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10184926 No.10184926 [Reply] [Original]

>original xbox component cables OEM
>PS2 component cable OEM
>Gamecube component cable OEM

But why? I don't trust third party cables anymore and I want the best quality on my CRt and then THIS SHIT happens.

>> No.10184971

Component/RGB on a CRT is like cheese on a vegan whopper; just use a flatscreen/eat a regular whopper at that point.

>> No.10184993

>But why? I don't trust third party cables anymore and I want the best quality on my CRt and then THIS SHIT happens.
Mostly just rarity more than anything. They stopped selling them not terribly long into the GCN life and Nintendo removed the port later probably to cut costs because they were so seldom used. You could also only order them directly from Nintendo and they didn't sell them in stores, the US availability was an extremely short window that's why JP cables are so much more common. 3rd party solutions also didn't become available until recently because of the GCN cables have a built in signal processor that's why the Wii cables won't work, the Wii already had that built in.

>> No.10185000

All vintage arcade games are fake /vr/ thanks for your opinion!

>> No.10185007

Didn't know affordable IPS/AMOLED panels were widely available in the 80's, thank you for clarifying this.

>> No.10185015

Arcades have been using a standardised format of RGB since the mid 80s.

>> No.10185020

On the widely available AMOLED's of the day, right?

>> No.10185021

>component cables only sold through nintendo's online store
>nobody knew what they were for so nobody bought them, plus they seemed redundant with the cables the gamecube came with
>later gamecube cables get rid of the digital video output entirely since nobody was using it
>however this means DOL-101 models (the later ones) can still get component video output, but won't get any sound, meaning the best you can do cable wise with a DOL-101 model gamecube is an S-Video cable
This console is fucked

>> No.10185047

My parents had a high end 480p Trinitron in the living room that we weren't allowed to hook our games up to and us kids were stuck using the hand-me-down tv in the basement. Also, they kept it in a narrow as wardrobe type cabinet so it was hard to access the back to plug stuff in when they weren't at home. That cabinet's probably why that TV died after only a few years now that I think of it.

>> No.10185068

Can only speak for myself but as a pal-fag retrogamingcable's RGB cable is the best on the market. I never understood why the NTSC GameCube didn't support RGB? And yet, the pal library is utterly cucked beyond belief. What the fuck were they thinking?

>> No.10185078

>I never understood why the NTSC GameCube didn't support RGB?
Nintendo cheap out in strange ways. The Pal Wii can't output NTSC signals over RGB for example.

>> No.10185208

gamecube having a high end AV option is like the sega pico having RGB output. The audience doesn't even know what it means. The 6 year olds playing mario party alone have no idea how its hooked up to the TV, just that it is. It is not a console for enthusiasts so these cables probably never should have been made.

>> No.10185215

>It is not a console for enthusiasts
Enthusiasts own every console. Console warring is mental illness.

>> No.10185317
File: 126 KB, 1844x1894, 1692890904191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me guess, you need more?

>> No.10185330

As I understand the notion of a "GameCube Component cable" is sort of a byproduct of Nintendo's intention for that port (as in the digital out port wasn't meant as a way to output Component but rather some kind of headset, I think).

Also it uses some sort of sync chip that needed to be reverse-engineered before people could start making their own cables. We have solutions now (although at the same time why bother when you can just get a Wii and output Component without any strings attached).

>> No.10185338

very retarded take
arcade monitors are not consumer crt
they have different refresh rates and resolution
they often use CGA not rgb you fucking imbecile

>> No.10185392

>Xbox component
>a little higher than MSRP, but worthwhile since it works with every game
>PS2 component
>Also a little higher than MSRP, not really worth it since the majority of PS2 games are 480i
>Cube component
>Stupidly priced since originally obtaining it requires an online order, pointless since Wii+component is priced the same, if not lower, does Cube stuff and picture quality is technically worse but negligible irl
This is dumb, regardless.

>> No.10185395

i know im just repeating what other people have said, but for the gamecube S-Video or even composite is fine for a CRT
like the question you should ask yourself is, "Why am I playing on a CRT?"
and the answer should be, "Because I want the games to look the way I remember them" or "Because I enjoy the aesthetics of playing on a real CRT" or maybe if you're a tryhard it's "I want the least amount of input lag possible" and if any of that is the case, it should leave you not caring so much about the small bit of sharpness you'll get from YPbPr
also unless you have a professional monitor like a PVM, it's unlikely you will be able to take advantage of the 480p progressive mode that the component cables enable.

alternatively if you are playing on a modern flatscreen, and are determined to use an actual gamecube, a carby or prism is a better solution than OEM component cables running directly into your TV or into a retrotink

and then finally as others have said, the Wii really does solve all these problems in one fell swoop, in the form of a much more affordable console. Component cables are dirt cheap, and the Wii2HDMI is a really good solution. and of course the Wii can easily be hacked. Plus in my experience, a lot of Gamecube lasers are starting to die while Wii lasers are newer and generally not as heavily abused, so I've had better luck with them.

>> No.10185396

>dc vga cable
>15 bucks
we won

>> No.10185418

Your intellectual dishonesty is only rivaled by your compulsion to sperg. If anyone saw a TV displaying an RGB signal and an arcade monitor side-by-side, they would be hard pressed to tell the difference.

>> No.10185425

Because nintendo were a bunch of faggot niggers who couldn't just use a simple component video out, instead it had to be some proprietary digital signal that required a cable with a special DAC chip inside to convert to normal component analogue output.

