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File: 1.67 MB, 1280x845, TUROK3ad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10180973 No.10180973 [Reply] [Original]

Turok 3 remastered announced

>> No.10180980

no one on /vr/ ever talks about this game. it's aged the best out of the trilogy

>> No.10181016

Neat. I guess. This is the only one I never really played.

>> No.10181080

I disagree, given how buggy, borderline broken the game could be, and the fact that Turok 2 is near timeless besides certain maze level design.

>> No.10181102

Turok 3 could use a few enhancements. Mayve even restore some cut content.

>> No.10181104

This game is so weird to me. Turok 1 and 2 were some of my favorites growing up and Turok Evolution was the first game I bought for my Gamecube but I was completely unaware of the existence of Turok 3 until just a few years ago. Whenever I heard discussion of Turok 3 I just thought people were talking about Rage Wars

>> No.10181127


>> No.10181131

you're lucky. I never knew about Rage Wars either

>> No.10181189

when southpark 64 remake?

>> No.10181197

well now we can finally play it without enemies aggroed and shooting through doors, and some of the worst framerates on the n64.
this is great, turok 3 had a lot of charm and good parts, finally we can get a fair look at it

>> No.10181234

I am very tempted to learn how the PC version is constructed so I can mod it into something faster paced and more fun to play. Missed opportunity of a game for sure.

>> No.10181245

>the only cut content they have is the leaked alpha stuff

Sucks they couldn't like get into any unknown archives and shit but oh well. I still feel like this release will simply be polishing a turd. 3 is nothing like 1/2 but I dunno maybe mods can lift the game up a bit.

>> No.10181252


Any chance Nightdrive will move past FPS? N64 and PS1 had a ton of neat games but stuck on the console. Dreamcast and PS2 even more. I know they did Shadowman which is some 3D platformer TPS.

>> No.10181253

It was like the second last game on the system or some shit. Everyone had moved onto next gen.

>> No.10181254

They did Bladerunner and that flopped hard so they'll probably stick to FPS from now on lol

>> No.10181257


wait, what? The PC Adventure game? I can't imagine that costing too much to develop. But that's definitely a game no one would care about even upon release. They know even the film is niche right?

>> No.10181301

Is this good? It looks horrible from that video. Extremely uninspiring track design. DKR was amazing so I always wondered if Mickey's Speedway might have one-upped that.

>> No.10181306

I don't remember exact details but I'm pretty sure it was just a horrible port.

>> No.10181312

Is turok 3 any better than 2? I really liked the first couple levels but it started to feel like bit of a slog after that.

>> No.10181316

from what I've seen it was an attempt at making a more story-driven Turok, but something must have happened because it looks unfinished in some spots

>> No.10181357

It got retro cred because of retro game reviewers so they tackled it. I think they had no original code, "remade it" and fucked up horribly.

>> No.10181442

my bussy is ready UwU

>> No.10181453

Shadowman was a great remaster and that wasn't an FPS, though they also did Blade Runner which was an ill-fit for their Kex engine and a very shit remaster so they might need to take their genre choice into careful consideration. Games that rely very heavily on pre-rendered assets and things like that wouldn't do well under Nightdive but fully 3D games like Tomb Raider or the LoK games (besides Blood Omen 1) would be really good choices.

>> No.10181473

Blade Runner was 2D, they just need more fully 3D games. As such the N64-SS-PS era and Windows 98-Dreamcast era are rife with these. they need to do more games like Shadowman which are kinda okay but forgotten.

>> No.10181475

so thats why we had all of these turok threads recently

>> No.10181483

I hate shitdive and their drones so fucking much

and they're going to ruin one of my favourite games next.

>> No.10181486

>the shills are evolving

>> No.10181496

It's 2023 and they couldn't add additive blending to the code? Is this a joke?

>> No.10181502

What's this in reference to?

>> No.10181537

No. All the good Turok Devs had left and moved on at that point and we're making an obscure little title called Metroid Prime.

3 was rushed, buggy, unfinished and worst of all.... Inspired by Half Life *shudders*

>> No.10181541

The Turok 3 logo was a banner in Quake 2 rerelease so people have been getting hyped for this potentially happening for the past two weeks. So yes that's why there's been 'rok threads. Hardly shilling. I'm going to pirate it :)

>> No.10181556

>Inspired by Half Life
Oh, hey, so it might actually be good, huh?

>> No.10181575
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>> No.10181593

Anon I don’t think you understand how deep in the code that type of thing is. That’s why a lot of dreamcast ports suck. You don’t develop a port with the budget of the original game. You work within constraints and a timeline. Not having additive blending is both faithful to the original and a serious task to add to any engine. If they overhauled and replaced the lighting engine people would complain about the inaccuracy, spoiling the look of the game. Or they genuinely would miss lots of the finer details in the game because of time issues. These aren’t small things. Lighting engines are very complicated.

