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10218619 No.10218619 [Reply] [Original]

What's the verdict on King's Field and From Software?

>> No.10218634


>> No.10218659

They had "it" until after Dark Souls went big and then everything after Ds1 is pretty down hill.

>> No.10218665


>> No.10218672

I'm planning on playing Armored Core 1 in the near future, seeing as my only experience with that game is playing the demo like 20+ years ago. I'll be playing King's Field as well, looking forward to it.

>> No.10218761

they found a formula for a game that make people want to play it even when it's absolute jank and now they are chipping away the jank one game at a time

>> No.10218764

I enjoy AC1 but I hate how limiting some aspects are, like how you basically can't use quad legs at all because of how little weight they support

>> No.10218768

They basically give you super-speed.

>> No.10218773

yeah at the cost of no fucking guns

>> No.10218808

Great games, really enjoyed them a lot more than I thought I would going in totally blind with no guide. Still need to check out 4 though.

If I had to rank them, I'd personally say 3>1>2 but they're all pretty close.

>> No.10218857

Like manna from heaven.

>> No.10218863

King's Field + Shadow Tower are kino and I will never get tired of replaying them.

>> No.10219153

The old games are pretty fine if very overrated these days because of Dark Souls fans. Modern Fromsoft is one of the most creatively bankrupt devs I can think of that aren't just obviously taking the piss like Ubisoft. Honestly amazed with what they keep getting away with.

>> No.10219156
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It has cute fairy.

>> No.10219256

Nothing wrong with a company working within the framework it knows it can succeed in. It does nothing outside of minor iterations upon what it has done before, no different than before. They're not obligated to reinvent the wheel for your entertainment, someone else can fill that niche.

>> No.10219263

>Modern Fromsoft is one of the most creatively bankrupt devs I can think of
I don't keep up with modern gaming QRD?

>> No.10219265

I had King's Field III JP (II in US I think) back in the 90s. I remember buying it (bootleg) because it seemed mysterious and I could explore a big 3D map. Never got too far. I always took it as a "guilty pleasure" kind of game.
I became surprised when I learned King's Field is now a "cult" series due to the Souls games.

>> No.10219270

I don't know really, they seem to be the most creative and consistent studios around with a high rate of output too. I think nintendofags got really upset at them basically dominating the past decade while no matter what Nintendo does they can't capture the same excitement.

>> No.10219275

who talked about nintendo?

>> No.10219276

I did, it's the only ones I've seen get angry at them.

>> No.10219321

What gun specifically are you trying to use? There are other components that can cause you weight issues.

>> No.10219483

Lmao stfu nerd. King's Field was never good
>extremely clunky combat
>endless hallways masking for "dungeons"
>soft locking everywhere

>> No.10219516

People didn't care for FromSoft until Dark Soul.
>inb4 muh armored core
OK games at best.

>> No.10219521

yeah bro you are so unique you enjoy only unpopular things, stfu nigger

>> No.10219538

Year back I marathoned KF1, 2, and 3, still gotta do Ancient City. Each game is a huge jump from the last, and each has their good points.
You'll enjoy much more with a guide. It's far too esoteric for its own good but once you get the feel for it past on floor 1 it goes way faster than you'd think.
Huge increase in scope. The start is incredibly rough, but once you get some crystal flasks and set your first teleport to the largest town right with direct access to the large fountain it speeds up considerably and gets more and more fun all the way to the final boss.
Is considerably more modern in its approach than the previous two. It starts off pretty linear and then branches off into different areas. I enjoyed it but later on there's a certain lack of energy to it that KF1 and 2 had, like they ran out of ideas and wanted it to be over. Still a fun game.
If you enjoy 1st person dungeon crawling as well as more slow paced action games it's right up your alley, at least it was for me.

>> No.10219540

Elden Ring is the best game of the last 10 years. People will still be playing it in 100 years. Sorry you cannot see that.

>> No.10219541

Dark Souls 2 is pretty FROMSOFTWARE, just not in the best way, it's Bloodborne when this strange idea of the company being a developer of mainstream flashy action games like Team Ninja or Platinum Games was willed into existence and they fixated on doing the same shit over and over like it's the only way to make a good game.

>> No.10219580

Unironically? Filtered.

>> No.10219591

Look I agree fromfags on /v/ are delusional but you cannot say this with a straight face when about 200 other 'studios' are more egregious

>> No.10219593


>> No.10219597

They invented a genre, which isn't the same thing as doing stuff 'over and over again', retard.

