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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 552 KB, 1440x1977, electronic-gaming-monthly-v9-4-of-12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1020335 No.1020335 [Reply] [Original]

You guys used to buy these didn't you?

>> No.1020346

Only bought pc gaming magazines when they came with good full games.

>> No.1020351

sure did, they were great

gaming magazines in general, not EGM specifically

>> No.1020353

i used to buy shitloads of gaming magazines back in the days of megadrive ,psx, and ps2

>> No.1020363

One of the few game mags I subscribed to

>> No.1020371

I had a box full of these from over a couple years, then my cat pissed on it and ruined them.

I don't have that cat anymore.

>> No.1020376

I had that issue. I remember reading about War Gods, thinking it looked cool, then never seeing it in an arcade. In fact, had I not just checked YT I would have assumed it got shelved.

>> No.1020381

Yeah, EGM was awesome.

I subscribed to them when I was in the 7th grade and continued 'til Freshman year in High School. This girl in my freshman class thought I was reading "Math" magazines, dunno how she got the impressions.

>> No.1020383

I had a couple of EGMs, but I was a nintendo fanboy and an Ausfag, so I had N64Gamer. Their immature jokes were great.

>> No.1020408

I was more of a Gamepro guy throughout the SNES and N64/psx years but I used to go to the library to catch up on EGMs. My parents gave me a Gamepro subscription to me and my bro and I had it until magazines didn't matter anymore and just got news off the internet. Probably had that magazine for nearly 7 years

>> No.1020409

If anybody wants to scan their copies of old gamping mags (I'd be particulalry interested in PSX ones) like that other guy who occasionally scans things. It would be cool.

for the glory of /vr/, and archiving.

>> No.1020516
File: 120 KB, 400x500, gfguardianheroes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought this one from a bargain bin and thought the people who made this had no idea how to lay out a page.

>> No.1020543
File: 836 KB, 1280x1702, tumblr_mhstdw0rD01rkrwaco3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best mag back in the day. A more mature take on the industry compared to Gamepro, Gameplayers, and EGM. Not that I didn't love the latter mags, but they were written at about an 8th grade level, which is understandable given the target audience.

Next Generation, however, was like the Forbes of the industry. It covered many aspects of gaming the other mags didn't and featured in depth interviews with the likes of Bill Gates, Trip Hawkins, Dave Perry, Roberta Williams and many other luminaries.

>> No.1020548

Only magazine I bought regularly was Tips & Tricks. I still have a few somewhere.

>> No.1020553

Gamefan was really fucking cool, though. Before being a weeaboo was even a thing, I loved their coverage of import games.

OK, I'll be the one to say it. I can't come up with a clever way to put it right now, but that drawing of Sakura looks like shit.

>> No.1020715
File: 1.02 MB, 1400x1811, electronic_gaming_monthly_106_-_1998_may_099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EGM was god tier. Mainly because their reviews were just so fucking short and sharp and they told everyone to fuck off.

Capcom threatens to pull advertising over SSF2 getting 6.0 across the board? Told them to Fuck off.

Fanboys annoyed Chrono Cross got 9.5 from Greg Sewart (The Sports Guy) and got denied the platinum? Fuck Off (I wish I had the issue after. John R's smackdown of the fanboys was godlike and said he was going to put Sewart on all the RPG reviews from now on)

Random page I have. Wish there were more scans about.

>> No.1020729

I would buy one once or twice a year when my family and I would go on a vacation. I would buy whatever issue they had at the airport and read it on the place and in my downtime while traveling.

Never subscribed to any gaming magazine though.

>> No.1020770
File: 423 KB, 787x1040, egm2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to love EGM2/Expert Gamer. They had plenty of long, in-depth guides for several games.

Too bad they had to end it.

>> No.1020779

>I say just make a better game, and more of it.
How did this person become a journalist?

>> No.1020792
File: 166 KB, 400x544, mag1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit was just plain good. The only magazine I had a subscription for.

>> No.1020956

shit yeah, these things were the size of phone books.
I would love to find a bunch of them at a yard sale
EGM was my favrotie for having so much content, followed by Ultra Game Players for their wacky humor

>> No.1020958

>You guys used to buy the best video game magazine that ever was or ever will be, didn't you?

Uh yeah obviously.

>> No.1020961

plus the covers were hardstock
out of all my old magazines those are in the best condition
I love hype about old-ass systems that died before their time
could this be the year of the saturn??