>> No.10181641

They LITERALLY just did a complete overhaul of Quake 2's lighting engine

>> No.10181665

delete this

>> No.10181670

That’s Quake 2. A game engine designed with a very modular and customizable lighting engine. A PC game anon, and even that was difficult. An asm console game port? It’s an entirely different beast. How can someone who knows what additive blending is need this explained?

>> No.10181682

>near timeless
>maze level design
That's far from being timeless. I remember having to rely on cheats to get to other levels as a kid since I would get stuck since the level design was not intuitive whatsoever.

>> No.10181689

>An asm console game port?
It's not a source port though, so that doesn't matter.

>> No.10181696

>It was like the second last game on the system or some shit
It came out in Fall of 2000. So was about a year out before Gamecube released. I remember I got it for like $10 at blockbuster somewhere in late 2001 when they were depleting their n64 stock of games.
Exactly this. Turok 3 was never ported over and has been stuck on the N64 for the past 22 years. I can only imagine the difficult task it must've been to get this thing ported. Comparatively both Turok 1-2 had PC ports in the late 90s (albeit not great ones)

>> No.10181731

>If they overhauled and replaced the lighting engine people would complain about the inaccuracy, spoiling the look of the game.
Actually, the lighting in the remake is visibly different. None of that vertex lighting stuff. It's all per-pixel now.

>> No.10181768
File: 482 KB, 995x687, Turok3_DoctorV64.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a comfy documentary from 2000 about the making of Turok 3.

>> No.10181780

the turkeys should be taken out and replaced with mongolians or something

>> No.10181878

They once commented doing Rage War's as DLC so I wonder if that'll be included to sweeten the deal with 3.

>> No.10181880

yes cuz its not a fucking mess of convoluted mazes, but has the gunplay from turok 2

play far enough and you get a turok 1 throwback level that's super fun

>> No.10181919
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he doesn't play games older than 12 years

>> No.10181928

Finally, the first good Turok game gets re-released.

>> No.10181939

Anon NightDive reconstructs the entire game in a portable container within their engine. Those calls are then wrapped into modern shaders. Ala Halo MCC but much much more faithful. What NightDive does can only be down by a handful of people in the world. A Turok 3 remaster in that style is the equivalent of Bad Apple on the 2600 on a much larger scale. I can only imagine how satisfying a project this was. It’s an incredible amount of talent.
People criticizing this stuff frustrate me because I know it’s people that have never written a single line of code in their lives. Let alone worked on such a large complex project.
Sure but that could’ve been the easier way to wrap it into modern functions. I don’t know the details of the port. I know what NightDive generally does. And how adding something like that in is seemingly simple but ends up being a monumental task. That’s why stuff like Shenmue 2 on Xbox lacks most of its shadows and detail functionality. Or the MGS/Sly Cooper ports look and run worse than the originals. You either spend totally egregious amounts of money and time on some stuff. Or you get the work done, release and keep your job.

>> No.10181949

If you needed a proof these threads are made by shitdive shills, it was just above this post

>> No.10181957

I’m just a dev that’s worked with a few studios like Gameloft over the years anon. I’ve never worked for NightDive but if you know even a little about gamedev cycle what they do is really impressive. I also never make threads here.

>> No.10182021

Devs having porting games forever. Porting Quake 1/2 to Saturn / N64 in 1997 was a lot more impressive than making another PC version of it in 2023. The way nightdive did thing for certain games was also often unfaithful to the source material because they would do things emperically and with a lot of guess work; even though for some of these guys, some people did create source accurate ports, and for free.
Then they add things like the shiny new lights, with little regard to how well it fits the games, so it can be marketed as a """remaster"""

In other words most of their ports are low quality, with addition of the new trendy features (what matters is what's cool now, not to make a version for posterity) because all that matters is pumping them out quickly before the "boomer shooter" hype train crashes. They're the definition of cash grabs.

>> No.10182075
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>composite cables

>> No.10182093

I haven't played Turok 3 since I was eleven yrs old which was uh lets see ... 21 years ago
damn, welp It will be interesting to reexperience the game again

>> No.10182098

This is pretty cool. I only ever played the first one and I just ran around knifing everything to death. Was pretty hilarious.

>> No.10182110

>NightDive reconstructs the entire game in a portable container within their engine.
Technically correct, but they have full control of the code in the """container""", which is how they bring all their so called improvements. It's not some closed off difficult to modify partition and in fact they extensively change stuff.
It's not some crazy magic, like with M2 releases.
>What NightDive does can only be down by a handful of people in the world.
Call me when Blade Runner would be on par with ScummVM version.

>> No.10182114

>some people did create source accurate ports, and for free
One of the biggest issues for Nightdive is not creating the ports specifically but getting everything straight legally. I imagine there is also stipulations in many cases as to how far they can go with reverse engineering. I don't think Turok is too difficult in that regard but they can't just reverse engineer a game and throw it into the Kex engine. Blood took forever to get a re-release specifically because the rights situation around the game. Monolith in particular is really notorious in that regard, NOLF in particular example from Monolith that may never get a re-release simply because no one knows who the fuck actually owns the rights to it. Nightdive wants to do that game but they just can't figure out who actually owns it.

