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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10205905 No.10205905 [Reply] [Original]

What's this game about? Is it just some guy?

>> No.10205918

It's a schizotypal personality disorder simulator. It feels like everybody hates you for no reason and you just want to finish your daily tasks and go home.

>> No.10205924

so is he a postman?

>> No.10205973 [SPOILER] 

Everything after Postal 1 is either going on inside P. Dude's head, or (if you play the pacifist routes) he split into four different entities and the demon that controlled him in Postal 1 is following him around observing him until Postal 4 when it makes its presence known. Yes, they actually have an in universe explanation for Postal 1 and 4 having a co-op mode

>> No.10205984

Postal 4 was as crap as 3

>> No.10206008

At least it didn't have jokes about fucking MMM of all things.

>> No.10206045

I never said it was good I was just explaining the plot to the OP. If you want to pretend everything after 2 never happened, then FPBP

>> No.10206052

It's a mailman simulator, the gun is in case of dogs.

>> No.10206143

pretty much

>> No.10206167


>> No.10206271

It's just a game about doing chores. I legitimately don't understand the controversy it received. Is picking up milk really problematic or something?

>> No.10206283

some dude*
but yes, pretty much.

>> No.10206285
File: 159 KB, 800x724, Kceuzhmi6FlMv6P33t2R1tZFnbqYqoH2SQ14Uu19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A financial scam which nearly bankrupted the entire Russian population in early 1990s. Nobody outside of ex-USSR would ever hear about it, why did the Russian devs even include it in Postal 3?

>> No.10206626

>Shooting Taliban
>Pissing on everything
Zoomers' will never understand this games incredible appeal to a 13 year old kid.

>> No.10206632

I'm also sure it was the most shared game on the likes of KaZaA, rapidshare etc at the time.

>> No.10206718

It's the game Kojima developed before death stranding. You're a postman and just go around posting stuff

>> No.10206775

he's not your guy, dude

>> No.10207127


Yeah, youre just delivering some bullets. Express-

>> No.10207293

Only good thing about this trash are the toxic cow heads that make everyone puke and die.

>> No.10207376

how to play postal 2

>> No.10207732

Pc 3d games are meticulously retarded

>> No.10207738

the first game was better just you and your gun shooting the fuck out of everybody, its every child's dream, or at least it was my dream as a child

>> No.10208038

It's about pissing on people, smoking crack and killing things or not if you don't feel like doing it

>> No.10208059
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it's an immersive sim

>> No.10208063


>> No.10209070

anyone who hasn't done this irl hasn't lived

>> No.10210597

It's about doing chores and random people try to stop you.

>> No.10210638

So like when your family gets murdered by a meth addict cartel cult and then they make up excuses online for it over and over?

Dumb faget. Quit making up fake definitions for crazy you dumbass retard. You're the one that most likely is literally crazy, since you defend serial killers all day


>> No.10210645

Everyone goes home after they finish their daily tasks you dumbass idiot

Not everyone wantd to go to a gay strip club and snort meth all night like you, ya crazy ass braindead idiot

>> No.10210649

i wont lie, it does look appealing.

>> No.10210709

Well there was that bank robbery you have to defend yourself from when you innocently go in to deposit a check.
Honestly I love how you can play a completely law-abiding citizen and the universe keeps finding ways for chaos to happen in your presence

>> No.10210719

If you hold completely still, you won't get shot at. The robbers say "Don't move, and you won't get hurt." they hold true to that.

>> No.10210738

The game serves as a pleasant stress reliever after dealing with shitty people all day.

Main complaint I have is that they got lazy with audio levels.
When everything seems normal, a scripted sequence happens where there's a bunch of explosions - instant earrape.

>> No.10210770

I just played through the zoomer spin-off and loved it. Bought Postal 2, but now I’m wondering whether I should play the original first.

>> No.10210784

Postal 1,2 and the other thing are very different games.
only common point is the character and cathartic violence.
i haven't played the zoomer shooter though, they always fall sort to me.

>> No.10210843

I know they’re all completely different from each other, but the zoomer remake got me interested… Thanks to the controversies, I’ve always passed on the series as dogshit games with no redeeming qualities besides violence, but now I’m interested to see how the series, the character and the ”humor” has evolved.
I play a lot of retro shooters, but check out a zoomer one every now and then. Besides the bad jokes and repeating one-liners, this was one of the better ones.

>> No.10210887

the first one is darker. the new edition has a different ending(censored) tho but gameplay is better.
2 is like a parody breaking the fourth wall because you simply couldn't come back from a mass shooting sim in their current year, even if it had its flair of dark humor.
it's been parodying itself ever since but lost its edge with 4 and maybe 3 but i haven't played 3 much.

if you like 2 be sure to try Eternal Damnation, i've heard it's done by one of the guy who worked on the final dlc that came out for free after 3(for healing retcon reasons).
Eternal Damnation is over the top and edgy it's hilarious but linear. its main character has also been added as an enemy in the dlc without context nor dialogue as an obscure reference.
steam workshop has it.

>> No.10210892

(eternal damnation is a mod if it wasn't clear)

>> No.10210898

Started playing this game last year cause I just found the humor in it hilarious, but feel like the lore just roles with it

>> No.10210989

Thanks. I'll start playing them in order and if I'm into the second one I'll check out Eternal Damnation. As for the new ending of the first one, I don't know if I've got the new edition or not since Postal's free on Steam, Postal: Classic and Uncut is free on Gog and Postal: Redux costs in Steam - I was planning on playing the Gog version.

>> No.10210991

Anyways, you wanna sign my petition?

>> No.10211018

...Okay, that sounds pretty reasonable.

>> No.10211593

>and maybe 3 but i haven't played 3 much.
Postal 3 was a clusterfuck during the development to the point RWS disowned it. It got outsourced to a Russian dev, then rushed out the door when their economy went to shit. The gameplay's atrocious by all standards and I'm not sure it's even fully functional. It's not RWS's fault that it went so poorly but they still took responsibility by taking it off their store, and Paradise Lost was designed as a sort of apology for P3.
P4 is definitely a bit sillier and I think it left Early Access too early for financial reasons. I think they tried leaning harder on the humor but it's missing that sincere yet edgy undertone unique to the early 2000's. It's still worth a look for fans, but I understand if you finish it still preferring P2.

>> No.10212778

>Well there was that bank robbery you have to defend yourself from when you innocently go in to deposit a check.
yeah but that's self defense. only crazy people would call you a terrible person for that.

>> No.10213094

the new edition is in high resolution

>> No.10213110

Fortuitous violence. Target audience is mainly 12/13 yo kids, who are beginning to feel the seeds of virility flower in them and think this somehow makes them more masculine. I wanted really bad to try it back then

>> No.10213119

no way you freaking pinko

>> No.10213250

Really? I'll have to try that out. Thanks.

>> No.10213916

postal 3 is no longer the scapegoat after postal 4 being just as shitty. they lost that card now

>> No.10213928

not the same developers though.

>> No.10215367

It's like objectively a 5/10 but subjectively a 10/10.

>> No.10215418

Where I come from, that makes it a 7.5/10. And where I come from, that makes it 8/10.

>> No.10215626

That's fucking awesome. Trying that on my next playthrough.