>> No.1020976
File: 62 KB, 526x346, egm100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my favorite issue of EGM (or any gaming mag ever). I read teh top 100 games article thousands of time.

>> No.1020986

I've got that issue within arms reach of me right this very moment.

>> No.1020981
File: 1.15 MB, 874x621, playerspoll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a subscription to Nintendo Power.

>> No.1021016

I had a subscription to NP from the Nintendo Fun Club days until the middle of the SNES era, had a EGM subscription from 92-98 ? and an EGM2 script from issue 1 until it turned into Expert Gamer. oh and a sub to Game Players for couple years in mid 90's

used to get that in the mail for free (have no idea how or why) the last 3 or so years it was around. was actually pretty good for a modern game mag.

>> No.1021240

Mostly Nintendo Power, GamePro, & Tips & Tricks. EGM had Sony's dick in it's mouth back then to even bother reading.

>> No.1021282
File: 300 KB, 686x963, kirbycard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only gaming mags I ever bought were tips and tricks, mostly for the Collector's Closet articles though

>> No.1021337
File: 98 KB, 775x695, 1366566579759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tips and Tricks
This guy gets it.

>> No.1021508
File: 17 KB, 276x251, laughingmiyamotosan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>EGM had Sony's dick in it's mouth back then to even bother reading.

>reading EGM after the 16-bit era

>> No.1021520

>Night Warriors on the Saturn
That was an excellent port, probably one of the best fighting game ports of that generation.

>> No.1021545

>He think video game reviewer are journalist

>> No.1021548
File: 474 KB, 1200x1600, HAHA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1021550

holy shit! i used to get that for free too. i thought i was the only one.

i got the free 3 issues or whatever they offered, and they just kept sending it to me

>> No.1021563

I was born in '94 so by the time I had any interest in videogames outside of playing them, the 7th generation was just about to start. So you can see why I never cared.

>> No.1021643

>Supporting DreamTR


>> No.1021670
File: 539 KB, 1600x1200, Code MASTAR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OH SNAP. My spess weezles.

>> No.1021680

GamePro was my magazine of choice. The cartoon avatars gave it character, and the guides were a fun bonus, even if I didn't have the game. (I used their Chrono Trigger guide when I borrowed FF Chronicles, though.)

>> No.1021764
File: 103 KB, 500x415, 1349335825182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That tiny Zangief head.

>> No.1021771

One thing I liked about Gamepro was that they had separate ratings for stuff like controls and sound.

>> No.1021775

>10 reasons why it will succeed
>20 reasons why it will fail

Damn, a mag that tells it like it is

>> No.1021780
File: 84 KB, 167x225, Flux_Thumb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone remember this mag?
i loved it.
not a game mag specifically, but it had some gaming shit in it

>> No.1021782
File: 110 KB, 299x393, war god.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1021875

I was pretty fond of Shoe's articles in EGM. One of the few that told it like it was.

>> No.1021907

Next Gen was such pretentious bullshit. Even at age 13 I could tell that.

>> No.1021912

T&T was so awesome because they talked about games nobody else would touch back then. Who else would devote a cover to Real Bout Fatal Fury or Metal Slug? I've still got a crush on Betty Hallock.

>> No.1021915

As much as I hate to defend a video game reviewer, that's an incredibly accurate and concise summary of Yoshi's Story.

>> No.1021919

Fuck what anybody says now, Game Players was hilarious to me as a 15 year old. GET IN THE BOX! I actually went to one of Bill Donohue's weird indie band gigs. Pretty good stuff.

>> No.1021929

Does anyone know of a good archive of old gaming mag scans, specifically Expert Gamer? There was one issue that had a Skies of Arcadia and Project Justice strategy guide in it, and I lost my copy a couple years back.

>> No.1021946


US magazines are unfortunately under-represented because ZD used to just destroy any website that did EGM scans, even if they were old. You can find a lot of complete collections of classic UK stuff like Super Play and Amiga Power but US stuff is just really hard to find.

>> No.1022005

holy crap. i forgot all about Bill. whatever happened to him after PSM? while we're at it, how's Chris Slate?

was an avid buyer of Gamefan (big fan of their later years when ECM took editorial control), Game Players, PSM, EGM2/Expert Gamer.

>> No.1022015


I've seen some retro Nintendo Power scans bopping around on Emuparadise.

