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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 518 KB, 1082x1086, Retrotink 4K Angles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10190670 No.10190670 [Reply] [Original]

I actually think this thing looks really cool. I'm interested to see if the HDR+Black Frame Insertion can do the scanline effect decently, but I'm disappointed Mike didn't wait until the hardware was strong enough to do 4K 120hz for black frame insertion. Would have made a huge difference for some HD games.

>> No.10190694 [DELETED] 
File: 210 KB, 857x867, IMG_9864.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that…a new product to buy?!?!?

>> No.10190781

I am not an ascetic monk. I buy things that enhance my experiences. Get a job you hippy.

>> No.10190824
File: 573 KB, 2048x1536, crt2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey thats pretty cool, heres a CRT i found by the side of the road

>> No.10190846

CRTs are still better but they're an endangered species. It's good to pursue alternatives until we have something better. Isn't there some company making new CRTs for like $5,000?

>> No.10190872

Looks like a cool product but the extremely high price is offputting considering I already own a tink 5X. No doubt 4K will help scanlines tremendously and the HDMI in for pixel perfect integer upscaling for 360 and PS3 sounds very cool. I'll just watch those MLIG dorks make a video about it, I'm perfectly happy with the 5x.

>> No.10190875

Yeah the 5X still makes more sense for anyone who isn't turbo autistic about this
I watched an interview with Mike Chi where they verbatim asked him why he made this when the 5X was all people need and he told them that he just wanted the 4K to exist. I think this product is for Mike and his friends before anyone else

>> No.10190880

Seems like the biggest deal is the autistic filter options and HDR support for OLED. Unfortunately out of my price range, but I have CRTs, an OSSC, and a softmodded backwards compatible hardware PS3 for PS2 anyway.

>> No.10190883

Honestly with an OSSC anything else is gravy. As long as you aren't plugging analog cables into a TV you're fine

>> No.10190891

Just emulate you consoomer retard holy kek

>> No.10190901

>still not supporting rgbs RCA inputs
Good for the retards who bought into shart cables but I'll stick with my 60$ GBS-Control

>> No.10190909


but seriously. imagine paying up to a 1k to increase the input lag of your games. and you know in like a year theyll magically come out with some NEW bullshit that does the same thing with no lag. and then, of course by then everyone will have to upgrade to 8k or whatever new bullshit theyre making every new monitor

>> No.10190915

I would rather get a retrotink 5x+ for around the price of the retrotink 5x without the 4k output and no vga or composite input. My reasoning being that if you’re using composite you may as well use a crt and scart adapters exist for it anyways.

>> No.10190918

It does though, they're on the front
It just doesn't have RF

>> No.10190923

Is the lag any worse than the 5X?

>> No.10190924

Oh and 4k is completely unnecessary for retro games because 480p already integer scales with 1440p so it’s all you really need. For higher resolution consoles hdmi pass through is all you need.

>> No.10190926

You have never seen black frame insertion

>> No.10190930
File: 35 KB, 580x580, 8889b548-36b1-4ef6-a70b-66ca74f92458.5432605a250e25034e08a1286457bfcb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should've had this in my post but I'm referring to this. Not regular composite RCA, RGBS RCA

>> No.10190939

shills are saying it will be 3ms

>> No.10191029

Yeah I've been pretty happy with my OSSC purchase. I like CRTs but I also like playing on giant screens.

>> No.10191046

>new company start-up
All myths and wishful thinking perpetuated by /vr/

>> No.10191115

4 hour old thread about a cool device and the thread is already filled with poorfags seething about the device. I have 6 modded consoles hooked up to my LG, this is the best device for it.

>> No.10191484

Why am I not allowed to buy things? Are you a dirty communist?

>> No.10191485

I love how you're so salty you came into this thread for a thing you don't need or want and started seething.

What's it like living like that? Just being kneejerk reactionary all the time?

>> No.10191508
File: 220 KB, 220x220, seinfeld-cigar.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have an 83in oled but I play all my old shit on a CRT in my backroom.

The question is will this upscale say a PS3 or 360 to 4K? Would buy then.

>> No.10191515

Apparently it will, yes.

>> No.10191518
File: 2.11 MB, 1920x1080, image-11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes it'll upscale HD signals, I'm surprised more reviews aren't talking about it
Only catch is that it can't do black frame insertion if you upscale to 4K

>> No.10191550

It will probably be worth the cost of entry to play Switch, PS3 and 360 games upscaled. 720p hurts these days.

>> No.10191574
File: 617 KB, 498x372, brain-slug.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10191595

Hey at least we aren't audiophiles

>> No.10191652

Yeah, its a shame you cant get HDR, BFI and 4k scanlines all together since BFI is limited to the high refresh rate modes. Sure its a small thing to gripe about considering how feature-packed it is, but at the same time I'm not paying close to a grand and making compromises. Hopefully the next scaler isnt too far off.

>> No.10191681

Looks like an xbox one, but that doesn't really matter.

>> No.10191685

dogs probably pissed on it lol

>> No.10191765

It's designed by retards, look at the fucking case. For $1000 I want an aluminium enclosure and all ports on the BACK, not all around just so it could be a fucking single board that's mostly copying the gerber of the OSSC that predates it.

