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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 304 KB, 800x800, 13891363.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1019020 No.1019020 [Reply] [Original]

Unpopular opinions. Here is one of mine:
>Super Metroid is not the best Metroid. Metroid Zero Mission and Metroid Fusion are much better.

>> No.1019030

>Zelda is a lazy Adventure ripoff

>> No.1019047

I'm sure this tread will be filled with rational, calm, and well thought out debate.

The Zelda series in general is not that good. It tries to combine elements of several different genres, and you end up with a lot of different mechanics with not a whole lot of depth to them.

Ages and Seasons are the best LoZ games because they focus on one particular thing. Seasons on combat, Ages on puzzles.

>> No.1019049

Killer Instinct was Rare's best game.

>> No.1019061

Not quite unpopular. KI is one of the best Rare games.

>> No.1019084

You really need an infantile mindset in order to be a fan of JRPGs.

>> No.1019106

This, and to add to that; The Legacy of Kain games are what the LoZ games should be like, from depth of narrative to world building. Zelda ad more polished mechanics, but feels stagnant and held back.

>> No.1019143

Explain further.

>> No.1019157


It's bait. No explanation is needed.

>> No.1019158

Not unpopular at all, KI was one of the games of choice at the arcade back in the days.

>> No.1019167

Super Mario Bros. 3 is one of my least favorite games in the series.

>> No.1019171

It would be nice if people could post their unpopular opinions without others getting offended or calling them trolls.

>> No.1019190
File: 71 KB, 600x610, 1365059579681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's bait.
This thread is off to a great start.

>> No.1019194

Same here.

>> No.1019204

The original Metroid and the original Zelda are the best Metroid and Zelda games.

>> No.1019206

Uh huh, a statement that is "fans of this game genre I don't care for must only enjoy it because of their infantile mindsets" is a legit statement and not bait at all. No sir.

>> No.1019209


>> No.1019217

Care to tell what the thread is about again?
Polite sage for non related

>> No.1019218

Is there something wrong with asking for more of an explanation?

>> No.1019220

Well, everyone have their own favourite Super Mario games. For example my favourite 2D Super Mario game is Super Mario Land 1 and 2 while lots of people have Super Mario Bros 1, 3 or Super Mario World as their favourite Super Mario game.

By the way what's your favourite Super Mario game?

>> No.1019216

If it's his opinion, so be it. I think that people who like certain things are idiots. I'm sure you do too. Go post in some other thread if this one bothers you.

>> No.1019224

He could legitimately feel that way. I don't agree with at all, but that's pretty much the whole fucking point of this thread. If you're just going to wave off every opinion that you don't like as trolling or baiting, you probably shouldn't even be in the thread in the first place.

>> No.1019225

The only Zelda games I could ever get engaged in are Link's Awakening and A Link to the Past.

>> No.1019226

>I'm sure you do too.

No, I'm not a faggot.

Fine. If JRPGs are for those of infantile minds, surely he wouldn't mind explaining.

>> No.1019230

>Having to validate yourself because of extreme butthurt WAHHH

>> No.1019232

Gunstar Heroes > Metal Slug series > Contra

I enjoy all of them though.

>> No.1019235

Toss-up between World and Yoshi's Island. I do like SMB2 a lot though, too.

>> No.1019238
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>> No.1019237


Big difference between "I don't like this game everyone likes" and saying something like he did.

> If you're just going to wave off every opinion that you don't like as trolling or baiting

So explain why his post was the only one in this thread that I picked out?

>> No.1019239

Super Mario Bros. 2 (FDS) is better than Super Mario USA.

>> No.1019248

You're still missing the point of the whole thread you fucking idiot.

>> No.1019243

Space Harrier is better than Ace Combat

>> No.1019245
File: 625 KB, 1536x1337, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also I don't think the N64 controller design is that bad at all.

>> No.1019257


I am not. Now go away. Unless you're him, I asked for an explanation. I don't care what you think otherwise.

>> No.1019258

Bubsy is a moderately good game. Bubsy 2 and 3D I won't defend, but the first Bubsy was a moderately good game.

>> No.1019259

Bubsy 3D is better than Spyro the Dragon

>> No.1019264

Mega Man X6 is a great game.

>> No.1019265


Bubsy-mind, a phrase I never thought I would ever type.

>> No.1019268

>what could possibly go wrong?

