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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 95 KB, 1200x675, fightcade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10192270 No.10192270 [Reply] [Original]

How do I not get my ass handed to me by south americans?
I love these old fighting games but I'm so new and bad at them.

>> No.10192323

Practice for at least 15 years.

>> No.10192329

Say sopa de Macao to throw them off their game (uma delicia)

>> No.10192338

I'm South American, I can teach you insults at least because I'm also new at these games lol

>> No.10192348

some br just got a perfect match against me on garou ;__;

>> No.10192372
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You keep playing until you don't. Fortunately there's some ways you can speed the process up a bit.
>read wikis, get familiar with your character(s) and what are good combos for them
>watch arcade footage, see what the best players are doing and copy them
>rewatch your sets, make notes of what you're doing right and wrong and create goals for yourself
>join communities and ask for feedback from other players, who might pick up things you never realized
>play top/high tiers

It's a process but you just get better over time, it would be weird if you didn't.

>> No.10192375


>> No.10192379

Become more racist. This will give you extra focus during your matches.

>> No.10192380
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>> No.10192385

Choose not to play South Americans.
Before playing someone look up their rank and hours in the game you are playing.
Ask in the chat for beginner to intermediate level players.
Ask in the chat for skilled players to play off-main to make the contest more even.

If people give you shit about it just ignore them.

>> No.10192390

Hate is a great motivator for fighting games. That's how I initially learned how to play because I wanted to beat my asshole shit-talking cousin.

>> No.10192397

Look up frame data and matchups. Then try to fuck with your opponent. Taunt them, play lame and elusive, and don't use all of special moves frequently. Sit on a certain move so they forget about and then use it.

>> No.10192531

>Sit on a certain move so they forget about and then use it.
Does this honestly work past a certain level?
I think the idea that you're just going to forget about a move is not gonna happen higher enough up in the levels

>> No.10192540

It's easier to learn how to actually fight, than to master fighting games.
Good luck OP!

>> No.10192563

This works. When you have more health than your opponent, more meter, and there isn't much time left, it works. People forget about shit. Even basic stuff like ex tatsu or overheads. You really have to put pressure on your opponent and frustrating them also really helps.

>> No.10192569

>copy the best
Horrible advice. Learn the game your own way. If you want to perform sako combos you can but I have a feeling you'll quit before perfecting them.

>> No.10192585

I use to get treated poorly at my arcade for picking nothing but the very top tiers. So at the very first tournament they held I used a mid tier team and destroyed everyone at that arcade because they were unfamiliar with what they were up against and had no time to adapt.

>> No.10192586

That's normal.
Some guy kept taunting me while I was playing lame. I ended up winning the game, then he complained on chat that I was "boring" lol

>> No.10192606

Of course it works. They're called gimmicks and will usually catch your opponent off guard. A neutral jump attack can sometimes work as an instant overhead. It will leave you unsafe if it doesn't kill them but that's why you only pull it out if it will dizzy/kill.

>> No.10192725

Playing lame is one of the greatest feelings in the world. Making your opponent feel totally helpless without busting out a crazy combo or mix up is pure happiness.

>> No.10192946

No one is forcing you to immediately perform the game's hardest tech dumbass, just observe what they're doing and see if you can take ideas or concepts from their play.

>> No.10192983

/vr/bros, why is fightcade so (relatively) niche?
All the Nes, SMS, PCE, MD, Snes, arcade and DC multiplayer games all in one app, and at best only 2K people use it.

>> No.10192997

how the fuck are they beating you consistently? fighting games are the most shallow genre in existence I swear. you can get a 50/50 winrate just by randomly mashing buttons

>> No.10193003

that's not what a gimmick is
learn what the fuck you're talking about before talking about it

>> No.10193008

>he complained on chat that I was "boring" lol
scrub talk
it's pretty common for scrubs on fightcade to resort to calling their opponent boring if they can't win

>> No.10193010

this is 90's era games. outside of turd strike frame data isn't nearly as important as fundamentals

>> No.10193021

Lmao stop talking about shit you don't know anything about.

>> No.10193030

he's right tho
I couldn't tell you a single thing about the frame data in super turbo but I will push anyone's shit in free at that game
frame data is autistic 09er shit for the most part

>> No.10193046

There are players who consistently win in every game, quit being a retard because you don't like a genre.

>> No.10193048

fighting games are too shallow for someone to consistently win at them
it's all button mashing and random guessing, there's no real strategy involved

>> No.10193050
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Can someone give me a noob level explanation of frame data? My understanding is if you use a heavy attack in general it'll have a slower startup and a slower recovery so if you use lights or mediums against someone using only heavies you should be able to interupt them every time? Is that the idea? Does the same apply to medium and heavy specials vs light specials?

