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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 767 KB, 2332x1749, do not talk to me or my son ever again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10208528 No.10208528 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>10202012

>> No.10208540
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>> No.10208541
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>> No.10208543
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>> No.10208550
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>> No.10208554
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/our guy/ reviews the 2S

>> No.10208556
File: 1.88 MB, 2880x2160, 20230831_123754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me guess you need more

>> No.10208558


>> No.10208563

based dodo, review off to a kino start.

>> No.10208567
File: 2.65 MB, 2160x2649, 20230901_094642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That chinkshit is more

>> No.10208571 [DELETED] 

doesn't require gay plastic carts, therefore it's akshually less.

>> No.10208580

I'm happy with my RP3+ so far, but are the speakers supposed to sound so weak? Barely any bass and tinny sound. It's not a phone of course, so it's not made for music, but I expected better in 2023

>> No.10208581 [DELETED] 

go back to >>>/v/

>> No.10208586 [DELETED] 

go back to >>>/toy/

>> No.10208591

I like how in the photo you see a trashcan in the back

>> No.10208594 [DELETED] 
File: 783 KB, 245x230, 1692479270827177.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gay plastic carts
You wouldn't even be able to play these games without first having "gay plastic carts". Have some fucking respect. This is why nobody takes you seriously, you're just an ESL zoomer who casts aspersions overtly, while defending chonkhelds. It's foul, you're gross

>> No.10208597

i support this crystal clear-whoring cart autism anon

>> No.10208604
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>> No.10208605


>> No.10208609

>I expected better in 2023
It's a 2022 handheld tbf. That said, unfortunately the RP3+ speakers are actually noticeably better than average in the non-PC handheld space. The X28, KTR1 after the polarity fix at least, think they're all shipping with corrected polarity now tho, and from the videos I've seen, the 2S are the only non-PC handhelds with great audio. I've read the X55 and RGB30 also have good audio but can't vouch for either.

>> No.10208615

>walking to the dumpster to throw his pokeslop in the trash
based tbqh.

>> No.10208638

ok, too bad. I was a bit disappointed. I mean, these devices have phone CPUs, phone screens, right? so I thought they could as well have phone-grade speakers. I've checked some budget phones recently, you can easily get better speakers in a $150 phone.
one could make an argument that this is comparing $150 phones to $150 handhelds; but the latter already need less components, like no camera, no cell connection, no NFC, smaller screen, etc. so to me, cutting corners on stuff like this just seems cheap.

>> No.10208646

he didn't need more indeed

>> No.10208663

The RP2S is literally perfect.

>> No.10208670
File: 64 KB, 640x908, 49075_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was going to link to the other thread until I realized this one came first. If I ever have time I think I want to play my RS-69 or my AN-08 again for some DK Jr. Math and Math Blaster

>> No.10208672


>> No.10208712 [DELETED] 

>Implying small chinkhelds arent /toy/
Lol. Lmao even. Keep playing vertislop while Inenjoy my retroid flip.
Retroid makes quality products. Cope powshitty.

>> No.10208738 [DELETED] 

Rent free aren't we

>> No.10208740
File: 51 KB, 1141x494, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Missed out on this shit, this morning. Got through verification fast as fuck once the store opened at 10 AM, put me in a line queue, then spit me out into checkout and the line didnt mean shit because it was sold out within 2-3 mins

>> No.10208752

vertislopper saved from his own retardation.

>> No.10208754

this is a sign from god to not by anal log

>> No.10208762

This is what I've realized. I have a Vita for everything this can do, but have been getting hungry for a device that can do N64 to GC well

>> No.10208768
File: 1.03 MB, 2016x1512, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the transparent black looks so good holy fuck. it's actually transparent.

>> No.10208772

You can buy the one I bought for 3x rrp as soon as I get it.

>> No.10208778
File: 1.05 MB, 2016x1512, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can really see the nice bumpy texture here too

>> No.10208779

>I honestly wouldn't care, and actually, would fully indulge and love moving Handhelds General discussion from handhelds to scam artistry and home consoles

>> No.10208781

>thought anon from last thread was a fucking retard
>he was actually buying it to fleece vertisloppers and analsissies that were going to buy it anyways if he didn't
holy BASED!

>> No.10208782

RK2023 has pretty good audio too.

>> No.10208787

this was my first handheld
black gba sp when i was like 6 years old
i want to get one but they're so expensive

>> No.10208789

Please do not post gore outside of /gif/ or /pol/

>> No.10208791

Yeah it does, it was far and away the best audio in the size segment until the 2S came along. Powkiddy is somehow king of audio. The A12 has the craziest legit arcade quality audio and it's just single giant speaker on the back.

>> No.10208794

There's the v90, but it's a bit shit. There's also the upcoming flip, but I think miyoo is having second thoughts on the sticks.

>> No.10208804
File: 45 KB, 580x578, Trimui smart pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actual picture

>> No.10208812

Actually I own an Analogue pocket for personal use. It is my favourite handheld. If you can get them for rrp they are great value too. Anyway the bidding on the limited edition one will be starting at 700 dollars.

>> No.10208816

>once you look into the capabilities of the chipset, we know that this is a device that will barely be able to handle up to Playstation 1 emulation.

>> No.10208830
File: 51 KB, 580x435, 405m-pro rgb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starting to think max zhou lost his mind.

>> No.10208834

The shape looks great at least, and they didn't fuck up the d-pad position. If they can just avoid fucking up the price considering the weak chip (they can't), it could be a really good low-end handheld. 16:9 aspect ratio sucks ofc for what it can play, but it's still 4" of 4:3 space. The 720p vertical height is generally pretty good for integer scaling too: perfect vertical scaling for PSX, Wonderswan, Gamegear, PCE, and 224p stuff like Megadrive/Neo-Geo doesn't suffer too much vertical screen loss.

>> No.10208839

>everyone asks for a plastic variant with d-pad on top
>decides to simply add lights to all the controls and give the metal a less aesthetic flat finish
sasuga max...

>> No.10208846

>I think miyoo is having second thoughts on the sticks
I fucking hope so, the sticks on that form factor is simply wrong

>> No.10208847
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Are they serious? A 405m with leds? That's it?

>> No.10208848

>from Vita to Anal Log
from 1 meme device to another. just perfect. you do you pal

>> No.10208859

but then how will reddit game uncle place simpsons arcade and golden axe on it

>> No.10208882

Which makes the widescreen display twice as retarded.

>> No.10208886

honestly probably cheaper than poaching the 4" anbernig screen. 16:9 sucks but I imagine there's a shitload of highly mass produced ones for cheap.

>> No.10208887
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If they include sticks, they’ll need to upgrade the chips to play actual 3D games beyond PS1, which will balloon the price tag. Literally all I want is a Miyoo Mini Plus, same internals, but clamshell, with a center-firing mono speaker like the OG SP, and I am NOT paying more than $70 for that, sticks or not.

>> No.10208895
File: 43 KB, 444x287, question mark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

agreed on the chip sucking, but what the heck did you mean by 1:1 causing strain?

>> No.10208924

Just beat the Ghastly gym
This romhack is aids

>> No.10208926
File: 1.53 MB, 2880x2160, 20230901_114435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic, probably not even needed at this point miyoo mini users already coping

>> No.10208929

>hack of poketrash is aids

>> No.10208945

What is Retroid's shipping time/price like for the US?

>> No.10208947

It was $15 for me. Assuming it's the same for all of mainland US.

>> No.10208950

Every time I've ordered from Retroid, I've paid $15 for shipping and had it arrive to me in Texas around 11 days.

>> No.10208962

Gotcha it'll probably be the same ish for the midwest then, did just see that China got hit with a gnarly typhoon though

>> No.10208975

God bless powkiddy

>> No.10208984

>Let's take something unique and make it like everything else.
I've got the Stone Blue color, and these have the best unlit reflective screens ever made. It's hard to tell if >>10208604 is modded, because they look this good with halfway-decent lighting. In the sun they practically glow.

>> No.10208985
File: 134 KB, 640x640, H24b443a30f284ad4a9a540782776e796h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Powkiddy shills, please tell your bosses to reprint the V6 famiclone power bank or make a new mascot handheld for me to consoom. That bootleg listing on aliexpress is taunting me

>> No.10208992

>10000mAh battery
holy fuck

>> No.10208994

*3500mah measured capacity

>> No.10209006

>Hack of pokeludo id aids

>> No.10209007

you’re also comparing larger production quantities of phones versus these super small-batch chinkhelds that normal humans don’t know or give a shit about, so costs are cut in certain areas to balance out likely higher costs for shells and such

im not defending chinkhelds cheaping out, there’s just clear compromises

>> No.10209016
File: 123 KB, 1200x1195, 42141212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trannyblack chads just can’t stop winning

pouring one out for the adjacent trannygreen squad that got scammed, as well as trannypurp sneedyoo lads

>> No.10209021

>and they didn't fuck up the d-pad position
bruh dat shit floatin out in no man’s land like da damn thing got a lazy eye

>> No.10209024
File: 775 KB, 320x348, 1687176916416756.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lads think they're getting BASED neon yellow-green
>it's actually mellow granny spearmint blue-green

>> No.10209027
File: 156 KB, 1120x1280, IMG_6838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, does green really look that bad? I was gonna get that one for the Xbox nostalgia

>> No.10209030
File: 1.36 MB, 320x200, anbernic ceo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bringing back the anbernig logo to be prominently displayed on the front again, now with lgbt lights

>> No.10209042

crystal clear would be the perfect pkmn game if the maker didn’t self-insert himself and his cronies as the new e4, like besides that the game is sincerely great

>> No.10209049
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>> No.10209051
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funposting aside it's not actually that bad, but it's a huge downgrade from the renders imo.