>> No.1019271
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>> No.1019272
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But that's absolutely true, good sir. I'm sure plenty of people agree.

>> No.1019275

Hell I love ace combat and I agree so I guess you're right

>> No.1019281

>Rayman 1 is one of the most overrated platform games and it's good only for its graphics (still there are 2D platform games with much better graphics).
>Fighting Force was incredibly dull for a beat 'em up even at its age.
>Croc was poor man's Super Mario 64.

>> No.1019278

Final Fantasy really went downhill after VI. It introduced annoying characters, cliches I could do without, and too many long cutscenes.

>> No.1019284

People only like Rayman because it was a Jaguar game

>> No.1019286

That opinion isn't unpopular, it's objectively wrong.

The whole point of Metroid as a series is that you have to explore and figure shit out on your own. Fusion and ZM both hold your hand and lead you on your way through the games. And even if you turn hints off in ZM (or ignore them) the game's so goddamn linear that it doesn't matter. You'd accidentally find your way fairly easily, because there's little in the way of actual exploration or optional content.

I will give you that both of those games have better gameplay and are more fun than Super Metroid. But Super Metroid is, by definition, the best game in the 2D series.

Metroid Prime on the other hand is better than them all because it not only recaptures what was great about Super Metroid, but has optional hints for sucky people like OP as well as better gameplay than all of them. That's an example of an unpopular opinion.

>> No.1019290

Those are not unpopular opinions, those are facts carved in stone by this point.

>> No.1019292

I also prefer Space Harries over Ace Combat but what kind of comparison is that? The first one is a rail shooter and the second one a combat flight simulator.

>> No.1019295

Please stop saying objectively.

>> No.1019298
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No protagonist is more badass than this.

>> No.1019301

>objectively wrong.


>> No.1019303
File: 171 KB, 1194x896, RetroArch-0110-043038.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smoothing filters improve the visuals of retro games

>> No.1019304

>combat flight simulator

Where can I find more of those, by the way? I've been playing AC:AH and I like it. I'm itching for more actually.

>> No.1019308


>> No.1019310

Why's that unpopular at all? The only people who seem to hate filters are scanline-using high power level absolute retro nerds.

>> No.1019305

Increasing the difficulty substantially was the right direction for the series and it's a shame that later Mario games (e.g. World, 64) are so easy.

>> No.1019306

>Croc was poor man's Super Mario 64.
To be honest, that is not unpopular, even though people tend to like Croc. I most certainly do not.

>> No.1019313

I agree.

>> No.1019316

Objectively you are not being objective ergo you are objectively wrong about the subject matter of the topic.

>> No.1019318

> The only people who seem to hate filters are scanline-using high power level absolute retro nerds.

That's the majority on /vr/ though

>> No.1019319

Have you tried afterburner? there are plenty of combat flight simulators and google can help more than i can to be honest if you type exactly that, "combat flight simulator".

>> No.1019328

Classic sonic is overrated.

>> No.1019334

Did you know Croc was actually supposed to be a Yoshi game once? After they stopped working with Nintendo, Argonaut changed it to something else.

>> No.1019338


Thanks. I used to play that on mega drive. Really good game, but bowadays I'd like something more akin to the huge beautiful map + free flight found in modern games.

Know any /vr/ game that has something like that? I remember seeing a flight sim thread the other day, but I only skimmed through it due to lack of time.

I'll google it either way.

>> No.1019341

Yeah, apples and oranges, man. Though nothing is better than Space Harrier.

It's seriously the best game ever conceived by mankind.

>> No.1019350

Zero Mission and Fusion aren't the greatest games of all time.
Super Metroid is.

>> No.1019353

I just don't get it though. Why the shit would anyone think a bunch of horizontal lines all over your game looks anything but shit?

Maybe CRTs have higher color accuracy or some shit, but your shitty scan line filter isn't giving you any of it. It's placebo

>> No.1019358

I agree, as should most people.

>> No.1019360
File: 62 KB, 276x334, 1376289364530.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1019361

It's the nostalgia value and the fact that the blur-out of the screen causes the game to feel a bit more smooth, I'm sure the CRT thread can pinpoint more stuff on this regard.

>> No.1019369

I think both of those are hideous.

>> No.1019381

Scanline filters are shit, a real CRT displaying 240p resolution doesn't darken like that

>> No.1019382

Because it's not "authentic."

