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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1019317 No.1019317 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /vr/ ask a video game reseller anything!

Background: I work for a small chain of toy stores. We have a few brick and mortal locations. We cater to collectors. Our main merchandise is vintage toys, high end new toys and used video games.

Every weekend my boss pays me for my time and gives me money to buy video games at yard sales and flea markets. I mostly buy for the stores, but I do pick up a few things for myself.

>> No.1019330

Thanks for propping up the free market comrade. You are a pillar of light in these dark times.

>> No.1019335

>Every weekend my boss pays me for my time and gives me money to buy video games at yard sales and flea markets. I mostly buy for the stores, but I do pick up a few things for myself.

Damn, that sounds pretty sweet.

>> No.1019337

How much do you charge for SMB3

>> No.1019339

OP here:
I should clarify that I use my own money when I make purchases for myself. Just so that's clear.

>> No.1019347


$25 When I first started working for the company we were charging $15 but high demand and the fact that more and more people are holding onto the game has caused us to raise our prices.

>> No.1019356

Are you fucking kidding me?


>> No.1019373
File: 258 KB, 553x371, dis-nigga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>more and more people are holding onto the game
>9.5 million copies sold

>> No.1019374


I don't set the prices. If people are willing to pay $25 then that is what we will charge. Capitalism.jpg I admit that we do prey on casuals.

All of our video game inventory comes (except for those 3rd party AV cords and stuff) comes from people selling us their collections. We are seeing less and less SMB3's coming in. I'm lucky if I see 3 or 4 come in a month.

I personally would never spend $25 on SMB3. I got my copy for $4 at a Game Crazy in 2003.

>> No.1019380

Holy cow man, thats a lot for SMB3. You're company is almost as bad as the local shop down the way, and thats locally owned and family operated.

Also thanks for stealing all of the good games at the garage sales I go to.

>Sorry anon, if only you had been here earlier but some dude came and bought out every video game I had.

>> No.1019379

>When I first started working for the company we were charging $15 but high demand
Fair enough. Greed is good.
>more and more people are holding onto the game has caused us to raise our prices.

Don't fucking lie to me.

>> No.1019384

>we prey on casuals

Get the fuck out of here reseller scum

>> No.1019393

How do you determine prices? Ebay? Some other source?

>> No.1019401

I really don't wanna sound like /v/ but seriously dude that's real fucked up.

>> No.1019402

How much do you give for trade-ins for SMB3?

>> No.1019403

>grabbing all the games from yard sales and swap meets
>price gouging because muh greed

You're not really making a good case for why we should like you.

>> No.1019406

Our branch manager uses amazon prices and add 10%.

>> No.1019407

>brick and mortal

>> No.1019413


I'm honestly not sure as I rarely price the games myself. For expensive games, we almost always put them on ebay. We determine the price for those by matching the lowest "buy it now" listing.

When I do price the games (and not the boss) I typically use eBay and price them a little lower than what they are currently fetching. I only do this for stuff we do not have in stock.

>> No.1019417

Yup, OP confirmed for faggot.

>> No.1019420

I don't deal with trade-ins. The managers at our stores take care of that.

>> No.1019429

>ITT: Cancer

>> No.1019440

that looks like 4jays in antioch

>> No.1019441

Maybe, but I just googled "video game store" and picked an image I liked.

>> No.1019442

So like $3 then?

Seriously get the fuck out of here. You're not welcome.

>> No.1019445

well thats pretty crazy that you picked my local retro store haha place is shit tho no good prices

>> No.1019446

>place is shit tho no good prices
So just like OP's store, then.

>> No.1019447

>Go into gamecrazy.
>Store clerk "Oh Phantasy Star online for the GC, nice!".
>Store clerk "I can give you 2 dollars in store credit for that."

>> No.1019504

$2 is pretty good

>> No.1019547
File: 645 KB, 1215x1002, 1269237020732.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My fucking face when PSO ep 1 and 2 plus for gamecube is 80 dollars used on ebay/amazon.

>> No.1019549


Can you still play it?

>> No.1019560

In theory

>> No.1019564

I bought it for 20 bucks when I was 14, and gave it away when I turned 18. Thought about repurchasing it recently, but then lost my shit when I saw how much it is now.

>> No.1019574

The online aspect? Yeah. There's a private server that supports gamecube/dreamcast and PC versions of PSO.

>> No.1019572

Don't worry OP will sell it to you for the low price of $110....disc only.

>> No.1019605


Dude. Just, dude. I get that you aren't a bad person, you got a pretty kick ass job video game hunting for a living.

But anything over $15 for a 20 year old game that sold millions of copies and I have found for $5 and under as a matter of routine is a rip off.

*sigh* I bet your store is a sad collection of sports titles and Mario games priced way way too high.

>> No.1019606

I was just thinking the same thing

>> No.1019619



I played there with my DC once.

Shit was pretty cool, but I had to burn a custom disc.

>> No.1019627

PSO+ had a pretty limited run in the US if I remember correctly.

Limited run + cult game + novelty (online on da gaemqoob) = $$$

>> No.1019635

We sell it for $15 and that's still a little high. Hell the only reason we sell it for 15 is no one is willing to get rid of it under $7

>> No.1019638

Yup. the Xbox version is common as fuck.

>> No.1019643

I think OP got butt hurt and left

>> No.1019650

That or he was trying to troll and it didn't go as planned

>> No.1019659

Probably both.

Alright folks, nothing to see here. Everybody can go home.

>> No.1019674

Still a good trade in value

>> No.1019669

This was like 7 years ago.

>> No.1019673

in that case
Give me a run down at your store. Top NES games and cost.

>> No.1019681

You need to be more specific
Kirby's Adventure is %10
Mario/Duck hunt is $3.00
SMB2 is $10
SMB3 is $15
Dragon Warrior is $5

>> No.1019702

Not that bad for retail, honestly.

Do you let people haggle on prices at all?