>> No.10182173

>I imagine there is also stipulations in many cases as to how far they can go with reverse engineering.
Not really, with the games that they did at least. It might be curious to see them try a game with EAX sound or Havok physics though.

>> No.10182183

God you wannabe enthusiasts are so insufferable. Somehow you manage to be worse than the MTG Neckbeards.

>> No.10182184

That's old news, the port was released wasn't it? So that was settled. The only "legal" reason why they wouldn't use the Build engine for Blood would be to avoid paying the engine creator.

>> No.10182340

lol porting mickey speedway would be harder than bringing Goldeneye to modern consoles, which took nearly 20 years and tons of efforts. They would have to deal with disney, microsoft, rare, nintendo, for a game that is mediocre at best.

>> No.10182361

Don't listen to people that has never played the game. I have the whole triology on the n64 and i play it from time to time. Turok 3 is the easiest one, the most linear one, and as such is much more approachable than turok 2. It's a great experience if you care for the gunplay but not for exploration. It never get as good as the first few levels of turok 2, but it also never gets anywhere below that the last few levels of turok 2 are. It's a very solid and consistent game overall, you'll never get lost or anything.

>> No.10182363

composite is trash. but it's not like you can get RGB out of this console natively without mods afaik

>> No.10182506

That's just how things are in normal people world where workers have families to feed and lawyers have to justify their jobs with strongly worded letters and there are budgets, profits and release dates to worry about.
You're mistaking it for autistic neet pirate world.

>> No.10182664


>> No.10183056

>loses argument
>proceeds to ad hominem
Such is a life of an average shill.

>> No.10183245

I agree. I love Turok 3 but it's a technical mess. I hope they keep the multi-player intact though.

>> No.10183367
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>> No.10183991

This thing might be driveable if one screenshot from the press release is to be trusted.

>> No.10184435

no online no buy, that goes for any retro rerelease. I don't care if it's sm64, i don't care if it's just pseudo dark souls online presence ghost shit, you add some online component or ill just play the original which will look better on more fitting display

>> No.10184551

they're leaving netplay for Rage Wars.

>> No.10184647 [DELETED] 


>> No.10184664

Turok 3 a shit get better taste faggot

>> No.10184707

Why waste resources for online when Turok 2's online was dead two weeks in?

>> No.10184708

I was talking about dark forces, obviously...

>> No.10184716

I have a feeling they'll do Thief 1 and 2 in the next few years. God I hope they don't fuck it up because I love those games. Best case scenario they port the best aspects of Gold (Extra room in The Trickster's castle, AI changes) and make the extra missions optional and remove the mages from the Lost City.

>> No.10184718

I hope not, the original games still work perfectly fine with a patch or two applied (or not even that, it works even out-of-the-box) so I have no idea what purpose remastering the games would serve. Fan missions probably wouldn't even work.

>> No.10184720

it's p2p, the most basic bitch abandoned eshop games have it, how hard can it be? If youre not gonna win me over with neat features why do the project at all, and pretend split screen didn't evolve into netplay, it died off for a reason. I coordinate with my friends all the time to play games with inactive players. We just play together online because we're adults. Duke had it, i still use it

>> No.10184723

I see. Fair enough.

>> No.10184954

this game is a very very soulless diddy kong racing

>> No.10184958

>but something must have happened because it looks unfinished in some spots
yes, they rushed it to fucking death and back
I hope it has restored content but I've heard everything was lost

>> No.10184969

There’s no argument anon. You just acted like a retard and don’t know anything about game development. It’s infuriating because people like you are so hyper critical of a complicated topic you don’t know anything about. When someone tries to take the time to explain all you have to say is someone’s a shill or otherwise. You’re just a troll and it’s absurd having any conversation on the internet because of people like you. If you don’t like something don’t go into a thread about it where people are having a reasonable discussion. You have full autonomy of your mouse. Or do you spend so much time on here you’ve exhausted every other thread for your dopamine?

>> No.10184976

>I have no idea what purpose remastering the games would serve.
Good luck playing your existing copy of Thief 2 on Switch.

>> No.10184982

There is some restored content because Acclaim were cheapskates and used Doctor v64s or whatever instead of real dev carts. So there's a few months' of prototypes dating from May 3 to July. These contain cut enemies, cut weapons (such as the speargun), and alternate versions of set pieces and stuff. But in terms of large scale content restoration, there's nothing to work off. All the concept art, design docs, etc. was all lost years ago.

>> No.10184986


into the trash it goes.

>> No.10185016

im happy, the turok games were held hostage by the shitty n64 and now they will finally be playable

>> No.10185060

Turok 3 was already forgotten trash to begin with.

>> No.10185063




>> No.10185101

> the turok games were held hostage by the shitty n64

1 and 2 have had PC versions since the 90's

>> No.10185131
File: 617 KB, 800x596, Turok 2 texture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of the textures got kind of mangled in the 90s ports but overall they're pretty good for the time. Impressive amount of hardware supported, which is good since they lack a software renderer.

