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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10183228 No.10183228 [Reply] [Original]

>2004: Mortal Kombat: Deception had free roaming third person mode, also there were chess and falling block puzzles minigames
>2005: Tekken 5 had beat'em up mode starring Jin
>2005: Tekken also had a spin-off starring Nina that played like Resident Evil and MGS
>2005: Mortal Kombat had beat'em up coop spin-off
2005: Soul Calibur 3 had RTS mode
2006: MK Armageddon had action-adventure mode and Mario Kart minigame

Why were fighting games in mid-00s so embarassed of being just fighting games?

>> No.10183250 [DELETED] 
File: 76 KB, 600x850, punch women.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that pic

>> No.10183259

There where plenty of regular fighting games in the mid 00s but none where popular with the mainstream

>> No.10183260

Because fighting games are all boring shit

>> No.10183273

No default online play meant they had to keep single player people entertained. Funny how Street Fighter 2 never had this problem, people would play it to death because they enjoyed it.

>> No.10183295

SF 2 had plenty of single player modes added in updated versions, you are confusing it with Mortal Kombat 1-4 which only had arcade ladder with cheating AIs and versus modes, but somehow people played them for hours

>> No.10183320

Tekken beat up modes were all absolute dogshit and Nina's game was the biggest pile of shit of them all.
>Funny how Street Fighter 2 never had this problem
Not the same era as the PS2 games mentioned by OP. In SF2 times nobody expected a lot of content out of a game, barebones was good enough.

>> No.10183326

People like these characters and want to see more stuff with them.

>> No.10183330

They were trying to adapt to the home gamers wanting more involved single player experiences to go with their purchase. Sure playing through arcade mode can be enjoyable and of course multiplayer was fun, but adding in some sort of story mode or other form of progression like unlockables, character building, special challenge modes, etc made it feel like a more worthy purchase than simply being able to play an arcade fighting game at home.

>> No.10183335

It's for those who suck at actual fighting part so they wouldn't feel left out

Like me
I've played extra modes in Tekken 4 and DOA2 more than I ever did in main game

>> No.10183347 [DELETED] 

kek i finished reading this kino a while ago it's an obvious allegory for abusing relationship where the women still sticking with the man despite him beating her because she loves and the man having a hard time controlling himself from hurting her but he still truly love and care about her
sadly all what i've seen in threads discussing it is porn addicted weebs saying it's an allegory for LE rape and sexual harassment (despite the fact there is nothing sexual in the manga) lmao

>> No.10183349

Are you really complaining that games actually tried to make something new and/or different?
Well, I hope modern gaming is just up to your tastes. Zero new ideas. Enjoy.

>> No.10183352

What game is that

>> No.10183358

But the problem with fighting games in the 00s was that instead of actually developing story modes beyond simple arcade ladders like Mortal Kombat 2011 did they added elements of other genres

t. OP

>> No.10183360

Consoles had no online functionality to nickel-and-dime the tourneyfags with seasonal DLC yet so they had to come up with interesting single player content to appeal more to the general public, not just the tourneyfags.

>> No.10183361

Not to mention it'd be all dlc now and online only.

>> No.10183363

What interesting extra modes did DOA 2 have? All I remember are your cookie-cutter survival, 2 on 2 tag battles and replays

>> No.10183371

>In SF2 times nobody expected a lot of content out of a game, barebones was good enough
Yeah people were growing more and more accustomed to purchasing games which had # hours of playtime by way of actual continuous progression; rather than the extending play time by making a 30 minute long game very hard and/or convoluted so it will take you many hours of replaying it over several weeks to actually be able to clear it in that 30 minute burst. If you were a hardcore fighting game fan who wanted to seriously compete, you could just replay arcade mode over and over again to learn the character in between matches with real people like the old days, but if you were a casual enjoyer of the genre who spent most of your time playing alone to pass the time, you had options for that as well.
And besides, it's nice to have modes which give the home console something special beyond just being a straight conversion of an arcade release.