>> No.1019714

To a point. We know what we take it in at and it's all dependent on basic factors.
Want SMB3 for ten? We won't cave that low.
Have $55 dollars of cheap NES/Genesis/SNES games and want $5 shaved off? Very doable. I won't lie if you get me, your personality is going to factor a lot on getting deals with me. Seem like a reseller? I'm not budging. Just a laid back collector? I'll probably cut you a better deal than my management would allow.

>> No.1019718

Ok now the trade value on all that

>> No.1019719

>a decent reseller

Holy fuck they do exist. I'd probably go to your store anon.

>> No.1019730

Kirby's Adventure is $5
Mario/Duck hunt is $1
SMB2 is $5
SMB3 is $7
Dragon Warrior is $2
We try to be as close to half as we can with all games in the store, except for most of the PS2 and Wii selections and that's just because it's shovelware hell

>> No.1019735

live close to Albany OR?

>> No.1019739

Opposite side of the country bro

>> No.1019746

Ah, sorry to hear, I love to get more retro bros in the store. Helps the atmosphere and gets good trades in. Had a bro today give us a Sega Satrun, PS 1, Atari 7800 and a few good PS1 and Dreamcast games. It's the win/win where I take care of them and they help take care of the store.

>> No.1019742

So, what part of San Diego are you located in?

>> No.1019758

Retro store near me is run by unfriendly neckbeards. I have a better time going to flea markets and getting games cheap than helping them out. They keep burgertime and baseball games behind a special NES case above the loose carts. And are way overpriced.

>> No.1019761

Why are retro game shops this pretentious? You're running a business, not a charity.

>> No.1019765

>Had a bro today give us a Sega Satrun, PS 1, Atari 7800 and a few good PS1 and Dreamcast games. It's the win/win where I take care of them and they help take care of the store.

You can all suck my dick. "Taking care of the store". Ugh. I bet you let some of them ring customers up every once in a while when you're too "busy".

>> No.1019768

I don't mean to be pretentious and neither a charity. We do run a business it's just not the core of why the owner open it.

>> No.1019776

They take care of the store by letting go of doubles of games and systems to us for less than they know it would go on ebay and what not.
Apparently I painted a picture far different than what I intended.

>> No.1019778

A business is only as good as its customers. You give then extra incentive to stick around they will generally spend more and tell people about the store. Treat then right. Theyll treat you right.

A business is not always "fuck you pay me" like gamestop is

>> No.1019780

If it weren't the core you wouldn't be upping price due to sheer demand. You'd just sell at a percentage of what you paid for it as a service to the gaming community, and a fee for your time.

But, I realize you can't keep up your business model without gouging game prices because game stores don't really make that much money in the first place.

So it's a corrupt business model. We'd be better off if you didn't exist.

>> No.1019784

butthurt resellers everyone

>> No.1019785

In other words, take advantage of the chumps who keep your store in business.

>> No.1019793

We'd all be better off if the retro market bubble would pop. 5 years ago we didn't sell it for that high and we ran fine with most carts being all price at $3 or less it was after this market spike up that we got stuck in a rock and as hard place. We can't sell SMB3 for 3 because nobody would trade there copy in for $1.50.

>> No.1019794

that would be gamestop.

>> No.1019796
File: 338 KB, 1280x960, Picture 10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, if I sold all these games together on Ebay, how much could I get out of them?

>> No.1019797

Are you retarded. He's already said his
Pricing and its reasonable for retail. Also gives around %50 trade in value which is pretty good for any used game store.

Just shut the fuck up. You have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.1019805


>> No.1019807

Unless you just want a one time deal you be better breaking it apart. The Mega mans could stay together but as one massive lot you'll have a harder time selling it unless you curb off about 20% of the total value.

>> No.1019827


It really butters my biscuit that somebody can put Earthbound among those great games and Flintstones

>> No.1019857

Probably not worth even the shipping. Tell you what, if you want to just give them to me, I'll pay you 10 bucks plus shipping.

>> No.1019879

I paid $50 for my copy of SMB3
February 12, 1990

>> No.1019904

But the fact is that you are selling SMB3 for more than what its actually worth.

That would deter me from wanting to buy from your store and I would buy online instead.

>> No.1020463

I'm pretty much a fucking communist and even I'm amazed at how these neckbeards and aspies act when faced with a fucking business.

>charging what people will pay?! SCUM!!!
>Shouldn't charge more than $3 for any NES game ever!

These people sound like closeted resellers.

>> No.1020468

Shut the fuck up faggot. OP charges $25 for SMBW whicb is over double its current market value. That's what people were getting mad about. Learn to read retard.

>> No.1020480

Learn to read retard.
current market value is not what pricecharting says. It's a different market. That's the online market, not the market of the OP's area. People are willing to pay OP's prices, that's the market value in his area.

>> No.1020482

No. You're wrong. Go home OP. You're not fooling anyone.

>> No.1020494

im gonna bite u with a snake and charge u $25 for the antidot

>> No.1020520

NGC, DC and PC players can all play in the same server?

>> No.1020524


and I'm going to go to the hospital and use my insurance so I pay less or nothing at all then I'm going to sue you for attacking me with a snake.


this is correct. if people in a given area are willing to pay a set price rather than purchasing online that particular market has its own seperate market value versus the online market value.

I recently bought Zelda 1 for $9 in Jackson, TN. I could have purchased it locally in Memphis, TN for $30 but I drove to a different market area where the value for said game was less.

Now if the retailer in my main market continues to not sell his copies of Zelda 1 he may lower the price of the product due to lack of market demand. This is the same reason why a game that's rare but unwanted doesn't reach $100+ prices like say Earthbound.

>> No.1020535

Nope, apparently I am fooling you because I'm not OP.

Yeah, that's nothing like this.

>> No.1020541

Anyone have an idea as to what I can for an N64?

No controllers, only A/C adapter, doesn't work, power switch and reset button are completely stuck unless you press them hard.

>> No.1020549

Does it have an expansion?

Without an expansion, given the condition, I'd be happy to get $5 for it.

