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File: 23 KB, 1108x997, Dragon+Warrior+Monsters+screenshot+1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10199119 No.10199119 [Reply] [Original]

This game was way better than pokemon, I wonder why it never took off.

>> No.10199141

This always picked my interest but I never a tuslly sat down and play it. Are there many versions like their main franchise? If so, what's the best way to play them?

>> No.10199147

it isn't way better than pokemon

>> No.10199189

>procedurial generated dungeons which all look the same and with super boring layouts
>you're expected to just do breeding experiments, except you can never know if the outcome will be good or if you'll just lose 2 mons you can never get back

Here is why and why it is not better than pokémon

>> No.10199317

most jrpgs are way better than pokemon

>> No.10199318

>never took off
it was big in Japan. never got big in the West because DQ wasn't well known at all there until way later

>> No.10199337

I played it as a kid but had no clue what I was doing. I don't think I ever even bred anything.

>> No.10199536

OP seems to be a zoomer who played the game with a guide. I remember playing the game when it came it out and the breeding was just stupid as fuck. You were just making your Grizzly +6 and hoping for the best, but all of the sudden you are left with a retard monster. Save-load: the game.

>> No.10199583

>retard monster
yep that sums about the game, why was the breeding mechanic so poorly designed?

>> No.10199591

You picked your nose a bit too much in school if something ”picks your interest”

>> No.10199596

It's more challenging, more fast paced, the monsters were designed as enemies so they're cooler and more threatening and less cutesy. You have to recruit them as allies instead of enslaving them, and breeding is both fun and an integral game mechanic instead of an afterthought. It's better

>> No.10199638

I think you’re really glorifying this shitty little game anon. It has its charm, the monsters are cool. But it’s mechanically really shallow compared to Pokémon and breeding is just. Breeding just sucks. The game encourages savescumming. The dungeons are also just plain boring. Pokémon for all its flaws has a fun gameplay loop, cool attack animations, lots of neat monsters that appeal to just about everyone. And is never really frustrating. It’s a better kids game. That’s why pokemon did well

>> No.10199669

DQ's lack of success has never made sense to me, maybe the new dai game will make the series mainstream.
>Toriyama's art
>Released by the FF guys
>It's never been as successful as FF or any DB game

>> No.10199683

Zoomer take. There was no Toriyama art and it wasn't released by the FF guys.

For one thing, DQ1 to 4 were only released in the US. Pretty much an entire decade before DB became mainstream over there. Those releases took away all the Toriyama art in the cover and manual, it wasn't a selling point, it was considered a burden they had to get rid of.

Then, while it is true that FF1 was a huge success in the US, DQ games were released way too late and, despite upgrades made to the games, were technically out of date by the time they came out. While DW1 was a success in the US, it wasn't the success they had HOPED for as they eventually gave away free copies to Nintendo Power subs.
Then quickly after that, US publishers started being relunctanct to releasing and marketing RPGs.
So the series failed to get an initial foothold which remained a burden forever.

The whole "let's use the Toriyama appeal" only became a thing with 8, on PS2. Which is also the first DQ game released in Europe. Over there DB had been HUGE in some countries since the late 80's and had a huge come back in the 00's, so the Toriyama appeal worked.
In fact, it's actually astonishing nobody bothered to release DQ1-4 on NES back then because the Toriyama appeal alone would have made the games sold out in countries like France or Spain. Even sholveware like the first Saint Seya game had a release in France and was a success on anime-fame alone.

>> No.10200002

>procedurial generated dungeons which all look the same and with super boring layouts
I'll take that over Pokemon's godawful caves and HM system

>> No.10200021

I'm 33 and played the game religiously as a kid and cleared it without a guide. Sorry to hear you had downs

>> No.10200047

wrong on all points, and savescumming? It's not even a big deal if you die why the fuck would you need to savescum lol

>> No.10200104

so you didn't beat it until you were 33?

>> No.10200142
File: 125 KB, 1100x831, 1692391915844814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But it’s mechanically really shallow compared to Pokémon and breeding is just. Breeding just sucks.
Game is superior to Pokemon in both aspects, deal is that back in the day you had to be diagnosed with autism to get to the point of knowing the mechanics behind breeding and the pluses next to the monsters names.
I started using a guide after getting a MadDragon with down syndrome.

>> No.10200172

Downy post

>> No.10200495

it's better then gen 1 and maybe 2 pokemon but pokemon got better and dwm never got another shot

1. the first time i played it i beat it without much issue, ended up getting a bit stuck but won

2. i read a guide and i'm master of the game no problem

>> No.10200560

monster don't evolve
also there is no cartoon

>> No.10200585

>It's not even a big deal if you die why the fuck would you need to savescum lol
Yeah, let's have a think. Let's have a good think about why you might need to save scum in this game. Oh, it must be because you might die. There's no other possibility. Thanks anon.