And then on top of that you could only special-order them from nintendo's website, you couldn't find them in stores.

>> No.10185438

Just make your own component cables from Xbox 360 cables bro. Easiest shit to do if you ever soldered cables together

>> No.10185439

>analogue signal
>digital port
>have to put stupid little chips and converters in the guts of your stupid little cable because you used the wrong port
>because of said stupid little chips no one else bothers to make third party cables at the time
>this would be very good if you were manufacturing a lot of these things and distributing them far and wide
>oh wait! :)
>you made fuck all and they remain an online mail order exclusive
>these things are as good as stocks in Facebook in 2005
>and why? why did this happen?
>analogue signal
>digital port
I'm oversimplifying it a lot, but c'mon

>> No.10185442

I can't believe I used to play PS2 with this shit.

>> No.10185598

Now that's what I call soul

>> No.10185697

Could you even make out the text? I played PS1 games over RF but the text was usually bigger on that.

>> No.10185868

This isn't true at all. Component cables on a CRT make the games look borderline HD while still retaining all the bros associated with a CRT.

Every console I have minus the NES and N64 is hooked up via component cables.

>> No.10185871

lmao! You need a cable? I just touch the AV-out and let electrons flow right to my brain, giving me all the audiovisual experience I need. Stop complicating things!

>> No.10185874

I can't speak for him exactly because I've never used a console RF modulator, but a clean RF signal with good modulation from a VCR isn't that different from composite and I don't recall ever having trouble reading text in a PS2 game displayed that way that I wouldn't even on an emulator. TV was 480i over RF man.

>> No.10185880


Literally no one supports this. Best to get the new DC component cables for $65.

>> No.10185913

>HD Retrovision cable for PS2
>Xbox cable made from Xbox 360 cable on Ebay
>Nintendo Wii on Ebay $60
>Monster Cable for Wii
You're welcome.

>> No.10185918

Imagine paying any more than $10 for a cable lmao

>> No.10185924

I agree, but I'm operating under the assumption OP is too retarded to use a soldering iron.

>> No.10185927

Monitors do, and they're significantly better for it.

>> No.10185942

vga is the best way

>> No.10186003
File: 2.92 MB, 4000x2252, 20230824_135955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought my GC component cable at a Game Stop for under $20.
Later the same day my buddy scored one in another Game Stop.
Man, that felt like 20 years ago.

>> No.10186165

I have some seemingly unbranded xbox component cables that I got along with my xbox like 10 years ago. Dunno if it'd be worth it to upgrade to an official cable, as I haven't really noticed any problems from this one.

>> No.10186180

I kind of don't like using the GC component cable because I play on a CRT and I don't want to be prompted to enable progressive scan every time I start a game.

>> No.10186313

>But why?
Electronics. It's a totally different kind of cable than the others. It's equal to a Component Cable to a PS1. Which never officially existed as far as I'm concerned. There are now third party options that will cost you about $90 if it's stock.

>> No.10186324

LMAO... No. I have a Saturn hooked up through component on a 32''. It's worth it if you have the display.

>> No.10186341

I use chinky £10 RGB SCART cables for all my consoles and they all look great. PALskings win again

>> No.10186624

OSSC has a VGA port you pleb.

>> No.10186679

These "Everything's getting more expensive! You all better go on eBay right now and buy this thing!" posts should be bannable.

>> No.10186789

>I am like a child on an 18+ board
And an ignorant one to boot

>> No.10186793

Very insightful. Thanks, anon

>> No.10186865

>while still retaining all the bros associated with a CRT
Like the strobe light refresh? Lol

>> No.10186892


>> No.10186904

based and direct neural interface pilled

>> No.10186969
File: 9 KB, 220x165, Refresh_scan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you've been using flat panels for the last 20 years – especially high refresh rate panels – then CRT's look like strobe lights. I've gotten used to CRT's again but even then I can still see black flickering in the corner of my eye

>> No.10186975

kek fuck this

>> No.10186995

RF isn't as bad as people think it is desu, it's just those shitty modulator boxes. They have like zero shielding and the signal gets absolutely trashed by all the interference produced by wifi/cell/bluetooth. Not the worst in like the 80s/90s, but if you tried using one today you'd honestly be lucky if your TV can even detect a signal at all from it without turning your router off first.

A solid core RCA cable with real shielding will produce a picture quality that at least looks decent. I wish could find comparisons of various RF options but no one seems interested enough to have made any and posted them online. Maybe I'd do it myself but I'm too lazy to get my VCR.

>> No.10187000
File: 207 KB, 1322x1189, s-l1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought this years ago without checking for my PS1 when I got back into retro games and it turns out my flatscreen doesn't even have s-video lol. Been so long since I was into this shit I didn't know s-video had died. It only has composite, component, and a fucktonne of HDMI

>> No.10187004

Nope, I still use it with my Genesis and there's nothing you can do to stop me.

>> No.10187016

GC component cables cost me $20. In 2008. Sorry that you’re a zoomer just jumping on the bandwagon. AHAHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.10187020

No you can't detect this on a CRT. What you are describing is "my CRT is broken and I am blaming it on my superior taste".

>> No.10187023

I can live with 60Hz LCD strobing as long as you don't stick white screens in my face, which is way more violent than a CRT strobe.

>> No.10187024

lmao no. Coax in those years just produced signal at that quality. Also stop talking about shielding, most of the problems a cable is meant to shield against are just the interference that it itself makes.

