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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 60 KB, 800x800, PS2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10188240 No.10188240 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10188242
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>> No.10188243

>Interlaced video

>> No.10188245

just wish popstarter wasn't so shit.

>> No.10188247
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>> No.10188252
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>> No.10188257
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>> No.10188263

You wouldn't even know what that means, if you hadn't lived the last years on this board.

>> No.10188267

It's pretty impressive, but it is hit or miss

>> No.10188290
File: 395 KB, 1479x1000, SCES-53358-F-SC-G.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10188328

PS1 + PS2 Library is fuckin excellent.

>> No.10188330

True but that doesn't make the PS2's picture quality any less shit

>> No.10188382

Interlaced video was a menace to society even during the analog days.

>> No.10188389

>brown shooters, nigger simulators and bad shovelware up the ass
I like many games on PS2, but nah fuck it, I'd take any 4th gen system over it.

>> No.10188395

Brown shooters only started with 360 really. Gears, then Killzone, can't get any browner than that. What does PS2 have, Black? That was a one off and very late in PS2 gen

>> No.10188495
File: 669 KB, 1211x1833, brown and bloom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah man PS2 was definitely more colourful than Halo 3

>> No.10188507

When I think of PS2 I think of framebuffer effects like that blur gimmick they used and abused, it looked awful in GTA3.

>> No.10188547
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>> No.10188550

>mfw a zoomette tries to impress me by telling me she still has her childhood PS2 or GC
cute as fuck, I also love their face when they see my collection of real retro systems.

>> No.10188592

Yeah it was actually
>but here are some nitpicked screenshots
I could nitpick screenshots too if I was as sad and pathetic but I won't

>> No.10188798

I still have my PS2 I got for my birthday shortly after it was released plugged in and working perfectly, even the controllers still work fine.

>> No.10188815
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>PS2's picture quality

>> No.10188832
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>> No.10188842

Gay/trannie rights are not retro.

>> No.10188879
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Is this true PS2 is no longer best selling console of all time???

>> No.10188887

Gamecube ownz the ps2

>> No.10189178

not retro

>> No.10189242 [DELETED] 

luv me FIFA 2000
luv me FIFA 2001
luv me FIFA 2002
luv me FIFA 2003
luv me FIFA 2004
luv me FIFA 2005
luv me FIFA 2006
luv me FIFA 2007
luv me FIFA 2008
luv me FIFA 2009
luv me FIFA 2010
luv me FIFA 2011
luv me FIFA 2012
luv me FIFA 2013
luv me FIFA 2014
luv me PES
luv me PES 2
luv me PES 3
luv me PES 4
luv me PES 5
luv me PES 6
luv me GTA Voice Citay
luv me Colin McRae
luv me Getahway
'ate Shitecube
'ate jarpigs
simple as

>> No.10189251

luv me FIFA
luv me PES
luv me GTA Voice Citay
luv me Colin McRae
luv me Getahway
'ate Shitecube
'ate jarpigs
simple as

>> No.10189281

No. Tendies are lying again.

>> No.10189381

but i want to play videogames, not jrpgs, thug nigga sims or edgelord shit.

>> No.10189851

I've found nearby a 9000 model with 2 controllers, 64 MB memory card and games for $36. Should I buy it?

>> No.10189869


>> No.10189874


>> No.10189942

Yeah, it really makes playing this system insufferable. A great library of games, for the worst hardware known to man. What a shame...

>> No.10189959
File: 429 KB, 1280x720, CRT-vs-LCD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

interlaced looks like shit on LCDs, on CRT and pixelated retro games is peak gaming

>> No.10189970

It literally has like 20 real games 30 tops

>> No.10189985

define "real"

>> No.10189993

None of those signals are interlaced

>> No.10190014

those are all 240p

>> No.10190278
File: 4 KB, 141x58, 1693002104207738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This edit slips past journos when they use this image lol

>> No.10190328

I don't give a SHIT about PS2. I'd even take xbox over it, outrun 2 and doax is all you need. Too much of PS2 is shitty RPGs where you can't even roll your own character.

>> No.10190658

PS2 has the most RPGs where you CAN roll your own character
Anon!!!! BAKA!

>> No.10190697

I only use it anymore for the occasional DDR with wife and kids. Wife wrecks our shit because she played a ton in highschool in her anime/vidya club.

>> No.10190710 [DELETED] 

probably not

>> No.10190715

Nah, it doezzn't

>> No.10190815

literally me

>> No.10190818

it's 36 bucks bro
of course
$36 is nothing

>> No.10190845

>shooters and action games shown
>halo 3 is an shooter/action game

>> No.10190893

>64 MB memory card
Jesus...Have some self respect and grab the almighty fat ps2. Preferable one that is made in japan with a series A controller.
For memory card, it's the official Sony 8mb or the licensed 16/32mb by Katana

>> No.10190945

Play more weebshit and western 3D platformer kusoge

>> No.10190947

Reminder: playstation 2 is only known for having sold as many units as it did due to having a built in dvd player.
playstation users have no common ground, not like xbox/nintendo players do.
is it better to win in sales? or in soul?
>inb4 last of us/uncharted
on-rails hand held experiences trying to be story driven games in a vane attempt at being sony's halo.

>> No.10190968
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>> No.10190970

cope, sonyfag

>> No.10190979
File: 41 KB, 469x447, 136883249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should have called snoyfag
Your eternal rent free is priceless!

