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10187762 No.10187762 [Reply] [Original]

I'd like to play the Ultima series, where should I start?

>> No.10187791 [DELETED] 

year of the spoony when?

>> No.10187795

iv if you have the balls to play it
vii if you want the modern ultima experience

>> No.10187796

>>iv if you have the balls to play it
Why would I need balls to play it? Is it very difficult?

>> No.10187831

4-7 are the mandatory games, 1-3 are discretionary and may be skipped if they don't offer what you want from an RPG.

U1 and U2 are primitive, goofy, and in certain ways very "imbalanced". Both short games once you know what you're doing. Play these if you like figuring out how to exploit systems to your advantage.
U3 is a more typical traditional RPG: exploration-heavy, has a multi-character party to make combat somewhat more tactical.
U4 is where the series starts to have more interesting storytelling and NPC text.

>> No.10187834

Thank you, anon

>> No.10187875

4,5,6 create the definitive trillogy that explores the themes ultima got it's fame for.

>> No.10187993

Alakabeth if you're interested in games archeology enough to make it work.
Ultima IV for Sega Master System, if you just want to experience the best game in the series in a more userfriendly way.
Alternatively Ultima Underworld.
V is just Garriot being petty about Roe R. Adams III hijacking the series to make a better game than anything he could think of.

>> No.10188076 [DELETED] 

At the beginning. That'd be Ultima 0.
Not sure if that was a typo or anon is very confused. IV is for people who have no balls. The objective of the game is literally to become an "enlightened" nu-male. Unsurprisingly it's a frequently recommended favorite of, well, nu-males.

>> No.10188086 [DELETED] 

i'm an old male

>> No.10188224

At this point I'd say to skip Ultima completely and go with Wizardry, Might & Magic and Dragon Wars.

>> No.10188284
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There's also some clones that somehow managed to escape the wrath of Garriot. He tended to sue people that made CRPGs that looked similar, except I don't think he ever had a patent for this specific look and feel?

>> No.10188304

I do believe he would have the ego to do so, but there's also a fuckton of them that ape every style of Ultima out there so he wasn't very succesful if this is true.

>> No.10188509 [DELETED] 

Then you can ignore the young nu-male
>Wizardry, Might & Magic
Yeah, both solid series that don't require an orchiectomy

>> No.10188510

man I don't know if my balls are the proper size in order to properly experience ultima
how can I measure such a thing, anon, you seem wise

>> No.10188728
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Not many people know about these other games.

>> No.10188863
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Are the JRPG Ultima worth it?

>> No.10189128
File: 2 KB, 256x224, exodus-ultima-iii_05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ultima 3 NES looks pretty comfy, in a generic JRPG kinda way. And it doesn't have that mandatory avatar plot they enforced in later games.

>> No.10190439
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Ball size isn't that important for games before IV. Neither is reading comprehension as there's not so much text. For IV see pic related on size requirement and how to measure.

>> No.10190445 [DELETED] 
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This particular skit of Spoony's I just remember being annoyed.
It's annoying when people try to emulate the really raw anger like that.
Makes you wish you could slap him.

>> No.10190484

Fuck Ultima. It's really just a world for Garriott to flaunt his incredible ego and his perfect religion as Lord British

>> No.10191113
File: 382 KB, 1051x1920, youneedtoleave.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Being a virtuous person and trying to do the right thing is being a nu-male.

>One of the virtues is Valor, explicitly the act of kicking the crap out of people when they won't stop being a shithead.

>> No.10191512
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So I just downlaoded all the Ultima games. I plan on playing the first one, because I learned that you have scifi shit in a fantasy world and that's like, my weak point, so I will start with that one. Might I add that I have never played a crpg before and the last rpg I ever played was Pokemon fucking Silver. This is going to be great.

>> No.10191526

Ultima I is Richard Garriot learning to program with the the tile overground and vector dungeons and no plot. For completists only.
U2 is one of my favorites, incredibly ambitious with time travel, complete with continental drift. And space travel to the nine planets.
Ultima X was probably the first 3D RPG using graphics cards. Underappreciated and poor sales but a tour de force.

>> No.10191528

if fantasy+scifi is your jam and you never played a crpg.. don't start with ultima, especially with the older chapters.. play might &magic world of xeen

>> No.10191530
File: 13 KB, 320x256, might_and_magic_iii_-_isles_of_terra_01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might & Magic also has SF stuff.