>> No.1020561

>Memphis, TN

Fuck Games Plus, am I right? Shit is over priced, which I can deal with, but the people who work there seem to be rude to every single person who walks in there.

They're okay for accessories though, and DVDs.

Or is there another retro store I haven't found yet?

>> No.1020582

Yes. It has the red one. I BELIEVE it may not be able to be removed, though.

>> No.1020738


There's a Game Exchange on Winchester. Games Plus isn't that bad, I suggest trying to buy from the owner (older guy) he's pretty nice and he game my roommate copies w/ boxes for the shelf price.

Sometimes he has copies with the box sometimes not but never hurts to ask. I have found some decent deals but I do admit that the one younger guy w/ glasses is annoying.

>> No.1020798

>Now if the retailer in my main market continues to not sell his copies of Zelda 1 he may lower the price of the product due to lack of market demand.

Except that never fucking happens. No one every lowers there prices on these games, they're content to just let them sit there and hope someone is stupid enough to come in a pay it.

Shit ain't much better here in east TN, bro. Fuck Packard's(what's left of them) and CM Games.

>> No.1020817


OP even said he preys on the casuals.

>Oh wow mario 3 is $40? It used to be an awesome game as a kid.
>Yea customer they're super rare now. This is what they're selling for.

>> No.1020825

You probably never see it happen because people do come in and buy.
Before you say "they always have game XXXXXXX every time I go there" yeah, they probably have a stack of them in the back and bring one out when one sells.

>> No.1020856

If I die and my clueless family members sell my shit at a yard sale, I hope it's visited by the white knights in this thread that always want to pay "fair market value" for my valuable games.
I will rest well knowing that you will say "no no... I couldn't possibly pay $5 for these copies of Earthbound, ChronoTrigger, EVO, and Hagane, here's $600"

>> No.1020867


This is probably true. The place near me always has a supply of OoT, Majora's Mask, Goldeneye and the other most popular N64 games readily available.

>> No.1020886

Ill tell them the games are worthless and offer then $1 a game and then sell them online the same day.

>> No.1020921

That is why "white knights" in this thread, not "everyone in this thread"

>> No.1020931

i hope you have a reasonable insurance policy so they don't give a shit how much your 100 "rare" games are worth

>> No.1020940

Do your company clean or test the games before resell it?
And if yes then how good?

>> No.1020938

The retro game market will eventually bottom out just like the comic book and collectible card game boom of the 90s did. I've got stacks of worthless Magic cards just sitting around in my parents' attic.

>> No.1020948

>I've got stacks of worthless Magic cards just sitting around in my parents' attic.
You kiddin me, mate? I recently sold my personal collection for 2.5k. Magic cards aren't worthless, It's more popular than it ever has been.

>> No.1020960


Mine were all bought at the peak of Magic's popularity back in the mid to late 90s though. The bulk of my collection is 4th edition through around Mirage. I'm aware that it's still extremely popular but my cards are all very common.

>> No.1021029

not the point.

>> No.1021091

Then learn to express your "point" more coherently, faggot.

>> No.1021102


well to your "clueless" family your video games might not be worth shit because they don't hold any value to them.

I feel no guilt buying expensive games on the cheap from people who wont to sell them cheap.

>> No.1021119

OP is back. I went to bed last night since I had to be up early to get all the vidyas.

You guys can be happy to know because the person I went with was late, I ended up missing on a giant SNES score. Oh well, at least I got paid for my time.


I agree with you. If I weren't getting things discounted, I would never buy any games from our store.

I don't usually work in the stores, but I can say that I have never and will never tell anyone that SMB3 is a rare game. The store does prey on casuals who are willing to spend $25 for nostalgia with their NES clones. Less popular games are usually priced at the current market value and if I personally price them I will price them slightly less than that.

>> No.1021128

When I buy games, I clean and test everything. For cartridge games I open them up with my game bit and clean them. If the battery is dead, I replace them. I disable the 10NES chip on all of our NES.

>> No.1021158

You ever looking to off load those cards since they're just sitting in your parents attic? I'm always looking for bulk cards.

And before you ask, I've only ever sold one card, and it was Jace when the prices were around $80. I pulled him out of a pack in a draft and sold him right after the game.

>> No.1021167

How old were you when you were a diagnosed sociopath?

We ALL know you have to be a sociopath to fuck people over as badly as a reseller.

>> No.1021173

I have not be diagnosed yet. I'm fairly certain I'm not a sociopath though.

>> No.1021174
File: 32 KB, 500x300, not giving a flying fuck since ever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, so I just picked up OoT and Super Smash Bros the other day from a value village for $5 each. I already have SSB though, so I plan to sell it so I can buy more games. I guess I'm a sociopath huh?

>> No.1021176

That's what they all say.

>> No.1021179


Do you feel any guilt whatsoever? If not, then yes.

>> No.1021180


Or rather, that would be a sign of sciopathy.

>> No.1021182

Put it on ebay and start it at $0.99 bid and let the buyers choose how much they're willing to pay.

If you do a buy it now you're a faggot.

>> No.1021184

Not at all. I'm getting what I want (More money for games) and I'm going to be putting a highly desirable game where a large market can have access to it. It's currently going to for about $35, I'll probably up it up for $30 and call it a day.

I'm going to put it up on CL.

>> No.1021190

>I want more money for games

You know they got those Job things right? You could try getting one of those.

>> No.1021191

This is the kind of post that goes over /vr/'s head, I'm afraid. Particularly the ones in this thread.

>> No.1021186

Practice some reading comprehension.

So, it's okay to take advantage of "clueless" people when they're selling a game less than the "market value" but it's not okay to take advantage of "clueless" people when they're buying a game for more than the "market value"?

>> No.1021193

No, we got it. We just think he's a faggot.

>> No.1021195

I do have a job, it pays pretty okay. I have enough money once or twice a month to drop on expensive games I want; and should I get a game well below "market value" and I can turn a profit on it, I can buy more games than I would have been able to before.