>> No.10187061
File: 45 KB, 440x318, 3454581387_a677f0b64f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>very retarded take
>arcade monitors are not consumer crt
>they have different refresh rates and resolution
>they often use CGA not rgb you fucking imbecile

>> No.10187084

>No you can't detect this on a CRT
Yes you can mate. Most flat panel displays have a constant light, and if you've been used to them for the past 20 years then it takes some time before you get persistence of vision with a CRT. The "shutter speed" of the human eye isn't sufficient to fully perceive the the transit of the black bars running down, but it is sufficient to perceive something black inbetween frames.

Note that I said "most" flat panel displays; BFI/ULMB/ELMB monitors notoriously cause eye strain for obvious reasons.

>> No.10187085

Well, he might well be using interlaced modes. Those do flicker quite visibly.

>> No.10187087

>The "shutter speed" of the human eye isn't sufficient to fully perceive the the transit of the black bars running down, but it is sufficient to perceive something black inbetween frames.
Ok, that doesn't scan. You may have a point but i can't tell what you're trying to say.

>> No.10187093
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As I said earlier, it simply looks like a strobe light; it doesn't look like gif related to the human eye

>> No.10187101

No. You just have a broken TV and you're trying to claim everyone has gaslit themselves into thinking their eyes work properly.

>> No.10187103

Whoever came up with this design is a fucking asshole. There's no reason to have a DAC for this signal. They could just have sent out rgb on the old cable they even still already support. Since the nes they've been making newer consoles that remove video quality even if it means rf only. Fuck Nintendo

>> No.10187104
File: 158 KB, 816x612, lol (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10187106

If my CRT were broken enough to refresh at a perceptible rate, the same TV would have also burnt my house down upon powering on, lol. CRT's look fine if you're used to them, but they do take getting used to.

>> No.10187110

No they don't. And no, a CRT doesn't need to burn your house down to do whatever the fuck you're trying to describe as strobe.

No really, you're just trying to claim something that isn't true.

>> No.10187112

>to refresh at a perceptible rate
With the implication that any stage of the refresh should somehow be totally invisible to any human eye

>> No.10187118

The simple fact that the human eye can fully perceive motion on 120hz panels (with a constant light) implies that there may be some visibility of black spots inbetween frames on a 60hz CRT. Stop being a retard just because you never stopped using CRT's.

>> No.10187128

No it doesn't? Now you're claiming that half of the time a given spot on the screen is just completely black instead of whatever color it's supposed to be via some bullshit 60hz vs 120hz comparison.

You have said literally nothing correct so far in this whole conversation, btw. Let's just lay that out as a basis for any other retardation you're inevitably about to spew for like four hours into the thread.

>> No.10187162

Are you arguing with mathematics? This paper here even describes what I said earlier about flickering in the corner of the eye:
>The CFF additionally depends on the eccentricity of the visual field at which it is perceived. In a bright environment, the CFF increases with eccentricity. In other words: a high frequency flicker might be perceivable in the peripheral visual field, but the flicker fuses in the foveal area (i.e., when directly looking at it). In the fovea, the CFF can range between <10 Hz and ∼45 Hz, depending on the retinal illuminance (Ferry-Porter Law). In the periphery, CFF up to 60 Hz or 70 Hz have been observed. This effect is well-known from old CRT monitors whose 60 Hz refresh rates could be perceived mainly in the peripheral vision.
Critical flicker frequency/Flicker fusion threshold is the frequency (Hz) past which an individual does not perceive light strobing. It varies by person.

Also notice that they said that it depends on retinal illuminance (Ferry-Porter Law); this paper concurs with the law and finds a higher average CFF on CRT displays when brighter images are displayed (https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/154193128302700112))

I don't understand why idiots like you feel so compelled to lie on anonymous messageboards about the psychophysics of viewing a 20+ year-old television. I shouldn't have to find fucking scientific reports to demonstrate to you the patently obvious fact that flicker is visible on CRT displays if you've been used to flat panels with a constant light for the past 20 years. This is something I could explain to your grandmother and she would understand it because she isn't an autistic fucking retard having an episode because somebody had a different experience with CRT TV's.

>> No.10187164

They do not
Maybe you are talking about low hz pc monitor CRT’s
15khz TV’s don’t strobe even at 480i
At least mine doesn’t
Doesn’t even noticeably flicker at 480i

>> No.10187169

>It is believed that the human eye cannot detect flicker above 50 to 90 Hz and it depends on intensity and contrast, but some reports indicate people can distinguish between modulated and steady light at up to 500 Hz
Evidently it is possible for somebody's CFF – in the fovea – to be north of 60hz. If this is the case, then strobing will be present on a 60hz CRT.

>> No.10187176

This is exactly what I was talking about when I said this:
>Let's just lay that out as a basis for any other retardation you're inevitably about to spew for like four hours into the thread.
You've done the predictable retardation of trying to change the subject while pretending you haven't. No, retard, your study doesn't validate anything you've said in the thread in the slightest.

You don't see black on the screen 60 times per second.

>eyes see in hertz

>> No.10187179

>trying to change the subject
You're a disingenuous retard. Go and rethink your life.

>> No.10187183

What is CFF measured in, if not hertz?

>> No.10187184

No? You are actually trying to change the subject and you trying to claim disingenuous at the correct point is telling.

>> No.10187196

It's not definitely not measured in hertz, that's for damn sure. You ever heard of an actual strobe light? You know, the light that visibly displays the strobing even though 60hz strobe lights exist? You ever notice how your average light bulb doesn't strobe even though it also operates at 60 hertz (or 50 in many countries)?