>> No.10190982

PS2 moreso (until the souls series, gow and the new mlb games. New gtas are good too but they went backwards since 4)

>> No.10190983

Shouldn't you have the Turbo in there for 4th gen too?

>> No.10191002

You're not implying that you think interlacing has something to do with signal/CRT mask blending are you?

>> No.10191023

>posts % that only reinforce what i said
thanks for proving me right, retard.

>> No.10191032

Never had a PS2 but really seems like that shit had zero games except for Grand Theft Auto

>> No.10191053

it had plenty of games, and that's the problem. So much shit was on that console, it was hard to find anything of worth.
just like how the wii had tons of shitware on it.
if you didn't stick with first party titles, or 3rd party AAA, you were going to get nothing but garbage.

>> No.10191417

>uses MIPS CPU
>N64 games can be ported to run natively
I wonder if Perfect Dark will be ported to the PS2 like SM64....

>> No.10191708

Literally me last night

Recorded that because the ps2 gameplay on YouTube has no music and I wanted to hear Micheal when you get in the car the first time. The sound sucks cause it's recorded from a shitty AV to USB dongle. I'll probably rerecord this on vhs on my crt setup

>> No.10191840

Thank you for this. I was recently looking for PS2 gameplay of this and it's either bullshit emulator or they muted the music.

>> No.10191942
File: 91 KB, 537x494, M0G.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the ps2 had the biggest variety of games for any console of its generation, prob even to date, especially when it comes to popular franchises and arcade ports.

someone prove me wrong.

>> No.10192012
File: 58 KB, 780x1024, 1691373667903069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>playstation users have no common ground, not like xbox/nintendo players do.
Yeah... That tends to happen when your consoles have actual variety and enough games on their libraries to carve niches out of, instead of the only worthwhile games in your system are Halo, Melee or any other nostalgic flavor of the month

>> No.10192235

A very, very slim chance that it's from the earliest batches of 90K with unpatched BIOS which still supports FMCB; otherwise you'll have to take chances with FreeDVDBoot or install a modchip because you won't be able to exploit it with just a memcard.

>> No.10192435

I'll probably record more of this, and I have a couple other games (and tapes) I want to get footage from (for VJ stuff)

>> No.10192459

9k can be exploited with a MC, just use funtuna or opentuna

>> No.10192708

There's a guy selling the console + controller + cables + a memory card with Free MCBoot + an HDD with PS1 and PS2 games (around 150 total) for $50. Y/N and why not?

>> No.10192739

And you can watch movies on it too. Even more bang for your buck. I got one at launch, and even though I knew before I got one that it was also DVD player the reality of it didn't hit me until I held it in my hands and saw the DVD logo on the box staring back at me. Up to that point I'd only been looking forward to playing games on it. Before I went home I bought the movie Pi to go with my pre-order of Timesplitters. So that ended up being the first thing I ever watched on DVD, and I subsequently played the absolute shit out of Timesplitters as well. Good times.

>> No.10192998

My PS2 randomly stopped working. Red light went out, won't power up- tried resetting and adjusting the cables but to no avail. Sadness.

>> No.10193391

and all of them were shit

>> No.10193417

^nincel seethe

>> No.10193720

what consoles have had the biggest impact on gaming?
hmm, no playstation games, how strange.
almost as if the playstation had everything, including absolute garbage.

>> No.10193721

you proved yourself wrong and proved me right.
it had a ton of games, which meant it was harder to find anything good because of how much shit you had to wade through

>> No.10193724

>flavor of the month
both games are still being played years after they came out.
you want flavor of the month? take a look at playstation exclusives.

>> No.10193726

now this is pure nincel cope

>> No.10193792

pc player here, cope snoyfag

>> No.10193795

kek, a closet nincel, that's even worse

>> No.10193838
File: 131 KB, 861x1300, 1565385872312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to play champs of norrath with buddy
>only option is parsec
Will pcsx2 ever get netplay like Dolphin?

>> No.10194017

That's good for 90Ks, but even then the exploit must be triggered manually every time you power up the console, as opposed to FMCB which autostarts + you can buy a memcard with it preinstalled.

>> No.10194089
File: 3.18 MB, 963x2048, gamesIveplayedandYetToPlay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah Ps2 had a weak catalogue

>> No.10194094

This thread is making me wanna pull out my PS2 I still haven't completed a lot of games just got most of the way through

>> No.10194581

What playstation 1 and 2 games are a must?

>> No.10194741

Very short list for ps2
MGS 1, 2 and 3
Gran Turismo 4
Persona 3 and 4
Shadow of the Collosus
Devil May Cry
Katamari Damacy
Twisted Metal Black

>> No.10194832
File: 52 KB, 564x846, ee039d1e071653f0172166d39cb88cf4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


PS2 is the only console EVER a person really needs.
I'm saying the truth, I'm still using my PS2 as my main, primary gaming device, video game console or whatever you say.