>> No.10200597

actually worse you can end up with shit monsters

>> No.10200601

Yes, I'm pointing out that that anon is a disingenuous retard.

>> No.10200602

gotcha. know any good bg2 ee mods?

>> No.10200616

>Maybe gen 2
Nah, the main problem with Pokemon in general is that most of the monster suck dick while in DQM all monsters can be good.
Monsters had the Joker series and it was quite popular to the point of having anual tourneys up to 2012, problem was that you had to b even more of an autism to go through all the new shit they throw at it.
Pokemon is for dumb autismos
DQM is for less dumb autismos

>> No.10200623

can anyone give me a quick rundown on the DQM gameplay? I know you can breed monsters, how does that work exactly? I played DQM:J, but never quite got the breeding part.

>> No.10200632

Yeah that’s kind of the issue anon. The mechanics require a guide and lots of work to figure out. It’s not a game for kids even if it’s a pretty decent game.
It’s a hard game marketed towards kids. It’s way harder and more complex than Pokemon. Way too much for the target audience. That’s why pokemon did better and is a better kids game. These games aren’t for adults and aren’t fun for adults. They’re children’s games. For kids. For 6-12 year olds.

>> No.10200647

The Gibberlings Tweaks Anthology is basically a requirement for any installation of BG2. It takes fucking ages to set up, though, because you need to make choices for each individual option and you'll need to look some of them up. It's totally worth it, though.

>> No.10200663

All he DQM games except for Caravan Hearts broke the million mark with DQMJ2 selling almost 2.5m in Japan alone with tourneys being made until 2012, they where quite popular, not Pokemon levels of popularity but people did like them.

>> No.10200717

I’m very aware I like them a lot too. I never argued otherwise. But the barrier of entry is very high, it’s easy to see why Pokemon was more popular. DQMJ2 is also just far better than the GBC games IMO. The GBC games require like autistic levels of play to enjoy. Probbaly fine for an older teen into the jrpg experience. Not so much for a kid you know?

>> No.10200737

Really liked the breeding mechanics and the overall atmosphere, wish you had more control over your monsters in the tournaments.

>> No.10200762
File: 767 KB, 2048x1690, E0x8S_9XsAAIry-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sum both parent stats then divide by 4, the plus next to the monster name depends on the sum of the level of both parents and the biggest plus from one of them, the plus you get is multiplied by 2 to know how many more levels your monster will get since each monster has a limit LV without any pluses.
Dunno how they work on the Joker series or in the remakes.

>> No.10200782

You say that as if 7 also removed Toriyama's art like the previous releases did

>> No.10201452

>never took off.

>is single handedly the reason ENIX bought Square out, not the other way around.

>> No.10201530

I love this game so much and will be buying the switch one day one

>> No.10201605

Which versions of the first two games are best? They're on GBC, PS1, and 3DS it seems like.

>> No.10201626

It is
Only reason Pokemon took off because of the anime's first season and tasteless women.

>> No.10201628

there's not a single good dungeon in Pokemon

>> No.10201643

still one of my favorite game series to this day. Ive dumped so many hours into dqm2 over the years. Even had some special monsters ive breed over the years. great game.

>> No.10201795

beating the fucking guardian monsters or whatever was fucking impossible i bread and raised so much shit but it wasn’t good enough. the rare fucking slimes are impossible to catch. give me pokemons any day.

>> No.10201845


>> No.10201859
File: 581 KB, 680x451, 1651067316386.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are always those contrarian people that say 'this was better than Pokemon'. No, it really wasn't. The first four generations (and to a lesser extent the fifth) cemented Pokemon as the behemoth it is for a reason; it's accessible, fun, social and has deeper layers of competitive if you wish whilst being a solid JRPG.

Just accept things sometimes become popular for a reason. Now, Pokemon is too big to fail, but back then, it got huge because the games were good. And better than the OP game, which I have played.

>> No.10202046

You couldn't save load breeding it saved the game when you got an egg there was no way to go back, you liar

>> No.10202053

>game that has been remade 3 times and spawned a whole series of sequels
All it needed was to be first and Pokémon would have never existed

>> No.10202058

Pokémon is more akin to card deck building than Monster collecting fun. DWM have the monsters have individual character and personality and is everything Pokémon wanted to be but wasn't

>> No.10202273


>> No.10202292

how pokemon got better? i beat gen 1 and 2 but dropped both emerald and platinum it was just more of the same and it got kinda stale.