>> No.10187206

>change the subject
Then let's look here:
>If you've been using flat panels for the last 20 years – especially high refresh rate panels – then CRT's look like strobe lights. I've gotten used to CRT's again but even then I can still see black flickering in the corner of my eye
The papers I linked describe this phenomenon in more detail:
>In other words: a high frequency flicker might be perceivable in the peripheral visual field, but the flicker fuses in the foveal area
>In the periphery, CFF up to 60 Hz or 70 Hz have been observed
>This effect is well-known from old CRT monitors whose 60 Hz refresh rates could be perceived mainly in the peripheral vision
>mainly in the peripheral vision
If you do not see the connection, English cannot be your native language.
The onus is on you to provide the alternative units and explain how ALL of these papers are wrong for measuring it in hertz.

>> No.10187218

Because nobody trusts 3rd party

>> No.10187224

Do you even know what RGB is?

>> No.10187225

Stop trying to change the subject. No, nobody thinks their TV strobes when it's working properly. Trying to claim peripheral vision while ignoring any sort of testing conditions needed to achieve this, predictable retard take. Why is your TV is your peripheral vision?

And no, I don't have to cite a source about alternative units. You are the idiot predictably raving about whatever retard technology problem you've invented.

>> No.10187226

Nah, nah, nah mate, 60hz strobe lights don't exist, remember, because we don't measure CFF in hertz, remember? Fucking idiot.
>You ever notice how your average light bulb doesn't strobe
Because it has a fucking crystal oscillator to regulate the strobe rate, you idiot cunt, it's not going to operate at the same frequency as the AC, fucking Christ. Why are you still arguing? Everything you've said has been titanically fucking stupid. Common sense should tell you not to write this shit, and when that fails, you could have conducted even the measliest bit of research—you are a retard.

>> No.10187228

Not him, but every screen he's talking about supports RGB.

>> No.10187230

>Nah, nah, nah mate, 60hz strobe lights don't exist, remember, because we don't measure CFF in hertz, remember? Fucking idiot.
Aaaaah, you're mad and trying to change the subject again.
>Because it has a fucking crystal oscillator to regulate the strobe rate, you idiot cunt.
That's weird, it's almost as though I know there's a reason the 60hz lightbulb doesn't strobe.

That's so weird.

>> No.10187239
File: 498 KB, 1678x1578, focus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why is your TV is your peripheral vision?
This is the last time I will humour an obvious troll such as yourself. Your eyes are focused in the centre of the screen; the papers obviously aren't measuring CFF on TV's beside you (never mind that it used the word "mainly". Do ask yourself what is meant by MAINLY. If you are going to take anything away from this post, then let it be that question). Your eyes focusing on the centre is also why modern games often render the corners of the screen in a lower resolution (inb4 "changing the subject" due to failing to comprehend me articulating the concept of periphery). If you are not being disingenuous and are actually this retarded, please sterilise yourself.
>trying to change the subject again
Quoting you is changing the subject? At least you've admitted you're trolling.

>> No.10187245

Forgot an important detail that you might be a fucking spastic over. The field of view of the fovea centralis is only 1-2 degrees, hence your eyes focusing on a particular section of the screen; the rest of your vision is known as peripheral vision.

>> No.10187246

>This is the last time I will humour an obvious troll such as yourself.
You are proposing that you are seeing strobing in your peripheral vision. That is, at best, your argument. You were saying something about disingenuous earlier.
>Your eyes are focused in the centre of the screen
The entire screen is in my center of vision. It's not in my peripheral vision. Any argument you want to pretend is valid after this is retarded.
>Quoting you is changing the subject?
Unironically an attempt to change the subject again. Here I'll prepost what I said because it's apparently still as relevant because you're obviously the type of retard who will never talk about what matters while he posts for four hours pointlessly:
>That's weird, it's almost as though I know there's a reason the 60hz lightbulb doesn't strobe.

>That's so weird.

>> No.10187248
File: 1.33 MB, 1868x3508, 20230819_202608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not the point. They're naming new technologies because they're trying to mock someone who said that arcade CRTs in the 80s supported RGB, which they did. Because the technology is old.

And keep in mind, this is a thread about component cables, which transfer YPbPr, not RGB. So the fact that they initially said "compontent/RGB" is another giveaway that they don't know wtf RGB is or that there is 3 decades separating RGB from Component.

>> No.10187252

I dunno, man. Again, I'm not the arcade guy, but he's completely right in that he's saying modern screens use RGB and arcades also did. He's not the one that brought up arcades, it's just that he's still correct about arcades not being any better than a modern display as far as RGB goes.

>> No.10187254

>they're trying to mock someone who said that arcade CRTs in the 80s supported RGB
He's not saying it's untrue, he's saying that when flatscreens exist, CRT's should be used for composite

>> No.10187263

>he's saying that when flatscreens exist, CRT's should be used for composite
well that's a stupid opinion but he has every right to think that

>> No.10187347

Yeah, kind of sucks, but not going to repeat the very good answers people already gave here.
However I can say that the carby component cables are very good, and I do recommend them. Even the Retrobit/Kaico cables are decent enough.
Kind of dishonest, given you need to buy the box to connect it to.

>> No.10187718

Kind of retarded, given you think you need to buy the box to connect it to. jk. Extremely retarded.

