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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 79 KB, 400x254, Umk3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10218662 No.10218662 [Reply] [Original]

How come this kusoge has a scene in 20 fucking 23?

>> No.10218675
File: 76 KB, 616x353, capsule_616x353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kusoge invites kusogamers

Even pic related has a scene, for fuck's sake.

>> No.10218709

High-level UMK3 is more entertaining to watch than any modern fighting game

>> No.10218717

Damn, this is actually pretty neat. MK fighting always looked like ass to me so I didn't expect much.

>> No.10218765

>the video is 9 years old

>> No.10218769

Wait, KOF style? That was a thing?

>> No.10218772

It's possible in N64 MKT

>> No.10218920

Mortal Kombat is one of the single most nostalgic 90s media properties if you're American. The question is, why do zoomers come to a board for games from before their time

>> No.10218961

That was cool, and Jax just annihilating everyone lol

>> No.10218972

Having a shitton of kharacters and features goes a long way.

>> No.10218979

>Subzero vs Rain spellcasting duel

>> No.10218980


>> No.10218995

>The question is, why do zoomers come to a board for games from before their time
Yeah with modern games as awesome as they are, why would ANYONE want to play old games

>> No.10219003

You don't have to be a zoomer to know that MK has always been kusoge. If anything, zoomers love NRS slop.

>> No.10219004

Because it's one of the best fighting games ever made. Kind of like how Doom is one of the best fps ever made. Shows too and will be more obvious as time goes on when the true version of doom continues to receive community maps/mods/etc., while nu-doom gets like 1/40th of the amount of attention and only due to being higher fidelity and wearing doom's skin. It's the case when it comes to MvC2 too. WoW rides on its past despite being a different game now. People gravitate towards what's best and no publicization can determine that.

>> No.10219012


>> No.10219013

nostalgia cucks should hang.

>> No.10219074

>5 sudacas and 1 Russian is a scene according to /vr/
I refuse to believe the board is this retarded. KoF ‘98 is a scene. UMK is Latinos with too much time on their hands

>> No.10219075

Do people play this online somewhere? Where can I find this scene?

>> No.10219087

I’ve played with people on mame servers before m.

>> No.10219140

Kusoge is a genuinely a fighting game subgenre with a community of people who play them competitively, see Hokuto no Ken for another famous example.

To be honest they're generally not much more bullshit than your typical coinflippy anime/tag fighter.

>> No.10219219

Mk is not kusoge you fucking retard.

>> No.10219236

>weeb words applied to western games
You can just call it crap, /v/

>> No.10219284

Has great netcode now and pulling of combos is fun.

>> No.10219379

is shaq fu kusoge?

>> No.10219384

More than any street fighter

>> No.10219387

this isnt even umk3 retard

>> No.10219392

That's still not much

>> No.10219456

looks like shit, but then again fighting games are awful to watch.

>> No.10219585

>MK making FGCucks seethe since forever

>> No.10219738

No it's a shit game, and non Japs typing "kusoge" are parroting retards.

>> No.10219827

>multiple threads mentioning kusoge.
Okay, what youtuber used the word this week?

>> No.10219865

Austin eruption on his mortal kombat clones video.

>> No.10219868

This is not a new word.

>> No.10219874

N64 chads, we win again

>> No.10219903

No, but it is to nu-vrfags, and since every topic seems to have that word today there's an obvious conclusion. And there is, as >>10219865 points out.

>> No.10219906

It doesn't. A handful of old men is not a scene.

>> No.10219940

kusoge means "shitty games" like games with insane difficulty,games with poor story,games with bad gameplay and so on,is not something exclusive to fighting games.
Mortal Kombat,Tomb Raider,Madden,and so on are kusoge.
As always was said if it has one of those is a kusoge
>Protagonist is an old man or a gun
>Heroines are gorillas.
>Extreme gore and blood.
>Insane difficulty.
if it has those is a kusoge no matter the genre.

>> No.10219979

Kusoge are unenjoyable and or poorly made games. It could also mean bad games with that have a charm to them I just looked it up. The games you listed are not that. You just don't like mortal kombat, that's your shit opinion but that doesn't make it kusoge.

>> No.10220201

Is Fighters History Dynamite kusoge? I'm aware that it's ridiculously unbalanced but it has a small but dedicated following

>> No.10220207
File: 2.96 MB, 700x610, 1689741130178.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think a Kusoge can be either charming or irredeemably unplayable.