1- Easy to softmod
2- Cheap to buy it. Got my FAT PS2 for 20 bucks or smt like that. Bought the Slim one for only 5 Euros years ago.
3- If you have over 1TB Harddrive, you are the king because you can install on it nearly 400-500 games. It's like having a 999999 in 1 cartridge but for real.
4- It has over 1000 games, if you can speak Japanese, then theres 2500-3000. How on the earth you can complete all of them??? It's a bunch of games that will carry you on at least you have grandchildren.
5- Game sizes are generally between 2-5 GBs. You downloaded some game and didn't you like it? Delete it and download an other one. But on PC it is something different shit. I downloaded M&B Bannerlord but I can't delete it because I waited 1 hour to download that shit. 40 fucking GBs.
6- Use your old CRT or buy some cheap HDMI converter and play your all games. If you are using OPL you can upscale the resolution up to 1080p in games that supports it.
7- It has classic gems that everyone knows BUT it has some hidden gems too. Winning Eleven 6, The Getaway for example.
8- You can escape the nowadays by playing with it. Todays normals were the anormals at these days. You don't have to worry about huge mega trans gundam transformers that spins his "girldick". Everything is normal!
9- It's a good family console, it has games like Katamari, DDR, Crash Bandicoot, Jax and so on. OFC it is not a Nintendo Wii but it has nice games to play with your family at family nights!

No need to spend fortune on RTX 4909852. Just get yourself a PS2 tomorrow, and you will thank me.

PC is just for listening music and spending time on the Internet.
Nintendo Wii is just for having fun with your family.
But PS2 is the everything that you need!

>> No.10194845

not him and I don't want to attack PS2 (it has good games like DMC1/3, fighters, Jak, DQ8, etc.), but I could never get into most of its "core" games.
replayed VC some time ago. would feel sooo great going back to it… right? wrong. missions and the music are the only thing that keeps the game from getting stale in a matter of an hour. empty city with nothing to do except side missions and shooting hookers (if you're a retarded 14yo in 2004). I say this as someone who listens predominantly to 80s music, watches predominantly 80s movies, etc.
>MGS 1, 2 and 3
I felt MGS1 was ok. that's it. the gameplay was just ok. I could play it, I could not. I don't think a top-down game was exciting on PS1, let alone on PS2. anyway, it's a "movie game" and I just don't like those. 3 just looks like exercises in tedium.
you had to be there and every THPS game plays the same.
>Gran Turismo 4
realistic cars with realistic tracks combined to form the most boring racing game of all time. I'd at least play RR, CTR, Wipeout… anything but GT.
>Persona 3 and 4
lets turn a decent RPG series into a high school anime for discord weebs.
>Shadow of the Collosus
"Huge SotC Fan Excited to Play It for First Time". A game that the critics memed so hard, they actually started believing it was indeed good. Same people pretend to like Killer 7 or Okami.
>Devil May Cry
the only game I like on this list.
>Katamari Damacy
I haven't played, I still don't know if it's soul or le heckin quirky game with no gameplay.
>Twisted Metal Black
just don't care for "battle racing" games. the aesthetic is too edgy.
the list goes on. FFX? shitty Nomura designs. Kingdom Hearts? 10 times worse, teen weeb hot topic core. GoW? overrated as hell bmup. I like virtually none of its big games. only the fighters were amazing on it.

>> No.10194881 [DELETED] 

Worst part is I actually agree with you on that despite having loved the franchise since it started. It's not a series that you can replay much.

>> No.10194886

Worst part is I actually agree with you on that despite having loved the franchise since it started up until GTA IV was released. It's not a series that you can replay much.

>> No.10194893

We need a ps1 because my ps2 has a shitty ps1 laser and many ps2 games are sequels to ps1 games.
We need an xbox original because some games look better on it or don't have certain glitches that ruin the gameplay
Ok now we're good

>> No.10194902

If it's too good to be true, it probably is.
He's wrong that they're flavour of the month (they aren't) but you're hardly any better console warring for 20 year old game systems, when anyone who isn't a retard or brainwashed can appreciate the highs of every console.
His list is a great list for someone who may have never touched the console before, ergo "must" plays. I'd also add ratchet and clank and Tekken tag as "musts" and system defining games. Like all contrarian faggots I don't see you suggesting much better. CTR on PS2? That is how you out yourself as having no clue what you're talking about and therefore, as retarded at best, weak contrarian baiter at worst.

>> No.10194918
File: 7 KB, 100x100, tommy february2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Winning Eleven 6
Ace Combat
The Getaway
Odin Sphere
God Hand
Shadow Hearts
CoD Big Red One and Finest Hour
Ridge Racer

I'm the one who wrote the post above you. I can give you more suggestions. Using my PC just for online games and internet. For real games PS1 and PS2 since 1999.

>> No.10194949

it is a fucking hideous console that I avoid at all costs. if it's on Xbox I get it on Xbox, if it's on gc I get it on gc, if it's even only on dc I get it on dc, the image quality is so fucking bad. brown sterile blurry colorless games, and even progressive scan makes the games look worse because they lower the color depth to achieve it.


>> No.10194952

This is why the PS2 sucks. I associate it with FIFA, trashy bongs and third worlders that pirate everything.

>> No.10194968

Enjoy using slow as fuck FTP tranfers to install games, also PS1 booting sucks on HDD and laser dies with backups.

>> No.10194971

>CTR on PS2?
of course not. he just mentioned MGS1 too so I added PS1 games (RR, Wipeout, etc.) for comparison. I haven't played many PS2 racers, I don't care about the genre much.
>Using my PC just for online games and internet. For real games PS1 and PS2 since 1999.
no way bro you're so cool and not like everyone else

>> No.10194973

Metal Gear, Final Fantasy, GTA, Ace Combat, Soul Reaver, Dragon Quest, Ape Escape, Tekken, Gradius, Haunting Ground, Shadow Hearts, Tomb Raider, Fumito Ueda games, Silent Hill, R-Type, Prince of Persia, Jak and Daxter, Klonoa, Sly, Devil may Cry ...
>if you didn't stick with first party titles, or 3rd party AAA, you were going to get nothing but garbage.
I noticed this happens a lot here. 'I only play famous games, everything else is garbage'.
Is this... some kind of tendie trick? 'Most games don't appear on my console, that must mean that most games are garbage'.
I find it quite sad anyway.
First of all, don't you people have any personal preference aside from supporting your brand? Have you never seen a game and be attracted to it because its designs or themes hugely appeal to you? Have you never found a game that isn't super famous but is still really fun or charming?
I always loved games like Bio Hazard Battle or Haunting Ground, even if they're not that famous, and I would never reject them because of social pressure.