>> No.10186208

Cool, never played it but I loved 1 and 2 as a kid and the remaster of 1 was great.

>> No.10186287

Why dont they decompile the code and find shit in there that was commented out or unfinished that they can work with.

Like they did with Mario 64 having multiplayer and fucking Luigi.

>> No.10186334

You were originally going to be able to fuck Luigi in Mario 64?

>> No.10186409

absolutely noone:
a 30 year old /vr/ manchild:
>why isn't a boomer shooter porting company porting mickey mouse games???

>> No.10186543

they probably did

>> No.10187073

L(uigi-sex) is real

>> No.10187217
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>> No.10187279

Based Nightdive giving us good games. The SS remake was good. The Quake 2 Remaster is good. Quite a few of their other remasters have been good as well. Hyperbased.

>> No.10187283

It could use all the effort of a remake. It's not a very good game. The stealth AI needs some serious work and the level design could be suspect when they take a look at it.

3 was okay...but not good enough for a remake honestly. I remember it...the N64 original was not good. You had to be passionate about the series to like it and that has it's limits.

>> No.10187289

free plumbing nibba

>> No.10187352

Fuck, that would be amazing. I used to play Rage Wars with my bros all the time.

>> No.10187419

Even in its original form, Turok 3 is secretly the best Turok game, and has aged the best. With Night Dive's overhauls it will cement that reputation.

>> No.10187460

All the Turok games have aged pretty well except the 3rd. It is held in low regard not only because it didn't get a real PC version, but the N64 version was not that good.
I had a N64 and a PC back then and dude, it was not okay what they did.
Turok 3 sucked. Stealth missions on the N64? Madness.

>> No.10187528

>Stealth missions on the N64? Madness.

>> No.10187612

they're impressive for n64 games, and cutting edge, but they're merely okay.

>> No.10187794

I can't help but feel a LOT of people are going to come away massively disappointed with this.

People are going to go in who haven't played 3 expecting 1/2 quality.

>> No.10187808

given that night dive has restored broken Quake 2 AI, maybe they can fix this one?
i never played it but i already know that it's not the same type of game.
as a big fan of the first two i'm just happy to dive back into this world.
i played one of the Gameboy titles and Evolution too but it's way too different...

>> No.10187814

Extreme-G next please, or fix the terrible PC port of XG2.

>> No.10187859

Turok 3 is Turok for people who hate Turok 1/2. It take all the bullshit that people don't like about those games, and yeets it off a cliff in favor of being more like Half-Life.

>> No.10188070

You're mixing up your games, the only Turok with stealth missions is evolution and the shitty reboot, if you can even call hiding crouched under tall grass stealth.

>> No.10188213


>> No.10190002

>i dont play bloop bloop bleep bleep
>plays bloop bloop bleep bleeps on keyboard

>> No.10190747
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Ashes 2063 is a Doom TC, and it'd be really cool if it was polished, expanded, and rebuilt in their engine for a proper commercial release. It'd be wild to see this running on PS4/5.

>> No.10190757

Lol I say this

>> No.10191052

>we have this really neat thing that the community made, let's soil it with consumerism because i can't be happy about something until it's a trademark because it's my religion
Fuck off

>> No.10191148

never. matt & trey disowned the non-obsidian made south park games because they had no input on them.

>> No.10191165

>never. matt & trey disowned the non-obsidian made south park games because they had no input on them.

Oh that's a shame. They could maybe make the case that the N64 shooter has "soul", and they could make bank if it's re-released and given some polish.

>> No.10191167

>Nooooooooooo the normies can't have this niche thing! It's ours!

The game could be expended to proper 4 episodes, of 8 levels each. Given more polish and expanded enemy roster. More musical tracks. More mechanics. 1000x the amount of people would be exposed to it and experience it and the creators would receive money for it. Is that not a good thing?

>> No.10191176

>nooooooooooooo i can't consoom

>> No.10191456
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The new weapon models look great, and apparently they went through the entire game touching up animations. A lot of Turok 3 animations were too low framerate for some reason.

>> No.10192408
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i am scare

>> No.10192554

Why make high framerate animations if your game's framerate isn't high lmao

>> No.10192596

Anyone think they'll do Rage wars?
I loved that game as a kid, all it needed was some story mode, they don't even have fucking bios on the actual game. You had to buy the god damn strategy guide to know who each of the awesome looking characters you could play as were. Even if they had just added those profiles as text it would've bee great, add a black background with white text explaining the rage wars "touranment" or whatever which is explained in the manual and nowhere else as if it was some early NES game that couldn't tell you in the game. Add a text ending and boom you have a full player mode.
Nightdive on the discord menitoned they had done "plenty of work" on rage wars stuff accidentally since Turok 3 used the AI from Rage wars so the already had to do it from scratch. But will only port it it if "they're asked to do it". so here's hoping if they do they add some short story mode, it wouldn't be too much to ask, the bios are already written, just add them to the game.