>> No.10220249

kusoge are just bad games and sadly mortal kombat is one of them.
>poor gameplay
>poor hitbox
>extreme gore to distract
>AI is cheap and broken
i could go a lot more in detail i won't deny is popular (among troons) but that won't change is a poorly made game.
just thinking that it took almost 20 years to have the gameplay fixed says a lot of the franchise.
Also those details are quite normal in kusoge but most hate it due to most of the tell tales of kusoge are shared on american games.
naaah super butouden is quite fun to play also you can do the same on street fighter,guilty gear,melty blood,asuka 120%,KOF and so on,yet those have something MK doesn't have.

>> No.10220265

That's not a mixup, that's a fucking war crime

>> No.10220409
File: 36 KB, 432x414, 1683471405825499.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man I miss how snappy and quick fighting games used to be. I have no idea how those pace killing, cancer cutscene supers took off

>> No.10220485

I don't like how the game sounds muffled.

>> No.10220526

yeah I love watching two dudes stand point blank holding the block button and alternating between crouch and standing for ten seconds straight

>> No.10220532
File: 380 KB, 1592x1240, france.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry I don't speak Chinese. Kusanagi is from KoF not MK, if that's what you meant.

>> No.10220535

Yeah I've also run into it a couple times today so someone is definitely misusing it and spreading that misuse to gullible media consumers.

>> No.10220546

The fact that you're trying to present your particular taste as an objective facet of reality while also saying SB is good and MK isn't shows you're just deranged and should be ignored

>> No.10220548

You say that like MK doesn't have a bunch of stereotypical asian names.

>> No.10220553

Standard AC Alpha 3 has 25 characters. The MAX edition has 37. You've never played any other SF game than the NES pirate sequel, have you?

>> No.10220610

By that logic, all fighting games are kusoge. And funnily enough, applies more to Japanese games than American ones.

>> No.10220775

>le reused sf2 characters
There's always armageddon if you want to talk about mugen tier jank

>> No.10220827

That's like some Dragonball Z shit.
How do you push buttons that fast and accurately? I can't imagine being that sharp.

>> No.10220864

>says that umk3 has more characters than any sf
>is countered with sfa3
>moves goalpost to armageddon
How does armageddon having a shitton of characters make umk3 roster bigger?

>> No.10220867 [DELETED] 
File: 231 KB, 1037x1000, sheeva.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's only one thing about this game worth discussing...

>> No.10220870

Wait guys, since when did MK games stop being kusoge?

>> No.10220871

sfa3 sucks and is a poverty game no one actually likes

>> No.10220873

Giants was pretty innovative and unique for its time

>> No.10220887

I don't care, it wins the argument of umk3 not having bigger roster than any sf.

>> No.10220891

I like sfa3 even though sfa2 is miles better. All mk games are trash btw.

>> No.10220894

>all mk games are trash
>alpha 3 isn't the best alpha
soi opinions

>> No.10220897

>Gay hands typed this post

>> No.10220902
File: 3 KB, 73x113, karin-lol-taunt.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10220903

of course alpha 2 is the best, are you new?

>> No.10220906
File: 477 KB, 484x750, 1677094027114.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10220908


>> No.10220914
File: 82 KB, 444x380, MaiFace4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw sped doesn't understand how "samefag" works

>> No.10220915 [DELETED] 

Of course a transperson who plays trash like MK would think that A3 is the best

>> No.10220919 [DELETED] 

liking alpha2 is the same as liking turd strike. it's reddit. also, mk is simply real american man shit sorry bucko. you like pantera, metallica, and mortal kombat. you on the other hand listen to linkin park and play sf alpha 2.

>> No.10220934

MK is trash (but we still play it)
Alpha 2 is the best Alpha
Smash is not a fighting game
Simple as

>> No.10220936

Should've been Vegeta tbqh

>> No.10220941
File: 123 KB, 1821x701, 1662987424896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10220949

Relevant how? The game is decades old.

>> No.10220958

Which is an even more relevant question, considering the anon you replied to is commenting on how zoomers hate retro games yet decide to post on the retro board anyway.

>> No.10221515

>I'm not allowed to play as classic characters because some anonymous faggot on the Internet said so
I like it. Your meritless claim has been refuted. Now explain to the board how your entirely subjective opinion holds more weight than mine.

>> No.10221604

zoomers don't hate retro games, a lot of them are the "born in the wrong generation" types that wish they lived in the 80s

>> No.10221836

Get on Fightcade bruh, thats where most people are, meme is dead