>> No.10183374

not that much and most based on same gameplay unlike mortal kombat that need to add minigames aside just to get people engaged.
Modes on street fighter 2
>single player
>destiny fight (just a battle against enemy of said character)
see how is not even the same as MK
>chess kombat (ripoff from brutal chess)
>kart kombat (mario kart ripoff)
>scorpion kombat (nes mario ripoff)
and so on

>> No.10183378

Probably because some of those other genres could be spun as adding value beyond just stretching out the 1v1 fighting modes. My favorite part of playing fighting games at home back in the day was probably unlocking shit.

>> No.10183384

I was talking about MK 1-4 specifically, you retard, PS 2 era MKs actually had very good extra content

>> No.10183386
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Not really. Most of those modes used the same fighting mechanics and just framed the fights a little different. GG had a VN mode with fights in-between. SC and VF had campaigns where you move around a "map" from one spot to another doing various challenges and winning fights to clear the map, those were absolute ludo. Now most fighting games have nothing, just go make your own fun online, plebs.

>> No.10183387
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>why were fighting games trying to be better games and compete with other genres as mainstream gaming experiences instead of infinite DLC milking of autistic fans
>why couldn't they just give us less

>> No.10183392

Most importantly before the internet got popular kids actually came over to each others house to play games. So you would play fighting games with your pals IRL

>> No.10183418

the dirty secret about most fighting games is that people love the settings and characters but not so much the gameplay. Putting those characters in another situation is what a lot of players like

>> No.10183427

This was the best era of fighting games.

>> No.10183445

Those modes were cool, but either had a non-existant story like VF 4 or non-canon one like SC 1-3

>> No.10183446

And in those days people also loved the graphics, fighting games used to be the main graphical showcase for every console. Now they all look like shit compared to other games for some reason, technologically speaking

>> No.10183448

and i was comparing street fighter 2 gba versus mortal kombat armageddon.
SF2 didn't need so many extra minigames to keep being good while MK needed those extras to keep being afloat.

>> No.10183471

>Soul Calibur 3 had RTS mode
Did it? I never played that one. That sounds cool.

I liked deceptions extra games too. The free roam thing was just a fun way to do the story mode, similar to how SC2 had the map thing.

>> No.10183470

>and I was comparing a rerelease of a 15 year old game to a new title

>> No.10183472

Literally me, though only Shaolin Monks and those DOA coomer volleyball games has truly succeded at doing that

>> No.10183478

RTS thing was entirely pointless because every battle was still 1 on 1 regular fight, don't even know why they bothered

>> No.10183483

Oh. That sounds silly. I was hoping for an army of Kiliks or something. Base building tondevelope better weapons... Something.

>> No.10183495

I don't think that's true they're just not as fun to play against the computer, and even the ones that do it well it can get tedious trying to do the typical "beat the game with all the characters" deal to unlock whatever outfits. It's nice to have a mode where you are forced to use a different character in a random one-off fight scenario and see a little story play out.

>> No.10183496

Was the story in Guilty Gear any good? I remember trying to get into Blazblue and finding plot downright incomprehensible

>> No.10183517

Fighting games against AI are just boring, for example your usual racing game career is just you playing the same cups/races over and over again with little variety, but people still love that shit, meanwhile even many fighting games fans don't enjoy beating arcade ladder as different characters

>> No.10183534

Yeah it's pretty much incomprehensible garbage but you're there for the characters and they're cute/cool so it's fine

>> No.10183538

Guilty Gear has a cool setting, even if its barely understandable plot wise. They should have done an RPG retelling of events, it would probably fit will.

>> No.10183542

even today in the online era fighting games struggle to retain players more than just about any other genre, especially multiplayer genres

>> No.10183545
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>Why were fighting games in mid-00s so embarassed of being just fighting games?

This was in an era when arcades were is steep decline, but home internet for most people was not high quality enough to make playing fighting games online practically viable.

Given that fighting games are practically worthless as single player experiences, this was what companies tried to keep the genre going.

>> No.10183547

They did make that weird hack and slash game for 360. Never played it but always wanted to.

>> No.10183557


SCII in Arcades had an area control map where those who came in took over areas of land after being assigned to green, red, or blue team.