>> No.10192668

>it'd be really cool if it was polished, expanded, and rebuilt in their engine for a proper commercial release.
As any mod, it uses shitload of proprietary assets that need to be remade from scratch or licensed for commercial release. That's why every attempt at paid mods so far failed - there are too much legal hassle for modders to make anything more complex than comically huge boobs for Fallout 4.
>Nooooooooooo the normies can't have this niche thing!
This "niche" thing literally requires no setup, it was made in the way its authors intended it to be made and was released by them for free (and they refuse to take money) with its own .exe. And you want some IP grifters (yes, that's Nightdive's business model) to essentially make a different game on top of that? Right when the original authors announced the continuation?

>> No.10192820
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>> No.10193094

It's not a priority currently, but Night Dive would like to do Rage Wars at some point, just for completion's sake, and they'd also like to do Rage Wars as a way to experiment with netcode programming.

Turok 3 is missing its multiplayer. I assume if they do Rage Wars they'll dump all the Turok 3 stuff in there.

>> No.10193113

>I assume if they do Rage Wars they'll dump all the Turok 3 stuff in there.
i'd be ok with that

>> No.10193183

let me guess...
oh, it's not limited run games. nice.

>> No.10193425

They confirmed with Turok 3 they're done with Turok stuff.

>> No.10193442

So, no Evolution remaster?

>> No.10193454

No, just that it's not on their agenda. But the programmers behind T3 Remastered are interested in doing Rage Wars at some point.

>> No.10193503

They managed to completely screw up the graphics. Everything was a blurry washed out mess.

>> No.10193570

i'm okay with filtering backdrops but when the characters stay pixelated that's completely retarded.
either do both or nothing. it's optional now but i see no point using it.

>> No.10194887

they said similar stuff to Turok3 and now it's finally out, it might take a while and I'm sure sales of T3 will encourage or discourage them on when it happens but if they already did a lot of the legwork why not. They're just saying "hey focus on T3 we have nothing to announce now but we'd like to see it happen".
I'm sure dark forces II will also happen for example.

>> No.10195063

FUNFACT: This was the one of the first games to utilize rigged facial animations, and was one of the reasons they rushed it out the door so quickly, because it cost a FUCK ton of money and time to do.

>> No.10195068

Better than 95% of the triple A releases of the pasy 8 years.

>> No.10195079

Well, not quite. It still has spectacular gun-play and interesting level design. It's simply more linear, with more narrative elements. Definitely a different type of FPS, but still one I enjoy regardless.

>> No.10195101

I hope they remaster Alien Trilogy some day.

>> No.10195881

Evolution is fundamentally broken at it's core.
It will take more than a remaster to fix it.

>> No.10195925

This game needs to be updated for a modern audience. BIPOC Trans-roc anyone?

>> No.10195932

Turok is trans-dimensional

>> No.10196025 [DELETED] 

Depends. They kinda borked Turok 2's scale a bit. If you play the N64 version and directly compare it to Turok 2's remaster, Joseph is noticeably taller in the remaster. Makes the enemies look far more imposing and the levels look very slightly smaller. Wondering what kind of minor shenannigans will be at play in Turok 3.

>> No.10196028

Depends. They kinda borked Turok 2's scale a bit. If you play the N64 version and directly compare it to Turok 2's remaster, Joseph is noticeably taller in the remaster. Makes the enemies look far less imposing and the levels look very slightly smaller. Wondering what kind of minor shenannigans will be at play in Turok 3.

>> No.10196037

They made him taller in Turok 2 on purpose because he was originally the same height as the literal children you were rescuing.

>> No.10196038

Should have shrunk there kids instead.

>> No.10196069

Turok 3 is inspired by the 1998 comic Adon's Curse. That's why it has The Council of Voices, Adon going rogue, and Turok being a human guy from our world who lives a normal life when he's not donning the Light Burden.

Frankly, Turok 3 was right and the haters were wrong. Fuck the dinosaur fixation. Turok works much better when it's about dimension/world hopping Native American warriors. The Primagen and Oblivion and now the Lazarus Concordance. These are much better villains than the weaksauce nonsense of the other games.

It would be a HUGE mistake for a new Turok game to go back to being like Turok 1 and Evolution.

>> No.10196085
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Only thing that's broken is the dark areas where they give you flash lights. these places are now brighter than some outdoor shadowy corners now.
They should have removed the flare gun and the flash lights now that they are useless. It's not just a cosmetic change.

>> No.10196239

I'm more annoyed by the flashlight being the wrong colour.

>> No.10196250

the radius is also reduced. maybe they couldn't make it work properly and just cranked up the ambient lighting?

>> No.10196336

The usual shitwork and arbritary changes they do, you can't trust them to do a single remaster right and they're now rewriting history for every game they can get their hands on, and then people are like "autists don't like them because of gatekeeping yadayada" because it's too hard to admit they have no standards

>> No.10196347

It's not just that. It's the average consumer mentality that fanboys developers like if they are their friends delivering them gifts.
"Positive" toxicity. If you don't like something about the product they attack you.