I don't make a living off reselling games, I just use it to fund buying more games for myself.

>> No.1021201

>I'm going to be putting a highly desirable game where a large market can have access to it.

You took it off an already large market just for the sake of profit, screwing over any actual collectors in your community just for the sake of money.

You're putting it on Craig's list, which means you are selling it back to the very same community you took it away from. AND you will be selling it at ebay prices, despite getting for a fraction of the cost to begin with.

If you see nothing wrong with this, I think it's safe to assume you are either slow, or a sociopath.

>> No.1021205

There isn't anything wrong with it. The "market" for my local value village consists of my town and maybe a few people in the other local towns. CL consists of my entire county, or even the Western half of my state if someone really wants an item.

I've talked to several people in my area who are into retrogaming (there use to be a local game store in town that was doing pretty well, and closed because the tribes are retarded; I would hang out there and talk with people who'd come in as well as the employees), and pretty much all of them will do the same thing. It's maybe a different market than you live in, but where I live, people will buy any game they can find cheap and turn it for more game money.

>> No.1021220

I sell my doubles but I usually put them 15-20% under the retail value. If it's a NES game I add a dust sleeve, same with SNES dust covers. I Put them on ebay with free shipping. I try to make it the lowest "buy it now" price that's currently listed. I never have a problem selling a game and I don't necessarily care about holding out for an extra $5 or $6 and that way someone gets a good deal.

I don't just drop $5 off the asking price and think I'm giving someone a "Deal".

>> No.1021238

That's nice, but you do realize that 15% off $35 is $5.25 and 20% is $7. You'd be doing little more than I am with your method.

>> No.1021243

Shipping for a NES game is usually around $4 and a sleeve can be $1-2. So they save money on that too.

>> No.1021247

Let it be known that the whiteknights of /vr/ are willing to take a burden of $3.00 on your behalf. Truly the saviors of retro vidya.

>> No.1021248


So you are still selling at ebay prices, just on CL where you negate shipping and paypal fees.

Aka, being a jew.

>> No.1021253


Disregard this. I didn't read like a fool.

>> No.1021280

Come on man, he admits himself that he is praying on casuals.

Besides. I can go to Amazon, buy SMB3, the cheapest copy, and upgrade to 2 days express shipping and it would still cost less than 25 dollars, and the 25 dollars you still gotta take tax into account.

>> No.1021281

It can be removed with a fork (just pry it out using the prongs in the grill).
That's how I replaced my jumper pak with an expansion pak.

>> No.1021291

Yeah dude seriously, they don't lower their prices. i have been in a few shops where a game will sit for over a year because they refuse to lower the price. One store was hell bent on getting 45 dollars for a lose copy of Vagrant Story and it sat and sat for over a year and a half before some casual came in and bought it, and that only strengthened the re-sellers idea that if you wait long enough, even if it takes years, it will sell.

Plus there are no varied markets, there is one market and a bunch of assholes who all have their opinion on what people will actually pay for the game.

>> No.1021303


OP here.

We have lowered our prices. For example, like most retro game stores we had piles of SMB/Duck Hunt. At one point, we were giving them away with our NES. Then we started getting less and less in when we bought collections. Soon our supply at the warehouse dried up. We used to charge $3 but that steadily rose to $8 which I found to be ridiculous but I don't price the games. Then over the past few months we started seeing them come in again and we are now selling them at $3 once more. They obviously sell much quicker at this price.

>> No.1021306

Well fuck that. If your family is too stupid to even consider that they might be worth something and price them than its their own fault if they decide to sell your earthbound for 99 cents.

Thats ignorance for ya, and thats how it always is. Parents hate video games and try to do everything in their power to stop you from playing it, like saying it will rot your brain, but yet they don't understand that some games build puzzle solving skills and hand eye coordination (god thats overused).

>> No.1021315

OP Do you work at 4 Jays in Antioch CA?

>> No.1021313

But you're not taking advantage of them if you sell it at lower than market value. Taking advantage of them would be to rip them off, and ripping them off would mean to not give them a fair deal on something. Selling for less than market value is fair.

>> No.1021326


I don't. I'm actually on the east coast.

>> No.1021332


>> No.1021404

That is pure bullshit. 8 dollars for smb with dunk hunt just because your store was running out of copies? That doesn't make it any less common on the actual market where its sold for pennies.

>> No.1021412

Do you work at either Digital Press in NJ, or Gamebo in Maine?

>> No.1021415

Read it again.

He's comparing a buyer to seller relationship at first, then a seller to buyer relationship.

Basically he's saying:
Is it ripping someone off if you buy something worth $100 but they don't know that it's worth that much so they sell it for $5. Buyer profits from seller's lack of knowledge.
Is it ripping someone off if you sell something worth $5 to someone but they don't know that it's worth that much so they buy it for $20. Seller profits from buyer's lack of knowledge.

>> No.1021419

But if there aren't any on the local market, and people are willing to pay that much, why can't they charge that for an item that's becoming slightly more difficult to find (again, in their local market)?

>> No.1021423

I don't.

>> No.1021430
File: 176 KB, 1024x768, 1376745014510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This the kind of nigga that think 1 person controls any significant percentage of the 9.5 million copies cold

>> No.1021450
File: 192 KB, 625x477, enhanced-buzz-20532-1352998557-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT anonymous neckbeards rage against popular culture and capitalism

Wear shitstained pokemon underpants and eat fast food every day

>> No.1021493

Do you guys have CIB Game Boy or Game Gear games? I'm collecting them. Thanks.

>> No.1021495

Not for sale, but yes, I do have a couple.

>> No.1021497

In case you haven't noticed, capitalism kind of spectacularly imploded over the past 5 years with global ramifications, so it's not like criticizing it is unfounded.

>> No.1021502

Well the issue here is that people go into the store and know they are paying a higher price, but they don't care for one or another reason, whether its to support their local shops or because they don't wanna wait for the game to come in the mail. But people who sell games for mere pennies on the dollar at garage sales should be pricing this stuff before they put it out.