>> No.1019387

Most NES games were pretty bad. It was just Stockholm Syndrome that made people like them

>> No.1019389

Smoothing filters are shit as well. Simply because they look fucking terrible, regardless of what "the developers intended" or whatever people say.

>> No.1019392

What NES games have you played Anon?
I'm not trying to be confrontational, I'd just like to gauge your familiarity with the library.

>> No.1019395
File: 15 KB, 256x224, Super Metroid (J,U)000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And yet every time someone mentions filters I see crusading autists tell them to get out of /vr/.

I think it depends on the game + filter combination. hq4x seems to work reasonably well for me in most cases, but I can't say I've tried every single filter snes9x supports.

I think Super Metroid looks really good with that filter.


Why would you want that? No, seriously.

The whole point of filters is to be able to play games upscaled in high resolutions with good looking graphics.

>> No.1019396

I just like clean sharp pixelated graphics.

>> No.1019405

It's not that it's wrong or anything, but to improve the graphics of something, you'd better make it 'y know, less smooth.

It's more of a downgrade when you do nothing but make the pixels crustier. If you were to improve anything, you'd have to redraw it all.

>> No.1019404

>Why would you want that? No, seriously.

Because upscaling results in shitty blocky graphics

>> No.1019409

Pixel art does not upscale well. Filters do a poor job of making up for this, so 240p on a CRT is the best option.

>> No.1019414

>export screenshot
>it renders one based on the original resolution with no post processing

Well, that failed pretty hard.

Well, then why don't people just say that? Most people seem to want to convince me that I'm doing something incredibly wrong and that I should stop.

See >>1019404.

>> No.1019424
File: 10 KB, 512x448, 494186-super_mario_bros__2_3_super.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Super Mario Bros 2 was horrible (yeah, I know it was another game in Japan before Nintendo slapped Mario bros. on it). Shitty levels & shitty art style.

Mario Kart on the SNES had terrible controls that made it damn near unplayable.
Mario Kart 64 > All other Mario Karts > Mart Kart

Mortal Kombat's fatalities were too fuckin' long. Part of the reason I'm not a real fan of it. Also, I liked Rain & all the other ninjas in MK3 Ultimate (I always though fuck, the more ninjas the better).

>> No.1019432

>shitty art style
i don't even like mario 2 but what the fuck?

>> No.1019437

Interesting thing though, is that Doki Doki panic was actually going to be Super Mario Bros 2 in Japan as well.
It was a prototype for the game, developed by Shigeru Miyamoto, and somewhat late in development they changed it.
So in a twisted bizarre kind of way, the US Super Mario Bros 2 was the real one.

>> No.1019448

>I always though fuck, the more ninjas the better
So did acclaim & NetherRealm

>> No.1019449

Both are legitimate. There's no "real one."

>> No.1019459
File: 58 KB, 480x312, 1375977491759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you dare go fucking Schrödinger on me nigro.

>> No.1019464


wiiking pls

>> No.1019516

That's new to me. Thanks for the info.
Wow! Nintendo was such asshole with Argonaut. Now I'm having a different opinion about Croc.

>> No.1019534

Nintendo has always been an asshole of a company, why the fuck do you think the play station spawned? it wasn't only about sony being a jew i can assure you.

>> No.1019634

I love the N64 controller, it's one of my favourite controllers of all time. 6 face buttons, a great d-pad (for games that used it), and a pretty accurate stick. The only flaw is that the stick goes loose after a while but with proper mainteinance you can make it last a lot longer than you would expect.

I cringe when people say it's "a monstruosity" or "was this made for people with three hands", because damnit it's pretty obvious how you should use it depending on the game. Even a chimp could figure it out.

>> No.1019668

I don't know if this is unpopular, but I think Mario 3 was almost made too early. It looks shitty on the NES, like it wasn't ready yet.

>> No.1019678

Holy shit man. I'm sad as hell after reading that.

>> No.1021209

It's an awesome game, but you're right. It needed to be released like a year later.

>> No.1021229 [DELETED] 

Why haven't you fucked off yet you annoying piece of shit?

>> No.1021235

>Metroid Zero Mission
Muh shitty blue suit endgame content.
>Metroid Fusion
Muh atrociously linear level-design.