>> No.10191535

I have a very autistic reason for not playing HoMM

>> No.10191536

>Ultima X
Oops check that; Ultima IX not Ultima X

>> No.10191540

The only good Ultima game is Ultimate Underworld 2

>> No.10191543
File: 2 KB, 320x200, Might_and_Magic_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, those aren't even the same type of games at all. HOMM is a strategy. MM are CRPGs, and the first 2 came out in the 80's for Apple II, C64, etc.

>> No.10191551

Now I feel like a moron

>> No.10191559

He made those Questron boys pay for a license.

>> No.10191569 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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>> No.10191575

That's interesting, I found the first one to be much more enjoyable.

>> No.10191734

>TFW you realize all the important cultists in Ultima7 are named after the key EA executive employees who gutted Origin Systems into a shadow of its former self

>> No.10191882

Ultima didn't deserve this hilariously bad fate

>> No.10191915
File: 288 KB, 1280x1024, u6-britain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think vi is a good midpoint. play vi or the martian dreams spinoff

>> No.10192098

don't worry anon
now, have a seat and tell us more about that autistic reason..

>> No.10192163

Some people I thought were my friends really liked those games. They weren't my friends, turns out

>> No.10192395

Don't let that stop you from enjoying things buddy.

>> No.10193234 [DELETED] 

It came across as genuine to me, nigger-sama.

>> No.10193245 [DELETED] 

Yes I'm something of a delusional overly impressionable fucking idiot myself.

>> No.10193350 [DELETED] 

>The objective of the game is literally to become an "enlightened" nu-male. Unsurprisingly it's a frequently recommended favorite of, well, nu-males.

lol, wut? how old are you? go away, zoomer pest.

>> No.10193415 [DELETED] 

Thanks for your reply zoomer pest
I'm 55 and a half years old
Best regards,

>> No.10193421 [DELETED] 

Poor Spoony. Is he still online at all? Must be devastating to see how much AVGN succeeded despite doing basically the same thing in arguably a less entertaining way. Some people are just doomed to be obscure.

>> No.10193480 [DELETED] 

I honestly prefer the first two because they have weird sci fi elements mixed in for seemingly no reason. I wouldn't be surprised if they inspired the early HoMM games and Wizardry 8
People are still pretending he didn't do it to himself? He went from months to years to never putting out a video. Always making excuses for it. Eventually everyone got sick of his shit (including his gf) and dropped him.
The reason a lot of people rightfully hate him is because a lot of his reviews are excuses to shit on games he's terrible at. If you need confirmation look at any of his streams, the few CRPGs he played he couldn't even get out of the starting area

>> No.10193494 [DELETED] 

Did he ever give a reason for the lack of production? Was it laziness or perfectionism? If the latter, I guess he forgot that perfectionists don't cut it in the world of online media - you're better off pumping out mediocre content on a frequent regular basis than fretting over things being perfect and only releasing something once every few months.

>> No.10193496 [DELETED] 
File: 150 KB, 1124x1091, 1686898247611600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Some people are just doomed to be obscure
If you know anything about Spoony, you know he doomed himself. He could have been bigger than AVGN if he didn't self-sabotage his life

>> No.10193918 [DELETED] 

>file deleted
For what purpose lol

>> No.10194102 [DELETED] 

You haven't answered why you think being an Avatar, the embodiment of all Virtues, is equal to being nu-male. Valor, Honor and Humility usually aren't soi nu-male traits unless you think being kind and altruistic is le cuckoldry. Read Tolstoy.

>> No.10194165 [DELETED] 

>is equal to being nu-male
They also postulate about muh virtues.

>> No.10194184 [DELETED] 

Yet they would align more with Ultima V way of presenting them.
Funny how it works.

>> No.10194185 [DELETED] 

>>Yet they would align more with Ultima V way of presenting them.

>> No.10194226

U8 is an underrated kino. It has the perfect setup, story, details, but it's fucking unfinished. People love to shit on U8 as if they ever played the unpatched version, all you can find about U8 after 2000 was definitely patched and easily playable. U7 and U8 are the only good ultima games, rest are trash, no matter how innovative they looked at the time.