>> No.10193056
File: 322 KB, 1365x1260, Fx7yhFMaYAEbyTZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of /vr/ only plays arcade mode and has no idea what they're talking about, if you're curious about understanding certain terminology refer to this glossary.


>> No.10193068

lights and mediums also don't reach as far so you can easily get whiff punished if you're just using those all day

>> No.10193548

Explain to the folks at home what a gimmick is then if it isn't a move you can really only use once in a set.
100% agree.
It all depends on the character. Just play your favourite fighter online and you will soon learn what buttons are overpowered and to abuse.

>> No.10193563

you can use a gimmick as many times as you want. I've won entire sets with one or two gimmicks. if they don't know how to stop it, there's no reason not to keep doing it.
a gimmick is literally just a tactic that works because the opponent doesn't know how to handle it as opposed to said tactic being a legitimately good or strong option.
keeping one move on ice so that the opponent isn't looking for it has no necessary connection to gimmicks. saving your overhead or your command grab exclusively to close a round isn't a gimmick.
It's cute how you act like you know what the fuck you're talking about. disabuse yourself of this notion because you are obviously clueless.

>> No.10193714

I suggest trying to find a couple friends to regularly play fightcade stuff with. It's definitely hard because people on fightcade are extremely hesitant to play video games and reclusive. So look outside of fightcade and invite them to download it.

I've had luck playing with one guy on /v/ from time to time and it's been really fun trying out random games.

>> No.10193723

>I've won entire sets against bad players
Good for you. I try my best to only play good opponents who you'd be lucky to pull tricks off on.

>> No.10193753

Ken Air EX Tatsu is such a funny button holy shit

>> No.10193789

>he's right tho
Same grammar. Also stop talking about things you don't know anything about. 3S was the last Street Fighter where players actually bothered to learn frame data, like not even ten years ago. ST meanwhile had exhaustive guides with frame data online since before SF4 even came out.

>> No.10193798

Assuming both players are in neutral, then general lighter attacks are faster, yes. If you're not in neutral, so like say you block an attack, then you have to figure out if you're plus or minus. If someone hits you with an attack where they recover faster than you come out of block, then they are said to be plus frames and you're minus. You can try a light attack, but they are at inherent advantage because they get to swing a move at you first. Their heavy might still be fast enough to beat your light in that situation.

Some lighter special moves startup faster than heavy specials, but most in Street Fighter don't.

>> No.10193804

99% of the FGC and gamers in general are too retarded to understand emulation.

>> No.10193998

based on 15+ years in the fgc I can confidently say there are 2 kind of players. the ones who want to win offline and online no matter the costs even if they have to play like retards and the ones who actually want to learn the game. 99% of the players you find in the community are the ones who just want to win. its easier for them to get good at because they are mostly offensive kind of players, the other 1% will struggle for a long ass time to get really good at but their skill ceiling is way higher. same applies to online games especially now that we have ranked. people are so desperate for simple wins they wont bother learning games or honing their skills. I guess it could be applied to all kind of 1v1 games.

>> No.10194148

>the ones who want to win offline and online no matter the costs
I played 3S this way as I wasn't a big fan of the game. Picked Ken and never bothered to learn any match ups. Bulldozed all low tiers with ease and while I couldn't consistently beat the pro players I would sneak rounds here and there.

>> No.10194554

1v1 multiplayer games are niche and retro games are niche. It's a niche within a niche.

>> No.10194578

git gud pleb

>> No.10195521

problem is brazilians dominate those servers,add that they have shitty connections and you are prone to lose no matter how good you are.
For example i was checking the super street fighter 4 3D online and the only ones i found was brazilians,the game lagged so much it was unbearable (kinda weird since i am a high ranking player on PC version),same happens with fightcade,as i said before to developers
>You should make a separate build for brazilians and some countries that have bad connections otherwise it will fail.
and is failing most servers are dominated by mexicans and brazilians and they have really bad connections so in the end is a struggle to even get a special move or combo due to their shitty connection (as developers said the connection get adjusted to the one with lowest internet speed) and sadly nothing can be done.
Think that normal houses and cybercafes on brazil have speeds of (with luck) 50 Mbps and those are shared,normally have 5Mbps so is quite bad.
for example my connection is 900 Mbps so i shouldn't have issues playing games online (only one connected) yet playing against someone in fightcade is just the worse.

>> No.10196904
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Not to demean the Brazilian players as they do have somw good players, but lot of them also got used to the lag and will utterly destroy you just because of that (while also picking meta chars with special moves that are easier to buffer with and benefit grately off of the delay. Looking specifically at you Kabal/Nightwolf in UMK3)

>> No.10196916

In overall rank

>Low Tier
American and Middle Eastern people
>Mid Tier
South Americans
>High Tier
Koreans and Japanese
>God Tier

Depending on the games the Americans and South Americans are High Tier but consistently the Asians are in the highest tier.