>> No.10194994

>Have you never seen a game and be attracted to it because its designs or themes hugely appeal to you?

Unironically I had this with the Saturn,
Most noticable for Sega Rally and Legend of Oasis, those magazine screenshots looked amazing.
However since nobody I knew owned that thing I never got to play them back then.

>> No.10195008

>>Shadow of the Collosus
>"Huge SotC Fan Excited to Play It for First Time". A game that the critics memed so hard, they actually started believing it was indeed good. Same people pretend to like Killer 7 or Okami.
But of course.
When critics give inflanted scores to Nintendo games they're always honest and no one would eve pretend to like these games or would hide their flaws because of console wars, but when other games are well received it's because people are just pretending.

>> No.10195010

So the PS2 sucks because you're autistic?

>> No.10195041

>let's bring up Nintendo
obsessed. I'm not the only one who thinks SotC is overrated

>> No.10195056

>third worlders that pirate everything.
onda vital

>> No.10195098

i don't get it

>> No.10195109

Tendies are often repulsed by anything that doesn't belong to Nintendo and Nintendo has been publishing the same series for decades, of course its fans aren't going to talk about anything else.
Halo will also receive special treatment because it's a first party game, and people often believe those are the only games they can boast about. That doesn't mean that the game is bad, but the special treatment is there anyway.
For example, let's imagine a tendie who plays Elden Ring and actually enjoys it more than Zelda BOTW. Would he ever admit it? Of course not, because only Zelda 'represents' him. This alsos applies to games published on their consoles. A tendie who had more fun with Illusion of time than with Zelda ALTTP will always pretend otherwise because of loyalty to his brand. Goemon's Great Adventure is often excluded from their lists of great N64 games because it was made by Konami. It's an impure game.
Sonyers used to be different in the sense that they just loved videogames. They could have fun with the works of Square, Namco, Electronic Arts, Eidos, Konami or Capcom and make no distinctions. If their fav game was made by a third party, they wouldn't try to hide it. This changed around the times of PS3. After losing most third party exclusivities, sonyers also started giving special attention to first party games. And it was really weird, because dedicated PS2 users (the ones that lurked boards) did often have an special preference for Japanese games, and suddenly they started acting as if they loved Uncharted and all these games that resembled Hollywood movies...
Anyway, I'm not interested in the games that Sony offers these days, even if they made some great games in the past. But the people who bought Sony consoles before PS3 didn't care about brands, they just cared about games.

>> No.10195149

It’s fine as a console, but it’s associated with trashy people so it cheapens it to me. I had all three and the PS2 was mostly relegated to being a Metal Gear/Final Fantasy/Silent Hill box. I didn’t particularly like Sony’s sixth gen first party output.

>> No.10195161

>it’s associated with trashy people so it cheapens it to me
What a bizarre mindset you have.

>> No.10195172

It is what it is. When I think of the PS2 I think of low class brit bongs and Brazilians playing FIFA. I’ll stick to my white GameCube gated community.

>> No.10195180

No, it sounds like you are seriously retarded. I don't even know how you could associate a games console with poor people.

>> No.10195187

What country are you from?

>> No.10195189

The UK. Not even defending the PS2 here, you sound fucked in the head.

>> No.10195217

Backpedaling so hard that you can hear the beeps.

>> No.10195372

You know exactly the low class British types I’m talking about then.
Explain to the folks at home what you seem to think backpedaling means.

>> No.10195380

>You know exactly the low class British types I’m talking about then.
I'm still not understanding the connection you've made between chavs and the PS2.

As for the other part of your post:
>the PS2 sucks
followed by
>it's fine as a console, but [autistic babble that has nothing to do with the console itself]

That's what Anon meant by you backpedalling.

>> No.10195420

Hmm, it’s almost as if certain fanbases give things a negative connotation. I’ve certainly never seen that on 4chan before. Nope, never.

>> No.10195426
File: 47 KB, 620x620, c9bf7eaf1f823512266669d9ddb9531d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not about being cool. ps2 is enough for someone just wants to play games. i don't care about ultra realistic 4k hdr rtx graphics. bought my fat ps2 for 20 bucks and i play lot of games.

can you buy a decent pc game for 20 bucks?

i bought my ps1 in 1995, my first ps2 in 2002. they still work pretty well. but i changed nearly 5 computers since that day (and i don't even count component upgrades). pc gaming is just a scam.

>> No.10195431

You shoulda fit Viewtiful Joe into that screen. The most awful version, what were they thinking?

>> No.10195432
File: 82 KB, 1200x630, chuu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it’s associated with trashy people so it cheapens it to me
there's so many trashy people in this world and they are alive. they sleep, they eat, they piss, shit and more. just like you. why are you behaving like these "trashy people"?

>> No.10195451

Stop with the condescending bollocks you stupid little cunt. You can't explain your logic at all. It's a genuinely irrational association you have.