Prime > Super > everything else

>> No.1021242

I honestly hated prime, and I grew up with nes metroid and super
And I think fusion was ok, prime was as linear really

>> No.1021256

Final Fantasy VII is one of the greatest games of all time.

>> No.1021259

Wait, let me correct myself, it is THE greatest game of all time.

>> No.1021298

You're not as bad as me.

I personally rank Echoes at the top, followed by Prime, with Fusion and Super tied together for third. Zero Mission, Corruption and Pinball all chill in the third tier.

>> No.1021316

They were assholes to every single third party dev. Does not make Croc a good game, however.

>> No.1021329

I actually agree with that list. Most people here seem to get mad because you like a 3D game more than super.

>> No.1021416

I think Super Mario World ruined the simple foundations of previous Super Mario games by introducing gimmicks like spinning, cape flying, carrying switches or riding Yoshi. Perfection isn't reached when there's nothing to add, but when there's nothing to remove.

>> No.1021435


>> No.1021445

People who say that N64's controller is a monstruosity are probably people who have never touched it and believe that PSX controller is the best thing ever (even if Xbox360's controller is much better excluded the d-pad). They're also the same people who were making fun of Gamecube's controller without even trying it. For me N64 is one of the best controllers for 3D games and it was the best one at its era. Playstation controllers are good only for 2D games that have to use the d-pad.

>> No.1021460

>Metroid Zero Mission & Fusion
>Linear games
Nope. It's just that Super Metroid is more chaotic and cryptic because you can't see the maps of other areas you have visited (only the area you're currently in) and they don't fucking explain you what the hell do the new moves you got and how to control them. Just like with Pokemon Red/Blue where you have the attacks but they don't tell you what exactly they do.

>> No.1021468

>they don't fucking explain you what the hell do the new moves you got and how to control them
They explain it to you through the level design instead of ramming down your throat.

>> No.1021534

The main difference is just that, while Super is pretty linear on a normal playthrough, the level design pushes you towards specific areas instead of Adam telling you that you have a mission there. And in Zero Missions case it just took the already small, linear map of the original Metroid and added both a map system and made each room more recognizable, so it felt less massive and maze-like.

I love all three games, but I can see why the people who played Super for its giant overworld and sequence breaking aren't happy with the two GBA games. While Fusion does start deconstructing its own hub and mission style halfway in once you start stealing powerups yourself, breaking through the borders between Sectors and disobeying Adam, there's still only one way to progress through the game.

>> No.1022759

My nigga.

>> No.1022762

You said that ZM is really linear and noted it as a minus, then praised Prime.
You fucked up.
ZM, Super, and the original are the only non-linear Metroid games. All the rest are very linear. With varying degrees of how obviously linear they are.
Not even the guy you're arguing with.
And I love Prime, before you try to start on THAT shit.

>> No.1022765

I just can't agree. That shit just looks like blobs to me.

>> No.1022767

Fuck you, it looks like clay.
Proper HD sprites look fantastic. Shitty upscaled with a filter sprites look like clay.
Or plastercine. Some shitty molding substance.
It's awful.
And the scanlines thing is equally stupid. I just play with no filters. Fuck.

Maybe sometimes bilinear depending on the screen I was using.

>> No.1022773


people really need to stop using this word

>> No.1022774

Both games were made by Miyamoto. Both are the "real one".

>> No.1022823

I don't really like most beat 'em ups. They feel too repetitive and limited, and the most popular ones released for arcades were designed to be as unfair as possible in order to get more quarters from credit feeding kids. The ones I've enjoyed the most usually offer at least somewhat deeper gameplay and have some level of customization to them, like Dungeons and Dragons, River City Ransom, Scott Pilgrim, God Hand and Dungeon Fighter Online (RIP)

SF2 is good, but SFA and SF3 are a lot better.

>> No.1022836

i got a few of the "upgrades" on super metroid (rolling ball thing, the missile/bomb things or whatever), got back up to the ship, ran to the east of it, then quit the game and haven't played since.

>> No.1023165

>They feel too repetitive
>enjoyed Scott Pilgrim
Are you fucking serious? Boss fights aside, SP is the most repetitive beat'em up ever. The levels are interminable, they go on for fucking ever. And the midi music is cool at the beginning, but when you've been playing for likw 5 minutes straight it becomes unbearable. It's a terrible game.