>> No.10209059

squidward green

>> No.10209113

>you’re also comparing larger production quantities of phones versus these super small-batch chinkhelds
I guess so, but still, I can't imagine speakers costing that much more when even shit-tier phones have better audio. I'd pay extra $10 for better audio quality. Especially when X28 and 2S have good audio for about same price.

>> No.10209138
File: 1.00 MB, 1280x720, stillmore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me guess: you still need more

>> No.10209157

Holy yikes at those black bars. You never see that on my favorite chinkshit when I play pokemon.

>> No.10209158

>collecting bunch of plastic that looks like toddler toys as an adult
t. normal adult male

>> No.10209162

Powcringies are getting uppity again...

>> No.10209171

>dev self inserts are bad because.........THEY JUST ARE, OK????

>> No.10209175

stretched shitter like my asshole cool i dont want to play like that
get a real console buck-o
they are not black bars because the screen doesnt emit light.

>> No.10209186

What are some opinions I should have?

>> No.10209189

>get the rg35xx after getting a mm+
>100x more comfortable
I can't fathom anyone enjoying playing on the original miyoo mini when the plus is still uncomfortable

>> No.10209195

im generally a purist fag, if they put themselves in the battle sim/arena as a bonus, it’d still be cool to fight them, but having them as e4 even if there’s story elements to tie them in, it’s just not it for me dawg

i would never play a hack with unofficial mons, for example

it doesn’t change the fact that i consider it the best way to play pkmn, i said what prevents it from being perfect

>> No.10209196

EVERY used gba sp looks like shit

>> No.10209280

>get the rg35xx after getting a mm+
>100x more comfortable
Can you reliable use the shoulder buttons tho

>> No.10209350

>if you break it it will break
wow great discovery

>> No.10209358

if it had a 4" screen instead of those huge bezels it would be

>> No.10209360

>I have a Vita for everything this can do, but have been getting hungry for a device that can do N64 to GC well
the only reason to get the analog pocket is to play original game boy carts. if you're just going to play roms it's way too expensive.

>> No.10209364

i hope if they make a flip it doesn't have sticks. just make a fucking miyoo mini plus that folds.

>> No.10209370

can it do streaming?

>> No.10209372

yeah crystal clear sucks. you should play pokemon rocket edition, that one is actually fun

>> No.10209376

i like the actual color better than the render desu, but i feel bad for those who wanted the matrix green and didn't get what they expected.

>> No.10209383

>Not collecting famiclones until the chinks release the ultomate famiclone that lets you swap roms.

>> No.10209389
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>> No.10209398

no poketrash is fun unless you're a mental toddler.

>> No.10209401
File: 81 KB, 700x525, Old Anbernic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do like the shape, but who the fuck cares about lights on sticks?

>He says when only troons put their self inshits in kekklemoonz romhacks and fangames.
>Getting this assmad over KANGstal clear in the first place
Pokeniggers everyone.

>> No.10209410

Bro, you're replying to cuckslayerz himself. The very few times veepiss has decentish hack threads, he's always shitting them up.

>> No.10209430

/vp/ has threads about rom hacks? i never go in there cause it’s just pedos fantasizing about the loligirls or fucking a vaporeon

>> No.10209439
File: 840 KB, 895x1022, IMG_2509.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they put Pokemon Clover in the stock Miyoo Mini games list
Imagine being some kid getting a chink GBA clone for their birthday and seeing a new Pokémon game on it, only to get hit by a bunch of swearing and edgelord memes from 2014

>> No.10209449

I see the chonkies are unwittingly redpilling our youth. Splendid

>> No.10209451

>Search hack
>Romhack threads first result.

Alot of chinkhelds get preloaded with edgy romhacks like dark rising or kurosu because chinks acutally like edgehacks. They eben have consitant translations for the worst hacks/fan games like refuckingborn of all things.

>> No.10209457

rg35xx shoulder buttons are okay, not uncomfortable but not the most ergonomic but given its size, idk what else to expect

>> No.10209483

>we will never get a proper retroid pocket with the psp go form factor
life is suffering bros

>> No.10209498

Men used to go to war now they say things like "vertislop"

>> No.10209523

Oof. This actually makes Nil look sane.

>> No.10209542

>Anbernic stopped making rounded form factors when they rebranded as anbernic.
>Jxd stopped making vita and psp clones thanks to the wii u gamepad.
>Miyoo's snes handheld was so shitty, they straight up gave up horizontals completly
>Yinlips straight up died.
That said, zhou talked about doing a slider to compete with the mini flip, but I think he was shitposting again.

>> No.10209546

Who the fuck is buying the miyoo mini so fucking fast ?
There was like 800 of the ugly colors like white or yellow a few days ago and that shit vanished in 10 minutes.
I just want the blue one man.

>> No.10209609
File: 108 KB, 1024x490, 05_Legion_Go_Hero_Front_Facing_Right-1024x490.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like everyone who wants a /vr/ experience while having a tiny pocketable device. My amusement is how people overvalue these things to the point where they think it's worth scalping for higher prices. People tend to not remember that these devices are using leftovers from TV android box makers. Until we see more premium devices actually using mobile chips that aren't ancient, these things aren't worth going bananas over.

Also, has anyone seen this monstrosity? I can't believe PC OEMs are taking the wrong message and trying to 1 up the Steam Deck by being bigger.

>> No.10209613

Shoulder buttons suck on both

>> No.10209668

I will kill vertislop fans on the field of battle and harvest their organs

>> No.10209690

You should take a hammer and put it out of its misery. That thing is suffering every second it's turned on

>> No.10209714

i can't imagine being dumb enough to preorder a transparent handheld based on the marketing renders. the actual handhelds always end up looking way shittier.
i seriously hope none of you preordered that transparent blue odin 2

>> No.10209727

Getting into a fight with my Nam vet grandpa at thanksgiving because I said trying to configure optimal performance for Shadow of the Colossus is just as hard as getting shot at in the jungle

>> No.10209734

needed less, even

>> No.10209736

i thought you had a gba sp mounted to a watch and the wood was your fat arm wearing it

>> No.10209750

Nta but having gone from the RK23 to the 405M, the .5 increase isn't as much of a game changer as I thought it'd be.

>> No.10209760

uhh, rk2023chads? I'm thinkin we won AGAIN.

>> No.10209775

Emulating Citan's Deathblows to beat gramps in a fight

>> No.10209787

Why did you buy a sidegrade or barely noticeable upgrade from your previous chinkheld?

>> No.10209792

It doesn't have an analogue stick or touch screen, you absolutely need more.

>> No.10209797

nothing worth playing needs a touchscreen.

>> No.10209801

I didn't??

>> No.10209807

the console itself is kind of silly, but it incorporates some interesting ideas at least. the "mouse" thing is neat.

>> No.10209812

rg280v to 405m, so i definitely didn't

>> No.10209820

>What are mobile games for 300?

>> No.10209835
File: 392 KB, 800x2473, rg35xx vs miyoo mini+ mark 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does the OS of the MM+ compare to the rg35xx?

>> No.10209848

Not...worth playing? Lol?

>> No.10209851

Genshonkers Impact is not retro.

>> No.10209859

Because I wanted it to fit in my pocket

>> No.10209861
File: 114 KB, 576x764, IMG_8367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need a device between my Miyoo Mini and my Steam Deck for emulating Persona 3 FES in my pocket. The 405M looks slick, but it seems like the metal shell is a detriment when it comes to thermals. The RP2S looks appealing and the price is pretty much perfect for my budget, but 3.5 inches feels like it overlaps with my MM+ too much. Should I wait for a possible RG405P, or pull the trigger on the green 2S already?

>> No.10209868

Showing him a tohou pokemon romhack that instantly gives him a shame induced heart attack

>> No.10209869
File: 24 KB, 1210x212, shipped.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit my KT-Pocket has been marked as shipped

>> No.10209872

As a 405M owner it's decent and the heat hasn't been an issue for me outside of PS2 and Saturn. Haven't tried Wii yet but I'll bet it gets hot emulating that too. That said if you want PSP, I'd suggest a 16:9 device instead.

>> No.10209874

I bought the retroid pocket 2 I think ? But the UI was so shit I barely even touched it.
Recently bought a miyoo mini+ which gets a ton of use because onion OS makes the whole thing so much better.

>> No.10209945

DS games, 3ds games, dos mouse games, and scummvm games. Also some android games.

>> No.10209984

>DS games, 3ds games, dos mouse games, and scummvm games.
So nothing worth playing, got it. There are some PC98 mouse games worth playing, but you can just use an analog stick to move the cursor. Better than touching your screen like a mongoloid.

>> No.10209990

A stick will never going to give you the same level of speed + precision a mouse or touchscreen will.

>> No.10209994

You don't need speed and precision for the PC98 mouse games.

>> No.10210019

not retro, not retro, use the d-pad, use the d-pad. not retro.

>> No.10210024
File: 14 KB, 480x320, iphone_rayman2_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice try.

>> No.10210030

what kind of fucking shithead would do this instead of emulating the DC version? you black.

>> No.10210042

No arms makes it easier to fist yourself

>> No.10210056
File: 30 KB, 480x320, grand-theft-auto-3-1.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not worth playing
Holy brown
The iphone version is on par with the dc in terms of features and controls. What the fuck are you on about?
U play shit games. I can tell by your stink.

>> No.10210060

That thing’s not going to last long.

>> No.10210063

it looks like shit and you have to use the t*uch screen instead of proper controls.