>> No.10219601

it's so fucking funny watching these cockroach iq npcs all shit talking from software JUST because their games are popular now. literal copy paste humans with no personalities.

>armored core
mixed bag but mostly good
>king's field

every single game they've released with miyazaki has been incredible OBVIOUSLY to anyone who likes video games

>> No.10219602


Watch this video and tell me King's Field didn't age absolutely horribly. Maybe that shit felt new back in the 90s but endless halfways without textures doesn't seem very appealing to me.

>> No.10219623

They're inauthentic people who are unable to develop genuine taste, and get their worth out of disliking things others like. They live by virtue of wanting to feel 'different' and 'unique' by doing the opposite of a majority of people they despise, yet cannot live without as without them they'd be unable to be a person. It's the same type of person who'd fall for reactionary politics, so like 90% of 4chan basically.

>> No.10219626
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>My e-daddy said I don't get to like it so I don't.

>> No.10219632
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The only gun that matters

>> No.10219638

I wouldn't call them creatively bankrupt because that implies they've run out of ideas and are running on fumes. FROM is the opposite, they're like Banpresto with Super Robot Wars. They know how to make exactly ONE (two in FROM's case since AC also exists) game so they just keep making it.

>> No.10219660

That's like saying all action adventure games with dungeons are the same game because Zelda exists

>> No.10219686

Learn to use another gun you fucking baby lol it will help when you play the other games

>> No.10219689

I play the Japanese-only first game and I love it.

>> No.10219694

>What's the verdict on King's Field and From Software?
Top Ludo

>> No.10219734

Inventing a genre has nothing to do with using the same enemy and boss design in three different genres, which wasn't even really initially part of that supposed new genre.

>> No.10219752

Elden Ring is basically Dark Souls 4 so I don't see the problem, and the reused assets only hold true for a handful of optional minor bosses and some series staple enemies like the big lobsters and the curse frogs or whatever they're called. Sekiro and Bloodborne are completely different games. Stop whining.

>> No.10219779

I did, if anything i didn't like how 4A was so easy due to boost spamming that I could beat the whole thing with a basic machinegun without changing out my equipment, that goes against the whole spirit of AC where you change your setup to suit the mission.

>> No.10219789

I think the argument can be made that Soulsborne Ring is effectively the same game when so many mechanics bleed from one game into the next that it's mainly seen as just a constant refinement of a formula they think works. AC was more varied in that regard as they liked to change things up, though 4/4A bucked the trend by being too mobile and thus going against the core philosophy I mentioned here >>10219779

>> No.10219795

FROM was a shovelware-tier developer in the /vr/ days in terms of budget but that didn't matter since the games being so low budget meant they only had to sell like 100k copies to fund the next one.

>> No.10219809

MG spam is the easy answer to single player missions in almost every Armored Core game, about the only thing special about for Answer is that you aren't forced to start with a pea shooter rifle and wait 5 missions before you can buy the bullet hose and it's one of the more forgiving games financially so you're less incentivized to avoid the ammo expense.

>> No.10219830

The "basic machinegun" whoops ass in every AC, including first gen ones. The Karasawa is a fun laser cannon but you're going to be a lot more mobile and efficient with one of the MGs.

>> No.10219861

Damn this triggered a lot of /v/ zoomers

>> No.10219870


Blow your fucking brains out and leave this board

>> No.10219950

You only need one gun bro. 2 max.

>> No.10219968
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>Grab King's Field 1 after seeing so much talk about it
>Start game
>Wander into a room, find a fantasy wall and get murdered by a skeleton

I'll need to come back to that place when I'm a little tougher, but that bony son of a bitch was guarding a chest. I want what's inside that chest.

>> No.10219978

Alright guys, listen up. I know we all love Dark Souls and think it's the greatest thing since sliced bread, but let's be real here - King's Field is just riding on its coattails. Both games are pretty bad, let me tell ya.

First of all, let's talk about the graphics. King's Field looks like an early PlayStation game, and not in a cool nostalgic way. The environments are bland and the character models are laughable. And don't even get me started on the clunky animations.

Next up, the gameplay. King's Field is slow and tedious, with boring combat and frustrating puzzles. It's like they took the worst parts of old-school RPGs and mashed them together. And don't even get me started on the save system. Who wants to trek all the way back to a save point every time they die? Not me, that's for damn sure.