>> No.1023170

I don't get why Master of Orion is such a classic. To me it's a decent 4x sort, but hardly brilliant, especially since there's only one real path to victory (hammers and lots of them)

Reach for the Stars was WAY better,, and nobody these days ever seems to have heard of it.

>> No.1023173

Both are terrible games anyway. An expansion pack or a totally unrelated game with floaty controls. Pick your motherfucking poison.

>> No.1023207

Not necessarily strictly /vr/, but its related since most classic JRPGs do fall under this. I hate RPGs that involve a battle system as boring as choosing a command from a list. Feels too much of a disconnect from my character, and I just don't see how its fun.

For the record, I don't hate turn based gameplay altogether, and I do agree that there can be a lot of strategy to it. I just don't particularly find commandlist systems engaging.

>> No.1023420

[citation needed]

>> No.1023503

We can talk about how much Games are "objectively better" than each other, but in the end the experience of playing a game whether going on a nostalgia trip or playing Donkey Kong Country 2 right after getting it as a christmas present is what will make a true experience. That's what Gaming is about.

Nostalgia and memories does affect how we view gaming, and why is that a bad thing? We can embrace the nostalgia instead of shunning it like we usually do.

>> No.1023512

Spot on. Glover is one of the best games ever made to me, because I finally got to play it myself after playing it at a friends house for three weeks. That was the happiest birthday I've had in a long time.

>> No.1023529

>The original DKC was the worst of the three
>ALTTP is better than both OOT and MM
>the original metroid has aged horribly
>Super Mario 64's camera wasn't bad at all

>> No.1023539

megaman 7 is better than megaman x

>> No.1023543

Paper Mario and Banjo Kazooie are tied for greatest n64 game.

Besides the Original and the Gameboy zeldas, retro zelda games haven't aged very well. That doesn't mean they aren't good

Not a fan at all of the PS1's library, mainly because I don't really like RPG's

>> No.1023545

I agree.
Also, Fusion > ZM

>> No.1023550

what about the MMX games? Resident Evil?

>> No.1023553

I didn't say that it was ONLY console for RPG's, but i havent really come across a whole lot of exclusives on it I really cared for. I played Frogger 2: Swampy's Revenge at a friends house a lot though, that was fun.

Also I'm classic megaman fag, I don't care for X/Zero as much

>> No.1023554

>classic megamanfag
you! i like you

>> No.1023561

>OOT's graphics have aged terribly
seriously Hyrule Field is basically empty save for a few enemies and the castle town looks like shit.

>> No.1023564

HoMM 2 is better than 3

>> No.1023594


i think the castle town looks great

>> No.1023598


That's unpopular? I'd figure that's the popular opinion.

Personally I think OoT still looks very nice, I think it's artstyle looks quite good today. Especially in the temples and when there's a lot of cool lighting, like the ice cavern or fire temple

>> No.1023660

it's just that everyone treats it like the game is the goddamn pinnacle of gaming. Don't get me wrong; I love OOT it's just that the fanboys piss me off to no end by refusing to accept it's flaws.

>> No.1023738

Just about everything in the fifth gen has aged like dogshit, OoT really isn't that bad comparatively.

>> No.1023762

LoZ : Ocarina of Time is one of the worst games of the series. It's fucking conventional, the story and the characters are tasteless, and its goddamn "epic" aspect is really uninteresting. It's a nice game, the atmosphere is often striking, but I find it mostly dull. Majora's Mask is infinitely better.

>> No.1023769

Most retro games are pretty crappy compared to modern games, and the main reason people play them is because of nostalgia.

>> No.1023784

you're right, and thankfully there's the All-Stars version, that is in some way the "true" smb3

>> No.1023789

But... it's much larger than Adventure and has more equipment.

>> No.1023828

Because it came years later you fuckwit.

>> No.1023887

How do you feel about KI Gold?

>> No.1023938

That's how I feel about ALTTP fanboys

>> No.1023952

I always find it amusing when someone says this, because here on 4chan that treatment is given to MM. Hell, you could make that argument about every fanbase of any game aside from those after WW.

>> No.1023973

All 4chan bitches about now is the "underage" people treating WW as the holy cow.

>> No.1024143

It's just the Zelda cycle.