>> No.10195453

All I’m saying is the PS2 was the sixth gen console of choice for low rent chavs and gross brown people that mainly play FIFA. Leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

>> No.10195459

Imagine acting a snob over video game consoles.

>> No.10195474

>implying the yuropoors on this board don’t have a bizarre irrational hatred of the GameCube

>> No.10195476
File: 364 KB, 1100x1247, 1693175385936097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They don't play FIFA because it was too shit these days, Winning Eleven/PES was always the king.

You say "PS2 was the sixth gen console of choice for low rent chavs and gross brown people" but you miss the fact of PS2 was the best selling console EVER, all time. First game was released in 2000 and last game released in 2014 and it had official Sony repair service until 2018. 18 years supported by the Sony. It's pretty much normal to everyone has and plays it.

Another fact, your "superior white" GameCube only sold 21 million units while PS2 sold over 155 million units. GameCube was released in 2001 and discontinued in 2007. Even Nintendo accepted GameCube was a mistake. Since that day they don't make a console that can be rival of PlayStation or XBOX. GameCube is a failed console according to people who created it. But you can still have "superior white" feelings on it, no one says something about it.

I don't say PS2 was good or better. I say it was the best.

>> No.10195484

See >>10195474

I rest my case.

>> No.10195485
File: 46 KB, 720x720, chuu3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you use FTP transfer to install games? Just download bunch of games, and transfer it with SATA to USB cable?

Additionally PS1 is cheap too, you can consider a getting one if you wanna play PS1 games.

>> No.10195510

You're speaking absolute nonsense. But why am I surprised, you're just a typical Nintendrone seething over your beloved purple box being shite.

>> No.10195515

What's wrong with 64 MB card?

>> No.10195530


Uh huh. Let me guess: You refer to Resident Evil as 'Rezzy'. Yuck.

>> No.10195536

Only an autistic 4chan dweller would give a shit about that. Just play the fucking game.

>> No.10195545

I clicked here because I thought we would have discussion about the games, not because of the White gamecube retard or any of this console wars.

Anyways, what are some good games to get for the ps2? I would like to see some recommendations.

I'm planning in getting Genji, the Onimusha series, Wild Arms, Western Samurai, Metal Gear, Resident Evil and the Silent Hill so that I can replay it.

>> No.10195548

Ape Escape 3 if you're into platformers, and Ape Escape 2 if you feel like you want more of it.

>> No.10195556

>but i changed nearly 5 computers since that day (and i don't even count component upgrades). pc gaming is just a scam.
were you using laptops? if so thats why
desktop computer parts themselves don't fail that much, only storage is prone to that

>> No.10195576

I'm not going to lie, I have both a laptop and a computer and never had to change my computer besides that time I tried to buy a better graphics on my main PC.

>can you buy a decent pc game for 20 bucks?
I mean... ya? Steam is always throwing out sales, Epic Games keep throwing free games, websites that sells keys are fine as long as you double check their reputation, also torrent exists.

>> No.10195613

zoomers shouldn't be allowed on this board

>> No.10195680

This is true for N64 vs PS1 too. Nintendo 64 top games all still relevant today. Some even played as much as MMO. PS1 has some oddities but it's best games aged look poop especially it's claim to fame FF7.

>> No.10195770

It takes me several hours to download a 2-5 gb game. I downloaded GTA V once when it was still like 57 gigs and it took almost three days.
I live in a major city in the US btw and I get 1/10 the speed I pay for.

>> No.10196482

born '91. how is anything I said "zoomer"? zoomers love GTA and muh open world games. they also think every game should be a movie game. KH / Persona has a ton of zoomie weeb fans.
or maybe you didn't like something else I said? that THPS has been roughly same game done a dozen times, and that I don't exactly want to play the same game for the 5th time to play story as Bam "I'm a fat alkie now" Margera while listening to Sum 41? or that GT is a boring racing game for fans of boring racing games, and even if I wanted it, I could as well play GT5, 6, or whatever number they're at right now?

>> No.10196527

You didnt mentioned the PC Engine/TurboGraphx 16

>> No.10196568

>Winning Eleven 6
absolutely a shit game

>> No.10196598

You would have to erase the last twenty years from my mind to go back to playing PS2 games on the original hardware. 240p at 50hz on a CRT sounds like hell
No one who likes racing games would willingly put themselves through a modern Gran Turismo games. They're over 100GB, so take forever to download and you've got to accept multiple license agreements just to play the fucking things. Most people I know moved onto Project Cars before the dev shit the bed.

>> No.10196668

actually the ps3 since it can play ps1, ps2, ps3 and psp games (some to certain degree notably ps2 and psp)

>> No.10196749

It's obviously unlicensed which, while not necessarily a problem per se, means you will have compatibility issues with official peripherals such as the PS3 memcard adapter. I have either 64 or 128 MB memcard and while the adapter itself works fine (to install FMCB on it from PC), PS3 completely ignores it (but of course works great with the official 8 MB memcard).
Not him btw, I'm plenty happy with my 70K slim which is all-around the best PS2 model.

>> No.10196884
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Tell me something about the last game you played on your PS2.
For me, it was the Digital Devil Saga duology. Man are those games cool, they offer a good challenge while also having great atmosphere and music. Specially the later, might be Meguro's best work.
The sequel lost a bit of the charm due to how the atmosphere and vibe changes, but it compensates by having better gameplay (bosses are tougher and better designed) and a few qol improvements.

>> No.10196885

Damn I never knew Nintendo absolutely destroyed the Genesis in Japan. Wow.