And finally, let's talk about the story. Or lack thereof. King's Field just throws you into a world with no explanation or context, and expects you to figure it all out on your own. It's like they didn't even bother trying to create a compelling narrative.

So there you have it, folks. King's Field is just riding on the coattails of Dark Souls, and both games are pretty bad. Don't be fooled by the hype - there are way better games out there, such as Gothic I and II.

>> No.10220020
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They can't resist lol.

>> No.10220032

I loved the first one so much (the actual first one), I thought I was going to play them all, but I stopped playing the second game because it was just too overwhelming I guess. I had decided that I would draw my own map to remember landmarks. Also that game has vicious frame drops that are a lot more noticeable than the first game (maybe the first one is always slow, so it feels better?). I think they're very good though.

>> No.10220034

The character models are considerably detailed in terms of polygon count for a launch title.

>And finally, let's talk about the story. Or lack thereof. King's Field just throws you into a world with no explanation or context, and expects you to figure it all out on your own. It's like they didn't even bother trying to create a compelling narrative.

Sounds like you hate discovery.

>> No.10220095


Why did you write this post? Are you drunk?

>> No.10220101

I had the most fun with KF4, but i can never get far in any of em cause i always end up lost.

>> No.10220178
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I think in general they're like any game dev company for me, I preferred them when their games were lower budget and lower dev time so they could afford/would be willing to experiment more. My favorite games from them are probably DeS, Eternal Ring and Shadow Tower Abyss, all for the weird alien atmosphere.

Is picrel what you were going for here?

>> No.10220197

I read that post in George Wood's voice.

>> No.10220217

I dislike it just for the fact that it kills off the previous protagonists. Which is something i hate in every game that does it.

>> No.10220237

Plenty has been said about souls (not retro) but Cookie and Cream is a fantastic co-op game.

>> No.10220239

>Gaming in the Clinton Years
Man that fucking takes me back, shame Slowbeef's fans went apeshit on the guy just because beef thought some of his videos were low-quality.

>> No.10220642
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>> No.10220689
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making kino since day one.

>> No.10221469

But that's a videospiel.

>> No.10221485

The mirror of truth is so fucking cool. I also loved the sorcerer's labyrinth with the crazy music, game has great music. When I beat the game I checked out how the speedrun looks, and saw to my dismay that you can simply teleport out of the maze using the dragon rod the girl gives you. But I'm glad I wasn't quick witted enough to realize that, and played through the place. It was very intense and memorable.

>> No.10221492

>Maybe that shit felt new back in the 90s
Where do you think we are

>> No.10221601

KF1 is really cool. i didn't know about the dragon rod letting you skip that part but i like running through it anyway for the treasure. also like the little story bit that the reason why the original map doesn't cover most of the 4th and 5th floors is the dark sorcerer was digging and making the uncharted areas himself.

>> No.10221618

this kills the /v/tard

>> No.10221621

It teleports you to the entrance to the level you're on, so a thinking player might remember they have it and realize they didn't enter level 4 through the 'front'. Personally I think that's the reason she gives it to you, lore-wise.

>> No.10221635

>muh inauthentic people
truly an incredible topic here for making vtards this upset.

>> No.10221647

Dark souls 1 with the DLC was premium

>> No.10221679

It's a cool dungeon crawler game from people who probably loved Wizardry (it's really big in Japan). I respect it. Nu-From Software is overrated though.

>> No.10221696

i love king's field if you dont like it you are retarded

>> No.10221698

she freaked me out when i found her but turns out she was a nice person

>> No.10221705

i remember hearing that demon's souls was meant to be king's field 5 until miyasaki got his hands on it

>> No.10221708

nice keep outing yourself as being retarded

>> No.10221710

i didnt need a guide for the first(JP) game i dont get whats so esoteric about it

>> No.10221719

thars because you are retarded and your rotted brain needs constant stimulation

>> No.10221726

this faggot had to resort to linking a video of his favorite eceleb because he cant come up with his own opinion, holy shit please kill yourself

>> No.10221737

demon's souls was great, dark souls 1 was only half good the rest of the games afterwards are mediocre

>> No.10221742

you can tottaly beat him at level 1 i always do its a nice exp boost i think the chest has a shield i dont remember but i do remember it wasnt worth it

>> No.10221756

>Most of the first ever mentions of King's Field on the board are from soulsfags who went back to play it after playing DS according to archives

>> No.10221759

the dlc was demon's souls tier level of goodnes in my opinion

>> No.10221761

Probably because the people deriding it never played it.