>> No.1024172

Mario Sunshine and Galaxy are better than 64
Agreed, I also think pic related is an improvement

>> No.1024178
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FUC, forgot my image

>> No.1024250
File: 293 KB, 1225x1722, ki2_orchid12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Orchid is hotter than Chun-Li

>> No.1024281

Not exactly unpopular, but definitely a divided and controversial opinion: Darkstalkers 2 is better than Darkstalkers 3.

>> No.1024290

I like Earthworm Jim 2 better than 1

I like EarthBound better than MOTHER 3

>> No.1024308

I like more Contra )
>Tfw you clear the game in 1 live.

>> No.1024317

oh look, it's shitty rage trolling
the thread

>> No.1024318
File: 90 KB, 615x593, 1368136047231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most filters are ugly because they attempt to add information between pixels that simply isn't there.

There are many filters out there and I personally don't think every filter looks terrible, but in pixel art every pixel on the screen serves a specific purpose and depending on the graphics of a game the results of adding a filter can vary greatly in quality. If you try playing Earthbound and Donkey Kong Country with the same filter I bet at least one of those games is going to look ugly.

>> No.1025273

>SF2 is good, but SFA and SF3 are a lot better

SF3 has some of my favorite characters but I think the other two had more solid gameplay. I can understand why you'd like Alpha since it didn't have that retarded custom combo system.

>> No.1025314
File: 1.22 MB, 268x209, 1360440381043.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gunstar Heroes is pretty good, but Contra: Hard Corps is the better run n gun game on the Genesis.

>> No.1025319

I occasionally play with filters because it makes the experience a little different, it's not necessarily a good or bad thing every time I use them. Just a change of pace now and then.

Granted, this is a board for retro video games, but trying to recreate the most optimal visual presentation for fucking pixellated 16-bit games is overkill to me. I like using filters, even if they make some games look like a muddy watercolored mess. It's fun.

>> No.1025321
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I think FPS games that don't have mouselook are dumb. Vanilla DOOM, Hexen, Heretic, RoTT, Wolf3D, etc shouldn't even be considered part of the FPS genre

>> No.1025372
File: 601 KB, 1410x1484, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JRPG's are mindless busywork.

Not that that's necessarily a bad thing.

>> No.1025452
File: 94 KB, 565x396, KOF'98UM稼動中-thumb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SNK's characters have more personality than Capcom's ever did.

>> No.1025465

Wolf3D is the only one of those that never had mouselook.

>> No.1025485

Fucking NO!
There's some great moments in that series, but every game in that series besides soul reaver 1 is below average.

Soul Reaver 2 and Defiance have boring new powers, and awful level designs with a few good puzzles peppered between them. and waaay too much focus on combat.

>> No.1025564

>Super Mario 64's camera wasn't bad at all

I agree. It can sometimes get frustrating, sure. I think that's a given for any "natural" camera system.

Truthfully, I don't think any game has done a camera system so well since.

>> No.1025576

I was so excited about defiance when it came out. I enjoyed playing it, too. The first time. And I was so excited when I got all of Raziel's powers because I felt like the game would finally open up and I could "play the game". Nope. That was the last level, sorry. Game's over. You beat it! Great job!

What a disappointment.

>> No.1025609


None of them had mouselook unless you modded it in

>> No.1025618
File: 448 KB, 500x275, tearsintheraintimetoregenerate.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soul Reaver 2:
>None of those awesome puzzle-based boss battles.

>> No.1025623



>> No.1025627

>dat filename

Here, Anon, have a half a interwebz

>> No.1025636

How much is that worth in Bitcoins?

>> No.1025640

Uh... 7

>> No.1025824

>what is Banjo Kazooie
>what is Jak and Daxter

>> No.1025856

Deus Ex is terrible

>> No.1026090

Super Mario 64 is the worst main title in the Super Mario series.

>> No.1026134

that's not an unpopular opinion by any means, the KoF members have fully realized bios and backstories. Capcom is incredibly lazy in comparison.

>> No.1026169
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Sonic CD, Super Castlevania IV, Alundra, Megaman Legends, Secret of Mana, Ogre Battle, Shining Force, Rayman 2 and Crystalis are mediocre at best.

Those are just some of the overrated games I can think of off the top of my head.

>> No.1026204
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Super Mario Bros. 3 wasn't that great

Neither A Link to the Past nor Ocarina of Time are good enough to warrant all the hype

WarCraft II was the last good game in the series

The SNES sound chip sounds like ass

Pac-Man 2 is the only adventure game I care about
I don't exactly agree, but there are some games it really works well for.