>> No.10197126
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PS3's PS2 emulation is bad if you don't use a backwards compatible model. And the backwards compatible model is notorious for having YLOD issues.


Here's the list of games. Most of them listed as playable but I encountered with FPS problems in some games. For emulation its better to use PC.

Got my first PC in 1998, had Voodoo 3dfx GPU. Then newer games released like Mafia, GTA 3 and Max Payne. Got GeForce 4 Ti. After couple of years newer games released like GTA SA, NFS Underground, Half-Life 2. I changed my CPU and GPU, while I changed my CPU and GPU I got new mobo and DDR2 RAMs. I changed the components every fucking 4-5 year till this year.

Getting a PS is much more better than having a PC that you play games on it. At least PS is alive and has new games for 8-10 years guarenteed by Sony.
PC is just for online and FPS games.

It was the best football game on PS2. It had PES6 like graphics with PSX Winning Eleven 5/2002 gameplay. Yeah I like PES5 and 6 but they don't have fast gameplay as this one.

>> No.10197134


>> No.10197157
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I dumped a lot of time into this game. I have no idea if it has aged well or even if it holds up vs roller coaster tycoon, but it was fun at one point.

>> No.10197436
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Then gaming changed and it was never the same. Playing Bleach 4 player FFA was fun. Watching anime on it thanks to sksapps was great. Playing emulators and PS1 games, renting a DVD movie and watching it comfy in the couch. Such a great console.
Personally I never had a problem running PS2 games on my not backwards compatible Slim but maybe I was lucky running that homebrew. That black brick works like a charm.
>For emulation its better to use PC.
I feel the same.

Pic related.

>> No.10197706

i have played through the yakuza ps2 games and the silent hill games on my slim. even then the ability to play ps1, psp and ps3 in just one console is just insane value

>> No.10197816
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>Got my first PC in 1998, had Voodoo 3dfx GPU. Then newer games released like Mafia, GTA 3 and Max Payne. Got GeForce 4 Ti.
as you would with a PS, you'd have to buy a PS2. 90s and 00s were a turbulent time for technology
hardware pretty much stagnated in the 2010s, you could get a pc from 13 years ago still able to play modern-ish games and emulate
I agree with you on the GTA part
>it's a "movie game"
what everyone fails to mention is that MGS is a movie game with a game in it, the 'play is compelling and it doesnt have interruptions like forced walking cutscenes
>every THPS game plays the same
t. casul. the campaigns themselves are different starting from THPS4, and THPS2 and 3 have fundamental gameplay changes.
THUG was when the series went full autistic tier gameplay wise, THPS4 was close though
>Persona 3 and 4
>lets turn a decent RPG series into a high school anime for discord weebs.
first off, stop trying to retroactively apply stuff that didnt exist back then such as "discord weebs"
second off, decent? persona 1 is casualised SMT with an hilarious localisation
both personas 2 werent even released in the west, and although the story went somewhere the gameplay was shite too
persona 3 finally gave that spinoff its own identity, and it still referenced prior games
persona 4 was a comfy power fantasy but nobody could have foreseen how much of a cashcow it would become
>Same people pretend to like Killer 7 or Okami.
i dont care about SotC but those were good, fuck off kek. you're too absorbed in what people think, are you scared of liking those?

>> No.10197825 [DELETED] 

and chad holds the mirror. You want to follow with him, you want to love him blind, because he's touched your perfect mind with his body

>> No.10197852

I'll take interbased over soullessive any day.

>> No.10197865

>what everyone fails to mention is that MGS is a movie game with a game in it
I agree and I don't. yes, don't get me wrong, it's definitely got the gameplay and it's good enough. but would MGS be even nearly as highly regarded if it had basic plot and no "movie" part? I think not at all. and MGS2 and 3 would get slammed for being a top-down game.
plus, I just don't really like stealth games. it's either your thing, or it's not. Splinter Cell, Thief, it's all just not my thing. top down view doesn't help.
>t. casul
yeah I'm sorry for not being a PRO skater and playing a pro skater game.
>irst off, stop trying to retroactively apply stuff that didnt exist back then such as "discord weebs"
today this is the series' target auditory though. tranime fans adore P3 and 4. anyway, I know they had decent gameplay, but the art style and setting is absolute unrefined cancer. especially the art style where the nose to jaw height ratio is like 10:1.
>i dont care about SotC but those were good
I might be biased, I just lived through the 2000s era where every journo circlejerked the same """artsy""" hipster games that no one played.

>> No.10197942

get off the internet, you've had too much

>> No.10197969
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Shadows of the colossus was a nice game, that did things that popular games of the time didn't do and at a different pace. Yes, it was niche but please stop shitting on it because some people of other sites see it as the latest coming of Jesus Christ. It's not. Enjoy things and let people enjoy other things.

Maybe you don't get those games because they weren't made for people that have your taste or interests?
>realistic cars with realistic tracks combined to form the most boring racing game of all time
The slogan/subtitle for GT1 was "The real driving simulator". Are your expectations aligned with the series' target audience and intention?
>today this is the series' target auditory though. tranime fans adore P3 and 4. anyway, I know they had decent gameplay, but the art style and setting is absolute unrefined cancer. especially the art style where the nose to jaw height ratio is like 10:1.
It's ok if you don't like something. However the fact that you're talking about Discord when the focus should be on the games that released prior to it being a thing, makes no sense to me. Are we talking about video games or the "modern fandom" and politics of the people that enjoy said video games?