>> No.10183764

>why did games try to be good
We just don't know

>> No.10183890

IIRC, that was the main draw for some with arcade SCII. It was 8 (or optionally 9) fights for 1 credit and doesn't boot you to the buy in screen for losing.

>> No.10184136 [DELETED] 

allegory? Isn't the premise just
>person replaces feelings of love/lust with desire to punch/inflict violence
they even specify that he never felt like punching his sister "for some reason"

>> No.10184169

>literally every game ever: "oh boy this game is so fun, it would be even MORE fun if you could ALSO do X!"
>game: "Here you go"
>shrieking zoomer retard wasting a thread on /vr/: "REEEEEEEEE WHY ARE GAMES EMBARRASSED TO BE GAMES"

kill yourself you miserable pile

>> No.10184290

That's because online play completely excludes casuals. It's fun to play against your friend on the couch who has similar experience with the game, it's lame to get shut out in online play by turbo fans.

>> No.10184302

Imagine saying this as a bad thing.

I only care for fighters with great single player content. Back in the day when my friends would play against each other, that was enough but I have no interest in playing with or against random faggots. In any genre.

>> No.10184306


>> No.10184309

I saw VF4 Evo for like $2 on Ebay a long time ago and went for it. I remember it got 9s and 10s by reviewers but the series always seemed boring. That mode was so fuckin fun.

I think VF's biggest problem is non-iconic/memorable characters. I can't even think of like more than 3 from the franchise right now.

>> No.10184312

Meant for >>10183386

>> No.10184316

No, people do like that but they don't like that enough to be the ONLY thing you can do. It's like if a racing game only had tracks and no progression.

Or a sports game had only exhibition matches. That was enough in the early days but became boring fast as time went on.

>> No.10184327
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man I really liked the kinda return to form recently. 1-3 were the mvps for me. but these newest entries even with their shitty story is something I really enjoyed. you vaguely had that with each character having an ending and bios and that sort of deal in the ogs. the game concept of you play characters through a cinematic story mode where you meet all the characters as they fight and kill eachother as part of the story is awesome as a casual fight enjoyer. all the rpg elements and minigames and customized characters and other bullshit is all lame is imo. Like the new street fighters where they put custom player characters in as part of the story is ultra lame. I don't give a shit about some fucking custom seans I just want to see ryu and ken kick ass and sakura, chun, and cammy be hot... and kick some ass.

>> No.10184352
File: 25 KB, 600x450, MKD_Konquest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MK Deception Konquest mode is actually pretty neat

>> No.10184443

>t. proud capcuck

>> No.10184469

Deception is still a lot of fun. I sometimes comeback to this game just for the konquest mode.

>> No.10184547

>Why were fighting games in mid-00s so soulful?

it was a different time.

>> No.10184807

More like every modern fighter is afraid to not be just an esport, which is why most of them offer nothing for people not willing to spend 100$ on DLC characters/stages and play online with discord freaks. Do modern fighters even have single-player content apart from story mode/quick battle?

>> No.10184812
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It all comes from Tekken 3 belt scrolling mode

and since Tekken 3 sold 8 million copies, everyone copied everything it did, the bad included, in the off chance that it was important to the sales

>> No.10184867

Tekken force was based, it was Devil Within from Tekken 5 that was abysmal, especially considering how good the rest of the game was

>> No.10185375

fighting games are too hard to master, and casuals won't buy them unless there is something to make them don't feel like a scrub
now there is a popular competitive scene to attract the attention of casuals,
Street Fighter 6 even has autocombos and one button hadoukens

>> No.10185394 [DELETED] 

Women are fucking simps. If it wasn't for this time in history they would have been mocked as dicksuckers. They do so much work and bend over backwards to shit people (why is the NEET always living in mom's basement, not dad's? Because dad would kick him out). Even in middle/high school, I was a prick to girls and yet they never snitched on me, never told me to stop. I just got away with it scot free
They wanted to shake up the formula. At this point fighting games gotten to be solved, and unlike platformers, you can't change the system fundamentally to get a good game, due to the competitive space for it

>> No.10185426

Is that screenshot from an actual mortal kombat? Wtf

>> No.10185432

that guy has good back muscles

>> No.10185457 [DELETED] 
File: 20 KB, 400x400, cf1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cunt punt a dyke I got into a fight with in middle school
>she crumples to the ground, wheezing
>rumour spreads she's got a peanus weanus and/or balls
>see her in the wild last year
>balding with a pube beard
Keep your ryona, I have sin to bear.