>> No.10187774

Ah, I'm sorry, I thought you had standards, instead of settling for the cheapest chinkshit available. My mistake

>> No.10187878

>Ah, I'm sorry, I thought you had only seen the youtube I learned about DC doing VGA from. My mistake.
FTFY little copeling

>> No.10187886
File: 2.25 MB, 4032x3024, Excited_for_TINK4K.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The connectors are of antiquated technology. Fortunately, these days there are a lot of amazing new high-quality options. For the Xbox, look into Behar Bros.' Xedusa. Thanks to all the effort in reverse engineering the Gamecube's digital out port, check out Eon's MK-II option for the GameCube. HD Retrovision has some pretty good cables for the PS2. All of which I wish I had the funds for, but it is a long process. Rather than component, look into HDMI mods which have also advanced quite far now; if I had a local modder, I'd definitely get some of the work done once I saved up enough: https://youtu.be/boDpJ4gwtZ0

>> No.10187947

Instead of HDMI modding a PS2, wouldn't it be cheaper to pick up a PS3 Slim? There's very few good games that are incompatible with the netemu/haven't been ported to PS3

>> No.10188106

>They could just have sent out rgb on the old cable they even still already support
Was the GCN capable of doing RGB output without the DAC, I'd think that would be the only reason but I would find it really hard to believe it couldn't. Nintendo did some really dumb shit in that regard. The SNES only would output RGB to Scart and never had official cables in NTSC territory. For whatever bizarre reason the N64 was also capable of RGB and has the pins for it but they could never be used without modding.

>Had this as a kid from NES up till GCN.
>Original TV as a kid died, new TV had RCA capability, RF wouldn't work on with NES-N64.
>Dad had kept all original boxes, found RCA cables and put in new TV.
>Mind was blown was I realized there wasn't supposed to be a sort of ghosting from interference
I was just a dumb kid who didn't know any better but it was still a big revelation for me when I realized how much better RCA looked compared to RF.

>> No.10188116

>pointless since Wii+component is priced the same
Yeah there hardly is a reason to use a GCN over the much more readily available Wii component unless you are extremely autistic about original hardware but this is /vr/ so those kind of people exist here.

Didn't the Wii basically contain the GCN hardware similar to how the GBA had GBC hardware in it? Or was it just that the Wii CPU was a similar but more powerful iteration? I know it was not running emulation.

>> No.10188120

>Yeah there hardly is a reason to use a GCN over the much more readily available Wii component unless you are extremely autistic about original hardwar

For me I want to play gamecube games without needing to use the dildo controller.

>> No.10188202

i use my gamecube on my lcd tv via my carby, and my wii on my crt via scart. the gc's video out is better, and the wii makes for a better 240p emulation box.
softmod your wii and you can have it autoboot to a disc loader, hbc, priiloader, or basically whatever you want.

>> No.10188207

>modding your console
No longer original hardware

>> No.10188214


>> No.10188217

By softmodding your console you have ruined the retro experience. You might as well just use an emulator.

>> No.10188253


>> No.10188318

How is that a softmod?

>> No.10188324

The post was talking about softmodding a wii

>> No.10188354

>No longer original hardware
Stop bullshitting anon, you thought a plug-in solution was a mod

>> No.10188362

I said
>You might as well just use an emulator.
You seriously need to learn how to read Anon.

>> No.10188404

It literally is an emulator
Learn to comprehend your own words

>> No.10188416

Just use a Wii, all GCN games are compatible and the Wii even has a GCN controller port. Wiis are dirt cheap and so is their hardware.

>> No.10188662

>Was the GCN capable of doing RGB output without the DAC
Obviously not according to your definition, which differentiates "output" and "capable of". The encoders in the SNES and N64 both take RGB. I don't know what the one in the GC takes.

>> No.10188715
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Not exactly related to OP's complaints, but I'm trying to get my PS2 set back up and I'm too poor to buy an older TV or monitor with component inputs. I'm looking into a component to HDMI adapter. Do you anons have any recommendations for that? Am I going to be wasting my money?

>> No.10188719

Why do people buy TV's without analogue inputs

>> No.10188732

Because Mr. Telestein decided that digital is the future of goyslop

>> No.10188749

just emulate you poor faggot

>> No.10188964
File: 187 KB, 640x640, 1692981103494.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am poor like you anon, and i am thinking of buying pic related, then posting the results of it's image

>> No.10188971

That thing works really well. It’s $23 on Ali right now for new users too.

>> No.10189023

thank you very much anon

>> No.10189024

Can it downscale?

>> No.10189038

For downscaling your probably want a GBS-C.

>> No.10189064
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The Gamecube component cables were available by mail-order only. I remember because my family were early adopters for HDTV and I specifically asked for them for Christmas because I wanted to see the progressive scan effect that I read about in Nintendo Power. At some point Nintendo unilaterally decided that HDTV was not the future and that because the vast majority of TVs in homes were still low-res CRTs, it was going to be that way for the foreseeable future. They were dead wrong because HDTVs got so cheap over the next few years that everyone ran out to replace their low-res screens with them. Meanwhile, Nintendo removed the digital out port from late Gamecube models and designed their next console (the Wii) around 480i content with the only considerations for HDTVs being more readily available 480p options and 16x9 support for all games.

Essentially, Nintendo bet against the future and lost, but they didn't lose any sleep over it because the Wii made them a fuckton of money which unfortunately had an enabling effect on their tech-stagnant culture, which they wouldn't really overcome until the Switch. They saw HDTVs as being a niche high-end item and believed so hard that it would stay that way, that they removed the ability for their console to use it altogether.