>> No.1022051


Doesn't replacement docs have old mag scans? Wait no, that's another site I've long forgotten the name of. It had a "Super Mario" font for the logo. This much I do remember. The scans were pretty good, too, because they even had the trading cards with them.

>> No.1022059
File: 143 KB, 591x903, 1203527693513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heck yes, that was the best game magazine ever!

>> No.1022060
File: 162 KB, 639x998, 1203527717814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1022067

EGM was my favorite gaming magazine.

It helped that it had Hsu and Chan plus a more professional name than most gaming magazines.

Too bad it had to end the way it did.


>> No.1022072


I had exactly one issue of EGM and it was the Soul Reaver 2 issue with this comic in it. Love it.

>> No.1022194


>> No.1022213

this guy inspired me a lot artistically

>> No.1022216
File: 1.63 MB, 2048x1536, Box of Gaming Mags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Subscribed or collected a few different gaming mags? Why?

>> No.1022238

Yeah, this.

They seemed to hype a lot of American and European games that ended up kinda sucking.

>> No.1022241


I miss the freebies they inserted into these things. They're useless junk in my desk now but still.

>> No.1022249

You wouldn't happen to have any issues of Expert Gamer, would you?

>> No.1022248

I subscribed to it and Tips n' Tricks for at least 2 years each. Never bought a strategy guide in my life.

Still have all of em' too. If I ever feel the need, I'm sure I have a strategy guide for Blast Corps, Tecmo's Deception, or Ergheiz without even looking.

>> No.1022252

That article was probably the best feature EGM every published. Exposed me to so many games and platforms I'd never considered.

Tetris was #1 for those wondering.

The later 150th issue did a similar countdown, but it featured many newer games, and I didn't agree with it as much. Super Metroid made #1 that time.

>> No.1022258

EGM was great all the way up to the PS2 era.

>> No.1022263

You got a problem with Jason?

>> No.1022269

I have a bunch of old Nintendo Power in a box someplace around here. Lots of free players guides as well, since each sub came with one.

>> No.1022270

And they didn't really do reviews or industry news. It was exactly what it said it was.

Tips and Tricks was the closest thing we got to Japanese gaming magazines. Some of the later issues even included frame data for fighting games.

>> No.1022271
File: 1.56 MB, 2048x1536, Gaming Mags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't believe I do. I'm almost positive I don't. It sounds unfamiliar to me and I don't recall ever picking one up. I don't remember seeing one. Most of them are gamepro/EGM/Nintendo Power with a few odd and ends tucked in.

>> No.1022297

>Starting in August 1998, EGM2 became Expert Gamer,
Yeeeeaahhh... I don't have one of those. Pretty much N64 era and above I have no magazines because pretty much games in the PSX/N64 era mostly went to shit and so did gaming magazines. After 2000 there would have been no reason for me to even bother with any computer gaming magazine either which by then was pretty much my mainstay. Well except for maybe retro based mags. I didn't even bother picking up a PS2 until a significantly later in it's life for fifty bucks with the GTA set and a network adapter so I could get an HDLoader and even then I still found it's hard to find decent games for the system. Not saying there aren't a few, but there's a lot of mediocre titles for it.

>> No.1022317

I have the entire run, I think. If I don't I'm only missing a couple of them.

>> No.1022319

And they are for sale too

>> No.1022325

I'm looking for the Phantasy Star Online issue, specifically. It has a Project Justice strategy in it that I've been dying to red since I lost my copy of it.

>> No.1022349


>> No.1022365

I ought to have it, since I'm pretty sure I had one with a Skies of Arcadia guide in it.

>> No.1022392

I had Dreamcast Magazine, Playstation Magazine, GamePro, EGM, and Tips & Tricks at various times. EGM was always my favorite, especially when it started to have regular reviews by Seanbaby.

>> No.1022396

Oh and Nintendo Power, but I only read it for the game boy/GBA guides.

>> No.1022405

Would you be willing to upload a scan of that issue, eventually?

>> No.1022539

I had a subcription to EGM for years, 6th grade until Sophmore or Junior year I think. I kind of miss the days of seeing a game previewed in a magazine and getting hyped, even with seeing so little of it. Now days, you know a huge amount of a game before it's ever released.

