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File: 56 KB, 350x237, weekend_ruined.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10231319 No.10231319 [Reply] [Original]

ITT vidya that you wasted your weekend rental on

>> No.10231331

I cannot even fathom why someone people were sick enough to put educational games on console.

>> No.10231351

I’m unironically going to emulate this.

>> No.10231352
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The bad games always had a similar cologne smell and the "manual" was on a sticker inside of the case

>> No.10231353

Mario's time machine is more fucked up. I was expecting Kino after renting Turtles in Time.

>> No.10231354

You posted it, bro. Total disappointment.

>> No.10231365

It's a very relaxed game and some of the music is nice.

>> No.10231371

this is where the disconnect is. take yourselves back to your one opportunity to try something new without convincing your parents to buy it for you. you aren't going to spin this piece of shit into "well the music is nice anon". no it isn't. i could have rented ANYTHING instead of this but i had to learn the hard way. pull your head out of your ass.

>> No.10231378

I remember my dad and I renting Simpsons Wrestling on PS1 and the game being a total piece of crap.

>> No.10231384
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I'm not claiming it's a good rental, settle down. I wound up renting both the NES and SNES versions of those games back as a kid, I didn't care much for them back then either, but I still played them.

>> No.10231392

I actually liked renting this game. Beats me why, it's fucking shit. Maybe it's due to the reason english isn't my first language and I had to translate a lot of shit idk.

>> No.10231396

This was certainly one of them. I guess if I'd really put my little brain to it I would've figured it was probably shit, but even as somebody who played Mario Teaches Typing (which actually was fun for a typing game), I guess I couldn't fathom that there'd be an SNES Mario game that wasn't some sort of action-y game.

>> No.10231398

Man there was so many fucking shitty games on Playstation aside from the ones everyone loves obviously. I didn't have internet back then so I had to ask the guy at blockbuster or EB games for recommendations or look in gaming magazines.

>> No.10231412
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Anyone else repeatedly rent The Lion King like a battered woman?

>> No.10231424

Pit-Fighter on SNES.
I remember it being the first non-simulation game where I didn't understand how the game worked and was left very confused.

>> No.10231428
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Have fun trying to beat it you little shit

>> No.10231464
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For us it was the Aladdin game on Genesis

>> No.10231494
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Should have just hired Secret of Mana again.

>> No.10231498

Virtua Fighter 2 for the Genesis. I should've known better.

>> No.10231703

There are plenty of rental titles we never "beat". "Beating" games wasn't the end-all be-all objective. It was nice, but only you idiotic zoomer retards think all the fun is in "beating it".

>> No.10231714

Neither Mario Is Missing nor Mario's Time Machine received any major advertising. That should tell you enough. Funny how my video rental store at the time (pre Blockbuster) rarely had either available on snes.

>> No.10231736

Mario is Missing is good
Time Machine is bad however

>> No.10231739

It's a very comfy game

>> No.10231742

I barely beat any games yet I beat this one. Why is it supposedly hard?

>> No.10231754

It's frustrating getting stuck early in the game anon, which most did because EVERYONE rented it and not just people who regularly played vidya.

Stage 2, which isn't even the hardest stage in the game but it was the big filter for most. It was a demand by the publisher to make it unreasonably hard to beat in a rental period.

>> No.10231785

Power Piggs of The Dark Age on the SNES is one I distinctly remember as being disappointing. Very obscure title though, I think only released in Europe. Pac-Man 2: Adventures as well, because as a young child I didn’t appreciate how you couldn’t control him and I was expecting a platformer like the one on GameBoy. I actually ran back to the rental place and asked to replace it with another game: Zoop, the puzzle game. Which brings me to renting “Zool” which was hot garbage. I also remember Iggy’s Special Olympics on the SNES being pretty bad with slow downs.

>> No.10231786

Tomba 1, mainly because I had no idea what the fuck to do the whole time.

>> No.10231790

It's kind of an overexaggerated meme at this point. The second level requires some precise timing that is slightly off. Once you figured that out the game wasn't too bad.

>> No.10231915


I played through this game. I didn't like it but I finished it... I think. It was an okay experience. I did enjoy the music.

>> No.10232103

I’m ironically going to emulate this.

>> No.10232118

I remember my brother and I going to a local supermarket that had a rental section, he insisted we rent this instead of Yoshi's Island. What a fucking nauseating game.

>> No.10232214

Why are bongs like this?

>> No.10232271

I've never heard anyone calling a game or film rental a hire in bongland

>> No.10232274

I liked it somehow

>> No.10232278

>still seething over two decades later

>> No.10232287

I had this on PC and it always would crash after the first room. For some reason I was horribly disappointed

>> No.10232292

Yep, same game.
I owned Super Mario World and Mario All-Stars, so my young self rented this just because i saw "MARIO" and Mario, Luigi, and Bowser were on the artwork.