>> No.10194228 [DELETED] 
File: 18 KB, 330x400, Not Tolstoy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You haven't answered the question I didn't ask
lol. Funny how that works, isn't it? It's almost like there's some sort of weird alternate reality that exists outside your head, where everyone doesn't think like you and know what you're thinking. What you really meant to ask, but were too manly and non soi to.
>Read Tolstoy
Ok. You got me. 10/troll. You had me going with that whole "i'm totally not a soi nu-male" until you pulled out the ultimate soi nu-male pseud flex.
Also, you're reading the wrong Russian, faggot.

>> No.10194241 [DELETED] 

Tolstoy shits on Rand every day of the week. Don't tell me you like her stories, anon.

>> No.10194303
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It's incredibly frustrating that there was once a fully finished expansion pack for it, which we'll never have the chance to play.

>> No.10194306

Yeah I hope some Origin boomer releases it on the internet in his deathbed. I really want to see how much more they developed the lore, how they connected the dots, how they made things more meaningful. It's so sad that the game had a huge potential.

>> No.10194414 [DELETED] 

Because they love to twist virtues to their own profit.
Not to mention they would find an idea of virtues getting twisted in Ultima 5 extremely intellegent for the intellegent persons like themselves.

>> No.10194418 [DELETED] 

People are perfectly capable of corrupting virtue without them even realising it, simply by seeking it or trying to spread it around in an corrupted way.
The modern numales you keep talking about are literally seeking virtue without realising they aren't actually doing anything like that.

>> No.10194467
File: 254 KB, 564x501, haxima.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's some open source clones too.

>> No.10194487

U7 and U8 were good, don't play anything else from that series. Maybe watch some summary video about the rest, it's just not worth playing.

>> No.10194514 [DELETED] 

>For what purpose lol
Because someone went slightly off topic on this reddit tier board

>> No.10194515

They're worth playing for those that like turn-based CRPGs. U7 is basically an arcade game, and I'm not sure about the other one.

>> No.10194516 [DELETED] 

But I just picked it beacuse it's a well-known dude holding an ultima game. Jfc

>> No.10194659

Yes, that's the point.

>> No.10194664

Ah, nice.
I won't continue because I will just get deleted. I will start playing ultima tomorrow. Thank you for replying, anons.

>> No.10194681

is there any type of fan patches or mods to fix some of the jank/broken parts of it or did everyone fall for the spoony memes and just write it off.

>> No.10194682

Haven't noticed that janitors took note of the thread and decided to clean up.
Well, that line of the discussion was shit anyway. Enjoy the games.

>> No.10194695

There's the Dialogue Patch, but even that makes it go from "utter shit" to "mostly shit'. If you wanted something to fix the jank and broken parts, you'd need to rebuild it from the ground up.

>> No.10194961

Guess ix is doomed

>> No.10195554

I played through all of them within the last year and really liked all of them. Read those manuals and work smarter, not harder.

>> No.10195562

Currently playing this and love it. Didn't think it would hook me like it did. I love being able to take notes on the map.

>> No.10196597

I shall read the manual, man I almost forgot to do that, haven't done it in 15 years

>> No.10196797
File: 228 KB, 768x1138, cooper lmaos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“One may encounter and engage in combat with hostile beings in the heavens. Once
combat has begun, the pilot cannot return to the top view mode until all enemy craft
have been driven from the current sector or the pilot has chosen to hyperjump to the
next sector. IMPORTANT: Changing from front view mode to top view mode at high
speeds will surely result in a fatal collision. Be wary of fuel levels and shield condition.
A ship without fuel drifts forever and a depleted shield spells certain death
This game sounds based af

>> No.10197042
File: 154 KB, 1152x720, 1686106857727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Figured I may as well mention this here, there was a series of really cool BBS door games, Arrowbridge and (moreso) its sequel Arrowbridge II, solid Ultima clones in a semi-online environment. They had both some synchronous and asynchronous play options (most BBSes had only a single phone line so only a single user could play at a time, so you'd "camp" in the woods when going offline and other players might stumble across you).

Really loved playing Arrowbridge II but I have no idea how far you can actually get in it, since another facet of BBS games back in the day was limited time/number of moves per day. I love the idea of blind exploration in games like this though, where you're never sure just how much there is to see and do. Really went above and beyond the typical Legend of the Red Dragon-style "press F to fight monsters, press D to drink beer" games.

>> No.10197092
File: 112 KB, 220x220, 1680112327587.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>google "ultima clones"
>nothing but spanish star wars results

>> No.10198608

>most BBSes had only a single phone line
This is like saying most basketball players can't dunk. It's technically true, because most basketball players are children playing in their driveway. In reality, by the time Arrowbridge came out nearly every BBS run by someone who'd gone through puberty had multiple lines.