>> No.10191839

What's the best way to plug your retro console to your PC to record the footage without going with one of those fucking expensive capture cards? I have a cheap AC to USB dongle and use OBS to record, but the audio sucks ass. The dongle treats it like a webcam mic.

>> No.10192018

I'll just let my TV handle the bfi because there's no fucking way I'm giving up the 4k res. If the input lag is annoying on a game, I'll just disable it for that one

>> No.10192359

Buy an old HD60 off ebay.

>> No.10192443

My friend, this is HDMI only.

>> No.10192856

You're not gonna have a good time trying to avoid using HDMI if you want to record videogame footage.

>Get a cheap HDMI capture card.
>Try and find some kind of high end HDMI VCR/DVD player at a thrift store, something that can take multiple inputs types and outputs to HDMI. Won't be as good as a high end scaler like these retrotinks, but it'll convert shit to HDMI better than something like those shit amazon HDMI adapters.
>if you're concerned about input lag then find some kind of splitter between whatever display you're playing on and your recording setup.

>> No.10192902

it's just making the jaggies sharper

>> No.10192931

Based. Be sure to spend wisely though, fellow salary enjoyer.

>> No.10192941

>Honestly with an OSSC anything else is gravy.
every single 480i title looks horrible on the OSSC, unless they made a new firmware that adds better deinterlacing since I last checked.

>> No.10193478

That's why I have a modded BC hardware PS3 for PS2. 480i is barely a problem outside of that system.

>> No.10193485

>heres a CRT i found by the side of the road
No you didn't, you payed $150 for it on Craigslist.

>> No.10193862

Right will just look like left when you actually play at a reasonable viewing distance instead of pixel-staring.

>> No.10193883

whatever happened to the ossc pro? are they still working on it, or did the 5x make it moot and they stopped?

>> No.10193895

yea and thats even more true for Mike chis products, the original retrotink 2x had some heat sink issues so it couldn't get an update, so if you had one of those you were just fucked. I also got a 5x when they first came out and now early models can't update to the latest firmware, and all he had to say about it was " it only effects a small amount of users" it effects me you fucking chink.

>> No.10194035

I have the 5X and I like it a lot. The 4K looks promising but I think for that price you might as well just get a CRT. This thing is made for a very specific type of person and it's not me.
I hope he releases a cheaper version that's composite-only.

>> No.10194062

It's going to be $500

>> No.10194072

desu if the hottest feature on this thing is upscaling HD resolutions to 4K they should just do an HDMI only version instead.

>> No.10194227

Seems kinda pointless for upscaling standard def vidya, in and of itself. At that point, it's just 'tism to complain about 240p blown up to 1080p not being as sharp as being blown up to 2160p. Seems interesting for the CRT filters though, since a 4K image gives enough pixel density to actually replicate phosphors decently. And if the thing actually uses HDR to compensate for the image getting darker from filters, then that may actually work well. I've typically always seen filters and BFI as gimmicks because the darker shittier image doesn't justify them.

I'm more interested in how it could be used for 720p games, like on PS3 and 360. For my PS3 I actually prefer playing them on an older 720p TV I have.

>> No.10194260

Just plugging in a ps3 to the tv will also upscale it to 4K. Because how else would the tv show it.

>> No.10194283


Come the fuck on

>> No.10194909

all you need is a retrotink 2x and an mclassic

>> No.10194945

IIRC they originally planned it but it was shaping up to be more than $1000 if it ever got made, presumably due to part shortages caused by COVID. Supposedly it was cancelled for a bit, but some guy called Marqs on the shmups form seems adamant on releasing it by early 2024.

>> No.10195487

Covid and the kind of greed that comes from figuring out you can make things more scarce and charge more for them made it impossible to release at a decent price. Then Mike Chi announced his 4K scaler and the enthusiasm for the Pro almost completely died.

>> No.10195765
File: 23 KB, 128x128, 1669169813670159.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is a scam.
>all you need is a retrotink 2x
It would be all you need, if the greedy merchants who made the things allowed 480p pass through on the thing. Otherwise you have to buy a component to HDMI adapter separately. They do that on purpose so you'll feel inclined to buy a $350 Retrotink 5x, a glorified component/s-video to HDMI adapter.

>> No.10195816

Mclassic and the 4K Gamer+/Pro arent really scams, at least by the traditional definition. They do what they say they do, which is upscale the image to 1440p/4k, whether you find the post-processing they do looks good or is even noticeable is up for debate, but they do work.
The price of course will always be up for debate.

>> No.10195891

Speaking of Gizmos, i purchase for 7 bucks at a flea market this downscaler transcoder (HDMI to Component), will it be good for finally achiving 240p from PC to a CRT on Retroarch?

>> No.10195898
File: 1.42 MB, 2521x1908, 20230827_193455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, forgot pic

>> No.10196478

>page 7

Cursed post

>> No.10196705

>whether you find the post-processing they do looks good or is even noticeable is up for debate, but they do work.
Your TV already does this

>> No.10197019

Wow, so it looks even more soulless?

>> No.10198176

if you use an mcable you're a retard, but if you use one with a scaler, you're a HUGE retard with no comprehension of what he's buying.

>> No.10198296

not as well. though i will admit it looks better in some cases than others. From my usage, i'd say the best use for it is switch games that are run at lower resolutions with that really blurry AA. the mclassic sharpens it up nicely so it almost looks like native 1080p. ps3 and wii look decent with it, Ps2, not so much