>> No.10221776

not a single good game

>> No.10221793

You’re mentally ill

>> No.10221806

Does it bother you to know everyone knows what you're like?

>> No.10221909
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this thread is barely /vr/ since its devolved into everyone talking about Dark Souls and /v/ console war retarded shitflinging, but

this is very wrong, they're one of the last companies left to experiment at all since the HD era made experimentation much more costly. As another anon said yeah they experimented much more back in the day but that's because their games were cheap as fuck to develop and they'd be pumping out like 5 a year at one point. Souls games are their breadwinner but Sekiro and Armored Core 6 were huge derisions from that and were risks most devs would not take these days.

You say "obviously taking the piss like Ubisoft" but most modern game devs are like that. Rockstar doesn't make games anymore and just sits on infinite GTA5 money, Square Enix sits on infinite FF14 money and just pumps out garbage constantly, Valve doesn't make games anymore, Bethesda barely makes games anymore and they're way more creatively bankrupt than Fromsoft, Konami doesn't make games anymore. Don't even get me started on Blizzard.

Most AAA devs are in the business of making live-service skinnerboxes these days and that's why we play retro games so much. Really the only two AAA devs left that I can think of that still consistently release a bunch of quality games from different genres are Nintendo and Capcom. FromSoft I think is slowly but surely getting there too. We almost definitely won't see another King's Field game since the Souls games were its spiritual successor, but I hope they really expand what they can do and continue to make games from a variety of genres.

>> No.10222231

>>king's field
Nigga the game was unknown for a well damn reason until Fromsoft fags started digging the company past games.
>Armored core
Games always where ok at best.
Says whatever you want about them post Demon's Souls and you may be right but don't act like their past shit was good because only makes you look like a pretentious fuck.

>> No.10222240

Speak for yourself, high minded fuckwad.

>> No.10222263

Most Fromsoft fans are just that, a bunch of pretentious dimwits, they think they are better than most just because they are fans of "hard" games and think they are better than your average consumer but that's all they have and when people call them on it they act like they are hot shit, look how many fans started complaining about Elden Ring being casualized just because they could lose their shitty status as "hardcore".
Do Fromsoft make good games? Hell yeah, but God damn their fanboys are annoying as fuck.

>> No.10222264

They are fucking obnoxious.

>> No.10222267

Understandable sentiment indeed. However, I don't think being casualized is the best option all the time for every series.

>> No.10222270

Of course not, I do believe in gate keeping as much as possible but don't act like hot shit for liking unknown series.

>> No.10222275

I didnt even know this guy is an e-celeb damn, why so mad? Go have sex or something you frustrated nerds

>> No.10222279

I've been here since 2006 and never browse /v/, retarded zoomer. Go be a reactionary on /pol/ or something you dimwit.

>> No.10222282

Dark Souls was already well known back then. The series was never obscure. Elden Ring arguably has the hardest bosses in a FromSoft game ever, and summons have been there since the beginning.

>> No.10222302

fromfags really are insufferable everywhere on the internet huh

>> No.10222315

Go have your daily BBC binge, cuck.

>> No.10222345

none of the King's Field games were directed by Miyazaki and they're definitely just as much of a mixed bag as armored core if not more. They got really bad reviews at the time and even now I think they're only good for a small niche of people, I really liked King's Field IV but I found the PS1 games to be pretty unenjoyable due to being games with no map and indistinguishable environments. IV doesn't have a map either but the environments are distinguishable enough that you can at least get a feel for your surroundings.

>> No.10222373

>IV doesn't have a map either
It has though. There are several partial 2D maps and a complete 3D map.

>> No.10222383

the seething to this response shows its true

>> No.10222460

90% of the posts itt should be pruned

>> No.10222503

Le reactionary face

>> No.10222515

>makes shit take
>gets pwned
>p-pls ban all mean replies jannies

>> No.10222842
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>someone brings up souls
>becomes a /v/ tier thread
better luck next time, bye

>> No.10222868

I like Echo Night better.

>> No.10222884

DS2 is pretty much an indie game. The true From Software made DS, DaS1, BB and DaS3.

>> No.10222928

Why do you people think I can't read credits

>> No.10222930
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Hear me out though

>> No.10223216

I'm about to get scorched for this but its crazy to me how these King's Field games actually exist. They almost come across as ancient fake games you'd have seen in a television show in the late 90s. They don't seem like they were actually created as real games at all. They definitely seem interesting though as far as exploration goes. Combat not so much and a part of the reason why has to do with how the games look fake.