>> No.10196380

The changes aren't really arbitrary. Also, you have to start from the premise that games like Turok 2 kinda suck a bit, so you have to be willing to change things. Adding mantling to Turok 2 was a fantastic addition, for example, because jumping in Turok 2 sucked horse dicks.

>> No.10196382

>Also, you have to start from the premise that games like Turok 2 kinda suck a bit
stopped reading there

>> No.10196486

native americans are kinda lame lets be honest, the dinosaurs are what drew people in

>> No.10196538

Dinosaurs are boring enemies. They're good for flavour, but anyone can make a game where you hunt dinosaurs. Without the sci-fi/fantasy trappings, it's meh.

>> No.10196545

This is an underrated game. It probably need a remaster the most out of all of them.

>> No.10196547


There's also Turok: Rage Wars.

>> No.10196551
File: 56 KB, 486x763, Turok & Shadowman (Feb 1999)_0012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What drew me in was:
>Greetings Turok, I am Adon. The elders of the Lost Land known as the Lazarus Concordance have charged me with the task of guiding you in your quest to stop the Primagen.
Turok 1 is a forgettable game largely because it primarily draws from the Turok comics of the 50s and 80s. It wasn't until Acclaim's writers wrote new comics that the series really took on that iconic edge.

Same story with Shadow Man. The Shadow Man comics are... pretty good, but they're not as cool as Acclaim's version of Shadow Man, which replaced all the characters with Acclaim OCs like Michael LeRoi, Jaunty, Legion, etc.

Acclaim did a good job of taking source material, picking out the good or interesting parts, and taking it in a new direction.

>> No.10196575

back then dinos sold

>> No.10196592

am European and native Americans are a bit more interesting to us (more exotic as a culture) so it made it interesting for me.
the whole mix of everything from Turok's world is great. they're not scared to mix robots, dinos, aliens, lost civs etc. and they do it well mostly i think.

>> No.10196604

And something on PS2. And thar awful looking 2008 reboot with all the worst traits of late 00s gaming in it.

>> No.10196607

> thar awful looking 2008 reboot with all the worst traits of late 00s gaming in it
such a shame, the dinos looked nice for the time but none of it feels like Turok.

>> No.10196614

Turok 2008 was Turok with all the fantasy elements stripped out, leaving only the (hard?) sci-fi elements, resulting in a very by the numbers game about space marines and dinosaurs.

>> No.10196630

They had also said the same about T3 years ago, and everyone believed because after all, why there were old PC ports of T1 and T2, there wasn't one of T3. Much more work to do than the others. Then formerly console exclusive Powerslave came out, opening all possibilities.

>> No.10196649

>Then formerly console exclusive Powerslave came out, opening all possibilities.
How quickly people forgot that Kaiser originaly released it for free like Doom 64 EX in 2015, and Nightdive C&D'd it, hiring him right after. Fuck Nightdive.

>> No.10196674

I'm struggling to see why I'm supposed to be upset. Powerslave EX was more of a proof of concept than anything that could actually be a commercial release, and being a commercial release is the be-all and end-all.

>> No.10196678

Apparently the remaster has redone or improved a lot of animation, but perhaps someone with tech/art savvy can tell me: what is wrong with Turok 3's animation? Like, I can immediately tell SOMETHING is wrong watching it side by side with Turok 2, but I can't quite put my finger on it. It's something about the way NPCs move that doesn't feel right.

>> No.10196681

>and being a commercial release is the be-all and end-all
what board is this

>> No.10196682

Also, being on consoles trumps everything else. There's no point in a remaster that you can only play on PC.

>> No.10196687

you ever heard of source ports? mods?
are you just some kind of paypig?

>> No.10196690

>you ever heard of source ports?
Any source port such as Doom 64 EX that is only on PC is a waste of time.

>> No.10196693

most Doom players are on PC and this shit brings custom content.
why not make your own ports instead of killing existing projects you fucking vampire?

>> No.10196697

Are you that faggot who posted that Nightdive should acquire Ashes too? If yes, you are the most braindead consoomer i have ever seen. If not, two of you are.

>> No.10196721

They didn't kill any existing projects, though.

>> No.10196746

the only way to get the up to date shit is to buy the remasters. the rest has been abandoned

>> No.10196750


The nightdive shills are something else aren't they?

>> No.10196756

And? Nothing was killed. Just pay for the product.

>> No.10196757

ok you're trolling my bad

>> No.10196758

They killed the original free version of Powerslave EX (well, bought it wholesale), and we will see how their deal with lucidus will play out with parts of his code being in the proprietary release.

>> No.10196804

>They killed the original free version of Powerslave EX (well, bought it wholesale)
The company that owns the rights to Powerslave was not willing to allow a free version. Powerslave EX was not an engine, it was the entire game. When Night Dive licensed Powerslave, getting rid of the free version was part of it.