I actually got my mom to drive me back and exchanged it for Earthworm Jim

>> No.10232308

Time Machine fools you for a bit with those kinda cool surfing bits, but yeah Missing is the better edutainment Mario.

>> No.10232310

Did you like Earthworm Jim?

>> No.10232382

I rented games every weekend and in the summer during the week. So I have a ton of these. The worst times were when the releases slowed down and you were forced to rent junk. I developed an off fascination with the Batman Forever game for the SNES despite it being trash and rented it multiple times.

>> No.10232650

They do it with car rentals (hire cars), why wouldn't they with other rentals

>> No.10232672

>local rental place literally only had Kirby's Avalanche (except that one time someone swapped it in the rental case with Power Piggs of the Dark Age)
>got filtered as fuck after a few stages
>return to it a few years ago after becoming a Puyo fan
>immediately disgusted with the PP1 ruleset (Mean Bean Machine can eat shit too) but finally manage to avenge my childhood self

>> No.10232759

Same, even worse though Luigi was my favorite mario character as a kid so when I saw this I about shit my pants, then realized what it was and just a wave of disappointment washed over me
first because that was an entire weekend wasted renting this crap
and two because Luigi's first game where he is starring and its garbage edutainment crap

It took them over a decade before they realized maybe Luigi in a good game was a profitable idea and made Luigi's Mansion.

>> No.10233409

I rented this when I was 5-ish and didn't even speak a word of English
I was too damn young to still have a really bad time with it, but, yeah... Same with Mario's Time Machine, which I think I've only figured out how to get somewhere once by copying a correct answer in the damn homeworks they make you do. The mode 7 surfing thing was somewhat cool I suppose

>> No.10233416

Any NES Simpsons game.
Fucking christ

>> No.10233473

The fucking horror.
I also rented Home Alone II for NES as a kid. Holy shit the NES was absolutely swimming in jank. Thank God for rental places.

>> No.10233492

Bart vs. the World has just enough variety in it to be fun. Don't think I ever got past the janky as fuck ice cave you platform in, though.

>> No.10233521

Superman 64, although it didn't ruin my weekend. My dad saw how dogshit it was without me even mentioning anything and took me back to get a different one.

>> No.10233630

Pre blockbuster?

>> No.10234082

That's a good dad right there

>> No.10235374

dragon ball sagas is probably one of the worst games i ever played. the only cool thing is that when you beat it you could replay the stages as bardock and broly.

>> No.10235387

Blaming the game for not having a good time is a weakness.

Play that shit and fucking beat it.

>> No.10235606

Batman Forever for SNES

Returned it because I thought it was broken because of the control scheme without the manual.

>> No.10235730

based nooooticer pater

>> No.10235793

No, anon. It's just you. You're bad at video games. And you whine about it, which proves it.

>> No.10235797

Too many to name.

>> No.10235885
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i was begging to be taken back to hollywood video

>> No.10235962
File: 547 KB, 1146x988, DISAPPOINTED .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had no idea what the fuck was going on or what to do, never got out of the starting area. My parents grounded me for swearing at it and calling it a stupid piece of worthless shit video game.

>Superman 64
I think the first game that ever broke my spirit trying to play it, and consequently, broke my controller trying to beat those annoying fucking rings.

>Quest 64
Bizarre and had no idea what was going on. Gameplay made no sense to me.

>Alien Trilogy
Was too scared to play it for too long with the facehuggers in the beginning. I don't think I got further than the 2nd level.

>Final Fantasy 9
Again, no idea what was going on, story was jumping everywhere, gameplay was boring (never played a JRPG up to that point), and generally just ignored it and played outside until the week was up.

>Rayman 2
I couldn't pull off that cliff-gap shimmy in the tutorial section, and so I never played it again until I was 25.

>Pokemon Snap
The game was great - at first. When I realized it was only 2 hours or so long, I said something like akin to "This game's a rip off."

>Crusaders of Might and Magic
Probably the first game where I realized, "Oh, wow, so they can just release broken and unfinished games?"

>> No.10236034

>hating on Tomba
Shits easy til you get to the village area with the huge leaf piles. I got lost there and didnt know what my objective was anymore

>> No.10236217

I hated Tomba at the time. Now I would probably just be bored and indifferent to it. The game is not conducive to young children, who are its primary demographic, which is probably why it sold like ass.

>> No.10236227

I loved it as a kid, but my friend thought it was stupid because the Tomba has pink hair

>> No.10236448

I actually had a nice cozy weekend with this.