>> No.1022784

Have that issue and most of 70-80s, best few years for the magazine.. What-ifs, psycho LOTM, ask EGM.. Yeah the issues were fucking massive back then, even if a few pages were an eb catalog, it was still way better than mags nowadays

>> No.1022998


It was up till the re-design they were pretty good. Shoe was probably the best editor they had and they didn't mince their words on some of the garbage that arrived on their desks. I suppose some people were buttmad since they really seemed to have it out for Sony at that time and didn't like their exclusives as much.

>> No.1024645
File: 673 KB, 1400x1811, egm_video_game_buyers_guide_1999_-_079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Emuparadise is good but has some broken CBR archives. Retromags used to have some but the admin had a meltdown and now it's a wasteland and most of the links are dead.

Problem is there's no real archival project outside of Nintendo power for most of the US magazines. Especially since some of the EGM's were fat as fuck 300 page behemoths and it would take massive effort to get them scanned in.

I have a good few in my attic but it's a massive fucking chore to scan one of the slim issues, never mind a full fat christmas buyers guide special.

>> No.1024665

I will have to search through the boxes in my closet to find it.

>> No.1025730

Gameplayers / Ultra gameplayers for the humor
Next Gen for serious business commentary

EGM for the ads

>> No.1025736

>Especially since some of the EGM's were fat as fuck 300 page behemoths and it would take massive effort to get them scanned in.

1. Chop off the spine
2. Place in document feeder
3. Hit "scan"

>> No.1025753

Egm/gamers republic/psm/next gen once in a while/...then i started getting into game informer...was interesting setup Alot of detail in reviews, waky humor, then...errr what is this dumbed down redesign? @ gamestop, "oh we own game informer now isnt that awesome?"

Fuck, advertisers flock to GI do to inflated distrobution rates because of gamestop discount deal is tied into mag. Reviews rarely drop below 7.0...reviews just look like blocks of text, kinda forced. All the other mags start to slide off not being able to compete with gi's circulation, other mags reviews start reviewing games the same way....

And here we are today.

>> No.1025759

This may or may not destroy collector value.

>> No.1025876
File: 983 KB, 1400x1811, electronic_gaming_monthly_098_-_1997_sep_054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This. Also don't have a document feeder type scanner. Has to be done manually.

May see about archiving some review crew sections, good articles like the Seanbaby articles and any good previews they have.


Once they industry copped on to the fact that EGM was always going to say "You're going to drop advertising because you hate our review scores? Fine. Pepsico/Target/Toys R' US/Ecko/Fritos etc. are more than willing to take your slots as soon as we offer them to them. We're not hurting for advertising, you are". Then they just went for more insidious methods and used the growing online sector to get in and force websites to subscribe to their method of advertising games and pushing coverage on them over what EGM was able to get (And EGM pulled in over seven figure sales some months. Especially the XMas issues. So more mainstream advertisers were pushing like crazy to get into that)

IGN's probably to blame more than GI though since they were the first to really sacrifice integrity for adverts (And when they did try to break it with deals like McDonalds. The readers rebelled because "BAAAAAAW MUH DENIGRATION OF GAMING" even though that's the sort of advertising that kept EGM editorially independent for years. Benefits of hindsight, eh?)

>> No.1025893

Not really. I handled magazines for a bookstore and the vendor only required us to return the covers to get credit for the unsolds. We're supposed to dump the insides, but of course we took anything interesting to read.

I don't know about the later years, but early on they were really only popular because they had screen shots of all the upcoming games. and not much else in terms of content.
Did they have some kind of affiliation with Famicon Tsushin? Much of EGM's style, format, and design was ripped straight from Famitsu, including graphics.

>> No.1025897

Next Gen had some kind of raging boner for 3D. They pretty much panned every 2D fighter to come along (especially Neo Geo.)

>> No.1025908


Next Gen was basically the US version of EDGE magazine and that had the same raging boner about 3D. They were posturing morons most of the time (They hyped the balls off Rise Of The Robots. That's how bad)

Meanwhile EGM were going fucking ballistic that Sony was refusing releases for most 2D games or making them rental only at the time. Hell, Sony were even refusing some games that even had 2D association (EGM were mad as fuck Megaman Battle And Chase was refused).

Kinda funny looking back on old issues on how EGM treated all three console manufacturers with the highest contempt. They hated Sony because they were assholes on approving games. They hated Nintendo for ripping people off with high cart prices. They hated Sega for being inept on the Saturn (They did really like the Dreamcast though). It was kinda refreshing for a magazine to hate console manufacturers equally, give them shit constantly but still concentrate on the games and how good they were as well (Also the inevitable "Shut the fuck up" editorial from John R or Shoe whenever fanboys got their jimmies rustled). It's a trait sorely missed nowadays.