>> No.10196868

>native americans are kinda lame
Nah, I bet you want more forced blacks in shit don't you?

>> No.10197660

>same height as the literal children you were rescueing
Manlets can't be heroes now all of a sudden?

But seriously, the levels in the original felt larger-than-life. The remaster permanently increasing his scale makes the levels feel more "theme-park attractiony". I don't care if it makes sense due to the size of the children, it was better for the overall atmosphere to keep the camera lower.

>> No.10197879

explain your logic

>> No.10197905

Can't fix stupid, anon. Just let it go. I've written wrappers before. It's a monumental pain in the ass. Can't imagine porting a whole ass game to a new engine. Whatever illusion of freedom anyone thinks Nightdive has is due to pure talent and 'tism, because it's extremely fucking easy to break several things with one single mistake.

>> No.10197924

It doesn't look all that great desu. S-video is more than enough for N64. Maybe I got spoiled by PS2 RGB, which is fucking delicious.

>> No.10197936

Why the fuck would anyone want to play Thief on the fucking Switch? Not everything needs to be available on consoles.

>> No.10198272 [DELETED] 

>The nightdive shills are something else aren't they?
You have no fucking idea.
Custom berserker gigachad pics are already circulating, just check out /doom/ general. And those aren't shitty shops, they are obviously drawn to specifications. Template posts and threads are already there that start like
>holy wowzerino KINO take my money BASED Nightdive (tm) even if it is only only $14.99
implying that giving berserkers a leap changed the whole game and elevated Q2 to the zeniths of the genre. Of course all of the faggots posting that crap behave like they waited for that fateful moment since 1997, pretend Q2 is some underrated masterpiece that they always loved. They are so hilariously obvious it hurts, but it is nice to see Nightdive (or should i say, Atari) engaging in the community.

>> No.10198276

>The nightdive shills are something else aren't they?
You have no fucking idea.
Custom berserker gigachad pics are already circulating, just check out /doom/ general. And those aren't shitty shops, they are obviously drawn to specifications. Template posts and threads are already there that start like
>holy wowzerino KINO take my money BASED Nightdive (tm) even if it is only only $14.99, did i mention it is avaliable for the HECCIN SWITCH?!
implying that giving berserkers a leap changed the whole game and elevated Q2 to the zeniths of the genre. Of course all of the faggots posting that crap behave like they waited for that fateful moment since 1997, pretend Q2 is some underrated masterpiece that they always loved. They are so hilariously obvious it hurts, but it is nice to see Nightdive (or should i say, Atari) engaging in the community.

>> No.10198294

Native Americans are at their coolest when they're spiritual warriors that are borderline IRL druids.

They're at their lamest when they're complaining about "MUH COLONISTS" and then getting shitfaced on hand sanitizer they steal from construction sites because they're too poor to buy booze.

>> No.10198304

I just like that they're getting zoomers re-invested into old vidya and they re-release some games I used to play but can't anymore due to incompatibility with modern OS's or resellers shitting on the prices.

>> No.10198317


>> No.10198323

When are we going to get a Ken's Labyrinth remastered?

>> No.10198340

If you play some of the prototypes (there's a lot dumped online) it becomes very evident the game's development was a shitshow behind the scenes.
The May 8th prototype is barely functional despite being 4 months away from release with most maps devoid of content, it further doesn't help the game became buggier and more unstable as time went by. Glitches such as trigger objects being able to bleed and cutscenes having broken scripting in the final release that didn't happen in the many prototypes make me believe they were jenga stacking code to get the game to work.

>> No.10198447

Why wouldn't people want to play Thief 2 on Switch?

>> No.10198578

Yeah, to be honest with you, I can't think of any particular reason other than using a controller would suck and no FMs. Playing Thief under the covers would probably be awesome.

>> No.10198610

>The May 8th prototype is barely functional despite being 4 months away from release with most maps devoid of content
The game went gold on July 18. So it's clear that Turok 3 was in trouble. I don't know how the game got in trouble, but by May, they were basically 2.5 months from finalizing and much of the game didn't work properly. Normally, a game like this would be relatively content complete and in a polishing stage. Instead, they were still building the bosses. In the May 3 build, the first chapter boss doesn't exist, nor does it rooftop map. The huge changes between the May 3 build and the May 31 build are indicative of a studio trying to stitch the game together.

It's also very obvious they didn't have time to make cutscenes linking the different chapters together more coherently. For example, the game just jumps from accepting the light burden to being in the cyberpunk city.

And yea, the May prototypes, even the May 31st one, are constantly complaining about missing cutscenes, because they hadn't built those cutscenes yet.

>> No.10198656

>I don't know how the game got in trouble
Developing both Turok Rage Wars while some staff were also leaving for Retro Studios hurt 3's development for sure. They should have merged both projects together early on to give 3 extra development.

>> No.10198668

People don't know how to use native american characters. They tell some high tales of battling spirits summoning thunderstrikes and all that shit. It's a pretty cool concept.