>> No.1026210

>The SNES sound chip sounds like ass

>> No.1026226

Hell, people who say that never played Super Adventure Island.

>> No.1026228

Sample-based synthesis just always sounds corny to me, as if the musician was trying too hard to make it sound like he's using "real" instruments (although there are some exceptions, as it seems like it was pretty common for composers to utilize FM samples).

There were undoubtedly some talented composers on the SNES, and the reverb was nice, but overall I think it pales in comparison to the sounds of the Genesis.

>> No.1026232

Thank you! I thought I was the only one.

>> No.1026246

>WarCraft II was the last good game in the series

you sir

you have taste

>> No.1026268

>it pales in comparison to the sounds of the Genesis.
And the Coup de Grace of utter shit

>> No.1026271

Final Fantasy games have simplistic, mindless, terrible combat with no difficulty. Most battles are just "how fast can I get this annoyance over with already" and why are you even giving me all of these stupid status effect spells if they're not needed for the normal cannon fodder enemies, and the bosses are immune to anything but damage, reducing every single boss battle to shields up, attack/damage spell, heal, repeat.

>> No.1026296
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>1 game that was notoriously rushed
Nigga you aren't even trying.

>> No.1026310

What Blizzard did to the series really jostles my johnsons considering how the first two games were pretty much my childhood.
I'm talking about in terms of the chips themselves and the sounds they could produce. There were tons of Genesis composers out there who had no clue how to into FM synthesis, whereas the SNES seemed to have
>implying that tuneless lead sound on the 32X version of e1m8 isn't evil as hell
None of that changes the fact that the Genesis had bitchin' music like this:

>> No.1026315

Valkyrie Profile and Wild arms are the only jrpgs worth mentioning on the ps1. All the others are FF wannabes or continuity of older ones

>> No.1026339

>Showing the awfulness of the Genesis soundchip
>Not using Wily Wars remixes of MM1 2 or 3 music
>not using Sonic Spinball

Come on man, that's like the most low hanging fruit of all.


>> No.1026349

That is a fact.

>> No.1026367

Lost Levels is the best of the Mario platforming games (maybe second best, after Yoshi's Island, actually). Also, Super Mario Land 1 and 2 are better than Super Mario Bros. 1, 2, and 3.

>> No.1026391

>What Blizzard did to the series really jostles my johnsons considering how the first two games were pretty much my childhood.

if it makes you feel any better, newblizzard just handwaved away all the lore of the first 2 games in WoW

>> No.1026414
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Well at least they've dropped the pretense of the newer games having much relation to the older ones.

At this point I've given up hope on them ever releasing another game like their old ones. I just wish they'd release the source code for the first two WarCraft games. It would be nice to see the first game get the Dune Dynasty treatment, especially.

>> No.1026598

Doom's soundtrack isn't that great for the most part.
>Rip off heavy metal riff
>Change the key a couple times
There you go, that's 80% of Doom's music. I still love the game, though.

>> No.1026689
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I have nothing good to say about this game.

>> No.1026714

I like Zelda 2 more than Zelda 1.

>> No.1026758

As someone who loves arcade rail shooters and playing them in their cabinets, I have to say a majority of the best ones I've ever played aren't retro, sadly. Yeah, HotD2, Time Crisis 2, etc. those are good, but when you look at 2000 and later you have a ton of these fantastic rail shooters that I love.

>> No.1026762

Seiken Densetsu 3 is shit, too.

>> No.1026792

FF 9 was boring, the characters unrelateable, and the soundtrack forgettable.

>> No.1026895

Sega's "AM" studios' production during the Dreamcast era represent the single best run of 1st party titles in console history. Hell if I know what it's up against, though.

>> No.1026908

Ff7 was ok
But the characters were unrelatable as fuck. Music was meh.

>> No.1026987

As much as I love the Doom soundtracks, you're basically right. Modified twelve-bar blues progression + metal riffs = Doom music

>> No.1027417
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If you want to see an RPG with strategic combat, look into Spirit Engine 2.

>> No.1028089

Dodonpachi Daioujou is better than Ketsui.

>> No.1028125

Now I can't stop picturing a bunch of 50's greasers at a sock-hop doing the twist to Doom music.

>> No.1028128

Its okay if you have opinion but Super Metroid is my favorite Nintento game asshole

>> No.1028130

The original Final Fantasy is the best of the series.