>> No.1025915

That's a terrible way to do that. All you need is a V rest and a V cover and double camera system and decent soft lighting. Auto/batch cropped/named. Toss on a book, page one. Click both cameras, flip, click, flip click, flip, click and so on. I've seen flat plane single camera ones two, they capture two pages per image though. I suppose you could also just batch crop to split them.

>> No.1025916

Ack, you'd have to shift the V cover. It's not necessary, but it might help quality.

>> No.1025924

to be fair, every damn magazine ( read german/french publications) hyped Rise of the Robots considering the screenshots and premise actually looked good. I'd however say it was more about prerendered CGI hype which as we know turned out to be a fad like digitized sprites.

>> No.1025931
File: 484 KB, 1600x1079, rise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Amiga Power said it played ass from the previews but they would keep an open mind till the review. Then the review copy came in late before the magazine could publish the review before release date. It wasn't pretty.

>> No.1025949
File: 68 KB, 630x370, 1359070004915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>all of the tips recommend the flying kick

>> No.1025972

I didn't buy magazines or watch the shows so everything I knew about games came through word of mouth.
It was actually kind of cool that way. When I got a new game, I truly didn't know what it would be like, and I didn't know where the limits of the world were in any given RPG, so they seemed HUGE

>> No.1026000
File: 399 KB, 876x1176, InternationalRugbyChallenge Review.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They reached their zenith comparing a really bad sports game to various real atrocities.

But I suppose the beauty of that style back in the 90's was that they were passionate enough to warn readers but also tell readers when they were morons (Everyone who bought Rise Of The Robots was ridiculed hard for the rest of the magazines life)

>> No.1026003
File: 19 KB, 640x492, 1264rcn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>comparing the game to the Rodney King beating
>approximately half as bad

>> No.1026006

i love EGM, was a subscriber of them from 1990 till they closed down. i still have most of their magazines including the 500 page one. but i love how their reviews tell it how it is, no sugar coating at all. if a game sucked, they told you.

>> No.1026046

>as you hold up, right and fire, the robots initially try to fight back, but then simply cower in the corner of the screen untill they die. this is presumably owing to the "unique combat intelligence system that adapts to and learns your style of play".

that's where my sides were last seen.

>> No.1026592
File: 383 KB, 872x1174, Fireforce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I wish Magazines were still this funny. Or could insult games with the passion AP had or call out shit for being unoriginal as fuck.

>> No.1026626
File: 1.00 MB, 1259x1653, superman 64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1026639

N64 Magazine was great. Anybody remember Dr. Kitts' Game Clinic?

>> No.1026653

i kinda imagine super adventures being the new amiga power

>> No.1026701
File: 1.07 MB, 1259x1635, n64tribute-carmageddon64b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


N64 was amazing because instead of making a Nintendo mag for kids like everyone else was doing. They took the high road and made an intelligent magazine. I wish I remember one of the early issue replies to "Should I smash my playstation" because one of the kiddie Nintendo mags (The official one) was doing a feature where if you smashed your other console with a hammer and sent the evidence, they would send a new N64 to you.

N64's reply was "Console wars are for children on the playground and we're calling the police on you just in case". You don't get that sort of making fun of the readers nowadays but also including them in the joke (And most of the sites are inept as fuck at it)

Also Dr. Kitts was an actual qualified doctor in Plant Biology who would get annoyed if you ever called him Doctor. Hence why they did it all the time (Also he had a super morbid sense of humour so they constantly made jokes about him "Hiding the bodies)

Also one of the editors sicced' Stuart Campbell on Nintendo Europe when they got an interview with them. His first question was literally "Why do you hate Europe so much?". You can read the carnage here.



Its OK. Just lacks that real cynical edge Amiga Power had. Reads more like official Nintendo Magazine when it was good and before the neutering order came from Nintendo around the time ONM started campaigns to get FF3, Mario RPG and Earthbound released in Europe. Nintendo were reportedly pissed.

>> No.1026720

>before the neutering order came from Nintendo around the time ONM started campaigns to get FF3, Mario RPG and Earthbound released in Europe. Nintendo were reportedly pissed.

Did Nintendo not like selling games back then or something?