>> No.10200110
File: 194 KB, 263x420, turokcame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10201883

This is next level schizo posting.
P.S I love Q2 for my heccin switch. Which I pirated for free by the way.

>> No.10203024

Is Rage wars actually fun? I loved Turok as a kid and owned the trilogy but skipped rage wars since it didn't seem like a "full game" to my 10 year old self, I thought "I already have multiplayer in Turok 2 and this doesn't have a story/single player campaign".
Turok 3 also had multiplayer so I assumed it was better than ragewars and I never bothered with the game but I'm curious since many want this remastered

>> No.10203038

I played Rage Wars for a little bit as a kid and I literally can't remember anything about it. Played the shit out of Turok 2's multiplayer too, though, so maybe it's all just running together.

>> No.10203052
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>> No.10203229
File: 2.47 MB, 1422x1705, Turok_Rage_Wars_Tree.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rage Wars is great and a direct upgrade to 2's MP. 3's MP should've been an upgrade but it just wasn't as good, with worse levels, weapons, and characters to play as. 3's new game modes were cool, at least.

The SP was just bot matches as you'd expect but unlike Q3, there was a campaign map with branching paths to unlock permanent upgrades (+max HP, +max ammo, alternate firing modes for guns, etc), unlock new guns for that run, or just to skip a a fight that you don't like/is too hard for you, peppered with a few boss fights. Beating a character's campaign would unlock another character with a slightly altered campaign, gradually increasing the difficulty with each new character. Once you have all the characters you'd start unlocking alternate costumes and the game even had an achievement system. And the whole thing was playable in co-op.

>> No.10204947

I'm replaying Turok 2 right now, and the backtracking is so tedious. The combat is great. The music is great. But the structure of the game is such a slog, and I keep being reminded why I've grown to like Turok 3 over the years.

>> No.10204953

Yep, the whole "upgrade" system is only there to force backtracking in (empty) earlier stages. Most upgrades are under-utilized otherwise and are only there for a single key to go back to in each level, it's terrible really. At best other uses of the upgrades are optional and only make your life slighlty easier.

What baffles me is that the game was already longer than the expected norm without this shit, by a large margin. I don't know what they were thinking.

>> No.10206074

>low attention span zoomers

>> No.10206085
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>> No.10208056

No, it's just bland and repetitive.

>> No.10208128

>dood me me me me the world is about meee!!!
shut the fuck up, some people want to play shit on something other than a fucking pc

>> No.10208725

It's surprisingly good but I like the first game more because of its structure. To argue the third one has aged the best assumes you think modern FPS design is somehow better than what Turok 1 did, and in most cases it isn't if you're at all interested in engaging level design. 3 is just more linear.

>> No.10208767

Even though they're largely nothing special, I'd argue 3 has better enemy design than 1.

95% of all enemies in 1 fall in these two categories:
>stand in place, never move, and shoot projectiles at the player
>bum rush the player for melee damage

There are a couple of interesting enemy types such as the dinos with guns who **gasp** actually move AND shoot at the same time, but they're under-utilized.

>> No.10209041

>Even though they're largely nothing special, I'd argue 3 has better enemy design than 1.
That's fair, I don't think the enemies in Turok 1 are anything special, though the animation in that game is still pretty solid. Something about those running animations.

>> No.10209075
File: 470 KB, 1920x1080, ss_41ae0ae40e05227aeae086dddd6665ff9027de04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The screenshots on steam show that monster infighting may have been added. In the N64 version this room is also barren and devoid of anything.
Enemies that couldn't be gibbed are also shown to be gibbed in the trailer
It cannot be confirmed yet but the empty mech walker from the May 31's prototype is visible on the screenshots maybe it can be finally driven
The hud that isn't shit from the May 8th prototype is also used on PC gamer screenshots
It seems they have done a huge step up in adding in extra content.

>> No.10210215

>The hud that isn't shit from the May 8th prototype is also used on PC gamer screenshots
I have played dozens of hours of Turok 3, and I could not tell you which of the green or red bars was ammo or health. Terrible UI design.

>> No.10210508
File: 179 KB, 585x438, oldhud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a baffling decision, the old hud had different icons for ammo and displayed a health bar in the silhouette of your character. The devs probably saw Perfect Dark's square hud and decided it was the future.

You can also see here the chapter "To the subway" is far more detailed than the final. Buildings have modeled interiors and multiple walker/cars. Not shown in the screenshot but there's also flying cars traveling around the buildings in the skybox.

All of it would be severely cut down in the final build because they had no time to properly optimize and took the quickest route possible.

>> No.10210945

So this new release might actually be kino?

>> No.10210965

A lot will have to be done to shape it up into a good game, the trailer/screenshots showing restored cut content and new additions should at least bump it up to a finished game than the buggy mess it released as-is.

>> No.10210968


>> No.10212608 [DELETED] 

Oh, well, better make use of them while they're still warm.