But for both parties its their own fault, if they can't be bothered to even have the curiosity to find out if this stuffs worth anything then they deserve to be ripped off.

>> No.1021501

Maybe $5 or so. The Stadium Events is worthless.

>> No.1021507

That would be like walmart selling great value brand 2 litre soda for 99 cents a bottle and then jacking it up to 3 dollars when their supply runs low.

It makes no sense to charge more for something just because at the moment you have less of it, sell it for the same price, and if you run out then you run out, go buy more.

>> No.1021513

ITT: People whining about a store making money.

>> No.1021518

I'm pretty sure I've been to this store before.

You're in Springfield, Oregon right?

I bought Blue Stinger there once, about a year ago. I always got a feeling that the guy who suggested I burn CD's on my Dreamcast was a /v/ browser.

>> No.1021532
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Fine then. You go ahead and buy games at inflated prices, and if they inflate even more, hell go get some more.

Go back to wallstreet and kiss the fatcats feet.

>> No.1021536

Comparing a local used shop with limited quantities to a walmart is the most ludicrous argument I've heard on /vr/ to date.

When you have limited stock of a secondhand good, and people are demanding said goods, there will be competition for those items. Competition can drive prices higher within a local market, especially when prices aren't decided by a corporate entity that has to compete on a national level.

>> No.1021540

>brick and mortal
has this been pointed out yet? I'm I doing it right?

>> No.1021542

But if you are the only store in town then the only competition you have is the internet, and despite the inflated prices on even the net, it will still always win over the local shop.

And competition is suppose to drive sales down.

Its not like two store across the street from eachother are like "Hey Billy buy this game from me, its only 3,99" "No Billy buy from it I'm only selling my copy for for the low low price of 6,99.

>> No.1021562

>But if you are the only store in town then the only competition you have is the internet, and despite the inflated prices on even the net, it will still always win over the local shop.

The net doesn't always win out over a local shop. Before my local shop closed down, I'd always at least ring them up before searching the net for a game I wanted. If they had it, I'd buy it there even if it was a bit more expensive than online.

>Its not like two store across the street from eachother are like "Hey Billy buy this game from me, its only 3,99" "No Billy buy from it I'm only selling my copy for for the low low price of 6,99.

You're right, if two stores in the same area were competing with each other, their prices would probably be very similar. That doesn't mean however, that their prices will be "/vr/ fair". The two shops could see that the online "market value" of game 'X' is $5 and they could both price it at say $5. But if in their local market, there are less copies of a game (either because people are holding on to their copies, or whatever) and each shop has only one copy now and then instead of all the time, they might price it at $7 because the game is in higher demand, and there are fewer available copies in their local market.

This same idea works inversely too. Say each store had 50 copies of game 'X', and they weren't selling for the online "market value" of $5, both stores would probably mark them lower in order to drive sales.

>> No.1021624

>Go back to wallstreet and kiss the fatcats feet

you tell'em dude bro! fight the power! fight the power!

>> No.1021658


Some of those cards can still fetch a decent price.

I remember my Hymn to Tourach's in the day being worth $1 to now being worth $10. Seeing as i had a large number of Fallen Empires cards i have no less than 20 Hymn to Tourach's.

>> No.1021679


>It makes no sense to charge more for something just because at the moment you have less of it, sell it for the same price, and if you run out then you run out, go buy more.

Banana's went up to $10 a kg in Australia due to the flooding of the state that was the primary bulk producer of bananas a while back when it happened. The prices have now normalised to regular prices as to what it was before the flooding. Do you think it didn't make sense to charge more for something that was in scarce supply?

>> No.1021697

>compares consumables to limited media

because we both know that the Earthbound factory is right next to the Soda factory. Fresh supplies coming to your store weekly.

>> No.1021698

OP is back

Yes, but not many. Nothing you'd probably be interested in though, but tell me what you're looking for. I'll probably know if we have it.

I've stated already that I'm on the east coast, so no.

dat auto-correct tho. Obviously I meant brick and mortar.

>> No.1021720

I live in Albany Oregon. In all of the years I've been here this is the first time I've ran into someone from the same city.

This city is incredibly boring.

>> No.1021721

yeah or they could sell stuff at a fair price and increase incentives to visit the store. Most of those stores are happy enough just scraping by with enough profit to not even realize how much better off they could be doing by lowering prices. They dont want to actually move any inventory because that would require some actual labour to keep the store running

>> No.1021730


Our stores do very well. All the employees are paid well above minimum wage and we have benefits. We're currently in the process of opening another store.

>> No.1021736

But if they aren't moving product, how will they be staying in business?

You're argument is wishful thinking at best.

>> No.1021748

Selling 1 game a day at 120 bucks to pay your bills and the employees is not moving product. Selling 20 games a day at 40 dollars a piece makes you a lot more money. Every retro store out there tries to land a gold mine on one single sale and it just drives people away. You're the kind of fucking faggot that thinks SMB 3 is worth 25 dollars arent you? I'm saying you charge what its actually worth and move a lot more copies and have less people hanging on thinking they are valuable.

>retro store charges ridiculous prices
>everyone thinks they have valuable shit
>stores intake of stock slows down
>OP/People who actually shop at those places too fucking stupid to figure out why

>> No.1021770

This. A thousand times this.

>> No.1021779

You don't seem to actually have an argument, you're just upset that some places charge more than what you think is fair for a item.

I have some hard news for you. Other people my think the prices these places are charging is okay. Not everyone has the same idea of what an items value is as you do.

Also, on the topic of you saying I'm a "...fucking faggot that thinks SMB 3 is worth $25..." If someone asked me how much I wanted for my copy of SMB 3, and I said $25, and they said "okay". Yeah, I'd totally take their money, but a new copy of the game, and be totally fine with someone thinking that's a fair price. I don't give a fuck if other people think over paying for a game is okay.

>I'm saying you charge what its actually worth and move a lot more copies and have less people hanging on thinking they are valuable.