>> No.10210064

>I can tell by your stink.
i just had a shower...

>> No.10210090

I don't remember big ugly icons and my thumbs on the screen in the DC version. Fucking kek at the cope by touchscreenfags.

>> No.10210268

never seen an anon so willingly out themselves here as a zoomette before

>> No.10210287
File: 426 KB, 1357x1726, C8D85071-89A8-420D-AA3F-1835AF995251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me guess… you need more?

>> No.10210307

This your first thread?

>> No.10210313
File: 3.36 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_20230901_192626472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The clear shell is quite soulful

>> No.10210352
File: 57 KB, 1226x431, censorshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Censorship is gay.

>> No.10210379

>wearing gloves for no reason
This makes me irrationally angry.

>> No.10210391

garlicos is just an onionos clone.
but since the rg35xx has a gpu unlike miyoo, there's also the batocera/koriki cfw betas that unlock new features/emu which make use of it. miyoo doesn't have any gpu

>> No.10210393
File: 253 KB, 220x220, proxy-image (2).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Previous thread spoke fancifully of the Retroid Flip 2 having a unique rotating screen clamshell design. I want to see it happen. Along with six face buttons to use the space better. 4 buttons is surely considered unlucky in China?

>> No.10210428

Clovers humor is so outdated it loops back into being nostalgic. Also it’s a good rom hack with a good set of fakemon and hard but fair difficulty. I’d rate it pretty highly and recommend it to anyone.

>> No.10210445
File: 67 KB, 278x181, 1663098905378.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like the squirtguns i played with as a kid

>> No.10210456
File: 1.03 MB, 1777x1060, ha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the colors look off, is that a frontlight mod?

>> No.10210518

>at least. the "mouse" thing is neat.
Thanks mom.

>> No.10210540 [DELETED] 

Good job, you triggered the trony jonny.

>> No.10210586

God I hate normalfags and their awful ideas for technology

>> No.10210605

Looking to get a retroid 3 plus. Everyone seems to love it for emulation and the streaming from Steam and my PS5 seems like it would be a nice bonus. My only worry is shipping from china and it getting damaged with no recourse for a replacement if it happens.
Has anyone had any issues with that?

>> No.10210635

>charge 405M for 15 minutes from the slow charger on my chair
>it thinks it's at 100%
>shuts down after about 20 minutes of play
I am really trying to like this retarded device

>> No.10210642
File: 58 KB, 1015x630, laugh reaction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>forcing oneself to like anbernig

>> No.10210675
File: 1.94 MB, 1488x1478, 821A89C1-8AA8-44F9-8D48-F758B0C29F06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems better imo. Closer to the jungle greens N64

>> No.10210676

It turns out more PS2 games work on it than I thought and it has a better battery than the RK23, when it works, but like all chinese handhelds it has to have something wrong with it.

>> No.10210779
File: 574 KB, 862x801, 1688349953972095.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can't even get their standard consoles out on time
>"dude lets sell ANOTHER variation"
Analogue is a peak example of a shitty company having a decent product.

>> No.10210785
File: 2.91 MB, 852x480, Analogue Pocket sucks.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10210792

I realize it defeats the purpose but it can load ROMs, FPGA, decent build quality plus a nice screen is pretty good. The problem with Chink emu handhelds is that they almost all have a shit screen and/or run on Android and on top of that have hit and miss build quality/quality control .
If Analogue was buy it, get it now or within a month and maybe knocked $50 off the pricetag I'd more than happily buy one.

>> No.10210824

You literally cannot do any of this if you are playing the game

>> No.10210834

What chinkhelds have the best build quality

>> No.10210872

Best windows handheld to Play win98/dos games?

>> No.10210874


>> No.10210881

Also looking for another handheld for my collection. Got the miyoo mini Plus to handle NES - PS1, but would like one with analog for PS1, ps2, n64, PSP, DC, gc

>> No.10210894

>decent product

>> No.10210895

I have zero love for the nshitty4, I just like transparent shells.

>> No.10210897

>not liking vertiKINO

>> No.10210908

He post this every thread

>> No.10210957

surely they fixed the glue by now.

>> No.10210961

it literally show it with a game being played

>> No.10210990

nevermind I was being too ambitious with my research. so I guess I want one with sticks to play the 5th generation of games. not looking to spend more than 200, cause I might as well get a steam deck but I'd rather wait for new technology or just bite the bullet and get a rog ally to play everything including my gamepass and playstation games as well

>> No.10210998

Good I hope he continues to do it

>> No.10211095

Is a single 8GB SD card good enough for RG35XX? I’m a cheap poorfag

>> No.10211117

If you're that poor just use the included 16gb card and make sure to back up your save files and save states once a week.

>> No.10211139

Do they even sell 8gb cards anymore? I can only fond like 32gb minimum where I live and they're dirt cheap now.

>> No.10211163

I'd assume it's an old 8gb card they had laying around. Hell, I still have a working 512mb micro sd card from my motorola i870 from 2005 that I used to play mp3s from the thing. I use it to store a few ds games for my m3 flash cart, as I hardly ever use my ds anymore.

>> No.10211190

you can get 128 gb sd cards for like $10
how poor are you

>> No.10211203

get a 64Gb at least

>> No.10211269

>analogue stick or touch screen
This is /vr/, sir.

>> No.10211295
File: 334 KB, 1655x931, IMG_20230902_143329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KTR1 re-review time: 24 days later edition.
Now I've fixed all the issues, I've completely fallen in love with the KTR1. You may not like it, but it has to be said: Nil has solved handhelds.
>Best screen ever on a handheld
>Good sound (and excellent amplification)
>So ergonomic it's like shaking hands with God
>Battery lasts for days and days
>Enough power for a no compromises 5th gen/Dreamcast experience
>Decent PS2 and Gamecube performance if you're willing to tinker.
>Dpad passes the Probotector test (after tape mod), and you can do that wibbly move in that punching game
>Preapplied screen protector and a spare
>Free screwdriver
>It's a phone
Yeah, that last one, turns out I got sent the 4G version as a free upgrade. I'm never going to use it as a phone, but it's nice to have the option. Plus now I can tell phonefags to 'just get a KTR1, bro.'
I have changed my mind: the KTR1 isn't just worth the money, it's a steal.

>> No.10211312

Does it come with issues out of the box?

>> No.10211315

None of these devices seems perfect to me. I want one mostly for gba but also other old systems. So it seems the best resolution would be 720x480 but I don't think anyone makes that. But also I'd need controls that are actually good, which is why I've stopped looking at the rgxx and towards the retroid 2s, but then I circle back to the display problem. Is that screen good enough for gba or do I continue waiting?

>> No.10211341

Is the rp2s worth it for the price?

>> No.10211348
File: 444 KB, 1241x931, IMG_20230902_150934~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. There's an error from the factory in the first batch where the speakers were wired out of phase. And the screen had some light bleed and needed a little bracing. And, as I mentioned, the dpad needed some tape to raise the pivot slightly (one hole reinforcer and three layers of masking tape). I wrote a review a few threads back about my frustrations. But I think I was being too harsh considering these are common issues with these devices and super easy to fix. Not fair to bitch about a device one guy made when Retroid had the exact same screen issues with the RP2+ or Anbernic had crap dpads and they got a pass. It would be nice to get an actually working thing with no issues, but those seem rare this day and age.
Plus something with a screen and ergonomics this good deserves to be praised.

>> No.10211369

If you can stand it's shitty and small screen, sure

>> No.10211418

Is it as uncomfortable as it looks?

>> No.10211424

What about the screen tearing?

>> No.10211426
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>> No.10211448
File: 1.15 MB, 4032x3024, rgb90dsstzu51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now perform the fingernail test, where you hold the cartridge up by your fingernail and see if the device falls.

>> No.10211449
File: 3 KB, 428x56, goodbye toss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't seen any screen tearing. I'm puzzled about that, because there should be given the wonky frame rate. I guess the frame pacing is off, but again, haven't noticed that either. The refresh rate is a total non-issue in practice.

>> No.10211454


>> No.10211468

the fuck did you just call me

>> No.10211469

Believe it or not, that's the problem their having atm. Some workers think it should have sticks since youtubers use them when shilling, while others think sticks on a gba sp form factor is stupid.

Same chip as the 351p I think. Wifi uncertain.

>> No.10211470

Most of the popular devices posted here are great for GBA and below.

>> No.10211472

I wouldn’t play it for more than any hour at a time, if that’s what you’re asking. Comfy for 1-handed gaming tho, depending on the game

>> No.10211474

>zhou talked about doing a slider to compete with the mini flip, but I think he was shitposting again.
Who is this Zhou and where do i bully his idea into reality?

>> No.10211484
File: 149 KB, 768x768, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got this last year and I'm still more than satisfied with it. Haven't felt the need to get another one. It just works and does everything I want nicely.

Does anyone know if unofficialOS runs Saturn or N64 solid enough yet?

>> No.10211485

Creator of the revo-k101 and the guy who made anbernic go from making werid looking psp clones to the rg350 and rg300. Anbernic would still be using their own locked down os's if it werent for him. Has his own baidu subleddit.

>> No.10211487
File: 59 KB, 450x450, IMG_8940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Retroid the only brand that consistently does transparent shells? I wanted to wait for the RG405P for the better screen and performance over the RP2S. But if they don’t have any transparent options, I might just go for the green RP2S.

>> No.10211495

>retroid flip 2 a rotating shell
RF3 slider when??