>> No.10236982

you posted it
beat the game within an hour of getting home with it and I had played enough of the carmen sandiego games at school already

>> No.10236984

I miss non-Blockbuster video stores so much bros. There was a place in MI that still rented out NES/SNES in the PS2 era and I thought it was the tightest shit.

>> No.10237006

I'm trying to recall a worse rental. I can't.

>> No.10237013

If it was the SNES version I can't see how.

>> No.10237259
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>Mario's Time Machine
Maybe not as bad as Mario is Missing, but still sucked ass.
TMNT Tournament Fighters: I rented it and had nobody else to play it with, and the AI was way too hard. Mostly just battled myself with player 2 not doing anything.
Scooby Doo Mystery: Asa kid it was my go to example of a bad rental, even though it's now somewhat playable as an adult.
Bonus: I let a kid borrow my Donkey Kong (1994) and he let me borrow Revenge of the Gator. He then moved within days without telling me. I hate this gator game like you wouldn't believe. DK94 is a 10/10 game, RotG is a 0/10.

>> No.10237301

Mario 64 is when I realized I didn't really like 3D games much. Then I played Resident Evil 2 for the PS1 and I thought they were awesome. Though I still preferred sprite graphics at the time.

>> No.10237310

My uncle that I only met twice in my life came to visit when I was like 9 or so. He took me to software etc... And I chose Mario is missing for snes and the guy at the counter tried to talk me out of it. I tried to force myself to like it, but after answering some of the questions using an encyclopedia brittanica and they were wrong I said fuck this peice of shit game. I can't imagine the few autistic kids that had their brains fried because they knew the answers but the game said they were wrong. I didn't mind the gameplay and aesthetic but the bullshit fake history really grinded my gears as a kid.

>> No.10237321
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KI was the shit back in the day for me. Probably not as famous as MK, but it was a decent competitor.

Then we got this piece of garbage... I even rented this for a long weekend so i had to wait an extra day to take it back to the store.

>> No.10237457

ff7 because i didn't understand how long it was and thought it was going to be something i could beat in like two sittings.

>> No.10237461

Zoom Zoom here.
I rented Heavy Rain for the PS3 and there was a very intense sex scene and my parents were coming home from the grocery shopping so think. I was home alone playing it on the giant flatscreen TV and they forgot their key so here's me. Skipping as fast as possible through the longest fucking sex scene in the world while my parents are banging on the door for me to let them in. I just ran and shut off the power to the entire theater system by unlocking the door and running to the breaker box. Safe to say I made it, and my parents never knew I was looking at clothed kissing between a man and a woman on the big screen.

>> No.10237470

Are you suggesting Monster Party was bad because I thought it was brimming with creativity and was fun except for some of the bullshit hard bosses.

>> No.10237568

Come to think of it I probably used one of those magazine guides to beat it
Still found the gameplay fairly easy though

>> No.10237730

fuck you i enjoyed this one

>> No.10237732

quest 64 and FF9 were my jams how could you anon.

>> No.10237747

Mario is Pissing

>> No.10237762

Spider Man And The X-Men In Arcade's Revenge
supposedly this is one of the better LJN games, but it is still absolute garbage. we played it once and then it just sat for the rest of the weekend. realized immediately it was bad and wasn't worth wasting any time on it

>> No.10237878

>but it is still absolute garbage.
Its difficult but still fun. I was never able to beat half the stages but still enjoyed this rental. Music was kick ass.


>> No.10237884

it isn't that the games are bad its that he rented them and it fucked his weekend. i had the same experience with FFT when my mom picked it up for me as a surprise and i had no fucking idea what was going on as a 7 or 8 year old.

>> No.10237937
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>> No.10237958
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>> No.10239045

Rentals were cancer with no exception, because or the game sucked and you lost your weekend or it didn't and you had to give it back what would easily enjoy you for months.

>> No.10239179
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>> No.10240149
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One time at the rental place there was some other kid in the video game aisle with me and was kind of annoying, so when he picked up the box for this game and ran over to his mom to rent it, I picked up the cartridge that was behind the box that he was supposed to grab and snatched it and rented it just to be a little shit. Fucking karma man.

I rented this probably around the same time and couldn't figure out how to get out of the starting room so yeah, fucked up weekend. Probably would of liked it if I had the manual or wasn't retarded.

>> No.10240292

Ever heard of aquanauts holiday?
Yeah that was a bad time.

>> No.10240345

Dude. Shadowrun on the snes is one of my all time favorite games, give it another shot on an emulator. The combat system has aged, granted, but it really is an exceptional snes title and had some very unique rpg mechanics for the era.