You're missing the whole fucking point of supply and demand within a given market. Yes you could charge "what a game is actually worth" (Which changes depending on who you're talking to. No one governs these prices and decides what they're worth, it's a fluctuating market).

If a local market (not the fucking internet or the country as a whole), suddenly has a HIGH demand for SMB 3, and there is a LOW supply, the value of a game goes UP in that given market regardless of the internet market and it's "actual value".

>> No.1021784

You're a massive piece of shit. You realize this right?

>> No.1021786

I don't give a shit about what some anonymous moron thinks of me.

>> No.1021792

You obviously don't care what your customers think either. You won't be in business much longer with that attitude.

>> No.1021796

I don't own a retro store. I'm not OP.

>> No.1021798

OP here:

I do not own the retro store, I only work there. We have been in business since the late 90s.

>> No.1021801

Oh okay. You're just a regular piece of shit then. Carry on with your faggotry, sir.

>> No.1021808
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>this thread

>> No.1021812

Holy shit you're upset.

>> No.1021850

You would be fucking surprised what customers will put up with.
>"$30.00 for X? I'm not going to pay that!"
>"Give it to me for $25.00!"
>"Sorry can't, I don't control the prices"
>"Fuck you! you won't be in business much longer being a shithead!"
>hour later comes back
>"You guys are shit" puts X on the counter and pays $30.00 "I fucking hate you guys"
>"Have a nice day"
Everyday I work ever.

>> No.1021878

>Low Supply
>High Demand
this is the actual fairy tale world you fucking retards live in. There are far more copies of the game than people who want the game you fucking idiot. Retro gaming is a niche market your prices aren't high because of "low supply" or "high demand" its because most idiots including yourself have no real concept of value.

Either they knock a few dollars off or I go home and buy it on the internet, I actually have patience. I have told store owners that I know they aren't giving me fair value for my games and I will just leave and they were always willing to give a little more store credit. If I see tons of copies of a game I want I will even get them to drop the price saying all these games just sit here obviously you are asking too much.

Got Final Fantasy Adventure and Final Fantasy Legend 2 a lot cheaper telling the broad nobody is buying her stacks of over priced gameboy games.

>> No.1021886

>There are far more copies of the game than people who want the game you fucking idiot

Obviously not in his store.

Are you mentally deficient?

>> No.1021893

Of course not every has the same idea of an items value but the fact of the matter is that the item is worth something and the local store is selling it for something much higher. And don't give me that local supply and demand bullshit. I understand what you are saying but if its not worth that price then its not worth that damn price.

This isn't the middle ages, where if something isn't available its simply not available, we have the internet and we can order whatever we want off of it without having to worry about the product running out because if one website is out of it another will have it.

>> No.1021897

>this is the actual fairy tale world you fucking retards live in. There are far more copies of the game than people who want the game you fucking idiot. Retro gaming is a niche market your prices aren't high because of "low supply" or "high demand" its because most idiots including yourself have no real concept of value.

Let's break this down.

>There are far more copies of the game than people who want the the game...

Yes, there are, however, if someone wants to see a physical copy of a game they want to buy before they buy it, and don't trust pictures on ebay, they will go to a local place looking for it first. If this local place doesn't have many copies, and has people always in asking for it, they can (and will in many cases) raise the price of the game because people want it, and they can't keep many copies on hand.

You are saying that lots of copies of this game exist, and if people will just go online they can get it cheap. What I'm saying is that people don't always want to just buy it online, and would rather buy it from a local shop. Some times these local shops seeing that a game is in high demand in a LOCAL MARKET, will raise the price because they know the LOCAL MARKET is willing to pay that much.


>> No.1021902



>Retro gaming is a niche market your prices aren't high because of "low supply" or "high demand" its because most idiots including yourself have no real concept of value.

Retro gaming is a booming market right now. Not as big as regular gaming sure, but big enough to warrant people wanting to make money off of it, and others willing to pay money for it. The fact that people are both able to make money from it, and spend money on it shows that there is supply and demand. The prices go up or down depending on the supply and demand. Yes there are millions of copies of some games, but not all in a given location at once (and, as I noted in my previous argument, not everyone wants to shop online and would rather see the physical product before they spend money on it).

>> No.1021910

If it's not worth the price to you, don't buy it. Don't bitch because other people think it is worth whatever someone else is charging, but you don't think is fair.

>> No.1021909

>because most idiots including yourself have no real concept of value.
Look I agree with you except for that last part.
If someone is willing to pay 30 for it, that is the value of it. Store can put whatever price they want on it, and if the customer is willing to pay that much, then it's value TO THAT CUSTOMER in particular is worth that.

It's very situational

>> No.1021926

because nobody brings them in when they are sitting on "gold mines" you have the deficiency. Low Supply is a myth earthbound collectors believe in. There are more than enough retro games for people into retro gaming to go around.

>> No.1021927

That is just not so. A lot of these people are casual and don't know what the going rate is for a video game, so if a local shop sells it for 30, that doesn't mean its what the customer values it at, its what the store sells it for and what the customer has to pay because he didn't price the game first on the net or he doesn't have a debit/credit card or internet (yes there are people who don't have internet).

>and don't trust pictures on ebay
This is why you check the sellers rating and feedback. If the seller has a very high rating, say 97-100% and hes sold hundreds or thousands of items, and he has nearly all positive feedback, then there is no reason not to trust the images in the pictures

>> No.1021932

When a store has a low continual supply of an item, and a high volume of customers looking for the item, then the store does indeed have a low supply situation. It's not a hard concept to understand, why are you insisting on the donkey mentality with this?

>> No.1021931

people pay money for apple computers that shows how smart people are with their money, You average dope has no idea what that dollar in his pocket actually means. I can't wait for the collaspe of the US dollar. The fascist system in america exploits the shit out of you so everyone else is expected to do the same of course.

>> No.1021936

>That is just not so. A lot of these people are casual...
This has no baring on what they think is fair and what you think is fair. The price they're willing to pay is at, or below what they value the item at. Your opinion on what is "fair" at no point, influences what others opinion of fair is.