>> No.10211501

brb, doxxing him into a new slider

>> No.10211595

where/when was this ever confirmed? if you’re waiting around expecting them to do this just because it would make sense for them to, you’re going to get another 405V

also yes it’s basically been retroid/ayn (who are both under the same company) aside from sneedyoo

>> No.10211634

I assume he was just waiting for it as a possibility. That said, I read somewhere that Max Zhou said 405V is going to be their last T618 handheld, meaning no 405p. No idea if he actually said that, or in the event he did, if he's even telling the truth. If the RP4 with a new chip is getting announced at the end of the year or early next year, it's not too hard to believe.

>> No.10211646

>If the RP4 with a new chip is getting announced at the end of the year or early next year, it's not too hard to believe.
RP4 all but confirmed for Q4 this year per their discord

basically banking on them to add a better chip, the sticks and transparent shells from the RP2S, fix the start/select placement (they said they’ll never put them on top again), and it’ll probably be endgame for me

i know holding out hope in the chinkheld space is pure sudoku but i don’t think any of these are unrealistic from retroid, everything else about the current RP3+ is great as-is

>> No.10211654
File: 26 KB, 587x447, powkiddy dab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy. fucking. kino.

>> No.10211657

If it's not pocketable, then I won't regret getting the 2S.

>> No.10211659

>"The RG Nano is actually good because it forces me to play p*kemon" ~ Reddit Game Uncle

>> No.10211670

I don’t see them making the RP4 bigger, the one thing that’s almost for sure is since they’re both owned by moorechip, there’s no way retroid will produce something as strong or as big as the ayn devices

I love the idea of the RP2S but it really needed a screen bigger than 3.5” for me

>> No.10211673

It'll probably be a little bigger THO. Even the Odin 2 is a little bigger than the first. I can see them giving it a D900 since the Odin 1 is about to get succeeded.

>> No.10211685


i don’t disagree that it might be a smidge thicker, but they might do it more so for all the carpal tunnel fatties that need a grip to play their handhelds

>> No.10211690

>Yours truly,
>Reddit Game Uncle
>~Retro Goym Corps

>> No.10211712
File: 2.15 MB, 1920x1080, 1692020563768740.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>World Cup Italia '90 on Genesis
Kusoge in every sense of the word... but I love playing it and always go back to it for some reason. I adore scoring these low shots at an angle where the GK should've probably saved it.

>> No.10211758

India make handhelds too sirs just you wait sirs

>> No.10211765

good morning gamesir.

>> No.10211783

My favourite is chipping the keeper and it still not registering the goal but not mattering because I'm eight nil up and the AI is too busy trying to score a header from their own half.

>> No.10211793

I can picture it now. All chintz with "this handheld is a fucking" written over the screen.

>> No.10211876

How much would you pay for a purple PSP-3000 in good condition?

>> No.10211907

define “good” – japanese people good or amerilard good?

>> No.10211910
File: 42 KB, 632x474, IMG_4698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

amerilard good
>all gently used

>> No.10211912

japanese good

you're not me

>> No.10211920

There's also Taiwan, Thailand, Indonesia, South Korea, and Singapore that can find ways to make their own "gamesirs"

>> No.10211929

Still less of an issue than most MENAlard nations and Mexicobese.

>> No.10211947
File: 35 KB, 480x347, 2739362740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having those regions come up on your search hits

>> No.10211952

Oh, yeah? what's the matter, now? Mexicobese really DOES have the current title of the most obese nation in not only North America, but the world.

>> No.10212082
File: 171 KB, 583x397, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there anything he won't consoom, bros?

>> No.10212085

>got mine

>> No.10212094

I use ArkOS & it runs most Saturn games i've thrown at it (admittedly mostly shmups) at a consistent FPS w/no major bugs outside of occasional audio weirdness.

N64 stuff still seems to work best on Android using standalone Mupen 64 FZ for some reason. I've experienced way more random game breaking stuff on the Linux side.

>> No.10212109

>"The PS Portal is actually good because it forces me to play m*vies" ~ Reddit Game Uncle

>> No.10212115
File: 39 KB, 508x260, oh my fuck 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>admittedly mostly shmups
Try Cotton 2/Boomerang and let me know what you think.

>> No.10212138

353p or rp2s?

>> No.10212143

2S you dummy, I can't believe you're even asking.

>> No.10212145


What does this offer over the retroid or 405m?

>> No.10212146

The T610 is a lot better than the RK3356. Also with the 2S being cheaper, I don't see how it's a question at all.

>> No.10212150

he can just write it off as a business expense on his taxes.

>> No.10212158

high res screen

>> No.10212172

>over the retroid
non-retarded aspect ratio for emulation (PSP aside)
>over the 405m
d-pad in the correct location and plastic
>over both
3:2 1080p screen that's good (albeit not perfect) for everythin
WAAAAY better speakers they shipping them with fixed polarity now
Better ergonomics
A decent bump in power
Absurd 7000mAh battery

>> No.10212184

3:2 is actually the worst resolution, unless all you care about is GBA. Can't display 4:3 systems without pillarboxing, can't display 16:9 systems (or 4:3 systems with widescreen hacks) without letterboxing.

>> No.10212185

*aspect ratio, not resolution

>> No.10212186

That's the negative faggot way of looking at it, my "good but not perfect for everything" is far superior. Don't give a fuck about gayboy advance.

>> No.10212195

I didn't look into it much so I thought the 2s was weaker

>> No.10212197

nah you're wrong, it's the best compromise to play everything without any of it being unplayably small.

>> No.10212203

kek even the 2+ that came out before the 353 line wipes the floor with it (353p) performance-wise.

>> No.10212205

It's easy to forget you get addicted to buy a million different chinkhelds, but not having to device hop all the time is nice. Being able to play everything well on one system makes me both appreciate/like that system more AND results in me actually playing more games.

>> No.10212206

*forget when you get addicted to buying

>> No.10212216
File: 119 KB, 262x310, IMG_5047.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what’s the verdict on Linux vs Android? What’s which ones are best for emulating which systems?

>> No.10212229

are you rly this gay?

>> No.10212234
File: 103 KB, 400x394, 1690325586857183.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's a mind-numbed deluded redditor.

>> No.10212236

>Daijisho recognizes some PS1 bin files but not all of them
>manually add bin to list of files for it to look for
>remove then re-add folder path and sync
>no change
>delete a game and sync again
>go to Library in Settings and Sync Entirely
>still nada
What the fuck is wrong with this stupid app

>> No.10212250

literally fucking who?
you know that comes down to single digit dollars, right?

>> No.10212252

You are never going to get a system that can do 4:3 and 16:9 without black bars somewhere, stop being a pedantic faggot.

>> No.10212256

Linux is good for having a more pure experience with no bs, android is for if you want more than just emulated games and more customization options.

>> No.10212272

The better question is which one has a working sleep mode that won't see your battery dead in under a day.

>> No.10212274

Better him than me. One upside is as soon as someone cracks it so you can do more than play piss5 games at home on it, he'll make a video about that.

>> No.10212303

delete current records, link to path and sync again

>> No.10212324

One of the beauties of 3:2 at 1080p is that when you apply the old 5x integer scale and crop, you end up with a ratio very close to 3:2. Take the 320x224 of the Mega Drive, for example. Set pixels at square, 5x integer scale both axes, it comes out as 1600x1080, the borders for that are imperceptible. SNES, do 5x vertical and 6x horizontal to get 1536x1080. That’s 95% of the screen. Both of those have perfect pixel scaling, so no shimmer and no distortion and no need for interpolation, and at a reasonably justifiable aspect ratio. You can’t do that on a 480p screen unless you’re willing to lose a lot of screen space.
As for widescreen games, you’re really only looking at PSP for that, and the KTR1’s screen is the exact same width as the PSP’s. You get black bars, sure, but it’s literally, down to the millimetre, the exact same size as the PSP screen. And that’s not even getting into widescreen hacks, which work so much better on a 3:2 screen.

>> No.10212376

Analogue Pocket is a poor man's Vita

>> No.10212392

Vita can't emulate for shit

>> No.10212474

Oh, suuuuuuuuuuuuuure. Yeah, go on and trash talk a system you've barely, if at all, used.

>> No.10212493

>Using the term negative shil unironicly
3 by 2 is shit for everthang but gayboi. Which I know is all you.play. You ktrkucks are no different than anbernig shills fornthe 351p. Lolololo. No wonder chad zhou insults nil every second he can. Should'nt have left his job at comfy anbernig.
>You're never 'lies"
Vita's a poor man's sony wylo.

>> No.10212529

Kek actually it's a rich man's Vita

>> No.10212545
File: 6 KB, 213x237, looks in disgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go blow yourselves up, Console Jihadist fucks!

>> No.10212771

The only Saturn games I'm interested in running ran horribly in my current build.
Mostly I want to play Rayearth, Sakura Taisen and Astal.
Rayearth's FMVs ran choppy and skipped parts, same with Sakura.
Astal won't even start.

>> No.10212839

how easy is it to do a GBA SP reshell? also looking into maybe getting a IPS screen as my original SP has a few dead pixels.

>> No.10212972
File: 143 KB, 1280x720, POWkitty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Um, Brokiddies??????2

>> No.10212986
File: 67 KB, 800x800, s-l1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything using a fold/clamshell design is going to be a nightmare due to the hinge and the hinge alone compared to any other mod/device. With the SP, the screen's ribbon cable does a Sonic The Hedgehog 360-degree-loop that you need to feed through with tweezers without pinching the ribbon too tightly and damaging it. The og phat DS and DSlites/DSi do it as well, not sure if the 3DS family feed the cable through the hinge this way or not.