>> No.1028153

I hate Final Fantazi 7 becouse Chrono Cross dont have sequal

>> No.1028183

99% of NES games are pure trash and are barely playable.

The SNES remakes and sequels are re vastly superior

>> No.1028190


I dissagree. But then again I think II because it offers real exploration. Same with XII you can crack that game wide open right from the start if you know what you're doing

>> No.1028210

The 2D Metroids are really boring and repetitive. Metroid Prime is as close to perfection that a game can get.

>> No.1028248

'99%' is a bit ridiculous, don't you think? I mean mario 1, 2, and 3, doki doki panic, castlevania 1 and 3, mega man 1-6, ninja gaiden trilogy, zelda and zelda 2.

709 games were officially licensed in North America, and that's like 17 games I listed. so that's like at least 2% playable and not trash

>> No.1028282

Final Fantasy 1 is absolute the best of the series, especially in terms of story, music, and character design.

>> No.1028297

You are absolutely right good sir.

Although 9 wasn't bad

>> No.1028324

Pretty much this, i fucking hate mystic quest as a game, but for the memories it brought me and how good some of the soundtrack remixes have been, i love it.

So many half-decent games are gold if i'm wearing my nostalgia goggles. TMNT 2 on gameboy is a crappy beat em up, but i still love it, although dragonheart on gameboy will always be fuck-terrible, i had no idea what do in that game when i was 5, let alone now when i'm 22

>> No.1028332

rygar was godly on nes.

>> No.1028335

I think Super Metroid has aged controls/physics and Metroid Fusion, at times, has better atmosphere than SM.
Zero Mission is the best control wise and I prefer the Gravity Suit sprites (and Zero suit too, sue me)

That said, I still think SM is really good game, specially at the time it was released.

>> No.1028338

I disagree, but that's because I feel the prime games are soulless and are poor FPS games.

I respect your opinion, though.

>> No.1028341
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The original Phantasy Star series (even including III) was miles ahead of Final Fantasy

Online/Universe/etc... can suck it, though

>> No.1028369

Vectorman 1 was better than 2.

Vectorman 2 is blatantly done by a different team.

>> No.1028384

>but that's because I feel the prime games are soulless and are poor FPS games.

I'm an FPS fan (and been one since Doom) and I honestly felt the Primes were among the best of First Person medium. But thats me.

>> No.1028386

>I honestly felt the Primes were among the best of First Person medium.

As someone who never really got into the original style Metroid games, I have to agree. The Prime games were amazing as FPS'. The style, ambiance, music, gameplay, everything was just a lovely experience.

>> No.1028390


MP series is very, very metroid, and the FPS gameplay only enhances it. Though I really want a true MP styled FPS; lock on for everything was a little lame.

>> No.1028393

That would require Nintendo releasing one of their IPs on PC, which they'll never do

>> No.1028397

Oh man, how i'd kill for a PC game that was like the primes. System Shock series (and maybe Bioshock 1) is the closest we can get, and even then, its not exactly the kind of atmosphere that the primes have.

>> No.1028401

I agree. The setting felt fresh with it's science/fantasy world. And the story was darker then anything else at the time but still had the uplifting feeling to balance it out. Plus I always enjoyed first person dungeon exploring. I actually started 1 again a few days ago and sadly the only thing my roommates did was complain that you don't get a map to get through the dungeons. Yeah my roommates are not the big into retro games.

>> No.1028408

>dungeon exploring

This is the only gripe I had with the sequels (as much as I loved them). I just don't understand why they took out such a good feature..

>> No.1028487

It doesn't need that.

I just want proper dual analog support.

>> No.1028503

but that's even worse than pointing with the wii remote

>> No.1028552

Not really. Wii remote aiming has the big issue of becoming a strain on the wrist after a short while.

>> No.1028564

but it can at least aim to some extent, and you can press the face buttons while aiming.

>> No.1028593

Huh, I never listened long enough to hear that it almost becomes music about half a minute in.

Then a few seconds later it becomes even worse, damn.

>> No.1028617

>those comments

>> No.1028729

Wii remote aiming has the even bigger problem of being full of delay in almost every Wii game, no matter how fast your TV is or how much you reduce the wireless noise in your house (because so much of the delay is just the games processing the wiimote input). This is a big problem for an FPS.