easier side.

>> No.10244538
File: 819 KB, 880x880, command_and_conquer_kane.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> oftentimes the hacks I see are ... weird OC games for autists and masochists
That's because autists and masochists are the only ones who finish hacks lol. Normies don't finish hacks.
this is really damn cool, thanks for sharing!

>> No.10244594

No idea if its been done yet, but I love to see SMW Mario instead of Yoshi in Yoshi's Island.

>> No.10245159

Mario carrying Mario? Would he lay eggs?!

>> No.10245576 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 13 KB, 480x320, siesta_pron.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've kept working on it, but since I'm with spoiler stuff I can't show too much.

>> No.10245614


>> No.10245764
File: 24 KB, 348x288, 1628774664044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't even post censored pics?

>> No.10245810

probably because the boobs are too big

>> No.10246059
File: 21 KB, 480x320, wedding.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the deleted post I was saying that I have kept working on it, but since I'm with spoiler stuff, I shouldn't show too much.

>> No.10246062
File: 4 KB, 256x240, 1679492987920134.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yellow submarine

>> No.10246085

Sounds like boobism to me

>> No.10246818

You can get married too? This game keeps getting better and better

>> No.10246851
File: 25 KB, 500x374, olivia_munn_g4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the donkey scene in the Chrono Trigger house was my favorite so far, kek
happy he is making another appearance

>> No.10247360
File: 19 KB, 480x320, freshers_party.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, and you can also get divorced.
He has its own "social link".

>> No.10247670
File: 10 KB, 496x239, 1670686089770579.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3-3 is now complete!

>> No.10248051
File: 646 KB, 480x432, drag effect (color).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been messing around with moving graphics. This test uses the old XOR effect that was a common sight in operating systems back in the day, especially when dragging windows around and such. The reason XOR was used is because it's fast and reversible. If you need to move a shape, just draw it again at its current position and it disappears. Then, you can draw the shape at its new position, repeating the whole process if it needs to be moved again.

And I have to say... With the cursor moving at 60 FPS and the screen updating at 20 FPS, it feels a lot more responsive than I imagined. Dragging windows around should end up feeling pretty smooth.

>> No.10248056
File: 430 KB, 480x432, drag effect (monochrome).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But... the original Game Boy doesn't fare so well. While it manages to draw the shape to the framebuffer pretty quickly, the changes don't appear on-screen until the framebuffer is actually copied to VRAM. This process takes a lot longer on the original Game Boy due to its lack of DMA features. It's has no option but to copy the tile data manually, one byte at a time.

Currently, it only manages to update a measly 14 tiles per frame. And since the framebuffer is made of 360 tiles, that means it takes 26 whole frames to do a complete refresh (or about 2.3 FPS). That's a far cry from the Game Boy Color, which can do 120 tiles per frame without breaking a sweat (giving around 20 FPS). In other words: the Game Boy Color is around 10 times as fast at copying tiles into VRAM (even faster using HBlank DMA).

To get a more responsive frame rate, it will either need to prioritize the tiles that need to be updated most, or use HBlank (the brief period between scanlines) to transfer more tiles per frame. Both options will add extra complexity and overhead for the original Game Boy's already overworked 4 MHz CPU, but I won't let that discourage me. It wouldn't be fun it were easy.

>> No.10248089
File: 253 KB, 579x458, 1550011720205.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what happened to the anon working on snes simcity with mouse support? did he finish it?

>> No.10248120

IIRC, he ran into a critical bug at the 9th hour and had to put it on indefinite hold until he could figure out how to fix it. He didn't want to put it out when he knew it was broken.

>> No.10248546

I don't know any real world uses for a Game Boy OS but the shit you write is fucking fascinating. Can you give the taskbar a different palette on GBC?

>> No.10248568
File: 48 KB, 474x296, daemonclaw1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New kickstarter for Sega, Neo geo and later amiga called Daemon claw.


I use flips, Floating IPS

>> No.10248589
File: 68 KB, 960x1280, photo_2023-09-15_23-55-05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wii U bros, I am using Nusspli to download and install games directly the console. This seems to good to be true.

>> No.10248593

Wait, I think I am in the wrong general...

>> No.10248741

Will this OS support the Game Boy Printer?

>> No.10249287

>Can you give the taskbar a different palette on GBC?
Good idea. It would help make the GBC version look less monochromatic. I'll have to try that out.
>Will this OS support the Game Boy Printer?
It probably won't amount to much more than a GUI tech demo, but ideally it would support the printer, along with a handful of other peripherals. PS/2 keyboard and mouse support would be a must, even if it can only handle one at a time (at least, not without cheating and using something like an arduinoboy).

>> No.10249552

Ran into the worst kind of bug and didn't want to release it like that, and I guess he still hasn't pinned down the problem. Damn shame. I hope it gets figured out.

>> No.10250528

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zikn4BNZ5Os soon

>> No.10251578


>> No.10252102

>what's your dream game /vr/ ?
(existing game) on (another platform) with no originality whatsoever.