>> No.10197981

Try Katamari, Takahashi never quite recaptured the magic because he forgot he was making games and not just fucking around simulators. Katamari has unique gameplay and controls to go along with the quirk, and decently challenging levels that test your skill. Music is good too. I would recommend We Love Katamari over the first one but they both have soul. Remember that this was made back before quirk is games was completely commodified.

>> No.10198025

>today this is the series' target auditory though. tranime fans adore P3 and 4. anyway, I know they had decent gameplay, but the art style and setting is absolute unrefined cancer. especially the art style where the nose to jaw height ratio is like 10:1.
>I just lived through the 2000s era where every journo circlejerked the same """artsy""" hipster games that no one played.
bro get off the internet you sound like a /pol/cel

>> No.10198121

Except for Xbox original, Dreamcast,5200, 7800, Sega Master system, NEO GEO, Colecovision, and Saturn, even with emulation Homebrew apps.
And the post 3rd generation Armored core Games, along with Prey, and Demon's Souls

>> No.10198127

in the video game sense, definitely not the Tranny stuff, overall.

>> No.10198136

PS2 had JRPGs galore. You can now bash your self into a wall or slit your wrist vertically aka " down the road", or move to the OG Xbox and play those versions more.

>> No.10199884 [DELETED] 


>> No.10200163

>It was the best football game on PS2. It had PES6 like graphics with PSX Winning Eleven 5/2002 gameplay. Yeah I like PES5 and 6 but they don't have fast gameplay as this one.
maan dont make me slap you. i played that dog shit game last year and compared to the first pes game it sucks dog balls. The ball is sticking to the player, the AI on easy is braindead, it doesnt even trie to get the ball from you but is absolutely bloodthirsty on easy in master league. The goalkeepers also are magnetic for the ball. Cant even score a goal like in the first game. best football game, get outta here...

>> No.10200175
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Isn't PES (Pro Evolution Soccer) just Winning Eleven but released on Europe/North America?
>Pro Evolution Soccer 2 (Winning Eleven 6 in Japan and World Soccer Winning Eleven 6 in the US)
Oh... What a fucking mess. Source: https://proevolutionsoccer.fandom.com/wiki/Pro_Evolution_Soccer_2

>> No.10200197

the original name is winning eleven in japan and the us. the euro version was called pro evolution soccer, the name stuck and eventually the american and japanese? version were called pes too.

>> No.10200239
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It is the same game with second PES.
There was so many mods to that game changes gameplay and fixes bugs.
Best patch was this but only had Italian clubs.
This patch was nice too, had realistic AI mod inside of it.
First PES was too slow.

Yup, just like that. Winning Eleven never changed his name since first WE game (It released as Goal Storm in Europe and USA).

In EU and USA they always used different names;
Goal Storm 1995
ISS Pro / Goal Storm 97
ISS Pro 98
ISS Pro Evolution 1 and 2 (ESPN MLS GameNight in USA)
Then they renamed as PES.
In 2007 PES 6 released by Winning Eleven 2007 in USA.

Japanese versions always had better framerate, faster gameplay and Jon Kabira as commentary. Peter Brackley (R.I.P) wasn't good as Kabira-san.

>> No.10200282
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>The more you know
The japanese version had better framerate than the American one? Are you sure? Both are NTSC regions. I remember learning about NTSC and PAL framerate playing Parasite Eve 2 on the PS1. I didn't play a lot since I was mostly forced by normie friends and such but I'm sure they played some modded early version of Winning Eleven at some point on the PS1 because it had local cups and teams.

>> No.10200298

I think PES/W11 is just called eFootball now

>> No.10200328

When you're older, you'll begin to appreciate more than what only one console, generation, brand, or the handful of genres you stick to have to offer. You also begin to understand how shit your taste was.

If you're still using buzzwords like tendie or snoy, then you're not there yet.

>> No.10200339

I appreciate what consoles are but also what they are not. I got over the everyone get along blah blah phase a long time ago and see things as everyone did at the time and I have no shame in saying it.

>> No.10200362

We don't all have to get along, but it ultimately does open up your world to explore other platforms. I used to think NES was a shit console, and then I took the time to really delve into its titles. I actually found the first Zelda to be a genuinely enjoyable title, and Tetris NES to be a lot more fun than initially conceived.

All I'm saying is to take the time and effort to expand your horizons. At present you can think that the only shit worth playing is on PS2, but I'd be willing to bet my bottom dollar you'd find some titles that are surpisingly fun on different consoles. Hell, maybe even a few PC games. What exactly do you have to lose from it?

>> No.10200364

I've explored them and made my conclusions, if it's a problem get a time machine and tell them to fix the lack of say, a second shoulder button, or maybe don't sell the console to the point you lose $50 on them and devs cut it off hard after a few years, or listen to feedback from 3rd parties during the hardware planning stage.

Nothing can change the reality of it, I don't want 4 mario parties, I don't know anyone who does but collectors.

>> No.10200375

That's what emulation is for. It's literally all free and at your fingertips. You don't even need to buy new consoles unless you're a collectorfag. Who said anything about Mario Party anyway? It got old by MP3.

>> No.10200379

Emulation has nothing to do with anything, I have all these consoles and ways to play games for free on them if you think that's what's preventing me from judging them fairly. I have them all, I have all the games I can ever want, now more than ever I can come to the most rounded opinion on them.

>> No.10200390

So what games have you tried on them? I'm very curious to know what NES, SNES, and Genesis titles you played.

