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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10211090 No.10211090 [Reply] [Original]

Journey to Silius.

>> No.10211101
File: 220 KB, 997x1091, JourneyToSiliusAnarchyEdition_small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Journey to Silius - Anarchy Edition

>> No.10211108

Ranguage balliel can be hald

>> No.10211109

This game is called Raf World in Japan though.

>> No.10211136

So… does that mean "rough world" or "laugh world"?

>> No.10211140

Royal Air Force world

>> No.10211143

so… UK?

>> No.10211146
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>> No.10211157

Judging by the katakana on the box, ラフ, it's rafu, which means "rough". So, Rough World.

>> No.10211194

The music in this game is so good.

>> No.10211198

I've never played this and don't really even remember what kind of a game this is but the name has been burnt to my mind from childhood. It just has a nice ring to it. Very mystical, yet futuristic adventure kinda ring.

>> No.10211214

Surely you can't be silius

>> No.10211223

Wait until you hear the soundtrack then

>> No.10211231

Gradius and Silius both sound cooler

>> No.10211350
File: 154 KB, 1240x1754, BMZ2_Gonbei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inti remake when?

>> No.10211354

I'd rather a good dev handle it.

>> No.10211361


>> No.10211603
File: 43 KB, 250x401, nintendopower-1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moar liek Journey to Skynet.

>> No.10211621

Technically, Sunsofts failed Terminator game.

>> No.10211682

>Konami tries to license Rambo, Predator and Alien
>attempt fails
>just renames the game to Contra

>> No.10211946

THIS IS LITERALLY what is what it was meant to be, originally!

>> No.10211950
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Meh game but the music is good

>> No.10213383

Failed Terminator license. Middling game, great soundtrack. Sometimes erroneously labeled "Blaster Master 2". It isn't, but there should have been.

>> No.10213389
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>no no no we can't call it Contra, that might upset people living under banana republics
>umm... Probotector?

>> No.10213393

>Middling game
It's better than middling.

>> No.10213394

No, it really isn't. Any run-of-the-mill rightie-runnie-jumpie-shootie game on the NES surpasses it. If you can't hold up to the level of a Contra or Bionic Commando, in fucking *1990*, don't waste your time.

>> No.10213404
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I was going to argue it's of higher quality as well but stopping to consider it again, I'd have to agree. Your special weapons are best saved for boss encounters, the shotgun is useless, and ammo pickups are extremely scarce. So you're better off using the standard pistol to blast your way through stages.
Enemy variety doesn't really pick up until the third or fourth level.
What saves this game are the boss fights and the kick ass soundtrack. Also the protag's sprite looks cooler in the Japanese version. Better box art too.

>> No.10213420
File: 166 KB, 731x1047, probotector.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the plus side, Probotectors look cool as fuck

>> No.10213445

In the case of Contra they ripped Arnie and Sly, while Probotectors are Patlabor rip-offs.

>> No.10213448

I thought I recognised them.

>> No.10213463


It's a basic action game, like Contra or Mega Man but less polished and less fun. People talk it up sometimes but I don't know why. It's good enough to play through once, anyway.

>> No.10213471

Compared to the NES library it's not at the top but it's good enough to be worth playing. It doesn't have anything particularly bad about it.

>> No.10213474

It's still cool though. Just like how Bill and Lance are still cool.

>> No.10213581

Imagine if they smush Probotecters and Contra into one canon, we probably get a fast pace Assault Suit Valken spinoff with a tiny Bill Rizer doing crazy shit while tiny af

>> No.10213643

I was obsessed with this game a decade ago, but now I have to admit it's just not THAT good. For one thing, it's just like Batman or Sunman, it's "let's make a licenced game and make the bare minimum amount of stages to get away with it"

Then stage 5 is clearly a rushed stage, there are no enemies, the music is re-hashed, and that level is full of glitches. So the game is basically 4 stages followed by shit filler.

This is quite a shame because I really like the base gameplay, the physics and shooting are somewhat in between Mega Man and Contra. Could nitpick some cases where there is shitty enemy placement with unavoidable damage unless you know the precise weird movement to pull, but that's about it.

>> No.10214559

Nothing particularly good about it, either. That's why it's middling, duh.