If you are looking for Gamecube component cables today, my best advice is don't. A much better investment right now is one of the third party options, whether it's an external module or an internal modification (both are good options, it depends on what you want and how much you care to spend), or hold out for the new third party cable that's on the way that should cost less than $100. Gamecube component cables were even more expensive before these options became available, and now their cost is more due to being rare rather than because there's no other way to get a good picture from the system.

>> No.10190496

I was in burgerland recently and checked a few stores and none had anything with analog inputs. Even the "high end" shit was basically garbage you couldn't even unload in Russia or India. To be fair, no one in America buys TVs, they just steal them

>> No.10190505

I don't get why people try so hard to connect old consoles to new TVs. Just emulate at that point.

>> No.10190515

what did he mean by this

>> No.10190650
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Do you listen to cassette tapes on a walkman too?

>> No.10190714
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picrel was more elegant

>> No.10190727

Doesn't the PS3 just emulate PS1 and PS2 games? How accurate is that emulator to the original hardware? I have an old phat ps3 laying around and using it instead of getting a ps2 would save me some money.

>> No.10190731

Component makes games with dithering, motion blur, and fake post-processing effects look like fucking garbage. I have no fucking idea how these RGB fags deal with that shit. S-Video on the other hand has just enough pixel clarity, some of the visible asset compression and dithering is only just bearable.

>hurr composite is for poor people
shut the fuck up, composite hides all of these extreme compression artifacts in 5th and 6th gen games. go play the PC versions instead you faggots! don't ask me who I'm quoting, every RGB fag says something to this effect.

>> No.10190746

I have an official Sony RF adapter for PS2 and the worst you can see is some hardly visible noise you get used to eventually. Back in the 90's I had the chink adapters for the NES, Geneies, and PS1 and it was very susceptible to any kind of interference. For some reason, if you stood close to the chink RF adapters, the noise went away, it was fucking weird. Since I didn't get a TV with composite and s-video until like 2005, I eventually bought an official Sony RF adapter for the PS1 and was in heaven.

>> No.10190748

Unless you can find proof such a television exists in the modern age,
all TV sets are required to have means for a digital tuner (coax jack implied for an antenna).

>> No.10190752

holy shit what a cuckold

>> No.10190856

It’s not common
He’s probably Australian though, because I have a 4K Panasonic OLED that has component inputs but I don’t even use nor want them

>> No.10190863

Only the earliest phat model PS3's natively play PS2 games, with the rest using emulation. All PS3's models emulate PS1 games.

The PS2 emulator on PS3 is the crowning achievement of the Cell processor. It's not going to run every game perfectly, but Christ it runs A LOT of games perfectly. My PS3 Super Slim is my daily driver for playing PS2 games on a CRT; I only pull out my PS2 for games with issues/mediocre remasters like Devil May Cry.

The PS1 emulator is, ironically, unimpressive. Strangely, there's two different emulators: one for your discs and another for digital downloads. On a hacked PS3 you can use either emulator, and depending on the game you might want to switch between them. The PSN "ps1_netemu" has no support for integer scaling and will force a bilinear filter, yet the sharper disc-based "ps1_emu" is significantly less accurate. If you're using a PAL PS3, you also have to patch the game's PARAM.SFO or set your PS3 to 480p to play 60hz games. I don't use my PS3 on a flatscreen, let alone to play PS1 games, but setting your resolution to 480p might ease the bilinear filtering issue.

That last bit reminds me: I know you're using a flatscreen, but if you have a PAL PS3 with analogue video, you have to set the PS3's resolution to 480i 16:9 to play PS2 games at 60hz (games will still be 4:3, but if you don't change this setting they will run at 50hz)

>> No.10191164

Thanks for all the information. I finally decided to hack my console and managed to run PS1 games off an external HDD (PS2 works but I gotta copy them to the internal drive of the console). My plan is to plug this console to my CRT and play there. I wanted the most "legit" experience, so I was wondering how different it was. For some reason, PS2 undubs don't work (tried Fatal Frame 3 and while the console recognized the game and gave it a cover art, the game itself won't launch).

>> No.10191172

PS3 is arse for PS1 games (barring a few 3D fighters mostly) on CRT because it doesn't output 240p. To me PS1s are cheap, and super cheap to run backups on so I can't even be bothered to deal with the extra trouble of using a PS2 for PS1 games.

>> No.10191173

i understood cabling when i was 6, maybe you were just retarded

>> No.10191181

based, best way to play 8 and 16 bit consoles

>> No.10191183

Well I do have a PS1, but haven't really researched if I can play games on it without actual CDs. I don't have a burner anymore, so I'd either have to get one or see if there's another solution. This is my old console from when I was a kid so I know for a fact it plays pirate copies (I played Spyro 3 a hundred times because it would always reset at the last boss and delete your save file kek).

>> No.10191184

>no games

>> No.10191212

Wii's video output is trash

>> No.10191217

If by trash you mean imperceptibly less sharp on 480p then sure

>> No.10191252

PS3 can't output 240p so PS1 games will look like shit over composite; interlacing and more noticeable dithering. If you're using component/RGB then go for it, but personally if I wanted sharp pixels I wouldn't use a CRT in the first place.

>> No.10191269
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Also, if you're going with component/RGB, 240p and 480p look the same on 99% of CRT's; it's only those BVM's that you didn't play these games on back in the day which feature black stripes running along the screen in 240p.