>> No.10185462 [DELETED] 

they are still mocked as that,neets live on mom&dad house,they don't live on basement or similar they just lock themselves on their own rooms.
The pricks living on mom basement are from divorced couples,normally with lot of mental issues as most homosexuals,hates women yet they don't want to admit their issues or mental illness.
Keep your issues to yourself fag.

>> No.10186094


>> No.10186592

the offline console fighting game is honestly absurd. Yeah back in the day people actually had physical friends sure but how often were they around playing that you could get anywhere close to justifying the depth of a thousand combos and unique normal properties? these were gigantic games that were essentially null.

>> No.10186614

singleplayer fighting games don't work, you need the human element in a rock paper sicssors mindgame, it's always been nothing more than a bandaid for home releases and downtime in arcades.

>> No.10186663

I had a brother so I played a shitload of MK3 and SF2/A3

>> No.10186669

>Street Fighter 6 even has autocombos and one button hadoukens
Isn't that just a handicap option? I played the demo, and one player had that and the other didn't.

>> No.10186682

>too hard to master
That's where you're wrong. Pick anyone you like the look of and organically learn them. You now have an edge on everyone trying to copy the masters with your own somewhat jank style.

>> No.10186690

Because death of the arcades killed the genre and they were desperately looking for ways to make fighting games more appealing on home consoles

From the early 2000s to 2008 the genre was on life support until SF4 came in and started a new era thanks to focusing on online ranked mode.

>> No.10186692

Street Fighter 2 is a decade older than all the titles mentioned in OP you stupid faggot. More accurate comparison would be SF4, which had a trials mode.

>> No.10186696

>No VICEx64
>No Win-UAE
>No microM8

Corp cuck is based, billions must seed faggot needs to get some better taste.

>> No.10186708

most people don't want to go through that trouble just to play half assedly 1 character
that's why fighting games weren't popular in the 6th gen

>> No.10188139

>Fighting games in 2000-2008
>On life support

But best ever Tekken, Soul Calibur, Virtua Fighter, Guilty Gear, Marvel vs. Capcom/SNK and Dead or Alive titles came out during that period, also Mortal Kombat games on PS2 were an improvement over 90s titles, so all major series were in their prime and it was only Street Fighter being in a slump

>> No.10188172

It was pitch black darkage being forced to play the old crusty sf3, mvc2, cvs2 for years and years. With no new releases but Capcom fighting jam and shitty tatsnuko vs Capcom and who would play fucking turds like that

>> No.10188190

>Soul Calibur 3 had RTS mode
Wait, what?

>> No.10188246

People has always been calling it RTS mode as a joke, it's actually a board game where you move units around the map and then do normal fights if they occupy the same space as enemy

>> No.10188368

Granblue had an "RPG Mode" whatever that was, and SF6 had "World Tour mode" (which was different from SFA3's World Tour).
But other than that, cinematic story modes are/were usually the go-to for a single player mode since HD gaming took off.

>> No.10188372

Wow, maybe because people don't want it to be just matches?
early Smash did a certain thing right, making sure Single Player elements isn't obscured by esports driven multiplayer cringe.

>> No.10188378
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>that last bit

>> No.10188748

how you not mention Tobal rpg dungeon crawl mode

>> No.10188756

no tobal did this shit first

>> No.10188774

>It's like if a racing game only had tracks and no progression.
This is what the genre is ironically pivoting towards to nowadays, thanks to simdads.