>> No.1026741
File: 941 KB, 1600x1988, N64 Magazine 4 (tablet) - 048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nintendo hated Europe because the Mega Drive got an early lead and sold better while Nintendo honestly thought people should pay the equivalent of £65-80 British pounds for games in Europe. They didn't want their own officially licensed magazine saying there was better games available in the US that Europe never will get because of the translation costs.

The N64 launch was even more insane. Even though they had plenty of units in Japan and the US, they artificially constricted supply so entire counrties only got between 1,000-5,000 consoles and even some smaller countries only got 100 consoles at launch.

Nintendo lost the fucking plot around that time.

>> No.1026749
File: 940 KB, 1600x1988, N64 Magazine 4 (tablet) - 049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Part 2

Also will try look for more samples of Nintendo being bugfuck insane and pretending customers didn't exist. I'm pretty sure most of the modern kids who grew up on the latest consoles would have their heads fucking explode when you talk about just how completely awful Nintendo was towards customers in the 90's

>> No.1026753

>Watch in horror as you drive up a hill and CPU cars just roll backwards past you
My fucking sides are in orbit. That interview's gold also

>> No.1026826

I am loving these snarky as fuck magazines ripping on shit games.

>> No.1027858
File: 550 KB, 864x1181, January 17, 2001 (02).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found some old hue and chan scans i made years ago...looks like 13 of them.

>> No.1027860
File: 518 KB, 845x1167, January 17, 2001 (03).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1027863
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>> No.1027868
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>> No.1027876
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>> No.1027880
File: 1.31 MB, 1062x1509, January 17, 2001 (07).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1027886
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>> No.1027892
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>> No.1027896
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>> No.1027918
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>> No.1027921
File: 1.39 MB, 1103x1518, January 17, 2001 (13).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1027926

That, my friend, was a lot of words.

>> No.1027929
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Captcha: united rstaler

>> No.1027934
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>> No.1027936

Thats it.

>> No.1027984

The first mag subscriptions I got was PlayStation Underground and Tips & Tricks.

>> No.1027987

>Tips and Tricks
MY NIGGA. That magazine was the shit. Full walkthroughs with pictures on any games they looked at in that issue. Holy shit it was amazing.

>> No.1027990

Should've combined the two and called it Playstation Underground Tips 'Zine.

Or putz for short.

>> No.1027992

I loved tips n tricks

>> No.1027993

remember when it had little activities for the first while it came out and then they stopped coming out?

>> No.1027996
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>That one dick who always gave an awesome game a crap score

>> No.1028009

Thank you, that took me back!

>> No.1028203
File: 1.00 MB, 1400x1811, electronic_gaming_monthly_098_-_1997_sep_050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sushi-X was the final boss of vidya reviews. He'd always be the either the most cynical and contrary voice or he'd champion the fuck out of something the others didn't like (Especially 2D games)

He was an institution along with Quarterman. When he stopped appearing, it was a sad day for EGM though understandable because it was a fucking huge staff pool at that point.

>> No.1028652

dats why everyone should read CGM before retro mags writers went online right?

>> No.1030572

Anyone remember a magazine called Game On! USA? I remember it had a Street Fighter and Samurai Showdown manga in it. It was probably the most weeaboo gaming mag I've read.

>> No.1030853
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OK promised some OC with old EGM's and found one from 2000. Scanned their GOTY section just to see if people were interested. Caution: Busted up as fuck and my scanner is kinda ass.

>> No.1030858
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>> No.1030856
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>> No.1030859
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>> No.1030865
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>> No.1030861
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>> No.1030869
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And that months Hsu and Chan to cap it off. May do review crew later on. Its a crap issue. Only a Driver 2 article and a Shenmue preview are of any interest.

>> No.1030874
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Man this takes me back. 1999 really was a great year to be a gamer.

>> No.1030880

>best multiplayer: you don't know jack
>runner-up: mario party
god why

>> No.1030895
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Yo dawg you should play YDKJ and not the shitty facebook version. The PC versions are god tier (as are the 360/PS3 versions that released two years ago or so). But that's another thread in itself.

Decided "Fuck it". Lets hit the review crew now. Here's the cover for the months issue. Also we're slightly cheating with Dreamcast but fuck it. For the cause of retro gaming, motherfuckers.

>> No.1030901
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The various handsome faces of Team EGM so you know who's reviewing what.