I agree with you about ebay, but I know people, who even after it's been explained to them how ebay works, refuse to use it because they think they're going to get a bum deal. Them's the breaks.

>> No.1021937

>Retro stores claim to cater to serious retro collectors
>Base their prices on casuals


>> No.1021940

No shit people are stupid with their money, that's the point I've been trying to get across to people for this whole thread. Just because you don't think something is fairly priced doesn't mean other people won't think it's fairly priced.

>> No.1021939
File: 198 KB, 389x365, 1377089053445.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$25 for SMB3

Yeah, no, you're reseller scum.

>> No.1021952

The only thing you pay for with Apple is software. The OS is good and stable, with lots of nice features built right into the OS but the Hardware is the same exact shit that is put into any other computer on the market, the company Fox Conn whome they buy their hardware from sells their shit on Newegg for cheaper then some of the hardware even that other computer brands use.

>> No.1021973

Depends on the store. You have to pay out to get the stuff people want. As a store front that can be difficult. Like the one anon said: We need this retro craze to die off, that would make a better place where good retro stores could sell the good stuff at fair prices and make the bad ones die off.

>> No.1021982

>the only thing you pay for with Apple is the name


>> No.1021986

And behold: the problem with retro gaming.

>> No.1021984

This is why I hate the internet age. In the 90's it was all based on location. Oregon had zero retro bubble and it wasn't till the last 5 years till it started to catch on. The biggest issue was born from the fact people would see listings of old SNES/PS1 games going for high amounts.
Because as it's been stated countless times here, the value is based on what people are willing to spend. You want an Earthbound cart to go no higher than $40? People need to stop caring for it by majority, but even then with the internet age there are some greedy fucks out there that would rather sit on a hundreds of carts listed on ebay till they die than ever deflate the price down to reasonable amounts.

>> No.1022001

>Someone doesn't like apple
>That's the problem with retro gaming

Because that makes fucking sense.

>> No.1022007

I don't know... I kinda think the retro boom is good. Same goes for the picker/storage wars shows and even the resellers.
Sure, as someone who enjoys the hunt of retro games, the resellers bug people that list yard sales about games and buy everything regardless are annoying, but it's helping to preserve the games.
If no one cared about retro games, people would be more likely to think of it as junk and throw them away.
Like it or not, there are people who have boxes of retro games from when they were a kid, or their parents have the boxes, and do not care about them. They think they're worthless junk or, if they think they might be worth something, they take them to Gamestop (cause they've "grown out of video games") and get turned away which would then make them think they're worthless.
The lucky games make it to a thrift store that doesn't think the stuff is junk (I know people who've caught thrift store workers getting ready to throw out NES and SNES games because "they're old junk").
Just think of all the Earthbounds that are rotting (well, the contacts, traces, and solder points anyways) away in dumps.

>> No.1022009

No, I meant context
>the only thing you pay for with [____] is the name
As in people buy Mario because it's Mario. They have no investment in the game or have a attachment to it beyond it's social status it brings.

>> No.1022010
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>just think of all the earthbounds that are rotting

Warms my heart

>> No.1022020
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>I kinda think the retro boom is good.
>Same goes for the picker/storage wars shows and even the resellers.
oh hell no.
>but it's helping to preserve the games
What helps preserve the games are the anons that upload the data to software and distribute it to the internet.
What helps preserve the games are the people that try and set up archives not the ones trying to turn a profit.
>If no one cared about retro games, people would be more likely to think of it as junk and throw them away.
It would be for the best. In all honesty that throw away attitude would ensure the fandom that did care would get their hands on the hard to find stuff and preserve it rather than having to deal with a reseller asshole that only cares about the top dollar it brings.

We need this fad to die.

>> No.1022026

>Just think of all the Earthbounds that are rotting
Just think that will happen anyway, especially if it's reseller scum that's holding onto it for years in the name of high sales.

>> No.1022029
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>> No.1022037

I agree. The collector's market is going to happen no matter how much people complain. It's the same with toys and pop kitsch from every generation; it's just that since the 1970s/80s there have been so many more of these items to collect, what with the advent of home video game consoles and the rise of licensed toy lines based on TV shows, movies, cartoons, and games. It was only a matter of time before the market exploded for these items. Now that it's doing so, it'll burn hot for a few more years and cool to a steadier and more reasonable range for most items. It might as well happen now, rather than in another 20 years when the items are even rarer and can command even more outrageous prices. It'll die down. Collecting trends almost always do.

>> No.1022040

exactly thats what Im getting at its just a different OS and should cost the same as any other one but since its Apple it makes you intel i7 run twice as fast and all the same parts that would be in PCs faster too. - What macfags actually think

>> No.1022043

>The only thing you pay for with Apple is software.

Let's get real: the thing that makes Apple cost so much is the brand and the look. The OS is nothing special; it was hot shit 15 years ago when the other choice was the crash-prone Windows 98, but that was a long time ago and Windows isn't like that anymore. Just like there are designer clothes and designer purses, Apple makes designer computers for people who want to look trendy. Unfortunately, computers aren't clothes or purses, and there's no advantage to them looking good because they're a practical tool.

>is the same exact shit that is put into any other computer on the market

Yeah, except marked up tremendously. That's what makes Macs so laughable: they overcharge for their hardware because, again, the fashionable look of the Apple brand makes it expensive. If you buy a PC and a Mac for the exact same price, you're going to get a HELL of lot better bang for your buck with the PC.

>> No.1022045

What aren't you understanding the supply is out there its just nobody wants to get 3 dollars store credit and watch someone else buy there game for 30 bucks? Its not a hard concept to understand are you retarded?

>> No.1022050

Windows 98 second edition was a god tier operating system, they really fucked up with 98 but 98se is like the best OS of all time imo. You could fuck around with it so much it was great. It was the best DoS based OS ever

>> No.1022085

How was the crashing in the second edition? Because my regular old 98 crashed even when I kept it clean (i.e., didn't let my parents use it).