>> No.10188918

i agree with >>10183387 & >>10184169 even if they're massive faggots about it. just because capcom gave you guys the bare minimum doesn't mean other companies should.

mostly because fighting games handle netcode very weirdly compared to other genres and some companies (mostly japanese ones) flat out refuse to invest in better options and have to be dragged kicking & screaming to do so.

the other factor is that fighting games as whole being overtaken by the competitive & tryhard elements of the scene is part of what made it a niche to begin with.

>> No.10189043

Nigga, SFII on home consoles only had Game Start (Arcade) and Versus, Genesis SFIICE had Group Battle, and Super Vanilla had all the above with Tournament and a pretty worthless Time Attack mode which has MKstyle AI cheatin.

>> No.10189086

>how you not mention Tobal rpg dungeon crawl mode
because OP is a zoomlet, who relies on wikis and youtube top 10 lists to learn more about franchises that are still being made
>googles fighting games with other game modes
>wtf is Tobal?!
>oooh... MK, Resident Evil, and MGS
>i know those
guarantee that's what happened

>> No.10189136

Online infrastructure was limited and not quite reliable enough for multiplayer. Mortal Kombat Deception broke ground there by being the first fighting game with online multiplayer, and having that feature was awesome for the time, but it was incredibly janky and required a lot of tricks under the hood to hide how much desync there actually was.

All fighting games at the time were looking for ways to add value to the player beyond just the standard 1v1 battles and I think that's actually a good thing. Not everyone had friends to play with regularly and if there was a significant skill gap between you and that one friend or sibling you had who was into fighters, the additional content gave you an incentive to keep playing the game even if you weren't very competitive at it.

Also, you forgot to mention the original Soul Calibur on Dreamcast. That game was the first fighting game I ever played that had a significant amount of single player content, sending the player off on an adventure rather than just a montage of 1v1 battles like in the arcade. It was quaint by today's standards but there was nothing quite that ambitious in a fighting game before that. I think Mortal Kombat Deception still takes the cake for the most fleshed out adventure mode of that generation though, and even today nobody has really tried anything quite that ambitious.

>> No.10189175

I can't stand Helena

>> No.10189207

What the fuck are you talking about, people these days know a lot more about old games than we actually did at the time. Not a lot of info was available. I never heard of Tobal as a kid. Hell I thought MGS has another Metal Gear Liquid version as a kid, I didn't know shit and neither did anyone

>> No.10189478

sounds like you were, and still are, an idiot

>> No.10189486


>> No.10189938

>played like Resident Evil and MGS

No it didn't. It was a 3D beat-em up that ised an unconventional control scheme. Was quite a good time too. Nina could beat Snake's or any S.T.A.R.S. members ass with ease.

>> No.10189941

>embarassed of being just fighting games

Probably for the same reason you get embarrassed when you take shits.

>> No.10189954

I didn't have any internet access until early 2000s. We're talking about 90s games here. Being smart isn't going to bestow me with knowledge I simply don't have access to

>> No.10189961

How is this thread still here?

>> No.10189964

>knowledge I simply don't have access to

Someone wan't buying every issue of every video game magazine published back then. I mean neither was I but I
fid pick up the latest EGm or NexGen or whatever other game mag I could get my hands on. All the gaming news was there to peruse, a month old but still accessible.

>> No.10190228

Ehrgeiz as well.

>> No.10190623

Same developer

>> No.10191142

>scorpion kombat (nes mario ripoff)
What game had this?

>> No.10191159


>> No.10191175

Soul calibur 2 was the shit

>> No.10191454

>punch woman between legs
>cat meowing sound plays
Only seen it in movies, are there any games thaat do this?

>> No.10191631

the genre died outside of Japan so they had to branch out to try and sell to the west. You'll note nobody cared much about fighting games between 3S and 4 in US and Britain, for example; Only game I recall getting attention was DoA4 for the graphics and jiggle.

>> No.10191720

You do know tekken 6 had an entire beat em up mode that had it's own story and dialogue for every single character right? That was also co-op.
Soul Calibur 3's shitty mode nuked cards if you cleared the data
MK was great I agree

>> No.10191764

The "left guy vs right guy fight for X rounds" is just a component of a much bigger machine. I believe you need to make an actual videogame utilizing this component, which is what is largely missing from most fighting games.