>> No.10200395

>PS3's PS2 emulation is bad if you don't use a backwards compatible model. And the backwards compatible model is notorious for having YLOD issues.
The main cause of YLOD is basically solved at this point. It'd probably cost a lot to replace the RSX, but in theory you could create the ultimate PlayStation console if you replaced the original RSX with the 40nm + added an SSD.

>> No.10200424

Won't get into details, beyond all the first party major titles (and some less major ones), sunsoft and natsume titles, ancient titles vic tokai titles, data east, some notable imports, etc.

This is a PS2 thread.

>> No.10200459

>this is a PS2 thread
There's no one pointing a gun at your head, so it doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things. The worst that can happen is some fagmod banning you.

Did you complete a decent amount of them? Or just try them out for an hour or two and put them down?

>> No.10200470

Many, I don't believe I am the person you think I am. My disaffection comes from later consoles.

>> No.10200479

Fair enough. Seeing as this is a PS2 thread, as you said, are there any top down RPGs/Action Adventure titles similar to Zelda that you could recommend?

Ys looks fun, and I've been thinking of trying one out. Last I checked PS2 has many.

>> No.10200501
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zwei, dual hearts, yes the ys games are great, love dark cloud but have yet to play 2 (I don't really consider them similar to zelda), onimusha 1 is great, people have talked about that neopets game but it doesn't seem particularly good, both god of war 1 and 2 are good and maligned due to their button prompts but all the gameplay around that is classic and well designed stuff.

>> No.10200543

Zwei looks like it would appeal to me the most. My nip is rusty so I'll probably do the lazy thing and play the Windows version. Thanks for the suggestion, it looks right up my ally. OST and visuals look appealing too.

>> No.10200861

No, this is just your hrt-induced straw man.
>illusion of time
Kek, auster!

>> No.10201112

>is bad if you don't use a backwards compatible model
The vast majority of PS2 games I play run perfectly on the emulator

>> No.10201726

>samey jrpgs, generic shmups and mario/sonic wannabe platformers up the ass

>> No.10201745
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JP version were more common actually, yeah it had same framerate (30FPS 60Hz) with USA version. EU version was 25FPS 50Hz.

But USA version had only MLS teams until PES 2, and they released as Winning Eleven too. Fun fact, Konami released the game as Pro Evolution "Soccer" in Europe but Winning Eleven as USA/NA. It should be vice-versa imo.

Additionally USA version had soulless English commentary. It's not "muh Japanese superior omg" thing.
English: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CS7iyUzlwoY
Japanese: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d1Yt70R5I5I

BTW everyone played the modded version of the game because Konami didn't had any fucking team license until PES 4 or 5. They always had J League license but never appeared in EU or USA releases. FIFA had nearly every league, even secondary leagues, real stadiums etc. but it had always shitty gameplay, even in PSX era.

Yeah, football games became some money laundering thing for Arabic princes thanks to EA. I just play Winning Eleven on my PS2 with old teams. I wanna play with Totti's Roma, Batigol's Fiorentina, Gerrard's Liverpool or Sas' Galatasaray. Not fking Al-Ahahaiad FC.

E-Football is just a mobile gacha game that ported to PC and consoles.

>> No.10201837
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You guys are fags... I just wanted to hear about some good games. Instead I got a bunch of fatsos in sundresses slap fighting eachother.

>> No.10202308


I love how easy you Segafags are to spot. Still seething decades later kekekekekek

>> No.10202609
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Which PS2 hack is your favourite?

>> No.10202886

so how do you guys deal with dead lasers on these consoles? USB booting is a fucking hastle and half the time works like crap or doesn't work at all.

>> No.10202897

>Sega master system collection
>530 games
Wut? I though they only made like a few dozen master system games ever?

>> No.10203012

It's so retro it dates back to ancient roman times which iirc came out even before the snes

>> No.10203018

>What does PS2 have
Killzone, you retard.

>> No.10203030

This. PS2 doesn't even have any nintendo games so it's hard to imagine it being anywhere in the top 5 consoles of all time.

>> No.10203475

The PS2 makes up for it by having games for men.

>> No.10203710

SMB (network)

>> No.10203770

Does it work ant better than USB? Do I need a fat ps2 for it to work?

>> No.10203887
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i'm trying to sell my ps2. comes with one solid black and one transparent blue controller. 8 mb memory card. what are the best in-person places to sell them at? i don't mind putting it online but i find the online selling process slow/tedious and nobody wanted it when i first listed it anyway.

>> No.10203915

Im going to assume he meant Killswitch, but I'm also going to agree that hes a retard.

>> No.10204025

i love my PS2 to death but emulation is just superior and easier to deal with

a few days ago i played GT4 in 4K 60FPS, and how the fuck do i get back to a regular PS2 after that?

>> No.10204610

blessed post, ghoulchad

>> No.10204639

The PS2 might have been the last major console that was simultaneously dudebro and extremely weeb.

>> No.10204738

I'm surprised I even knew someone who owns a Saturn, and someone else who owned a Dreamcast. That bitch.

>> No.10205126

>Does it work ant better than USB?
USB is simple and easy, but requires nothing except the USB stick. SMB is much faster, but needs an external server with the ISOs (typically a PC/laptop) and a single-time but not braindead setup.

>Do I need a fat ps2 for it to work?
Fat models need a separately purchased HDD/network adapter which slim models have built-in.

Also, the laser on slims is very easily replaceable (although the quality of the parts varies wildly). Dunno about the replacement for the fat models.