>> No.10202303

>less cutesy

>> No.10202862

20 year ago, you fucking retarded, I just posted without fact checking first, go suck a dick you tranny nigger

>> No.10203251

the breeding autism just really turned me off from the game. might be a personal problem because i doubt the game really needs you to min/max to that degree. I've been thinking about the 3ds remake but I hate that they brought in the joker recruitment system

>> No.10203459
File: 85 KB, 640x641, dragon_warrior_monsters_p_ufqcgu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DWM and Pokemans were both games I had, and I liked both. But Pokemans success over it is easy to figure out even without the obvious fact that Pokemon was multi-media from day 1, and this was just a lesser known game boy game

1. it's way more complex so it doesn't appeal to people who don't already like JRPGs. Pokemon was a JRPG simplified to much even people who only liked action games could get into it, there was minimal hanging around in menus or having to think about esoteric game mechanics. Pokemon was even easier than action/adventure games like Zelda. It was perfect for kids

2. the world is basically the world of Dragon Quest, so right there you limit your appeal once again to the kind of kids into fantasy JRPGs, Pokemons setting was very cleverly based on the real world, which made it much more broadly appealing to Westerners

3. the creatures were more appealing, DWM monsters are jus that, Dragon Warriors Monsters, it's just typical JRPG fare. Pokemon capitalized on the digital pet craze with mostly cool super powered animals people could think of as their pets. Did the average person want to have a fox made of lightning or a velociraptor/mantis hybrid, or a mummy or a tree with a face? There are cool monsters in DWM, but they're still stock cliches, a generic dragon, a generic Chinese dragon. Well, in Pokemon these things are themed specifically and have unique abilities. Of course it was more appealing.

>> No.10203924

Dragon Warrior Monsters was a huge success, it's one of the best selling GBC games. It did so well Enix decided to reopen an American branch and publish games themselves. (DWM was published by Eidos).8GPXT2
Thanks to it we got DW1&2 and 3 on GBC DWMonstwrs 2 both versions. Torneko, Dragon Warrior 7, etc and other Enix games like bust a groove. All this before the merger with square.
It couldn't be the marketing juggernaut that pokemon was but the game sold millions.

>> No.10203969

Its Dragon Warrior. Pretty sure have some idea why.

>> No.10204067

Interesting, I didn't know it was even that successful because I was the only person I knew who played it, but that is anecdotal of course. Everybody and their mom was into Pokemon and/or Digimon, but I seemed alone with Dragon Warrior Monsters and Monster Rancher

>> No.10204157
File: 16 KB, 321x285, trash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's easy to shit on pokemon because it's popular and everyone does it, then ignore the things it did well. its almost soulful and alive world with open-worldesque nature brimming with personalities and cool additions like trading numbers with them, planting berries or using radio in gen2. how you can use HMs to fly (akin to ocarina in alttp) or surf and explore it to find legendaries, a more difficult but not impossible boss rush challenge in the e4. There's not a single poster who doesn't trash on it only because it's hip to do.

>> No.10204503

About to do a playthrough, what are some of the best monsters I should look out for?

>> No.10204829

The big fatass slime is good to keep I think

>> No.10205276

I always try and play games blind but how do you go about breeding better monsters and not falling into breeding generic wild monsters without a guide? I know there are hints in the game but they're outrageously cryptic.

>> No.10206121

typical jrpg stuff, you can do it blind and roll with it but the only way to be certain you're doing it right is with a guide

>> No.10206179
File: 700 KB, 516x735, DQM2_Tara_guide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In game nobody tells you this>>10200762 nor the monster stats and weakness, just get your self a guide when breeding.

>> No.10206230

The manual barely has any of that either. They really loved wasting the time of Japanese children.

>> No.10206272

I love both DQM and Pokemon. The fact of the matter is that the reason Pokemon has become so much more of a cultural phenomenon is because the multiplayer component in Pokemon is flat out better. People on 4chan are afraid of admitting it but Pokemon has a pretty rock solid PvP battle system beneath it's easy NPC opponents. Consider the fact that people still compete in Pokemon RBY while meanwhile DQM1's PvP is completely solved

>> No.10206431

This is a top 10 ugliest cover of all time, too. I specifically never tried the game because of it.

>> No.10207475

Should I play this or DWM2

>> No.10207741

RBY is also completely solved and the PvP battle system is done under community-guided restrictions through ALL generations of Pokemon because it doesn't function otherwise.

>> No.10207752

It "piqued" your interest. That other guy who replied sure was a butt for not helping you out.

>> No.10207754

Both but if you really want to only do one game then go for DWM2
Just pay attention to stats and breed in characteristics that you want into monster types that you want. Everything can be inherited, even resistances have a chance to be inherited.