If your monkey brain can't accept this, imagine if racing games only offered online ranked matches and maybe a time trial mode. That would barely qualify for a proper videogame worth spending money on.

>> No.10192752

I remember people dunking on Doa 4 when it was announced because it looked only marginally better than Doa 3 on the first Xbox

>> No.10193867

>Why were fighting games in mid-00s so embarassed of being just fighting games?
They still are, look at SF6 with its beat 'em up mode and Fortnite hub

>> No.10194086

>Mortal Kombat
Mortal Kombat specifically relies on gimmicks to keep itself relevant. It killed a publishing house, is on its third reboot, and is relying on ESGs to stay profitable. If the series had to rely on its own merits it would have died with Midway. Still amazes me that there are people who care about its dog shit excuse for lore and story

>> No.10194101

Can we let this thread die? I'd like to browse the /vr/ catalogue without seeing a big-tittied lady being punched in her vagoo

>> No.10194154

because fighting games now are 2D games with 3D graphics

>> No.10194181

Manage to look worse than both. Why does KOF for smartphone look better than KOF XVI

>> No.10194207

where is this from? asking for a friend

>> No.10194215
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Don't forget about DOA and the Extreme Volleyball spinoff that filtered /pol/tards.

>> No.10194219

Schizo: PAUL

>> No.10194346

Coomer franchise
Coomer spin-off

>> No.10194353

Based Johnny

>> No.10194357

Kill yourself subhuman tranny
Why would it filter me?
It was a good "game"

>> No.10194456

I don't know why you single out fighting games, that's basically every genre. As time goes on they try to do more with what they got. If anything it's weirder that after so long fighting games never really landed on easy replicated formula. A well done singleplayer campaign has the added benefit that it can serve as a training ground for people who might struggle to really get gud at these games.

>> No.10195373

It doesn't bother me. Just filter it.

>> No.10195404
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>> No.10195584

Man, fuck you, I like seeing my fighting game characters in other situations, even if it's another fighting game (Such as Urban Reign that had my man Paul and Marshall there).

Mortal Kombat Shaolin Monks is still a great game that no one would complain about, because it was great.
It makes no sense from a developer standpoint to not try something new in a new era like the ps2 was for that time.

Genuinely cannot understand why would someone complain about getting more content in a new way like they've done, would you prefer to see another Fighting game that only had a 'tournament' mode where you climb a ladder? That it?

>> No.10196982
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>leg wraps
>thicc thighs
>gold rings
>bra and panties are so thin it's like a tattoo
>big milkers
>blonde with blue eyes
I am now coom.

>> No.10197195
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>> No.10197307

man what the hell does /pol/ have to do with anything? Do you have any kind of life outside of shitposting?

>> No.10197313

it was really buggy and stuttered a bit

>> No.10198701

Virtua Quest RPG also came out during the same time

>> No.10198829

>People like these characters and want to see more stuff with them.

this. I love Ninja Gaiden and DoA for this.

>> No.10199702

>DOA is only relevant because of hot girls.
>street fighter (and quite frankly 90% of capcom fighters) is blander than potato salad.
>skullgirls basically shot themselves in the foot by alienating their fanbase for esports money.
>with online play becoming more of a necessity every fighting game dev that isn't NRS or arcsys has to be dragged kicking & screaming to invest in better netcode.

>> No.10201405

>>DOA is only relevant because of hot girls.

DoA6 killed DoA. I don't even think DoA5 is featured in side tournaments anymore.

>> No.10201430

Is this in game or a mod?

>> No.10201482

3D Ryona Deviantart page. The guy is some generic muscle dude and they've got the same pose swapped out with several other characters from different franchises.

>> No.10201514

serious players went to arcades and meetups and tournaments and have done so for 30 years now.

>> No.10201662

>I don't even think DoA5 is featured in side tournaments anymore.
i'm surprised about that because DOA6 is just DOA5 with all the sexy costumes paywalled and i kinda expected a PC scene for DOA5 due to official mod support.

>> No.10203830

Jannies are trannies.