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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 298 KB, 500x500, post-image-1180104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10180869 No.10180869 [Reply] [Original]

I'm not crazy, right? These are the same song but with different lyrics, right?

Also Popful Mail thread

>> No.10180875
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>> No.10180879
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>> No.10180882
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>> No.10180886
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>> No.10180889
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>> No.10180894
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>> No.10180904

yes, companies recycle or steal songs all the time. This is a pitch video for an anime OVA series that was never made, so they only made 5 minutes of animation and the music is likely not finalized.

>> No.10180924

She ever think of putting some pants on?

>> No.10180926
File: 222 KB, 566x798, 52ba48f5-262d-468e-8a0a-806e7782d97d_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still need to actually play this game past the first stage

>> No.10180942

>These are the same song but with different lyrics, right?
I can't really tell other than that the singing in both made my ears bleed.

>> No.10181038

I finished it a couple weeks ago, got recommended it after looking for games similar to the Wonder Boy/Monster World series
I played the working designs version, I was really amused to read about the difficulty changes they made afterwards and how some people consider it unplayable because of those changes. I really didn't think it was that hard

>> No.10181213
File: 2.46 MB, 1382x1200, skf4n1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want Popful to bully me!

>> No.10181230

I played the unworking design version at the start of the year (after it being reccomended by everyone) and it was piss easy. Even the final boss went down on my first try.
I have no doubt that the difficulty of the working design one is not that extreme indeed.

also great game, and I loved the WD dub. their cheesy translation bullshit fits well with the overal theme of the game.

>> No.10181379
File: 137 KB, 285x440, e9cfd71a-abe1-11ed-b1c1-02420a0001f2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mail's legs are a thing of beauty. Her womanly form is designed to lull her enemies into a false sense of security, and make them think in their dying breath, "DAMN, what can she do with THOSE?"

>> No.10181427
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Good thing she didn't.

>> No.10181459
File: 37 KB, 320x224, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a sprite art reason. Look at her sprite in game, if she was wearing pants her legs wouldn't be as disincentive.

>> No.10181498
File: 2 KB, 640x400, iwanthersomuchbros.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want her to spread her legs for me.

>> No.10181605

very cool character design but, how are the games?

>> No.10181630

Sega CD is the only good one
Ignore the rest

>> No.10181782
File: 957 KB, 1067x1510, when_mail_gets_too_popful.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is a cute platformers.

The original PC-88/98 games uses the Ys bump combat. Very easy and casual fun but the scrolling and animation is very choppy, as expected from PC-88 games.
I recommend the PC Engine CD port if you want the bump-style combat but with better scrolling, animation, Redbook Music and voice acting but it's not in english though.

The SEGA CD remake turns it into an action-platformer, with dedicated buttons to swing your sword and all. Considered to be the best version overall and the only version worth playing today as >>10181630 suggested.
As of right now it is also the only version in english courtesy of Working Design. Some people may not like the localization, but i don't mind it. The biggest problem is the difficulty adjustment by WD, which makes the game much harder than the original. So is commonly suggested to play with the Un-Worked Design patch, returns the game to the original difficulty. But it's still brutally hard if you suck like me.

>> No.10181814

Thanks anons, I'll play the Sega CD version. Will start with the un-WD version and if that's too easy, I'll move to the WD one.

>> No.10182194

>I want Popful to bully me!


>> No.10182213


One thing I've often wondered is whether or not these Drama-CDs (boh, i don't know their name) were famous or not. Did anyone buy them?

Mirror Mail:
- Green eyes.
- Lipstick
- Dat Ass
- Armor built in order to push up half-elf tits.
- Greave and not naked legs.

She isn't only evil! She is lustful evil and probably bisex too, right?

>> No.10182261
File: 905 KB, 1561x2048, 120764669_2108616022604620_2709195102659908213_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wish we could get character designs this based in modern videgames (gacha doesn't count)
>lol coomer
haven't ever coomed to a vidya girl. I just like looking at pretty things.

>> No.10184574
File: 1.20 MB, 2016x1512, Money_in_the_Mail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would say that sounds a lot like Hayashibara Megumi which was a popular voice actor in her day. They did have her sing a lot for a lot of series and her voice fitted a lot of character archetypes of a nasally cheerful but explosively angry sound. I guess that's why her most interesting role was when she STFU as Ayanami. The animation of the 2nd link looks a lot like the Nuku Nuku catgirl OVAs.