>> No.1030903
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>> No.1030904
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>> No.1030905

wow, i miss this shit. im actually looking to purchase some gaming mags just for nostalgia's sake (not necessarily EGM), but it's kinda hard to find older gaming mags in my fucking country. any idea where i could get them cheap? im in the philippines btw. i won't mind paying shipping if i really cant get them locally.

>> No.1030906
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>> No.1030909
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>> No.1030910
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>> No.1030912
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>> No.1030913
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>> No.1030916
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And that's the review crew for March 2000. Apology for the scans being a bit off (Fuuuuuuck Kodak). Will have a deeper root around in my attic for some more. Unfortunately most of the EGM issues I found in a small root were hitting around PS2/XB/GC era (And I'm already cheating by having Dreamcast era). Will have a look for more /vr/ related stuff in a little while.

>> No.1030930

Thanks based anon. Every time someone posts stuff like this, I end up finding a heap of games to try that I somehow passed up as a kid.

>> No.1030991

About six months ago I bought an old SEGA magazine (can't remember which, maybe Mega-Zone) which had a SUBSCRIBE NOW FOR A CHANCE TO WIN A BRAND NEW SEGA MEGADRIVE CD! (the issue covered the release of the console)

I filled out the insert and sent it to some lock-bag in Sydney and I got a typed letter back informing me that regretfully that magazine had been OOP since '95. lol

I'll try and find the letter and post it eventually.

>> No.1031010


thank you! that was an interesting read.

>> No.1031046


>> No.1031116
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Good news is that I had a browse around and found some more. Bad news is that its all straddling the line of 5th and 6th gen and go up to around the first PS2 reviews. Y'all know how the mods feel about that. Will scan and post some of what I have anyway.

This is the September 1999 EGM. No DC reviews though. And the color of the cover went weird

>> No.1031118
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>> No.1031125
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>> No.1031121
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>> No.1031128
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>> No.1031132
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>> No.1031130
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>> No.1031135
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>> No.1031137
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Last one for now. Will be back later on with more. Hoping to find some other older ones before it gets fully into 6th gen anyway.

>> No.1031348
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Funnily enough. I just found that issue. Commencing Dump.

Don't worry. Seanbaby's Top 20 Crapstravaganza will follow too

>> No.1031352
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>> No.1031356
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>> No.1031357
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>> No.1031359
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>> No.1031360
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>> No.1031363
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>> No.1031364
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>> No.1031365
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>> No.1031370
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>> No.1031368
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>> No.1031372
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>> No.1031374
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>> No.1031378
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>> No.1031376
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>> No.1031379
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>> No.1031380
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>> No.1031382
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>> No.1031381
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>> No.1031383
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>> No.1031389
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>> No.1031391
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>> No.1031392
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>> No.1031394
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Last one. Apologies on the cutout but just remembered one of my cousins got at my magazines while making collages.

Hope you enjoy it, /vr/

>> No.1031520


this took me way back, anon. thanks for sharing!

>> No.1031545

Show us the cat :3

>> No.1031596

I bought a couple of PC gaming mags, mostly for the full versions. Fuck yeah, Theme Hospital, Brood War, Civilization 2, Planescape: Torment, Hearts of Iron 2...
If it weren't for these mags...who knows what type of games I'd play...

>> No.1031951
File: 1.72 MB, 1280x1731, GamersRupublic2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Along with Next Gen, Edge, and early PSM, this was one of my favorites.

>> No.1032351

First gaming mag I ever bought was an EGM. It was the E3 1995 special edition or something

>> No.1032412

mfw i honestly bought these for the anime section

>> No.1032806

That issue could be worth a little money on ebay...

But i would love to have that issue scanned completely!

>> No.1035202

Bumps because nostalgia...

>> No.1035442


Were those two the ones with an anime section?

>> No.1035556

Gamefan had a small section dedicated to anime reviews in each issue, 8 or so pages long, which they tend to skip from time to time, usually during the E3 issues.

Gamer's Republic, founded by Dave Halverson, who also founded Gamefan, also had an anime section, at least from the 2 issues i bought. don't know if they dumped it later on.

>> No.1035829 [SPOILER] 
File: 165 KB, 960x720, 1429_10200121023578485_1923756544_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have that issue, and a whole bunch of other mags that I've collected throughout the years.

Some of my collection

>> No.1035836
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>> No.1039034

Has anyone sampled any Japanese gaming magazines? Like how much western games they cover and review?

>> No.1039043

Chris Slate went on to be the editor in Chief at NP until its death.