>> No.10212994
File: 498 KB, 768x432, TwAFatTax1GsNDaTl-8ymOaHt_xIE4EAog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would love to show a pic or make a quick webm of a clip demonstrating this little curl/loop they do with the SP/DS/DSlite/DSi hinge but I am lazy, you'll have to look up videos. But it fucking sucks and is one of the single worst details about doing any level of SP/DS modification/repair.

>> No.10213037

I gotta be honest, he's such a consumer whore who is just mindlessly trying to buy everything and anything that releases, it makes me lose all respect for him. Just focus on the shit that actually matters... excitedly consooming the Portal is just beneath pathetic, there is no word for it. Even the Miyoo Mini obsessed Redditors aren't this biblically sad.

>> No.10213049

>Analog pocket
>Doesnt have analog sticks
>Can't emulate ps1
The poor mans tiger.com
>Inb4 it's analogue not analog
I know, it's a pun, faggot

>> No.10213085
File: 150 KB, 750x935, 1692127886849679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope one day batteries can improve for Windows handhelds or that something like the Steam Deck's APU becomes more common place for Windows x86 handhelds. I love the Ayaneo Air but grabbing the 28w battery model was a mistake when even Quake or Doom 1 on the Bethesda source port can drain the battery after a bit over 2 hours. Maybe I need to do more testing.

>> No.10213106

anal log haha

>> No.10213114

how about those boxy pixel cases? the ones that turn the SP into a regular gameboy look.

>> No.10213128

you realize his channel is about reviewing all of these chinkhelds right, like he isn’t your actual uncle whose spending habits you should be concerned about

>> No.10213141
File: 152 KB, 1280x720, raping a gba sp with an awful mod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you mean the shit in pic related, you have to fold/bend the cable. Which takes significantly less effort but so does not wiping your own ass.

>> No.10213170

Why not just buy a chinkheld at that point, that's an awful design.

>> No.10213260

Yeah I'm thinking based

>> No.10213263

It was more a joke about the price.

>> No.10213265

>mindlessly trying to buy everything and anything that releases
Which is exactly what makes him useful to us, retard.

>> No.10213267

GBASPtards are delusional, the SP was always vertislop and deserves all the disrespect that comes with it.

>> No.10213268

It would be if his 'reviews' were unbiased. He shills everything he reviews, just look at the bullshit he came out with for the nano.

>> No.10213273

Comes with the territory. You just have to know how to filter the bullshit, accept the objective things he presents in his videos, then wait for redditards to beta test the stuff he left out.

>> No.10213278

Cool, so what handheld does both 4:3 and 16:9 with no black bars?

>> No.10213287
File: 82 KB, 918x598, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The GPDS Soon™

>> No.10213340

RGB30 is $90 base model, is horizontal, can play from Game & Watch to Dreamcast and PSP, and has a 1:1 screen, all for less than half of the Analogue Pocket. Vertislurpers are pathetic faggots.

>> No.10213356

>t. Some zoomer retard born post-2000 budding in to give his grossly uneducated, ignorant opinion in an effort to fit in
Swing and a miss, don't try again.

>> No.10213371

I'd rather have someone be honest than some fucking turbo lord faggot mc-faggot-lord-atron who shills every single thing unpaid and unwarrantedly just because he likes the idea of these things even existing and wants as many people to mindlessly buy them as he does. This is why Wolfden and his literal cock-sucking faggotry is tolerated/ignored despite how much he pushes his more successful boyfriend's Youtube channel; He only gets devices he actually thinks are worth owning and reviews them with fair scrutiny. Retro Game Corps just jumps on and obsesses about everything and anything that releases in a desperate attempt to be seen and it's painfully obvious. I mean the entire, "I LOVE THE RG NANO, IT FORCES ME TO PLAY POKEMON CRYSTAL WHEN I DON'T WANT TO" comment is the epitome of what to expect from RCG and his utter consoomer retardation.

>> No.10213378
File: 133 KB, 941x941, 1690646145824444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People have spent decades, literally more than one decade, trying to pretend to be as retarded as you genuinely, naturally, actually are in an effort just to mildly annoy others for their own amusement. But here you are, just wallowing in your own shitty existence just naturally being a detriment to anyone and everyone who unfortunately encounters you let alone is involved in your daily existence.

>> No.10213403

He wasnt like this at first, but I think he does it to get free shit. He used to buy his chinkhelds before r*troid and others would send him like 3 fucking review units. Powkiddy at least seemed to have stopped for some reason.
Wolf is just as much of a consoomer as much as russ if not more. Only retro tech dad and wicked gamer are decent reviewers

>> No.10213408

>He only gets devices HE actually thinks are worth owning
Which is all well and fine, but I don't think that discounts RGC's existence because they go after everything which is good for exposure just in case what works best for you isn't something just one guy thinks is worthwhile.

>> No.10213414

>they hated me because I told the truth

>> No.10213416

I don't think Russ has played more than the first 20 minutes of a game in his life.

>> No.10213421

>/Threading/ your own post.

>> No.10213426

He didn't have a pokemon save to use in his MM+ link cable emulation video. He had to download a save. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not a fan of grind-e-mon, but what sort of retro gamer is so divorced from gaming that they don't have a single pokemon save?

>> No.10213430
File: 73 KB, 500x499, told the truth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a meme

>> No.10213439

Isn't there a correlation between aluminum and Alzheimer's?

>> No.10213452

They both start with Al...

>> No.10213453

Probably not. There's been a ton of studies on it since the 1960s, but nothing conclusive has ever been found. If aluminum did actually cause alzheimers, there would be expected hot spots in certain regions where aluminum use is higher, but such numbers don't exist.

>> No.10213456

Yes, and you regurgitating a meme that has no context to your retarded fucking nonsensical babbling doesn't magically make your retarded fucking nonsensical babbling relevant. You had absolutely dogshit retarded, zoomie-core opinions on the GBA SP and people called you out for having absolute dogshit retarded, zoomie-core opinions on the GBA SP. Regurgitating a meme doesn't absolve you of your inbred, fatherless idiocy.

>> No.10213457

Do you think a 90° turning Horizontal to vertical screen is worth making given it's potential fragility and perhaps cost? On top of clamshell hinge? I believe it CAN be done right. but whether the makers will make it flawlessly is a debate for Chinese philosophers.
Does anyone really need arcade vertical screen support? 3/DS in alignment? Did I forget any other application of it?
Also, >>10212172 would 3:2 be a better ratio for pragmatic vertical too? Or the more common 16:10? I was also looking at Evercade's 15:9.

>> No.10213460
File: 109 KB, 768x710, truth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10213503

THOUGHts on the 'eck?

>> No.10213509

2big and 2pointless. It's the Playstation Portal for Steam cock riders.

>> No.10213524

The only people who buy them already have gaming PCs, they only play their Decks within proximity of their gaming PCs, and they only play their Decks for 1-2 hours at a time before getting bored/uncomfortable/wanting to just play on their gaming PC instead.

>> No.10213526

Too large, $400+ for something that can't play AAA games, shit battery life on ps2+ games (though 10+ hour battery life on snes era games). You'd be better off spending $400 on PC upgrades and just grab a cheap controller.

>> No.10213531

it's his job you fucking retard, his portal video will buy him food and rent for a month
he's not gonna review just the things (You)care about

>> No.10213547
File: 118 KB, 600x592, 1678217952817925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's his job you fucking retard

>> No.10213548

This isn't true at all. I just came back from a work trip and the deck is perfect for being able to play my steam games away from home. I didn't bring it with me cause it's too big, but I thought about it.

>> No.10213558

Yah nah, at least Electronic Gaming Monthly told us each reviewer's biases and made three different reviewers score each game separately to make things crystal clear and reliable. When the faggot who hates beat-em-ups is the only one out of three to give a beat-em-up a bad score, you know it's a good beat-em-up title. But this fucking faggot adores and gushes about every single thing he buys, and he buys literally everything. He's fucking useless and unreliable as fuck because he'll praise and recommend a total piece of shit for the same reasons he praises and recommends something actually worthwhile. It's like the fucking line from Pirates of the Caribbean that I'm about to butcher while paraphrasing; You can always trust a dishonest man to be consistently dishonest. It's the supposed honest ones you can't trust as you never know when they're going to be dishonest. I can't read a guy who always says everything is amazing. It's like the dude from Seinfeld who called the hideous baby, "breathtaking" and then also referred to Elaine as "breathtaking". Like... what the fuck. Don't call a piece of shit and viable, reliable handheld by the same fucking descriptors you stupid fucking unreliable piece of shit consumer who literally eats up everything.

>> No.10213561

>It's the perfect size
>But I didn't bring it with me because it's too big
Do Deck owners even have two brain cells? Literally contradicting themselves in their own fucking post. Literally denies it being too big then in the next fucking sentence says it's too big.

>> No.10213585

yeah that's me, and I love it

>> No.10213586
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>> No.10213587

>But this fucking faggot adores and gushes about every single thing he buys
but that's wrong, have you never watched his videos?

>> No.10213590

>"I love the RG Nano because it forces me to play Pokemon Crystal!"
Yes, yes I have.

>> No.10213616

who are you quoting? he never said that, i'm literally shaking and crying rn

>> No.10213620

He actually literally said that in his Nano re-review

>> No.10213651

Thinking about getting an RP3+ for my first handheld, just worried about one thing. Am I just emotionally regressing using the same escapism that I used as a child, down to the same games, to avoid confronting the problems of adult life? Probably gonna play the patapon games first when it gets here.

>> No.10213694

you don't need to be miserable to be an adult. you can be a responsible adult and play silly games too.

>> No.10213810

What's the best version of Sensible Soccer I can play on a RG35XX?