>> No.10191286
File: 833 KB, 1049x1918, so faint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On this set the phenomenon of black stripes so so faint and you really have to get up close to even see it, at which point you're unable to play the game anyway

>> No.10191294

>240p and 480p look the same on 99% of CRT's
why do people on this board lie so much

>> No.10191297

I know you're a zoomer who likes quirky black lines cause that's part of this new wave of 80's retroconsumerism, but I've never seen this phenomenon in person because light typically bleeds inbetween the scanlines

>> No.10191302

Using the word Zoomer on /vr/ I can only assume that you are one
the light doesn't bleed vertically

>> No.10191308
File: 1.25 MB, 400x200, yoda-that-is-why-you-fail.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>light doesn't bleed vertically
I'll give you the benefit of a doubt and assume you're confusing this with colour bleeding

>> No.10191315

you can give me the benefit of whatever you want but I think it's funny that you think that colour on a CRT isn't light

>> No.10191317

"Colour bleeding" happens because of the composite signal lol; it's got nothing to do with the television

>> No.10191321

It seems you are extremely confused
But you keep on doing what you do anon

>> No.10191335

It seems you are the confused one.
"Colour bleeding" is the very phenomenon on composite signals that leads to "blended dithering".
The absence of black bars in the Contra photo is because the shadow mask technology (which is what most CRT's used) allows light to bloom out. Similarly, on a shadow mask, you'll also notice the picture appearing like it's moving away from you when it fades to black/moving closer when it fades in from black.

>> No.10191341

just curious
how big is your TV

>> No.10191345

DVDs look great on a CRT with Component, and the same applies for retro games.

>> No.10191349


>> No.10191352

So not small
I think your TV is more the exception than the rule for not showing blank lines

>> No.10191358

21" was the most common size lol. Mate, you weren't playing PS1 on one of those battery-powered 9 inchers

>> No.10191359

It sounds like you're having conversations in your head rather than replying to me

>> No.10191360

How would someone make new CRTs?

>> No.10191362

Your implication is that the size of my TV makes it an exception, even though 21" sets were by far the most common

>> No.10191364

That's the Nintendo tax for you. Just get a Wii at that point. The OEM component cables are like $50.
Component looks fucking amazing on CRT, the fuck you talking about?

>> No.10191367

No, I literally said a TV your size is the exception for not showing blank lines at 240p
for good quality?
with great difficulty

>> No.10191376

Idk how it works in your native language, but when you ask me in the King's English how large my TV is, then – upon being told the size – comment on the dimensions and conclude that my TV is an exception, the only possible reading is that you are trying to make a coherent argument about size & scanline spacing, rather than babbling incoherently. Alas, you are babbling incoherently.

In any case, shadow masks were by far the most popular technology for CRT's since Sony's patent on aperture grilles only expired in 1998, and therefore the phenomenon of no visible blank lines at 240p was actually rather widespread.

>> No.10191383

I see quite clearly now that you are a bit emotional about this

try reading the post again, because clearly "the King's English" is not your strong suit

>> No.10191384

>no attempt to comment on shadow masks
I accept your concession.

>> No.10191389

sorry I'm not as fickle as you, I can't keep changing goalposts so quickly

all CRT's use shadow masks so I'm not sure why you think they were the most popular technology
did you mean slot mask?

>> No.10191392

Holy shit, you are a retard. Please conduct one fucking Google search and learn something.

>> No.10191401

Anything just to tickle your autistic ranting baby

>> No.10191402
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>> No.10191513

Xbox/PS2 cables are simple to male and not worth $50 anyway. The GCN one is special because Nintendo didn't put the chips to output component in the system to cut costs and the cable includes the missing components.

>> No.10191715
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pic related just works but not in my monitor, only the tv

>> No.10191729

Glad I got one of these off of lik-sang before sony murdered the best import place in the world

>> No.10191736

No, he's right. Wii u solved this but that console was cucked by shirt marketing and timing.

>> No.10191747

The output is only worse on Wii at 480p and even then it’s not much

>> No.10192923

What was Lik-sang and what happened to it?

>> No.10192924

this is a clone of the rewd4nk
trotink 2x, isn't it?

>> No.10192948
File: 89 KB, 998x941, retroprism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys I'm thinking of buying this.

Does the gamecube output from both analog and digital ports simultaneously?

I want to compare the difference between NTSC colours and Component colours in the same scene by just pressing the video button on my CRTV.

And component has the same colour gamut as RGB, right?

>> No.10192992

>And component has the same colour gamut as RGB, right?

>> No.10193178

Lik Sang was an asian (don't remember if from mainland China or Hong-Kong) company from which you could import videogame-related stuff. They also had a lot of anime items. It isn't different from something like Aliexpress nowadays, though their selection was much better, in a time where those things were less regulated. However, they also carried modchips and flashcarts of (then) current systems, and Sony sued them to their ass alleging they facilitated piracy (well, it was true). Lik Sang is missed because they sold good stuff for a good price.

>> No.10193267

Ok, so the technical formula is different, but does Component have visibly different colour tone than RGB, as it does vis-a-vis Composite?

>> No.10193270


>> No.10193291


>> No.10193413

Guy in the video seems pretty nice. I like how he tries his best to be meticulous and prevent an inaccurate comparison.