>> No.10223307 [DELETED] 

Trying to get into KF1 (JP) right now. How do I save?

>> No.10223335

How would you say Echo Night and Shadow Tower compare to King's Field?

>> No.10223428


>> No.10223432

wow you're important, and you live by an interesting and valuable code

>> No.10223436

That's true lol. But I disagree about the combat. It's simple distance management and timing, but it gets a little more interesting when you get different weapons and spells.
I clicked on the eceleb video and he called it jank, it is not jank, it's consistent and mechanically sound. It's just basic.

>> No.10223437

replying to him validates him

>> No.10223458

I don't think it's very good personally

>> No.10223461

They are special. There's a high level of vision to the directing of the game, beyond 99 percent of games. The combat works quite well once you get used to it.

>> No.10223465

>King's Field hater recommends gothic
I thought we were brothers... These games are both peak oblique roleplaying

>> No.10223832

Meant to reply to >>10223216 idk how the hell I did that

Echo Night is a narrative/adventure game as far as I can tell, I only played the first 15 minutes, I doubt it has any action/combat later.
Shadow Tower is like a sister game to King's Field, similar gameplay, but different progression.

>> No.10223869

People will still be playing a lot of games in 100 years as long as humans haven't obliterated themselves by that point. Being the best recent game isn't saying much when Namco, Koei and Fromsoft are the only companies left still producing good games.

>> No.10223886

Lol you didn't even watch the video you invoked because the guy had mostly good things to say about the game

>> No.10223893

That was obviously going to be the case. Dark Souls sold better than all previous FromSoft games combined.

>> No.10224235

Pretty sure this is literally ChatGPT. No human being would write like this much of a fag.

>> No.10224273

it's finely-crafted bait

>> No.10224314

I think you mean a AA game trying to go AAA but falling short. From were always AA and you can usually tell the point in the games when the budget ran dry

I haven't played newer ACs but the most effective weapons in PS1 ACs to me was manually aimed bazookas and the large rocket launcher. Just point the camera the right way and most enemies fold, and they don't have the shoulder weapon penalty. The limited ammo count doesn't matter when the enemy count in general is low

>> No.10224376

That was my first post of this thread schizo-kun. Thanks for thinking so highly of me, I’m flattered

>> No.10224443

there is NO WAY that a chatGPT post got this many (you)s. what are you guys doing

>> No.10224895

Bot post

>> No.10225395

SINCE 1997

>> No.10225642

This is the make-the-world-your-bitch theme for me. Those little off-beat bass notes are so hostile

>> No.10226312
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>no guns

>> No.10226317

>50 shots
You didn't beat the game.

>> No.10226478
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This idiot again.
Armored Core 1 is fucking me up hard. I've been struggling through nearly every damn mission, and it wasn't until recently I picked up a half decent generator so I can boost more and fire my pulse rifle without running dry. Bottoming out on energy is a death sentence, and I need to get some better legs.
I fucking suck at this game, dude. I have a lot to learn.

>> No.10226919

I've been feeling that way since Dark Souls 2.
I played Dark Souls 1, then 2, then 3. I eventually got a PS3 and played Demon's Souls and it felt like the sequel to Dark Souls 1 I always wanted. Something about Demon's Souls feels so much more put together and complete. I then beat King's Field 1-4. The most immersive experience I've had in gaming in a long time. Combing through dungeons, looking for hidden walls, avoiding traps, key management, finding mysterious NPCs in odd places, all of it was so great to play blind. Music is kino as well.

>> No.10227065

What if I told you 40% of posts on 4chan are AI training posts? How do you know I'm not one of those posts?

>> No.10227069

Serious question: have you ever been diagnosed with autism?

>> No.10227075

Not him but I feel exactly the same way. My mom suspected I had autism but 3 different doctors said that I didn't

>> No.10227213

You feeling lonely bud? Sorry, can't say that I share your condition. Good luck out there.

>> No.10227359

Ouch must've struck a chord there

>> No.10227512

Yeah enough for you to reply :^)
Don't be too upset over different opinions, I know it's part of your condition

>> No.10227650

recently got into king's field 1, pretty cool so far
about to leave the first floor

>> No.10227660

Hell yeah brother

>> No.10227790

Making the AC less shit is part of the learning process, and how hard that particular game is influences how hard you need to optimize your build. You can get by with almost everything in AC1 once you fix up the generator and boosters. I know the free ammo is alluring, but I'd avoid using EN weapons if you can't keep them shooting. Are you bunnyhopping? How much energy do your parts eat up? I don't remember legs mattering much in AC1, in latter games they get a lot more critical. Are you having fun?