>> No.1022092

It never blue screen unless you were doing something it wasn't meant to, like running software on incompatible drivers usuaully it would just freeze the program. Other than that it was really stable unless you had a virus of course.

>> No.1022151

Hey I'm from Eugene, Oregon!
My location was almost relevant!
sage for adding nothing of use to this discussion

>> No.1022161
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>Apple makes designer computers
That sums it up perfectly.

>look at computers
>see brand-spanking-new Mac for 1,700 bucks
>all sleek, handsome, and got the Apple logo right on it so you can impress your faggot hipster friends
>check out specs
>barely stronger than my ugly $500 budget PC I got five and a half years ago

>> No.1022184

I want to start a company that sells really strong computers for cheap, but they're really really really plain or even ugly. Have it be a battleship-gray box with no lights on it or something.

>"When you want a computer to be real fast, but not real pretty"
People will appreciate my honesty.

>> No.1022192

Maybe if you stupid jews didnt price a game I could get $20 cib at $50 then I wouldnt need to spend an hour looking through all your junk

>> No.1022198

I don't get this like I don't know why anybody would ever buy an apple computer as soon as they went to using intel chipsets they became full fledged PCs with a gimped OS. I dont get why you wouldnt by a computer with no operating system and put OSx or whatever the fuck its called on it, than wasting money for the apple built markup shit.

>> No.1022218

I had a really douchey acquaintance that was a full-on obnoxious, Buddy Holly glasses-wearing, college-know-it-all, rich-but-only-wears-ratty-vintage-clothes, "LOOK AT HOW VEGAN I AM" hipster that hangs out in a coffee shop all fucking day on his Mac. I know the word "hipster" gets thrown around a lot, but he was a true-to-god motherfucking hipster. He was ALL about Macs and insisted they were better than PC if you put a Windows emulator on there.

Let that sink in for a moment

>> No.1022228

>He insisted they were better than PC if you put a Windows emulator on there.
I have no words

>> No.1022237

Their laptops have flat surfaces, so you can slide them into a bag without catching on stuff.

They automatically power down the screen, then the hard drive, then sleep, then hibernate on a timer when you close the lid, so power management is completely automatic.

They have high-density displays.

They come with a working UNIX OS.

Fucking basic stuff here that every single PC laptop gets wrong.

There's no reason to buy a Mac desktop, though, unless you're a fucking retard

>> No.1022262

I got a working NES and 25 games (INCLUDING SMB3) for $35
what da fuck man

>> No.1022298


>> No.1022348


>I'm I doing it right?

>> No.1022351

In some places local law enforcement can be strict in enforcing laws against bicycles on city sidewalks and if there's no bike lane you're supposed to merge with traffic as long as it's not a highway or something. Also hand signals are used as turn signals in absense of blinking lights.

>> No.1022364

We have actually have bike lanes, which makes it that much more frustrating that he still choose to just chug along down the middle of the road. Hand signals is technically proper though, so you're right there. It doesn't matter though, because the guy has personally caused at least half a dozen accidents, one of which I saw with my own eyes in the parking lot of a Blockbusters.

>> No.1022383

Well nevermind then
Fucking wow

>> No.1022406

How much is a copy of SMB3 worth with just the game and no case? I have the books to it.

>> No.1022404

>implying that if you walked into a store with two copies for $25 each, you would not buy them both.

>> No.1022409

Like $10-15, closer to $10-12

>> No.1022486

When I bought SShock 2 online (On the ausfag version of CL) the seller was offering it for $3, I gave him $30.

>> No.1022505

My $800 laptop I bought a year ago does literally everything you listed.

>> No.1022670
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Yeah, but it's not made by Apple. How else will your friends at the coffee shop know how cool you are? I bet you use a mainsteam Windows PC, ugh.

>> No.1022713


you're an idiot. there are fucking tons of physical copies of system shock 2 out there. it's not that rare. I got mine for $5 four years ago.

>> No.1023036

Not for Ausfags there isn't.
Compared to $50-$100 on eBay at the time it was pretty good.

>> No.1023087

I know... right. I never liked that game to begin with.

Well, if all you care about is the data, then sure, it's a bad thing. But if you like the physical games it's a good thing.

I doubt that. Resellers are business men, or trying to be anyways, they don't want to lose money. If the market drops out, they'll dump their stock at a lower price.

I thought this would be an appropriate thread to post this video in... It's some Florida reseller's storage unit where he keeps tons of games.

>> No.1023638
File: 537 KB, 1536x2048, SMB3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here.

I took this pic today at work for the butthurt it would bring.

>> No.1023641

We get it. You're a piece of shit. Tell us something we don't already know about you.

>> No.1023658

At least have the common decency to timestamp the cart in sharpie.

>> No.1023664

I'm glad its so easy to emulate old games, because it means i will never have to go to a store like the one you work in.

>> No.1023680

I actually feel bad for you dude. The fact that you take pride in being such a scumbag is disturbing and sad. Even if this entire thread is one big troll thread like I think it is..you're kind of pathetic.

>> No.1023710

>a whole strawpenny?

>> No.1023732

And it's working fantastically.

>> No.1023783
File: 38 KB, 600x750, 1377280374776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nice try, but I'm on the seller side of things, dickwad. I charge below FMV and still make out like a bandit. It's tards like you that buy shit from me, thinking they got a deal.

>> No.1023829

Obviously some Bay Area people in here. I think I'll go to this place next Saturday - I'm in Concord.

>> No.1024141

I don't know what I enjoy more, the price or the price sticker over the label.

>> No.1024540

its a PC game though can't you just import it?

>> No.1025408

Ugh I am in Sonoma
too far for me

>> No.1026132

Shipping would make the price similar.

>> No.1026157


Holy shit

Is that Gameover in Texas?

>> No.1027263

It might be. Like I said earlier, I googled "video game store" and picked an image I liked.

>> No.1029471
