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File: 90 KB, 600x600, zeldadx-1669238810899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10185836 No.10185836 [Reply] [Original]

Playing this right now. It's a bazillion times better than LttP. It honestly might be Nintendos greatest 2d achievement.

>> No.10185843

>It's a bazillion times better than LttP
yes, but nostalgia goggles are a thing and people will fight you on this.

>> No.10185859

It's really not. It's fun and unique but the gameplay has nothing on ALTTP. Its short af too.

>> No.10185862
File: 22 KB, 478x432, zelda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yup, not because I dislike alttp but LA is that good

>> No.10185879

Lttp deserves credit for being the blueprint of two of the greatest games ever but by itself I don't care for it

>> No.10185886

>simple but emotionally resonant story
>varied and unique gameplay for 2D Zelda
>the game world is pure s o u l, dreamlike and surreal.
>builds on and improves gameplay mechanics from the previous entry while simultaneously adding elements that wouldn't be used again for 20+ years
>all this on a portable 8-bit dot matrix console

Yeah, there's a reason this game is top tier to anyone who plays it.

>> No.10185890

LA resonates more with modern gamers compared to alttp because it's way more linear and has funny characters. Sure, the dungeon have unique gimmicks, but I don't think they're better than alttp's dungeons.

>> No.10185891

It objectively improves upon every gameplay aspect of lttp. Less bouncing around when you hit things. Consistent blocking with shield. Better sword attack. Addition of a jumping item. Fun cute little mario sidescrolling sections. Better quests. Less damage sponge obnoxious enemies. Dungeon design is built around fun and less about punishing you for getting bounced around everywhere. Game is easier than lttp but in a good way where everything is intelligently streamlined and compact in a way lttp should moreso have been.

>> No.10185945
File: 184 KB, 1080x1080, 1684443156422058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GOATed post

>> No.10186020

I like Zelda 1, LA, and OoS. I've never beat OoA or LttP because I get bored by the end. I'm trying to power my way through OoA right now so I can get the real ending. 1 dungeon left but my autism is kicking in because I'm missing 3 pieces of heart. I don't need it, game has been piss easy so far, I don't feel like looking for them, but my autism is kicking in.

I've played through Link's Awakening at least 3 times, I enjoy it. Fot aLttP I can probably get to the 5th dungeon with every item you can get at that point because I've played it that much, then I just never keep playing and forget about it for a couple years.

>> No.10186134

I bounced off BotW twice, then I replayed Link's Awakening to remember why. It kinda felt like how I always try to play a Metroidvania, get bored backtracking, and then I yearn for RONDO.

>> No.10186142

le quirky reddit game with zoomer creepypasta youtube bait story

>> No.10186158

that sounds like OCD not autism

>> No.10186171

Zelda 1 and 2 are my favorites.

>> No.10186196

I'd definitely say Metroid games are better, but Link's Awakening is nice.

>> No.10186269

there's creepypasta of dx? lmao

>> No.10186832

That would be Majora's Mask.

>> No.10187037

Isn’t that Explorer’s Crypt in Oracle of Seasons?

>> No.10187048

I believe that anon is referring to the ancient shrine that reveals that everything about Koholint Island was created by the Wind Fish dreaming in its slumber and that it will all vanish once it wakes up.
I don’t know what he’s talking about, labeling it as a reddit game, as it precedes that website. I guess it’s a popular video game on Reddit, so he’s associating it to the website he always go to.
I guess we should start referring 4chan as a reddit website.

>> No.10187076
File: 180 KB, 960x1200, 487888m4784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely right
It's like an intricate piece of jewelry or something. A tiny amazing miracle of a thing. Best in the series.

>> No.10187174

Yeah, I barely remember any of the dungeons or boss fights, and I’ve played through it several times.

>> No.10187331
File: 161 KB, 1450x1162, eagle tower.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah, I remember pushing balls around Eagle's Tower(?) feeling pretty kino. What alttp dungeon would y'all say comes close?

>> No.10187383

They just don't make 'em like they used to.

>> No.10187402
File: 3.60 MB, 600x338, Ttp260Jfng1BH8wQvhKfbl8BdMZCFh-FOT6RfCcf54A.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I guess we should start referring 4chan as a reddit website.
>"Hey fellow tranny and pedophile supporter, have you heard about that reddit website, redditchan?
>"Ohh yeah, I have definitely heard about redditchan my fellow post op devil worshipper, there's a great little subreddit called retro videogames and chonkhelds. It's where I go to get ideas for my YouTube videos!"

>> No.10187449

>game reveals the island is a dream
>next dungeon is the face shrine with its weird music
first time i ever got hype from chiptune music. you really don't need much to tell a good story.

>> No.10187618

And to think, OP, Shigeru Miyamoto and Nintendo weren't even interested in it's development at first. Takashi Tezuka had so many ideas he wanted to explore that it became his passion project.


>> No.10187707

Can someone seriously explain why LA is better than ALTTP?

>> No.10187849

Better story.
Better overworld nagivation.
Better dungeons. I'd argue that LA has the best dungeon design of all Zelda games.
ALL items are useful.

What ALTTP did better was the flute and potion mechanics and rupees had more use.

>> No.10188043


>> No.10188047

Sorry, meant for >>10187707

>> No.10188163

Any of the dark world dungeons, except the water one and maybe the forest one.

>> No.10188169

>Less bouncing around when you hit things.
Links Awakening is nothing but bouncing around and there are pits everywhere.

>> No.10188226

>DX version

>> No.10189252

Nah man. The last 2 dungeons of lttp are pure cancer due to the fact you bounce back on an actual hit of most enemies. Requiring you to have some fully stocked arrows and magic which doesn't replenish on death therefore you need to farm them in the overworld before trying again.
They fixed this for the most part in la , except for some very specific enemies. It saves a ton of frustration and jack tedium