>> No.10213815

aren't they all on amiga?

>> No.10213896

>Dual screen handheld
>Top screen has black bars on both DS and 3DS

>> No.10213906
File: 785 KB, 4032x1816, xk2aYTS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My steam deck arrived as well thankfully

>> No.10214031

It's time for him to admit he has a problem.

>> No.10214036
File: 35 KB, 972x555, 1678530975411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Too large
>they only play their Decks within proximity of their gaming PCs
Don't make me tap the sign.

>> No.10214037

You're breathtaking.

>> No.10214041

The only way to truly know is to buy a handheld and find out.

>> No.10214057

This is the desk of a crazy person.

>> No.10214058

I want to mod my miyoo mini plus to gave the size and look of a gameboy. Is not that comfy to use as it is.

>> No.10214059
File: 302 KB, 1081x1071, steam deck expectations versus reality.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10214086

You're on here. You're already fucked up.

>> No.10214097

Heh, steamdeck packs a punch but is too large indeed. Nobody sane brings this with him all over the place.

>> No.10214205

My RP2S is on its way and I kinda want to sell my RG353PS because it's hard to justify owning two chinkhelds that fill the exact same niche (especially since I still live with my mom), but I'm scared that I'm not gonna like RP2S when it arrives. The shape looks less comfortable than RG353PS for one. What do?

>> No.10214232

he said in his rg nano video that he doesn't play pokemon. he didn't know how to trade between gen 1 and gen 2 in that mm+ trading vid.
the only pokemon game he has ever played was Crystal back in the day when he was home from military and bored.

>> No.10214234

you should have gotten a bigger device if you didn't want it to be small.
get one of those 3d printed grips i guess

>> No.10214237

literally me and i love it
somehow it's so much more comfy and low stakes to play on a handheld

wait until the rp2s arrives and see how you like it? how is that a question

>> No.10214252

I also wanted a bigger shell for durability, mm+ feels delicate as fuck.

>> No.10214274

retro game corps ayn loki zero review
the cheapest handheld pc so far

>> No.10214341

Its a damn shame that battery life is always going to be a major issue for these Windows handhelds. Interesting that emulation is mostly better on Linux though, wonder if battery life will be better too.

>> No.10214345
File: 1.11 MB, 1280x960, 1677397120176741.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im done with these stupid handhelds. i much prefer just having chink tv stick. the whole "bed argument" falls apart when you realize that on a tv it's same laid down experience as well as more ergonomic than holding that tiny handheld. and no worries about stupid shit like battery life

>> No.10214365
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meanwhile psp

>> No.10214435
File: 21 KB, 620x420, dekavita7-console-playstation-tv-vita-6-630-x-420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buys small handheld
>"i wish it was bigger"

>> No.10214504

enjoy playing your tv stick outside in a hammock during summer i guess

>> No.10214507

I didn't realize how delicate it would feel. Of course I feel retarded. Thats why I'm getting a metal device next.

>> No.10214514

yeah x86 is just garbage for battery life i guess. apple got insane battery life improvements when they went to their own silicon as well. imagine an apple m1 handheld...

and then the lenovo legion go towers behind them both

>> No.10214565
File: 312 KB, 590x463, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he won't play /vr/ stuff or anything good for that matter, but he'll play 20 hours of gay elf in a single week.

>> No.10214585

I use these things to play games I've never played before. That's what I would do if I were you, since I'm me and that's what I do.

>> No.10214586

>Sensible Soccer
painfully bonganese name from a painfully bonganese developer.

>> No.10214601

Iktf and always wait to get my new chinkheld before deciding on which one to sell.

>> No.10214614

>says Dreamcast emulation is more power-hungry than N64
>the on-screen sensor report shows the opposite
well, in any case: the weak APU kills this device in my opinion. what's the point of an x86 device that can't even emulate Gamecube flawlessly? he said in his RP2S review that it can do about 50% of Gamecube games at full speed and he said the same thing here, the difference is that RP2S has $100 base price tag that comes out to about $140 with shipping and taxes if you live in Europe. this is easily above $300 with taxes and shipping, a refurbished Steam Deck model costs about as much.

>> No.10214641

Get the 1000, then.

>> No.10214657

Plato said it first.

>> No.10214681

he hated the game and dropped it

>> No.10214685

i guess this can play indie pc games that aren't on android. not a great value for emulation yeah.

>> No.10214693

new rgb30 kino just dropped

>> No.10214713

>>says Dreamcast emulation is more power-hungry than N64
>>the on-screen sensor report shows the opposite
only for one game, anon

>> No.10214714

fuck off with your google translate, chang
this is an english-speaking board

>> No.10214780

>Interesting that emulation is mostly better on Linux though
Less microshit bloat getting in the way of game performance, probably.

>> No.10214783

Anything smaller than deck is too small to play anything good on.

>> No.10214786

Cope, the deck doesn't even have a good screen

>> No.10214929

I liked the NGPC but, back then, I only got it for Metal Slug. There was nothing else that I wanted to play on it. I guess I should have figured that. But I still enjoyed it before I sold it off.

>> No.10214950

I now have 4 Analogue Pockets, boys. What do I do?
>inb4 just get a MiSTer
I already have two.

>> No.10215096

Get a bigger shelf so you can fit more APs to show off.

>> No.10215105

Anbernic, Powkiddy, Retroid: fuck, marry, kill

>> No.10215114
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>$6000 for a 1993 famiclone handheld

>> No.10215118


>> No.10215134
File: 355 KB, 1170x2055, IMG_2555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t need it…

I don’t need it…

I DEFINITELY don’t need it…

>> No.10215143

It's just about the best out of the 3.5 inch screen pocketable handhelds, if you already have something comparable or better in that same category you probably don't need it. Do you think you would get a lot of mileage out of it?

>> No.10215172

>only fell for the chinkheld meme once
pick one

>> No.10215178

i hate consoomers

>> No.10215184

I don't want to do any of those things to a Chinese corporation, that would be unusual.

>> No.10215189

>fell for the dual shit meme 5 times
>not crazy
pick one

>> No.10215198
File: 42 KB, 481x444, IMG_7745.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right now I have a Miyoo Mini+ and a Steam Deck. The Miyoo is fine enough for Pokemon, but the moment I tried playing Soul Blade on it and heard the title screen audio get all crunchy was the point I realized I needed more. Steam Deck would obviously handle it, but that’s more of a “play on the couch/in bed” device than a “bring in my pocket going to the laundromat” device.

Also, I REALLY like the color of that transparent green.While I know the 405M is a better product, it doesn’t come in transparent green, so I’d probably regret going with it. Yeah yeah, I’m a consoomer, bite me.

>> No.10215206

>I know the 405M is a better produc
The 2S is better in every way but screen size and chip tho? And chip strength difference isn't even worth mentioning imo frankly.

>> No.10215210

I wish I could bite you...

>> No.10215302

Nintendo deserves the money

>> No.10215331
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>> No.10215334

>The 2S is better in every way but screen size and chip tho?
You say that like those aren’t some of the most important aspects of any handheld. If the RP2S screen was 4 inches, I wouldn’t even hesitate on buying it.

Eggplants are gross, bro

>> No.10215335

NTA but
>actually thinking that buying a ds more than once makes you insane
>implying that Nintendo in 2002-2014 was as sue-happy as they are now.

>> No.10215340

I'll grant you the screen, but the chip difference is fucking nothing. If it were a fucking rk3566 vs a T618, then yeah I'd agree it's significant.

>> No.10215341
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>> No.10215352

Can both of them do Persona 3? That’s the only “high-tier” game I’m currently interested in emulating.

>> No.10215359

The T618 in the 405m definitely can. Considering how well it runs on the T618, I'd be surprised if it doesn't also run fullspeed on T610, but I don't have mine yet to confirm. iirc it was already pretty close on the T310 in the RP2+, so pretty safe to say it's one of the easier to run 3D PS2 games.

>> No.10215384

Steam Deck Ultra instinct.

>> No.10215489

There are some 'lower end' games that I thought would work fine which turned out to chug hard, so if I were you I'd look up a video just in case.

>> No.10215520

Retroid werks for me. Found no reason to switch.

>> No.10215753

I'm skipping through P3FES on RG405M to see how it plays in dungeons and fights to report on it since I had the time. Even skipping most of the dialogue and cutscenes this is taking forever kek. Typical JRPG. So far the game is buttery smooth in sparsely populated areas, but lags a bit when there's more than 10 people on screen. No sound problems though and the anime cutscenes seem to play just fine.

>> No.10215776

P3FES works pretty well and even when it lags the Frame Limiter removal works (basically Fast Forward) and the first battle went off without a hitch. Stopping here since I lost track of the battery life and it ran out during gameplay. The game is smooth enough that even if the RP2S is like 15% less capable than the RG405M, it should wwork just fine. This is all speculation though so take that with a grain of salt.

>> No.10215805

>he doesn't want to fuck vaporeon
You must be the gayest cunt out.

>> No.10215823

>>>/vp/ retarded animal fucker, you are not accepted as normal on this board.

>> No.10215835

Thanks for the effort, Anon. It’s a JRPG, so even 30fps would be fine enough for me

>> No.10215854
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Not happening homo.

>> No.10215864

go fuck yourself Russ

>> No.10215865

haha is this you posting about yourself? thats funny
look the post a few minutes before uses the same background as all his vids>>10212994

>> No.10215867

Taiwan already did with the RoG Ally

>> No.10215868

why doesn't anyone talk about the ZontSlop menace. these fucking sideways faggots need to get turned right side up once and for all.
>upright master race will always triumph over lay-flat laggards

>> No.10215901

No problem. And I'm pretty sure it goes below 30fps at its worst, but it's definitely in a playable state from what I've seen.