>> No.10196979

What's the point of being competitive in an old as fuck fighting game?

>> No.10197018

>for example my connection is 900 Mbps
I'm curious about this. I don't know how much info is really being sent out and in so Mbps is not necessarily a fix-all.
It's more about how quickly your machine and router can handle it

>> No.10197671

what part of that was incorrect ? you can do well in many of the 90's era FG's while focusing on the games fundamentals instead of frame data. in like ST most shit is straight up safe, as long as you have a general idea of what shit is plus or unsafe you're fine. those games aren't massive for specific punishment.

you can play easily at a B rank level for every game on the front page without any clue about frame data. even 3rd strike if you pick yun and gorilla hard enough

>> No.10197686

ignore all BRs on fightcade
trust me, its never worth it

>> No.10198319

>enter Third Strike room
>fairly new to the game
>just sit there, observing
>some guy randomly challenges me, I accept
>he destroys me absolutely
>ggs, leave
>come back a few days later
>same guy is there, challenges me again
>get raped by him
>ggs, leave
>every time I go to the lobby he's always there somehow ready to challenge
>quit Fightcade for a year

>> No.10198336

Some dudes throw out challenges to LITERALLY EVERYONE WHO ISN'T ALREADY IN A GAME.
Simple, just don't accept them and start your own room with "beginner" or whatever labeling. If someone comes in to squash, just kick them, simple as.

>> No.10198354

Fightcade is rather low bandwidth. It sends fairly little data, so big pipes don't really matter.
What does matter is your latency which you can some what control and buffer bloat (something you can't control and is a ISP sidded problem).
Really, juist playing someone within 2k mi geographically will get you decent enough results unless your internet is inherently laggy like a 4g connection.

>> No.10198359

1 game and done? Weird guy.
There are some people who basically

>> No.10198361

Dudes like to treat fightcade like a random match making pool... which it isn't, but that doesn't stop then from sending out non stop challenges. There has been a few dudes that I've had to outright block.
South Americans never really learned net educate.

>> No.10198374


>> No.10198403

is mostly brazilians,they always love to do that shit trying to prove something.
>make a random kaillera server of fight game.
>play against russian and other people.
>brazilians and south americans don't touch the game not even leaving it on.
the reason is simple with kaillera they lose any kind of advantage fightcade could give them.
same as using other similar methods of netplay.

>> No.10198437

Okay, does anyone want to play some games?


I suck too. Well, not at MK2 at least.

>> No.10198460

>1 game and done? Weird guy.
I wouldn't have even minded getting stomped but he'd always taunt, like not the character's taunt, but like teabag and shit at full screen. Like dude, you're already beating up a newbie, don't gotta rub it in.

>> No.10198485

>South Americans never really learned net educate.
I guess I'm an exception lol. But yeah, the block function works.
I feel you. Coinspammers are the worst.

>> No.10198743



>> No.10198767

If you're serious about ANY fighting game you really should become familiar with at least the system mechanics frame data. It doesn't take long at all and is immensely useful for understanding how to actually play the game instead "pretending" to play by just approximating a real fight.

>> No.10198825

Keep playing.

>> No.10198981

how do you even get this working? it's not working with my roms

>> No.10198984


>> No.10199221
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>has no understanding. It would only get in his way
>plays for fun
>beats you in front of thousands

>> No.10199262

He has a solid understanding of the fundamentals though, so even though he's not playing his character how you're "supposed to" at the pro level, he's still able to hold his own. Other pros know in general how each character plays so when you go in and do something totally different it throws them off, but he definitely knows how to play.

>> No.10199267
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>china top
>forgetting Europe

>> No.10199276
File: 1.89 MB, 498x498, tenor (4).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He has a solid understanding of the fundamentals though

>> No.10199303

Like he knows to anti-air, when to punish, etc.

>> No.10199575
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post fightcade webbums

>> No.10199579
File: 2.88 MB, 1216x860, jAB.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10199580

This one upset out of thousands of matches is supposed to prove something?

>> No.10199624
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>This one upset out of thousands of matches is supposed to prove something?
It wasn't an upset. Your boy FSP is using all the advice you and your scrub buddies are giving in this thread and where did it get him? You'd think FSP would be getting perfects by studying frame data, combos and match ups but all it did was send him to the losers bracket. The point is you should learn on your own and not try to copy the very best players or this will happen to you.

>> No.10199625

shut the fuck up retard

>> No.10199637

Europe in general is mostly low tier and the best European countries are Turkey, France and Italy.