Bill, from what i've heard, is doing well. Still drinking beer and playing Super Bomberman 2.

>> No.1039053

shit gents, i got a bunch of PSM mags the other day.
and they all came with intact lid and memory card stickers!

also, i have a ton of gameplayers and ultra gameplayers, but they are at the bottom of a huge blue tub filled with mags.

i wanna post scans of them too, fun times...

>> No.1039139

Scan the oldest stuff first!
I sold the 4 issues of game fan i had on ebay for about $15. Egm's are everywhere and normally not expencive. But you also have some faggot cutting out ad's and shit from magazines and selling the pages for $8+

>> No.1039164

>cutting out the ads and selling them

is this like the organ market for retro mags?

>> No.1039387

I remember seeing a few War God cabinets back in the day.

Did arcade cabinets have salesmen or something? The fact that at least two of them were in the area for me, but apparently rare in other places makes me feel like there was. Heck, the most annoying thing to me back then was that every arcade, bowling alley, and miscellaneous place that still had arcade machines 10 or so years ago always had Marvel vs Street Fighter and nothing else, which I assumed was due to one guy selling them to everyone around there, and then no one buying any updated or other 2D fighting game machine again.

>> No.1040359


Usually the big boys like Sega, Namco and Midway would have reps travelling around with cabinets and put them on test in locations or meeting some of the bigger chains like 7/11 to put their cabinets in. In some cases the creators had to be their own pitch and hype men (Midway for example). They usually dealt with suppliers in regions as well and sent machines to suppliers who would put them in arcades.

War Gods was a rare sight because it didn't test well and Midway never really put it into heavy production. Though it really was just a testbed for the MK 4 engine on the Seattle board (It sucked performance wise, never mind the game being ass, so Midway created the Zeus board and shipped MK 4 on that instead)

>> No.1040659

>Chris Slate went on to be the editor in Chief at NP until its death.

welp, that really stung my teenhood heart...

>> No.1041562

You do know egms editor Dan 'shoe' hsu was pretty much blacklisted by Sony after he laid the hurt on jack tretton. Its a shame journals are p much bloggers now with no backbone.

Also I rip out ever rest of the crap by sean baby before i recycle the less memorable issues and have a ton of pages of hsu and chan at home. ill scan them sometime for vr

>> No.1041605

I wonder what they're doing today.

>> No.1041610

I used to buy a lot of Japanese mags, only have a few left unfortunately. They never really touched western games unless they got published in Japan, which in most cases were treated like shovelware anyway and not reviewed or advertised.

>> No.1041703


He did the same to Peter Moore at the 360 launch though amazingly didn't manage to get himself blacklisted by Microsoft on that (Peter Moore actually wrote a letter defending him). Sony always hated him though. It was weird everyone considered EGM had a Playstation bias when editorial always said "It gets the most games so we have to give it more coverage by sheer numbers" and they tore Sony to shreds because of their shitty policies on giving US licences to games where they had to show the "Technical power" of the Playstation or it will be blocked as a full price release. Which killed a lot of 2D games coming over, especially the SNK games, unless it was someone Sony couldn't block like Capcom because Capcom had a ton of stroke at the time.

Shoe was the most based as fuck editor because he couldn't stand fanboys or companies trying to lean on EGM and straight up said in the magazine "Bitch about our scores and threaten to pull advertising. We report it because we're not hurting for advertising".

Even reading old EGM it's insane the balls they had at the time. Makes most modern media look like an absolute joke. Hell, the blacklisting was so bad, most of team EGM went working in the game industry because it was the only way they could get jobs (Milkman works for Sony Santa Monica, Che works for Turn 10) while Shoe's mainly on VentureBeat doing tech journalism and occasionally gaming now.

>> No.1044901

Are there any places to get scans of Gamefan?

>> No.1045089

All dem cheat codes, all dem walkthroughs.

The best part was that they never did reviews and just focused on helping gamers.

>> No.1045092
File: 126 KB, 800x600, Chad-Kroeger-chad-kroeger-15118687-800-600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are the fuckin MAN!

>> No.1045129

C+VG for many years

I still have some of the early black and white issues with some adverts being clearly handdrawn.

>> No.1046532

This and PSM. I'm not from 'murica so I'm having a hard time buying copies. Then I found these random stall in a mall, they sell old issues, like 4 months late with price down to 50%!

One time, I brought these at school being the nerd I am, some of them never returned to me.