>> No.10215906

3DS and DS are goat tier

You're just sad mommy never got you one

>> No.10216021

>Less microshit bloat getting in the way of game performance, probably.
i can actually confirm that. i have underpowered laptop where melonds was unplayable on windows, then i tried it on linux and it was perfect
my guess is that linux doesnt take cpu on idle for no reason

>> No.10216028
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sounds like cope because on psp, ps1 games are near native resolution, only 32 pixels upscaled

>> No.10216073

the transparent green is very different from the renders in real life, i hope you saw some actual pictures

>> No.10216078

>anon has never seen a cutting mat before
you're embarassing yourself...

>> No.10216439

>sounds like cope because on psp
Holy shit kek, do not even try to peddle your bullshit here if you're going to talk about 4:3 games on a 16:9 screen. Way to destroy your entire argument in just the opening line.

>> No.10216441

>4:3 games on a 16:9 screen
aspect is irrelevant to pixels

>> No.10216449

It's relevant to the gaming experience you disingenuous retard. Stay coping, this is my last (You) to you.

>> No.10216534

black bars is not any way relevant to gaming experience, and most chinkhelds arent in any position to be better

>> No.10216548

How come there are no rainbow chinkhelds celebrating pride month?

>> No.10216561

>and most chinkhelds arent in any position to be better
My RG353PS has a 4:3 640x480, so I get perfect integer scaling with PS1 games.

>> No.10216596


>> No.10216630

The SF2000 is literally all you need.

>> No.10216632

it looks like a snes controller but it can't even play everything on snes at full speed

>> No.10216649
File: 1.95 MB, 320x224, gFbBhD.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, what a fucking piece of actual shit.

>> No.10216657

You don't need every snes game at full speed.

>> No.10216676

RGB405V Will be the ultimate device for a while.

>> No.10216679

Honestly it helps with the 'tism. Having multiple monitors is great for work but shitty for vidya since I'd much rather shitpost on the second monitor rather than playing a game on the primary monitor. The deck forces me to focus on the game.

>> No.10216685

The screen seems nice but looks pretty dumb as a whole also bad chip decision with that form factor

>> No.10216689

What way is it a bad chip decision?
It’s the same chip as the 405M and RP3+.

Powerful enough for GC and PS2. Whilst keeping costs down.

>> No.10216706

>big ugly vertisloip that's even bigger than a DMG Gameboy
They should have just made a 405P.

>> No.10216719

agreed but tbf most vertislop is uglier and this one looks like it's at least trying to be comfortable. Also the DMG is taller and thicker so this isn't strictly bigger.

>> No.10216741

tvs didn't have square pixels

>> No.10216746

Here we go again

>> No.10216748

no one said anything about TVs retard-kun. It is a fact that these consoles rendered in pixels regardless of what we used to display them, and now that we have displays with square pixels, there and inferior and superior ways to scale them.

>> No.10216750

neither do modern LCD displays if you actually measure them properly. it doesn't matter if it's perfectly square or not, it only matters if it's close enough.

>> No.10216763

>it doesn't matter if it's perfect
Kill yourself

>> No.10216765

I think you should follow your own advice, I imagine life with OCD is hell.

>> No.10216769

I own a vita and 3dsxl, which one is better for snes games? Retroarch on vita or Vc infusion on 3dsl? Can I fast forward on 3dsxl?

>> No.10216813

anyone that ordered a Pocket 2S recently can tell me how long it took to ship? are they still shipping to the pre-August customers only?

>> No.10216821
File: 148 KB, 1020x759, 1467499432006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It 100% depends on the color. Some people are ordering black and receiving a shipping notification that very day or the next day. Meanwhile I completed my transparent black order less than one minute after orders went up on 7/25 and my 2S has only just departed from China.


>> No.10216836

My transparent black finally shipped a week ago and should be arriving in the next 2 days. I was one of the preorders so who knows when you'll get it if you order today.

>> No.10216897

I ordered transparent green right when it went live, it got shipped on Wednesday and I'm still waiting for it. 4PX says it "arrived to the destination airport" but I'm unsure whether if that means it's already in my home country or if that was just a flight inside China. My local carrier tracking hasn't been updated yet.

>> No.10216904

Oh one more thing: absolutely don't order the transparent green if you want fast shipping. It's the worst one when it comes to delays. Only orders from the very first day have been shipped as far as I'm aware: https://www.goretroid.com/pages/delivery-dashboard

>> No.10216914

make a 404p, t610 and 4" screen with plastic case to shit on the RP2S

>> No.10216916


>> No.10216924
File: 521 KB, 459x612, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4PX says it "arrived to the destination airport"
my transparent black shipped monday and that's my latest status. fucking chink airliner just sat on it doing nothing for a few days. also some dickhead got this transparent green.

>> No.10216930

>he fell for the """transparent""" grip meme
Yeah that happened to me with the RP3+ grip. Would've gone with black if I knew it was actually just white.

>> No.10216931

How do you make a bloated to shit chinkheld and still fail to make it ergonomic?

>> No.10216935

by making it vertislop. at least it looks much more ergonomic than other vertislop.

>> No.10216937

it seems pretty ergonomic for a vertical console. it has grips on the back for your fingers like the large horizontal consoles.

>> No.10216946

It IS really weird they just skipped over gen 4 entirely.

>> No.10216949

Is this thing any good when it comes to pre rendered background for PS1 RPGS? the only handheld that I feel is capable of of representing those aesthetically pleasentaly is the OG PSP

>> No.10217001
File: 48 KB, 640x464, IMG_2566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So it actually comes with those candy-colored buttons after all? Damn, I saw some earlier models with the sleeker black buttons that kind of got my hopes up

>> No.10217007

Number 4 is considered unlucky in Chinese and Japanese because it's a homonym of "death".

>> No.10217012

but then they'll still have 405m and 405v so they can't be that scared of it

>> No.10217015

maybe that's why retroitard didn't put a 4 inch screen in the pocket 2s

>> No.10217018


>> No.10217024
File: 557 KB, 1512x2016, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>here's your green and totally not blue handheld bro

>> No.10217027
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>> No.10217031
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>> No.10217036
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>> No.10217039
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>> No.10217064

Honestly, the button colors bother me a lot more than the actual shell. Might buy trannyblack for those black buttons alone

>> No.10217073

i got a green rg405m that has rainbow buttons, i'm just gonna swap them for black ones
i hope the ones from my 280v will fit, otherwise i'll buy new ones on etsy

>> No.10217089

Not as bad as what Miyoo pulled with the purple Mini+ but still pretty funny.

>> No.10217104
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>> No.10217150

I recently homebrewed my psp slim and playing mario land 1 in bed. Cozy. Any reccs for psp?

>> No.10217164

All of the Patapon games (haven't played 3 but I'm sure it's great) are really cozy

>> No.10217190

is the extra grip on the transparent 2Ss worth it?

>> No.10217196

Seems like it's the same situation as the regular vs transparent RP3+s. So the plastic ones aren't bad but the bit of extra grip the textured back on the transparent versions gives you is a nice bonus.

>> No.10217201

Pretty much impossible to say. I bought the grip for my RP3+ out of curiosity and it felt great... but I ended up never using it. Just prefered the lighter, sleaker feel of the handheld on its own. Didn't bother ordering the grip this time as a result. Some people absolutely swear by them tho.

Actually just realized you're talking about the texture of the plastic on the transparent models. The answer to that at least is 100% yes.

>> No.10217215
File: 829 KB, 1512x2016, nigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone else like to play on their commute to work?

>> No.10217219

You guys don't do home office...?

>> No.10217239

Damn that looks comfy. You read moon anon?

>> No.10217249


>> No.10217251

Yeah i hit a bitch and the cops tried to get me but they couldn't keep up with my superior gaming skills

>> No.10217252

running from the cop irl and in gta at the same time

>> No.10217260


>> No.10217265

I'm trying so FUCKING hard to not order one since I still have a 2S on the way. quite possibly the hardest thing I've ever done.

>> No.10217276


>> No.10217282


>> No.10217286
File: 63 KB, 636x471, horror.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be chang
>order the 4" "death" screens because superstitions are stupid
>they auto eject engulfed in flames after two hours of sega saturn gameplay

>> No.10217292
File: 1.25 MB, 2880x2160, 20230831_173937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10217305

Is the rp2s screen too small bros

>> No.10217318

Yes also mine came with a dead pixel, but its not noticable during most gameplay

>> No.10217342

return the 2s anon, you don't need it

>> No.10217343

holy shit the rg405m was cursed all along
the chinks were right
anbernic was playing with fire

do you have another device with a 3.5" screen? is that too small?

>> No.10217354

it's larger than a gba sp or ds lite screen, for reference

>> No.10217359

I like them, but I'm still unsure about them being the GOATs in this day and age. DS Lite was great since you could play GBA and DS games, but DS games looked way too blurry on 3DS and playing on their native res turned my eyes into squint city. Plus the 3DS library felt more forgettable in comparison, save for a few hits, and 3D was just sort of a pointless gimmick.

>> No.10217385

It's average sized but 4 inch niggers are now dogpiling on it despite there only being two handhelds that even have 4 inch 4:3 displays.

>> No.10217402

It's acceptable but I wouldn't go any smaller.

>> No.10217409

I got COVID and last night because of COVID-driven insomnia (apparently that's one of the symptoms) I tried to play GBA at like 2 AM when I needed to be asleep. But I was too miserable to enjoy it at all so I gave up. Eventually I finally got to sleep and now I feel somewhat better and can enjoy GBA again. Hooray!