>> No.10227995

I'm not sure. But I'm not beaten, not yet at least. If things get truly fucked I might just let myself go into super debt and go Human Plus. I should mention that once I got the better generator, I'm not having as many problems, other than running out of ammo in some missions, but that's the nature of the game.
I'm pretty sure I'm bunnyhopping, it's matter of doing a forward boost and then tapping jump while NOT holding forward to get air time and using the momentum of the boost to carry you forward, right?
I'm currently using stock parts, except for the generator and head. I've been having a hell of a time getting the funds to replace that shit.

>> No.10228101

You NEED to keep pressing the directional buttons in the direction you want to move during bunny hopping, it's not Source. The critical part is the landing: you need to apply a dab of boost before landing so you slide during the landing instead of doing the "hard" landing animation that locks you in place. At some point it'll become natural. How heavy are you running your AC? Gen 1 ACs have a speed cap, but it might be worth it to run a bit lighter so you move faster while not boosting too.
Regarding funds, it's normal. AC1 has no arena and you'll struggle with funds, doubly so if it's your first time playing any game in the series. Are you using the Karasawa?

>> No.10228104

I didn't get the Karasawa and after looking it up: I missed my chance to get it, and the super generator during that escaped plus mission. My balls are really getting trapped in a vice at the moment, hence why I'm considering going human plus as that resets you.

>> No.10228106

To add something I forgot, during bunnyhop what you don't want to use is the boost: you need it to before jumping to start sliding and before landing to slide again, but while you're flying you can minimize boost usage UNLESS you want to gain altitude or stall your bunny hopping (to change direction, or maybe to try dodging)

>> No.10228112

It sucks that you missed it but you don't strictly need it. When you clear the game once it unlocks every mission you did and didn't do for replay, you can use that to unlock it if you plan to move your savegame to Project Phantasma and MoA. The generator is a bummer since I remember it being pretty much the best one in the gen, but you can make do with the other gas turbine generator you can buy until you can go back to replay it.
Get the 500 ammo SMG in the store, it's just-as-good as the Sawa for sheer cheese. The 1000 ammo one looks like the better option but it has lower projectile speed. Otherwise just restart with your acquired knowledge and do everything better.

>> No.10228115

Uh guys? That company that sells a ton of games and is very highly rated critically? Yeah they're actually overrated, sorry. Not sure if you got the memo, you should probably stop liking them now. What games do I play? Heh, well, you probably never heard of them, don't worry about it.

>> No.10228121

I found out about the 1000 ammo SMG the hard way. Are any of the shoulder mounted energy weapons worthwhile? I'm hurting on weaponry and find myself running out of ammo in a lot of missions.

>> No.10228124

Only if you're running a quad or tank, you need to steady them on bipeds and that's slow. I'd point you towards the manual aim rockets but if you're strapped on cash they're a bad idea.

>> No.10228128

I thought only the big cannons require you to kneel when firing shoulder weapons, some of those energy weapons aren't as big

>> No.10228129

And remember that you can sell everything for the same price you bought it. Maybe get rid of the old generator and head if you haven't already. The radar too if your new head has it integrated.

>> No.10228131

No, the only back weapons you can fire off without steadying are sadly rockets and missiles. Without Human plus, that is.

>> No.10228132

Yeah, I sold all of the old gear. Unfortunately I've went through several missions and got my ass kicked so I'm very, very low on money. I'm frequently dipping below into the negatives before barely scraping by another mission and getting out of the red.

That fucking sucks.

>> No.10228147

>That fucking sucks.
It does, especially since the animation for firing bazookas while flying with a biped is really fucking cool, but sadly it's what defines the leg types. 4th gen got rid of it and it makes the weapon variety a lot better at the cost of the leg types not mattering as much.
If you manage to salvage that run it might be fun, money in AC has a snowball effect and you definitely need a good bunch of money early on to get better parts. You can keep a decent chunk of parts from the start 1 AC, but you'll need to replace weapons and "internals". Don't be afraid to restart.