>> No.10199428

You are absolutely wrong. I helped maintain and manage a major metropolitan area BBS list through the 90s. We had literally THOUSANDS of boards on the list, the VAST majority of which were all single-line. The number of multiline BBSes was minuscule, even in the late 90s. Less than 5%. You don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.10200176

Top kek kid. That's gotta be one of the most embarassing flexes I've seen here in quite a while. Anyway, please go ahead and post this major metropolitan area BBS list that you helped maintain and manage that has a list of the puberty status and number of lines for all the entries. lmfao. Better include your puberty status as well, because you sound like a tween who's about to tell me his uncle works for BBS.
I wrote and ran BBSs from the mid 80's to the early 90's I knew exactly how many lines other sysops has because I sold them the shit and provided support. I knew how old they were because we were in regular contact and met up for user group and sysop meets. I went to at least a dozen major metroplitan areas specifically to meat up with other sysops. I wonder if I went to the one where you help maintain a list. lmaoooo.

>> No.10200181

Check the CRPG Addict, even if you think he's a libtard you can find Ultimate clones from a certain point easily by searching there.

>> No.10201690
File: 28 KB, 1024x1024, u3-sosaria.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ultima I is painfully primative. Ultima II is a grindfest, and there was shit that was just trial-and-error like defeat hundreds of one monster type to get a rare drop that opens a gate to continue the story.

Ultima III inspired Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy, it's what you're probably thinking of when you think of "an ancient 8-bit RPG."

Ultima IV was the start of "what if your moral choices had consequences?" and open world "you figure out what the quest is I ain't spoonfeeding you" that is common today.

Utlima V was the start of "what if NPCs had their own lives and schedules independent of the player?"

>> No.10201964

Played the shit out of 4 as a kid, but ultimately had to use a walkthrough to finally beat a game and find that magic spot where you blink into the white stone, because gtting it with the baloon was impossible, as the damn thing was uncontrollabe: whenever I boarded it, it went into a seizure, maybe my late 90's computer was too fast for a DOS game.

>> No.10203130

Ultima 3 has a similar problem where the whirlpool in the ocean moves based on hardware speed which leads to it moving so fast on modern PCs that it effectively occupies the entire ocean at once making ocean travel impossible

>> No.10203543

Worst fucking larp I've ever seen. You are literally under 30 years old. Why have unaccomplished retards taken to just straight up lying so much these days?

>> No.10204375

>projecting: the post

>> No.10204710

Sure you know about how to limit speed of old games? Back in the dos days you needed a slowdown utility. such as

>> No.10204796

Start with Akalabeth, pussy

>> No.10204880

>Back in the dos days
>These utilities should only be used with older Windows only games with timer bugs that have no patch.
Sure you know about how to limit the embarrassment of pontificating while being too young to have ever used a PC with a turbo button?

>> No.10205115

Ultima III Gold and Ultima IV Gold on c64.

>> No.10205328

>Sure you know about how to limit the embarrassment of pontificating while being too young to have ever used a PC with a turbo button?
Not that anon, but he's right. I remember using such software in DOS in the 90s. Turbo doesn't exist on all machines. Some of the software on that list is either written for DOS or available for DOS. Look at moslo.

>> No.10205480

>I remember using such software that should only be used with older Windows only games with timer bugs that have no patch in DOS in the 90s
I have no doubt you do. Memory is notoriously shit. Whether you're a millennial remembering Mandela dying in prison, or the leader of the free world remember going to prison for trying to see him, it's all bullshit that only exists in your head.
Or maybe you were using moslo for dos in 1999 and identify as being a back in the DOS days be-er? If you were using anything "in the 90s" other than daddy's computer you'd know how silly you sound.

>> No.10206109

I started with Akalabeth about a year ago and have since finished every main Ultima entry and both worlds of ultima. I finished underworld I two days ago and start underworld II this weekend. Never used a fan patch. Never hacked any stats. I enjoyed every one of them.

>> No.10206879

Well if you want to believe that DOS slowdown software was written for Windows-only games then more power to you.

>> No.10207361

That's literally what the link says. The one you say you remember using such software in DOS in the 90s. But this is more about you being too young to have ever had a machine with a turbo button.

>> No.10208138
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