>> No.10217418

Is this reddit copy-paste or something? What a faggy post.

>> No.10217449

Based handheld gamer making the shitposters seethe

>> No.10217464

>anon can't go three posts without mentioning reddit

>> No.10217479
File: 28 KB, 256x352, 1691180655810352 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like super retard or at best typical half-wit.

>> No.10217518

If it would fill the screen I wouldn’t

>> No.10217571
File: 36 KB, 556x371, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alrighty, you're in the third world in a rehab for crack, and you need one of those wierd portable consoles to play emulators or else you'll freak out.

You want to play everything and you don't want to spend much. Yes, you will buy one of those huge ass microsd for that.

Where would your money go right now?

>> No.10217575

Excellent, what are you playing?

>> No.10217576

>DS games looked way too blurry on 3DS
they looked like shit on DS too, it's fine on 3DS

>the 3DS library felt more forgettable in comparison
disagree, I only recently got a 3ds and played plenty of DS and 3DS games, 3DS games are by and large much better

>> No.10217580

it's more that it looks like there's plenty of space for a bigger screen, and when you put it side by side with the RG405M you really see the wasted potential. if it was smaller with a 3.5" screen that would be fine too.

>> No.10217584

what does that mean? the chinkhelds can't play PS3.
i guess steam deck is your answer if you want the most amount of games.

realistically you're probably just looking for an RG35XX, it's around $50 and can play everything up to PS1.

>> No.10217585

Odin Lite is probably closest to "play everything" and "don't... spend much".

>> No.10217590

You can stretch it with L button but I don't like that

>> No.10217597

You know, from nes to ps2 or wii. Sky is the limit. I'm hoping to be surprised by the Chinese industry.

But yeah, if you draw too much attention someone will steal your Vidya in this kind of clinic.

Is there any handheld that can play Saturn and Nintendo 64 too?

That rg something xx seem to be a good choice, but I don't know how it plays Saturn games ,

>> No.10217603

Or dream cast games.

Oh how I wanted to play crazy taxi!

>> No.10217616

Rp3+ or Odin lite

>> No.10217620

What about the myioo mini plus or that rg 353v?

>> No.10217624

I will never touch a vertislop. This includes narrow clamshells like the GBASP, but not wider ones like the NDS. The WonderSwan is half vertislop so that has to go too.

>> No.10217629

Why? Do you hate seeing more of your game for some reason?
>Sky is the limit.
Obviously not if you're stopping at gen 6 out of 9 and all of PC, you're basically missing out on all the good games.

>> No.10217632

I think there is a very high chance this is going to end up being what I do to justify getting the RGB30.

>> No.10217638

>retard thinks they will allow him to take a gaming handlheld to rehab
even phone access is strictly controlled so that you don't spend too much time on it. better get some books to read.

>> No.10217643

>the chinkhelds can't play PS3.
About every UMPC with 6800U or better can play it just fine.

>> No.10217649

All it has is screen size and aesthetic, the 2S is superior in basically everything else. You're throwing away the smart woman with a great personality for a cheap slut that has as many brain cells as she has breasts.

>> No.10217657

>all of Pc

With you there

>gen 7-9 being “all of the good games”

Are you sure you clicked on the right board

>> No.10217696

Well, money doesn't grow in trees. I would buy something better if I had a job, lol.

But... Yeah, right now the rg something and the myioo are winning this lifecycle licitation.

What would you do? Where would you spend your time wasting as little money as you can?

I would buy a GBA, but for the price I've found this thing, it's cheaper to buy the rg353v and hope it can emulate Dreamcast properly.

Have you ever seen that thing playing videogames?

>> No.10217715

If you want good Dreamcast get a RP2S or better.

>> No.10217721

Retroid pocket 2?

>> No.10217723

Retroid Pocket 2S in particular, but yes.

>> No.10217728

you have to be such a raging weeb to think this actually matters in business decisions, if it matters it’s almost always with housing/buildings

4 yourself

>> No.10217736

So... How far can it emulate?

>> No.10217741

What about the retro if pocket 3?

>> No.10217743

>Retroid 3

>> No.10217762

that other anon gave you a good starting point, can you spend like five minutes to gather the differences between the 2 and 3 yourself or no

>> No.10217885

Basically as far as the Retroid Pocket 3,but a little less. Like since the RP3 can do PS2, Gamecube, and some Wii, the 2S can do those but not as well with higher end games and not as many of those games. The games that run buttery smooth on RG405M and RP3+ will do slightly less well on 2S, but 2S will be able to do up to DC/PSP just fine aside from higher end PSP games.

>> No.10217931

The 2S can run GoW PSP so it should do the higher end PSP as well

>> No.10217963
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>> No.10218005

Super Mario Bros, Metroid Prime, and DBZ BTenkaichi.

>> No.10218017

If it can do Dissidia 012, then I'll be impressed.

>> No.10218312
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Soul reaver and world of warcraft on g-cloud during a thunderstorm in bed is peak cozy

>> No.10218313

You wouldn't pirate a chinkheld.

>> No.10218317
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>> No.10218483
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>> No.10218534

I think I'm just biased since I had a DS and a flashcart when I was younger.

I get Ayaneo has to churn out products to make money, and I do like their devices. But I'm really concerned about the longevity of both the Flip and their Sliding handhelds, outside of GPD it seems like hinges are just a weak point for many Chinese manufacturers.

>> No.10218614

Has a gamepad laptop ever been anyone's favorite console?

>> No.10218615
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I also kept the plastic screen cover on . I couldn't imagine playing Wow on it . How are you doing it? Streaming from a PC ?

>> No.10218639

why doesn't anyone ever talk about the rg351v? i got one for cheap off ChineseCheapShitSite and enjoy it

i thought i was getting a super fucking good deal on a 353v (like $90 off) so when i realized i'd ordered the 351v (only getting like $40 off) i almost canceled the order or sent it back but now that it's here i like it and pick it up to play probably twice as often as my v90 or sf2000
just beat Aria of Sorrow, it was fun i felt like a kid again. i am so lonely

>> No.10218645

my next purchase in a month or so will be a ZontSlop capable of playing up to PS2 or at least GameCube.
Candidates are:
x28 or x55
rgb10 max 3 pro

how the FUCK do i choose one what the FUCK

i guess i'm looking for a 150 or less price point, maybe up to 175 if it gets a nice boost in performance, horiZontal, capable of playing up to ps2, bigger screen, comfy enough to hold for a long time

help me decide what to throw my money at, shills.

>> No.10218686

But we talk about vertislop all the time.

>> No.10218692

I like the RG405M but PS2/Dolphin at max performance drains the battery too quickly to consider it a gen 6 machine for anything but DC basically. Only thing it has over most of those is portability.

>> No.10218696
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Some ukbros liked the open pandora.

> x28 or x55
Did you mean x28 or x18s? (matte) I think the x55 does 6th gen worse than the others.

>> No.10218828

not my fault that you flat-liars hurl imprecations at anything that stands upright, unconsciously projecting your own inability to reach for the more rarefied realms of existence even onto your choice in toys

i just see people shilling the rg35xx and miyoo mini and maybe occasionally mentioning the 353v/s but never the 351. i like the fact that it's bigger desu...can't fit it in a pocket but it's easier to hold, better shoulder buttons and bigger brighter screen than my miyoo and v90 (both of which i like)

maybe the retroid 3, then.
i hadn't heard of that one, looks cool. i also like the clamshell style, big screen, and the price looks good. thanks for the tip, friend!

>> No.10218831

i don't really count the x86 handheld pcs as chinkhelds, to me that term is more for the <$200 smaller ones, but technically sure.

>> No.10218834

remove the fucking plastic you cunts aaaaah
the blue tab is making me mad

>> No.10218838

start with the screen aspect ratio and size, do you want 4:3, 16:9 or whatever the fuck the rgb30 has
if you don't need it to be portable, but want comfort, the rg405m is kind of out.

>> No.10219015
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>higher end PSP games
i wonder what those games are, anon

>> No.10219082
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If you're willing to fix/put up with a couple of hardware and software issues (it's the literal opposite of plug and play), you might like the KTR1. It's more powerful than any of those, big screen, super comfy, although the price has just gone up to $200. Here is FFX upscaled 3x (the intro, at least).
Otherwise the Powkiddy X28 looks neat.

>> No.10219086

GOW, CC FFVII, MH, DD012 FF, the more polished 3D ones basically.

>> No.10219106

Isn't RGB30 just 4 inch like 405m?

>> No.10219126

what about gtas

>> No.10219148

That would be a more polished 3D PSP game as far as I know, yeah.

>> No.10219150

it's a different aspect ratio

>> No.10219159

Yes, but the aspect ratio is 1:1, which is pretty unique among chinkhelds. It’s the closest you’ll get to a modern vertical aspect ratio, so it’s good for playing GB, GBC, and schmups. The downside is that you will ALWAYS have black bars, but they’ll be smaller than they’d usually be, unless you’re playing 16:9, which gets even bigger bars than it would on 4:3 screens

>> No.10219174

>The downside is that you will ALWAYS have black bars
unless you're playing pico-8 or uuuuh... watara supervision, a console nobody has ever heard of apart from the fact that is has a 1:1 aspect ratio

>> No.10219189
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anon pls. But also yes. It'll also be good for NGPC + Wonderswan games that require tate or being flipped on the fly like Klonoa/Rockman & Bass. Also if you're a square pixel autist like me and don't want to stretch to 4:3 as intended, it'll also be good Game Gear, PCE, and literally perfect for X68000.