>> No.10228350

>People will still be playing it in 100 years.
some people will like how some people play atari game. but the vast majority will not

>> No.10228398

All KF have maps, KF1 has like two incomplete maps you can use to orientate in the levels until you get the wizard's map that shows the entire layout of all levels, KF2 also has 2 maps that complement each other until you get necron's map that shows almost everything in every zone of the game, KF3 only has the pixie map but it's in blank and you have to fill it by exploring the levels, as the other anon stated, KF4 has some incomplete maps and a full 3d map hidden in the treasury room.

Although it's true that KF 1,2 and 3 have enviroments that are confusing to navigate, the layouts themselves are enough to traverse each game. Trust me, i know because i also thought there were no maps in these+k0ads games.

>> No.10228402

Stop projecting autie. Liking King's Field is literal autism. It was never a popular nor well acclaimed game and only became more prominent because it's le daddy of Dark Souls.

>> No.10228794

Feel free to read more on your condition to give you closure as to why you can't accept the viewpoints of others.

>> No.10229259

The real Human Plus is restarting using a fresh save with the knowledge you've gained so far.

>> No.10229269

But I want the cool sword beam...

>> No.10229397

There are swords in MOA that give it by default, but if you have full Plus it alters the effect of each sword slightly. To be honest, it's not that good, because it means you can no longer melee up close safely (splash damage), so really you just have this semi-long range semi-infinite weapon that also nails you down when you use it. Just get better in general, you really do go further with limitations.

>> No.10229407

More to do with their obscurity and difficulty than their quality IMO. They're too hard for adults now, let alone me a stoner teenager playing JRPGs with a GameFAQs guide. Says more about the players than the games.

>> No.10229434

King's Field was made by a bunch of Wizardry nerds who only ever made business software until they got a PS1 dev kit. It shows.

>> No.10229439

If From Software were a Saturn exclusive developer, they'd be a dead developer but even more retro games would be jerking them off than they are now.

>> No.10229472

To understand someone is projecting is literally attributing mental states to another person. Like I said, you're projecting. It seems like you're obsessed with this because I struck a cord in you. Good luck living in denial for the rest of your life, autie.

>> No.10229474

>king's field combat
>take step back
>enemy strikes and misses
>take step forward and strike

>> No.10229476

>even more retro games would be jerking them off than they are now

>> No.10229519


>> No.10229739

git gud

>> No.10229897
File: 317 KB, 500x500, 1633957836937.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This idiot again.
>Armored Core 1 is fucking me up hard.
I think you're the idiot

>> No.10230116

It takes like 40 seconds to "git gud" at KF and it never evolves past that.

>> No.10230162

anon that guy is replying to himself and calling himself that, you might both be idiots

>> No.10230261

Filtered lmao
git gud

>> No.10230425

Why are you so confounded by this game though?

>> No.10230697

That other anon is correct, I was replying to myself and referring to myself as an idiot.
You dummy.

>> No.10230710
File: 1.38 MB, 600x450, mib.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mind-boggling effects

>> No.10230715

I liked the slow and clunky combat of DS1. DS3 felt more anime-ish, like everything is faster and does more damage

>> No.10231537
File: 3.04 MB, 3951x3240, shadow tower.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mind status: boggled

>> No.10231539
File: 2.90 MB, 640x480, shadow tower abyss.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10231545
File: 2.95 MB, 640x480, shadow tower abyss(2).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10231550

>Spooky atmospheric dungeon crawler
>also give the player some guns
That is so fucking cool.

>> No.10231553
File: 3.78 MB, 584x480, shadow tower.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10231567

I actually really like King's Field's graphics. I can't really explain why, but they look charming. I've seen some games that have the same look like Fatum Beluta and Dusk and I like it there too.

>> No.10231663


I played this AFTER Ultima Underworld, imagine what a let down that an older DOS game that ran with NO SPECIAL 3D HARDWARE just kicked the fucking shit out of this.

Kusoge indeed.

>> No.10231693

Love's me some Kings Field

1 is not very good but somewhat worth playing for the callbacks if you end up wanting to play all of them

2 is legitimately great for how open-ended it's world design is. Many of the objectives are optional and the critical path only really has a few objectives but good luck being able to complete them without prior knowledge of the game or being strong enough.

3 is an epic. It.conclides the story of the first three games and it's very well-meaning. Some great areas with a lot of intrigue and I really love it's aesthetics.

4 is the best one. It's level design is very memorable and the world really tells a story.

These games aren't for everyone but they are for.me and I'm glad they exist. The technical limitations are rather obvious but I otherwise feel their pacing is perfect.