>> No.10193437

>Lik Sang
>earliest incorporation: 1998 (HK reverted to China in 1997)
>address: 93 Kwai Fuk Road, Kwai Chung, New Territories (China land. Leased by UK until 1997)
>don't remember if from mainland China or Hong-Kong
History and geography aren't your strong points are they

>> No.10193483

China =/= mainland China
The latter is used with a different connotation. It would be better if you stopped trying to be a wise guy and just said "Lik Sang was situated in Hong Kong".

>> No.10193693

I remember getting so many good things back then from lik-sang
My first ever card device was the gba media player and it opened me up to the world of homebrew and portable emulators. I miss em so much

>> No.10193997

It'd only be better for your fragile snowflake ego if I didn't point out that your ignorant gweilo terms are meaningless.
I don't think I ever bought anything from Lik Sang. I spent a lot of time in HK when Lik Sang was still around, and it was easier to just go to a shop and pick up what you wanted. Back then if you wanted a console without a mod chip you'd have to specifically ask for it. All the other gadgets were available from dozens of shops and were usually cheaper. But yeah, there was a lot of cool stuff. And the shops had stuff that was never sold by Lik Sang and that most people have never even heard of

>> No.10194203


>> No.10194229

Anyone saying not to use component is 100% of the time sour grapes because they
A. do not have component cables themselves
B. do not have a setup to use them in

Usually this is due to a combo of them being poor or living with mom

>> No.10194235

No fucking shit.

Component for retro consoles is just tapping into the RGB.

>> No.10194243

Who’s saying not to use component for GC?
People are saying GC cables are unreasonably priced

>> No.10194257

Literally the first fuckin post and many other smoothbrain retards

>> No.10194457

You, for no reason, tried to be a wise guy and put me down. You showed lack of knowledge of the term "mainland China". You are angry that I pointed the truth. And I have an ego problem? C'mon!

>> No.10194474

I make my own xbox component cables
Can't do the same thing for ps2,gc and dreamcast
for ps2 I need a connector with all the pins but most of them have like 3 or 4

>> No.10194896

I DIY'd most of my own cables for all my consoles. You can get the connectors from console5. Gamecube is the main exception since they went full retard and designed it to use a cable with a built in proprietary DAC.

>> No.10194905

i have a component capable Toshiba crt and component cables for my wii and ps2 and i still use rf and composite
have a nice day

>> No.10195874

I pointed out the errors of your silly gweilo terminology and now you're crying about it. Claiming words you want use to identify something else, that are not used here, are "the truth". It'd be hard to come up with a more textbook case of an ego problem. And you'd probably have another meltdown if someone didn't use your made up pronouns.

>> No.10196021

Do you have anger issues? Geez... I didn't create "mainland China". It's widely used. See for yourself: https://googlethatforyou.com?q=mainland%20china

>> No.10196031

As someone who used RF up to and including GC and PS2 back in the day, fuck that shit. The audio interference alone was enough to make my ears bleed.

>> No.10196047

What, you don't like mono while it sounds like there's a wall between you and the speakers?

>> No.10196057

I have been using third party component cables on my XBOX that I had laying around. They were from gamestop and also work on PS2/PS3 and Wii.

Just bought some OEM component cables that will be in tomorrow. Wonder if the difference will be big. Right now the picture looks sort of faded compared to my PS2 with OEM component cables.

>> No.10198002


>> No.10198029

Just get the chink cable.

>> No.10198062

nintendo tax

>> No.10198085

Nintendo tax doesn't apply here. We literally didn't get the first 3rd party option until well after the PS4 came out. It had a proprietary DAC and was sold online-only ffs. Sxmkhh

>> No.10198348

>retaining all the bros associated with a CRT
bros = shit
component cables should be used with retrotink, gbsc or ossc or a modern display. Fuck your CRauTism

>> No.10198408

Do you have anger issues? The wikipedia article cited explains how this is a foreign term that is not an accurate translation of the multiple terms actually used in China. But you continue to rage and insist that because you didn't invent the term it is "the truth". You sound very much an angry child stomping his feet and saying "But Moooom! All the other kids at school are doing it!"

>> No.10198793

>The wikipedia article cited explains how this is a foreign term that is not an accurate translation of the multiple terms actually used in China
Nah. That's not what the article says. It tells how affected areas (China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau) have their own interpretation of the term because of sovereignty and autonomy. Since you're just too egotistical and just want to save face, I won't reply to you anymore. You're a waste of time. Really. Back to the thread.

>> No.10200904

poorfag rage

>> No.10200949

Both consoles had composite cables in the box, why were you using rf in those consoles

>> No.10200952

I have a 1.1 and 1.4 xbox
And the image looks worse on the 1.1 with component cables, even has jailbars

>> No.10201061

Now you refuse to further engage with me simply because you are losing the argument? I win.

>> No.10201323
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I thought only the earlier PS3 systems had backwards compatibility with PS2. Since I only got a couple of of the earlier ones with the Emotion Engine and no method of repairing them when they have a yellow light issue, they are pretty uncommon opposed to the abundance of PS2 systems. Just to play PS2 games, it may be best to HDMI mod instead for reliability reasons.

>> No.10201343

All PS2s can run what amounts to a 10 year old fork of PCSX2 that kids pretend is good because it's on a console.

>> No.10201347

*PS3s, obviously.

>> No.10201939

>That's not what the article says
>That is what the article says
>I'm just too egotistical and just want to save face, I won't reply to you anymore.
On behalf of myself, and everyone else sick of your cope shitting up the thread, let me just say I hope that is "the truth" I'll believe it when I see it. In my experience, cope springs eternal.