>> No.10231705

Knew which song this was before I clicked on the link

Kings Field II has the best world/map design. I would argue that amongst the first three games, III is "better", yet II was much more impressionable.

>> No.10231740

>First of all, let's talk about the graphics. King's Field looks like an early PlayStation game,
That's because it is one the first games to be released for the system. I wouldn't be surprised if it was the first game.

>> No.10232185

Damn, a real shame it's trapped in first person "gameplay"

>> No.10232195

>3 is epic
>4 is the best
dogshit taste. subhumans like you are why elden ring exists

>> No.10232202

So from is one of those companies that’s just utterly ruined on this site discussion wise huh, I’m trying to think of who else, Nintendo obviously, probably sega too

>> No.10232220 [DELETED] 

You'd be quicker to list out the ones that aren't.

>> No.10232234

It would be quicker to point out what you can discuss successfully

>> No.10232260
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I kneel, chatbot-sama

>> No.10232315

I'd say 3 is easily the worst. KF isn't about linear progression from ice temple to fire temple to whatever, while generic fantasy music is playing.

>> No.10232316

yeah I agree with this

>> No.10232378

you're supposed to be circle strafing buddy

>> No.10232381

Its a shame the game has so many cool visuals but also so many boring corridors that look exactly the same.

>> No.10232678

Well that's what happens when a developer and its audience change.

>> No.10232950

it's what happens when /v/ermin is allowed to visit this board

>> No.10233147
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King's Field 1, 2, and maybe 3 deserved to be ported to the Sega Saturn with 1 and maybe also 2 getting additionally ported to the 3DO. It also would have been neat to be Armored Core 1, Project Phantasma and MoA get Dreamcast versions.

>> No.10233149

Developers changing isn't necessarily a bad thing by itself.

>> No.10233257

>Watch this video and tell me King's Field didn't age absolutely horribly
It was a fun game (at least IV was) and people who say this with type of critique are unable to even appreciate retro games, because it implies that somehow, games modern/newer games were better, when even in graphics I would argue retro games are superior than most modern games.

>> No.10233318

there's a /v/ on 4x2chan, 94chan, zchan, and 8+1chan.

>> No.10233323

Then don't play that game, dipshit.

>> No.10233342

King's Field and Armored Core are the only FromSoftware games I've ever played. And I didn't even know for a long time that they were made by FS.

>> No.10233365

>Those little off-beat bass notes

>> No.10233403

The verdict is guilty.

>> No.10233574

Verdict day is NOT RETRO

>> No.10233764

I'm playing King's Field IV right now and I'm having an absolute blast. Are 1-3 as much fun? And how is Shadow Tower and Eternal Ring? I was thinking about giving them a try regardless

>> No.10233782

Eternal Ring is more of a mixed bag to to me, overall. Not sure about Shadow Tower...

>> No.10233834
File: 3.20 MB, 2560x1410, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen some people say this weapon took them a really long time to try and grind but I got it after my third purple skull kill

>> No.10233850

The low framerate and jank of the earlier games make them not as enjoyable as King's Field 4. Shadow Tower Abyss is good.

The PS1 games were just made on shit hardware that made realizing the vision they had impossible so it either just looks like blurry textured hallways and/or has an unacceptable framerate.

>> No.10234103

3 *is* an epic, dipshit. i am not saying it was "epic". it was the culmination of the psone trilogy. as to whether you liked it or not doesn't really matter. its storytelling threads span three different games.
i really liked 3 after finishing it, but i only played through it once. if i were fo rank them: 4 > 2 > 3 > 1

>> No.10234132

play kings field ii next. if you're still hungry, move onto iii.

i liked shadow tower more than shadow tower abyss. however, it feels like i had less fun with shadow tower than i did with shadow tower abyss. abyss just ends abruptly. the first game has much better pacing/level design. both are a little esoteric at first and require some time to acclimate to what it wants from you.

i wouldn't recommend eternal ring. i spent about three hours on it and it never really felt "good" and failed to grab me.

>> No.10234168

kingsfield was pretty good but i had to use a guide.

>> No.10234193

It's so bizarre this game was never brought west considering the sheer amount of crappy, low-budget PS2 shovelware titles that made it overseas.

>> No.10234227

First three games are great, haven't played the 4th one though. All these people crying about them are more than likely just Dark Souls fans that got filtered.

>> No.10236078

>as just a constant refinement of a formula they think works.
I mean it does work.

>> No.10236117

you're a dumbass. nobody gave a shit about fromsoft until dark souls.